Parallel Categories Diagram in JavaScript
How to make parallel categories diagrams in JavaScript
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The parallel categories diagram is a visualization of multi-dimensional categorical data sets. Each variable in the data set is represented by a column of rectangles, where each rectangle corresponds to a discrete value taken on by that variable. The relative heights of the rectangles reflect the relative frequency of occurrence of the corresponding value.
Combinations of category rectangles across dimensions are connected by ribbons, where the height of the ribbon corresponds to the relative frequency of occurrence of the combination of categories in the data set.
In this example, we visualize the hair color, eye color, and sex of a sample of 8 people. Hovering over a category rectangle displays a tooltip with the number of people with that single trait. Hovering over a ribbon in the diagram displays a tooltip with the number of people with a particular combination of the three traits connected by the ribbon.
The dimension labels can be dragged horizontally to reorder the dimensions and the category rectangles can be dragged vertically to reorder the categories within a dimension.
var trace1 = {
type: 'parcats',
dimensions: [
{label: 'Hair',
values: ['Black', 'Black', 'Black', 'Brown',
'Brown', 'Brown', 'Red', 'Brown']},
{label: 'Eye',
values: ['Brown', 'Brown', 'Brown', 'Brown',
'Brown', 'Blue', 'Blue', 'Blue']},
{label: 'Sex',
values: ['Female', 'Female', 'Female', 'Male',
'Female', 'Male', 'Male', 'Male']}]
var data = [ trace1 ];
var layout = {width: 600};
Plotly.newPlot('myDiv', data, layout);
If the frequency of occurrence for each combination of attributes is known in advance, this can be specified using
the counts
var trace1 = {
type: 'parcats',
dimensions: [
{label: 'Hair',
values: ['Black', 'Brown', 'Brown', 'Brown', 'Red']},
{label: 'Eye',
values: ['Brown', 'Brown', 'Brown', 'Blue', 'Blue']},
{label: 'Sex',
values: ['Female', 'Male', 'Female', 'Male', 'Male']}],
counts: [6, 10, 40, 23, 7]
var data = [ trace1 ];
var layout = {width: 600};
Plotly.newPlot('myDiv', data, layout);
The color of the ribbons can be specified with the line.color
property. Similar to other trace types, this
property may be set to an array of numbers, which are then mapped to colors according to the the colorscale
specified in the line.colorscale
Here is an example of visualizing the survival rate of passengers in the titanic dataset, where the ribbons are colored based on survival outcome.
By setting the hoveron
property to 'color'
and the hoverinfo
property to 'count+probability'
the tooltips
now display count and probability information for each color (outcome) per category.
By setting the arrangement
property to 'freeform'
it is now possible to drag categories horizontally to
reorder dimensions as well as vertically to reorder categories within the dimension.
var gd = document.getElementById('myDiv');
function(titanicData) {
var classDim = {
values: {return row['Pclass']}),
categoryorder: 'category ascending',
label: "Class"
var genderDim = {
values: {return row['Sex']}),
label: "Gender"
var survivalDim = {
values: {return row['Survived']}),
label: "Outcome",
categoryarray: [0, 1],
ticktext: ['perished', 'survived'],
var color = survivalDim.values;
var colorscale = [[0, 'lightsteelblue'], [1, 'mediumseagreen']];
// Build Traces
var traces = [
{type: 'parcats',
dimensions: [classDim, genderDim, survivalDim],
line: {color: color,
colorscale: colorscale},
hoveron: 'color',
hoverinfo: 'count+probability',
labelfont: {size: 14},
arrangement: 'freeform'
var layout = {width: 600};
// Make plot
Plotly.newPlot('myDiv', traces, layout);
This example demonstrates how the plotly_selected
and plotly_click
events can be used to implement linked
brushing between 3 categorical dimensions displayed with a parcats
trace and 2 continuous dimensions displayed
with a scatter
This example also sets the line.shape
property to hspline
to cause the ribbons to curve between categories.
