MATLAB geoscatter in MATLAB®

Learn how to make 2 geoscatter charts in MATLAB, then publish them to the Web with Plotly.

Create Geographic Scatter Plot Controlling Color, Size, and Shape of Markers

Set up latitude and longitude data.

lon = (-170:10:170); lat = 50 * cosd(3*lon);

Define data that controls the area of each marker.

A = 101 + 100(sind(2lon));

Define data to control the color of each marker.

C = cosd(4*lon);

Plot the data on a geographic scatter plot, specifying the marker size data and the color data. Specify the marker as a triangle, rather than the default circle.



Create Geographic Scatter Plot Specifying Basemap

Set up latitude and longitude data.

lon = (-170:10:170); lat = 50 * cosd(3*lon);

Define the data that controls the area of each marker.

A = 101 + 100(sind(2lon));

Define the data that controls the color of each marker.

C = cosd(4*lon);

Create the scatter plot on a set of geographic axes, specifying the marker size data and the color data. The example specifies the marker as a triangle, rather than the default circle.



Change the basemap of the geographic scatter plot.

geobasemap colorterrain