Error Bars in F#
How to add error-bars to charts in F# with Plotly.
In [1]:
#r "nuget: Newtonsoft.Json, 12.0.3"
#r "nuget: Plotly.NET, 2.0.0-preview.10"
#r "nuget: Plotly.NET.Interactive, 2.0.0-preview.10"
#r "nuget: FSharp.Data"
For functions representing 2D data points such as Chart.Scatter, Chart.Line, Chart.Bar etc., error bars are given by setting the ErrorX (for the error on x position) and ErrorY (for the error on y position).
Basic Symmetric Error Bars¶
In [2]:
open Plotly.NET
Chart.Scatter(x = [ 0; 1; 2 ], y = [ 6; 10; 2 ], mode = StyleParam.Mode.Lines_Markers)
|> Chart.withYErrorStyle (Array = [ 1; 2; 3 ])
Asymmetric Error Bars¶
In [3]:
open Plotly.NET
Chart.Scatter(x = [ 1; 2; 3; 4 ], y = [ 2; 1; 3; 4 ], mode = StyleParam.Mode.Lines_Markers)
|> Chart.withYErrorStyle (Array = [ 0.1; 0.2; 0.1; 0.1 ], Arrayminus = [ 0.2; 0.4; 1.; 0.2 ], Symmetric = false)
Error Bars as a Percentage of the y Value¶
In [4]:
open Plotly.NET
open Plotly.NET.TraceObjects
Chart.Scatter(x = [ 0; 1; 2 ], y = [ 6; 10; 2 ], mode = StyleParam.Mode.Lines_Markers)
|> Chart.withYError (Error.init (Type = StyleParam.ErrorType.Percent, Value = 50.)) // value of error bar given as percentage of y value
Asymmetric Error Bars with a Constant Offset¶
In [5]:
open Plotly.NET
Chart.Scatter(x = [ 1; 2; 3; 4 ], y = [ 2; 1; 3; 4 ], mode = StyleParam.Mode.Lines_Markers)
|> Chart.withYError (
Error.init (
Array = [ 0.1; 0.2; 0.1; 0.1 ],
Arrayminus = [ 0.2; 0.4; 1.; 0.2 ],
Symmetric = false,
Value = 15.,
Valueminus = 25.
Horizontal Error Bars¶
In [6]:
open Plotly.NET
Chart.Scatter(x = [ 1; 2; 3; 4 ], y = [ 2; 1; 3; 4 ], mode = StyleParam.Mode.Lines_Markers)
|> Chart.withXError (Error.init (Type = StyleParam.ErrorType.Percent, Value = 10.))
Bar Chart with Error Bars¶
In [7]:
open Plotly.NET
Chart.Column(Keys = [ "Trial 1"; "Trial 2"; "Trial 3" ], values = [ 3; 6; 4 ], Name = "Control", ShowLegend = true)
|> Chart.withYErrorStyle (Array = [ 1.; 0.5; 1.5 ])
Keys = [ "Trial 1"; "Trial 2"; "Trial 3" ],
values = [ 4; 7; 3 ],
Name = "Experimental",
ShowLegend = true)
|> Chart.withYErrorStyle (Array = [ 0.5; 1.; 2. ])
|> Chart.combine
Colored and Styled Error Bars¶
In [8]:
open Plotly.NET
open System
let x_theo = [-4. .. 0.08 ..4.]
let sincx = [for x in x_theo -> Math.Sin(Math.PI*x)/(Math.PI*x)]
let x = [-3.8; -3.03; -1.91; -1.46; -0.89; -0.24; -0.0; 0.41; 0.89; 1.01; 1.91; 2.28; 2.79; 3.56]
let y = [-0.02; 0.04; -0.01; -0.27; 0.36; 0.75; 1.03; 0.65; 0.28; 0.02; -0.11; 0.16; 0.04; -0.15]
[ Chart.Scatter(x = x_theo, y = sincx, mode = StyleParam.Mode.Lines, Name = "sinc(x)")
Chart.Scatter(x = x, y = y, mode = StyleParam.Mode.Markers, Name = "measured")
|> Chart.withYError (
Error.init (
Type = StyleParam.ErrorType.Constant,
Value = 0.1,
Color = Color.fromString "purple",
Thickness = 1.5,
Width = 3.
|> Chart.withXError (
Error.init (
Type = StyleParam.ErrorType.Constant,
Value = 0.2,
Color = Color.fromString "purple",
Thickness = 1.5,
Width = 3.
|> Chart.withMarkerStyle (Size = 8, Color = Color.fromString "purple") ]
|> Chart.combine
In [9]:
open FSharp.Data
let data= CsvFile.Load("")
let sepalWidth = data.Rows |> (fun row -> float <| row.GetColumn("SepalWidth"))
let sepalLength = data.Rows |> (fun row -> float <| row.GetColumn("SepalLength"))
let color = data.Rows
|> (fun row -> row.GetColumn("Name"))
|> (function
|"Iris-setosa" -> Color.fromString "red"
|"Iris-versicolor" -> Color.fromString "blue"
|_ -> Color.fromString "yellow")
|> Color.fromColors
let error = sepalWidth |> (fun w -> float w/100.)