kNN Classification in F#

Visualize scikit-learn's k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN) classification in F# with Plotly.

In [1]:
#r "nuget: Plotly.NET,  2.0.0-preview.8"
#r "nuget: Plotly.NET.Interactive,  2.0.0-preview.8"
#r "nuget: FSharp.Stats"
#r "nuget: Deedle"
#r "nuget: Microsoft.ML"
Installed Packages
  • Deedle, 2.4.3
  • FSharp.Stats, 0.4.2
  • Microsoft.ML, 1.6.0
  • Plotly.NET, 2.0.0-preview.8
  • Plotly.NET.Interactive, 2.0.0-preview.8

Loading extensions from Plotly.NET.Interactive.dll

Added Kernel Extension including formatters for Plotly.NET charts.

Display training and test splits

In [2]:
open Deedle
open FSharp.Data
open FSharp.Stats
open FSharp.Stats.Fitting.LinearRegression
open Plotly.NET

let data=
    Http.RequestString ""
    |> fun csv -> Frame.ReadCsvString(csv,true,separators=",")

let getColumnData column=
        |> Frame.getCol column
        |> Series.values
        |> Array.ofSeq

let X1 = getColumnData "Glucose" |> Array.take 100
let X2 = getColumnData "BloodPressure" |> Array.take 100
let Y = getColumnData "Outcome" |> Array.take 100

let Data = Array.map3 (fun x1 x2 y -> [|x1;x2;y|]) X1 X2 Y

let splitPercetage = 0.2
let n = Data.Length
let m = float n * splitPercetage |> ceil |> int

let chunkIndices =
                [|0 .. n-1|]
                |> FSharp.Stats.Array.shuffleFisherYates
                |> Array.take m

let testData,trainData = Data |> Matrix.ofJaggedArray |> Matrix.splitRows chunkIndices

let getLabelData data label=
                |> Matrix.toJaggedArray
                |> Array.filter (fun x -> x.[2] = label)
                |> (fun x -> (x.[0],x.[1]))

let trainLabel_0 = getLabelData trainData 0.
let trainLabel_1 = getLabelData trainData 1.

let testLabel_0 = getLabelData testData 0.
let testLabel_1 = getLabelData testData 1.

Chart.Point(trainLabel_0,Name="Train Label 0") |> Chart.withMarkerStyle(Size=12,Symbol=StyleParam.Symbol.Square)
Chart.Point(trainLabel_1,Name="Train Label 1") |> Chart.withMarkerStyle(Size=12,Symbol=StyleParam.Symbol.Circle)
Chart.Point(testLabel_0,Name="Test Label 0") |> Chart.withMarkerStyle(Size=12,Symbol=StyleParam.Symbol.SquareCross) 
Chart.Point(testLabel_1,Name="Test Label 1") |> Chart.withMarkerStyle(Size=12,Symbol=StyleParam.Symbol.CircleCross)
|> Chart.combine

Visualize Predictions on test split

In [3]:
open Deedle
open FSharp.Data
open FSharp.Stats
open FSharp.Stats.ML
open FSharp.Stats.ML.Unsupervised
open FSharp.Stats.ML.Unsupervised.HierarchicalClustering

open Plotly.NET

let data=
    Http.RequestString ""
    |> fun csv -> Frame.ReadCsvString(csv,true,separators=",")

let getColumnData column=
        |> Frame.getCol column
        |> Series.values
        |> Array.ofSeq

let X1 = getColumnData "SepalWidth" 
let X2 = getColumnData "SepalLength"
let Y = getColumnData "Name" 

let getLabel y = if y = "Iris-setosa" then 1. else 0.

let Data = Array.map3 (fun x1 x2 y -> [|x1;x2; getLabel y|]) X1 X2 Y

let splitPercetage = 0.2
let n = Data.Length
let m = float n * splitPercetage |> ceil |> int

let chunkIndices =
                [|0 .. n-1|]
                |> FSharp.Stats.Array.shuffleFisherYates
                |> Array.take m

let testData,trainData = Data |> Matrix.ofJaggedArray |> Matrix.splitRows chunkIndices

let InputData = trainData |> Matrix.toJaggedArray |> (fun x -> x |> Array.take 2)

let rnd = new System.Random()
let randomInitFactory : IterativeClustering.CentroidsFactory<float []> = 
    IterativeClustering.randomCentroids<float []> rnd

let kmeansResult = IterativeClustering.kmeans DistanceMetrics.euclidean randomInitFactory InputData 2

let centroids= (fun x ->  let z:float[] = snd x 
                                    (z.[0],z.[1]) ) kmeansResult.Centroids

