Parallel Coordinates Plot in JavaScript

How to make D3.js-based parallel coordinates plots in Plotly.js.

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Parallel coordinates are richly interactive by default. Drag the lines along the axes to filter regions and drag the axis names across the plot to rearrange variables: IPython terminal

var trace = {
  type: 'parcoords',
  line: {
    color: 'blue'
  dimensions: [{
    range: [1, 5],
    constraintrange: [1, 2],
    label: 'A',
    values: [1,4]
  }, {    
    range: [1,5],
    label: 'B',
    values: [3,1.5],
    tickvals: [1.5,3,4.5]
  }, {
    range: [1, 5],
    label: 'C',
    values: [2,4],
    tickvals: [1,2,4,5],
    ticktext: ['text 1','text 2','text 4','text 5']
  }, {
    range: [1, 5],
    label: 'D',
    values: [4,2]

var data = [trace]

Plotly.newPlot('myDiv', data);
Click to copy
12345A511.534.5Btext 1text 2text 4text 5C12345D51
d3.csv('', function(err, rows){

function unpack(rows, key) {
  return {
    return row[key];

var data = [{
  type: 'parcoords',
  pad: [80,80,80,80],
  line: {
    color: unpack(rows, 'species_id'),
    colorscale: [[0, 'red'], [0.5, 'green'], [1, 'blue']]

  dimensions: [{
    range: [2, 4.5],
    label: 'sepal_width',
    values: unpack(rows, 'sepal_width')
  }, {
    constraintrange: [5, 6],
    range: [4,8],
    label: 'sepal_length',
    values: unpack(rows, 'sepal_length')
  }, {
    label: 'petal_width',
    range: [0, 2.5],
    values: unpack(rows, 'petal_width')
  }, {
    label: 'petal_length',
    range: [1, 7],
    values: unpack(rows, 'petal_length')

var layout = {
  width: 800

Plotly.newPlot('myDiv', data, layout);

Click to copy
d3.csv('', function(err, rows){

function unpack(rows, key) {
  return {
    return row[key];

var data = [{
  type: 'parcoords',
  pad: [80,80,80,80],
  line: {
    color: unpack(rows, 'species_id'),
    colorscale: [[0, 'red'], [0.5, 'green'], [1, 'blue']]

  dimensions: [{
    range: [2, 4.5],
    label: 'sepal_width',
    values: unpack(rows, 'sepal_width')
  }, {
    constraintrange: [5, 6],
    range: [4,8],
    label: 'sepal_length',
    values: unpack(rows, 'sepal_length')
  }, {
    label: 'petal_width',
    range: [0, 2.5],
    values: unpack(rows, 'petal_width')
  }, {
    label: 'petal_length',
    range: [1, 7],
    values: unpack(rows, 'petal_length')

var layout = {
  width: 800,
  annotations: [
	  {showarrow: false,
      text: 'Higher sepal width',
      x: 0, y: 1, xref: 'paper', yref: 'paper'},
	  {showarrow: false,
      text: 'Lower petal width and length',
      x: 0.9, y: .25, xref: 'paper', yref: 'paper'

Plotly.newPlot('myDiv', data, layout);

Click to copy
Higher sepal widthLower petal width and length22.533.544.5sepal_width4.5245678sepal_length8400.511.522.5petal_width2.501234567petal_length71
d3.csv('', function(err, rows){

function unpack(rows, key) {
  return {
    return row[key];

var data = [{
  type: 'parcoords',
  line: {
    showscale: true,
    reversescale: true,
    colorscale: 'Jet',
    cmin: -4000,
    cmax: -100,
    color: unpack(rows, 'colorVal')

  dimensions: [{
    constraintrange: [100000, 150000],
    range: [32000, 227900],
    label: 'Block height',
    values: unpack(rows, 'blockHeight')
  }, {
    range: [0, 700000],
    label: 'Block width',
    values: unpack(rows, 'blockWidth')
  }, {
    label: 'Cylinder material',
    tickvals: [0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3],
    ticktext: ['A', 'AB', 'B', 'Y', 'Z'],
    values: unpack(rows, 'cycMaterial')
  }, {
    label: 'Block material',
    tickvals: [0, 1, 2, 3],
    range: [-1, 4],
    values: unpack(rows, 'blockMaterial')
  }, {
    range: [134, 3154],
    label: 'Total weight',
    visible: true,
    values: unpack(rows, 'totalWeight')
  }, {
    range: [9, 19984],
    label: 'Assembly penalty weight',
    values: unpack(rows, 'assemblyPW')
  }, {
    range: [49000, 568000],
    label: 'Height st width',
    values: unpack(rows, 'HstW')
  }, {
    range: [-28000, 196430],
    label: 'Min height width',
    values: unpack(rows, 'minHW')
  }, {
     range: [98453, 501789],
     label: 'Min width diameter',
     values: unpack(rows, 'minWD')
  }, {
    range: [1417, 107154],
    label: 'RF block',
    values: unpack(rows, 'rfBlock')

Plotly.newPlot('myDiv', data);

Click to copy
−4000−3000−2000−100050k100k150k200kBlock height227.9k32k0100k200k300k400k500k600k700kBlock width700k0AABBYZCylinder material0123Block material50010001500200025003000Total weight31541345k10k15kAssembly penalty weight19.984k0.009k100k200k300k400k500kHeight st width568k49k050k100k150kMin height width196.43k−28k100k200k300k400k500kMin width diameter501.79k98.45k20k40k60k80k100kRF block107.15k1.42k