MATLAB Figure Reference: layout.images

  • images
    Parent: layout
    Type: cell array of struct where each struct has one or more of the keys listed below.
    • layer
      Parent: layout.images[]
      Type: enumerated , one of ( 'below' | 'above' )
      Default: 'above'

      Specifies whether images are drawn below or above traces. When `xref` and `yref` are both set to `paper`, image is drawn below the entire plot area.

    • name
      Parent: layout.images[]
      Type: string

      When used in a template, named items are created in the output figure in addition to any items the figure already has in this array. You can modify these items in the output figure by making your own item with `templateitemname` matching this `name` alongside your modifications (including `visible: false` or `enabled: false` to hide it). Has no effect outside of a template.

    • opacity
      Parent: layout.images[]
      Type: number between or equal to 0 and 1
      Default: 1

      Sets the opacity of the image.

    • sizex
      Parent: layout.images[]
      Type: number
      Default: 0

      Sets the image container size horizontally. The image will be sized based on the `position` value. When `xref` is set to `paper`, units are sized relative to the plot width. When `xref` ends with ` domain`, units are sized relative to the axis width.

    • sizey
      Parent: layout.images[]
      Type: number
      Default: 0

      Sets the image container size vertically. The image will be sized based on the `position` value. When `yref` is set to `paper`, units are sized relative to the plot height. When `yref` ends with ` domain`, units are sized relative to the axis height.

    • sizing
      Parent: layout.images[]
      Type: enumerated , one of ( 'fill' | 'contain' | 'stretch' )
      Default: 'contain'

      Specifies which dimension of the image to constrain.

    • source
      Parent: layout.images[]
      Type: string

      Specifies the URL of the image to be used. The URL must be accessible from the domain where the plot code is run, and can be either relative or absolute.

    • templateitemname
      Parent: layout.images[]
      Type: string

      Used to refer to a named item in this array in the template. Named items from the template will be created even without a matching item in the input figure, but you can modify one by making an item with `templateitemname` matching its `name`, alongside your modifications (including `visible: false` or `enabled: false` to hide it). If there is no template or no matching item, this item will be hidden unless you explicitly show it with `visible: true`.

    • visible
      Parent: layout.images[]
      Type: boolean
      Default: true

      Determines whether or not this image is visible.

    • x
      Parent: layout.images[]
      Type: number or categorical coordinate string
      Default: 0

      Sets the image's x position. When `xref` is set to `paper`, units are sized relative to the plot height. See `xref` for more info

    • xanchor
      Parent: layout.images[]
      Type: enumerated , one of ( 'left' | 'center' | 'right' )
      Default: 'left'

      Sets the anchor for the x position

    • xref
      Parent: layout.images[]
      Type: enumerated , one of ( 'paper' | '/^x([2-9]|[1-9][0-9]+)?( domain)?$/' )
      Default: 'paper'

      Sets the images's x coordinate axis. If set to a x axis id (e.g. 'x' or 'x2'), the `x` position refers to a x coordinate. If set to 'paper', the `x` position refers to the distance from the left of the plotting area in normalized coordinates where '0' ('1') corresponds to the left (right). If set to a x axis ID followed by 'domain' (separated by a space), the position behaves like for 'paper', but refers to the distance in fractions of the domain length from the left of the domain of that axis: e.g., 'x2 domain' refers to the domain of the second x axis and a x position of 0.5 refers to the point between the left and the right of the domain of the second x axis.

    • y
      Parent: layout.images[]
      Type: number or categorical coordinate string
      Default: 0

      Sets the image's y position. When `yref` is set to `paper`, units are sized relative to the plot height. See `yref` for more info

    • yanchor
      Parent: layout.images[]
      Type: enumerated , one of ( 'top' | 'middle' | 'bottom' )
      Default: 'top'

      Sets the anchor for the y position.

    • yref
      Parent: layout.images[]
      Type: enumerated , one of ( 'paper' | '/^y([2-9]|[1-9][0-9]+)?( domain)?$/' )
      Default: 'paper'

      Sets the images's y coordinate axis. If set to a y axis id (e.g. 'y' or 'y2'), the `y` position refers to a y coordinate. If set to 'paper', the `y` position refers to the distance from the bottom of the plotting area in normalized coordinates where '0' ('1') corresponds to the bottom (top). If set to a y axis ID followed by 'domain' (separated by a space), the position behaves like for 'paper', but refers to the distance in fractions of the domain length from the bottom of the domain of that axis: e.g., 'y2 domain' refers to the domain of the second y axis and a y position of 0.5 refers to the point between the bottom and the top of the domain of the second y axis.