Trisurf Plots in Python
How to make tri-surf plots in Python with Plotly. Trisurfs are formed by replacing the boundaries of a compact surface by touching triangles.
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Trisurf plots can be made using a figure factory as detailed in this page.
In [1]:
import plotly.figure_factory as ff
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
u = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 20)
v = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 20)
u,v = np.meshgrid(u,v)
u = u.flatten()
v = v.flatten()
x = (3 + (np.cos(v)))*np.cos(u)
y = (3 + (np.cos(v)))*np.sin(u)
z = np.sin(v)
points2D = np.vstack([u,v]).T
tri = Delaunay(points2D)
simplices = tri.simplices
fig = ff.create_trisurf(x=x, y=y, z=z,
title=dict(text="Torus"), aspectratio=dict(x=1, y=1, z=0.3))
Mobius Band¶
In [2]:
import plotly.figure_factory as ff
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
u = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 24)
v = np.linspace(-1, 1, 8)
u,v = np.meshgrid(u,v)
u = u.flatten()
v = v.flatten()
tp = 1 + 0.5*v*np.cos(u/2.)
x = tp*np.cos(u)
y = tp*np.sin(u)
z = 0.5*v*np.sin(u/2.)
points2D = np.vstack([u,v]).T
tri = Delaunay(points2D)
simplices = tri.simplices
fig = ff.create_trisurf(x=x, y=y, z=z,
title=dict(text="Mobius Band"))
Boy's Surface¶
In [3]:
import plotly.figure_factory as ff
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
u=np.linspace(-np.pi/2, np.pi/2, 60)
v=np.linspace(0, np.pi, 60)
x = (np.sqrt(2)*(np.cos(v)*np.cos(v))*np.cos(2*u) + np.cos(u)*np.sin(2*v))/(2 - np.sqrt(2)*np.sin(3*u)*np.sin(2*v))
y = (np.sqrt(2)*(np.cos(v)*np.cos(v))*np.sin(2*u) - np.sin(u)*np.sin(2*v))/(2 - np.sqrt(2)*np.sin(3*u)*np.sin(2*v))
z = (3*(np.cos(v)*np.cos(v)))/(2 - np.sqrt(2)*np.sin(3*u)*np.sin(2*v))
points2D = np.vstack([u, v]).T
tri = Delaunay(points2D)
simplices = tri.simplices
fig = ff.create_trisurf(x=x, y=y, z=z,
colormap=['rgb(50, 0, 75)', 'rgb(200, 0, 200)', '#c8dcc8'],
title=dict(text="Boy's Surface"))