3D Bubble Charts in F#
How to format axes of 3D Bubble Charts in F# with Plotly.
In [1]:
#r "nuget: Plotly.NET, 2.0.0-preview.6"
#r "nuget: Plotly.NET.Interactive, 2.0.0-preview.6"
#r "nuget: FSharp.Data"
Simple Bubble Chart¶
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open Plotly.NET
open System
open FSharp.Data
type DFI = CsvProvider<"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plotly/datasets/master/gapminderDataFiveYear.csv">
let df1 = DFI.Load("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plotly/datasets/master/gapminderDataFiveYear.csv")
let x = [for row in df1.Rows do row.Year]
let y = [for row in df1.Rows do row.Continent]
let z = [for row in df1.Rows do row.Pop]
let marker = Marker.init(Size =30,Opacity=0.8, Colorscale = StyleParam.Colorscale.Viridis)
let margin =Margin.init(Left =0., Bottom=0.,Top =20., Right = 0. )
let layout = Layout.init(Height=800., Width=800., Margin=margin)
let bubble3d =
Chart.Scatter3d(x,y,z,mode = StyleParam.Mode.Markers , Labels=[for row in df1.Rows do row.Country])
|> Chart.withMarker marker
|> Chart.withLayout layout
|> Chart.withTitle("Examining Population and Life Expectancy Over Time")
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Bubble Chart Sized by a Variable¶
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open System
open Plotly.NET
let N = 50
let rnd = System.Random()
let mirroredXAxis =
Title ="Distance from Sun",
Showspikes = false,
Backgroundcolor ="rgb(20, 24, 54)",
let mirroredLogYAxis =
Title ="Density",
Showspikes = false,
Backgroundcolor ="rgb(20, 24, 54)",
let mirroredZAxis =
Title ="Gravity",
Showspikes = false,
Backgroundcolor ="rgb(20, 24, 54)",
let planet_colors = ["rgb(135, 135, 125)"; "rgb(210, 50, 0)"; "rgb(50, 90, 255)";
"rgb(178, 0, 0)"; "rgb(235, 235, 210)"; "rgb(235, 205, 130)";
"rgb(55, 255, 217)"; "rgb(38, 0, 171)"; "rgb(255, 255, 255)"]
let margin =Margin.init(Left =10.0, Bottom=10.0,Top =10.0, Right = 20.0 )
let layout = Layout.init(Width= 800., Margin=margin)
let marker = Marker.init(Size =50,Opacity=0.8, Colors = planet_colors , Sizemode =StyleParam.SizeMode.Diameter, Colorscale = StyleParam.Colorscale.Greys )
let distance_from_sun =[57.9; 108.2; 149.6; 227.9; 778.6; 1433.5; 2872.5; 4495.1; 5906.4]
let density = [5427; 5243; 5514; 3933; 1326; 687; 1271; 1638; 2095]
let gravity = [3.7; 8.9; 9.8; 3.7; 23.1; 9.0; 8.7; 11.0; 0.7]
let planet_diameter = [4879; 12104; 12756; 6792; 142984; 120536; 51118; 49528; 2370]
let planets = ["Mercury"; "Venus"; "Earth"; "Mars"; "Jupiter";"Saturn"; "Uranus"; "Neptune"; "Pluto"]
let bubblechart =
Chart.Scatter3d(distance_from_sun,density,gravity,mode = StyleParam.Mode.Markers , Labels=planets )
|> Chart.withTitle("Planets")
|> Chart.withX_Axis mirroredXAxis
|> Chart.withY_Axis mirroredLogYAxis
|> Chart.withZ_Axis mirroredZAxis
|> Chart.withLayout layout
|> Chart.withMarker marker
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