Click Events in Julia

Click Events With FigureWidget

Update Points Using a Click Callback

In this example, whenever we click on a point we change its marker symbol to a star and marker color to gold:

using PlotlyJS, WebIO
color_vec = (fill("red", 10), fill("blue", 10))
symbols = (fill("circle", 10), fill("circle", 10))
ys = (rand(10), rand(10))
p = plot(
    [scatter(y=y, marker=attr(color=c, symbol=s, size=15), line_color=c[1])
    for (y, c, s) in zip(ys, color_vec, symbols)]
# display(p)  # usually optional

on(p["click"]) do data
    color_vec = (fill("red", 10), fill("blue", 10))
    symbols = (fill("circle", 10), fill("circle", 10))
    for point in data["points"]
        color_vec[point["curveNumber"] + 1][point["pointIndex"] + 1] = "gold"
        symbols[point["curveNumber"] + 1][point["pointIndex"] + 1] = "star"
    restyle!(p, marker_color=color_vec, marker_symbol=symbols)

Note this example only works when running Julia locally as the logic for updating the point runs in Julia, not in the web browser.

This means that you can execute arbitrary Julia logic in response to clicks on your charts!

<img src=''>