
class, alignmentgroup=None, base=None, basesrc=None, cliponaxis=None, constraintext=None, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, dx=None, dy=None, error_x=None, error_y=None, hoverinfo=None, hoverinfosrc=None, hoverlabel=None, hovertemplate=None, hovertemplatesrc=None, hovertext=None, hovertextsrc=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, insidetextanchor=None, insidetextfont=None, legend=None, legendgroup=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, marker=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, name=None, offset=None, offsetgroup=None, offsetsrc=None, opacity=None, orientation=None, outsidetextfont=None, selected=None, selectedpoints=None, showlegend=None, stream=None, text=None, textangle=None, textfont=None, textposition=None, textpositionsrc=None, textsrc=None, texttemplate=None, texttemplatesrc=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, unselected=None, visible=None, width=None, widthsrc=None, x=None, x0=None, xaxis=None, xcalendar=None, xhoverformat=None, xperiod=None, xperiod0=None, xperiodalignment=None, xsrc=None, y=None, y0=None, yaxis=None, ycalendar=None, yhoverformat=None, yperiod=None, yperiod0=None, yperiodalignment=None, ysrc=None, zorder=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property alignmentgroup

Set several traces linked to the same position axis or matching axes to the same alignmentgroup. This controls whether bars compute their positional range dependently or independently.

The ‘alignmentgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property base

Sets where the bar base is drawn (in position axis units). In “stack” or “relative” barmode, traces that set “base” will be excluded and drawn in “overlay” mode instead.

The ‘base’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property basesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for base.

The ‘basesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property cliponaxis

Determines whether the text nodes are clipped about the subplot axes. To show the text nodes above axis lines and tick labels, make sure to set xaxis.layer and yaxis.layer to below traces.

The ‘cliponaxis’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property constraintext

Constrain the size of text inside or outside a bar to be no larger than the bar itself.

The ‘constraintext’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘inside’, ‘outside’, ‘both’, ‘none’]


Return type


property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property dx

Sets the x coordinate step. See x0 for more info.

The ‘dx’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property dy

Sets the y coordinate step. See y0 for more info.

The ‘dy’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property error_x

The ‘error_x’ property is an instance of ErrorX that may be specified as:

  • An instance of

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the ErrorX constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the data corresponding the length of each error bar. Values are plotted relative to the underlying data.


    Sets the data corresponding the length of each error bar in the bottom (left) direction for vertical (horizontal) bars Values are plotted relative to the underlying data.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for arrayminus.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for array.


    Sets the stroke color of the error bars.



    Determines whether or not the error bars have the same length in both direction (top/bottom for vertical bars, left/right for horizontal bars.


    Sets the thickness (in px) of the error bars.




    Determines the rule used to generate the error bars. If *constant`, the bar lengths are of a constant value. Set this constant in value. If “percent”, the bar lengths correspond to a percentage of underlying data. Set this percentage in value. If “sqrt”, the bar lengths correspond to the square of the underlying data. If “data”, the bar lengths are set with data set array.


    Sets the value of either the percentage (if type is set to “percent”) or the constant (if type is set to “constant”) corresponding to the lengths of the error bars.


    Sets the value of either the percentage (if type is set to “percent”) or the constant (if type is set to “constant”) corresponding to the lengths of the error bars in the bottom (left) direction for vertical (horizontal) bars


    Determines whether or not this set of error bars is visible.


    Sets the width (in px) of the cross-bar at both ends of the error bars.


Return type

property error_y

The ‘error_y’ property is an instance of ErrorY that may be specified as:

  • An instance of

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the ErrorY constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the data corresponding the length of each error bar. Values are plotted relative to the underlying data.


    Sets the data corresponding the length of each error bar in the bottom (left) direction for vertical (horizontal) bars Values are plotted relative to the underlying data.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for arrayminus.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for array.


    Sets the stroke color of the error bars.


    Determines whether or not the error bars have the same length in both direction (top/bottom for vertical bars, left/right for horizontal bars.


    Sets the thickness (in px) of the error bars.




    Determines the rule used to generate the error bars. If *constant`, the bar lengths are of a constant value. Set this constant in value. If “percent”, the bar lengths correspond to a percentage of underlying data. Set this percentage in value. If “sqrt”, the bar lengths correspond to the square of the underlying data. If “data”, the bar lengths are set with data set array.


    Sets the value of either the percentage (if type is set to “percent”) or the constant (if type is set to “constant”) corresponding to the lengths of the error bars.


    Sets the value of either the percentage (if type is set to “percent”) or the constant (if type is set to “constant”) corresponding to the lengths of the error bars in the bottom (left) direction for vertical (horizontal) bars


    Determines whether or not this set of error bars is visible.


    Sets the width (in px) of the cross-bar at both ends of the error bars.


Return type

property hoverinfo

Determines which trace information appear on hover. If none or skip are set, no information is displayed upon hovering. But, if none is set, click and hover events are still fired.

The ‘hoverinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’, ‘text’, ‘name’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘x+y’) OR exactly one of [‘all’, ‘none’, ‘skip’] (e.g. ‘skip’)

  • A list or array of the above


Return type


property hoverinfosrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hoverinfo.

The ‘hoverinfosrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverlabel

The ‘hoverlabel’ property is an instance of Hoverlabel that may be specified as:

  • An instance of

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Hoverlabel constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans more two or more lines


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for align.


    Sets the background color of the hover labels for this trace


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bgcolor.


    Sets the border color of the hover labels for this trace.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bordercolor.


    Sets the font used in hover labels.


    Sets the default length (in number of characters) of the trace name in the hover labels for all traces. -1 shows the whole name regardless of length. 0-3 shows the first 0-3 characters, and an integer >3 will show the whole name if it is less than that many characters, but if it is longer, will truncate to namelength - 3 characters and add an ellipsis.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for namelength.


Return type

property hovertemplate

Template string used for rendering the information that appear on hover box. Note that this will override hoverinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}” as well as %{xother}, {%_xother}, {%_xother_}, {%xother_}. When showing info for several points, “xother” will be added to those with different x positions from the first point. An underscore before or after “(x|y)other” will add a space on that side, only when this field is shown. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. The variables available in hovertemplate are the ones emitted as event data described at this link Additionally, every attributes that can be specified per-point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Finally, the template string has access to variables value and label. Anything contained in tag <extra> is displayed in the secondary box, for example “<extra>{}</extra>”. To hide the secondary box completely, use an empty tag <extra></extra>.

The ‘hovertemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertemplate.

The ‘hovertemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hovertext

Sets hover text elements associated with each (x,y) pair. If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order to the this trace’s (x,y) coordinates. To be seen, trace hoverinfo must contain a “text” flag.

The ‘hovertext’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertextsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertext.

The ‘hovertextsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property insidetextanchor

Determines if texts are kept at center or start/end points in textposition “inside” mode.

The ‘insidetextanchor’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘end’, ‘middle’, ‘start’]


Return type


property insidetextfont

Sets the font used for text lying inside the bar.

The ‘insidetextfont’ property is an instance of Insidetextfont that may be specified as:

  • An instance of

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Insidetextfont constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for family.


    Sets the kind of decoration line(s) with text, such as an “under”, “over” or “through” as well as combinations e.g. “under+over”, etc.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for lineposition.


    Sets the shape and color of the shadow behind text. “auto” places minimal shadow and applies contrast text font color. See US/docs/Web/CSS/text-shadow for additional options.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for shadow.



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for size.


    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for style.


    Sets capitalization of text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all- lowercase, or with each word capitalized.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for textcase.


    Sets the variant of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for variant.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for weight.


Return type

property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgroup

Sets the legend group for this trace. Traces and shapes part of the same legend group hide/show at the same time when toggling legend items.

The ‘legendgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type

property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property marker

The ‘marker’ property is an instance of Marker that may be specified as:

  • An instance of

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Marker constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Determines whether the colorscale is a default palette (autocolorscale: true) or the palette determined by marker.colorscale. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. In case colorscale is unspecified or autocolorscale is true, the default palette will be chosen according to whether numbers in the color array are all positive, all negative or mixed.


    Determines whether or not the color domain is computed with respect to the input data (here in marker.color) or the bounds set in marker.cmin and marker.cmax Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Defaults to false when marker.cmin and marker.cmax are set by the user.


    Sets the upper bound of the color domain. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color and if set, marker.cmin must be set as well.


    Sets the mid-point of the color domain by scaling marker.cmin and/or marker.cmax to be equidistant to this point. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color. Has no effect when marker.cauto is false.


    Sets the lower bound of the color domain. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color and if set, marker.cmax must be set as well.


    Sets the marker color. It accepts either a specific color or an array of numbers that are mapped to the colorscale relative to the max and min values of the array or relative to marker.cmin and marker.cmax if set.


    Sets a reference to a shared color axis. References to these shared color axes are “coloraxis”, “coloraxis2”, “coloraxis3”, etc. Settings for these shared color axes are set in the layout, under layout.coloraxis, layout.coloraxis2, etc. Note that multiple color scales can be linked to the same color axis.

    colorbar r instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the colorscale. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. The colorscale must be an array containing arrays mapping a normalized value to an rgb, rgba, hex, hsl, hsv, or named color string. At minimum, a mapping for the lowest (0) and highest (1) values are required. For example, [[0, 'rgb(0,0,255)'], [1, 'rgb(255,0,0)']]. To control the bounds of the colorscale in color space, use marker.cmin and marker.cmax. Alternatively, colorscale may be a palette name string of the following list: Blackbody,Bluered,Blues,Cividis,Earth,Electric, Greens,Greys,Hot,Jet,Picnic,Portland,Rainbow,Rd Bu,Reds,Viridis,YlGnBu,YlOrRd.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    Sets the rounding of corners. May be an integer number of pixels, or a percentage of bar width (as a string ending in %). Defaults to layout.barcornerradius. In stack or relative barmode, the first trace to set cornerradius is used for the whole stack.

    line instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the opacity of the bars.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for opacity.


    Sets the pattern within the marker.


    Reverses the color mapping if true. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. If true, marker.cmin will correspond to the last color in the array and marker.cmax will correspond to the first color.


    Determines whether or not a colorbar is displayed for this trace. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array.


Return type

property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property offset

Shifts the position where the bar is drawn (in position axis units). In “group” barmode, traces that set “offset” will be excluded and drawn in “overlay” mode instead.

The ‘offset’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property offsetgroup

Set several traces linked to the same position axis or matching axes to the same offsetgroup where bars of the same position coordinate will line up.

The ‘offsetgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property offsetsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for offset.

The ‘offsetsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property opacity

Sets the opacity of the trace.

The ‘opacity’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]


Return type


property orientation

Sets the orientation of the bars. With “v” (“h”), the value of the each bar spans along the vertical (horizontal).

The ‘orientation’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘v’, ‘h’]


Return type


property outsidetextfont

Sets the font used for text lying outside the bar.

The ‘outsidetextfont’ property is an instance of Outsidetextfont that may be specified as:

  • An instance of

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Outsidetextfont constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for family.


    Sets the kind of decoration line(s) with text, such as an “under”, “over” or “through” as well as combinations e.g. “under+over”, etc.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for lineposition.


    Sets the shape and color of the shadow behind text. “auto” places minimal shadow and applies contrast text font color. See US/docs/Web/CSS/text-shadow for additional options.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for shadow.



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for size.


    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for style.


    Sets capitalization of text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all- lowercase, or with each word capitalized.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for textcase.


    Sets the variant of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for variant.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for weight.


Return type

property selected

The ‘selected’ property is an instance of Selected that may be specified as:

  • An instance of

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Selected constructor

    Supported dict properties:

    marker r instance or dict with compatible properties

    textfont ont instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type

property selectedpoints

Array containing integer indices of selected points. Has an effect only for traces that support selections. Note that an empty array means an empty selection where the unselected are turned on for all points, whereas, any other non-array values means no selection all where the selected and unselected styles have no effect.

The ‘selectedpoints’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property showlegend

Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.

The ‘showlegend’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type

property text

Sets text elements associated with each (x,y) pair. If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order to the this trace’s (x,y) coordinates. If trace hoverinfo contains a “text” flag and “hovertext” is not set, these elements will be seen in the hover labels.

The ‘text’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property textangle

Sets the angle of the tick labels with respect to the bar. For example, a tickangle of -90 draws the tick labels vertically. With “auto” the texts may automatically be rotated to fit with the maximum size in bars.

The ‘textangle’ property is a angle (in degrees) that may be specified as a number between -180 and 180. Numeric values outside this range are converted to the equivalent value (e.g. 270 is converted to -90).


Return type


property textfont

Sets the font used for text.

The ‘textfont’ property is an instance of Textfont that may be specified as:

  • An instance of

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Textfont constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for family.


    Sets the kind of decoration line(s) with text, such as an “under”, “over” or “through” as well as combinations e.g. “under+over”, etc.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for lineposition.


    Sets the shape and color of the shadow behind text. “auto” places minimal shadow and applies contrast text font color. See US/docs/Web/CSS/text-shadow for additional options.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for shadow.



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for size.


    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for style.


    Sets capitalization of text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all- lowercase, or with each word capitalized.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for textcase.


    Sets the variant of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for variant.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for weight.


Return type

property textposition

Specifies the location of the text. “inside” positions text inside, next to the bar end (rotated and scaled if needed). “outside” positions text outside, next to the bar end (scaled if needed), unless there is another bar stacked on this one, then the text gets pushed inside. “auto” tries to position text inside the bar, but if the bar is too small and no bar is stacked on this one the text is moved outside. If “none”, no text appears.

The ‘textposition’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘inside’, ‘outside’, ‘auto’, ‘none’]

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property textpositionsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for textposition.

The ‘textpositionsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property textsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for text.

The ‘textsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property texttemplate

Template string used for rendering the information text that appear on points. Note that this will override textinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}”. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. Every attributes that can be specified per- point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Finally, the template string has access to variables value and label.

The ‘texttemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property texttemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for texttemplate.

The ‘texttemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property type
property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property unselected

The ‘unselected’ property is an instance of Unselected that may be specified as:

  • An instance of

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Unselected constructor

    Supported dict properties:

    marker ker instance or dict with compatible properties

    textfont tfont instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type

property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


property width

Sets the bar width (in position axis units).

The ‘width’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property widthsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for width.

The ‘widthsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property x

Sets the x coordinates.

The ‘x’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property x0

Alternate to x. Builds a linear space of x coordinates. Use with dx where x0 is the starting coordinate and dx the step.

The ‘x0’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property xaxis

Sets a reference between this trace’s x coordinates and a 2D cartesian x axis. If “x” (the default value), the x coordinates refer to layout.xaxis. If “x2”, the x coordinates refer to layout.xaxis2, and so on.

The ‘xaxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘x’, that may be specified as the string ‘x’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘x’, ‘x1’, ‘x2’, ‘x3’, etc.)


Return type


property xcalendar

Sets the calendar system to use with x date data.

The ‘xcalendar’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘chinese’, ‘coptic’, ‘discworld’, ‘ethiopian’, ‘gregorian’, ‘hebrew’, ‘islamic’, ‘jalali’, ‘julian’, ‘mayan’, ‘nanakshahi’, ‘nepali’, ‘persian’, ‘taiwan’, ‘thai’, ‘ummalqura’]


Return type


property xhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor x using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using xaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘xhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property xperiod

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the period positioning in milliseconds or “M<n>” on the x axis. Special values in the form of “M<n>” could be used to declare the number of months. In this case n must be a positive integer.

The ‘xperiod’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property xperiod0

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the base for period positioning in milliseconds or date string on the x0 axis. When x0period is round number of weeks, the x0period0 by default would be on a Sunday i.e. 2000-01-02, otherwise it would be at 2000-01-01.

The ‘xperiod0’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property xperiodalignment

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the alignment of data points on the x axis.

The ‘xperiodalignment’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘start’, ‘middle’, ‘end’]


Return type


property xsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for x.

The ‘xsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property y

Sets the y coordinates.

The ‘y’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property y0

Alternate to y. Builds a linear space of y coordinates. Use with dy where y0 is the starting coordinate and dy the step.

The ‘y0’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property yaxis

Sets a reference between this trace’s y coordinates and a 2D cartesian y axis. If “y” (the default value), the y coordinates refer to layout.yaxis. If “y2”, the y coordinates refer to layout.yaxis2, and so on.

The ‘yaxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘y’, that may be specified as the string ‘y’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘y’, ‘y1’, ‘y2’, ‘y3’, etc.)


Return type


property ycalendar

Sets the calendar system to use with y date data.

The ‘ycalendar’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘chinese’, ‘coptic’, ‘discworld’, ‘ethiopian’, ‘gregorian’, ‘hebrew’, ‘islamic’, ‘jalali’, ‘julian’, ‘mayan’, ‘nanakshahi’, ‘nepali’, ‘persian’, ‘taiwan’, ‘thai’, ‘ummalqura’]


Return type


property yhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor y using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using yaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘yhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property yperiod

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the period positioning in milliseconds or “M<n>” on the y axis. Special values in the form of “M<n>” could be used to declare the number of months. In this case n must be a positive integer.

The ‘yperiod’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property yperiod0

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the base for period positioning in milliseconds or date string on the y0 axis. When y0period is round number of weeks, the y0period0 by default would be on a Sunday i.e. 2000-01-02, otherwise it would be at 2000-01-01.

The ‘yperiod0’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property yperiodalignment

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the alignment of data points on the y axis.

The ‘yperiodalignment’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘start’, ‘middle’, ‘end’]


Return type


property ysrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for y.

The ‘ysrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property zorder

Sets the layer on which this trace is displayed, relative to other SVG traces on the same subplot. SVG traces with higher zorder appear in front of those with lower zorder.

The ‘zorder’ property is a integer and may be specified as:
  • An int (or float that will be cast to an int)


Return type


class, base=None, basesrc=None, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, dr=None, dtheta=None, hoverinfo=None, hoverinfosrc=None, hoverlabel=None, hovertemplate=None, hovertemplatesrc=None, hovertext=None, hovertextsrc=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, legend=None, legendgroup=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, marker=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, name=None, offset=None, offsetsrc=None, opacity=None, r=None, r0=None, rsrc=None, selected=None, selectedpoints=None, showlegend=None, stream=None, subplot=None, text=None, textsrc=None, theta=None, theta0=None, thetasrc=None, thetaunit=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, unselected=None, visible=None, width=None, widthsrc=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property base

Sets where the bar base is drawn (in radial axis units). In “stack” barmode, traces that set “base” will be excluded and drawn in “overlay” mode instead.

The ‘base’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property basesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for base.

The ‘basesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property dr

Sets the r coordinate step.

The ‘dr’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property dtheta

Sets the theta coordinate step. By default, the dtheta step equals the subplot’s period divided by the length of the r coordinates.

The ‘dtheta’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property hoverinfo

Determines which trace information appear on hover. If none or skip are set, no information is displayed upon hovering. But, if none is set, click and hover events are still fired.

The ‘hoverinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘r’, ‘theta’, ‘text’, ‘name’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘r+theta’) OR exactly one of [‘all’, ‘none’, ‘skip’] (e.g. ‘skip’)

  • A list or array of the above


Return type


property hoverinfosrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hoverinfo.

The ‘hoverinfosrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverlabel

The ‘hoverlabel’ property is an instance of Hoverlabel that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.barpolar.Hoverlabel

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Hoverlabel constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans more two or more lines


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for align.


    Sets the background color of the hover labels for this trace


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bgcolor.


    Sets the border color of the hover labels for this trace.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bordercolor.


    Sets the font used in hover labels.


    Sets the default length (in number of characters) of the trace name in the hover labels for all traces. -1 shows the whole name regardless of length. 0-3 shows the first 0-3 characters, and an integer >3 will show the whole name if it is less than that many characters, but if it is longer, will truncate to namelength - 3 characters and add an ellipsis.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for namelength.


Return type


property hovertemplate

Template string used for rendering the information that appear on hover box. Note that this will override hoverinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}” as well as %{xother}, {%_xother}, {%_xother_}, {%xother_}. When showing info for several points, “xother” will be added to those with different x positions from the first point. An underscore before or after “(x|y)other” will add a space on that side, only when this field is shown. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. The variables available in hovertemplate are the ones emitted as event data described at this link Additionally, every attributes that can be specified per-point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Anything contained in tag <extra> is displayed in the secondary box, for example “<extra>{}</extra>”. To hide the secondary box completely, use an empty tag <extra></extra>.

The ‘hovertemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertemplate.

The ‘hovertemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hovertext

Same as text.

The ‘hovertext’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertextsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertext.

The ‘hovertextsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgroup

Sets the legend group for this trace. Traces and shapes part of the same legend group hide/show at the same time when toggling legend items.

The ‘legendgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.barpolar.Legendgrouptitle

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type


property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property marker

The ‘marker’ property is an instance of Marker that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.barpolar.Marker

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Marker constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Determines whether the colorscale is a default palette (autocolorscale: true) or the palette determined by marker.colorscale. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. In case colorscale is unspecified or autocolorscale is true, the default palette will be chosen according to whether numbers in the color array are all positive, all negative or mixed.


    Determines whether or not the color domain is computed with respect to the input data (here in marker.color) or the bounds set in marker.cmin and marker.cmax Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Defaults to false when marker.cmin and marker.cmax are set by the user.


    Sets the upper bound of the color domain. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color and if set, marker.cmin must be set as well.


    Sets the mid-point of the color domain by scaling marker.cmin and/or marker.cmax to be equidistant to this point. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color. Has no effect when marker.cauto is false.


    Sets the lower bound of the color domain. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color and if set, marker.cmax must be set as well.


    Sets the marker color. It accepts either a specific color or an array of numbers that are mapped to the colorscale relative to the max and min values of the array or relative to marker.cmin and marker.cmax if set.


    Sets a reference to a shared color axis. References to these shared color axes are “coloraxis”, “coloraxis2”, “coloraxis3”, etc. Settings for these shared color axes are set in the layout, under layout.coloraxis, layout.coloraxis2, etc. Note that multiple color scales can be linked to the same color axis.


    plotly.graph_objects.barpolar.marker.Co lorBar instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the colorscale. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. The colorscale must be an array containing arrays mapping a normalized value to an rgb, rgba, hex, hsl, hsv, or named color string. At minimum, a mapping for the lowest (0) and highest (1) values are required. For example, [[0, 'rgb(0,0,255)'], [1, 'rgb(255,0,0)']]. To control the bounds of the colorscale in color space, use marker.cmin and marker.cmax. Alternatively, colorscale may be a palette name string of the following list: Blackbody,Bluered,Blues,Cividis,Earth,Electric, Greens,Greys,Hot,Jet,Picnic,Portland,Rainbow,Rd Bu,Reds,Viridis,YlGnBu,YlOrRd.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    plotly.graph_objects.barpolar.marker.Li ne instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the opacity of the bars.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for opacity.


    Sets the pattern within the marker.


    Reverses the color mapping if true. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. If true, marker.cmin will correspond to the last color in the array and marker.cmax will correspond to the first color.


    Determines whether or not a colorbar is displayed for this trace. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array.


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property offset

Shifts the angular position where the bar is drawn (in “thetatunit” units).

The ‘offset’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property offsetsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for offset.

The ‘offsetsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property opacity

Sets the opacity of the trace.

The ‘opacity’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]


Return type


property r

Sets the radial coordinates

The ‘r’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property r0

Alternate to r. Builds a linear space of r coordinates. Use with dr where r0 is the starting coordinate and dr the step.

The ‘r0’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property rsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for r.

The ‘rsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property selected

The ‘selected’ property is an instance of Selected that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.barpolar.Selected

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Selected constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.barpolar.selected. Marker instance or dict with compatible properties


    plotly.graph_objects.barpolar.selected. Textfont instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type


property selectedpoints

Array containing integer indices of selected points. Has an effect only for traces that support selections. Note that an empty array means an empty selection where the unselected are turned on for all points, whereas, any other non-array values means no selection all where the selected and unselected styles have no effect.

The ‘selectedpoints’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property showlegend

Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.

The ‘showlegend’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.barpolar.Stream

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type


property subplot

Sets a reference between this trace’s data coordinates and a polar subplot. If “polar” (the default value), the data refer to layout.polar. If “polar2”, the data refer to layout.polar2, and so on.

The ‘subplot’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘polar’, that may be specified as the string ‘polar’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘polar’, ‘polar1’, ‘polar2’, ‘polar3’, etc.)


Return type


property text

Sets hover text elements associated with each bar. If a single string, the same string appears over all bars. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order to the this trace’s coordinates.

The ‘text’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property textsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for text.

The ‘textsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property theta

Sets the angular coordinates

The ‘theta’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property theta0

Alternate to theta. Builds a linear space of theta coordinates. Use with dtheta where theta0 is the starting coordinate and dtheta the step.

The ‘theta0’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property thetasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for theta.

The ‘thetasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property thetaunit

Sets the unit of input “theta” values. Has an effect only when on “linear” angular axes.

The ‘thetaunit’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘radians’, ‘degrees’, ‘gradians’]


Return type


property type
property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property unselected

The ‘unselected’ property is an instance of Unselected that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.barpolar.Unselected

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Unselected constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.barpolar.unselecte d.Marker instance or dict with compatible properties


    plotly.graph_objects.barpolar.unselecte d.Textfont instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


property width

Sets the bar angular width (in “thetaunit” units).

The ‘width’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property widthsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for width.

The ‘widthsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


class, alignmentgroup=None, boxmean=None, boxpoints=None, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, dx=None, dy=None, fillcolor=None, hoverinfo=None, hoverinfosrc=None, hoverlabel=None, hoveron=None, hovertemplate=None, hovertemplatesrc=None, hovertext=None, hovertextsrc=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, jitter=None, legend=None, legendgroup=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, line=None, lowerfence=None, lowerfencesrc=None, marker=None, mean=None, meansrc=None, median=None, mediansrc=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, name=None, notched=None, notchspan=None, notchspansrc=None, notchwidth=None, offsetgroup=None, opacity=None, orientation=None, pointpos=None, q1=None, q1src=None, q3=None, q3src=None, quartilemethod=None, sd=None, sdmultiple=None, sdsrc=None, selected=None, selectedpoints=None, showlegend=None, showwhiskers=None, sizemode=None, stream=None, text=None, textsrc=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, unselected=None, upperfence=None, upperfencesrc=None, visible=None, whiskerwidth=None, width=None, x=None, x0=None, xaxis=None, xcalendar=None, xhoverformat=None, xperiod=None, xperiod0=None, xperiodalignment=None, xsrc=None, y=None, y0=None, yaxis=None, ycalendar=None, yhoverformat=None, yperiod=None, yperiod0=None, yperiodalignment=None, ysrc=None, zorder=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property alignmentgroup

Set several traces linked to the same position axis or matching axes to the same alignmentgroup. This controls whether bars compute their positional range dependently or independently.

The ‘alignmentgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property boxmean

If True, the mean of the box(es)’ underlying distribution is drawn as a dashed line inside the box(es). If “sd” the standard deviation is also drawn. Defaults to True when mean is set. Defaults to “sd” when sd is set Otherwise defaults to False.

The ‘boxmean’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, ‘sd’, False]


Return type


property boxpoints

If “outliers”, only the sample points lying outside the whiskers are shown If “suspectedoutliers”, the outlier points are shown and points either less than 4*Q1-3*Q3 or greater than 4*Q3-3*Q1 are highlighted (see outliercolor) If “all”, all sample points are shown If False, only the box(es) are shown with no sample points Defaults to “suspectedoutliers” when marker.outliercolor or marker.line.outliercolor is set. Defaults to “all” under the q1/median/q3 signature. Otherwise defaults to “outliers”.

The ‘boxpoints’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘all’, ‘outliers’, ‘suspectedoutliers’, False]


Return type


property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property dx

Sets the x coordinate step for multi-box traces set using q1/median/q3.

