Hover Text and Formatting in F#
How to use hover text and formatting in F# with Plotly.
#r "nuget: Newtonsoft.Json, 12.0.3"
#r "nuget: Plotly.NET, 2.0.0-preview.9"
#r "nuget: Plotly.NET.Interactive, 2.0.0-preview.9"
#r "nuget: FSharp.Data"
Hover Labels¶
One of the most deceptively-powerful features of interactive visualization using Plotly.NET is the ability for the user to reveal more information about a data point by moving their mouse cursor over the point and having a hover label appear.
open Plotly.NET
let x = [for i in 0..10 -> i]
let y = [for i in x -> i*2]
let labels = [for i in x -> "Text "+ string i]
Customizing Hover Mode¶
There are three hover modes available in Plotly.NET. The default setting is Layout.HoverMode='Closest', wherein a single hover label appears for the point directly underneath the cursor.
open Plotly.NET
let x = [for i in 0..10 -> i]
let y1 = [for i in x -> 2.0*Math.Cos(float i)]
let y2 = [for i in x -> 5.0*Math.Sin(float i)]
let labels = [for i in x -> "Text "+ string i]
|> Chart.combine
|> Chart.withLayout(Layout.init(HoverMode=StyleParam.HoverMode.Closest))
HoverMode X or Y¶
If Layout.HoverMode='X' (or 'Y'), a single hover label appears per trace, for points at the same x (or y) value as the cursor. If multiple points in a given trace exist at the same coordinate, only one will get a hover label. In the line plot below we have forced markers to appear, to make it clearer what can be hovered over:
open FSharp.Data
let csv = CsvFile.Load("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plotly/datasets/master/gapminderDataFiveYear.csv")
let Oceania = Seq.filter (fun (row:CsvRow) -> row.GetColumn("continent") = "Oceania") csv.Rows
|> Seq.groupBy (fun c -> c.GetColumn("country"))
[for country,countryDetails in Oceania ->
let x = countryDetails |> Seq.map (fun x -> x.GetColumn("year"))
let y = countryDetails |> Seq.map (fun x -> x.GetColumn("lifeExp"))
|> Chart.combine
|> Chart.withLayout(Layout.init(HoverMode=StyleParam.HoverMode.X))
|> Chart.withTitle("LayoutMode.HoverMode='X'")
HoverMode = XUnified (Will Be Implemented)¶
Customizing Hover Label Appearance¶
Hover Label color and font can be set through Layout.HoverLabel attribute as shown below
open FSharp.Data
open Plotly.NET.LayoutObjects
let csv = CsvFile.Load("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plotly/datasets/master/gapminderDataFiveYear.csv")
let Oceania = Seq.filter (fun (row:CsvRow) -> row.GetColumn("continent") = "Oceania") csv.Rows
|> Seq.groupBy (fun c -> c.GetColumn("country"))
let hoverLabel = Hoverlabel.init(BgColor=Color.fromString "white",
Font=Font.init(Size=16.,Family=StyleParam.FontFamily.Custom "Rockwell"))
[for country,countryDetails in Oceania ->
let x = countryDetails |> Seq.map (fun x -> x.GetColumn("year"))
let y = countryDetails |> Seq.map (fun x -> x.GetColumn("lifeExp"))
|> Chart.combine
|> Chart.withLayout(Layout.init(Hoverlabel=hoverLabel))
|> Chart.withTitle("LayoutMode.HoverMode='X'")
Customizing hover text with a HoverTemplate¶
To customize the tooltip on your graph you can use the HoverTemplate attribute of corresponding TraceStyle (i.e Trace2DStyle,TraceDomainStyle etc), which is a template string used for rendering the information that appear on hoverbox. This template string can include variables in %{variable} format, numbers in d3-format's syntax, and date in d3-time-format's syntax. In the example below, the empty
Note that a HoverTemplate customizes the tooltip text, while a TextTemplate customizes the text that appears on your chart.
Set the horizontal alignment of the text within tooltip with Hoverlabel.Align.
let hoverLabel = Hoverlabel.init(BgColor=Color.fromString "white",
let hoverTemplate = "<i>Price</i>: $%{y:.2f}"+
"<br><b>X</b>: %{x}<br>"+
let text = [for i in 1..5 -> $"Custom text {i+1}"]
let chart1 = Chart.Line(x=[1..5],
y = [2.02825;1.63728;6.83839;4.8485;4.73463],
ShowMarkers=true, ShowLegend=false)
|> GenericChart.mapTrace (Trace2DStyle.Scatter(HoverTemplate=hoverTemplate,MultiText=text))
let chart2 = Chart.Line(x=[1..5],
y = [3.02825;2.63728;4.83839;3.8485;1.73463],
ShowMarkers=true, ShowLegend=false)
|> GenericChart.mapTrace (Trace2DStyle.Scatter(HoverTemplate="Price: %{y:$.2f}<extra></extra>"))
|> Chart.combine
|> Chart.withLayout(Layout.init(Hoverlabel=hoverLabel))
|> Chart.withTitle("Set hover text with HoverTemplate")
open Plotly.NET
Chart.Pie(values=[2.; 5.; 3.; 2.5],Name="",
Labels = ["R"; "Python"; "Java Script"; "Matlab"])
|> GenericChart.mapTrace(TraceDomainStyle.Pie(Text=["TextA"; "TextB"; "TextC"; "TextD"],
HoverTemplate="%{label}: <br>Popularity: %{percent} </br> %{text}"))
Hover Templates with Mixtures of Period data¶
When displaying periodic data with mixed-sized periods (i.e. quarterly and monthly) in conjunction with x or x unified hovermodes and using hovertemplate, the XHoverFormat attribute can be used to control how each period's X value is displayed, and the special %{xother} hover-template directive can be used to control how the X value is displayed for points that do not share the exact X coordinate with the point that is being hovered on. %{xother} will return an empty string when the X value is the one being hovered on, otherwise it will return (%{x}). The special %{xother}, %{xother} and %{xother} variations will display with spaces before, after or around the parentheses, respectively.
