Function Reference in JavaScript
Plotly.js function reference. How to create, update, and modify graphs drawn with Plotly's JavaScript Graphing Library.
New to Plotly?
Plotly is a free and open-source graphing library for JavaScript. We recommend you read our Getting Started guide for the latest installation or upgrade instructions, then move on to our Plotly Fundamentals tutorials or dive straight in to some Basic Charts tutorials.
Common parameters
- The functions documented here all create or modify a plot that is drawn into a
element on the page, commonly referred to asgraphDiv
. The first argument to each function on this page is a reference to this element, and it can be either a DOM node, i.e. the output ofdocument.getElementById()
, or a string, in which case it will be treated as theid
of thediv
. A note on sizing: You can either supply height and width in thelayout
object (see below), or give the<div>
a height and width in CSS. data
- The data to be plotted is described in an array usually called
, whose elements are trace objects of various types (e.g.scatter
etc) as documented in the Full Reference. layout
- The layout of the plot – non-data-related visual attributes such as the title, annotations etc – is described in an object usually called
, as documented in/ the Full Reference. config
- High-level configuration options for the plot, such as the scroll/zoom/hover behaviour, is described in an object usually called
, as documented here. The difference betweenconfig
is thatlayout
relates to the content of the plot, whereasconfig
relates to the context in which the plot is being shown. frames
- Animation frames are described in an object usually called
as per the example here. They can containdata
objects, which define any changes to be animated, and atraces
object that defines which traces to animate. Additionally, frames containingname
attributes can be referenced by Plotly.animate after they are added by Plotly.addFrames
Draws a new plot in an<div>
element, overwriting any existing plot. To update an existing plot in a <div>
, it is much more efficient to use Plotly.react
than to overwrite it.
After plotting, the
or layout
can always be retrieved from the <div>
element in which the plot was drawn:
var graphDiv = document.getElementById('id_of_the_div')
var data = [{
x: [1999, 2000, 2001, 2002],
y: [10, 15, 13, 17],
type: 'scatter'
var layout = {
title: {
text: 'Sales Growth'
xaxis: {
title: {
text: 'Year'
showgrid: false,
zeroline: false
yaxis: {
title: {
text: 'Percent'
showline: false
Plotly.newPlot(graphDiv, data, layout);
var dataRetrievedLater =;
var layoutRetrievedLater = graphDiv.layout;
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has the same signature as Plotly.newPlot
above, and can be used in its place to create a plot, but when called again on the same <div>
will update it far more efficiently than Plotly.newPlot
, which would destroy and recreate the plot. Plotly.react
is as fast as Plotly.restyle
documented below.
Important Note: In order to use this method to plot new items in arrays under
such as x
or marker.color
etc, these items must either have been added immutably (i.e. the identity of the parent array must have changed) or the value of layout.datarevision
must have changed.
This function has comparable performance toPlotly.react
and is faster than redrawing the whole plot with Plotly.newPlot
.An efficient means of changing attributes in the
array in an existing plot. When restyling, you may choose to have the specified changes affect as many traces as desired. The update is given as a single object and the traces that are affected are given as a list of traces indices. Note, leaving the trace indices unspecified assumes that you want to restyle all the traces.
// restyle a single trace using attribute strings
var update = {
opacity: 0.4,
'marker.color': 'red'
Plotly.restyle(graphDiv, update, 0);
// restyle all traces using attribute strings
var update = {
opacity: 0.4,
'marker.color': 'red'
Plotly.restyle(graphDiv, update);
// restyle two traces using attribute strings
var update = {
opacity: 0.4,
'marker.color': 'red'
Plotly.restyle(graphDiv, update, [1, 2]);
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The above examples have applied values across single or multiple traces. However, you can also specify arrays of values to apply to traces in turn.