The ‘dx’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property dy

Sets the y coordinate step for multi-box traces set using q1/median/q3.

The ‘dy’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property fillcolor

Sets the fill color. Defaults to a half-transparent variant of the line color, marker color, or marker line color, whichever is available.

The ‘fillcolor’ property is a color and may be specified as:
  • A hex string (e.g. ‘#ff0000’)

  • An rgb/rgba string (e.g. ‘rgb(255,0,0)’)

  • An hsl/hsla string (e.g. ‘hsl(0,100%,50%)’)

  • An hsv/hsva string (e.g. ‘hsv(0,100%,100%)’)

  • A named CSS color:

    aliceblue, antiquewhite, aqua, aquamarine, azure, beige, bisque, black, blanchedalmond, blue, blueviolet, brown, burlywood, cadetblue, chartreuse, chocolate, coral, cornflowerblue, cornsilk, crimson, cyan, darkblue, darkcyan, darkgoldenrod, darkgray, darkgrey, darkgreen, darkkhaki, darkmagenta, darkolivegreen, darkorange, darkorchid, darkred, darksalmon, darkseagreen, darkslateblue, darkslategray, darkslategrey, darkturquoise, darkviolet, deeppink, deepskyblue, dimgray, dimgrey, dodgerblue, firebrick, floralwhite, forestgreen, fuchsia, gainsboro, ghostwhite, gold, goldenrod, gray, grey, green, greenyellow, honeydew, hotpink, indianred, indigo, ivory, khaki, lavender, lavenderblush, lawngreen, lemonchiffon, lightblue, lightcoral, lightcyan, lightgoldenrodyellow, lightgray, lightgrey, lightgreen, lightpink, lightsalmon, lightseagreen, lightskyblue, lightslategray, lightslategrey, lightsteelblue, lightyellow, lime, limegreen, linen, magenta, maroon, mediumaquamarine, mediumblue, mediumorchid, mediumpurple, mediumseagreen, mediumslateblue, mediumspringgreen, mediumturquoise, mediumvioletred, midnightblue, mintcream, mistyrose, moccasin, navajowhite, navy, oldlace, olive, olivedrab, orange, orangered, orchid, palegoldenrod, palegreen, paleturquoise, palevioletred, papayawhip, peachpuff, peru, pink, plum, powderblue, purple, red, rosybrown, royalblue, rebeccapurple, saddlebrown, salmon, sandybrown, seagreen, seashell, sienna, silver, skyblue, slateblue, slategray, slategrey, snow, springgreen, steelblue, tan, teal, thistle, tomato, turquoise, violet, wheat, white, whitesmoke, yellow, yellowgreen


Return type


property hoverinfo

Determines which trace information appear on hover. If none or skip are set, no information is displayed upon hovering. But, if none is set, click and hover events are still fired.

The ‘hoverinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’, ‘text’, ‘name’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘x+y’) OR exactly one of [‘all’, ‘none’, ‘skip’] (e.g. ‘skip’)

  • A list or array of the above


Return type


property hoverinfosrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hoverinfo.

The ‘hoverinfosrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverlabel

The ‘hoverlabel’ property is an instance of Hoverlabel that may be specified as:

  • An instance of

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Hoverlabel constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans more two or more lines


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for align.


    Sets the background color of the hover labels for this trace


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bgcolor.


    Sets the border color of the hover labels for this trace.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bordercolor.


    Sets the font used in hover labels.


    Sets the default length (in number of characters) of the trace name in the hover labels for all traces. -1 shows the whole name regardless of length. 0-3 shows the first 0-3 characters, and an integer >3 will show the whole name if it is less than that many characters, but if it is longer, will truncate to namelength - 3 characters and add an ellipsis.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for namelength.


Return type

property hoveron

Do the hover effects highlight individual boxes or sample points or both?

The ‘hoveron’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘boxes’, ‘points’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘boxes+points’)


Return type


property hovertemplate

Template string used for rendering the information that appear on hover box. Note that this will override hoverinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}” as well as %{xother}, {%_xother}, {%_xother_}, {%xother_}. When showing info for several points, “xother” will be added to those with different x positions from the first point. An underscore before or after “(x|y)other” will add a space on that side, only when this field is shown. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. The variables available in hovertemplate are the ones emitted as event data described at this link Additionally, every attributes that can be specified per-point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Anything contained in tag <extra> is displayed in the secondary box, for example “<extra>{}</extra>”. To hide the secondary box completely, use an empty tag <extra></extra>.

The ‘hovertemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertemplate.

The ‘hovertemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hovertext

Same as text.

The ‘hovertext’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertextsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertext.

The ‘hovertextsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property jitter

Sets the amount of jitter in the sample points drawn. If 0, the sample points align along the distribution axis. If 1, the sample points are drawn in a random jitter of width equal to the width of the box(es).

The ‘jitter’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]


Return type


property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgroup

Sets the legend group for this trace. Traces and shapes part of the same legend group hide/show at the same time when toggling legend items.

The ‘legendgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type

property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property line

The ‘line’ property is an instance of Line that may be specified as:

  • An instance of

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Line constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the color of line bounding the box(es).


    Sets the width (in px) of line bounding the box(es).


Return type

property lowerfence

Sets the lower fence values. There should be as many items as the number of boxes desired. This attribute has effect only under the q1/median/q3 signature. If lowerfence is not provided but a sample (in y or x) is set, we compute the lower as the last sample point below 1.5 times the IQR.

The ‘lowerfence’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property lowerfencesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for lowerfence.

The ‘lowerfencesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property marker

The ‘marker’ property is an instance of Marker that may be specified as:

  • An instance of

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Marker constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the marker angle in respect to angleref.


    Sets the marker color. It accepts either a specific color or an array of numbers that are mapped to the colorscale relative to the max and min values of the array or relative to marker.cmin and marker.cmax if set.

    line instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the marker opacity.


    Sets the color of the outlier sample points.


    Sets the marker size (in px).


    Sets the marker symbol type. Adding 100 is equivalent to appending “-open” to a symbol name. Adding 200 is equivalent to appending “-dot” to a symbol name. Adding 300 is equivalent to appending “-open-dot” or “dot- open” to a symbol name.


Return type

property mean

Sets the mean values. There should be as many items as the number of boxes desired. This attribute has effect only under the q1/median/q3 signature. If mean is not provided but a sample (in y or x) is set, we compute the mean for each box using the sample values.

The ‘mean’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property meansrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for mean.

The ‘meansrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property median

Sets the median values. There should be as many items as the number of boxes desired.

The ‘median’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property mediansrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for median.

The ‘mediansrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover. For box traces, the name will also be used for the position coordinate, if x and x0 (y and y0 if horizontal) are missing and the position axis is categorical

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property notched

Determines whether or not notches are drawn. Notches displays a confidence interval around the median. We compute the confidence interval as median +/- 1.57 * IQR / sqrt(N), where IQR is the interquartile range and N is the sample size. If two boxes’ notches do not overlap there is 95% confidence their medians differ. See box-plots for more info. Defaults to False unless notchwidth or notchspan is set.

The ‘notched’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property notchspan

Sets the notch span from the boxes’ median values. There should be as many items as the number of boxes desired. This attribute has effect only under the q1/median/q3 signature. If notchspan is not provided but a sample (in y or x) is set, we compute it as 1.57 * IQR / sqrt(N), where N is the sample size.

The ‘notchspan’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property notchspansrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for notchspan.

The ‘notchspansrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property notchwidth

Sets the width of the notches relative to the box’ width. For example, with 0, the notches are as wide as the box(es).

The ‘notchwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 0.5]


Return type


property offsetgroup

Set several traces linked to the same position axis or matching axes to the same offsetgroup where bars of the same position coordinate will line up.

The ‘offsetgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property opacity

Sets the opacity of the trace.

The ‘opacity’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]


Return type


property orientation

Sets the orientation of the box(es). If “v” (“h”), the distribution is visualized along the vertical (horizontal).

The ‘orientation’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘v’, ‘h’]


Return type


property pointpos

Sets the position of the sample points in relation to the box(es). If 0, the sample points are places over the center of the box(es). Positive (negative) values correspond to positions to the right (left) for vertical boxes and above (below) for horizontal boxes

The ‘pointpos’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [-2, 2]


Return type


property q1

Sets the Quartile 1 values. There should be as many items as the number of boxes desired.

The ‘q1’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property q1src

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for q1.

The ‘q1src’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property q3

Sets the Quartile 3 values. There should be as many items as the number of boxes desired.

The ‘q3’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property q3src

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for q3.

The ‘q3src’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property quartilemethod

Sets the method used to compute the sample’s Q1 and Q3 quartiles. The “linear” method uses the 25th percentile for Q1 and 75th percentile for Q3 as computed using method #10 (listed on The “exclusive” method uses the median to divide the ordered dataset into two halves if the sample is odd, it does not include the median in either half - Q1 is then the median of the lower half and Q3 the median of the upper half. The “inclusive” method also uses the median to divide the ordered dataset into two halves but if the sample is odd, it includes the median in both halves - Q1 is then the median of the lower half and Q3 the median of the upper half.

The ‘quartilemethod’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘linear’, ‘exclusive’, ‘inclusive’]


Return type


property sd

Sets the standard deviation values. There should be as many items as the number of boxes desired. This attribute has effect only under the q1/median/q3 signature. If sd is not provided but a sample (in y or x) is set, we compute the standard deviation for each box using the sample values.

The ‘sd’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property sdmultiple

Scales the box size when sizemode=sd Allowing boxes to be drawn across any stddev range For example 1-stddev, 3-stddev, 5-stddev

The ‘sdmultiple’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property sdsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for sd.

The ‘sdsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property selected

The ‘selected’ property is an instance of Selected that may be specified as:

  • An instance of

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Selected constructor

    Supported dict properties:

    marker r instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type

property selectedpoints

Array containing integer indices of selected points. Has an effect only for traces that support selections. Note that an empty array means an empty selection where the unselected are turned on for all points, whereas, any other non-array values means no selection all where the selected and unselected styles have no effect.

The ‘selectedpoints’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property showlegend

Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.

The ‘showlegend’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property showwhiskers

Determines whether or not whiskers are visible. Defaults to true for sizemode “quartiles”, false for “sd”.

The ‘showwhiskers’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property sizemode

Sets the upper and lower bound for the boxes quartiles means box is drawn between Q1 and Q3 SD means the box is drawn between Mean +- Standard Deviation Argument sdmultiple (default 1) to scale the box size So it could be drawn 1-stddev, 3-stddev etc

The ‘sizemode’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘quartiles’, ‘sd’]


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type

property text

Sets the text elements associated with each sample value. If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order to the this trace’s (x,y) coordinates. To be seen, trace hoverinfo must contain a “text” flag.

The ‘text’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property textsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for text.

The ‘textsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property type
property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property unselected

The ‘unselected’ property is an instance of Unselected that may be specified as:

  • An instance of

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Unselected constructor

    Supported dict properties:

    marker ker instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type

property upperfence

Sets the upper fence values. There should be as many items as the number of boxes desired. This attribute has effect only under the q1/median/q3 signature. If upperfence is not provided but a sample (in y or x) is set, we compute the upper as the last sample point above 1.5 times the IQR.

The ‘upperfence’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property upperfencesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for upperfence.

The ‘upperfencesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


property whiskerwidth

Sets the width of the whiskers relative to the box’ width. For example, with 1, the whiskers are as wide as the box(es).

The ‘whiskerwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]


Return type


property width

Sets the width of the box in data coordinate If 0 (default value) the width is automatically selected based on the positions of other box traces in the same subplot.

The ‘width’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property x

Sets the x sample data or coordinates. See overview for more info.

The ‘x’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property x0

Sets the x coordinate for single-box traces or the starting coordinate for multi-box traces set using q1/median/q3. See overview for more info.

The ‘x0’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property xaxis

Sets a reference between this trace’s x coordinates and a 2D cartesian x axis. If “x” (the default value), the x coordinates refer to layout.xaxis. If “x2”, the x coordinates refer to layout.xaxis2, and so on.

The ‘xaxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘x’, that may be specified as the string ‘x’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘x’, ‘x1’, ‘x2’, ‘x3’, etc.)


Return type


property xcalendar

Sets the calendar system to use with x date data.

The ‘xcalendar’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘chinese’, ‘coptic’, ‘discworld’, ‘ethiopian’, ‘gregorian’, ‘hebrew’, ‘islamic’, ‘jalali’, ‘julian’, ‘mayan’, ‘nanakshahi’, ‘nepali’, ‘persian’, ‘taiwan’, ‘thai’, ‘ummalqura’]


Return type


property xhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor x using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using xaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘xhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property xperiod

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the period positioning in milliseconds or “M<n>” on the x axis. Special values in the form of “M<n>” could be used to declare the number of months. In this case n must be a positive integer.

The ‘xperiod’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property xperiod0

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the base for period positioning in milliseconds or date string on the x0 axis. When x0period is round number of weeks, the x0period0 by default would be on a Sunday i.e. 2000-01-02, otherwise it would be at 2000-01-01.

The ‘xperiod0’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property xperiodalignment

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the alignment of data points on the x axis.

The ‘xperiodalignment’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘start’, ‘middle’, ‘end’]


Return type


property xsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for x.

The ‘xsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property y

Sets the y sample data or coordinates. See overview for more info.

The ‘y’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property y0

Sets the y coordinate for single-box traces or the starting coordinate for multi-box traces set using q1/median/q3. See overview for more info.

The ‘y0’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property yaxis

Sets a reference between this trace’s y coordinates and a 2D cartesian y axis. If “y” (the default value), the y coordinates refer to layout.yaxis. If “y2”, the y coordinates refer to layout.yaxis2, and so on.

The ‘yaxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘y’, that may be specified as the string ‘y’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘y’, ‘y1’, ‘y2’, ‘y3’, etc.)


Return type


property ycalendar

Sets the calendar system to use with y date data.

The ‘ycalendar’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘chinese’, ‘coptic’, ‘discworld’, ‘ethiopian’, ‘gregorian’, ‘hebrew’, ‘islamic’, ‘jalali’, ‘julian’, ‘mayan’, ‘nanakshahi’, ‘nepali’, ‘persian’, ‘taiwan’, ‘thai’, ‘ummalqura’]


Return type


property yhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor y using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using yaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘yhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property yperiod

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the period positioning in milliseconds or “M<n>” on the y axis. Special values in the form of “M<n>” could be used to declare the number of months. In this case n must be a positive integer.

The ‘yperiod’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property yperiod0

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the base for period positioning in milliseconds or date string on the y0 axis. When y0period is round number of weeks, the y0period0 by default would be on a Sunday i.e. 2000-01-02, otherwise it would be at 2000-01-01.

The ‘yperiod0’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property yperiodalignment

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the alignment of data points on the y axis.

The ‘yperiodalignment’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘start’, ‘middle’, ‘end’]


Return type


property ysrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for y.

The ‘ysrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property zorder

Sets the layer on which this trace is displayed, relative to other SVG traces on the same subplot. SVG traces with higher zorder appear in front of those with lower zorder.

The ‘zorder’ property is a integer and may be specified as:
  • An int (or float that will be cast to an int)


Return type


class, close=None, closesrc=None, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, decreasing=None, high=None, highsrc=None, hoverinfo=None, hoverinfosrc=None, hoverlabel=None, hovertext=None, hovertextsrc=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, increasing=None, legend=None, legendgroup=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, line=None, low=None, lowsrc=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, name=None, opacity=None, open=None, opensrc=None, selectedpoints=None, showlegend=None, stream=None, text=None, textsrc=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, visible=None, whiskerwidth=None, x=None, xaxis=None, xcalendar=None, xhoverformat=None, xperiod=None, xperiod0=None, xperiodalignment=None, xsrc=None, yaxis=None, yhoverformat=None, zorder=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property close

Sets the close values.

The ‘close’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property closesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for close.

The ‘closesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property decreasing

The ‘decreasing’ property is an instance of Decreasing that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.candlestick.Decreasing

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Decreasing constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the fill color. Defaults to a half- transparent variant of the line color, marker color, or marker line color, whichever is available.


    plotly.graph_objects.candlestick.decrea sing.Line instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type


property high

Sets the high values.

The ‘high’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property highsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for high.

The ‘highsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverinfo

Determines which trace information appear on hover. If none or skip are set, no information is displayed upon hovering. But, if none is set, click and hover events are still fired.

The ‘hoverinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’, ‘text’, ‘name’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘x+y’) OR exactly one of [‘all’, ‘none’, ‘skip’] (e.g. ‘skip’)

  • A list or array of the above


Return type


property hoverinfosrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hoverinfo.

The ‘hoverinfosrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverlabel

The ‘hoverlabel’ property is an instance of Hoverlabel that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.candlestick.Hoverlabel

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Hoverlabel constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans more two or more lines


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for align.


    Sets the background color of the hover labels for this trace


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bgcolor.


    Sets the border color of the hover labels for this trace.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bordercolor.


    Sets the font used in hover labels.


    Sets the default length (in number of characters) of the trace name in the hover labels for all traces. -1 shows the whole name regardless of length. 0-3 shows the first 0-3 characters, and an integer >3 will show the whole name if it is less than that many characters, but if it is longer, will truncate to namelength - 3 characters and add an ellipsis.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for namelength.


    Show hover information (open, close, high, low) in separate labels.


Return type


property hovertext

Same as text.

The ‘hovertext’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertextsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertext.

The ‘hovertextsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property increasing

The ‘increasing’ property is an instance of Increasing that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.candlestick.Increasing

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Increasing constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the fill color. Defaults to a half- transparent variant of the line color, marker color, or marker line color, whichever is available.


    plotly.graph_objects.candlestick.increa sing.Line instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type


property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgroup

Sets the legend group for this trace. Traces and shapes part of the same legend group hide/show at the same time when toggling legend items.

The ‘legendgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.candlestick.Legendgrouptitle

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type


property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property line

The ‘line’ property is an instance of Line that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.candlestick.Line

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Line constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the width (in px) of line bounding the box(es). Note that this style setting can also be set per direction via increasing.line.width and decreasing.line.width.


Return type


property low

Sets the low values.

The ‘low’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property lowsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for low.

The ‘lowsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property opacity

Sets the opacity of the trace.

The ‘opacity’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]


Return type


property open

Sets the open values.

The ‘open’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property opensrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for open.

The ‘opensrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property selectedpoints

Array containing integer indices of selected points. Has an effect only for traces that support selections. Note that an empty array means an empty selection where the unselected are turned on for all points, whereas, any other non-array values means no selection all where the selected and unselected styles have no effect.

The ‘selectedpoints’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property showlegend

Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.

The ‘showlegend’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.candlestick.Stream

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type


property text

Sets hover text elements associated with each sample point. If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order to this trace’s sample points.

The ‘text’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property textsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for text.

The ‘textsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property type
property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


property whiskerwidth

Sets the width of the whiskers relative to the box’ width. For example, with 1, the whiskers are as wide as the box(es).

The ‘whiskerwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]


Return type


property x

Sets the x coordinates. If absent, linear coordinate will be generated.

The ‘x’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property xaxis

Sets a reference between this trace’s x coordinates and a 2D cartesian x axis. If “x” (the default value), the x coordinates refer to layout.xaxis. If “x2”, the x coordinates refer to layout.xaxis2, and so on.

The ‘xaxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘x’, that may be specified as the string ‘x’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘x’, ‘x1’, ‘x2’, ‘x3’, etc.)


Return type


property xcalendar

Sets the calendar system to use with x date data.

The ‘xcalendar’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘chinese’, ‘coptic’, ‘discworld’, ‘ethiopian’, ‘gregorian’, ‘hebrew’, ‘islamic’, ‘jalali’, ‘julian’, ‘mayan’, ‘nanakshahi’, ‘nepali’, ‘persian’, ‘taiwan’, ‘thai’, ‘ummalqura’]


Return type


property xhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor x using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using xaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘xhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property xperiod

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the period positioning in milliseconds or “M<n>” on the x axis. Special values in the form of “M<n>” could be used to declare the number of months. In this case n must be a positive integer.

The ‘xperiod’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property xperiod0

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the base for period positioning in milliseconds or date string on the x0 axis. When x0period is round number of weeks, the x0period0 by default would be on a Sunday i.e. 2000-01-02, otherwise it would be at 2000-01-01.

The ‘xperiod0’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property xperiodalignment

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the alignment of data points on the x axis.

The ‘xperiodalignment’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘start’, ‘middle’, ‘end’]


Return type


property xsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for x.

The ‘xsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property yaxis

Sets a reference between this trace’s y coordinates and a 2D cartesian y axis. If “y” (the default value), the y coordinates refer to layout.yaxis. If “y2”, the y coordinates refer to layout.yaxis2, and so on.

The ‘yaxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘y’, that may be specified as the string ‘y’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘y’, ‘y1’, ‘y2’, ‘y3’, etc.)


Return type


property yhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor y using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using yaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘yhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property zorder

Sets the layer on which this trace is displayed, relative to other SVG traces on the same subplot. SVG traces with higher zorder appear in front of those with lower zorder.

The ‘zorder’ property is a integer and may be specified as:
  • An int (or float that will be cast to an int)


Return type


class, a=None, a0=None, aaxis=None, asrc=None, b=None, b0=None, baxis=None, bsrc=None, carpet=None, cheaterslope=None, color=None, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, da=None, db=None, font=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, legend=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, name=None, opacity=None, stream=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, visible=None, x=None, xaxis=None, xsrc=None, y=None, yaxis=None, ysrc=None, zorder=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property a

An array containing values of the first parameter value

The ‘a’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property a0

Alternate to a. Builds a linear space of a coordinates. Use with da where a0 is the starting coordinate and da the step.

The ‘a0’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property aaxis

The ‘aaxis’ property is an instance of Aaxis that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.carpet.Aaxis

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Aaxis constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    The stride between grid lines along the axis


    The starting index of grid lines along the axis


    Determines whether or not the range of this axis is computed in relation to the input data. See rangemode for more info. If range is provided, then autorange is set to False.


    Using “strict” a numeric string in trace data is not converted to a number. Using convert types a numeric string in trace data may be treated as a number during automatic axis type detection. Defaults to layout.autotypenumbers.


    Sets the order in which categories on this axis appear. Only has an effect if categoryorder is set to “array”. Used with categoryorder.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for categoryarray.


    Specifies the ordering logic for the case of categorical variables. By default, plotly uses “trace”, which specifies the order that is present in the data supplied. Set categoryorder to category ascending or category descending if order should be determined by the alphanumerical order of the category names. Set categoryorder to “array” to derive the ordering from the attribute categoryarray. If a category is not found in the categoryarray array, the sorting behavior for that attribute will be identical to the “trace” mode. The unspecified categories will follow the categories in categoryarray.



    Sets default for all colors associated with this axis all at once: line, font, tick, and grid colors. Grid color is lightened by blending this with the plot background Individual pieces can override this.


    The stride between grid lines along the axis


    Determines whether or not a line is drawn at along the final value of this axis. If True, the end line is drawn on top of the grid lines.


    Sets the line color of the end line.


    Sets the width (in px) of the end line.


    Determines a formatting rule for the tick exponents. For example, consider the number 1,000,000,000. If “none”, it appears as 1,000,000,000. If “e”, 1e+9. If “E”, 1E+9. If “power”, 1x10^9 (with 9 in a super script). If “SI”, 1G. If “B”, 1B.


    Determines whether or not this axis is zoom- able. If true, then zoom is disabled.


    Sets the axis line color.


    Sets the dash style of lines. Set to a dash type string (“solid”, “dot”, “dash”, “longdash”, “dashdot”, or “longdashdot”) or a dash length list in px (eg “5px,10px,2px,2px”).


    Sets the width (in px) of the axis line.


    Replacement text for specific tick or hover labels. For example using {US: ‘USA’, CA: ‘Canada’} changes US to USA and CA to Canada. The labels we would have shown must match the keys exactly, after adding any tickprefix or ticksuffix. For negative numbers the minus sign symbol used (U+2212) is wider than the regular ascii dash. That means you need to use −1 instead of -1. labelalias can be used with any axis type, and both keys (if needed) and values (if desired) can include html-like tags or MathJax.


    Extra padding between label and the axis


    Sets a axis label prefix.


    Sets a axis label suffix.


    Sets the axis line color.


    Sets the width (in px) of the axis line.


    Hide SI prefix for 10^n if |n| is below this number


    Sets the color of the grid lines.


    Sets the number of minor grid ticks per major grid tick


    Sets the dash style of lines. Set to a dash type string (“solid”, “dot”, “dash”, “longdash”, “dashdot”, or “longdashdot”) or a dash length list in px (eg “5px,10px,2px,2px”).


    Sets the width (in px) of the grid lines.


    Specifies the maximum number of ticks for the particular axis. The actual number of ticks will be chosen automatically to be less than or equal to nticks. Has an effect only if tickmode is set to “auto”.


    Sets the range of this axis. If the axis type is “log”, then you must take the log of your desired range (e.g. to set the range from 1 to 100, set the range from 0 to 2). If the axis type is “date”, it should be date strings, like date data, though Date objects and unix milliseconds will be accepted and converted to strings. If the axis type is “category”, it should be numbers, using the scale where each category is assigned a serial number from zero in the order it appears.


    If “normal”, the range is computed in relation to the extrema of the input data. If *tozero*`, the range extends to 0, regardless of the input data If “nonnegative”, the range is non- negative, regardless of the input data.


    If “true”, even 4-digit integers are separated


    If “all”, all exponents are shown besides their significands. If “first”, only the exponent of the first tick is shown. If “last”, only the exponent of the last tick is shown. If “none”, no exponents appear.


    Determines whether or not grid lines are drawn. If True, the grid lines are drawn at every tick mark.


    Determines whether or not a line bounding this axis is drawn.


    Determines whether axis labels are drawn on the low side, the high side, both, or neither side of the axis.


    If “all”, all tick labels are displayed with a prefix. If “first”, only the first tick is displayed with a prefix. If “last”, only the last tick is displayed with a suffix. If “none”, tick prefixes are hidden.


    Same as showtickprefix but for tick suffixes.



    Determines whether or not a line is drawn at along the starting value of this axis. If True, the start line is drawn on top of the grid lines.


    Sets the line color of the start line.


    Sets the width (in px) of the start line.


    The starting index of grid lines along the axis


    Sets the angle of the tick labels with respect to the horizontal. For example, a tickangle of -90 draws the tick labels vertically.


    Sets the tick font.


    Sets the tick label formatting rule using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: h ttps:// format. And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display “09~15~23.46”


    A tuple of plotly.graph_objects.carpet. aaxis.Tickformatstop instances or dicts with compatible properties


    When used in a template (as layout.template.dat a.carpet.aaxis.tickformatstopdefaults), sets the default property values to use for elements of carpet.aaxis.tickformatstops



    Sets a tick label prefix.


    Sets a tick label suffix.


    Sets the text displayed at the ticks position via tickvals. Only has an effect if tickmode is set to “array”. Used with tickvals.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ticktext.


    Sets the values at which ticks on this axis appear. Only has an effect if tickmode is set to “array”. Used with ticktext.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for tickvals.


    :class:`plotly.graph_objects.carpet.aaxis.Title ` instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the axis type. By default, plotly attempts to determined the axis type by looking into the data of the traces that referenced the axis in question.


Return type


property asrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for a.

The ‘asrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property b

A two dimensional array of y coordinates at each carpet point.

The ‘b’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property b0

Alternate to b. Builds a linear space of a coordinates. Use with db where b0 is the starting coordinate and db the step.

The ‘b0’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property baxis

The ‘baxis’ property is an instance of Baxis that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.carpet.Baxis

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Baxis constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    The stride between grid lines along the axis


    The starting index of grid lines along the axis


    Determines whether or not the range of this axis is computed in relation to the input data. See rangemode for more info. If range is provided, then autorange is set to False.


