MATLAB Figure Reference: layout.geo

  • geo
    Parent: layout
    Type: struct containing one or more of the keys listed below.
    • bgcolor
      Parent: layout.geo
      Type: color
      Default: '#fff'

      Set the background color of the map

    • center
      Parent: layout.geo
      Type: struct containing one or more of the keys listed below.
      • lat
        Type: number

        Sets the latitude of the map's center. For all projection types, the map's latitude center lies at the middle of the latitude range by default.

      • lon
        Type: number

        Sets the longitude of the map's center. By default, the map's longitude center lies at the middle of the longitude range for scoped projection and above `projection.rotation.lon` otherwise.

    • coastlinecolor
      Parent: layout.geo
      Type: color
      Default: '#444'

      Sets the coastline color.

    • coastlinewidth
      Parent: layout.geo
      Type: number greater than or equal to 0
      Default: 1

      Sets the coastline stroke width (in px).

    • countrycolor
      Parent: layout.geo
      Type: color
      Default: '#444'

      Sets line color of the country boundaries.

    • countrywidth
      Parent: layout.geo
      Type: number greater than or equal to 0
      Default: 1

      Sets line width (in px) of the country boundaries.

    • domain
      Parent: layout.geo
      Type: struct containing one or more of the keys listed below.
      • column
        Parent: layout.geo.domain
        Type: integer greater than or equal to 0
        Default: 0

        If there is a layout grid, use the domain for this column in the grid for this geo subplot . Note that geo subplots are constrained by domain. In general, when `projection.scale` is set to 1. a map will fit either its x or y domain, but not both.

      • row
        Parent: layout.geo.domain
        Type: integer greater than or equal to 0
        Default: 0

        If there is a layout grid, use the domain for this row in the grid for this geo subplot . Note that geo subplots are constrained by domain. In general, when `projection.scale` is set to 1. a map will fit either its x or y domain, but not both.

      • x
        Parent: layout.geo.domain
        Type: cell array
        Default: [0, 1]

        Sets the horizontal domain of this geo subplot (in plot fraction). Note that geo subplots are constrained by domain. In general, when `projection.scale` is set to 1. a map will fit either its x or y domain, but not both.

      • y
        Parent: layout.geo.domain
        Type: cell array
        Default: [0, 1]

        Sets the vertical domain of this geo subplot (in plot fraction). Note that geo subplots are constrained by domain. In general, when `projection.scale` is set to 1. a map will fit either its x or y domain, but not both.

    • fitbounds
      Parent: layout.geo
      Type: enumerated , one of ( false | 'locations' | 'geojson' )

      Determines if this subplot's view settings are auto-computed to fit trace data. On scoped maps, setting `fitbounds` leads to `center.lon` and `` getting auto-filled. On maps with a non-clipped projection, setting `fitbounds` leads to `center.lon`, ``, and `projection.rotation.lon` getting auto-filled. On maps with a clipped projection, setting `fitbounds` leads to `center.lon`, ``, `projection.rotation.lon`, ``, `lonaxis.range` and `lataxis.range` getting auto-filled. If 'locations', only the trace's visible locations are considered in the `fitbounds` computations. If 'geojson', the entire trace input `geojson` (if provided) is considered in the `fitbounds` computations, Defaults to 'false'.

    • framecolor
      Parent: layout.geo
      Type: color
      Default: '#444'

      Sets the color the frame.

    • framewidth
      Parent: layout.geo
      Type: number greater than or equal to 0
      Default: 1

      Sets the stroke width (in px) of the frame.

    • lakecolor
      Parent: layout.geo
      Type: color
      Default: '#3399FF'

      Sets the color of the lakes.

    • landcolor
      Parent: layout.geo
      Type: color
      Default: '#F0DC82'

      Sets the land mass color.

    • lataxis
      Parent: layout.geo
      Type: struct containing one or more of the keys listed below.
      • dtick
        Parent: layout.geo.lataxis
        Type: number

        Sets the graticule's longitude/latitude tick step.

