July 24 🚢 Chart the future of dynamic data + AI with the newest Plotly product launch. Get Your Pass!

Data Visualization & Dashboards

Bubble charts, heatmaps, interactive reports, and more. Explore how to use Dash for data visualization and dashboards.

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Medical Provider Charges Dashboard

Explore medical provider charges across different states.


IMDb Analysis for Movies & Series

Visualize and analyze IMDB data for top movies and series and get recommendations based on your taste.

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Clinical Patient Dashboard

Explore clinic patient volume by time of day, waiting time, and care score.

Retail Demand Transference

Predicting consumer product demand for retails across store locations.

Uber Rides Geospatial Data

Explore pick up locations of millions of Uber rides in NYC.

CBE Clima Visualization App

Visualize climate data with time series, heatmaps, maps, wind roses and more.

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HERA Radio Telescope & Weather App

Visualize real-time scientific and geospatial data from the HERA radio telescope array.

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World Atlas

Visualize hundreds of indicators across countries in this multi-page app.

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Exploring Eye-Tracking Data

MNE-Python is a package for analyzing physiological signals, mainly MEG, EEG, fNIRS, and eye-tracking.

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Scott Huberty

Hydrogen-Transport Properties App

The goal of this tool is to help scientists visualise material properties and compare them.

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Dash Molstar for SARS-COV-2

Example usage of Dash-Molstar for visualizing molecular structures and data in web applications.

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Perineuronal Nets

Interactive visualizations of PNN data in the brain of adult mice.

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Mental Health Dash App

Explore the Impact of Demographic, Economic, and Geographic Factors on Mental Health Disorders.

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Yield Curves Visualization

Interactive charts illustrating the evolution of the risk-free Yield Curves (US, UK).

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Dash Pylette

Dash app showcasing the power of the Pylette library -- a tool to extract color palettes from images.

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