Filled Area on Tile Maps in JavaScript
How to make an area on Map using a D3.js-based scattermap.
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There are three different ways to show a filled area in a tile-based map.
- Use a scattermap trace and set
attribute to 'toself' - Use a map layout (i.e. by minimally using an empty Scattermap trace) and add a GeoJSON layer
- Use the Choroplethmap trace type
Filled Scattermap
The following example uses Scattermap
and sets fill = 'toself'
var data = [
type: "scattermap",
fill: "toself",
lon: [-74, -70, -70, -74],
lat: [47, 47, 45, 45],
marker: { size: 10, color: "orange" }
var layout = {
map: {
style: "stamen-terrain",
center: { lon: -73, lat: 46 },
zoom: 5
showlegend: false,
height: 450,
width: 600
Plotly.newPlot("myDiv", data, layout);
The following example shows how to use null
in your data to draw multiple filled areas. Such gaps in trace data are unconnected by default, but this can be controlled via the connectgaps attribute.
var data = [{
type: "scattermap",
mode: "lines",
fill: "toself",
lon: [-10, -10, 8, 8, -10, null, 30, 30, 50, 50, 30, null, 100, 100, 80, 80, 100],
lat: [30, 6, 6, 30, 30, null, 20, 30, 30, 20, 20, null, 40, 50, 50, 40, 40]
var layout = {
map: {style: "stamen-terrain", center: {lon: 40, lat: 20}, 'zoom': 1.5},
showlegend: false,
width:700, height: 700}
Plotly.newPlot("myDiv", data, layout)
This example shows an area below water layer, and sets geojson object of type feature and geometries of type MultiPolygon.
var data = [{
type: "scattermap", mode: "markers",
lon: [-73.605], lat: [45.51],
marker: { size: 20, color: ["cyan"] }
var layout = {
map: {
style: "dark",
center: { lon: -73.6, lat: 45.515},
zoom: 12, layers: [{
source: {
type: "FeatureCollection",
features: [{
type: "Feature",
geometry: {
type: "MultiPolygon",
coordinates: [[[
[-73.606352888, 45.507489991], [-73.606133883, 45.50687600],
[-73.605905904, 45.506773980], [-73.603533905, 45.505698946],
[-73.602475870, 45.506856969], [-73.600031904, 45.505696003],
[-73.599379992, 45.505389066], [-73.599119902, 45.505632008],
[-73.598896977, 45.505514039], [-73.598783894, 45.505617001],
[-73.591308727, 45.516246185], [-73.591380782, 45.516280145],
[-73.596778656, 45.518690062], [-73.602796770, 45.521348046],
[-73.612239983, 45.525564037], [-73.612422919, 45.525642061],
[-73.617229085, 45.527751983], [-73.617279234, 45.527774160],
[-73.617304713, 45.527741334], [-73.617492052, 45.527498362],
[-73.617533258, 45.527512253], [-73.618074188, 45.526759105],
[-73.618271651, 45.526500673], [-73.618446320, 45.526287943],
[-73.618968507, 45.525698560], [-73.619388002, 45.525216750],
[-73.619532966, 45.525064183], [-73.619686662, 45.524889290],
[-73.619787038, 45.524770086], [-73.619925742, 45.524584939],
[-73.619954486, 45.524557690], [-73.620122362, 45.524377961],
[-73.620201713, 45.524298907], [-73.620775593, 45.523650879]
type: "fill", below: "water", color: "teal"
height: 450, width: 700
Plotly.newPlot("myDiv", data, layout);