      • gridcolor
        Parent: layout.geo.lataxis
        Type: color
        Default: '#eee'

        Sets the graticule's stroke color.

      • griddash
        Parent: layout.geo.lataxis
        Type: string
        Default: 'solid'

        Sets the dash style of lines. Set to a dash type string ('solid', 'dot', 'dash', 'longdash', 'dashdot', or 'longdashdot') or a dash length list in px (eg '5px,10px,2px,2px').

      • gridwidth
        Parent: layout.geo.lataxis
        Type: number greater than or equal to 0
        Default: 1

        Sets the graticule's stroke width (in px).

      • range
        Parent: layout.geo.lataxis
        Type: cell array

        Sets the range of this axis (in degrees), sets the map's clipped coordinates.

      • showgrid
        Parent: layout.geo.lataxis
        Type: boolean

        Sets whether or not graticule are shown on the map.

      • tick0
        Parent: layout.geo.lataxis
        Type: number
        Default: 0

        Sets the graticule's starting tick longitude/latitude.

    • lonaxis
      Parent: layout.geo
      Type: struct containing one or more of the keys listed below.
      • dtick
        Parent: layout.geo.lonaxis
        Type: number

        Sets the graticule's longitude/latitude tick step.

      • gridcolor
        Parent: layout.geo.lonaxis
        Type: color
        Default: '#eee'

        Sets the graticule's stroke color.

      • griddash
        Parent: layout.geo.lonaxis
        Type: string
        Default: 'solid'

        Sets the dash style of lines. Set to a dash type string ('solid', 'dot', 'dash', 'longdash', 'dashdot', or 'longdashdot') or a dash length list in px (eg '5px,10px,2px,2px').

      • gridwidth
        Parent: layout.geo.lonaxis
        Type: number greater than or equal to 0
        Default: 1

        Sets the graticule's stroke width (in px).

      • range
        Parent: layout.geo.lonaxis
        Type: cell array

        Sets the range of this axis (in degrees), sets the map's clipped coordinates.

      • showgrid
        Parent: layout.geo.lonaxis
        Type: boolean

        Sets whether or not graticule are shown on the map.

      • tick0
        Parent: layout.geo.lonaxis
        Type: number
        Default: 0

        Sets the graticule's starting tick longitude/latitude.

    • oceancolor
      Parent: layout.geo
      Type: color
      Default: '#3399FF'

      Sets the ocean color

    • projection
      Parent: layout.geo
      Type: struct containing one or more of the keys listed below.
      • distance
        Parent: layout.geo.projection
        Type: number greater than or equal to 1.001
        Default: 2

        For satellite projection type only. Sets the distance from the center of the sphere to the point of view as a proportion of the sphere’s radius.

      • parallels
        Parent: layout.geo.projection
        Type: cell array

        For conic projection types only. Sets the parallels (tangent, secant) where the cone intersects the sphere.

      • rotation
        Parent: layout.geo.projection
        Type: struct containing one or more of the keys listed below.
        • lat
          Parent: layout.geo.projection.rotation
          Type: number

          Rotates the map along meridians (in degrees North).

        • lon
          Parent: layout.geo.projection.rotation
          Type: number

          Rotates the map along parallels (in degrees East). Defaults to the center of the `lonaxis.range` values.

        • roll
          Parent: layout.geo.projection.rotation
          Type: number

          Roll the map (in degrees) For example, a roll of '180' makes the map appear upside down.

      • scale
        Parent: layout.geo.projection
        Type: number greater than or equal to 0
        Default: 1

        Zooms in or out on the map view. A scale of '1' corresponds to the largest zoom level that fits the map's lon and lat ranges.

      • tilt
        Parent: layout.geo.projection
        Type: number
        Default: 0

        For satellite projection type only. Sets the tilt angle of perspective projection.