    Using “strict” a numeric string in trace data is not converted to a number. Using convert types a numeric string in trace data may be treated as a number during automatic axis type detection. Defaults to layout.autotypenumbers.


    Sets the order in which categories on this axis appear. Only has an effect if categoryorder is set to “array”. Used with categoryorder.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for categoryarray.


    Specifies the ordering logic for the case of categorical variables. By default, plotly uses “trace”, which specifies the order that is present in the data supplied. Set categoryorder to category ascending or category descending if order should be determined by the alphanumerical order of the category names. Set categoryorder to “array” to derive the ordering from the attribute categoryarray. If a category is not found in the categoryarray array, the sorting behavior for that attribute will be identical to the “trace” mode. The unspecified categories will follow the categories in categoryarray.



    Sets default for all colors associated with this axis all at once: line, font, tick, and grid colors. Grid color is lightened by blending this with the plot background Individual pieces can override this.


    The stride between grid lines along the axis


    Determines whether or not a line is drawn at along the final value of this axis. If True, the end line is drawn on top of the grid lines.


    Sets the line color of the end line.


    Sets the width (in px) of the end line.


    Determines a formatting rule for the tick exponents. For example, consider the number 1,000,000,000. If “none”, it appears as 1,000,000,000. If “e”, 1e+9. If “E”, 1E+9. If “power”, 1x10^9 (with 9 in a super script). If “SI”, 1G. If “B”, 1B.


    Determines whether or not this axis is zoom- able. If true, then zoom is disabled.


    Sets the axis line color.


    Sets the dash style of lines. Set to a dash type string (“solid”, “dot”, “dash”, “longdash”, “dashdot”, or “longdashdot”) or a dash length list in px (eg “5px,10px,2px,2px”).


    Sets the width (in px) of the axis line.


    Replacement text for specific tick or hover labels. For example using {US: ‘USA’, CA: ‘Canada’} changes US to USA and CA to Canada. The labels we would have shown must match the keys exactly, after adding any tickprefix or ticksuffix. For negative numbers the minus sign symbol used (U+2212) is wider than the regular ascii dash. That means you need to use −1 instead of -1. labelalias can be used with any axis type, and both keys (if needed) and values (if desired) can include html-like tags or MathJax.


    Extra padding between label and the axis


    Sets a axis label prefix.


    Sets a axis label suffix.


    Sets the axis line color.


    Sets the width (in px) of the axis line.


    Hide SI prefix for 10^n if |n| is below this number


    Sets the color of the grid lines.


    Sets the number of minor grid ticks per major grid tick


    Sets the dash style of lines. Set to a dash type string (“solid”, “dot”, “dash”, “longdash”, “dashdot”, or “longdashdot”) or a dash length list in px (eg “5px,10px,2px,2px”).


    Sets the width (in px) of the grid lines.


    Specifies the maximum number of ticks for the particular axis. The actual number of ticks will be chosen automatically to be less than or equal to nticks. Has an effect only if tickmode is set to “auto”.


    Sets the range of this axis. If the axis type is “log”, then you must take the log of your desired range (e.g. to set the range from 1 to 100, set the range from 0 to 2). If the axis type is “date”, it should be date strings, like date data, though Date objects and unix milliseconds will be accepted and converted to strings. If the axis type is “category”, it should be numbers, using the scale where each category is assigned a serial number from zero in the order it appears.


    If “normal”, the range is computed in relation to the extrema of the input data. If *tozero*`, the range extends to 0, regardless of the input data If “nonnegative”, the range is non- negative, regardless of the input data.


    If “true”, even 4-digit integers are separated


    If “all”, all exponents are shown besides their significands. If “first”, only the exponent of the first tick is shown. If “last”, only the exponent of the last tick is shown. If “none”, no exponents appear.


    Determines whether or not grid lines are drawn. If True, the grid lines are drawn at every tick mark.


    Determines whether or not a line bounding this axis is drawn.


    Determines whether axis labels are drawn on the low side, the high side, both, or neither side of the axis.


    If “all”, all tick labels are displayed with a prefix. If “first”, only the first tick is displayed with a prefix. If “last”, only the last tick is displayed with a suffix. If “none”, tick prefixes are hidden.


    Same as showtickprefix but for tick suffixes.



    Determines whether or not a line is drawn at along the starting value of this axis. If True, the start line is drawn on top of the grid lines.


    Sets the line color of the start line.


    Sets the width (in px) of the start line.


    The starting index of grid lines along the axis


    Sets the angle of the tick labels with respect to the horizontal. For example, a tickangle of -90 draws the tick labels vertically.


    Sets the tick font.


    Sets the tick label formatting rule using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: h ttps:// format. And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display “09~15~23.46”


    A tuple of plotly.graph_objects.carpet. baxis.Tickformatstop instances or dicts with compatible properties


    When used in a template (as layout.template.dat a.carpet.baxis.tickformatstopdefaults), sets the default property values to use for elements of carpet.baxis.tickformatstops



    Sets a tick label prefix.


    Sets a tick label suffix.


    Sets the text displayed at the ticks position via tickvals. Only has an effect if tickmode is set to “array”. Used with tickvals.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ticktext.


    Sets the values at which ticks on this axis appear. Only has an effect if tickmode is set to “array”. Used with ticktext.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for tickvals.


    :class:`plotly.graph_objects.carpet.baxis.Title ` instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the axis type. By default, plotly attempts to determined the axis type by looking into the data of the traces that referenced the axis in question.


Return type


property bsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for b.

The ‘bsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property carpet

An identifier for this carpet, so that scattercarpet and contourcarpet traces can specify a carpet plot on which they lie

The ‘carpet’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property cheaterslope

The shift applied to each successive row of data in creating a cheater plot. Only used if x is been omitted.

The ‘cheaterslope’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property color

Sets default for all colors associated with this axis all at once: line, font, tick, and grid colors. Grid color is lightened by blending this with the plot background Individual pieces can override this.

The ‘color’ property is a color and may be specified as:
  • A hex string (e.g. ‘#ff0000’)

  • An rgb/rgba string (e.g. ‘rgb(255,0,0)’)

  • An hsl/hsla string (e.g. ‘hsl(0,100%,50%)’)

  • An hsv/hsva string (e.g. ‘hsv(0,100%,100%)’)

  • A named CSS color:

    aliceblue, antiquewhite, aqua, aquamarine, azure, beige, bisque, black, blanchedalmond, blue, blueviolet, brown, burlywood, cadetblue, chartreuse, chocolate, coral, cornflowerblue, cornsilk, crimson, cyan, darkblue, darkcyan, darkgoldenrod, darkgray, darkgrey, darkgreen, darkkhaki, darkmagenta, darkolivegreen, darkorange, darkorchid, darkred, darksalmon, darkseagreen, darkslateblue, darkslategray, darkslategrey, darkturquoise, darkviolet, deeppink, deepskyblue, dimgray, dimgrey, dodgerblue, firebrick, floralwhite, forestgreen, fuchsia, gainsboro, ghostwhite, gold, goldenrod, gray, grey, green, greenyellow, honeydew, hotpink, indianred, indigo, ivory, khaki, lavender, lavenderblush, lawngreen, lemonchiffon, lightblue, lightcoral, lightcyan, lightgoldenrodyellow, lightgray, lightgrey, lightgreen, lightpink, lightsalmon, lightseagreen, lightskyblue, lightslategray, lightslategrey, lightsteelblue, lightyellow, lime, limegreen, linen, magenta, maroon, mediumaquamarine, mediumblue, mediumorchid, mediumpurple, mediumseagreen, mediumslateblue, mediumspringgreen, mediumturquoise, mediumvioletred, midnightblue, mintcream, mistyrose, moccasin, navajowhite, navy, oldlace, olive, olivedrab, orange, orangered, orchid, palegoldenrod, palegreen, paleturquoise, palevioletred, papayawhip, peachpuff, peru, pink, plum, powderblue, purple, red, rosybrown, royalblue, rebeccapurple, saddlebrown, salmon, sandybrown, seagreen, seashell, sienna, silver, skyblue, slateblue, slategray, slategrey, snow, springgreen, steelblue, tan, teal, thistle, tomato, turquoise, violet, wheat, white, whitesmoke, yellow, yellowgreen


Return type


property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property da

Sets the a coordinate step. See a0 for more info.

The ‘da’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property db

Sets the b coordinate step. See b0 for more info.

The ‘db’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property font

The default font used for axis & tick labels on this carpet

The ‘font’ property is an instance of Font that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.carpet.Font

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Font constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.


    Sets the kind of decoration line(s) with text, such as an “under”, “over” or “through” as well as combinations e.g. “under+over”, etc.


    Sets the shape and color of the shadow behind text. “auto” places minimal shadow and applies contrast text font color. See US/docs/Web/CSS/text-shadow for additional options.



    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets capitalization of text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all- lowercase, or with each word capitalized.


    Sets the variant of the font.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.carpet.Legendgrouptitle

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type


property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property opacity

Sets the opacity of the trace.

The ‘opacity’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.carpet.Stream

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type


property type
property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


property x

A two dimensional array of x coordinates at each carpet point. If omitted, the plot is a cheater plot and the xaxis is hidden by default.

The ‘x’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property xaxis

Sets a reference between this trace’s x coordinates and a 2D cartesian x axis. If “x” (the default value), the x coordinates refer to layout.xaxis. If “x2”, the x coordinates refer to layout.xaxis2, and so on.

The ‘xaxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘x’, that may be specified as the string ‘x’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘x’, ‘x1’, ‘x2’, ‘x3’, etc.)


Return type


property xsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for x.

The ‘xsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property y

A two dimensional array of y coordinates at each carpet point.

The ‘y’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property yaxis

Sets a reference between this trace’s y coordinates and a 2D cartesian y axis. If “y” (the default value), the y coordinates refer to layout.yaxis. If “y2”, the y coordinates refer to layout.yaxis2, and so on.

The ‘yaxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘y’, that may be specified as the string ‘y’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘y’, ‘y1’, ‘y2’, ‘y3’, etc.)


Return type


property ysrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for y.

The ‘ysrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property zorder

Sets the layer on which this trace is displayed, relative to other SVG traces on the same subplot. SVG traces with higher zorder appear in front of those with lower zorder.

The ‘zorder’ property is a integer and may be specified as:
  • An int (or float that will be cast to an int)


Return type


class, autocolorscale=None, coloraxis=None, colorbar=None, colorscale=None, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, featureidkey=None, geo=None, geojson=None, hoverinfo=None, hoverinfosrc=None, hoverlabel=None, hovertemplate=None, hovertemplatesrc=None, hovertext=None, hovertextsrc=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, legend=None, legendgroup=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, locationmode=None, locations=None, locationssrc=None, marker=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, name=None, reversescale=None, selected=None, selectedpoints=None, showlegend=None, showscale=None, stream=None, text=None, textsrc=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, unselected=None, visible=None, z=None, zauto=None, zmax=None, zmid=None, zmin=None, zsrc=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property autocolorscale

Determines whether the colorscale is a default palette (autocolorscale: true) or the palette determined by colorscale. In case colorscale is unspecified or autocolorscale is true, the default palette will be chosen according to whether numbers in the color array are all positive, all negative or mixed.

The ‘autocolorscale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property coloraxis

Sets a reference to a shared color axis. References to these shared color axes are “coloraxis”, “coloraxis2”, “coloraxis3”, etc. Settings for these shared color axes are set in the layout, under layout.coloraxis, layout.coloraxis2, etc. Note that multiple color scales can be linked to the same color axis.

The ‘coloraxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘coloraxis’, that may be specified as the string ‘coloraxis’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘coloraxis’, ‘coloraxis1’, ‘coloraxis2’, ‘coloraxis3’, etc.)


Return type


property colorbar

The ‘colorbar’ property is an instance of ColorBar that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.choropleth.ColorBar

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the ColorBar constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the color of padded area.


    Sets the axis line color.


    Sets the width (in px) or the border enclosing this color bar.


    Sets the step in-between ticks on this axis. Use with tick0. Must be a positive number, or special strings available to “log” and “date” axes. If the axis type is “log”, then ticks are set every 10^(n*dtick) where n is the tick number. For example, to set a tick mark at 1, 10, 100, 1000, … set dtick to 1. To set tick marks at 1, 100, 10000, … set dtick to 2. To set tick marks at 1, 5, 25, 125, 625, 3125, … set dtick to log_10(5), or 0.69897000433. “log” has several special values; “L<f>”, where f is a positive number, gives ticks linearly spaced in value (but not position). For example tick0 = 0.1, dtick = “L0.5” will put ticks at 0.1, 0.6, 1.1, 1.6 etc. To show powers of 10 plus small digits between, use “D1” (all digits) or “D2” (only 2 and 5). tick0 is ignored for “D1” and “D2”. If the axis type is “date”, then you must convert the time to milliseconds. For example, to set the interval between ticks to one day, set dtick to 86400000.0. “date” also has special values “M<n>” gives ticks spaced by a number of months. n must be a positive integer. To set ticks on the 15th of every third month, set tick0 to “2000-01-15” and dtick to “M3”. To set ticks every 4 years, set dtick to “M48”


    Determines a formatting rule for the tick exponents. For example, consider the number 1,000,000,000. If “none”, it appears as 1,000,000,000. If “e”, 1e+9. If “E”, 1E+9. If “power”, 1x10^9 (with 9 in a super script). If “SI”, 1G. If “B”, 1B.


    Replacement text for specific tick or hover labels. For example using {US: ‘USA’, CA: ‘Canada’} changes US to USA and CA to Canada. The labels we would have shown must match the keys exactly, after adding any tickprefix or ticksuffix. For negative numbers the minus sign symbol used (U+2212) is wider than the regular ascii dash. That means you need to use −1 instead of -1. labelalias can be used with any axis type, and both keys (if needed) and values (if desired) can include html-like tags or MathJax.


    Sets the length of the color bar This measure excludes the padding of both ends. That is, the color bar length is this length minus the padding on both ends.


    Determines whether this color bar’s length (i.e. the measure in the color variation direction) is set in units of plot “fraction” or in *pixels. Use len to set the value.


    Hide SI prefix for 10^n if |n| is below this number. This only has an effect when tickformat is “SI” or “B”.


    Specifies the maximum number of ticks for the particular axis. The actual number of ticks will be chosen automatically to be less than or equal to nticks. Has an effect only if tickmode is set to “auto”.


    Sets the orientation of the colorbar.


    Sets the axis line color.


    Sets the width (in px) of the axis line.


    If “true”, even 4-digit integers are separated


    If “all”, all exponents are shown besides their significands. If “first”, only the exponent of the first tick is shown. If “last”, only the exponent of the last tick is shown. If “none”, no exponents appear.


    Determines whether or not the tick labels are drawn.


    If “all”, all tick labels are displayed with a prefix. If “first”, only the first tick is displayed with a prefix. If “last”, only the last tick is displayed with a suffix. If “none”, tick prefixes are hidden.


    Same as showtickprefix but for tick suffixes.


    Sets the thickness of the color bar This measure excludes the size of the padding, ticks and labels.


    Determines whether this color bar’s thickness (i.e. the measure in the constant color direction) is set in units of plot “fraction” or in “pixels”. Use thickness to set the value.


    Sets the placement of the first tick on this axis. Use with dtick. If the axis type is “log”, then you must take the log of your starting tick (e.g. to set the starting tick to 100, set the tick0 to 2) except when dtick`=*L<f>* (see `dtick for more info). If the axis type is “date”, it should be a date string, like date data. If the axis type is “category”, it should be a number, using the scale where each category is assigned a serial number from zero in the order it appears.


    Sets the angle of the tick labels with respect to the horizontal. For example, a tickangle of -90 draws the tick labels vertically.


    Sets the tick color.


    Sets the color bar’s tick label font


    Sets the tick label formatting rule using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: h ttps:// format. And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display “09~15~23.46”


    A tuple of plotly.graph_objects.choropl eth.colorbar.Tickformatstop instances or dicts with compatible properties


    When used in a template (as layout.template.dat a.choropleth.colorbar.tickformatstopdefaults), sets the default property values to use for elements of choropleth.colorbar.tickformatstops


    Determines how we handle tick labels that would overflow either the graph div or the domain of the axis. The default value for inside tick labels is hide past domain. In other cases the default is hide past div.


    Determines where tick labels are drawn relative to the ticks. Left and right options are used when orientation is “h”, top and bottom when orientation is “v”.


    Sets the spacing between tick labels as compared to the spacing between ticks. A value of 1 (default) means each tick gets a label. A value of 2 means shows every 2nd label. A larger value n means only every nth tick is labeled. tick0 determines which labels are shown. Not implemented for axes with type “log” or “multicategory”, or when tickmode is “array”.


    Sets the tick length (in px).


    Sets the tick mode for this axis. If “auto”, the number of ticks is set via nticks. If “linear”, the placement of the ticks is determined by a starting position tick0 and a tick step dtick (“linear” is the default value if tick0 and dtick are provided). If “array”, the placement of the ticks is set via tickvals and the tick text is ticktext. (“array” is the default value if tickvals is provided).


    Sets a tick label prefix.


    Determines whether ticks are drawn or not. If “”, this axis’ ticks are not drawn. If “outside” (“inside”), this axis’ are drawn outside (inside) the axis lines.


    Sets a tick label suffix.


    Sets the text displayed at the ticks position via tickvals. Only has an effect if tickmode is set to “array”. Used with tickvals.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ticktext.


    Sets the values at which ticks on this axis appear. Only has an effect if tickmode is set to “array”. Used with ticktext.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for tickvals.


    Sets the tick width (in px).


    plotly.graph_objects.choropleth.colorba r.Title instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the x position with respect to xref of the color bar (in plot fraction). When xref is “paper”, defaults to 1.02 when orientation is “v” and 0.5 when orientation is “h”. When xref is “container”, defaults to 1 when orientation is “v” and 0.5 when orientation is “h”. Must be between 0 and 1 if xref is “container” and between “-2” and 3 if xref is “paper”.


    Sets this color bar’s horizontal position anchor. This anchor binds the x position to the “left”, “center” or “right” of the color bar. Defaults to “left” when orientation is “v” and “center” when orientation is “h”.


    Sets the amount of padding (in px) along the x direction.


    Sets the container x refers to. “container” spans the entire width of the plot. “paper” refers to the width of the plotting area only.


    Sets the y position with respect to yref of the color bar (in plot fraction). When yref is “paper”, defaults to 0.5 when orientation is “v” and 1.02 when orientation is “h”. When yref is “container”, defaults to 0.5 when orientation is “v” and 1 when orientation is “h”. Must be between 0 and 1 if yref is “container” and between “-2” and 3 if yref is “paper”.


    Sets this color bar’s vertical position anchor This anchor binds the y position to the “top”, “middle” or “bottom” of the color bar. Defaults to “middle” when orientation is “v” and “bottom” when orientation is “h”.


    Sets the amount of padding (in px) along the y direction.


    Sets the container y refers to. “container” spans the entire height of the plot. “paper” refers to the height of the plotting area only.


Return type


property colorscale

Sets the colorscale. The colorscale must be an array containing arrays mapping a normalized value to an rgb, rgba, hex, hsl, hsv, or named color string. At minimum, a mapping for the lowest (0) and highest (1) values are required. For example, [[0, 'rgb(0,0,255)'], [1, 'rgb(255,0,0)']]. To control the bounds of the colorscale in color space, use zmin and zmax. Alternatively, colorscale may be a palette name string of the following list: Blackbody,Bluered,Blues,Cividis,Earth,Electric, Greens,Greys,Hot,Jet,Picnic,Portland,Rainbow,RdBu,Reds,Viridis, YlGnBu,YlOrRd.

The ‘colorscale’ property is a colorscale and may be specified as:

  • A list of colors that will be spaced evenly to create the colorscale. Many predefined colorscale lists are included in the sequential, diverging, and cyclical modules in the plotly.colors package.

  • A list of 2-element lists where the first element is the normalized color level value (starting at 0 and ending at 1), and the second item is a valid color string. (e.g. [[0, ‘green’], [0.5, ‘red’], [1.0, ‘rgb(0, 0, 255)’]])

  • One of the following named colorscales:
    [‘aggrnyl’, ‘agsunset’, ‘algae’, ‘amp’, ‘armyrose’, ‘balance’,

    ‘blackbody’, ‘bluered’, ‘blues’, ‘blugrn’, ‘bluyl’, ‘brbg’, ‘brwnyl’, ‘bugn’, ‘bupu’, ‘burg’, ‘burgyl’, ‘cividis’, ‘curl’, ‘darkmint’, ‘deep’, ‘delta’, ‘dense’, ‘earth’, ‘edge’, ‘electric’, ‘emrld’, ‘fall’, ‘geyser’, ‘gnbu’, ‘gray’, ‘greens’, ‘greys’, ‘haline’, ‘hot’, ‘hsv’, ‘ice’, ‘icefire’, ‘inferno’, ‘jet’, ‘magenta’, ‘magma’, ‘matter’, ‘mint’, ‘mrybm’, ‘mygbm’, ‘oranges’, ‘orrd’, ‘oryel’, ‘oxy’, ‘peach’, ‘phase’, ‘picnic’, ‘pinkyl’, ‘piyg’, ‘plasma’, ‘plotly3’, ‘portland’, ‘prgn’, ‘pubu’, ‘pubugn’, ‘puor’, ‘purd’, ‘purp’, ‘purples’, ‘purpor’, ‘rainbow’, ‘rdbu’, ‘rdgy’, ‘rdpu’, ‘rdylbu’, ‘rdylgn’, ‘redor’, ‘reds’, ‘solar’, ‘spectral’, ‘speed’, ‘sunset’, ‘sunsetdark’, ‘teal’, ‘tealgrn’, ‘tealrose’, ‘tempo’, ‘temps’, ‘thermal’, ‘tropic’, ‘turbid’, ‘turbo’, ‘twilight’, ‘viridis’, ‘ylgn’, ‘ylgnbu’, ‘ylorbr’, ‘ylorrd’].

    Appending ‘_r’ to a named colorscale reverses it.


Return type


property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property featureidkey

Sets the key in GeoJSON features which is used as id to match the items included in the locations array. Only has an effect when geojson is set. Support nested property, for example “”.

The ‘featureidkey’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property geo

Sets a reference between this trace’s geospatial coordinates and a geographic map. If “geo” (the default value), the geospatial coordinates refer to layout.geo. If “geo2”, the geospatial coordinates refer to layout.geo2, and so on.

The ‘geo’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘geo’, that may be specified as the string ‘geo’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘geo’, ‘geo1’, ‘geo2’, ‘geo3’, etc.)


Return type


property geojson

Sets optional GeoJSON data associated with this trace. If not given, the features on the base map are used. It can be set as a valid GeoJSON object or as a URL string. Note that we only accept GeoJSONs of type “FeatureCollection” or “Feature” with geometries of type “Polygon” or “MultiPolygon”.

The ‘geojson’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property hoverinfo

Determines which trace information appear on hover. If none or skip are set, no information is displayed upon hovering. But, if none is set, click and hover events are still fired.

The ‘hoverinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘location’, ‘z’, ‘text’, ‘name’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘location+z’) OR exactly one of [‘all’, ‘none’, ‘skip’] (e.g. ‘skip’)

  • A list or array of the above


Return type


property hoverinfosrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hoverinfo.

The ‘hoverinfosrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverlabel

The ‘hoverlabel’ property is an instance of Hoverlabel that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.choropleth.Hoverlabel

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Hoverlabel constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans more two or more lines


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for align.


    Sets the background color of the hover labels for this trace


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bgcolor.


    Sets the border color of the hover labels for this trace.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bordercolor.


    Sets the font used in hover labels.


    Sets the default length (in number of characters) of the trace name in the hover labels for all traces. -1 shows the whole name regardless of length. 0-3 shows the first 0-3 characters, and an integer >3 will show the whole name if it is less than that many characters, but if it is longer, will truncate to namelength - 3 characters and add an ellipsis.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for namelength.


Return type


property hovertemplate

Template string used for rendering the information that appear on hover box. Note that this will override hoverinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}” as well as %{xother}, {%_xother}, {%_xother_}, {%xother_}. When showing info for several points, “xother” will be added to those with different x positions from the first point. An underscore before or after “(x|y)other” will add a space on that side, only when this field is shown. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. The variables available in hovertemplate are the ones emitted as event data described at this link Additionally, every attributes that can be specified per-point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Anything contained in tag <extra> is displayed in the secondary box, for example “<extra>{}</extra>”. To hide the secondary box completely, use an empty tag <extra></extra>.

The ‘hovertemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertemplate.

The ‘hovertemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hovertext

Same as text.

The ‘hovertext’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertextsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertext.

The ‘hovertextsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgroup

Sets the legend group for this trace. Traces and shapes part of the same legend group hide/show at the same time when toggling legend items.

The ‘legendgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.choropleth.Legendgrouptitle

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type


property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property locationmode

Determines the set of locations used to match entries in locations to regions on the map. Values “ISO-3”, “USA- states”, country names correspond to features on the base map and value “geojson-id” corresponds to features from a custom GeoJSON linked to the geojson attribute.

The ‘locationmode’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘ISO-3’, ‘USA-states’, ‘country names’, ‘geojson-id’]


Return type


property locations

Sets the coordinates via location IDs or names. See locationmode for more info.

The ‘locations’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property locationssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for locations.

The ‘locationssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property marker

The ‘marker’ property is an instance of Marker that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.choropleth.Marker

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Marker constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.choropleth.marker. Line instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the opacity of the locations.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for opacity.


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property reversescale

Reverses the color mapping if true. If true, zmin will correspond to the last color in the array and zmax will correspond to the first color.

The ‘reversescale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property selected

The ‘selected’ property is an instance of Selected that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.choropleth.Selected

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Selected constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.choropleth.selecte d.Marker instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type


property selectedpoints

Array containing integer indices of selected points. Has an effect only for traces that support selections. Note that an empty array means an empty selection where the unselected are turned on for all points, whereas, any other non-array values means no selection all where the selected and unselected styles have no effect.

The ‘selectedpoints’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property showlegend

Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.

The ‘showlegend’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property showscale

Determines whether or not a colorbar is displayed for this trace.

The ‘showscale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.choropleth.Stream

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type


property text

Sets the text elements associated with each location.

The ‘text’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property textsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for text.

The ‘textsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property type
property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property unselected

The ‘unselected’ property is an instance of Unselected that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.choropleth.Unselected

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Unselected constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.choropleth.unselec ted.Marker instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


property z

Sets the color values.

The ‘z’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property zauto

Determines whether or not the color domain is computed with respect to the input data (here in z) or the bounds set in zmin and zmax Defaults to false when zmin and zmax are set by the user.

The ‘zauto’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property zmax

Sets the upper bound of the color domain. Value should have the same units as in z and if set, zmin must be set as well.

The ‘zmax’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property zmid

Sets the mid-point of the color domain by scaling zmin and/or zmax to be equidistant to this point. Value should have the same units as in z. Has no effect when zauto is false.

The ‘zmid’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property zmin

Sets the lower bound of the color domain. Value should have the same units as in z and if set, zmax must be set as well.

The ‘zmin’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property zsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for z.

The ‘zsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


class, autocolorscale=None, below=None, coloraxis=None, colorbar=None, colorscale=None, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, featureidkey=None, geojson=None, hoverinfo=None, hoverinfosrc=None, hoverlabel=None, hovertemplate=None, hovertemplatesrc=None, hovertext=None, hovertextsrc=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, legend=None, legendgroup=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, locations=None, locationssrc=None, marker=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, name=None, reversescale=None, selected=None, selectedpoints=None, showlegend=None, showscale=None, stream=None, subplot=None, text=None, textsrc=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, unselected=None, visible=None, z=None, zauto=None, zmax=None, zmid=None, zmin=None, zsrc=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property autocolorscale

Determines whether the colorscale is a default palette (autocolorscale: true) or the palette determined by colorscale. In case colorscale is unspecified or autocolorscale is true, the default palette will be chosen according to whether numbers in the color array are all positive, all negative or mixed.