var gd = document.getElementById("myDiv");
var categoricalDimensionLabels = [
function(carsData) {
// Preprocess Data
var mpg = { return row['highway-mpg'] });
var horsepower = { return row['horsepower'] });
var categoricalDimensions =
function(dimLabel) {
// Extract column
var values = {
return row[dimLabel]
return {
values: values,
label: dimLabel
// Colors
var color = new Int8Array(carsData.length);
var colorscale = [[0, 'gray'], [1, 'firebrick']];
// Layout
var layout = {
width: 600,
height: 800,
xaxis: {title: {text: 'Horsepower'}},
yaxis: {domain: [0.6, 1], title: {text: 'MPG'}},
dragmode: 'lasso',
hovermode: 'closest'
// Build Traces
var traces = [
{type: 'scatter',
x: horsepower,
y: mpg,
marker: {color: 'gray'},
mode: 'markers',
selected: {'marker': {'color': 'firebrick'}},
unselected: {'marker': {'opacity': 0.3}}
{type: 'parcats',
domain: {y: [0, 0.4]},
line: {
colorscale: colorscale,
cmin: 0,
cmax: 1,
color: color,
shape: 'hspline'},
labelfont: {size: 14}
// Make plot
Plotly.newPlot('myDiv', traces, layout);
// Update color on selection and click
var update_color = function(points_data) {
var new_color = new Int8Array(carsData.length);
var selection = []
for(var i = 0; i < points_data.points.length; i++) {
new_color[points_data.points[i].pointNumber] = 1;
// Update selected points in scatter plot
Plotly.restyle('myDiv', {'selectedpoints': [selection]}, 0)
// Update color of selected paths in parallel categories diagram
Plotly.restyle('myDiv', {'line.color': [new_color]}, 1)
gd.on('plotly_selected', update_color);
gd.on('plotly_click', update_color);
This example extends the previous example to support brushing with multiple colors. The radio buttons above may
be used to select the active color, and this color will be applied when points are selected in the scatter
trace and when categories or ribbons are clicked in the parcats
var gd = document.getElementById('myDiv');
var categoricalDimensionLabels = [
function(carsData) {
// Preprocess Data
var mpg = { return row['highway-mpg'] });
var horsepower = { return row['horsepower'] });
var categoricalDimensions =
function(dimLabel) {
// Extract column
var values = {
return row[dimLabel]
return {
values: values,
label: dimLabel
// Colors
var color = new Int8Array(carsData.length);
var colorscale = [[0, 'gray'], [0.33, 'gray'],
[0.33, 'firebrick'], [0.66, 'firebrick'],
[0.66, 'blue'], [1.0, 'blue']];
// Layout
var layout = {
width: 600,
height: 800,
xaxis: {title: {text: 'Horsepower'}},
yaxis: {domain: [0.6, 1], title: {text: 'MPG'}},
dragmode: 'lasso',
hovermode: 'closest'
// Build Traces
var traces = [
{type: 'scatter',
x: horsepower,
y: mpg,
marker: {color: color,
colorscale: colorscale,
cmin: -0.5,
cmax: 2.5,
showscale: true,
colorbar: {tickvals: [0, 1, 2],
ticktext: ['None', 'Red', 'Blue']}},
mode: 'markers',
{type: 'parcats',
domain: {y: [0, 0.4]},
line: {
colorscale: colorscale,
cmin: -0.5,
cmax: 2.5,
color: color,
shape: 'hspline'},
labelfont: {size: 14}
// Make plot
Plotly.newPlot('myDiv', traces, layout);
// Update color on selection and click
var update_color = function(points_data) {
var new_color = color;
var color_value = document.querySelector('input[name="rate"]:checked').value;
var selection = []
for(var i = 0; i < points_data.points.length; i++) {
new_color[points_data.points[i].pointNumber] = color_value;
// Update selected points in scatter plot
Plotly.restyle'myDiv', {'marker.color': [new_color]}, 0)
// Update color of selected paths in parallel categories diagram
{'line.color': [new_color]}, 1)
gd.on('plotly_selected', update_color);
gd.on('plotly_click', update_color);