® graphing library to make interactive, publication-quality graphs online.> ® graphing library to make interactive, publication-quality graphs online./> ® graphing library to make interactive, publication-quality graphs online./>

Getting Started with Plotly and Chart Studio in MATLAB®

Get started with Plotly's MATLAB® graphing library to make interactive, publication-quality graphs online.


If you have not done so already, download and uncompress the Plotly Graphing Library for MATLAB®.


In your MATLAB® console, begin by locating the downloaded directory, and running plotlysetup_online().

cd ~/Downloads/plotly-graphing-library-for-matlab-master
plotlysetup_online('DemoAccount', 'lr1c37zw81')

You'll need to replace "DemoAccount" and "lr1c37zw81" with your Plotly username and API key.

Find my API key.

You only have to set this up if it's your first time using a Plotly API.

This will set up your credentials and import the Plotly library into your MATLAB® toolboxes. You can now delete the downloaded folder.

Special Instructions for Chart Studio Enterprise Users

Your API key for a Chart Studio Enterprise account will be different from an account on the Plotly cloud. Visit https://plotly.your-company.com/settings/api/ to find your Chart Studio Enterprise API key. Remember to replace "your-company.com" with the URL of your Chart Studio Enterprise server.

Additionally, you'll have to change the MATLAB® Open Source Graphing Library endpoint so that it points to your company's Plotly server instead of Plotly's cloud. In your MATLAB® console, enter:

saveplotlyconfig('https://plotly.your-company.com', 'https://stream-plotly.your-company.com')

Alternatively, if you'd like to set your configuration to create private plots by default you should enter:

saveplotlyconfig('https://plotly.your-company.com', 'https://stream-plotly.your-company.com', 'private')

Make sure to replace "your-company.com" with the URL of your Chart Studio Enterprise server.Questions? Contact your Plotly representative.

Start Plotting Online!

Now you can convert your MATLAB® figures into beautiful, interactive, online graphs with fig2plotly(gcf);:

[X,Y,Z] = peaks;

fig2plotly(gcf, 'offline', false)

Note: fig2plotly(gcf); will render your plot using Plotly's own color and styling by default. To preserve your original MATLAB® color and styling, use: fig2plotly(gcf,'strip',false).

Learn more about using Plotly Offline for Matlab.


Copy and paste the URL into your browser to see your graph!

url: 'https://plotly.com/~MATLABAPI/72'
message: [1x0 char]
warning: [1x0 char]
filename: 'untitled'
error: [1x0 char]


The initialization step places a special .plotly/.credentials file in your home directory. Your ~/.plotly/.credentials file should look something like this:

"username": "DemoAccount",
"stream_ids": ["ylosqsyet5", "h2ct8btk1s", "oxz4fm883b"],
"api_key": "lr1c37zw81"

You can change the contents of this file manually or as described in the Initialization section.