The ‘autocolorscale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property below

Determines if the choropleth polygons will be inserted before the layer with the specified ID. By default, choroplethmap traces are placed above the water layers. If set to ‘’, the layer will be inserted above every existing layer.

The ‘below’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property coloraxis

Sets a reference to a shared color axis. References to these shared color axes are “coloraxis”, “coloraxis2”, “coloraxis3”, etc. Settings for these shared color axes are set in the layout, under layout.coloraxis, layout.coloraxis2, etc. Note that multiple color scales can be linked to the same color axis.

The ‘coloraxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘coloraxis’, that may be specified as the string ‘coloraxis’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘coloraxis’, ‘coloraxis1’, ‘coloraxis2’, ‘coloraxis3’, etc.)


Return type


property colorbar

The ‘colorbar’ property is an instance of ColorBar that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.choroplethmap.ColorBar

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the ColorBar constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the color of padded area.


    Sets the axis line color.


    Sets the width (in px) or the border enclosing this color bar.


    Sets the step in-between ticks on this axis. Use with tick0. Must be a positive number, or special strings available to “log” and “date” axes. If the axis type is “log”, then ticks are set every 10^(n*dtick) where n is the tick number. For example, to set a tick mark at 1, 10, 100, 1000, … set dtick to 1. To set tick marks at 1, 100, 10000, … set dtick to 2. To set tick marks at 1, 5, 25, 125, 625, 3125, … set dtick to log_10(5), or 0.69897000433. “log” has several special values; “L<f>”, where f is a positive number, gives ticks linearly spaced in value (but not position). For example tick0 = 0.1, dtick = “L0.5” will put ticks at 0.1, 0.6, 1.1, 1.6 etc. To show powers of 10 plus small digits between, use “D1” (all digits) or “D2” (only 2 and 5). tick0 is ignored for “D1” and “D2”. If the axis type is “date”, then you must convert the time to milliseconds. For example, to set the interval between ticks to one day, set dtick to 86400000.0. “date” also has special values “M<n>” gives ticks spaced by a number of months. n must be a positive integer. To set ticks on the 15th of every third month, set tick0 to “2000-01-15” and dtick to “M3”. To set ticks every 4 years, set dtick to “M48”


    Determines a formatting rule for the tick exponents. For example, consider the number 1,000,000,000. If “none”, it appears as 1,000,000,000. If “e”, 1e+9. If “E”, 1E+9. If “power”, 1x10^9 (with 9 in a super script). If “SI”, 1G. If “B”, 1B.


    Replacement text for specific tick or hover labels. For example using {US: ‘USA’, CA: ‘Canada’} changes US to USA and CA to Canada. The labels we would have shown must match the keys exactly, after adding any tickprefix or ticksuffix. For negative numbers the minus sign symbol used (U+2212) is wider than the regular ascii dash. That means you need to use −1 instead of -1. labelalias can be used with any axis type, and both keys (if needed) and values (if desired) can include html-like tags or MathJax.


    Sets the length of the color bar This measure excludes the padding of both ends. That is, the color bar length is this length minus the padding on both ends.


    Determines whether this color bar’s length (i.e. the measure in the color variation direction) is set in units of plot “fraction” or in *pixels. Use len to set the value.


    Hide SI prefix for 10^n if |n| is below this number. This only has an effect when tickformat is “SI” or “B”.


    Specifies the maximum number of ticks for the particular axis. The actual number of ticks will be chosen automatically to be less than or equal to nticks. Has an effect only if tickmode is set to “auto”.


    Sets the orientation of the colorbar.


    Sets the axis line color.


    Sets the width (in px) of the axis line.


    If “true”, even 4-digit integers are separated


    If “all”, all exponents are shown besides their significands. If “first”, only the exponent of the first tick is shown. If “last”, only the exponent of the last tick is shown. If “none”, no exponents appear.


    Determines whether or not the tick labels are drawn.


    If “all”, all tick labels are displayed with a prefix. If “first”, only the first tick is displayed with a prefix. If “last”, only the last tick is displayed with a suffix. If “none”, tick prefixes are hidden.


    Same as showtickprefix but for tick suffixes.


    Sets the thickness of the color bar This measure excludes the size of the padding, ticks and labels.


    Determines whether this color bar’s thickness (i.e. the measure in the constant color direction) is set in units of plot “fraction” or in “pixels”. Use thickness to set the value.


    Sets the placement of the first tick on this axis. Use with dtick. If the axis type is “log”, then you must take the log of your starting tick (e.g. to set the starting tick to 100, set the tick0 to 2) except when dtick`=*L<f>* (see `dtick for more info). If the axis type is “date”, it should be a date string, like date data. If the axis type is “category”, it should be a number, using the scale where each category is assigned a serial number from zero in the order it appears.


    Sets the angle of the tick labels with respect to the horizontal. For example, a tickangle of -90 draws the tick labels vertically.


    Sets the tick color.


    Sets the color bar’s tick label font


    Sets the tick label formatting rule using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: h ttps:// format. And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display “09~15~23.46”


    A tuple of plotly.graph_objects.choropl ethmap.colorbar.Tickformatstop instances or dicts with compatible properties


    When used in a template (as layout.template.dat a.choroplethmap.colorbar.tickformatstopdefaults ), sets the default property values to use for elements of choroplethmap.colorbar.tickformatstops


    Determines how we handle tick labels that would overflow either the graph div or the domain of the axis. The default value for inside tick labels is hide past domain. In other cases the default is hide past div.


    Determines where tick labels are drawn relative to the ticks. Left and right options are used when orientation is “h”, top and bottom when orientation is “v”.


    Sets the spacing between tick labels as compared to the spacing between ticks. A value of 1 (default) means each tick gets a label. A value of 2 means shows every 2nd label. A larger value n means only every nth tick is labeled. tick0 determines which labels are shown. Not implemented for axes with type “log” or “multicategory”, or when tickmode is “array”.


    Sets the tick length (in px).


    Sets the tick mode for this axis. If “auto”, the number of ticks is set via nticks. If “linear”, the placement of the ticks is determined by a starting position tick0 and a tick step dtick (“linear” is the default value if tick0 and dtick are provided). If “array”, the placement of the ticks is set via tickvals and the tick text is ticktext. (“array” is the default value if tickvals is provided).


    Sets a tick label prefix.


    Determines whether ticks are drawn or not. If “”, this axis’ ticks are not drawn. If “outside” (“inside”), this axis’ are drawn outside (inside) the axis lines.


    Sets a tick label suffix.


    Sets the text displayed at the ticks position via tickvals. Only has an effect if tickmode is set to “array”. Used with tickvals.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ticktext.


    Sets the values at which ticks on this axis appear. Only has an effect if tickmode is set to “array”. Used with ticktext.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for tickvals.


    Sets the tick width (in px).


    plotly.graph_objects.choroplethmap.colo rbar.Title instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the x position with respect to xref of the color bar (in plot fraction). When xref is “paper”, defaults to 1.02 when orientation is “v” and 0.5 when orientation is “h”. When xref is “container”, defaults to 1 when orientation is “v” and 0.5 when orientation is “h”. Must be between 0 and 1 if xref is “container” and between “-2” and 3 if xref is “paper”.


    Sets this color bar’s horizontal position anchor. This anchor binds the x position to the “left”, “center” or “right” of the color bar. Defaults to “left” when orientation is “v” and “center” when orientation is “h”.


    Sets the amount of padding (in px) along the x direction.


    Sets the container x refers to. “container” spans the entire width of the plot. “paper” refers to the width of the plotting area only.


    Sets the y position with respect to yref of the color bar (in plot fraction). When yref is “paper”, defaults to 0.5 when orientation is “v” and 1.02 when orientation is “h”. When yref is “container”, defaults to 0.5 when orientation is “v” and 1 when orientation is “h”. Must be between 0 and 1 if yref is “container” and between “-2” and 3 if yref is “paper”.


    Sets this color bar’s vertical position anchor This anchor binds the y position to the “top”, “middle” or “bottom” of the color bar. Defaults to “middle” when orientation is “v” and “bottom” when orientation is “h”.


    Sets the amount of padding (in px) along the y direction.


    Sets the container y refers to. “container” spans the entire height of the plot. “paper” refers to the height of the plotting area only.


Return type


property colorscale

Sets the colorscale. The colorscale must be an array containing arrays mapping a normalized value to an rgb, rgba, hex, hsl, hsv, or named color string. At minimum, a mapping for the lowest (0) and highest (1) values are required. For example, [[0, 'rgb(0,0,255)'], [1, 'rgb(255,0,0)']]. To control the bounds of the colorscale in color space, use zmin and zmax. Alternatively, colorscale may be a palette name string of the following list: Blackbody,Bluered,Blues,Cividis,Earth,Electric, Greens,Greys,Hot,Jet,Picnic,Portland,Rainbow,RdBu,Reds,Viridis, YlGnBu,YlOrRd.

The ‘colorscale’ property is a colorscale and may be specified as:

  • A list of colors that will be spaced evenly to create the colorscale. Many predefined colorscale lists are included in the sequential, diverging, and cyclical modules in the plotly.colors package.

  • A list of 2-element lists where the first element is the normalized color level value (starting at 0 and ending at 1), and the second item is a valid color string. (e.g. [[0, ‘green’], [0.5, ‘red’], [1.0, ‘rgb(0, 0, 255)’]])

  • One of the following named colorscales:
    [‘aggrnyl’, ‘agsunset’, ‘algae’, ‘amp’, ‘armyrose’, ‘balance’,

    ‘blackbody’, ‘bluered’, ‘blues’, ‘blugrn’, ‘bluyl’, ‘brbg’, ‘brwnyl’, ‘bugn’, ‘bupu’, ‘burg’, ‘burgyl’, ‘cividis’, ‘curl’, ‘darkmint’, ‘deep’, ‘delta’, ‘dense’, ‘earth’, ‘edge’, ‘electric’, ‘emrld’, ‘fall’, ‘geyser’, ‘gnbu’, ‘gray’, ‘greens’, ‘greys’, ‘haline’, ‘hot’, ‘hsv’, ‘ice’, ‘icefire’, ‘inferno’, ‘jet’, ‘magenta’, ‘magma’, ‘matter’, ‘mint’, ‘mrybm’, ‘mygbm’, ‘oranges’, ‘orrd’, ‘oryel’, ‘oxy’, ‘peach’, ‘phase’, ‘picnic’, ‘pinkyl’, ‘piyg’, ‘plasma’, ‘plotly3’, ‘portland’, ‘prgn’, ‘pubu’, ‘pubugn’, ‘puor’, ‘purd’, ‘purp’, ‘purples’, ‘purpor’, ‘rainbow’, ‘rdbu’, ‘rdgy’, ‘rdpu’, ‘rdylbu’, ‘rdylgn’, ‘redor’, ‘reds’, ‘solar’, ‘spectral’, ‘speed’, ‘sunset’, ‘sunsetdark’, ‘teal’, ‘tealgrn’, ‘tealrose’, ‘tempo’, ‘temps’, ‘thermal’, ‘tropic’, ‘turbid’, ‘turbo’, ‘twilight’, ‘viridis’, ‘ylgn’, ‘ylgnbu’, ‘ylorbr’, ‘ylorrd’].

    Appending ‘_r’ to a named colorscale reverses it.


Return type


property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property featureidkey

Sets the key in GeoJSON features which is used as id to match the items included in the locations array. Support nested property, for example “”.

The ‘featureidkey’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property geojson

Sets the GeoJSON data associated with this trace. It can be set as a valid GeoJSON object or as a URL string. Note that we only accept GeoJSONs of type “FeatureCollection” or “Feature” with geometries of type “Polygon” or “MultiPolygon”.

The ‘geojson’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property hoverinfo

Determines which trace information appear on hover. If none or skip are set, no information is displayed upon hovering. But, if none is set, click and hover events are still fired.

The ‘hoverinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘location’, ‘z’, ‘text’, ‘name’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘location+z’) OR exactly one of [‘all’, ‘none’, ‘skip’] (e.g. ‘skip’)

  • A list or array of the above


Return type


property hoverinfosrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hoverinfo.

The ‘hoverinfosrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverlabel

The ‘hoverlabel’ property is an instance of Hoverlabel that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.choroplethmap.Hoverlabel

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Hoverlabel constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans more two or more lines


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for align.


    Sets the background color of the hover labels for this trace


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bgcolor.


    Sets the border color of the hover labels for this trace.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bordercolor.


    Sets the font used in hover labels.


    Sets the default length (in number of characters) of the trace name in the hover labels for all traces. -1 shows the whole name regardless of length. 0-3 shows the first 0-3 characters, and an integer >3 will show the whole name if it is less than that many characters, but if it is longer, will truncate to namelength - 3 characters and add an ellipsis.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for namelength.


Return type


property hovertemplate

Template string used for rendering the information that appear on hover box. Note that this will override hoverinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}” as well as %{xother}, {%_xother}, {%_xother_}, {%xother_}. When showing info for several points, “xother” will be added to those with different x positions from the first point. An underscore before or after “(x|y)other” will add a space on that side, only when this field is shown. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. The variables available in hovertemplate are the ones emitted as event data described at this link Additionally, every attributes that can be specified per-point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Finally, the template string has access to variable properties Anything contained in tag <extra> is displayed in the secondary box, for example “<extra>{}</extra>”. To hide the secondary box completely, use an empty tag <extra></extra>.

The ‘hovertemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertemplate.

The ‘hovertemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hovertext

Same as text.

The ‘hovertext’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertextsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertext.

The ‘hovertextsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgroup

Sets the legend group for this trace. Traces and shapes part of the same legend group hide/show at the same time when toggling legend items.

The ‘legendgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.choroplethmap.Legendgrouptitle

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type


property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property locations

Sets which features found in “geojson” to plot using their feature id field.

The ‘locations’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property locationssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for locations.

The ‘locationssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property marker

The ‘marker’ property is an instance of Marker that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.choroplethmap.Marker

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Marker constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.choroplethmap.mark er.Line instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the opacity of the locations.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for opacity.


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property reversescale

Reverses the color mapping if true. If true, zmin will correspond to the last color in the array and zmax will correspond to the first color.

The ‘reversescale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property selected

The ‘selected’ property is an instance of Selected that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.choroplethmap.Selected

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Selected constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.choroplethmap.sele cted.Marker instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type


property selectedpoints

Array containing integer indices of selected points. Has an effect only for traces that support selections. Note that an empty array means an empty selection where the unselected are turned on for all points, whereas, any other non-array values means no selection all where the selected and unselected styles have no effect.

The ‘selectedpoints’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property showlegend

Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.

The ‘showlegend’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property showscale

Determines whether or not a colorbar is displayed for this trace.

The ‘showscale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.choroplethmap.Stream

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type


property subplot

Sets a reference between this trace’s data coordinates and a map subplot. If “map” (the default value), the data refer to If “map2”, the data refer to layout.map2, and so on.

The ‘subplot’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘map’, that may be specified as the string ‘map’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘map’, ‘map1’, ‘map2’, ‘map3’, etc.)


Return type


property text

Sets the text elements associated with each location.

The ‘text’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property textsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for text.

The ‘textsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property type
property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property unselected

The ‘unselected’ property is an instance of Unselected that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.choroplethmap.Unselected

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Unselected constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.choroplethmap.unse lected.Marker instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


property z

Sets the color values.

The ‘z’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property zauto

Determines whether or not the color domain is computed with respect to the input data (here in z) or the bounds set in zmin and zmax Defaults to false when zmin and zmax are set by the user.

The ‘zauto’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property zmax

Sets the upper bound of the color domain. Value should have the same units as in z and if set, zmin must be set as well.

The ‘zmax’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property zmid

Sets the mid-point of the color domain by scaling zmin and/or zmax to be equidistant to this point. Value should have the same units as in z. Has no effect when zauto is false.

The ‘zmid’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property zmin

Sets the lower bound of the color domain. Value should have the same units as in z and if set, zmax must be set as well.

The ‘zmin’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property zsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for z.

The ‘zsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


class, autocolorscale=None, below=None, coloraxis=None, colorbar=None, colorscale=None, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, featureidkey=None, geojson=None, hoverinfo=None, hoverinfosrc=None, hoverlabel=None, hovertemplate=None, hovertemplatesrc=None, hovertext=None, hovertextsrc=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, legend=None, legendgroup=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, locations=None, locationssrc=None, marker=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, name=None, reversescale=None, selected=None, selectedpoints=None, showlegend=None, showscale=None, stream=None, subplot=None, text=None, textsrc=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, unselected=None, visible=None, z=None, zauto=None, zmax=None, zmid=None, zmin=None, zsrc=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property autocolorscale

Determines whether the colorscale is a default palette (autocolorscale: true) or the palette determined by colorscale. In case colorscale is unspecified or autocolorscale is true, the default palette will be chosen according to whether numbers in the color array are all positive, all negative or mixed.

The ‘autocolorscale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property below

Determines if the choropleth polygons will be inserted before the layer with the specified ID. By default, choroplethmapbox traces are placed above the water layers. If set to ‘’, the layer will be inserted above every existing layer.

The ‘below’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property coloraxis

Sets a reference to a shared color axis. References to these shared color axes are “coloraxis”, “coloraxis2”, “coloraxis3”, etc. Settings for these shared color axes are set in the layout, under layout.coloraxis, layout.coloraxis2, etc. Note that multiple color scales can be linked to the same color axis.

The ‘coloraxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘coloraxis’, that may be specified as the string ‘coloraxis’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘coloraxis’, ‘coloraxis1’, ‘coloraxis2’, ‘coloraxis3’, etc.)


Return type


property colorbar

The ‘colorbar’ property is an instance of ColorBar that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.choroplethmapbox.ColorBar

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the ColorBar constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the color of padded area.


    Sets the axis line color.


    Sets the width (in px) or the border enclosing this color bar.


    Sets the step in-between ticks on this axis. Use with tick0. Must be a positive number, or special strings available to “log” and “date” axes. If the axis type is “log”, then ticks are set every 10^(n*dtick) where n is the tick number. For example, to set a tick mark at 1, 10, 100, 1000, … set dtick to 1. To set tick marks at 1, 100, 10000, … set dtick to 2. To set tick marks at 1, 5, 25, 125, 625, 3125, … set dtick to log_10(5), or 0.69897000433. “log” has several special values; “L<f>”, where f is a positive number, gives ticks linearly spaced in value (but not position). For example tick0 = 0.1, dtick = “L0.5” will put ticks at 0.1, 0.6, 1.1, 1.6 etc. To show powers of 10 plus small digits between, use “D1” (all digits) or “D2” (only 2 and 5). tick0 is ignored for “D1” and “D2”. If the axis type is “date”, then you must convert the time to milliseconds. For example, to set the interval between ticks to one day, set dtick to 86400000.0. “date” also has special values “M<n>” gives ticks spaced by a number of months. n must be a positive integer. To set ticks on the 15th of every third month, set tick0 to “2000-01-15” and dtick to “M3”. To set ticks every 4 years, set dtick to “M48”


    Determines a formatting rule for the tick exponents. For example, consider the number 1,000,000,000. If “none”, it appears as 1,000,000,000. If “e”, 1e+9. If “E”, 1E+9. If “power”, 1x10^9 (with 9 in a super script). If “SI”, 1G. If “B”, 1B.


    Replacement text for specific tick or hover labels. For example using {US: ‘USA’, CA: ‘Canada’} changes US to USA and CA to Canada. The labels we would have shown must match the keys exactly, after adding any tickprefix or ticksuffix. For negative numbers the minus sign symbol used (U+2212) is wider than the regular ascii dash. That means you need to use −1 instead of -1. labelalias can be used with any axis type, and both keys (if needed) and values (if desired) can include html-like tags or MathJax.


    Sets the length of the color bar This measure excludes the padding of both ends. That is, the color bar length is this length minus the padding on both ends.


    Determines whether this color bar’s length (i.e. the measure in the color variation direction) is set in units of plot “fraction” or in *pixels. Use len to set the value.


    Hide SI prefix for 10^n if |n| is below this number. This only has an effect when tickformat is “SI” or “B”.


    Specifies the maximum number of ticks for the particular axis. The actual number of ticks will be chosen automatically to be less than or equal to nticks. Has an effect only if tickmode is set to “auto”.


    Sets the orientation of the colorbar.


    Sets the axis line color.


    Sets the width (in px) of the axis line.


    If “true”, even 4-digit integers are separated


    If “all”, all exponents are shown besides their significands. If “first”, only the exponent of the first tick is shown. If “last”, only the exponent of the last tick is shown. If “none”, no exponents appear.


    Determines whether or not the tick labels are drawn.


    If “all”, all tick labels are displayed with a prefix. If “first”, only the first tick is displayed with a prefix. If “last”, only the last tick is displayed with a suffix. If “none”, tick prefixes are hidden.


    Same as showtickprefix but for tick suffixes.


    Sets the thickness of the color bar This measure excludes the size of the padding, ticks and labels.


    Determines whether this color bar’s thickness (i.e. the measure in the constant color direction) is set in units of plot “fraction” or in “pixels”. Use thickness to set the value.


    Sets the placement of the first tick on this axis. Use with dtick. If the axis type is “log”, then you must take the log of your starting tick (e.g. to set the starting tick to 100, set the tick0 to 2) except when dtick`=*L<f>* (see `dtick for more info). If the axis type is “date”, it should be a date string, like date data. If the axis type is “category”, it should be a number, using the scale where each category is assigned a serial number from zero in the order it appears.


    Sets the angle of the tick labels with respect to the horizontal. For example, a tickangle of -90 draws the tick labels vertically.


    Sets the tick color.


    Sets the color bar’s tick label font


    Sets the tick label formatting rule using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: h ttps:// format. And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display “09~15~23.46”


    A tuple of plotly.graph_objects.choropl ethmapbox.colorbar.Tickformatstop instances or dicts with compatible properties


    When used in a template (as layout.template.dat a.choroplethmapbox.colorbar.tickformatstopdefau lts), sets the default property values to use for elements of choroplethmapbox.colorbar.tickformatstops


    Determines how we handle tick labels that would overflow either the graph div or the domain of the axis. The default value for inside tick labels is hide past domain. In other cases the default is hide past div.


    Determines where tick labels are drawn relative to the ticks. Left and right options are used when orientation is “h”, top and bottom when orientation is “v”.


    Sets the spacing between tick labels as compared to the spacing between ticks. A value of 1 (default) means each tick gets a label. A value of 2 means shows every 2nd label. A larger value n means only every nth tick is labeled. tick0 determines which labels are shown. Not implemented for axes with type “log” or “multicategory”, or when tickmode is “array”.


    Sets the tick length (in px).


    Sets the tick mode for this axis. If “auto”, the number of ticks is set via nticks. If “linear”, the placement of the ticks is determined by a starting position tick0 and a tick step dtick (“linear” is the default value if tick0 and dtick are provided). If “array”, the placement of the ticks is set via tickvals and the tick text is ticktext. (“array” is the default value if tickvals is provided).


    Sets a tick label prefix.


    Determines whether ticks are drawn or not. If “”, this axis’ ticks are not drawn. If “outside” (“inside”), this axis’ are drawn outside (inside) the axis lines.


    Sets a tick label suffix.


    Sets the text displayed at the ticks position via tickvals. Only has an effect if tickmode is set to “array”. Used with tickvals.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ticktext.


    Sets the values at which ticks on this axis appear. Only has an effect if tickmode is set to “array”. Used with ticktext.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for tickvals.


    Sets the tick width (in px).


    plotly.graph_objects.choroplethmapbox.c olorbar.Title instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the x position with respect to xref of the color bar (in plot fraction). When xref is “paper”, defaults to 1.02 when orientation is “v” and 0.5 when orientation is “h”. When xref is “container”, defaults to 1 when orientation is “v” and 0.5 when orientation is “h”. Must be between 0 and 1 if xref is “container” and between “-2” and 3 if xref is “paper”.


    Sets this color bar’s horizontal position anchor. This anchor binds the x position to the “left”, “center” or “right” of the color bar. Defaults to “left” when orientation is “v” and “center” when orientation is “h”.


    Sets the amount of padding (in px) along the x direction.


    Sets the container x refers to. “container” spans the entire width of the plot. “paper” refers to the width of the plotting area only.


    Sets the y position with respect to yref of the color bar (in plot fraction). When yref is “paper”, defaults to 0.5 when orientation is “v” and 1.02 when orientation is “h”. When yref is “container”, defaults to 0.5 when orientation is “v” and 1 when orientation is “h”. Must be between 0 and 1 if yref is “container” and between “-2” and 3 if yref is “paper”.


    Sets this color bar’s vertical position anchor This anchor binds the y position to the “top”, “middle” or “bottom” of the color bar. Defaults to “middle” when orientation is “v” and “bottom” when orientation is “h”.


    Sets the amount of padding (in px) along the y direction.


    Sets the container y refers to. “container” spans the entire height of the plot. “paper” refers to the height of the plotting area only.


Return type


property colorscale

Sets the colorscale. The colorscale must be an array containing arrays mapping a normalized value to an rgb, rgba, hex, hsl, hsv, or named color string. At minimum, a mapping for the lowest (0) and highest (1) values are required. For example, [[0, 'rgb(0,0,255)'], [1, 'rgb(255,0,0)']]. To control the bounds of the colorscale in color space, use zmin and zmax. Alternatively, colorscale may be a palette name string of the following list: Blackbody,Bluered,Blues,Cividis,Earth,Electric, Greens,Greys,Hot,Jet,Picnic,Portland,Rainbow,RdBu,Reds,Viridis, YlGnBu,YlOrRd.

The ‘colorscale’ property is a colorscale and may be specified as:

  • A list of colors that will be spaced evenly to create the colorscale. Many predefined colorscale lists are included in the sequential, diverging, and cyclical modules in the plotly.colors package.

  • A list of 2-element lists where the first element is the normalized color level value (starting at 0 and ending at 1), and the second item is a valid color string. (e.g. [[0, ‘green’], [0.5, ‘red’], [1.0, ‘rgb(0, 0, 255)’]])

  • One of the following named colorscales:
    [‘aggrnyl’, ‘agsunset’, ‘algae’, ‘amp’, ‘armyrose’, ‘balance’,

    ‘blackbody’, ‘bluered’, ‘blues’, ‘blugrn’, ‘bluyl’, ‘brbg’, ‘brwnyl’, ‘bugn’, ‘bupu’, ‘burg’, ‘burgyl’, ‘cividis’, ‘curl’, ‘darkmint’, ‘deep’, ‘delta’, ‘dense’, ‘earth’, ‘edge’, ‘electric’, ‘emrld’, ‘fall’, ‘geyser’, ‘gnbu’, ‘gray’, ‘greens’, ‘greys’, ‘haline’, ‘hot’, ‘hsv’, ‘ice’, ‘icefire’, ‘inferno’, ‘jet’, ‘magenta’, ‘magma’, ‘matter’, ‘mint’, ‘mrybm’, ‘mygbm’, ‘oranges’, ‘orrd’, ‘oryel’, ‘oxy’, ‘peach’, ‘phase’, ‘picnic’, ‘pinkyl’, ‘piyg’, ‘plasma’, ‘plotly3’, ‘portland’, ‘prgn’, ‘pubu’, ‘pubugn’, ‘puor’, ‘purd’, ‘purp’, ‘purples’, ‘purpor’, ‘rainbow’, ‘rdbu’, ‘rdgy’, ‘rdpu’, ‘rdylbu’, ‘rdylgn’, ‘redor’, ‘reds’, ‘solar’, ‘spectral’, ‘speed’, ‘sunset’, ‘sunsetdark’, ‘teal’, ‘tealgrn’, ‘tealrose’, ‘tempo’, ‘temps’, ‘thermal’, ‘tropic’, ‘turbid’, ‘turbo’, ‘twilight’, ‘viridis’, ‘ylgn’, ‘ylgnbu’, ‘ylorbr’, ‘ylorrd’].

