import co.theasi.plotly
import util.Random
// Generate uniformly distributed x
val xs = (0 until 100)
// Generate random y
val ys = (0 until 100).map { i => i + 5.0 * Random.nextDouble }
val p = Plot().withScatter(xs, ys)
draw(p, "basic-scatter", writer.FileOptions(overwrite=true))
// returns PlotFile(pbugnion:173,basic-scatter)
import co.theasi.plotly
import util.Random
// Generate uniformly distributed x
val xs = (0 until 100)
// Generate random y
val ys0 = (0 until 100).map { i => Random.nextDouble }
val ys1 = { _ + 5.0 }
val ys2 = { _ - 5.0 }
val p = Plot()
.withScatter(xs, ys0, ScatterOptions().mode(ScatterMode.Marker).name("marker"))
.withScatter(xs, ys1,
.mode(ScatterMode.Marker, ScatterMode.Line)
.withScatter(xs, ys2, ScatterOptions().mode(ScatterMode.Line).name("line"))
draw(p, "scatter-mode", writer.FileOptions(overwrite=true))
import co.theasi.plotly
import util.Random
val n = 500
val xs = (0 until n).map { i => Random.nextDouble }
val ys0 = (0 until n).map { i => Random.nextDouble + 2.0 }
val ys1 = (0 until n).map { i => Random.nextDouble - 2.0 }
val p = Plot()
.withScatter(xs, ys0, ScatterOptions()
.color(152, 0, 0, 0.8)
.lineColor(0, 0, 0)))
.withScatter(xs, ys1, ScatterOptions()
.color(255, 182, 193, 0.9)
draw(p, "styled-scatter", writer.FileOptions(overwrite=true))
import co.theasi.plotly
val gdpAmerica = Vector(12779.379640000001, 3822.1370840000004, 9065.800825, 36319.235010000004,
13171.63885, 7006.580419, 9645.06142, 8948.102923, 6025.374752000001,
6873.262326000001, 5728.353514, 5186.050003, 1201.637154,
3548.3308460000003, 7320.880262000001, 11977.57496, 2749.320965,
9809.185636, 4172.838464, 7408.905561, 19328.70901, 18008.50924,
42951.65309, 10611.46299, 11415.805690000001)
val lifeExpectancyAmerica = Vector(75.32, 65.554, 72.39, 80.653, 78.553, 72.889,
78.782, 78.273, 72.235, 74.994, 71.878, 70.259, 60.916, 70.198, 72.567,
76.195, 72.899, 75.537, 71.752, 71.421, 78.746, 69.819, 78.242, 76.384, 73.747)
val labelAmerica = Vector(
"Costa Rica",
"Dominican Republic",
"El Salvador",
"Puerto Rico",
"Trinidad and Tobago",
"United States",
val gdpEurope = Vector(5937.029525999999, 36126.4927, 33692.60508, 7446.298803, 10680.79282,
14619.222719999998, 22833.30851, 35278.41874, 33207.0844, 30470.0167,
32170.37442, 27538.41188, 18008.94444, 36180.789189999996, 40675.99635,
28569.7197, 9253.896111, 36797.93332, 49357.19017, 15389.924680000002,
20509.64777, 10808.47561, 9786.534714, 18678.31435, 25768.25759,
28821.0637, 33859.74835, 37506.419069999996, 8458.276384, 33203.2612)
val lifeExpectancyEurope = Vector(76.423, 79.829, 79.441, 74.852, 73.005, 75.748, 76.486,
78.332, 79.313, 80.657, 79.406, 79.483, 73.33800000000001, 81.757, 78.885, 80.546,
74.543, 79.762, 80.196, 75.563, 78.098, 72.476, 74.002, 74.663, 77.926,
80.941, 80.884, 81.70100000000001, 71.777, 79.425)
val labelEurope = Vector(
"Bosnia and Herzegovina",
"Czech Republic",
"Slovak Republic",
"United Kingdom"
// Options common to both traces
val commonOptions = ScatterOptions()
// Options common to both axes
val commonAxisOptions = AxisOptions()
val xAxisOptions = commonAxisOptions.title("GDP per capita (dollars)").noZeroLine
val yAxisOptions = commonAxisOptions.title("Life expectancy (years)")
// The plot itself
val p = Plot()
.withScatter(gdpAmerica, lifeExpectancyAmerica,"Americas").text(labelAmerica))
.withScatter(gdpEurope, lifeExpectancyEurope,"Europe").text(labelEurope))
val figure = Figure()
.plot(p) // add the plot to the figure
.title("Life Expectancy v. Per Capita GDP, 2007")
draw(p, "life-expectancy-per-GDP-2007", writer.FileOptions(overwrite=true))
val country = List("Switzerland (2011)",
"Chile (2013)",
"Japan (2014)",
"United States (2012)",
"Slovenia (2014)",
"Canada (2011)",
"Poland (2010)",
"Estonia (2015)",
"Luxembourg (2013)",
"Portugal (2011)")
val votingPopulation = List(40.0, 45.7, 52, 53.6, 54.1, 54.2, 54.5, 54.7, 55.1, 56.6)
val registeredVoters = List(49.1, 42, 52.7, 84.3, 51.7, 61.1, 55.3, 64.2, 91.1, 58.9)
// Options common to both traces
val commonOptions = ScatterOptions()
val p = Plot()
.withScatter(votingPopulation, country, commonOptions
.name("Percent of estimated voting age population")
.updatedMarker(_.color(156, 165, 196, 0.95).lineColor(156, 165, 196, 1.0)))
.withScatter(registeredVoters, country, commonOptions
.name("Percent of estimated registered voters")
.updatedMarker(_.color(204, 204, 204, 0.95).lineColor(217, 217, 217, 1.0)))
.xAxisOptions( // Plot axis options
.lineColor(102, 102, 102)
.titleColor(204, 204, 204)
.tickFontColor(102, 102, 102)
.tickColor(102, 102, 102))
// Add the plot to the figure
val figure = Figure()
.title("Votes cast for ten lowest voting age population in OECD countries")
.paperBackgroundColor(254, 247, 234)
.plotBackgroundColor(254, 247, 234)
draw(figure, "lowest-oecd-votes-cast", writer.FileOptions(overwrite=true))