let results = testData  
                |> Matrix.toJaggedArray 
                |>  (fun row -> 
                                        let input = [|row.[0];row.[1]|]
                                        fst (kmeansResult.Classifier input)) 

let getLabelData label=
    testData |>  Matrix.toJaggedArray          
                |> Array.mapi (fun i x -> if(results.[i] = label) then Some(x)
                                          else None)
                |> Array.filter (fun x -> x.IsSome)
                |> (fun x -> (x.Value.[0],x.Value.[1]) )

let label_1 = getLabelData 1
let label_2 = getLabelData 2

    Chart.Point(centroids,Name="Centroid") |> Chart.withMarkerStyle(Symbol=StyleParam.Symbol.Cross,Size=12)
    Chart.Point(label_1,Name="Label 1") |> Chart.withMarkerStyle(Symbol=StyleParam.Symbol.Square,Size=12)
    Chart.Point(label_2,Name="Label 2") |> Chart.withMarkerStyle(Symbol=StyleParam.Symbol.Circle,Size=12)

]|> Chart.combine

|> Chart.withXAxisStyle(title="X1")
|> Chart.withYAxisStyle(title="X2")

Probability Estimates with Contour

In [4]:
open Microsoft.ML
open Microsoft.ML.Data
open Microsoft.ML.Trainers

let data=
    Http.RequestString ""
    |> fun csv -> Frame.ReadCsvString(csv,true,separators=",")

let getColumnData column=
        |> Frame.getCol column
        |> Series.values
        |> Array.ofSeq

type ModelInput = 
    { X1: float32
      X2: float32
      Y: float32 }

type ModelOutput = {    
    PredictedLabel: uint32
    Score : float32[]

let X1 = getColumnData "SepalWidth" 
let X2 = getColumnData "SepalLength"
let Y = getColumnData "Name"  

let getLabel y = if y = "Iris-setosa" then 1.f else 0.f

let Input = Array.map3 (fun x1 x2 y -> {X1=x1;X2=x2;Y=getLabel y}) X1 X2 Y

let linspace (min,max,n) = 
    if n <= 2 then failwithf "n needs to be larger then 2"
    let bw = float32 (max - min) / (float32 n - 1.0f)
    Array.init n (fun i -> min + (bw * float32 i))

let ctx = MLContext()

let dataView = ctx.Data.LoadFromEnumerable<ModelInput>(Input)

let pipeline = 
            .Append(ctx.Transforms.Concatenate("Features", "X1", "X2"))            
            .Append(ctx.Transforms.NormalizeMinMax(outputColumnName = "FeaturesNorm", inputColumnName = "Features"))
            .Append(ctx.Clustering.Trainers.KMeans(new KMeansTrainer.Options(FeatureColumnName="FeaturesNorm",NumberOfClusters=2)))

let trainedModel = pipeline.Fit(dataView)

let predictionEngine = ctx.Model.CreatePredictionEngine<ModelInput, ModelOutput>(trainedModel)

let xRange = linspace(Seq.min(X1),Seq.max(X1),200)
let yRange = linspace(Seq.min(X2),Seq.max(X2),200)

let z = (fun y -> (fun x -> let score = predictionEngine.Predict({X1=x;X2=y;Y=0.f}).Score
                                                score.[0]/(Array.sum score)) xRange) yRange


Now, let's try to combine our Contour plot with the first scatter plot of our data points, so that we can visually compare the confidence of our model with the true labels.

In [5]:
open Microsoft.ML
open Microsoft.ML.Data
open Microsoft.ML.Trainers

let data=
    Http.RequestString ""
    |> fun csv -> Frame.ReadCsvString(csv,true,separators=",")

let getColumnData column=
        |> Frame.getCol column
        |> Series.values
        |> Array.ofSeq

type ModelInput = 
    { X1: float32
      X2: float32
      Y: float32 }

type ModelOutput = {    
    PredictedLabel: uint32
    Score : float32[]

let X1 = getColumnData "SepalWidth" 
let X2 = getColumnData "SepalLength"
let Y = getColumnData "Name"  

let getLabel y = if y = "Iris-setosa" then 1.f else 0.f

let Input = Array.map3 (fun x1 x2 y -> {X1=x1;X2=x2;Y=getLabel y}) X1 X2 Y

let linspace (min,max,n) = 
    if n <= 2 then failwithf "n needs to be larger then 2"
    let bw = float32 (max - min) / (float32 n - 1.0f)
    Array.init n (fun i -> min + (bw * float32 i))

let ctx = MLContext()

let dataView = ctx.Data.LoadFromEnumerable<ModelInput>(Input)

let split = ctx.Data.TrainTestSplit(dataView, testFraction= 0.2)