    Appending ‘_r’ to a named colorscale reverses it.


Return type


property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property featureidkey

Sets the key in GeoJSON features which is used as id to match the items included in the locations array. Support nested property, for example “”.

The ‘featureidkey’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property geojson

Sets the GeoJSON data associated with this trace. It can be set as a valid GeoJSON object or as a URL string. Note that we only accept GeoJSONs of type “FeatureCollection” or “Feature” with geometries of type “Polygon” or “MultiPolygon”.

The ‘geojson’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property hoverinfo

Determines which trace information appear on hover. If none or skip are set, no information is displayed upon hovering. But, if none is set, click and hover events are still fired.

The ‘hoverinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘location’, ‘z’, ‘text’, ‘name’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘location+z’) OR exactly one of [‘all’, ‘none’, ‘skip’] (e.g. ‘skip’)

  • A list or array of the above


Return type


property hoverinfosrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hoverinfo.

The ‘hoverinfosrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverlabel

The ‘hoverlabel’ property is an instance of Hoverlabel that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.choroplethmapbox.Hoverlabel

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Hoverlabel constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans more two or more lines


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for align.


    Sets the background color of the hover labels for this trace


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bgcolor.


    Sets the border color of the hover labels for this trace.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bordercolor.


    Sets the font used in hover labels.


    Sets the default length (in number of characters) of the trace name in the hover labels for all traces. -1 shows the whole name regardless of length. 0-3 shows the first 0-3 characters, and an integer >3 will show the whole name if it is less than that many characters, but if it is longer, will truncate to namelength - 3 characters and add an ellipsis.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for namelength.


Return type


property hovertemplate

Template string used for rendering the information that appear on hover box. Note that this will override hoverinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}” as well as %{xother}, {%_xother}, {%_xother_}, {%xother_}. When showing info for several points, “xother” will be added to those with different x positions from the first point. An underscore before or after “(x|y)other” will add a space on that side, only when this field is shown. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. The variables available in hovertemplate are the ones emitted as event data described at this link Additionally, every attributes that can be specified per-point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Finally, the template string has access to variable properties Anything contained in tag <extra> is displayed in the secondary box, for example “<extra>{}</extra>”. To hide the secondary box completely, use an empty tag <extra></extra>.

The ‘hovertemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertemplate.

The ‘hovertemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hovertext

Same as text.

The ‘hovertext’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertextsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertext.

The ‘hovertextsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgroup

Sets the legend group for this trace. Traces and shapes part of the same legend group hide/show at the same time when toggling legend items.

The ‘legendgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.choroplethmapbox.Legendgrouptitle

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type


property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property locations

Sets which features found in “geojson” to plot using their feature id field.

The ‘locations’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property locationssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for locations.

The ‘locationssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property marker

The ‘marker’ property is an instance of Marker that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.choroplethmapbox.Marker

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Marker constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.choroplethmapbox.m arker.Line instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the opacity of the locations.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for opacity.


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property reversescale

Reverses the color mapping if true. If true, zmin will correspond to the last color in the array and zmax will correspond to the first color.

The ‘reversescale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property selected

The ‘selected’ property is an instance of Selected that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.choroplethmapbox.Selected

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Selected constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.choroplethmapbox.s elected.Marker instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type


property selectedpoints

Array containing integer indices of selected points. Has an effect only for traces that support selections. Note that an empty array means an empty selection where the unselected are turned on for all points, whereas, any other non-array values means no selection all where the selected and unselected styles have no effect.

The ‘selectedpoints’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property showlegend

Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.

The ‘showlegend’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property showscale

Determines whether or not a colorbar is displayed for this trace.

The ‘showscale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.choroplethmapbox.Stream

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type


property subplot

mapbox subplots and traces are deprecated! Please consider switching to map subplots and traces. Learn more at: as well as Sets a reference between this trace’s data coordinates and a mapbox subplot. If “mapbox” (the default value), the data refer to layout.mapbox. If “mapbox2”, the data refer to layout.mapbox2, and so on.

The ‘subplot’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘mapbox’, that may be specified as the string ‘mapbox’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘mapbox’, ‘mapbox1’, ‘mapbox2’, ‘mapbox3’, etc.)


Return type


property text

Sets the text elements associated with each location.

The ‘text’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property textsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for text.

The ‘textsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property type
property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property unselected

The ‘unselected’ property is an instance of Unselected that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.choroplethmapbox.Unselected

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Unselected constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.choroplethmapbox.u nselected.Marker instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


property z

Sets the color values.

The ‘z’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property zauto

Determines whether or not the color domain is computed with respect to the input data (here in z) or the bounds set in zmin and zmax Defaults to false when zmin and zmax are set by the user.

The ‘zauto’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property zmax

Sets the upper bound of the color domain. Value should have the same units as in z and if set, zmin must be set as well.

The ‘zmax’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property zmid

Sets the mid-point of the color domain by scaling zmin and/or zmax to be equidistant to this point. Value should have the same units as in z. Has no effect when zauto is false.

The ‘zmid’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property zmin

Sets the lower bound of the color domain. Value should have the same units as in z and if set, zmax must be set as well.

The ‘zmin’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property zsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for z.

The ‘zsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


class, anchor=None, autocolorscale=None, cauto=None, cmax=None, cmid=None, cmin=None, coloraxis=None, colorbar=None, colorscale=None, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, hoverinfo=None, hoverinfosrc=None, hoverlabel=None, hovertemplate=None, hovertemplatesrc=None, hovertext=None, hovertextsrc=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, legend=None, legendgroup=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, lighting=None, lightposition=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, name=None, opacity=None, reversescale=None, scene=None, showlegend=None, showscale=None, sizemode=None, sizeref=None, stream=None, text=None, textsrc=None, u=None, uhoverformat=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, usrc=None, v=None, vhoverformat=None, visible=None, vsrc=None, w=None, whoverformat=None, wsrc=None, x=None, xhoverformat=None, xsrc=None, y=None, yhoverformat=None, ysrc=None, z=None, zhoverformat=None, zsrc=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property anchor

Sets the cones’ anchor with respect to their x/y/z positions. Note that “cm” denote the cone’s center of mass which corresponds to 1/4 from the tail to tip.

The ‘anchor’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘tip’, ‘tail’, ‘cm’, ‘center’]


Return type


property autocolorscale

Determines whether the colorscale is a default palette (autocolorscale: true) or the palette determined by colorscale. In case colorscale is unspecified or autocolorscale is true, the default palette will be chosen according to whether numbers in the color array are all positive, all negative or mixed.

The ‘autocolorscale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property cauto

Determines whether or not the color domain is computed with respect to the input data (here u/v/w norm) or the bounds set in cmin and cmax Defaults to false when cmin and cmax are set by the user.

The ‘cauto’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property cmax

Sets the upper bound of the color domain. Value should have the same units as u/v/w norm and if set, cmin must be set as well.

The ‘cmax’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property cmid

Sets the mid-point of the color domain by scaling cmin and/or cmax to be equidistant to this point. Value should have the same units as u/v/w norm. Has no effect when cauto is false.

The ‘cmid’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property cmin

Sets the lower bound of the color domain. Value should have the same units as u/v/w norm and if set, cmax must be set as well.

The ‘cmin’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property coloraxis

Sets a reference to a shared color axis. References to these shared color axes are “coloraxis”, “coloraxis2”, “coloraxis3”, etc. Settings for these shared color axes are set in the layout, under layout.coloraxis, layout.coloraxis2, etc. Note that multiple color scales can be linked to the same color axis.

The ‘coloraxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘coloraxis’, that may be specified as the string ‘coloraxis’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘coloraxis’, ‘coloraxis1’, ‘coloraxis2’, ‘coloraxis3’, etc.)


Return type


property colorbar

The ‘colorbar’ property is an instance of ColorBar that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.cone.ColorBar

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the ColorBar constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the color of padded area.


    Sets the axis line color.


    Sets the width (in px) or the border enclosing this color bar.


    Sets the step in-between ticks on this axis. Use with tick0. Must be a positive number, or special strings available to “log” and “date” axes. If the axis type is “log”, then ticks are set every 10^(n*dtick) where n is the tick number. For example, to set a tick mark at 1, 10, 100, 1000, … set dtick to 1. To set tick marks at 1, 100, 10000, … set dtick to 2. To set tick marks at 1, 5, 25, 125, 625, 3125, … set dtick to log_10(5), or 0.69897000433. “log” has several special values; “L<f>”, where f is a positive number, gives ticks linearly spaced in value (but not position). For example tick0 = 0.1, dtick = “L0.5” will put ticks at 0.1, 0.6, 1.1, 1.6 etc. To show powers of 10 plus small digits between, use “D1” (all digits) or “D2” (only 2 and 5). tick0 is ignored for “D1” and “D2”. If the axis type is “date”, then you must convert the time to milliseconds. For example, to set the interval between ticks to one day, set dtick to 86400000.0. “date” also has special values “M<n>” gives ticks spaced by a number of months. n must be a positive integer. To set ticks on the 15th of every third month, set tick0 to “2000-01-15” and dtick to “M3”. To set ticks every 4 years, set dtick to “M48”


    Determines a formatting rule for the tick exponents. For example, consider the number 1,000,000,000. If “none”, it appears as 1,000,000,000. If “e”, 1e+9. If “E”, 1E+9. If “power”, 1x10^9 (with 9 in a super script). If “SI”, 1G. If “B”, 1B.


    Replacement text for specific tick or hover labels. For example using {US: ‘USA’, CA: ‘Canada’} changes US to USA and CA to Canada. The labels we would have shown must match the keys exactly, after adding any tickprefix or ticksuffix. For negative numbers the minus sign symbol used (U+2212) is wider than the regular ascii dash. That means you need to use −1 instead of -1. labelalias can be used with any axis type, and both keys (if needed) and values (if desired) can include html-like tags or MathJax.


    Sets the length of the color bar This measure excludes the padding of both ends. That is, the color bar length is this length minus the padding on both ends.


    Determines whether this color bar’s length (i.e. the measure in the color variation direction) is set in units of plot “fraction” or in *pixels. Use len to set the value.


    Hide SI prefix for 10^n if |n| is below this number. This only has an effect when tickformat is “SI” or “B”.


    Specifies the maximum number of ticks for the particular axis. The actual number of ticks will be chosen automatically to be less than or equal to nticks. Has an effect only if tickmode is set to “auto”.


    Sets the orientation of the colorbar.


    Sets the axis line color.


    Sets the width (in px) of the axis line.


    If “true”, even 4-digit integers are separated


    If “all”, all exponents are shown besides their significands. If “first”, only the exponent of the first tick is shown. If “last”, only the exponent of the last tick is shown. If “none”, no exponents appear.


    Determines whether or not the tick labels are drawn.


    If “all”, all tick labels are displayed with a prefix. If “first”, only the first tick is displayed with a prefix. If “last”, only the last tick is displayed with a suffix. If “none”, tick prefixes are hidden.


    Same as showtickprefix but for tick suffixes.


    Sets the thickness of the color bar This measure excludes the size of the padding, ticks and labels.


    Determines whether this color bar’s thickness (i.e. the measure in the constant color direction) is set in units of plot “fraction” or in “pixels”. Use thickness to set the value.


    Sets the placement of the first tick on this axis. Use with dtick. If the axis type is “log”, then you must take the log of your starting tick (e.g. to set the starting tick to 100, set the tick0 to 2) except when dtick`=*L<f>* (see `dtick for more info). If the axis type is “date”, it should be a date string, like date data. If the axis type is “category”, it should be a number, using the scale where each category is assigned a serial number from zero in the order it appears.


    Sets the angle of the tick labels with respect to the horizontal. For example, a tickangle of -90 draws the tick labels vertically.


    Sets the tick color.


    Sets the color bar’s tick label font


    Sets the tick label formatting rule using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: h ttps:// format. And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display “09~15~23.46”


    A tuple of lorbar.Tickformatstop instances or dicts with compatible properties


    When used in a template (as layout.template.dat a.cone.colorbar.tickformatstopdefaults), sets the default property values to use for elements of cone.colorbar.tickformatstops


    Determines how we handle tick labels that would overflow either the graph div or the domain of the axis. The default value for inside tick labels is hide past domain. In other cases the default is hide past div.


    Determines where tick labels are drawn relative to the ticks. Left and right options are used when orientation is “h”, top and bottom when orientation is “v”.


    Sets the spacing between tick labels as compared to the spacing between ticks. A value of 1 (default) means each tick gets a label. A value of 2 means shows every 2nd label. A larger value n means only every nth tick is labeled. tick0 determines which labels are shown. Not implemented for axes with type “log” or “multicategory”, or when tickmode is “array”.


    Sets the tick length (in px).


    Sets the tick mode for this axis. If “auto”, the number of ticks is set via nticks. If “linear”, the placement of the ticks is determined by a starting position tick0 and a tick step dtick (“linear” is the default value if tick0 and dtick are provided). If “array”, the placement of the ticks is set via tickvals and the tick text is ticktext. (“array” is the default value if tickvals is provided).


    Sets a tick label prefix.


    Determines whether ticks are drawn or not. If “”, this axis’ ticks are not drawn. If “outside” (“inside”), this axis’ are drawn outside (inside) the axis lines.


    Sets a tick label suffix.


    Sets the text displayed at the ticks position via tickvals. Only has an effect if tickmode is set to “array”. Used with tickvals.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ticktext.


    Sets the values at which ticks on this axis appear. Only has an effect if tickmode is set to “array”. Used with ticktext.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for tickvals.


    Sets the tick width (in px).


    plotly.graph_objects.cone.colorbar.Titl e instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the x position with respect to xref of the color bar (in plot fraction). When xref is “paper”, defaults to 1.02 when orientation is “v” and 0.5 when orientation is “h”. When xref is “container”, defaults to 1 when orientation is “v” and 0.5 when orientation is “h”. Must be between 0 and 1 if xref is “container” and between “-2” and 3 if xref is “paper”.


    Sets this color bar’s horizontal position anchor. This anchor binds the x position to the “left”, “center” or “right” of the color bar. Defaults to “left” when orientation is “v” and “center” when orientation is “h”.


    Sets the amount of padding (in px) along the x direction.


    Sets the container x refers to. “container” spans the entire width of the plot. “paper” refers to the width of the plotting area only.


    Sets the y position with respect to yref of the color bar (in plot fraction). When yref is “paper”, defaults to 0.5 when orientation is “v” and 1.02 when orientation is “h”. When yref is “container”, defaults to 0.5 when orientation is “v” and 1 when orientation is “h”. Must be between 0 and 1 if yref is “container” and between “-2” and 3 if yref is “paper”.


    Sets this color bar’s vertical position anchor This anchor binds the y position to the “top”, “middle” or “bottom” of the color bar. Defaults to “middle” when orientation is “v” and “bottom” when orientation is “h”.


    Sets the amount of padding (in px) along the y direction.


    Sets the container y refers to. “container” spans the entire height of the plot. “paper” refers to the height of the plotting area only.


Return type


property colorscale

Sets the colorscale. The colorscale must be an array containing arrays mapping a normalized value to an rgb, rgba, hex, hsl, hsv, or named color string. At minimum, a mapping for the lowest (0) and highest (1) values are required. For example, [[0, 'rgb(0,0,255)'], [1, 'rgb(255,0,0)']]. To control the bounds of the colorscale in color space, use cmin and cmax. Alternatively, colorscale may be a palette name string of the following list: Blackbody,Bluered,Blues,Cividis,Earth,Electric, Greens,Greys,Hot,Jet,Picnic,Portland,Rainbow,RdBu,Reds,Viridis, YlGnBu,YlOrRd.

The ‘colorscale’ property is a colorscale and may be specified as:

  • A list of colors that will be spaced evenly to create the colorscale. Many predefined colorscale lists are included in the sequential, diverging, and cyclical modules in the plotly.colors package.

  • A list of 2-element lists where the first element is the normalized color level value (starting at 0 and ending at 1), and the second item is a valid color string. (e.g. [[0, ‘green’], [0.5, ‘red’], [1.0, ‘rgb(0, 0, 255)’]])

  • One of the following named colorscales:
    [‘aggrnyl’, ‘agsunset’, ‘algae’, ‘amp’, ‘armyrose’, ‘balance’,

    ‘blackbody’, ‘bluered’, ‘blues’, ‘blugrn’, ‘bluyl’, ‘brbg’, ‘brwnyl’, ‘bugn’, ‘bupu’, ‘burg’, ‘burgyl’, ‘cividis’, ‘curl’, ‘darkmint’, ‘deep’, ‘delta’, ‘dense’, ‘earth’, ‘edge’, ‘electric’, ‘emrld’, ‘fall’, ‘geyser’, ‘gnbu’, ‘gray’, ‘greens’, ‘greys’, ‘haline’, ‘hot’, ‘hsv’, ‘ice’, ‘icefire’, ‘inferno’, ‘jet’, ‘magenta’, ‘magma’, ‘matter’, ‘mint’, ‘mrybm’, ‘mygbm’, ‘oranges’, ‘orrd’, ‘oryel’, ‘oxy’, ‘peach’, ‘phase’, ‘picnic’, ‘pinkyl’, ‘piyg’, ‘plasma’, ‘plotly3’, ‘portland’, ‘prgn’, ‘pubu’, ‘pubugn’, ‘puor’, ‘purd’, ‘purp’, ‘purples’, ‘purpor’, ‘rainbow’, ‘rdbu’, ‘rdgy’, ‘rdpu’, ‘rdylbu’, ‘rdylgn’, ‘redor’, ‘reds’, ‘solar’, ‘spectral’, ‘speed’, ‘sunset’, ‘sunsetdark’, ‘teal’, ‘tealgrn’, ‘tealrose’, ‘tempo’, ‘temps’, ‘thermal’, ‘tropic’, ‘turbid’, ‘turbo’, ‘twilight’, ‘viridis’, ‘ylgn’, ‘ylgnbu’, ‘ylorbr’, ‘ylorrd’].

    Appending ‘_r’ to a named colorscale reverses it.


Return type


property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverinfo

Determines which trace information appear on hover. If none or skip are set, no information is displayed upon hovering. But, if none is set, click and hover events are still fired.

The ‘hoverinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’, ‘u’, ‘v’, ‘w’, ‘norm’, ‘text’, ‘name’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘x+y’) OR exactly one of [‘all’, ‘none’, ‘skip’] (e.g. ‘skip’)

  • A list or array of the above


Return type


property hoverinfosrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hoverinfo.

The ‘hoverinfosrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverlabel

The ‘hoverlabel’ property is an instance of Hoverlabel that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.cone.Hoverlabel

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Hoverlabel constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans more two or more lines


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for align.


    Sets the background color of the hover labels for this trace


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bgcolor.


    Sets the border color of the hover labels for this trace.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bordercolor.


    Sets the font used in hover labels.


    Sets the default length (in number of characters) of the trace name in the hover labels for all traces. -1 shows the whole name regardless of length. 0-3 shows the first 0-3 characters, and an integer >3 will show the whole name if it is less than that many characters, but if it is longer, will truncate to namelength - 3 characters and add an ellipsis.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for namelength.


Return type


property hovertemplate

Template string used for rendering the information that appear on hover box. Note that this will override hoverinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}” as well as %{xother}, {%_xother}, {%_xother_}, {%xother_}. When showing info for several points, “xother” will be added to those with different x positions from the first point. An underscore before or after “(x|y)other” will add a space on that side, only when this field is shown. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. The variables available in hovertemplate are the ones emitted as event data described at this link Additionally, every attributes that can be specified per-point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Finally, the template string has access to variable norm Anything contained in tag <extra> is displayed in the secondary box, for example “<extra>{}</extra>”. To hide the secondary box completely, use an empty tag <extra></extra>.

The ‘hovertemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertemplate.

The ‘hovertemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hovertext

Same as text.

The ‘hovertext’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertextsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertext.

The ‘hovertextsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgroup

Sets the legend group for this trace. Traces and shapes part of the same legend group hide/show at the same time when toggling legend items.

The ‘legendgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.cone.Legendgrouptitle

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type


property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property lighting

The ‘lighting’ property is an instance of Lighting that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.cone.Lighting

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Lighting constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Ambient light increases overall color visibility but can wash out the image.


    Represents the extent that incident rays are reflected in a range of angles.


    Epsilon for face normals calculation avoids math issues arising from degenerate geometry.


    Represents the reflectance as a dependency of the viewing angle; e.g. paper is reflective when viewing it from the edge of the paper (almost 90 degrees), causing shine.


    Alters specular reflection; the rougher the surface, the wider and less contrasty the shine.


    Represents the level that incident rays are reflected in a single direction, causing shine.


    Epsilon for vertex normals calculation avoids math issues arising from degenerate geometry.


Return type


property lightposition

The ‘lightposition’ property is an instance of Lightposition that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.cone.Lightposition

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Lightposition constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Numeric vector, representing the X coordinate for each vertex.


    Numeric vector, representing the Y coordinate for each vertex.


    Numeric vector, representing the Z coordinate for each vertex.


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property opacity

Sets the opacity of the surface. Please note that in the case of using high opacity values for example a value greater than or equal to 0.5 on two surfaces (and 0.25 with four surfaces), an overlay of multiple transparent surfaces may not perfectly be sorted in depth by the webgl API. This behavior may be improved in the near future and is subject to change.

The ‘opacity’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]


Return type


property reversescale

Reverses the color mapping if true. If true, cmin will correspond to the last color in the array and cmax will correspond to the first color.

The ‘reversescale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property scene

Sets a reference between this trace’s 3D coordinate system and a 3D scene. If “scene” (the default value), the (x,y,z) coordinates refer to layout.scene. If “scene2”, the (x,y,z) coordinates refer to layout.scene2, and so on.

The ‘scene’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘scene’, that may be specified as the string ‘scene’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘scene’, ‘scene1’, ‘scene2’, ‘scene3’, etc.)


Return type


property showlegend

Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.

The ‘showlegend’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property showscale

Determines whether or not a colorbar is displayed for this trace.

The ‘showscale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property sizemode

Determines whether sizeref is set as a “scaled” (i.e unitless) scalar (normalized by the max u/v/w norm in the vector field) or as “absolute” value (in the same units as the vector field). To display sizes in actual vector length use “raw”.

The ‘sizemode’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘scaled’, ‘absolute’, ‘raw’]


Return type


property sizeref

Adjusts the cone size scaling. The size of the cones is determined by their u/v/w norm multiplied a factor and sizeref. This factor (computed internally) corresponds to the minimum “time” to travel across two successive x/y/z positions at the average velocity of those two successive positions. All cones in a given trace use the same factor. With sizemode set to “raw”, its default value is 1. With sizemode set to “scaled”, sizeref is unitless, its default value is 0.5. With sizemode set to “absolute”, sizeref has the same units as the u/v/w vector field, its the default value is half the sample’s maximum vector norm.

The ‘sizeref’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.cone.Stream

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type


property text

Sets the text elements associated with the cones. If trace hoverinfo contains a “text” flag and “hovertext” is not set, these elements will be seen in the hover labels.

The ‘text’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property textsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for text.

The ‘textsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property type
property u

Sets the x components of the vector field.

The ‘u’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property uhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor u using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: default the values are formatted using generic number format.

The ‘uhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property usrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for u.

The ‘usrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property v

Sets the y components of the vector field.

The ‘v’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property vhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor v using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: default the values are formatted using generic number format.

The ‘vhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


property vsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for v.

The ‘vsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property w

Sets the z components of the vector field.

The ‘w’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property whoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor w using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: default the values are formatted using generic number format.

The ‘whoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property wsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for w.

The ‘wsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property x

Sets the x coordinates of the vector field and of the displayed cones.

The ‘x’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property xhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor x using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using xaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘xhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property xsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for x.

The ‘xsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property y

Sets the y coordinates of the vector field and of the displayed cones.

The ‘y’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property yhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor y using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using yaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘yhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property ysrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for y.

The ‘ysrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property z

Sets the z coordinates of the vector field and of the displayed cones.

The ‘z’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property zhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor z using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using zaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘zhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property zsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for z.

The ‘zsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


class, autocolorscale=None, autocontour=None, coloraxis=None, colorbar=None, colorscale=None, connectgaps=None, contours=None, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, dx=None, dy=None, fillcolor=None, hoverinfo=None, hoverinfosrc=None, hoverlabel=None, hoverongaps=None, hovertemplate=None, hovertemplatesrc=None, hovertext=None, hovertextsrc=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, legend=None, legendgroup=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, line=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, name=None, ncontours=None, opacity=None, reversescale=None, showlegend=None, showscale=None, stream=None, text=None, textfont=None, textsrc=None, texttemplate=None, transpose=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, visible=None, x=None, x0=None, xaxis=None, xcalendar=None, xhoverformat=None, xperiod=None, xperiod0=None, xperiodalignment=None, xsrc=None, xtype=None, y=None, y0=None, yaxis=None, ycalendar=None, yhoverformat=None, yperiod=None, yperiod0=None, yperiodalignment=None, ysrc=None, ytype=None, z=None, zauto=None, zhoverformat=None, zmax=None, zmid=None, zmin=None, zorder=None, zsrc=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property autocolorscale

Determines whether the colorscale is a default palette (autocolorscale: true) or the palette determined by colorscale. In case colorscale is unspecified or autocolorscale is true, the default palette will be chosen according to whether numbers in the color array are all positive, all negative or mixed.

The ‘autocolorscale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property autocontour

Determines whether or not the contour level attributes are picked by an algorithm. If True, the number of contour levels can be set in ncontours. If False, set the contour level attributes in contours.

The ‘autocontour’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property coloraxis

Sets a reference to a shared color axis. References to these shared color axes are “coloraxis”, “coloraxis2”, “coloraxis3”, etc. Settings for these shared color axes are set in the layout, under layout.coloraxis, layout.coloraxis2, etc. Note that multiple color scales can be linked to the same color axis.

The ‘coloraxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘coloraxis’, that may be specified as the string ‘coloraxis’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘coloraxis’, ‘coloraxis1’, ‘coloraxis2’, ‘coloraxis3’, etc.)


Return type


property colorbar

The ‘colorbar’ property is an instance of ColorBar that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.contour.ColorBar

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the ColorBar constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the color of padded area.


    Sets the axis line color.


    Sets the width (in px) or the border enclosing this color bar.


    Sets the step in-between ticks on this axis. Use with tick0. Must be a positive number, or special strings available to “log” and “date” axes. If the axis type is “log”, then ticks are set every 10^(n*dtick) where n is the tick number. For example, to set a tick mark at 1, 10, 100, 1000, … set dtick to 1. To set tick marks at 1, 100, 10000, … set dtick to 2. To set tick marks at 1, 5, 25, 125, 625, 3125, … set dtick to log_10(5), or 0.69897000433. “log” has several special values; “L<f>”, where f is a positive number, gives ticks linearly spaced in value (but not position). For example tick0 = 0.1, dtick = “L0.5” will put ticks at 0.1, 0.6, 1.1, 1.6 etc. To show powers of 10 plus small digits between, use “D1” (all digits) or “D2” (only 2 and 5). tick0 is ignored for “D1” and “D2”. If the axis type is “date”, then you must convert the time to milliseconds. For example, to set the interval between ticks to one day, set dtick to 86400000.0. “date” also has special values “M<n>” gives ticks spaced by a number of months. n must be a positive integer. To set ticks on the 15th of every third month, set tick0 to “2000-01-15” and dtick to “M3”. To set ticks every 4 years, set dtick to “M48”


    Determines a formatting rule for the tick exponents. For example, consider the number 1,000,000,000. If “none”, it appears as 1,000,000,000. If “e”, 1e+9. If “E”, 1E+9. If “power”, 1x10^9 (with 9 in a super script). If “SI”, 1G. If “B”, 1B.


