Learn how to make 8 area charts in MATLAB, then publish them to the Web with Plotly.

Create Area Plot with One Curve

Create a vector of four values. Display the values in an area plot.

y = [1 5 6 3];


Create Area Plot with Multiple Curves

Create matrix Y. Then display the values in Y as an area plot. Because Y contains three columns, area plots three curves and stacks them.

Y = [1 5 3; 3 2 7; 1 5 3; 2 6 1];


Create Area Plot Using Horizontal Axis Values

Define x as a vector of three car dealership IDs. Define Y as a matrix containing the number of cars sold per model. Display the values in the matrix in an area plot. Then add the axis labels and a legend.

x = [10 11 12];
Y = [21.6 25.4; 70.8 66.1; 58.0 43.6];
xlabel('Dealership ID')
legend({'Model A','Model B'})


Set the tick marks along the x-axis to correspond to the values in x.

ax = gca; % current axes
ax.XTick = x;


Adjust Baseline Value of Area Plot

Create matrix Y. Then display the values of Y in an area plot with a baseline value of -4.areafills the areas specified by the curves and the liney = -4`.

Y = [1 5 3; 3 2 7; 1 5 3; 2 6 1];
basevalue = -4;


Specify Line Style of Area Plot

Create matrix Y. Display the values of Y in an area plot that uses a dotted line style.

Y = [1 3 5; 3 2 7; 3 4 2];


Plot Filled Area into Target Axes

Create a tiled chart layout in the 'flow' tile arrangement, so that the axes fill the available space in the layout. Next, call the nexttile function to create an Axes object and return it as ax1. Display an area plot by passing ax1 to the area function.

ax1 = nexttile;
Y1 = [3 6; 1 5; 7 2; 5 9];


Repeat the process to create a second Axes object and a second area plot.

ax2 = nexttile;
Y2 = [4 2 11; 5 6 0; 1 7 2; 9 5 9];


Change Area Characteristics After Plotting

Create matrix Y. Then create an area plot, specifying an output argument when calling the area function. In this case, area returns a vector of three Area objects. Each object corresponds to a different column of Y.

Y = [2 3 4; 6 1 5; 7 4 9]; a = area(Y);

Modify the second area to be green with thick red edges.

a(2).FaceColor = [0.2 0.6 0.5];
a(2).EdgeColor = [0.63 0.08 0.18];
a(2).LineWidth = 2;


Set Colors in Area Plot

Display an area plot with three curves.

area([1 5 3; 3 2 7; 1 5 3; 2 6 1])


Set the color order to blue, purple, and gray.

newcolors = [0 0.5 1; 0.5 0 1; 0.7 0.7 0.7]; colororder(newcolors)