Sankey Diagram in F#
How to make sankey charts in F# with Plotly.
In [1]:
#r "nuget: Plotly.NET,2.0.0-preview.8"
#r "nuget: Plotly.NET.Interactive,2.0.0-preview.8"
#r "nuget: FSharp.Data"
A Sankey diagram is a flow diagram, in which the width of arrows is proportional to the flow quantity.
Basic Sankey Diagram¶
Sankey diagrams visualize the contributions to a flow by defining source to represent the source node, target for the target node, value to set the flow volume, and label that shows the node name.
In [2]:
open Plotly.NET
let nodes =
[| Node.Create("A1")
Node.Create("C2") |]
nodePadding = 15.,
nodeColor = "blue",
nodeThickness = 20.0,
nodeLineWidth = 0.5,
nodes = (nodes |> Seq.ofArray),
links =
[ Link.Create(src = nodes.[0], tgt = nodes.[2], value = 8.)
Link.Create(src = nodes.[1], tgt = nodes.[3], value = 4.)
Link.Create(src = nodes.[0], tgt = nodes.[3], value = 3.)
Link.Create(src = nodes.[2], tgt = nodes.[4], value = 8.)
Link.Create(src = nodes.[3], tgt = nodes.[4], value = 4.)
Link.Create(src = nodes.[3], tgt = nodes.[5], value = 2.) ]
|> Chart.withLayout (Layout.init (Title = Title.init ("Basic Sankey Diagram"), Font = Font.init (Size = 10.)))
More complex Sankey diagram with colored links¶
In [3]:
open FSharp.Data
type remoteData =
let data =
let node = data.Data.[0].Node
let node_labels = data.Data.[0].Node.Label
let node_color = data.Data.[0].Node.Color
let source = data.Data.[0].Link.Source
let target = data.Data.[0].Link.Target
let values = data.Data.[0].Link.Value
let nodes =
[ for i in 0 .. node_labels.Length - 1 -> Node.Create(label = node_labels.[i], color = node_color.[i]) ]
let links =
[ for i in 0 .. source.Length - 1 ->
Link.Create(src = nodes.[source.[i]], tgt = nodes.[target.[i]], value = float values.[i]) ]
let title =
"Energy forecast for 2050<br>Source: Department of Energy & Climate Change, Tom Counsell via <a href=''>Mike Bostock</a>"
Chart.Sankey(nodes = nodes, links = links, nodePadding = float node.Pad, nodeThickness = float node.Thickness)
|> Chart.withLayout (Layout.init (Width = 1000, Font = Font.init (Size = 10.), Title = Title.init (title)))
Style Sankey Diagram¶
This example also uses hovermode to enable multiple tooltips.
In [4]:
open FSharp.Data
type remoteData =
let data =
let node = data.Data.[0].Node
let node_labels = data.Data.[0].Node.Label
let node_color = data.Data.[0].Node.Color
let source = data.Data.[0].Link.Source
let target = data.Data.[0].Link.Target
let values = data.Data.[0].Link.Value
let nodes =
[ for i in 0 .. node_labels.Length - 1 -> Node.Create(label = node_labels.[i], color = node_color.[i]) ]
let links =
[ for i in 0 .. source.Length - 1 ->
Link.Create(src = nodes.[source.[i]], tgt = nodes.[target.[i]], value = float values.[i]) ]
let title =
"Energy forecast for 2050<br>Source: Department of Energy & Climate Change, Tom Counsell via <a href=''>Mike Bostock</a>"
Chart.Sankey(nodes = nodes, links = links, nodePadding = float node.Pad, nodeThickness = float node.Thickness)
|> Chart.withLayout (
Layout.init (
Width = 1000,
Font = Font.init (Size = 10., Color = Color.fromString "white"),
Title = Title.init (title),
PlotBGColor = Color.fromString "gray",
PaperBGColor = Color.fromString "gray",
HoverMode = StyleParam.HoverMode.X