    Replacement text for specific tick or hover labels. For example using {US: ‘USA’, CA: ‘Canada’} changes US to USA and CA to Canada. The labels we would have shown must match the keys exactly, after adding any tickprefix or ticksuffix. For negative numbers the minus sign symbol used (U+2212) is wider than the regular ascii dash. That means you need to use −1 instead of -1. labelalias can be used with any axis type, and both keys (if needed) and values (if desired) can include html-like tags or MathJax.


    Sets the length of the color bar This measure excludes the padding of both ends. That is, the color bar length is this length minus the padding on both ends.


    Determines whether this color bar’s length (i.e. the measure in the color variation direction) is set in units of plot “fraction” or in *pixels. Use len to set the value.


    Hide SI prefix for 10^n if |n| is below this number. This only has an effect when tickformat is “SI” or “B”.


    Specifies the maximum number of ticks for the particular axis. The actual number of ticks will be chosen automatically to be less than or equal to nticks. Has an effect only if tickmode is set to “auto”.


    Sets the orientation of the colorbar.


    Sets the axis line color.


    Sets the width (in px) of the axis line.


    If “true”, even 4-digit integers are separated


    If “all”, all exponents are shown besides their significands. If “first”, only the exponent of the first tick is shown. If “last”, only the exponent of the last tick is shown. If “none”, no exponents appear.


    Determines whether or not the tick labels are drawn.


    If “all”, all tick labels are displayed with a prefix. If “first”, only the first tick is displayed with a prefix. If “last”, only the last tick is displayed with a suffix. If “none”, tick prefixes are hidden.


    Same as showtickprefix but for tick suffixes.


    Sets the thickness of the color bar This measure excludes the size of the padding, ticks and labels.


    Determines whether this color bar’s thickness (i.e. the measure in the constant color direction) is set in units of plot “fraction” or in “pixels”. Use thickness to set the value.


    Sets the placement of the first tick on this axis. Use with dtick. If the axis type is “log”, then you must take the log of your starting tick (e.g. to set the starting tick to 100, set the tick0 to 2) except when dtick`=*L<f>* (see `dtick for more info). If the axis type is “date”, it should be a date string, like date data. If the axis type is “category”, it should be a number, using the scale where each category is assigned a serial number from zero in the order it appears.


    Sets the angle of the tick labels with respect to the horizontal. For example, a tickangle of -90 draws the tick labels vertically.


    Sets the tick color.


    Sets the color bar’s tick label font


    Sets the tick label formatting rule using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: h ttps:// format. And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display “09~15~23.46”


    A tuple of plotly.graph_objects.contour .colorbar.Tickformatstop instances or dicts with compatible properties


    When used in a template (as layout.template.dat a.contour.colorbar.tickformatstopdefaults), sets the default property values to use for elements of contour.colorbar.tickformatstops


    Determines how we handle tick labels that would overflow either the graph div or the domain of the axis. The default value for inside tick labels is hide past domain. In other cases the default is hide past div.


    Determines where tick labels are drawn relative to the ticks. Left and right options are used when orientation is “h”, top and bottom when orientation is “v”.


    Sets the spacing between tick labels as compared to the spacing between ticks. A value of 1 (default) means each tick gets a label. A value of 2 means shows every 2nd label. A larger value n means only every nth tick is labeled. tick0 determines which labels are shown. Not implemented for axes with type “log” or “multicategory”, or when tickmode is “array”.


    Sets the tick length (in px).


    Sets the tick mode for this axis. If “auto”, the number of ticks is set via nticks. If “linear”, the placement of the ticks is determined by a starting position tick0 and a tick step dtick (“linear” is the default value if tick0 and dtick are provided). If “array”, the placement of the ticks is set via tickvals and the tick text is ticktext. (“array” is the default value if tickvals is provided).


    Sets a tick label prefix.


    Determines whether ticks are drawn or not. If “”, this axis’ ticks are not drawn. If “outside” (“inside”), this axis’ are drawn outside (inside) the axis lines.


    Sets a tick label suffix.


    Sets the text displayed at the ticks position via tickvals. Only has an effect if tickmode is set to “array”. Used with tickvals.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ticktext.


    Sets the values at which ticks on this axis appear. Only has an effect if tickmode is set to “array”. Used with ticktext.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for tickvals.


    Sets the tick width (in px).


    plotly.graph_objects.contour.colorbar.T itle instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the x position with respect to xref of the color bar (in plot fraction). When xref is “paper”, defaults to 1.02 when orientation is “v” and 0.5 when orientation is “h”. When xref is “container”, defaults to 1 when orientation is “v” and 0.5 when orientation is “h”. Must be between 0 and 1 if xref is “container” and between “-2” and 3 if xref is “paper”.


    Sets this color bar’s horizontal position anchor. This anchor binds the x position to the “left”, “center” or “right” of the color bar. Defaults to “left” when orientation is “v” and “center” when orientation is “h”.


    Sets the amount of padding (in px) along the x direction.


    Sets the container x refers to. “container” spans the entire width of the plot. “paper” refers to the width of the plotting area only.


    Sets the y position with respect to yref of the color bar (in plot fraction). When yref is “paper”, defaults to 0.5 when orientation is “v” and 1.02 when orientation is “h”. When yref is “container”, defaults to 0.5 when orientation is “v” and 1 when orientation is “h”. Must be between 0 and 1 if yref is “container” and between “-2” and 3 if yref is “paper”.


    Sets this color bar’s vertical position anchor This anchor binds the y position to the “top”, “middle” or “bottom” of the color bar. Defaults to “middle” when orientation is “v” and “bottom” when orientation is “h”.


    Sets the amount of padding (in px) along the y direction.


    Sets the container y refers to. “container” spans the entire height of the plot. “paper” refers to the height of the plotting area only.


Return type


property colorscale

Sets the colorscale. The colorscale must be an array containing arrays mapping a normalized value to an rgb, rgba, hex, hsl, hsv, or named color string. At minimum, a mapping for the lowest (0) and highest (1) values are required. For example, [[0, 'rgb(0,0,255)'], [1, 'rgb(255,0,0)']]. To control the bounds of the colorscale in color space, use zmin and zmax. Alternatively, colorscale may be a palette name string of the following list: Blackbody,Bluered,Blues,Cividis,Earth,Electric, Greens,Greys,Hot,Jet,Picnic,Portland,Rainbow,RdBu,Reds,Viridis, YlGnBu,YlOrRd.

The ‘colorscale’ property is a colorscale and may be specified as:

  • A list of colors that will be spaced evenly to create the colorscale. Many predefined colorscale lists are included in the sequential, diverging, and cyclical modules in the plotly.colors package.

  • A list of 2-element lists where the first element is the normalized color level value (starting at 0 and ending at 1), and the second item is a valid color string. (e.g. [[0, ‘green’], [0.5, ‘red’], [1.0, ‘rgb(0, 0, 255)’]])

  • One of the following named colorscales:
    [‘aggrnyl’, ‘agsunset’, ‘algae’, ‘amp’, ‘armyrose’, ‘balance’,

    ‘blackbody’, ‘bluered’, ‘blues’, ‘blugrn’, ‘bluyl’, ‘brbg’, ‘brwnyl’, ‘bugn’, ‘bupu’, ‘burg’, ‘burgyl’, ‘cividis’, ‘curl’, ‘darkmint’, ‘deep’, ‘delta’, ‘dense’, ‘earth’, ‘edge’, ‘electric’, ‘emrld’, ‘fall’, ‘geyser’, ‘gnbu’, ‘gray’, ‘greens’, ‘greys’, ‘haline’, ‘hot’, ‘hsv’, ‘ice’, ‘icefire’, ‘inferno’, ‘jet’, ‘magenta’, ‘magma’, ‘matter’, ‘mint’, ‘mrybm’, ‘mygbm’, ‘oranges’, ‘orrd’, ‘oryel’, ‘oxy’, ‘peach’, ‘phase’, ‘picnic’, ‘pinkyl’, ‘piyg’, ‘plasma’, ‘plotly3’, ‘portland’, ‘prgn’, ‘pubu’, ‘pubugn’, ‘puor’, ‘purd’, ‘purp’, ‘purples’, ‘purpor’, ‘rainbow’, ‘rdbu’, ‘rdgy’, ‘rdpu’, ‘rdylbu’, ‘rdylgn’, ‘redor’, ‘reds’, ‘solar’, ‘spectral’, ‘speed’, ‘sunset’, ‘sunsetdark’, ‘teal’, ‘tealgrn’, ‘tealrose’, ‘tempo’, ‘temps’, ‘thermal’, ‘tropic’, ‘turbid’, ‘turbo’, ‘twilight’, ‘viridis’, ‘ylgn’, ‘ylgnbu’, ‘ylorbr’, ‘ylorrd’].

    Appending ‘_r’ to a named colorscale reverses it.


Return type


property connectgaps

Determines whether or not gaps (i.e. {nan} or missing values) in the z data are filled in. It is defaulted to true if z is a one dimensional array otherwise it is defaulted to false.

The ‘connectgaps’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property contours

The ‘contours’ property is an instance of Contours that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.contour.Contours

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Contours constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Determines the coloring method showing the contour values. If “fill”, coloring is done evenly between each contour level If “heatmap”, a heatmap gradient coloring is applied between each contour level. If “lines”, coloring is done on the contour lines. If “none”, no coloring is applied on this trace.


    Sets the end contour level value. Must be more than contours.start


    Sets the font used for labeling the contour levels. The default color comes from the lines, if shown. The default family and size come from layout.font.


    Sets the contour label formatting rule using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: h ttps:// format.


    Sets the constraint operation. “=” keeps regions equal to value “<” and “<=” keep regions less than value “>” and “>=” keep regions greater than value “[]”, “()”, “[)”, and “(]” keep regions inside value[0] to value[1] “][“, “)(“, “](“, “)[” keep regions outside value[0] to value[1]` Open vs. closed intervals make no difference to constraint display, but all versions are allowed for consistency with filter transforms.


    Determines whether to label the contour lines with their values.


    Determines whether or not the contour lines are drawn. Has an effect only if contours.coloring is set to “fill”.


    Sets the step between each contour level. Must be positive.


    Sets the starting contour level value. Must be less than contours.end


    If levels, the data is represented as a contour plot with multiple levels displayed. If constraint, the data is represented as constraints with the invalid region shaded as specified by the operation and value parameters.


    Sets the value or values of the constraint boundary. When operation is set to one of the comparison values (=,<,>=,>,<=) “value” is expected to be a number. When operation is set to one of the interval values ([],(),[),(],][,)(,](,)[) “value” is expected to be an array of two numbers where the first is the lower bound and the second is the upper bound.


Return type


property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property dx

Sets the x coordinate step. See x0 for more info.

The ‘dx’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property dy

Sets the y coordinate step. See y0 for more info.

The ‘dy’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property fillcolor

Sets the fill color if contours.type is “constraint”. Defaults to a half-transparent variant of the line color, marker color, or marker line color, whichever is available.

The ‘fillcolor’ property is a color and may be specified as:
  • A hex string (e.g. ‘#ff0000’)

  • An rgb/rgba string (e.g. ‘rgb(255,0,0)’)

  • An hsl/hsla string (e.g. ‘hsl(0,100%,50%)’)

  • An hsv/hsva string (e.g. ‘hsv(0,100%,100%)’)

  • A named CSS color:

    aliceblue, antiquewhite, aqua, aquamarine, azure, beige, bisque, black, blanchedalmond, blue, blueviolet, brown, burlywood, cadetblue, chartreuse, chocolate, coral, cornflowerblue, cornsilk, crimson, cyan, darkblue, darkcyan, darkgoldenrod, darkgray, darkgrey, darkgreen, darkkhaki, darkmagenta, darkolivegreen, darkorange, darkorchid, darkred, darksalmon, darkseagreen, darkslateblue, darkslategray, darkslategrey, darkturquoise, darkviolet, deeppink, deepskyblue, dimgray, dimgrey, dodgerblue, firebrick, floralwhite, forestgreen, fuchsia, gainsboro, ghostwhite, gold, goldenrod, gray, grey, green, greenyellow, honeydew, hotpink, indianred, indigo, ivory, khaki, lavender, lavenderblush, lawngreen, lemonchiffon, lightblue, lightcoral, lightcyan, lightgoldenrodyellow, lightgray, lightgrey, lightgreen, lightpink, lightsalmon, lightseagreen, lightskyblue, lightslategray, lightslategrey, lightsteelblue, lightyellow, lime, limegreen, linen, magenta, maroon, mediumaquamarine, mediumblue, mediumorchid, mediumpurple, mediumseagreen, mediumslateblue, mediumspringgreen, mediumturquoise, mediumvioletred, midnightblue, mintcream, mistyrose, moccasin, navajowhite, navy, oldlace, olive, olivedrab, orange, orangered, orchid, palegoldenrod, palegreen, paleturquoise, palevioletred, papayawhip, peachpuff, peru, pink, plum, powderblue, purple, red, rosybrown, royalblue, rebeccapurple, saddlebrown, salmon, sandybrown, seagreen, seashell, sienna, silver, skyblue, slateblue, slategray, slategrey, snow, springgreen, steelblue, tan, teal, thistle, tomato, turquoise, violet, wheat, white, whitesmoke, yellow, yellowgreen

  • A number that will be interpreted as a color according to contour.colorscale


Return type


property hoverinfo

Determines which trace information appear on hover. If none or skip are set, no information is displayed upon hovering. But, if none is set, click and hover events are still fired.

The ‘hoverinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’, ‘text’, ‘name’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘x+y’) OR exactly one of [‘all’, ‘none’, ‘skip’] (e.g. ‘skip’)

  • A list or array of the above


Return type


property hoverinfosrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hoverinfo.

The ‘hoverinfosrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverlabel

The ‘hoverlabel’ property is an instance of Hoverlabel that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.contour.Hoverlabel

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Hoverlabel constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans more two or more lines


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for align.


    Sets the background color of the hover labels for this trace


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bgcolor.


    Sets the border color of the hover labels for this trace.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bordercolor.


    Sets the font used in hover labels.


    Sets the default length (in number of characters) of the trace name in the hover labels for all traces. -1 shows the whole name regardless of length. 0-3 shows the first 0-3 characters, and an integer >3 will show the whole name if it is less than that many characters, but if it is longer, will truncate to namelength - 3 characters and add an ellipsis.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for namelength.


Return type


property hoverongaps

Determines whether or not gaps (i.e. {nan} or missing values) in the z data have hover labels associated with them.

The ‘hoverongaps’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property hovertemplate

Template string used for rendering the information that appear on hover box. Note that this will override hoverinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}” as well as %{xother}, {%_xother}, {%_xother_}, {%xother_}. When showing info for several points, “xother” will be added to those with different x positions from the first point. An underscore before or after “(x|y)other” will add a space on that side, only when this field is shown. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. The variables available in hovertemplate are the ones emitted as event data described at this link Additionally, every attributes that can be specified per-point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Anything contained in tag <extra> is displayed in the secondary box, for example “<extra>{}</extra>”. To hide the secondary box completely, use an empty tag <extra></extra>.

The ‘hovertemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertemplate.

The ‘hovertemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hovertext

Same as text.

The ‘hovertext’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property hovertextsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertext.

The ‘hovertextsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgroup

Sets the legend group for this trace. Traces and shapes part of the same legend group hide/show at the same time when toggling legend items.

The ‘legendgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.contour.Legendgrouptitle

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type


property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property line

The ‘line’ property is an instance of Line that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.contour.Line

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Line constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the color of the contour level. Has no effect if contours.coloring is set to “lines”.


    Sets the dash style of lines. Set to a dash type string (“solid”, “dot”, “dash”, “longdash”, “dashdot”, or “longdashdot”) or a dash length list in px (eg “5px,10px,2px,2px”).


    Sets the amount of smoothing for the contour lines, where 0 corresponds to no smoothing.


    Sets the contour line width in (in px) Defaults to 0.5 when contours.type is “levels”. Defaults to 2 when contour.type is “constraint”.


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property ncontours

Sets the maximum number of contour levels. The actual number of contours will be chosen automatically to be less than or equal to the value of ncontours. Has an effect only if autocontour is True or if contours.size is missing.

The ‘ncontours’ property is a integer and may be specified as:
  • An int (or float that will be cast to an int) in the interval [1, 9223372036854775807]


Return type


property opacity

Sets the opacity of the trace.

The ‘opacity’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]


Return type


property reversescale

Reverses the color mapping if true. If true, zmin will correspond to the last color in the array and zmax will correspond to the first color.

The ‘reversescale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property showlegend

Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.

The ‘showlegend’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property showscale

Determines whether or not a colorbar is displayed for this trace.

The ‘showscale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.contour.Stream

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type


property text

Sets the text elements associated with each z value.

The ‘text’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property textfont

For this trace it only has an effect if coloring is set to “heatmap”. Sets the text font.

The ‘textfont’ property is an instance of Textfont that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.contour.Textfont

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Textfont constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.


    Sets the kind of decoration line(s) with text, such as an “under”, “over” or “through” as well as combinations e.g. “under+over”, etc.


    Sets the shape and color of the shadow behind text. “auto” places minimal shadow and applies contrast text font color. See US/docs/Web/CSS/text-shadow for additional options.



    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets capitalization of text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all- lowercase, or with each word capitalized.


    Sets the variant of the font.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


Return type


property textsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for text.

The ‘textsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property texttemplate

For this trace it only has an effect if coloring is set to “heatmap”. Template string used for rendering the information text that appear on points. Note that this will override textinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}”. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. Every attributes that can be specified per- point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Finally, the template string has access to variables x, y, z and text.

The ‘texttemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property transpose

Transposes the z data.

The ‘transpose’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property type
property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


property x

Sets the x coordinates.

The ‘x’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property x0

Alternate to x. Builds a linear space of x coordinates. Use with dx where x0 is the starting coordinate and dx the step.

The ‘x0’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property xaxis

Sets a reference between this trace’s x coordinates and a 2D cartesian x axis. If “x” (the default value), the x coordinates refer to layout.xaxis. If “x2”, the x coordinates refer to layout.xaxis2, and so on.

The ‘xaxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘x’, that may be specified as the string ‘x’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘x’, ‘x1’, ‘x2’, ‘x3’, etc.)


Return type


property xcalendar

Sets the calendar system to use with x date data.

The ‘xcalendar’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘chinese’, ‘coptic’, ‘discworld’, ‘ethiopian’, ‘gregorian’, ‘hebrew’, ‘islamic’, ‘jalali’, ‘julian’, ‘mayan’, ‘nanakshahi’, ‘nepali’, ‘persian’, ‘taiwan’, ‘thai’, ‘ummalqura’]


Return type


property xhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor x using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using xaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘xhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property xperiod

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the period positioning in milliseconds or “M<n>” on the x axis. Special values in the form of “M<n>” could be used to declare the number of months. In this case n must be a positive integer.

The ‘xperiod’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property xperiod0

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the base for period positioning in milliseconds or date string on the x0 axis. When x0period is round number of weeks, the x0period0 by default would be on a Sunday i.e. 2000-01-02, otherwise it would be at 2000-01-01.

The ‘xperiod0’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property xperiodalignment

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the alignment of data points on the x axis.

The ‘xperiodalignment’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘start’, ‘middle’, ‘end’]


Return type


property xsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for x.

The ‘xsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property xtype

If “array”, the heatmap’s x coordinates are given by “x” (the default behavior when x is provided). If “scaled”, the heatmap’s x coordinates are given by “x0” and “dx” (the default behavior when x is not provided).

The ‘xtype’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘array’, ‘scaled’]


Return type


property y

Sets the y coordinates.

The ‘y’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property y0

Alternate to y. Builds a linear space of y coordinates. Use with dy where y0 is the starting coordinate and dy the step.

The ‘y0’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property yaxis

Sets a reference between this trace’s y coordinates and a 2D cartesian y axis. If “y” (the default value), the y coordinates refer to layout.yaxis. If “y2”, the y coordinates refer to layout.yaxis2, and so on.

The ‘yaxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘y’, that may be specified as the string ‘y’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘y’, ‘y1’, ‘y2’, ‘y3’, etc.)


Return type


property ycalendar

Sets the calendar system to use with y date data.

The ‘ycalendar’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘chinese’, ‘coptic’, ‘discworld’, ‘ethiopian’, ‘gregorian’, ‘hebrew’, ‘islamic’, ‘jalali’, ‘julian’, ‘mayan’, ‘nanakshahi’, ‘nepali’, ‘persian’, ‘taiwan’, ‘thai’, ‘ummalqura’]


Return type


property yhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor y using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using yaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘yhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property yperiod

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the period positioning in milliseconds or “M<n>” on the y axis. Special values in the form of “M<n>” could be used to declare the number of months. In this case n must be a positive integer.

The ‘yperiod’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property yperiod0

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the base for period positioning in milliseconds or date string on the y0 axis. When y0period is round number of weeks, the y0period0 by default would be on a Sunday i.e. 2000-01-02, otherwise it would be at 2000-01-01.

The ‘yperiod0’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property yperiodalignment

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the alignment of data points on the y axis.

The ‘yperiodalignment’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘start’, ‘middle’, ‘end’]


Return type


property ysrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for y.

The ‘ysrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property ytype

If “array”, the heatmap’s y coordinates are given by “y” (the default behavior when y is provided) If “scaled”, the heatmap’s y coordinates are given by “y0” and “dy” (the default behavior when y is not provided)

The ‘ytype’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘array’, ‘scaled’]


Return type


property z

Sets the z data.

The ‘z’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property zauto

Determines whether or not the color domain is computed with respect to the input data (here in z) or the bounds set in zmin and zmax Defaults to false when zmin and zmax are set by the user.

The ‘zauto’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property zhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor z using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: default the values are formatted using generic number format.

The ‘zhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property zmax

Sets the upper bound of the color domain. Value should have the same units as in z and if set, zmin must be set as well.

The ‘zmax’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property zmid

Sets the mid-point of the color domain by scaling zmin and/or zmax to be equidistant to this point. Value should have the same units as in z. Has no effect when zauto is false.

The ‘zmid’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property zmin

Sets the lower bound of the color domain. Value should have the same units as in z and if set, zmax must be set as well.

The ‘zmin’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property zorder

Sets the layer on which this trace is displayed, relative to other SVG traces on the same subplot. SVG traces with higher zorder appear in front of those with lower zorder.

The ‘zorder’ property is a integer and may be specified as:
  • An int (or float that will be cast to an int)


Return type


property zsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for z.

The ‘zsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


class, a=None, a0=None, asrc=None, atype=None, autocolorscale=None, autocontour=None, b=None, b0=None, bsrc=None, btype=None, carpet=None, coloraxis=None, colorbar=None, colorscale=None, contours=None, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, da=None, db=None, fillcolor=None, hovertext=None, hovertextsrc=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, legend=None, legendgroup=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, line=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, name=None, ncontours=None, opacity=None, reversescale=None, showlegend=None, showscale=None, stream=None, text=None, textsrc=None, transpose=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, visible=None, xaxis=None, yaxis=None, z=None, zauto=None, zmax=None, zmid=None, zmin=None, zorder=None, zsrc=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property a

Sets the x coordinates.

The ‘a’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property a0

Alternate to x. Builds a linear space of x coordinates. Use with dx where x0 is the starting coordinate and dx the step.

The ‘a0’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property asrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for a.

The ‘asrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property atype

If “array”, the heatmap’s x coordinates are given by “x” (the default behavior when x is provided). If “scaled”, the heatmap’s x coordinates are given by “x0” and “dx” (the default behavior when x is not provided).

The ‘atype’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘array’, ‘scaled’]


Return type


property autocolorscale

Determines whether the colorscale is a default palette (autocolorscale: true) or the palette determined by colorscale. In case colorscale is unspecified or autocolorscale is true, the default palette will be chosen according to whether numbers in the color array are all positive, all negative or mixed.

The ‘autocolorscale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property autocontour

Determines whether or not the contour level attributes are picked by an algorithm. If True, the number of contour levels can be set in ncontours. If False, set the contour level attributes in contours.

The ‘autocontour’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property b

Sets the y coordinates.

The ‘b’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property b0

Alternate to y. Builds a linear space of y coordinates. Use with dy where y0 is the starting coordinate and dy the step.

The ‘b0’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property bsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for b.

The ‘bsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property btype

If “array”, the heatmap’s y coordinates are given by “y” (the default behavior when y is provided) If “scaled”, the heatmap’s y coordinates are given by “y0” and “dy” (the default behavior when y is not provided)

The ‘btype’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘array’, ‘scaled’]


Return type


property carpet

The carpet of the carpet axes on which this contour trace lies

The ‘carpet’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property coloraxis

Sets a reference to a shared color axis. References to these shared color axes are “coloraxis”, “coloraxis2”, “coloraxis3”, etc. Settings for these shared color axes are set in the layout, under layout.coloraxis, layout.coloraxis2, etc. Note that multiple color scales can be linked to the same color axis.

The ‘coloraxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘coloraxis’, that may be specified as the string ‘coloraxis’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘coloraxis’, ‘coloraxis1’, ‘coloraxis2’, ‘coloraxis3’, etc.)


Return type


property colorbar

The ‘colorbar’ property is an instance of ColorBar that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.contourcarpet.ColorBar

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the ColorBar constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the color of padded area.


    Sets the axis line color.


    Sets the width (in px) or the border enclosing this color bar.


    Sets the step in-between ticks on this axis. Use with tick0. Must be a positive number, or special strings available to “log” and “date” axes. If the axis type is “log”, then ticks are set every 10^(n*dtick) where n is the tick number. For example, to set a tick mark at 1, 10, 100, 1000, … set dtick to 1. To set tick marks at 1, 100, 10000, … set dtick to 2. To set tick marks at 1, 5, 25, 125, 625, 3125, … set dtick to log_10(5), or 0.69897000433. “log” has several special values; “L<f>”, where f is a positive number, gives ticks linearly spaced in value (but not position). For example tick0 = 0.1, dtick = “L0.5” will put ticks at 0.1, 0.6, 1.1, 1.6 etc. To show powers of 10 plus small digits between, use “D1” (all digits) or “D2” (only 2 and 5). tick0 is ignored for “D1” and “D2”. If the axis type is “date”, then you must convert the time to milliseconds. For example, to set the interval between ticks to one day, set dtick to 86400000.0. “date” also has special values “M<n>” gives ticks spaced by a number of months. n must be a positive integer. To set ticks on the 15th of every third month, set tick0 to “2000-01-15” and dtick to “M3”. To set ticks every 4 years, set dtick to “M48”


    Determines a formatting rule for the tick exponents. For example, consider the number 1,000,000,000. If “none”, it appears as 1,000,000,000. If “e”, 1e+9. If “E”, 1E+9. If “power”, 1x10^9 (with 9 in a super script). If “SI”, 1G. If “B”, 1B.


    Replacement text for specific tick or hover labels. For example using {US: ‘USA’, CA: ‘Canada’} changes US to USA and CA to Canada. The labels we would have shown must match the keys exactly, after adding any tickprefix or ticksuffix. For negative numbers the minus sign symbol used (U+2212) is wider than the regular ascii dash. That means you need to use −1 instead of -1. labelalias can be used with any axis type, and both keys (if needed) and values (if desired) can include html-like tags or MathJax.


    Sets the length of the color bar This measure excludes the padding of both ends. That is, the color bar length is this length minus the padding on both ends.


    Determines whether this color bar’s length (i.e. the measure in the color variation direction) is set in units of plot “fraction” or in *pixels. Use len to set the value.


