Interactive HTML Export in Julia

Plotly allows you to save interactive HTML versions of your figures to your local disk.

Interactive vs Static Export

Plotly figures are interactive when viewed in a web browser: you can hover over data points, pan and zoom axes, and show and hide traces by clicking or double-clicking on the legend. You can export figures either to [static image file formats like PNG, JPEG, SVG or PDF] or you can export them to HTML files which can be opened in a browser. This page explains how to do the latter.

Saving to an HTML file

Any figure can be saved as an HTML file using the PlotlyBase.to_html method. These HTML files can be opened in any web browser to access the fully interactive figure.

using PlotlyJS
p = plot(scatter(x=1:10, y=1:10))

open("./example.html", "w") do io
    PlotlyBase.to_html(io, p.plot)

Controlling the size of the HTML file

By default, the resulting HTML file is a fully self-contained HTML file which can be uploaded to a web server or shared via email or other file-sharing mechanisms. The downside to this approach is that the file is very large (5Mb+) because it contains an inlined copy of the Plotly.js library required to make the figure interactive. This can be controlled via the include_plotlyjs argument (see below).

Full Parameter Documentation

using PlotlyJS

@doc PlotlyBase.to_html
  • io: IO stream to write to

  • p: Plot to save

  • autoplay: Should animations start automatically

  • include_plotlyjs: How to include plotly.js. Options are

    • cdn: include a <script> tag to load plotly.js from cdn. Output will be standalone

    • require: load using requirejs. Useful in Jupyter notebooks

    • require-loaded: assume a plotly statement has already loaded via requirejs (don't load it in context of this plot)

    • directory: hardcode <script src="plotly.min.js> – will only work when the plotly.min.js file is in the same directory as the output file

    • anything ending in js: we assume you give us the path to the plotly.js file. We will read it in and include it inline in the output. Works best when points to a minified file (plotly.min.js)

  • include_mathjax: How mathjax should be included. Options are

    • string ending in .js: we load via <script src="$(include_mathjax)">. You are responsible for making sure it resolves

    • anything else: we load via cdn for you

  • post_script: arbitrary javascript to run after plotly.js finishes drawing the plot

  • full_html: include all parts necessary for standalone html file

  • animation_opts: extra options used to control animation. included in addFrames call after the actual frames. See plotly.js docs for more info on addFrames

  • default_width: valid css specifier for width

  • default_height: valid css specifier for height