// restyle the first trace's marker color 'red' and the second's 'green'
var update = {
'marker.color': ['red', 'green']
Plotly.restyle(graphDiv, update, [0, 1])
// alternate between red and green for all traces (note omission of traces)
var update = {
'marker.color': ['red', 'green']
Plotly.restyle(graphDiv, update)
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In restyle, arrays are assumed to be used in conjunction with the trace indices provided. Therefore, to apply an array as a value, you need to wrap it in an additional array. For example:
// update the color attribute of the first trace so that the markers within the same trace
// have different colors
var update = {
'marker.color': [['red', 'green']]
Plotly.restyle(graphDiv, update, [0])
// update two traces with new z data
var update = {z: [[[1,2,3], [2,1,2], [1,1,1]], [[0,1,1], [0,2,1], [3,2,1]]]};
Plotly.restyle(graphDiv, update, [1, 2])
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The term attribute strings is used above to mean flattened (e.g.,
{marker: {color: 'red'}}
vs. {'marker.color': red}
). When you pass an attribute string to restyle inside the update object, it’s assumed to mean update only this attribute. Therefore, if you wish to replace and entire sub-object, you may simply specify one less level of nesting.
// replace the entire marker object with the one provided
var update = {
marker: {color: 'red'}
Plotly.restyle(graphDiv, update, [0])
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Finally, you may wish to selectively reset or ignore certain properties when restyling. This may be useful when specifying multiple properties for multiple traces so that you can carefully target what is and is not affected. In general resets a property to the default while applies no change to the current state.
// Set the first trace's line to red, the second to the default, and ignore the third
Plotly.restyle(graphDiv, {
'line.color': ['red', null, undefined]
}, [0, 1, 2])
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This function has comparable performance toPlotly.react
and is faster than redrawing the whole plot with Plotly.newPlot
.An efficient means of updating the
object of an existing plot. The call signature and arguments for relayout are similar (but simpler) to restyle. Because there are no indices to deal with, arrays need not be wrapped. Also, no argument specifying applicable trace indices is passed in.
// update only values within nested objects
var update = {
title: {text: 'some new title'}, // updates the title
'xaxis.range': [0, 5], // updates the xaxis range
'yaxis.range[1]': 15 // updates the end of the yaxis range
Plotly.relayout(graphDiv, update)
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This function has comparable performance toPlotly.react
and is faster than redrawing the whole plot with Plotly.newPlot
.An efficient means of updating both the
array and layout
object in an existing plot, basically a combination of Plotly.restyle
and Plotly.relayout
//update the layout and all the traces
var layout_update = {
title: {text: 'some new title'}, // updates the title
var data_update = {
'marker.color': 'red'
Plotly.update(graphDiv, data_update, layout_update)
//update the layout and a single trace
var layout_update = {
title: {text: 'some new title'}, // updates the title
var data_update = {
'marker.color': 'red'
Plotly.update(graphDiv, data_update, layout_update,0)
//update the layout and two specific traces
var layout_update = {
title: {text: 'some new title'}, // updates the title
var data_update = {
'marker.color': 'red'
Plotly.update(graphDiv, data_update, layout_update, [0,2])
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allows users to validate their input data
array and layout
object. This can be done on the data
array and layout
object passed into Plotly.newPlot
or on an updated graphDiv
with Plotly.validate(, graphDiv.layout)
var data = [{
type: 'bar',
y: [2, 1, 3, 2],
orientation: 'horizontal'
var out = Plotly.validate(data, layout);
// "In data trace 0, key orientation is set to an invalid value (horizontal)"
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copies the style information from a figure. It does this by returning a template
object which can be passed to the layout.template
attribute of another figure.
var figure = {
data: [{
type: 'bar',
marker: {color: 'red'},
y: [2, 1, 3, 2],
title: {
text: 'Quarterly Earnings'
var template = Plotly.makeTemplate(figure);
var newData = [{
var layout = {template:template}
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allows users to Test for consistency between the given figure and a template,
either already included in the figure or given separately. Note that not every issue identified here is necessarily
a problem, it depends on what you're using the template for.
var out = Plotly.validateTemplate(figure, template);
// "The template has 1 traces of type bar but there are none in the data."
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This function has comparable performance toPlotly.react
and is faster than redrawing the whole plot with Plotly.newPlot
.This allows you to add new traces to an existing
at any location in its data array. Every graphDiv
object has a data
component which is an array of JSON blobs that each describe one trace. The full list of trace types can be found in the Full Reference.
// add a single trace to an existing graphDiv
Plotly.addTraces(graphDiv, {y: [2,1,2]});
// add two traces
Plotly.addTraces(graphDiv, [{y: [2,1,2]}, {y: [4, 5, 7]}]);
// add a trace at the beginning of the data array
Plotly.addTraces(graphDiv, {y: [1, 5, 7]}, 0);
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This function has comparable performance toPlotly.react
and is faster than redrawing the whole plot with Plotly.newPlot
.This allows you to remove traces from an existing
by specifying the indices of the traces to be removed.