    Hide SI prefix for 10^n if |n| is below this number. This only has an effect when tickformat is “SI” or “B”.


    Specifies the maximum number of ticks for the particular axis. The actual number of ticks will be chosen automatically to be less than or equal to nticks. Has an effect only if tickmode is set to “auto”.


    Sets the orientation of the colorbar.


    Sets the axis line color.


    Sets the width (in px) of the axis line.


    If “true”, even 4-digit integers are separated


    If “all”, all exponents are shown besides their significands. If “first”, only the exponent of the first tick is shown. If “last”, only the exponent of the last tick is shown. If “none”, no exponents appear.


    Determines whether or not the tick labels are drawn.


    If “all”, all tick labels are displayed with a prefix. If “first”, only the first tick is displayed with a prefix. If “last”, only the last tick is displayed with a suffix. If “none”, tick prefixes are hidden.


    Same as showtickprefix but for tick suffixes.


    Sets the thickness of the color bar This measure excludes the size of the padding, ticks and labels.


    Determines whether this color bar’s thickness (i.e. the measure in the constant color direction) is set in units of plot “fraction” or in “pixels”. Use thickness to set the value.


    Sets the placement of the first tick on this axis. Use with dtick. If the axis type is “log”, then you must take the log of your starting tick (e.g. to set the starting tick to 100, set the tick0 to 2) except when dtick`=*L<f>* (see `dtick for more info). If the axis type is “date”, it should be a date string, like date data. If the axis type is “category”, it should be a number, using the scale where each category is assigned a serial number from zero in the order it appears.


    Sets the angle of the tick labels with respect to the horizontal. For example, a tickangle of -90 draws the tick labels vertically.


    Sets the tick color.


    Sets the color bar’s tick label font


    Sets the tick label formatting rule using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: h ttps:// format. And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display “09~15~23.46”


    A tuple of plotly.graph_objects.contour carpet.colorbar.Tickformatstop instances or dicts with compatible properties


    When used in a template (as layout.template.dat a.contourcarpet.colorbar.tickformatstopdefaults ), sets the default property values to use for elements of contourcarpet.colorbar.tickformatstops


    Determines how we handle tick labels that would overflow either the graph div or the domain of the axis. The default value for inside tick labels is hide past domain. In other cases the default is hide past div.


    Determines where tick labels are drawn relative to the ticks. Left and right options are used when orientation is “h”, top and bottom when orientation is “v”.


    Sets the spacing between tick labels as compared to the spacing between ticks. A value of 1 (default) means each tick gets a label. A value of 2 means shows every 2nd label. A larger value n means only every nth tick is labeled. tick0 determines which labels are shown. Not implemented for axes with type “log” or “multicategory”, or when tickmode is “array”.


    Sets the tick length (in px).


    Sets the tick mode for this axis. If “auto”, the number of ticks is set via nticks. If “linear”, the placement of the ticks is determined by a starting position tick0 and a tick step dtick (“linear” is the default value if tick0 and dtick are provided). If “array”, the placement of the ticks is set via tickvals and the tick text is ticktext. (“array” is the default value if tickvals is provided).


    Sets a tick label prefix.


    Determines whether ticks are drawn or not. If “”, this axis’ ticks are not drawn. If “outside” (“inside”), this axis’ are drawn outside (inside) the axis lines.


    Sets a tick label suffix.


    Sets the text displayed at the ticks position via tickvals. Only has an effect if tickmode is set to “array”. Used with tickvals.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ticktext.


    Sets the values at which ticks on this axis appear. Only has an effect if tickmode is set to “array”. Used with ticktext.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for tickvals.


    Sets the tick width (in px).


    plotly.graph_objects.contourcarpet.colo rbar.Title instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the x position with respect to xref of the color bar (in plot fraction). When xref is “paper”, defaults to 1.02 when orientation is “v” and 0.5 when orientation is “h”. When xref is “container”, defaults to 1 when orientation is “v” and 0.5 when orientation is “h”. Must be between 0 and 1 if xref is “container” and between “-2” and 3 if xref is “paper”.


    Sets this color bar’s horizontal position anchor. This anchor binds the x position to the “left”, “center” or “right” of the color bar. Defaults to “left” when orientation is “v” and “center” when orientation is “h”.


    Sets the amount of padding (in px) along the x direction.


    Sets the container x refers to. “container” spans the entire width of the plot. “paper” refers to the width of the plotting area only.


    Sets the y position with respect to yref of the color bar (in plot fraction). When yref is “paper”, defaults to 0.5 when orientation is “v” and 1.02 when orientation is “h”. When yref is “container”, defaults to 0.5 when orientation is “v” and 1 when orientation is “h”. Must be between 0 and 1 if yref is “container” and between “-2” and 3 if yref is “paper”.


    Sets this color bar’s vertical position anchor This anchor binds the y position to the “top”, “middle” or “bottom” of the color bar. Defaults to “middle” when orientation is “v” and “bottom” when orientation is “h”.


    Sets the amount of padding (in px) along the y direction.


    Sets the container y refers to. “container” spans the entire height of the plot. “paper” refers to the height of the plotting area only.


Return type


property colorscale

Sets the colorscale. The colorscale must be an array containing arrays mapping a normalized value to an rgb, rgba, hex, hsl, hsv, or named color string. At minimum, a mapping for the lowest (0) and highest (1) values are required. For example, [[0, 'rgb(0,0,255)'], [1, 'rgb(255,0,0)']]. To control the bounds of the colorscale in color space, use zmin and zmax. Alternatively, colorscale may be a palette name string of the following list: Blackbody,Bluered,Blues,Cividis,Earth,Electric, Greens,Greys,Hot,Jet,Picnic,Portland,Rainbow,RdBu,Reds,Viridis, YlGnBu,YlOrRd.

The ‘colorscale’ property is a colorscale and may be specified as:

  • A list of colors that will be spaced evenly to create the colorscale. Many predefined colorscale lists are included in the sequential, diverging, and cyclical modules in the plotly.colors package.

  • A list of 2-element lists where the first element is the normalized color level value (starting at 0 and ending at 1), and the second item is a valid color string. (e.g. [[0, ‘green’], [0.5, ‘red’], [1.0, ‘rgb(0, 0, 255)’]])

  • One of the following named colorscales:
    [‘aggrnyl’, ‘agsunset’, ‘algae’, ‘amp’, ‘armyrose’, ‘balance’,

    ‘blackbody’, ‘bluered’, ‘blues’, ‘blugrn’, ‘bluyl’, ‘brbg’, ‘brwnyl’, ‘bugn’, ‘bupu’, ‘burg’, ‘burgyl’, ‘cividis’, ‘curl’, ‘darkmint’, ‘deep’, ‘delta’, ‘dense’, ‘earth’, ‘edge’, ‘electric’, ‘emrld’, ‘fall’, ‘geyser’, ‘gnbu’, ‘gray’, ‘greens’, ‘greys’, ‘haline’, ‘hot’, ‘hsv’, ‘ice’, ‘icefire’, ‘inferno’, ‘jet’, ‘magenta’, ‘magma’, ‘matter’, ‘mint’, ‘mrybm’, ‘mygbm’, ‘oranges’, ‘orrd’, ‘oryel’, ‘oxy’, ‘peach’, ‘phase’, ‘picnic’, ‘pinkyl’, ‘piyg’, ‘plasma’, ‘plotly3’, ‘portland’, ‘prgn’, ‘pubu’, ‘pubugn’, ‘puor’, ‘purd’, ‘purp’, ‘purples’, ‘purpor’, ‘rainbow’, ‘rdbu’, ‘rdgy’, ‘rdpu’, ‘rdylbu’, ‘rdylgn’, ‘redor’, ‘reds’, ‘solar’, ‘spectral’, ‘speed’, ‘sunset’, ‘sunsetdark’, ‘teal’, ‘tealgrn’, ‘tealrose’, ‘tempo’, ‘temps’, ‘thermal’, ‘tropic’, ‘turbid’, ‘turbo’, ‘twilight’, ‘viridis’, ‘ylgn’, ‘ylgnbu’, ‘ylorbr’, ‘ylorrd’].

    Appending ‘_r’ to a named colorscale reverses it.


Return type


property contours

The ‘contours’ property is an instance of Contours that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.contourcarpet.Contours

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Contours constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Determines the coloring method showing the contour values. If “fill”, coloring is done evenly between each contour level If “lines”, coloring is done on the contour lines. If “none”, no coloring is applied on this trace.


    Sets the end contour level value. Must be more than contours.start


    Sets the font used for labeling the contour levels. The default color comes from the lines, if shown. The default family and size come from layout.font.


    Sets the contour label formatting rule using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: h ttps:// format.


    Sets the constraint operation. “=” keeps regions equal to value “<” and “<=” keep regions less than value “>” and “>=” keep regions greater than value “[]”, “()”, “[)”, and “(]” keep regions inside value[0] to value[1] “][“, “)(“, “](“, “)[” keep regions outside value[0] to value[1]` Open vs. closed intervals make no difference to constraint display, but all versions are allowed for consistency with filter transforms.


    Determines whether to label the contour lines with their values.


    Determines whether or not the contour lines are drawn. Has an effect only if contours.coloring is set to “fill”.


    Sets the step between each contour level. Must be positive.


    Sets the starting contour level value. Must be less than contours.end


    If levels, the data is represented as a contour plot with multiple levels displayed. If constraint, the data is represented as constraints with the invalid region shaded as specified by the operation and value parameters.


    Sets the value or values of the constraint boundary. When operation is set to one of the comparison values (=,<,>=,>,<=) “value” is expected to be a number. When operation is set to one of the interval values ([],(),[),(],][,)(,](,)[) “value” is expected to be an array of two numbers where the first is the lower bound and the second is the upper bound.


Return type


property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property da

Sets the x coordinate step. See x0 for more info.

The ‘da’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property db

Sets the y coordinate step. See y0 for more info.

The ‘db’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property fillcolor

Sets the fill color if contours.type is “constraint”. Defaults to a half-transparent variant of the line color, marker color, or marker line color, whichever is available.

The ‘fillcolor’ property is a color and may be specified as:
  • A hex string (e.g. ‘#ff0000’)

  • An rgb/rgba string (e.g. ‘rgb(255,0,0)’)

  • An hsl/hsla string (e.g. ‘hsl(0,100%,50%)’)

  • An hsv/hsva string (e.g. ‘hsv(0,100%,100%)’)

  • A named CSS color:

    aliceblue, antiquewhite, aqua, aquamarine, azure, beige, bisque, black, blanchedalmond, blue, blueviolet, brown, burlywood, cadetblue, chartreuse, chocolate, coral, cornflowerblue, cornsilk, crimson, cyan, darkblue, darkcyan, darkgoldenrod, darkgray, darkgrey, darkgreen, darkkhaki, darkmagenta, darkolivegreen, darkorange, darkorchid, darkred, darksalmon, darkseagreen, darkslateblue, darkslategray, darkslategrey, darkturquoise, darkviolet, deeppink, deepskyblue, dimgray, dimgrey, dodgerblue, firebrick, floralwhite, forestgreen, fuchsia, gainsboro, ghostwhite, gold, goldenrod, gray, grey, green, greenyellow, honeydew, hotpink, indianred, indigo, ivory, khaki, lavender, lavenderblush, lawngreen, lemonchiffon, lightblue, lightcoral, lightcyan, lightgoldenrodyellow, lightgray, lightgrey, lightgreen, lightpink, lightsalmon, lightseagreen, lightskyblue, lightslategray, lightslategrey, lightsteelblue, lightyellow, lime, limegreen, linen, magenta, maroon, mediumaquamarine, mediumblue, mediumorchid, mediumpurple, mediumseagreen, mediumslateblue, mediumspringgreen, mediumturquoise, mediumvioletred, midnightblue, mintcream, mistyrose, moccasin, navajowhite, navy, oldlace, olive, olivedrab, orange, orangered, orchid, palegoldenrod, palegreen, paleturquoise, palevioletred, papayawhip, peachpuff, peru, pink, plum, powderblue, purple, red, rosybrown, royalblue, rebeccapurple, saddlebrown, salmon, sandybrown, seagreen, seashell, sienna, silver, skyblue, slateblue, slategray, slategrey, snow, springgreen, steelblue, tan, teal, thistle, tomato, turquoise, violet, wheat, white, whitesmoke, yellow, yellowgreen

  • A number that will be interpreted as a color according to contourcarpet.colorscale


Return type


property hovertext

Same as text.

The ‘hovertext’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property hovertextsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertext.

The ‘hovertextsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgroup

Sets the legend group for this trace. Traces and shapes part of the same legend group hide/show at the same time when toggling legend items.

The ‘legendgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.contourcarpet.Legendgrouptitle

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type


property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property line

The ‘line’ property is an instance of Line that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.contourcarpet.Line

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Line constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the color of the contour level. Has no effect if contours.coloring is set to “lines”.


    Sets the dash style of lines. Set to a dash type string (“solid”, “dot”, “dash”, “longdash”, “dashdot”, or “longdashdot”) or a dash length list in px (eg “5px,10px,2px,2px”).


    Sets the amount of smoothing for the contour lines, where 0 corresponds to no smoothing.


    Sets the contour line width in (in px) Defaults to 0.5 when contours.type is “levels”. Defaults to 2 when contour.type is “constraint”.


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property ncontours

Sets the maximum number of contour levels. The actual number of contours will be chosen automatically to be less than or equal to the value of ncontours. Has an effect only if autocontour is True or if contours.size is missing.

The ‘ncontours’ property is a integer and may be specified as:
  • An int (or float that will be cast to an int) in the interval [1, 9223372036854775807]


Return type


property opacity

Sets the opacity of the trace.

The ‘opacity’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]


Return type


property reversescale

Reverses the color mapping if true. If true, zmin will correspond to the last color in the array and zmax will correspond to the first color.

The ‘reversescale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property showlegend

Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.

The ‘showlegend’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property showscale

Determines whether or not a colorbar is displayed for this trace.

The ‘showscale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.contourcarpet.Stream

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type


property text

Sets the text elements associated with each z value.

The ‘text’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property textsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for text.

The ‘textsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property transpose

Transposes the z data.

The ‘transpose’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property type
property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


property xaxis

Sets a reference between this trace’s x coordinates and a 2D cartesian x axis. If “x” (the default value), the x coordinates refer to layout.xaxis. If “x2”, the x coordinates refer to layout.xaxis2, and so on.

The ‘xaxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘x’, that may be specified as the string ‘x’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘x’, ‘x1’, ‘x2’, ‘x3’, etc.)


Return type


property yaxis

Sets a reference between this trace’s y coordinates and a 2D cartesian y axis. If “y” (the default value), the y coordinates refer to layout.yaxis. If “y2”, the y coordinates refer to layout.yaxis2, and so on.

The ‘yaxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘y’, that may be specified as the string ‘y’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘y’, ‘y1’, ‘y2’, ‘y3’, etc.)


Return type


property z

Sets the z data.

The ‘z’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property zauto

Determines whether or not the color domain is computed with respect to the input data (here in z) or the bounds set in zmin and zmax Defaults to false when zmin and zmax are set by the user.

The ‘zauto’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property zmax

Sets the upper bound of the color domain. Value should have the same units as in z and if set, zmin must be set as well.

The ‘zmax’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property zmid

Sets the mid-point of the color domain by scaling zmin and/or zmax to be equidistant to this point. Value should have the same units as in z. Has no effect when zauto is false.

The ‘zmid’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property zmin

Sets the lower bound of the color domain. Value should have the same units as in z and if set, zmax must be set as well.

The ‘zmin’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property zorder

Sets the layer on which this trace is displayed, relative to other SVG traces on the same subplot. SVG traces with higher zorder appear in front of those with lower zorder.

The ‘zorder’ property is a integer and may be specified as:
  • An int (or float that will be cast to an int)


Return type


property zsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for z.

The ‘zsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


class, autocolorscale=None, below=None, coloraxis=None, colorbar=None, colorscale=None, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, hoverinfo=None, hoverinfosrc=None, hoverlabel=None, hovertemplate=None, hovertemplatesrc=None, hovertext=None, hovertextsrc=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, lat=None, latsrc=None, legend=None, legendgroup=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, lon=None, lonsrc=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, name=None, opacity=None, radius=None, radiussrc=None, reversescale=None, showlegend=None, showscale=None, stream=None, subplot=None, text=None, textsrc=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, visible=None, z=None, zauto=None, zmax=None, zmid=None, zmin=None, zsrc=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property autocolorscale

Determines whether the colorscale is a default palette (autocolorscale: true) or the palette determined by colorscale. In case colorscale is unspecified or autocolorscale is true, the default palette will be chosen according to whether numbers in the color array are all positive, all negative or mixed.

The ‘autocolorscale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property below

Determines if the densitymap trace will be inserted before the layer with the specified ID. By default, densitymap traces are placed below the first layer of type symbol If set to ‘’, the layer will be inserted above every existing layer.

The ‘below’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property coloraxis

Sets a reference to a shared color axis. References to these shared color axes are “coloraxis”, “coloraxis2”, “coloraxis3”, etc. Settings for these shared color axes are set in the layout, under layout.coloraxis, layout.coloraxis2, etc. Note that multiple color scales can be linked to the same color axis.

The ‘coloraxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘coloraxis’, that may be specified as the string ‘coloraxis’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘coloraxis’, ‘coloraxis1’, ‘coloraxis2’, ‘coloraxis3’, etc.)


Return type


property colorbar

The ‘colorbar’ property is an instance of ColorBar that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.densitymap.ColorBar

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the ColorBar constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the color of padded area.


    Sets the axis line color.


    Sets the width (in px) or the border enclosing this color bar.


    Sets the step in-between ticks on this axis. Use with tick0. Must be a positive number, or special strings available to “log” and “date” axes. If the axis type is “log”, then ticks are set every 10^(n*dtick) where n is the tick number. For example, to set a tick mark at 1, 10, 100, 1000, … set dtick to 1. To set tick marks at 1, 100, 10000, … set dtick to 2. To set tick marks at 1, 5, 25, 125, 625, 3125, … set dtick to log_10(5), or 0.69897000433. “log” has several special values; “L<f>”, where f is a positive number, gives ticks linearly spaced in value (but not position). For example tick0 = 0.1, dtick = “L0.5” will put ticks at 0.1, 0.6, 1.1, 1.6 etc. To show powers of 10 plus small digits between, use “D1” (all digits) or “D2” (only 2 and 5). tick0 is ignored for “D1” and “D2”. If the axis type is “date”, then you must convert the time to milliseconds. For example, to set the interval between ticks to one day, set dtick to 86400000.0. “date” also has special values “M<n>” gives ticks spaced by a number of months. n must be a positive integer. To set ticks on the 15th of every third month, set tick0 to “2000-01-15” and dtick to “M3”. To set ticks every 4 years, set dtick to “M48”


    Determines a formatting rule for the tick exponents. For example, consider the number 1,000,000,000. If “none”, it appears as 1,000,000,000. If “e”, 1e+9. If “E”, 1E+9. If “power”, 1x10^9 (with 9 in a super script). If “SI”, 1G. If “B”, 1B.


    Replacement text for specific tick or hover labels. For example using {US: ‘USA’, CA: ‘Canada’} changes US to USA and CA to Canada. The labels we would have shown must match the keys exactly, after adding any tickprefix or ticksuffix. For negative numbers the minus sign symbol used (U+2212) is wider than the regular ascii dash. That means you need to use −1 instead of -1. labelalias can be used with any axis type, and both keys (if needed) and values (if desired) can include html-like tags or MathJax.


    Sets the length of the color bar This measure excludes the padding of both ends. That is, the color bar length is this length minus the padding on both ends.


    Determines whether this color bar’s length (i.e. the measure in the color variation direction) is set in units of plot “fraction” or in *pixels. Use len to set the value.


    Hide SI prefix for 10^n if |n| is below this number. This only has an effect when tickformat is “SI” or “B”.


    Specifies the maximum number of ticks for the particular axis. The actual number of ticks will be chosen automatically to be less than or equal to nticks. Has an effect only if tickmode is set to “auto”.


    Sets the orientation of the colorbar.


    Sets the axis line color.


    Sets the width (in px) of the axis line.


    If “true”, even 4-digit integers are separated


    If “all”, all exponents are shown besides their significands. If “first”, only the exponent of the first tick is shown. If “last”, only the exponent of the last tick is shown. If “none”, no exponents appear.


    Determines whether or not the tick labels are drawn.


    If “all”, all tick labels are displayed with a prefix. If “first”, only the first tick is displayed with a prefix. If “last”, only the last tick is displayed with a suffix. If “none”, tick prefixes are hidden.


    Same as showtickprefix but for tick suffixes.


    Sets the thickness of the color bar This measure excludes the size of the padding, ticks and labels.


    Determines whether this color bar’s thickness (i.e. the measure in the constant color direction) is set in units of plot “fraction” or in “pixels”. Use thickness to set the value.


    Sets the placement of the first tick on this axis. Use with dtick. If the axis type is “log”, then you must take the log of your starting tick (e.g. to set the starting tick to 100, set the tick0 to 2) except when dtick`=*L<f>* (see `dtick for more info). If the axis type is “date”, it should be a date string, like date data. If the axis type is “category”, it should be a number, using the scale where each category is assigned a serial number from zero in the order it appears.


    Sets the angle of the tick labels with respect to the horizontal. For example, a tickangle of -90 draws the tick labels vertically.


    Sets the tick color.


    Sets the color bar’s tick label font


    Sets the tick label formatting rule using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: h ttps:// format. And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display “09~15~23.46”


    A tuple of plotly.graph_objects.density map.colorbar.Tickformatstop instances or dicts with compatible properties


    When used in a template (as layout.template.dat a.densitymap.colorbar.tickformatstopdefaults), sets the default property values to use for elements of densitymap.colorbar.tickformatstops


    Determines how we handle tick labels that would overflow either the graph div or the domain of the axis. The default value for inside tick labels is hide past domain. In other cases the default is hide past div.


    Determines where tick labels are drawn relative to the ticks. Left and right options are used when orientation is “h”, top and bottom when orientation is “v”.


    Sets the spacing between tick labels as compared to the spacing between ticks. A value of 1 (default) means each tick gets a label. A value of 2 means shows every 2nd label. A larger value n means only every nth tick is labeled. tick0 determines which labels are shown. Not implemented for axes with type “log” or “multicategory”, or when tickmode is “array”.


    Sets the tick length (in px).


    Sets the tick mode for this axis. If “auto”, the number of ticks is set via nticks. If “linear”, the placement of the ticks is determined by a starting position tick0 and a tick step dtick (“linear” is the default value if tick0 and dtick are provided). If “array”, the placement of the ticks is set via tickvals and the tick text is ticktext. (“array” is the default value if tickvals is provided).


    Sets a tick label prefix.


    Determines whether ticks are drawn or not. If “”, this axis’ ticks are not drawn. If “outside” (“inside”), this axis’ are drawn outside (inside) the axis lines.


    Sets a tick label suffix.


    Sets the text displayed at the ticks position via tickvals. Only has an effect if tickmode is set to “array”. Used with tickvals.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ticktext.


    Sets the values at which ticks on this axis appear. Only has an effect if tickmode is set to “array”. Used with ticktext.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for tickvals.


    Sets the tick width (in px).


    plotly.graph_objects.densitymap.colorba r.Title instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the x position with respect to xref of the color bar (in plot fraction). When xref is “paper”, defaults to 1.02 when orientation is “v” and 0.5 when orientation is “h”. When xref is “container”, defaults to 1 when orientation is “v” and 0.5 when orientation is “h”. Must be between 0 and 1 if xref is “container” and between “-2” and 3 if xref is “paper”.


    Sets this color bar’s horizontal position anchor. This anchor binds the x position to the “left”, “center” or “right” of the color bar. Defaults to “left” when orientation is “v” and “center” when orientation is “h”.


    Sets the amount of padding (in px) along the x direction.


    Sets the container x refers to. “container” spans the entire width of the plot. “paper” refers to the width of the plotting area only.


    Sets the y position with respect to yref of the color bar (in plot fraction). When yref is “paper”, defaults to 0.5 when orientation is “v” and 1.02 when orientation is “h”. When yref is “container”, defaults to 0.5 when orientation is “v” and 1 when orientation is “h”. Must be between 0 and 1 if yref is “container” and between “-2” and 3 if yref is “paper”.


    Sets this color bar’s vertical position anchor This anchor binds the y position to the “top”, “middle” or “bottom” of the color bar. Defaults to “middle” when orientation is “v” and “bottom” when orientation is “h”.


    Sets the amount of padding (in px) along the y direction.


    Sets the container y refers to. “container” spans the entire height of the plot. “paper” refers to the height of the plotting area only.


Return type


property colorscale

Sets the colorscale. The colorscale must be an array containing arrays mapping a normalized value to an rgb, rgba, hex, hsl, hsv, or named color string. At minimum, a mapping for the lowest (0) and highest (1) values are required. For example, [[0, 'rgb(0,0,255)'], [1, 'rgb(255,0,0)']]. To control the bounds of the colorscale in color space, use zmin and zmax. Alternatively, colorscale may be a palette name string of the following list: Blackbody,Bluered,Blues,Cividis,Earth,Electric, Greens,Greys,Hot,Jet,Picnic,Portland,Rainbow,RdBu,Reds,Viridis, YlGnBu,YlOrRd.

The ‘colorscale’ property is a colorscale and may be specified as:

  • A list of colors that will be spaced evenly to create the colorscale. Many predefined colorscale lists are included in the sequential, diverging, and cyclical modules in the plotly.colors package.

  • A list of 2-element lists where the first element is the normalized color level value (starting at 0 and ending at 1), and the second item is a valid color string. (e.g. [[0, ‘green’], [0.5, ‘red’], [1.0, ‘rgb(0, 0, 255)’]])

  • One of the following named colorscales:
    [‘aggrnyl’, ‘agsunset’, ‘algae’, ‘amp’, ‘armyrose’, ‘balance’,

    ‘blackbody’, ‘bluered’, ‘blues’, ‘blugrn’, ‘bluyl’, ‘brbg’, ‘brwnyl’, ‘bugn’, ‘bupu’, ‘burg’, ‘burgyl’, ‘cividis’, ‘curl’, ‘darkmint’, ‘deep’, ‘delta’, ‘dense’, ‘earth’, ‘edge’, ‘electric’, ‘emrld’, ‘fall’, ‘geyser’, ‘gnbu’, ‘gray’, ‘greens’, ‘greys’, ‘haline’, ‘hot’, ‘hsv’, ‘ice’, ‘icefire’, ‘inferno’, ‘jet’, ‘magenta’, ‘magma’, ‘matter’, ‘mint’, ‘mrybm’, ‘mygbm’, ‘oranges’, ‘orrd’, ‘oryel’, ‘oxy’, ‘peach’, ‘phase’, ‘picnic’, ‘pinkyl’, ‘piyg’, ‘plasma’, ‘plotly3’, ‘portland’, ‘prgn’, ‘pubu’, ‘pubugn’, ‘puor’, ‘purd’, ‘purp’, ‘purples’, ‘purpor’, ‘rainbow’, ‘rdbu’, ‘rdgy’, ‘rdpu’, ‘rdylbu’, ‘rdylgn’, ‘redor’, ‘reds’, ‘solar’, ‘spectral’, ‘speed’, ‘sunset’, ‘sunsetdark’, ‘teal’, ‘tealgrn’, ‘tealrose’, ‘tempo’, ‘temps’, ‘thermal’, ‘tropic’, ‘turbid’, ‘turbo’, ‘twilight’, ‘viridis’, ‘ylgn’, ‘ylgnbu’, ‘ylorbr’, ‘ylorrd’].

    Appending ‘_r’ to a named colorscale reverses it.