      • type
        Parent: layout.geo.projection
        Type: enumerated , one of ( 'airy' | 'aitoff' | 'albers' | 'albers usa' | 'august' | 'azimuthal equal area' | 'azimuthal equidistant' | 'baker' | 'bertin1953' | 'boggs' | 'bonne' | 'bottomley' | 'bromley' | 'collignon' | 'conic conformal' | 'conic equal area' | 'conic equidistant' | 'craig' | 'craster' | 'cylindrical equal area' | 'cylindrical stereographic' | 'eckert1' | 'eckert2' | 'eckert3' | 'eckert4' | 'eckert5' | 'eckert6' | 'eisenlohr' | 'equal earth' | 'equirectangular' | 'fahey' | 'foucaut' | 'foucaut sinusoidal' | 'ginzburg4' | 'ginzburg5' | 'ginzburg6' | 'ginzburg8' | 'ginzburg9' | 'gnomonic' | 'gringorten' | 'gringorten quincuncial' | 'guyou' | 'hammer' | 'hill' | 'homolosine' | 'hufnagel' | 'hyperelliptical' | 'kavrayskiy7' | 'lagrange' | 'larrivee' | 'laskowski' | 'loximuthal' | 'mercator' | 'miller' | 'mollweide' | 'mt flat polar parabolic' | 'mt flat polar quartic' | 'mt flat polar sinusoidal' | 'natural earth' | 'natural earth1' | 'natural earth2' | 'nell hammer' | 'nicolosi' | 'orthographic' | 'patterson' | 'peirce quincuncial' | 'polyconic' | 'rectangular polyconic' | 'robinson' | 'satellite' | 'sinu mollweide' | 'sinusoidal' | 'stereographic' | 'times' | 'transverse mercator' | 'van der grinten' | 'van der grinten2' | 'van der grinten3' | 'van der grinten4' | 'wagner4' | 'wagner6' | 'wiechel' | 'winkel tripel' | 'winkel3' )

        Sets the projection type.

    • resolution
      Parent: layout.geo
      Type: enumerated , one of ( '110' | '50' )
      Default: '110'

      Sets the resolution of the base layers. The values have units of km/mm e.g. 110 corresponds to a scale ratio of 1:110,000,000.

    • rivercolor
      Parent: layout.geo
      Type: color
      Default: '#3399FF'

      Sets color of the rivers.

    • riverwidth
      Parent: layout.geo
      Type: number greater than or equal to 0
      Default: 1

      Sets the stroke width (in px) of the rivers.

    • scope
      Parent: layout.geo
      Type: enumerated , one of ( 'africa' | 'asia' | 'europe' | 'north america' | 'south america' | 'usa' | 'world' )
      Default: 'world'

      Set the scope of the map.

    • showcoastlines
      Parent: layout.geo
      Type: boolean

      Sets whether or not the coastlines are drawn.

    • showcountries
      Parent: layout.geo
      Type: boolean

      Sets whether or not country boundaries are drawn.

    • showframe
      Parent: layout.geo
      Type: boolean

      Sets whether or not a frame is drawn around the map.

    • showlakes
      Parent: layout.geo
      Type: boolean

      Sets whether or not lakes are drawn.

    • showland
      Parent: layout.geo
      Type: boolean

      Sets whether or not land masses are filled in color.

    • showocean
      Parent: layout.geo
      Type: boolean

      Sets whether or not oceans are filled in color.

    • showrivers
      Parent: layout.geo
      Type: boolean

      Sets whether or not rivers are drawn.

    • showsubunits
      Parent: layout.geo
      Type: boolean

      Sets whether or not boundaries of subunits within countries (e.g. states, provinces) are drawn.

    • subunitcolor
      Parent: layout.geo
      Type: color
      Default: '#444'

      Sets the color of the subunits boundaries.

    • subunitwidth
      Parent: layout.geo
      Type: number greater than or equal to 0
      Default: 1

      Sets the stroke width (in px) of the subunits boundaries.

    • uirevision
      Parent: layout.geo
      Type: number or categorical coordinate string

      Controls persistence of user-driven changes in the view (projection and center). Defaults to `layout.uirevision`.

    • visible
      Parent: layout.geo
      Type: boolean
      Default: true

      Sets the default visibility of the base layers.