let pipeline = 
            .Append(ctx.Transforms.Concatenate("Features", "X1", "X2"))            
            .Append(ctx.Transforms.NormalizeMinMax(outputColumnName = "FeaturesNorm", inputColumnName = "Features"))
            .Append(ctx.Clustering.Trainers.KMeans(new KMeansTrainer.Options(FeatureColumnName="FeaturesNorm",NumberOfClusters=2)))

let trainedModel = pipeline.Fit(split.TrainSet)

let predictionEngine = ctx.Model.CreatePredictionEngine<ModelInput, ModelOutput>(trainedModel)

let xRange = linspace(Seq.min(X1),Seq.max(X1),200)
let yRange = linspace(Seq.min(X2),Seq.max(X2),200)

let z = (fun y -> (fun x -> let score = predictionEngine.Predict({X1=x;X2=y;Y=0.f}).Score
                                                score.[0]/(Array.sum score)) xRange) yRange

let testSet = ctx.Data.CreateEnumerable<ModelInput>(split.TestSet,reuseRowObject= false)

let testLabels = [|for x in testSet -> ((x.X1,x.X2),predictionEngine.Predict(x))|]
                    |> Array.groupBy (fun x -> (snd x).PredictedLabel)
                    |> (fun group -> snd group 
                                                |> (fun x ->  fst x) )

let labelColors = [|"black";"deeppink"|]
let symbols = [|StyleParam.Symbol.Circle;StyleParam.Symbol.Square|]
testLabels |> Array.mapi (fun i test -> Chart.Point(test,Name= $"Label {i+1}",ShowLegend=false) 
                                        |> Chart.withMarkerStyle(Size=12,Symbol=symbols.[i],Color=Color.fromString labelColors.[i]))  
|> Chart.combine
|> Chart.combine

Multi-class prediction confidence with Heatmap

In [6]:
open Microsoft.ML
open Microsoft.ML.Data
open Microsoft.ML.Trainers

let data=
    Http.RequestString ""
    |> fun csv -> Frame.ReadCsvString(csv,true,separators=",")

let getColumnData column=
        |> Frame.getCol column
        |> Series.values
        |> Array.ofSeq

type ModelInput = 
    { X1: float32
      X2: float32
      Y: float32 }

type ModelOutput = {    
    PredictedLabel: uint32
    Score : float32[]

let X1 = getColumnData "SepalWidth" 
let X2 = getColumnData "SepalLength"
let Y = getColumnData "Name"  

let getLabel y = if y = "Iris-setosa" then 1f elif y = "Iris-versicolor" then 2f else 3f

let Input = Array.map3 (fun x1 x2 y -> {X1=x1;X2=x2;Y=getLabel y}) X1 X2 Y

let linspace (min,max,n) = 
    if n <= 2 then failwithf "n needs to be larger then 2"
    let bw = float32 (max - min) / (float32 n - 1.0f)
    Array.init n (fun i -> min + (bw * float32 i))

let ctx = MLContext()

let dataView = ctx.Data.LoadFromEnumerable<ModelInput>(Input)

let split = ctx.Data.TrainTestSplit(dataView, testFraction= 0.2)

let pipeline = 
            .Append(ctx.Transforms.Concatenate("Features", "X1", "X2"))            
            .Append(ctx.Transforms.NormalizeMinMax(outputColumnName = "FeaturesNorm", inputColumnName = "Features"))

let trainedModel = pipeline.Fit(split.TrainSet)

let predictionEngine = ctx.Model.CreatePredictionEngine<ModelInput, ModelOutput>(trainedModel)

let xRange = linspace(Seq.min(X1),Seq.max(X1),200)
let yRange = linspace(Seq.min(X2),Seq.max(X2),200)

let z = (fun y -> (fun x -> let score = predictionEngine.Predict({X1=x;X2=y;Y=0f}).Score
                                                Array.max(score) - (Array.sum score - Array.max(score))) xRange) yRange

let testSet = ctx.Data.CreateEnumerable<ModelInput>(split.TestSet,reuseRowObject= false)

let testLabels = [|for x in testSet -> ((x.X1,x.X2),predictionEngine.Predict(x))|]
                    |> Array.groupBy (fun x -> (snd x).PredictedLabel)
                    |> (fun group -> snd group 
                                                |> (fun x ->  fst x) )

let labelColors = [|"black";"deeppink";"green"|]
let symbols = [|StyleParam.Symbol.Circle;StyleParam.Symbol.Square;StyleParam.Symbol.Diamond|]
testLabels |> Array.mapi (fun i test -> Chart.Point(test,Name= $"Label {i+1}",ShowLegend=false) 
                                        |> Chart.withMarkerStyle(Size=12,Symbol=symbols.[i],Color=Color.fromString labelColors.[i]))  
|> Chart.combine
|> Chart.combine