// remove the first trace
Plotly.deleteTraces(graphDiv, 0);
// remove the last two traces
Plotly.deleteTraces(graphDiv, [-2, -1]);
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This function has comparable performance toPlotly.react
and is faster than redrawing the whole plot with Plotly.newPlot
.This allows you to reorder traces in an existing
. This will change the ordering of the layering and the legend.
All traces defined in graphDiv
are ordered in an array. They are drawn one by one from first to last. Each time a new layer or trace is drawn to the canvas the new trace is drawn directly over the current canvas, replacing the colors of the traces and background. This algorithm to image stacking/drawing is known as the Painter's Algorithm. As its name implies the Painter's Algorithm is typically the manner in which a painter paints a landscape, starting from objects with the most perspective depth and progressively moving forward and layering over the background objects.
// move the first trace (at index 0) the the end of the data array
Plotly.moveTraces(graphDiv, 0);
// move selected traces (at indices [0, 3, 5]) to the end of the data array
Plotly.moveTraces(graphDiv, [0, 3, 5]);
// move last trace (at index -1) to the beginning of the data array (index 0)
Plotly.moveTraces(graphDiv, -1, 0);
// move selected traces (at indices [1, 4, 5]) to new indices [0, 3, 2]
Plotly.moveTraces(graphDiv, [1, 4, 5], [0, 3, 2]);
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This function has comparable performance toPlotly.react
and is faster than redrawing the whole plot with Plotly.newPlot
.This allows you to add data to traces in an existing
// extend one trace
Plotly.extendTraces(graphDiv, {y: [[rand()]]}, [0])
// extend multiple traces
Plotly.extendTraces(graphDiv, {y: [[rand()], [rand()]]}, [0, 1])
// extend multiple traces up to a maximum of 10 points per trace
Plotly.extendTraces(graphDiv, {y: [[rand()], [rand()]]}, [0, 1], 10)
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This function has comparable performance toPlotly.react
and is faster than redrawing the whole plot with Plotly.newPlot
.This allows you to prepend data to an existing trace
// prepend one trace
Plotly.prependTraces(graphDiv, {y: [[rand()]]}, [0])
// prepend multiple traces
Plotly.prependTraces(graphDiv, {y: [[rand()], [rand()]]}, [0, 1])
// prepend multiple traces up to a maximum of 10 points per trace
Plotly.prependTraces(graphDiv, {y: [[rand()], [rand()]]}, [0, 1], 10)
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This function has comparable performance toPlotly.react
and is faster than redrawing the whole plot with Plotly.newPlot
.This allows you to add animation frames to a
. The group
or name
attribute of a frame can
be used by Plotly.animate in place of a frame object (or array of
frame objects).
See example here.
Add dynamic behaviour to plotly graphs withPlotly.animate
Plotly.newPlot('graph', [{
x: [1, 2, 3],
y: [0, 0.5, 1],
line: {simplify: false},
function randomize() {
Plotly.animate('graph', {
data: [{y: [Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random()]}],
traces: [0],
layout: {}
}, {
transition: {
duration: 500,
easing: 'cubic-in-out'
frame: {
duration: 500
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will clear the div, and remove any Plotly plots that have been placed in it.
// purge will be used on the div that you wish clear of Plotly plots
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will generate a promise to an image of the plot in data URL format.
// Plotly.toImage will turn the plot in the given div into a data URL string
// toImage takes the div as the first argument and an object specifying image properties as the other
Plotly.toImage(graphDiv, {format: 'png', width: 800, height: 600}).then(function(dataUrl) {
// use the dataUrl
Click to copy
will trigger a request to download the image of a Plotly plot.
// downloadImage will accept the div as the first argument and an object specifying image properties as the other
Plotly.downloadImage(graphDiv, {format: 'png', width: 800, height: 600, filename: 'newplot'});
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Using events
Plots emit events prefixed withplotly_
when clicked or hovered over, and event handlers can be bound to events using the on
method that is exposed by the plot div object. For more information and examples of how to use Plotly events see: