3D Mathematical Expressions and Functions Plots in MATLAB®
How to make xxx plots in MATLAB® with Plotly.
Plot 3-D Parametric Line
Plot the 3-D parametric line
x=sin(t) y=cos(t) z=t
over the default parameter range [-5 5]
xt = @(t) sin(t); yt = @(t) cos(t); zt = @(t) t; fplot3(xt,yt,zt) fig2plotly()
Specify Parameter Range
Plot the parametric line
x=e-t/10sin(5t) y=e-t/10cos(5t) z=t
over the parameter range [-10 10]
by specifying the fourth input argument of fplot3
xt = @(t) exp(-t/10).*sin(5*t); yt = @(t) exp(-t/10).*cos(5*t); zt = @(t) t; fplot3(xt,yt,zt,[-10 10]) fig2plotly()
Specify Line Properties and Display Markers
Plot the same 3-D parametric curve three times over different intervals of the parameter. For the first interval, use a line width of 2 points. For the second, specify a dashed red line style with circle markers. For the third, specify a cyan, dash-dotted line style with asterisk markers.
fplot3(@(t)sin(t), @(t)cos(t), @(t)t, [0 2*pi], 'LineWidth', 2) hold on fplot3(@(t)sin(t), @(t)cos(t), @(t)t, [2*pi 4*pi], '--or') fplot3(@(t)sin(t), @(t)cos(t), @(t)t, [4*pi 6*pi], '-.*c') hold off fig2plotly()
Plot Multiple Lines in Same Axes
Plot multiple lines in the same axes using hold on
fplot3(@(t)t, @(t)t, @(t)t) hold on fplot3(@(t)-t, @(t)t, @(t)-t) hold off fig2plotly()
Modify 3-D Parametric Line After Creation
Plot the parametric line
x=e-|t|/10sin(5|t|) y=e-|t|/10cos(5|t|) z=t.
Assign the parameterized function line object to a variable.
xt = @(t)exp(-abs(t)/10).*sin(5*abs(t)); yt = @(t)exp(-abs(t)/10).*cos(5*abs(t)); zt = @(t)t; fp = fplot3(xt,yt,zt) fig2plotly()
fp = ParameterizedFunctionLine with properties: XFunction: @(t)exp(-abs(t)/10).*sin(5*abs(t)) YFunction: @(t)exp(-abs(t)/10).*cos(5*abs(t)) ZFunction: @(t)t Color: [0 0.4470 0.7410] LineStyle: '-' LineWidth: 0.5000 Show all properties
Change the range of parameter values to [-10 10]
and change the line color to red.
fp.TRange = [-10 10]; fp.Color = 'r'; fig2plotly()
Add Title and Axis Labels and Format Ticks
For t values in the range -2π to 2π, plot the parametric line
x=t y=t/2 z=sin(6t).
Add a title, x-axis label, and y-axis label. Additionally, change the view of the axes and display the axes box outline.
xt = @(t)t; yt = @(t)t/2; zt = @(t)sin(6*t); fplot3(xt,yt,zt,[-2*pi 2*pi],'MeshDensity',30,'LineWidth',1); title('x=t, y=t/2, z=sin(6t) for -2\piAccess the axes object using
. Specify the x-axis tick values and associated labels using theXTick
properties of the axes object. Similarly, specify the y-axis tick values and associated labels.ax = gca; ax.XTick = -2*pi:pi/2:2*pi; ax.XTickLabel = {'-2\pi','-3\pi/2','-\pi','-\pi/2','0','\pi/2','\pi','3\pi/2','2\pi'}; ax.YTick = -pi:pi/2:pi; ax.YTickLabel = {'-\pi','-\pi/2','0','\pi/2','\pi'}; fig2plotly()Plot 3-D Implicit Function
Plot the hyperboloid x2+y2-z2=0 over the default interval of [-5,5] for x, y, and z.
f = @(x,y,z) x.^2 + y.^2 - z.^2; fimplicit3(f) fig2plotly()plot00plot3dimplicit_function
Specify Plotting Interval
Plot the upper half of the hyperboloid x2+y2-z2=0 by specifying the plotting interval as [0 5] for z. For x and y, use the default interval
[-5 5]
.f = @(x,y,z) x.^2 + y.^2 - z.^2; interval = [-5 5 -5 5 0 5]; fimplicit3(f,interval) fig2plotly()Modify Appearance of Implicit Surface
Plot the implicit surface x2+y2-z2=0. Remove the lines by setting the
property to'none'
. Add transparency by setting theFaceAlpha
property to a value between 0 and 1.f = @(x,y,z) x.^2 + y.^2 - z.^2; fimplicit3(f,'EdgeColor','none','FaceAlpha',.5) fig2plotly()plot20modifyappearanceofimplicit_surface
Modify Implicit Surface After Creation
Plot an implicit surface and assign the implicit surface object to the variable
.f = @(x,y,z) 1./x.^2 - 1./y.^2 + 1./z.^2; fs = fimplicit3(f) fig2plotly()plot30modifyimplicitsurfaceafter_creation
fs = ImplicitFunctionSurface with properties: Function: @(x,y,z)1./x.^2-1./y.^2+1./z.^2 EdgeColor: [0 0 0] LineStyle: '-' FaceColor: 'interp' Show all propertiesUse
to access and modify properties of the implicit surface after it is created. For example, show only the positive x values by setting theXRange
property to[0 5]
. Remove the lines by setting theEdgeColor
property to'none'
. Add transparency by setting theFaceAlpha
property to0.8
.fs.XRange = [0 5]; fs.EdgeColor = 'none'; fs.FaceAlpha = 0.8; fig2plotly()plot31modifyimplicitsurfaceafter_creation