open Plotly.NET.LayoutObjects
let chart1 = Chart.Column([1000; 1500; 1700],["2020-01-01"; "2020-04-01"; "2020-07-01"])
|> GenericChart.mapTrace(Trace2DStyle.Bar(XPeriod="M3",
HoverTemplate = "%{y}%{_xother}"))
let x=["2020-01-01"; "2020-02-01"; "2020-03-01";
"2020-04-01"; "2020-05-01"; "2020-06-01";
"2020-07-01"; "2020-08-01"; "2020-09-01"]
let y=[1100;1050;1200;1300;1400;1700;1500;1400;1600]
let chart2 =Chart.Line(x=x,y=y,ShowMarkers=true)
|> GenericChart.mapTrace(Trace2DStyle.Scatter(XPeriod="M1",
HoverTemplate = "%{y}%{_xother}"))
let layout = //Workaround
let tmp = new Layout()
tmp?hovermode <- "x unified"
|> Chart.combine
|> Chart.withLayout(layout)
Advanced Hover Template¶
The following example shows how to format a hover template.
open Plotly.NET.TraceObjects
open Plotly.NET.LayoutObjects
let csv = CsvFile.Load("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plotly/datasets/master/gapminderDataFiveYear.csv")
let continentNames = ["Africa"; "Americas";"Asia"; "Europe"; "Oceania"]
let contientGrouping = csv.Rows |> Seq.groupBy (fun row -> row.GetColumn("continent"))
let hoverTemplate = "<b>%{text}</b><br><br>" +
"GDP per Capita: %{x:$,.0f}<br>" +
"Life Expectation: %{y:.0%}<br>" +
"Population: %{marker.size:,}" +
let rand = new Random()
[for continent,countryList in contientGrouping ->
let x = [for (row:CsvRow) in countryList -> row.GetColumn("gdpPercap")]
let y = [for (row:CsvRow) in countryList -> row.GetColumn("lifeExp")]
let size = [for (row:CsvRow) in countryList -> int <| rand.NextDouble()*300. ]
let text = countryList |> Seq.map (fun c -> c.GetColumn("continent"))
|> Chart.withMarkerStyle(MultiSize=size,SizeMode=StyleParam.MarkerSizeMode.Area,SizeRef=10)
|> GenericChart.mapTrace(Trace2DStyle.Scatter(HoverTemplate=hoverTemplate,MultiText=text))]
|> Chart.combine
|> Chart.withXAxis(LinearAxis.init(AxisType=StyleParam.AxisType.Log))
Adding other data to the hover with CustomData and a HoverTemplate¶
You can then use CustomData inside a HoverTemplate to display the value of CustomData.
open System
let rand = new Random()
let hoverTemplate ="<b>y:%{y:.3f}</b><br> custom:%{customdata:.3f}}"
let customdata = [|for i in 1..5 -> rand.NextDouble()|]
y = [2.02825;1.63728;6.83839;4.8485;4.73463],
ShowMarkers=true, ShowLegend=false)
|> GenericChart.mapTrace (Trace2DStyle.Scatter(HoverTemplate=hoverTemplate,CustomData=customdata))
Setting the Hover Template in Mapbox Maps (Missing Abstraction)¶
// let cityNames = [
// "Montreal"; "Toronto"; "Vancouver"; "Calgary"; "Edmonton";
// "Ottawa"; "Halifax"; "Victoria"; "Winnepeg"; "Regina"
// ]
// let hoverTemplate = "<b>%{marker.symbol} </b><br><br>" +
// "longitude: %{lon}<br>" +
// "latitude: %{lat}<br>"
// Chart.ScatterMapbox(longitudes=[-75; -80; -50],
// latitudes=[45; 20; -20],
// mode=StyleParam.Mode.Lines_Markers_Text)
// |> Chart.withMarker(Marker.init(Size=20))
// |> GenericChart.mapTrace (TraceMapboxStyle.ScatterMapbox())
// |> Chart.withMapbox(
// Mapbox.init(Style=StyleParam.MapboxStyle.OpenStreetMap,
// Zoom=1.,
// Center=(-84.6,30.45)
// )
// )
Spike lines¶
Plotly.NET supports "spike lines" which link a point to the axis on hover, and can be configured per axis.
open FSharp.Data
let csv = CsvFile.Load("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plotly/datasets/master/gapminderDataFiveYear.csv")
let Oceania = Seq.filter (fun (row:CsvRow) -> row.GetColumn("continent") = "Oceania") csv.Rows
|> Seq.groupBy (fun c -> c.GetColumn("country"))
[for country,countryDetails in Oceania ->
let x = countryDetails |> Seq.map (fun x -> x.GetColumn("year"))
let y = countryDetails |> Seq.map (fun x -> x.GetColumn("lifeExp"))
|> Chart.combine
|> Chart.withXAxis(LinearAxis.init(ShowSpikes=true))
|> Chart.withYAxis(LinearAxis.init(ShowSpikes=true))
|> Chart.withTitle("Spike lines active")