Contour Plots in F#
How to make Contour plots in F# with Plotly.
In [1]:
#r "nuget: Newtonsoft.Json, 12.0.3"
#r "nuget: Plotly.NET, 2.0.0-preview.10"
#r "nuget: Plotly.NET.Interactive, 2.0.0-preview.10"
#r "nuget: FSharp.Data"
Basic Contour Plot¶
A 2D contour plot shows the contour lines of a 2D numerical array z, i.e. interpolated lines of isovalues of z.
In [2]:
open Plotly.NET
let z = [[10.; 10.625; 12.5; 15.625; 20.];
[5.625; 6.25;8.125;11.25;15.625];
[2.5; 3.125; 5.; 8.125; 12.5];
[0.625; 1.25; 3.125; 6.25; 10.625];
[0.; 0.625; 2.5; 5.625; 10.]]
z|> Chart.Contour
Setting X and Y Coordinates in a Contour Plot¶
In [3]:
open Plotly.NET
let z = [[10.; 10.625; 12.5; 15.625; 20.];
[5.625; 6.25;8.125;11.25;15.625];
[2.5; 3.125; 5.; 8.125; 12.5];
[0.625; 1.25; 3.125; 6.25; 10.625];
[0.; 0.625; 2.5; 5.625; 10.]]
Chart.Contour(data=z,X=[-9; -6; -5 ; -3; -1],Y=[0; 1; 4; 5; 7],zSmooth=StyleParam.SmoothAlg.Best)
Colorscale for Contour Plot¶
In [4]:
open Plotly.NET
let z = [[10.; 10.625; 12.5; 15.625; 20.];
[5.625; 6.25;8.125;11.25;15.625];
[2.5; 3.125; 5.; 8.125; 12.5];
[0.625; 1.25; 3.125; 6.25; 10.625];
[0.; 0.625; 2.5; 5.625; 10.]]
Customizing Size and Range of a Contour Plot's Contours (ABSTRACTION MISSING)¶
Customizing Spacing Between X and Y Axis Ticks¶
In [5]:
open Plotly.NET
let z = [[10.; 10.625; 12.5; 15.625; 20.];
[5.625; 6.25;8.125;11.25;15.625];
[2.5; 3.125; 5.; 8.125; 12.5];
[0.625; 1.25; 3.125; 6.25; 10.625];
[0.; 0.625; 2.5; 5.625; 10.]]
|> GenericChart.mapTrace (Trace2DStyle.Contour(X0=5,dX=10,Y0=10,dY=10))
Connect the Gaps Between None Values in the Z Matrix¶
In [6]:
open Plotly.NET
let z = [[Double.NaN;Double.NaN ; Double.NaN; 12.; 13.; 14.; 15.; 16.];
[Double.NaN; 1.; Double.NaN; 11.; Double.NaN; Double.NaN; Double.NaN; 17.];
[Double.NaN; 2.; 6.; 7.; Double.NaN; Double.NaN; Double.NaN; 18.];
[Double.NaN; 3.; Double.NaN; 8.; Double.NaN; Double.NaN; Double.NaN; 19.];
[5.; 4.; 10.; 9.; Double.NaN; Double.NaN; Double.NaN; 20.];
[Double.NaN; Double.NaN; Double.NaN; 27.; Double.NaN; Double.NaN; Double.NaN; 21.];
[Double.NaN; Double.NaN; Double.NaN; 26.; 25.; 24.; 23.; 22.]]
|> GenericChart.mapTrace(fun t -> t?connectgaps<-true;t)
|> GenericChart.mapTrace(fun t -> t?connectgaps<-true;t)
] |> Chart.Grid(2,2)
Smoothing the Contour lines (ABSTRACTION MISSING) (NOT WORKING)¶
In [7]:
open Plotly.NET
let z = [[2; 4; 7; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16];
[3; 1; 6; 11; 12; 13; 16; 17];
[4; 2; 7; 7; 11; 14; 17; 18];
[5; 3; 8; 8; 13; 15; 18; 19];
[7; 4; 10; 9; 16; 18; 20; 19];
[9; 10; 5; 27; 23; 21; 21; 21];
[11; 14; 17; 26; 25; 24; 23; 22]]
Chart.Contour(z,Name="Without Smoothing")
|> GenericChart.mapTrace (fun t -> t?line_smoothing <- 0;t)
Chart.Contour(z,Name="With Smoothing")
|> GenericChart.mapTrace (fun t -> t?line_smoothing <- 0.85;t)
]|> Chart.Grid(1,2)
Smooth Contour Coloring (ABSTRACTION MISSING)¶
Contour Line Labels (ABSTRACTION MISSING)¶
Custom Contour Plot Colorscale¶
In [8]:
open Plotly.NET
let z = [[10.; 10.625; 12.5; 15.625; 20.];
[5.625; 6.25;8.125;11.25;15.625];
[2.5; 3.125; 5.; 8.125; 12.5];
[0.625; 1.25; 3.125; 6.25; 10.625];
[0.; 0.625; 2.5; 5.625; 10.]]
let colorscale = StyleParam.Colorscale.Custom([(0., "gold"); (0.5, "mediumturquoise"); (1., "lightsalmon")])
Color Bar Title¶
In [9]:
open Plotly.NET
open Plotly.NET.TraceObjects
open Plotly.NET.LayoutObjects
let z = [[10.; 10.625; 12.5; 15.625; 20.];
[5.625; 6.25;8.125;11.25;15.625];
[2.5; 3.125; 5.; 8.125; 12.5];
[0.625; 1.25; 3.125; 6.25; 10.625];
[0.; 0.625; 2.5; 5.625; 10.]]
let colorBar =
ColorBar.init (
Title =
Title.init (
"Color bar Title",
Side = StyleParam.Side.Right,
Font = Font.init (Family = StyleParam.FontFamily.Arial, Size = 14.)
Color Bar Size for Contour Plots¶
In the example below, both the thickness (given here in pixels) and the length (given here as a fraction of the plot height) are set.
In [10]:
open Plotly.NET
open Plotly.NET.TraceObjects
open Plotly.NET.LayoutObjects
let z = [[10.; 10.625; 12.5; 15.625; 20.];
[5.625; 6.25;8.125;11.25;15.625];
[2.5; 3.125; 5.; 8.125; 12.5];
[0.625; 1.25; 3.125; 6.25; 10.625];
[0.; 0.625; 2.5; 5.625; 10.]]
let colorBar =
ColorBar.init (
Thickness = 25.,
ThicknessMode = StyleParam.UnitMode.Pixels,
Len = 0.6,
LenMode = StyleParam.UnitMode.Fraction,
OutlineWidth = 0.
Styling Color Bar Ticks for Contour Plots¶
In [11]:
open Plotly.NET
open Plotly.NET.TraceObjects
open Plotly.NET.LayoutObjects
let z = [[10.; 10.625; 12.5; 15.625; 20.];
[5.625; 6.25;8.125;11.25;15.625];
[2.5; 3.125; 5.; 8.125; 12.5];
[0.625; 1.25; 3.125; 6.25; 10.625];
[0.; 0.625; 2.5; 5.625; 10.]]
let colorBar =
ColorBar.init (
NTicks = 10,
Ticks = StyleParam.TickOptions.Outside,
TickLen = 5.,
TickWidth = 1.,
ShowTickLabels = true,
TickAngle = 0,
TickFont = Font.init (Size = 12.)