July 24 🚢 Chart the future of dynamic data + AI with the newest Plotly product launch. Get Your Pass!

Energy & Utilities

Uniper uses Dash Enterprise to scale energy trading analytics in a collaborative Azure Databricks notebook environment. Explore other examples of Python Dash applications for energy and utilities use cases.

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MPP Global Project Tracker

Track the 2030 milestones for decarbonising heavy-emitting industry and transport sectors.

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European Power Flow

Visualization of the European transmission network with the PyPSA-Eur package.

Precious Trade App

Explore global trade networks for various precious metals and stones in 2022.

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LAS Well Data

Visualizing Log ASCII Standard (LAS) data in Python for well drilling applications.

US Electric Grid Forecasting

Peak load and day-ahead forecasting for 5 ISOs using Scikit-Learn, Pyiso, and the DarkSky API.

Geological Analysis

Well production and geological analysis across sites in Kentucky.

Equinor Subsurface

A dozen subsurface visualization tools by the global energy titan Equinor.

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