Mapbox Choropleth Maps in F#
How to make a Mapbox Choropleth Map of US Counties in F# with Plotly.
#r "nuget: Plotly.NET,2.0.0-preview.8"
#r "nuget: Plotly.NET.Interactive,2.0.0-preview.8"
#r "nuget: FSharp.Data"
#r "nuget:Deedle"
A Choropleth Map is a map composed of colored polygons. It is used to represent spatial variations of a quantity. This page documents how to build tile-map choropleth maps, but you can also build outline choropleth maps using our non-Mapbox trace types.
Mapbox Access Tokens and Base Map Configuration¶
To plot on Mapbox maps with Plotly you may need a Mapbox account and a public Mapbox Access Token
Introduction: main parameters for choropleth tile maps¶
Making choropleth Mapbox maps requires two main types of input:
GeoJSON-formatted geometry information where each feature has either an id field or some identifying value in properties. A list of values indexed by feature identifier.
GeoJSON with¶
Here we load a GeoJSON file containing the geometry information for US counties, where is a FIPS code.
open FSharp.Data
type jsonProvider = JsonProvider<"">
let counties = jsonProvider.Load("")
Data indexed by id¶
Here we load unemployment data by county, also indexed by FIPS code.
open Deedle
open FSharp.Data
let data =
Http.RequestString ""
|> fun csv -> Frame.ReadCsvString(csv,true,separators=",",schema="fips=string,unemp=float")
let getColumnData col=
|> Frame.getCol col
|> Series.values
|> Array.ofSeq
let fips:string[] = getColumnData "fips" |> Array.take 5
let unemp:float[] = getColumnData "unemp" |> Array.take 5 fips unemp
Mapbox Choropleth Map Using GeoJSON¶
With choroplethmapbox, each row of the DataFrame is represented as a region of the choropleth.
open Plotly.NET
open Newtonsoft.Json
open FSharp.Data
open Deedle
open Plotly.NET.LayoutObjects
let data =
Http.RequestString ""
|> fun csv -> Frame.ReadCsvString(csv,true,separators=",",schema="fips=string,unemp=float")
let geoJson =
Http.RequestString ""
|> JsonConvert.DeserializeObject
let locations: string [] =
|> Frame.getCol "fips"
|> Series.values
|> Array.ofSeq
let z: int [] =
|> Frame.getCol "unemp"
|> Series.values
|> Array.ofSeq
|> Chart.withMapbox(
Indexing by GeoJSON Properties¶
If the GeoJSON you are using either does not have an id field or you wish you use one of the keys in the properties field, you may use the featureidkey parameter to specify where to match the values of locations.
In the following GeoJSON object/data-file pairing, the values of properties.district match the values of the district column:
open FSharp.Data
open Deedle
open Newtonsoft.Json
let data =
Http.RequestString ""
|> fun csv -> Frame.ReadCsvString(csv,true,separators=",")
let geoJson =
Http.RequestString ""
|> JsonConvert.DeserializeObject
let locationsGeoJSON: string [] =
|> Frame.getCol "district"
|> Series.values
|> Array.ofSeq
let zGeoJSON: int [] =
|> Frame.getCol "Bergeron"
|> Series.values
|> Array.ofSeq
locations = locationsGeoJSON,
z = zGeoJSON,
geoJson = geoJson,
Colorscale= StyleParam.Colorscale.Cividis,
|> Chart.withMapbox(
|> Chart.withColorBarStyle(Title.init(Text="Bergeron Votes"))
|> Chart.withTitle(title="2013 Montreal Election")
Mapbox Light base map: free token needed¶
open Plotly.NET
open Newtonsoft.Json
let token = "pk.eyJ1IjoibWFoZXNocHVubmEiLCJhIjoiY2t0NXB4eXA0MGFzYjJxcXN3b2xpNzc2ZSJ9.xliv67HWVdNd_tfmfgMXmA" //# you will need your own token
let data =
Http.RequestString ""
|> fun csv -> Frame.ReadCsvString(csv,true,separators=",",schema="fips=string,unemp=float")
let locations: string [] =
|> Frame.getCol "fips"
|> Series.values
|> Array.ofSeq
let z: int [] =
|> Frame.getCol "unemp"
|> Series.values
|> Array.ofSeq
|> Chart.withMapbox(