3D Camera Controls in Julia

How to Control the Camera in your 3D Charts in Julia with Plotly.

How camera controls work

The camera position and direction is determined by three vectors: up, center, eye. Their coordinates refer to the 3-d domain, i.e., (0, 0, 0) is always the center of the domain, no matter data values. The eye vector determines the position of the camera. The default is $(x=1.25, y=1.25, z=1.25)$.

The up vector determines the up direction on the page. The default is $(x=0, y=0, z=1)$, that is, the z-axis points up.

The projection of the center point lies at the center of the view. By default it is $(x=0, y=0, z=0)$.

Default parameters

using PlotlyJS, DataFrames, CSV, HTTP
# Read data from a csv
df = CSV.File(
) |> DataFrame

p = plot(surface(z=Matrix{Float64}(df), showscale=false))
    title="Mt Bruno Elevation",
    width=400, height=400,
    margin=attr(t=40, r=0, l=20, b=20)

name = "default"
# Default parameters which are used when `layout.scene.camera` is not provided
camera = attr(
    up=attr(x=0, y=0, z=1),
    center=attr(x=0, y=0, z=0),
    eye=attr(x=1.25, y=1.25, z=1.25)

relayout!(p, scene_camera=camera, title=name)

Changing the camera position by setting the eye parameter

Lower the View Point

by setting eye.z to a smaller value.

using PlotlyJS, DataFrames, CSV, HTTP
# Read data from a csv
df = CSV.File(
) |> DataFrame

p = plot(surface(z=Matrix{Float64}(df), showscale=false))
    title="Mt Bruno Elevation",
    width=400, height=400,
    margin=attr(t=40, r=0, l=20, b=20)

name = "eye = (x:2, y:2, z:0.1)"
camera = attr(
    eye=attr(x=2, y=2, z=0.1)

relayout!(p, scene_camera=camera, title=name)


X-Z plane

set eye.x and eye.z to zero

using PlotlyJS, DataFrames, CSV, HTTP
# Read data from a csv
df = CSV.File(
) |> DataFrame

p = plot(surface(z=Matrix{Float64}(df), showscale=false))
    title="Mt Bruno Elevation",
    width=400, height=400,
    margin=attr(t=40, r=0, l=20, b=20)

name = "eye = (x:0., y:2.5, z:0.)"
camera = attr(
    eye=attr(x=0., y=2.5, z=0.)

relayout!(p, scene_camera=camera, title=name)


Y-Z plane

using PlotlyJS, CSV, DataFrames, HTTP

df = CSV.File(
) |> DataFrame

p = plot(surface(z=Matrix{Float64}(df), showscale=false))
    title="Mt Bruno Elevation",
    width=400, height=400,
    margin=attr(t=40, r=0, l=20, b=20)

name = "eye = (x:2.5, y:0., z:0.)"
camera = attr(
    eye=attr(x=2.5, y=0., z=0.)

relayout!(p, scene_camera=camera, title=name)

View from Above (X-Y plane)

using PlotlyJS, CSV, DataFrames, HTTP

df = CSV.File(
) |> DataFrame

p = plot(surface(z=Matrix{Float64}(df), showscale=false))
    title="Mt Bruno Elevation",
    width=400, height=400,
    margin=attr(t=40, r=0, l=20, b=20)

name = "eye = (x:0., y:0., z:2.5)"
camera = attr(
    eye=attr(x=0., y=0., z=2.5)

relayout!(p, scene_camera=camera, title=name)

Zooming In

... by placing the camera closer to the origin (eye with a smaller norm)

using PlotlyJS, CSV, DataFrames, HTTP

df = CSV.File(
) |> DataFrame

p = plot(surface(z=Matrix{Float64}(df), showscale=false))
    title="Mt Bruno Elevation",
    width=400, height=400,
    margin=attr(t=40, r=0, l=20, b=20)

name = "eye = (x:0.1, y:0.1, z:1.5)"
camera = attr(
    eye=attr(x=0.1, y=0.1, z=1.5)

relayout!(p, scene_camera=camera, title=name)


Tilting the camera vertical by setting the up parameter

Tilt camera by changing the up vector: here the vertical of the view points in the x direction.

using PlotlyJS, CSV, DataFrames, HTTP

df = CSV.File(
) |> DataFrame

p = plot(surface(z=Matrix{Float64}(df), showscale=false))
    title="Mt Bruno Elevation",
    width=400, height=400,
    margin=attr(t=40, r=0, l=20, b=20)

name = "eye = (x:0., y:2.5, z:0.), point along x"
camera = attr(
    up=attr(x=1, y=0., z=0),
    eye=attr(x=0., y=2.5, z=0.)

relayout!(p, scene_camera=camera, title=name)

Note when up does not correspond to the direction of an axis, you also need to set layout.scene.dragmode="orbit".

using PlotlyJS, CSV, DataFrames, HTTP

df = CSV.File(
) |> DataFrame

p = plot(surface(z=Matrix{Float64}(df), showscale=false))
    title="Mt Bruno Elevation",
    width=400, height=400,
    margin=attr(t=40, r=0, l=20, b=20)

angle = pi / 4 # 45 degrees

name = "vertical is along y+z"
camera = attr(
    up=attr(x=0, y=cos(angle), z=sin(angle)),
    eye=attr(x=2, y=0, z=0)

relayout!(p, scene_camera=camera, scene_dragmode="orbit", title=name)

Changing the focal point by setting center

You can change the focal point (a point which projection lies at the center of the view) by setting the center parameter of camera. Note how a part of the data is cropped below because the camera is looking up.

using PlotlyJS, CSV, DataFrames, HTTP

df = CSV.File(
) |> DataFrame

p = plot(surface(z=Matrix{Float64}(df), showscale=false))
    title="Mt Bruno Elevation",
    width=400, height=400,
    margin=attr(t=40, r=0, l=20, b=20)
name = "looking up"
camera = attr(
    center=attr(x=0, y=0, z=0.7))

relayout!(p, scene_camera=camera, title=name)


See https://plotly.com/julia/reference/layout/scene/#layout-scene-camera for more information and chart attribute options!