Return type


property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverinfo

Determines which trace information appear on hover. If none or skip are set, no information is displayed upon hovering. But, if none is set, click and hover events are still fired.

The ‘hoverinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘lon’, ‘lat’, ‘z’, ‘text’, ‘name’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘lon+lat’) OR exactly one of [‘all’, ‘none’, ‘skip’] (e.g. ‘skip’)

  • A list or array of the above


Return type


property hoverinfosrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hoverinfo.

The ‘hoverinfosrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverlabel

The ‘hoverlabel’ property is an instance of Hoverlabel that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.densitymap.Hoverlabel

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Hoverlabel constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans more two or more lines


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for align.


    Sets the background color of the hover labels for this trace


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bgcolor.


    Sets the border color of the hover labels for this trace.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bordercolor.


    Sets the font used in hover labels.


    Sets the default length (in number of characters) of the trace name in the hover labels for all traces. -1 shows the whole name regardless of length. 0-3 shows the first 0-3 characters, and an integer >3 will show the whole name if it is less than that many characters, but if it is longer, will truncate to namelength - 3 characters and add an ellipsis.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for namelength.


Return type


property hovertemplate

Template string used for rendering the information that appear on hover box. Note that this will override hoverinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}” as well as %{xother}, {%_xother}, {%_xother_}, {%xother_}. When showing info for several points, “xother” will be added to those with different x positions from the first point. An underscore before or after “(x|y)other” will add a space on that side, only when this field is shown. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. The variables available in hovertemplate are the ones emitted as event data described at this link Additionally, every attributes that can be specified per-point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Anything contained in tag <extra> is displayed in the secondary box, for example “<extra>{}</extra>”. To hide the secondary box completely, use an empty tag <extra></extra>.

The ‘hovertemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertemplate.

The ‘hovertemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hovertext

Sets hover text elements associated with each (lon,lat) pair If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order to the this trace’s (lon,lat) coordinates. To be seen, trace hoverinfo must contain a “text” flag.

The ‘hovertext’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertextsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertext.

The ‘hovertextsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property lat

Sets the latitude coordinates (in degrees North).

The ‘lat’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property latsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for lat.

The ‘latsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgroup

Sets the legend group for this trace. Traces and shapes part of the same legend group hide/show at the same time when toggling legend items.

The ‘legendgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.densitymap.Legendgrouptitle

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type


property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property lon

Sets the longitude coordinates (in degrees East).

The ‘lon’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property lonsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for lon.

The ‘lonsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property opacity

Sets the opacity of the trace.

The ‘opacity’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]


Return type


property radius

Sets the radius of influence of one lon / lat point in pixels. Increasing the value makes the densitymap trace smoother, but less detailed.

The ‘radius’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [1, inf]

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property radiussrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for radius.

The ‘radiussrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property reversescale

Reverses the color mapping if true. If true, zmin will correspond to the last color in the array and zmax will correspond to the first color.

The ‘reversescale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property showlegend

Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.

The ‘showlegend’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property showscale

Determines whether or not a colorbar is displayed for this trace.

The ‘showscale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.densitymap.Stream

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type


property subplot

Sets a reference between this trace’s data coordinates and a map subplot. If “map” (the default value), the data refer to If “map2”, the data refer to layout.map2, and so on.

The ‘subplot’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘map’, that may be specified as the string ‘map’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘map’, ‘map1’, ‘map2’, ‘map3’, etc.)


Return type


property text

Sets text elements associated with each (lon,lat) pair If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order to the this trace’s (lon,lat) coordinates. If trace hoverinfo contains a “text” flag and “hovertext” is not set, these elements will be seen in the hover labels.

The ‘text’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property textsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for text.

The ‘textsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property type
property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


property z

Sets the points’ weight. For example, a value of 10 would be equivalent to having 10 points of weight 1 in the same spot

The ‘z’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property zauto

Determines whether or not the color domain is computed with respect to the input data (here in z) or the bounds set in zmin and zmax Defaults to false when zmin and zmax are set by the user.

The ‘zauto’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property zmax

Sets the upper bound of the color domain. Value should have the same units as in z and if set, zmin must be set as well.

The ‘zmax’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property zmid

Sets the mid-point of the color domain by scaling zmin and/or zmax to be equidistant to this point. Value should have the same units as in z. Has no effect when zauto is false.

The ‘zmid’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property zmin

Sets the lower bound of the color domain. Value should have the same units as in z and if set, zmax must be set as well.

The ‘zmin’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property zsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for z.

The ‘zsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


class, autocolorscale=None, below=None, coloraxis=None, colorbar=None, colorscale=None, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, hoverinfo=None, hoverinfosrc=None, hoverlabel=None, hovertemplate=None, hovertemplatesrc=None, hovertext=None, hovertextsrc=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, lat=None, latsrc=None, legend=None, legendgroup=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, lon=None, lonsrc=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, name=None, opacity=None, radius=None, radiussrc=None, reversescale=None, showlegend=None, showscale=None, stream=None, subplot=None, text=None, textsrc=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, visible=None, z=None, zauto=None, zmax=None, zmid=None, zmin=None, zsrc=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property autocolorscale

Determines whether the colorscale is a default palette (autocolorscale: true) or the palette determined by colorscale. In case colorscale is unspecified or autocolorscale is true, the default palette will be chosen according to whether numbers in the color array are all positive, all negative or mixed.

The ‘autocolorscale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property below

Determines if the densitymapbox trace will be inserted before the layer with the specified ID. By default, densitymapbox traces are placed below the first layer of type symbol If set to ‘’, the layer will be inserted above every existing layer.

The ‘below’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property coloraxis

Sets a reference to a shared color axis. References to these shared color axes are “coloraxis”, “coloraxis2”, “coloraxis3”, etc. Settings for these shared color axes are set in the layout, under layout.coloraxis, layout.coloraxis2, etc. Note that multiple color scales can be linked to the same color axis.

The ‘coloraxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘coloraxis’, that may be specified as the string ‘coloraxis’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘coloraxis’, ‘coloraxis1’, ‘coloraxis2’, ‘coloraxis3’, etc.)


Return type


property colorbar

The ‘colorbar’ property is an instance of ColorBar that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.densitymapbox.ColorBar

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the ColorBar constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the color of padded area.


    Sets the axis line color.


    Sets the width (in px) or the border enclosing this color bar.


    Sets the step in-between ticks on this axis. Use with tick0. Must be a positive number, or special strings available to “log” and “date” axes. If the axis type is “log”, then ticks are set every 10^(n*dtick) where n is the tick number. For example, to set a tick mark at 1, 10, 100, 1000, … set dtick to 1. To set tick marks at 1, 100, 10000, … set dtick to 2. To set tick marks at 1, 5, 25, 125, 625, 3125, … set dtick to log_10(5), or 0.69897000433. “log” has several special values; “L<f>”, where f is a positive number, gives ticks linearly spaced in value (but not position). For example tick0 = 0.1, dtick = “L0.5” will put ticks at 0.1, 0.6, 1.1, 1.6 etc. To show powers of 10 plus small digits between, use “D1” (all digits) or “D2” (only 2 and 5). tick0 is ignored for “D1” and “D2”. If the axis type is “date”, then you must convert the time to milliseconds. For example, to set the interval between ticks to one day, set dtick to 86400000.0. “date” also has special values “M<n>” gives ticks spaced by a number of months. n must be a positive integer. To set ticks on the 15th of every third month, set tick0 to “2000-01-15” and dtick to “M3”. To set ticks every 4 years, set dtick to “M48”


    Determines a formatting rule for the tick exponents. For example, consider the number 1,000,000,000. If “none”, it appears as 1,000,000,000. If “e”, 1e+9. If “E”, 1E+9. If “power”, 1x10^9 (with 9 in a super script). If “SI”, 1G. If “B”, 1B.


    Replacement text for specific tick or hover labels. For example using {US: ‘USA’, CA: ‘Canada’} changes US to USA and CA to Canada. The labels we would have shown must match the keys exactly, after adding any tickprefix or ticksuffix. For negative numbers the minus sign symbol used (U+2212) is wider than the regular ascii dash. That means you need to use −1 instead of -1. labelalias can be used with any axis type, and both keys (if needed) and values (if desired) can include html-like tags or MathJax.


    Sets the length of the color bar This measure excludes the padding of both ends. That is, the color bar length is this length minus the padding on both ends.


    Determines whether this color bar’s length (i.e. the measure in the color variation direction) is set in units of plot “fraction” or in *pixels. Use len to set the value.


    Hide SI prefix for 10^n if |n| is below this number. This only has an effect when tickformat is “SI” or “B”.


    Specifies the maximum number of ticks for the particular axis. The actual number of ticks will be chosen automatically to be less than or equal to nticks. Has an effect only if tickmode is set to “auto”.


    Sets the orientation of the colorbar.


    Sets the axis line color.


    Sets the width (in px) of the axis line.


    If “true”, even 4-digit integers are separated


    If “all”, all exponents are shown besides their significands. If “first”, only the exponent of the first tick is shown. If “last”, only the exponent of the last tick is shown. If “none”, no exponents appear.


    Determines whether or not the tick labels are drawn.


    If “all”, all tick labels are displayed with a prefix. If “first”, only the first tick is displayed with a prefix. If “last”, only the last tick is displayed with a suffix. If “none”, tick prefixes are hidden.


    Same as showtickprefix but for tick suffixes.


    Sets the thickness of the color bar This measure excludes the size of the padding, ticks and labels.


    Determines whether this color bar’s thickness (i.e. the measure in the constant color direction) is set in units of plot “fraction” or in “pixels”. Use thickness to set the value.


    Sets the placement of the first tick on this axis. Use with dtick. If the axis type is “log”, then you must take the log of your starting tick (e.g. to set the starting tick to 100, set the tick0 to 2) except when dtick`=*L<f>* (see `dtick for more info). If the axis type is “date”, it should be a date string, like date data. If the axis type is “category”, it should be a number, using the scale where each category is assigned a serial number from zero in the order it appears.


    Sets the angle of the tick labels with respect to the horizontal. For example, a tickangle of -90 draws the tick labels vertically.


    Sets the tick color.


    Sets the color bar’s tick label font


    Sets the tick label formatting rule using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: h ttps:// format. And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display “09~15~23.46”


    A tuple of plotly.graph_objects.density mapbox.colorbar.Tickformatstop instances or dicts with compatible properties


    When used in a template (as layout.template.dat a.densitymapbox.colorbar.tickformatstopdefaults ), sets the default property values to use for elements of densitymapbox.colorbar.tickformatstops


    Determines how we handle tick labels that would overflow either the graph div or the domain of the axis. The default value for inside tick labels is hide past domain. In other cases the default is hide past div.


    Determines where tick labels are drawn relative to the ticks. Left and right options are used when orientation is “h”, top and bottom when orientation is “v”.


    Sets the spacing between tick labels as compared to the spacing between ticks. A value of 1 (default) means each tick gets a label. A value of 2 means shows every 2nd label. A larger value n means only every nth tick is labeled. tick0 determines which labels are shown. Not implemented for axes with type “log” or “multicategory”, or when tickmode is “array”.


    Sets the tick length (in px).


    Sets the tick mode for this axis. If “auto”, the number of ticks is set via nticks. If “linear”, the placement of the ticks is determined by a starting position tick0 and a tick step dtick (“linear” is the default value if tick0 and dtick are provided). If “array”, the placement of the ticks is set via tickvals and the tick text is ticktext. (“array” is the default value if tickvals is provided).


    Sets a tick label prefix.


    Determines whether ticks are drawn or not. If “”, this axis’ ticks are not drawn. If “outside” (“inside”), this axis’ are drawn outside (inside) the axis lines.


    Sets a tick label suffix.


    Sets the text displayed at the ticks position via tickvals. Only has an effect if tickmode is set to “array”. Used with tickvals.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ticktext.


    Sets the values at which ticks on this axis appear. Only has an effect if tickmode is set to “array”. Used with ticktext.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for tickvals.


    Sets the tick width (in px).


    plotly.graph_objects.densitymapbox.colo rbar.Title instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the x position with respect to xref of the color bar (in plot fraction). When xref is “paper”, defaults to 1.02 when orientation is “v” and 0.5 when orientation is “h”. When xref is “container”, defaults to 1 when orientation is “v” and 0.5 when orientation is “h”. Must be between 0 and 1 if xref is “container” and between “-2” and 3 if xref is “paper”.


    Sets this color bar’s horizontal position anchor. This anchor binds the x position to the “left”, “center” or “right” of the color bar. Defaults to “left” when orientation is “v” and “center” when orientation is “h”.


    Sets the amount of padding (in px) along the x direction.


    Sets the container x refers to. “container” spans the entire width of the plot. “paper” refers to the width of the plotting area only.


    Sets the y position with respect to yref of the color bar (in plot fraction). When yref is “paper”, defaults to 0.5 when orientation is “v” and 1.02 when orientation is “h”. When yref is “container”, defaults to 0.5 when orientation is “v” and 1 when orientation is “h”. Must be between 0 and 1 if yref is “container” and between “-2” and 3 if yref is “paper”.


    Sets this color bar’s vertical position anchor This anchor binds the y position to the “top”, “middle” or “bottom” of the color bar. Defaults to “middle” when orientation is “v” and “bottom” when orientation is “h”.


    Sets the amount of padding (in px) along the y direction.


    Sets the container y refers to. “container” spans the entire height of the plot. “paper” refers to the height of the plotting area only.


Return type


property colorscale

Sets the colorscale. The colorscale must be an array containing arrays mapping a normalized value to an rgb, rgba, hex, hsl, hsv, or named color string. At minimum, a mapping for the lowest (0) and highest (1) values are required. For example, [[0, 'rgb(0,0,255)'], [1, 'rgb(255,0,0)']]. To control the bounds of the colorscale in color space, use zmin and zmax. Alternatively, colorscale may be a palette name string of the following list: Blackbody,Bluered,Blues,Cividis,Earth,Electric, Greens,Greys,Hot,Jet,Picnic,Portland,Rainbow,RdBu,Reds,Viridis, YlGnBu,YlOrRd.

The ‘colorscale’ property is a colorscale and may be specified as:

  • A list of colors that will be spaced evenly to create the colorscale. Many predefined colorscale lists are included in the sequential, diverging, and cyclical modules in the plotly.colors package.

  • A list of 2-element lists where the first element is the normalized color level value (starting at 0 and ending at 1), and the second item is a valid color string. (e.g. [[0, ‘green’], [0.5, ‘red’], [1.0, ‘rgb(0, 0, 255)’]])

  • One of the following named colorscales:
    [‘aggrnyl’, ‘agsunset’, ‘algae’, ‘amp’, ‘armyrose’, ‘balance’,

    ‘blackbody’, ‘bluered’, ‘blues’, ‘blugrn’, ‘bluyl’, ‘brbg’, ‘brwnyl’, ‘bugn’, ‘bupu’, ‘burg’, ‘burgyl’, ‘cividis’, ‘curl’, ‘darkmint’, ‘deep’, ‘delta’, ‘dense’, ‘earth’, ‘edge’, ‘electric’, ‘emrld’, ‘fall’, ‘geyser’, ‘gnbu’, ‘gray’, ‘greens’, ‘greys’, ‘haline’, ‘hot’, ‘hsv’, ‘ice’, ‘icefire’, ‘inferno’, ‘jet’, ‘magenta’, ‘magma’, ‘matter’, ‘mint’, ‘mrybm’, ‘mygbm’, ‘oranges’, ‘orrd’, ‘oryel’, ‘oxy’, ‘peach’, ‘phase’, ‘picnic’, ‘pinkyl’, ‘piyg’, ‘plasma’, ‘plotly3’, ‘portland’, ‘prgn’, ‘pubu’, ‘pubugn’, ‘puor’, ‘purd’, ‘purp’, ‘purples’, ‘purpor’, ‘rainbow’, ‘rdbu’, ‘rdgy’, ‘rdpu’, ‘rdylbu’, ‘rdylgn’, ‘redor’, ‘reds’, ‘solar’, ‘spectral’, ‘speed’, ‘sunset’, ‘sunsetdark’, ‘teal’, ‘tealgrn’, ‘tealrose’, ‘tempo’, ‘temps’, ‘thermal’, ‘tropic’, ‘turbid’, ‘turbo’, ‘twilight’, ‘viridis’, ‘ylgn’, ‘ylgnbu’, ‘ylorbr’, ‘ylorrd’].

    Appending ‘_r’ to a named colorscale reverses it.


Return type


property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverinfo

Determines which trace information appear on hover. If none or skip are set, no information is displayed upon hovering. But, if none is set, click and hover events are still fired.

The ‘hoverinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘lon’, ‘lat’, ‘z’, ‘text’, ‘name’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘lon+lat’) OR exactly one of [‘all’, ‘none’, ‘skip’] (e.g. ‘skip’)

  • A list or array of the above


Return type


property hoverinfosrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hoverinfo.

The ‘hoverinfosrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverlabel

The ‘hoverlabel’ property is an instance of Hoverlabel that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.densitymapbox.Hoverlabel

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Hoverlabel constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans more two or more lines


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for align.


    Sets the background color of the hover labels for this trace


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bgcolor.


    Sets the border color of the hover labels for this trace.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bordercolor.


    Sets the font used in hover labels.


    Sets the default length (in number of characters) of the trace name in the hover labels for all traces. -1 shows the whole name regardless of length. 0-3 shows the first 0-3 characters, and an integer >3 will show the whole name if it is less than that many characters, but if it is longer, will truncate to namelength - 3 characters and add an ellipsis.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for namelength.


Return type


property hovertemplate

Template string used for rendering the information that appear on hover box. Note that this will override hoverinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}” as well as %{xother}, {%_xother}, {%_xother_}, {%xother_}. When showing info for several points, “xother” will be added to those with different x positions from the first point. An underscore before or after “(x|y)other” will add a space on that side, only when this field is shown. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. The variables available in hovertemplate are the ones emitted as event data described at this link Additionally, every attributes that can be specified per-point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Anything contained in tag <extra> is displayed in the secondary box, for example “<extra>{}</extra>”. To hide the secondary box completely, use an empty tag <extra></extra>.

The ‘hovertemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertemplate.

The ‘hovertemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hovertext

Sets hover text elements associated with each (lon,lat) pair If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order to the this trace’s (lon,lat) coordinates. To be seen, trace hoverinfo must contain a “text” flag.

The ‘hovertext’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertextsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertext.

The ‘hovertextsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property lat

Sets the latitude coordinates (in degrees North).

The ‘lat’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property latsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for lat.

The ‘latsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgroup

Sets the legend group for this trace. Traces and shapes part of the same legend group hide/show at the same time when toggling legend items.

The ‘legendgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.densitymapbox.Legendgrouptitle

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type


property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property lon

Sets the longitude coordinates (in degrees East).

The ‘lon’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property lonsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for lon.

The ‘lonsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property opacity

Sets the opacity of the trace.

The ‘opacity’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]


Return type


property radius

Sets the radius of influence of one lon / lat point in pixels. Increasing the value makes the densitymapbox trace smoother, but less detailed.

The ‘radius’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [1, inf]

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property radiussrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for radius.

The ‘radiussrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property reversescale

Reverses the color mapping if true. If true, zmin will correspond to the last color in the array and zmax will correspond to the first color.

The ‘reversescale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property showlegend

Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.

The ‘showlegend’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property showscale

Determines whether or not a colorbar is displayed for this trace.

The ‘showscale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.densitymapbox.Stream

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type


property subplot

mapbox subplots and traces are deprecated! Please consider switching to map subplots and traces. Learn more at: as well as Sets a reference between this trace’s data coordinates and a mapbox subplot. If “mapbox” (the default value), the data refer to layout.mapbox. If “mapbox2”, the data refer to layout.mapbox2, and so on.

The ‘subplot’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘mapbox’, that may be specified as the string ‘mapbox’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘mapbox’, ‘mapbox1’, ‘mapbox2’, ‘mapbox3’, etc.)


Return type


property text

Sets text elements associated with each (lon,lat) pair If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order to the this trace’s (lon,lat) coordinates. If trace hoverinfo contains a “text” flag and “hovertext” is not set, these elements will be seen in the hover labels.

The ‘text’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property textsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for text.

The ‘textsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property type
property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


property z

Sets the points’ weight. For example, a value of 10 would be equivalent to having 10 points of weight 1 in the same spot

The ‘z’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property zauto

Determines whether or not the color domain is computed with respect to the input data (here in z) or the bounds set in zmin and zmax Defaults to false when zmin and zmax are set by the user.

The ‘zauto’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property zmax

Sets the upper bound of the color domain. Value should have the same units as in z and if set, zmin must be set as well.

The ‘zmax’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property zmid

Sets the mid-point of the color domain by scaling zmin and/or zmax to be equidistant to this point. Value should have the same units as in z. Has no effect when zauto is false.

The ‘zmid’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property zmin

Sets the lower bound of the color domain. Value should have the same units as in z and if set, zmax must be set as well.

The ‘zmin’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property zsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for z.

The ‘zsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


class, alignmentgroup=None, cliponaxis=None, connector=None, constraintext=None, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, dx=None, dy=None, hoverinfo=None, hoverinfosrc=None, hoverlabel=None, hovertemplate=None, hovertemplatesrc=None, hovertext=None, hovertextsrc=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, insidetextanchor=None, insidetextfont=None, legend=None, legendgroup=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, marker=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, name=None, offset=None, offsetgroup=None, opacity=None, orientation=None, outsidetextfont=None, selectedpoints=None, showlegend=None, stream=None, text=None, textangle=None, textfont=None, textinfo=None, textposition=None, textpositionsrc=None, textsrc=None, texttemplate=None, texttemplatesrc=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, visible=None, width=None, x=None, x0=None, xaxis=None, xhoverformat=None, xperiod=None, xperiod0=None, xperiodalignment=None, xsrc=None, y=None, y0=None, yaxis=None, yhoverformat=None, yperiod=None, yperiod0=None, yperiodalignment=None, ysrc=None, zorder=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property alignmentgroup

Set several traces linked to the same position axis or matching axes to the same alignmentgroup. This controls whether bars compute their positional range dependently or independently.

The ‘alignmentgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property cliponaxis

Determines whether the text nodes are clipped about the subplot axes. To show the text nodes above axis lines and tick labels, make sure to set xaxis.layer and yaxis.layer to below traces.

The ‘cliponaxis’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property connector

The ‘connector’ property is an instance of Connector that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.funnel.Connector

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Connector constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the fill color.


    plotly.graph_objects.funnel.connector.L ine instance or dict with compatible properties


    Determines if connector regions and lines are drawn.


Return type


property constraintext

Constrain the size of text inside or outside a bar to be no larger than the bar itself.

The ‘constraintext’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘inside’, ‘outside’, ‘both’, ‘none’]


Return type


property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property dx

Sets the x coordinate step. See x0 for more info.

The ‘dx’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property dy

Sets the y coordinate step. See y0 for more info.

The ‘dy’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property hoverinfo

Determines which trace information appear on hover. If none or skip are set, no information is displayed upon hovering. But, if none is set, click and hover events are still fired.

The ‘hoverinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘name’, ‘x’, ‘y’, ‘text’, ‘percent initial’, ‘percent previous’, ‘percent total’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘name+x’) OR exactly one of [‘all’, ‘none’, ‘skip’] (e.g. ‘skip’)

  • A list or array of the above


Return type


property hoverinfosrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hoverinfo.

The ‘hoverinfosrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverlabel

The ‘hoverlabel’ property is an instance of Hoverlabel that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.funnel.Hoverlabel

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Hoverlabel constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans more two or more lines


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for align.


    Sets the background color of the hover labels for this trace


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bgcolor.


    Sets the border color of the hover labels for this trace.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bordercolor.


    Sets the font used in hover labels.


    Sets the default length (in number of characters) of the trace name in the hover labels for all traces. -1 shows the whole name regardless of length. 0-3 shows the first 0-3 characters, and an integer >3 will show the whole name if it is less than that many characters, but if it is longer, will truncate to namelength - 3 characters and add an ellipsis.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for namelength.


Return type


property hovertemplate

Template string used for rendering the information that appear on hover box. Note that this will override hoverinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}” as well as %{xother}, {%_xother}, {%_xother_}, {%xother_}. When showing info for several points, “xother” will be added to those with different x positions from the first point. An underscore before or after “(x|y)other” will add a space on that side, only when this field is shown. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. The variables available in hovertemplate are the ones emitted as event data described at this link Additionally, every attributes that can be specified per-point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Finally, the template string has access to variables percentInitial, percentPrevious and percentTotal. Anything contained in tag <extra> is displayed in the secondary box, for example “<extra>{}</extra>”. To hide the secondary box completely, use an empty tag <extra></extra>.

The ‘hovertemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertemplate.

The ‘hovertemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hovertext

Sets hover text elements associated with each (x,y) pair. If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order to the this trace’s (x,y) coordinates. To be seen, trace hoverinfo must contain a “text” flag.

The ‘hovertext’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertextsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertext.

The ‘hovertextsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property insidetextanchor

Determines if texts are kept at center or start/end points in textposition “inside” mode.

The ‘insidetextanchor’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘end’, ‘middle’, ‘start’]


Return type


property insidetextfont

Sets the font used for text lying inside the bar.

The ‘insidetextfont’ property is an instance of Insidetextfont that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.funnel.Insidetextfont

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Insidetextfont constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for family.


    Sets the kind of decoration line(s) with text, such as an “under”, “over” or “through” as well as combinations e.g. “under+over”, etc.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for lineposition.


    Sets the shape and color of the shadow behind text. “auto” places minimal shadow and applies contrast text font color. See US/docs/Web/CSS/text-shadow for additional options.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for shadow.



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for size.


    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for style.


    Sets capitalization of text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all- lowercase, or with each word capitalized.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for textcase.


    Sets the variant of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for variant.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for weight.


Return type


property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgroup

Sets the legend group for this trace. Traces and shapes part of the same legend group hide/show at the same time when toggling legend items.

The ‘legendgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.funnel.Legendgrouptitle

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type


property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property marker

The ‘marker’ property is an instance of Marker that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.funnel.Marker

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Marker constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Determines whether the colorscale is a default palette (autocolorscale: true) or the palette determined by marker.colorscale. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. In case colorscale is unspecified or autocolorscale is true, the default palette will be chosen according to whether numbers in the color array are all positive, all negative or mixed.


    Determines whether or not the color domain is computed with respect to the input data (here in marker.color) or the bounds set in marker.cmin and marker.cmax Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Defaults to false when marker.cmin and marker.cmax are set by the user.


    Sets the upper bound of the color domain. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color and if set, marker.cmin must be set as well.


    Sets the mid-point of the color domain by scaling marker.cmin and/or marker.cmax to be equidistant to this point. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color. Has no effect when marker.cauto is false.


    Sets the lower bound of the color domain. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color and if set, marker.cmax must be set as well.


    Sets the marker color. It accepts either a specific color or an array of numbers that are mapped to the colorscale relative to the max and min values of the array or relative to marker.cmin and marker.cmax if set.


    Sets a reference to a shared color axis. References to these shared color axes are “coloraxis”, “coloraxis2”, “coloraxis3”, etc. Settings for these shared color axes are set in the layout, under layout.coloraxis, layout.coloraxis2, etc. Note that multiple color scales can be linked to the same color axis.


    plotly.graph_objects.funnel.marker.Colo rBar instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the colorscale. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. The colorscale must be an array containing arrays mapping a normalized value to an rgb, rgba, hex, hsl, hsv, or named color string. At minimum, a mapping for the lowest (0) and highest (1) values are required. For example, [[0, 'rgb(0,0,255)'], [1, 'rgb(255,0,0)']]. To control the bounds of the colorscale in color space, use marker.cmin and marker.cmax. Alternatively, colorscale may be a palette name string of the following list: Blackbody,Bluered,Blues,Cividis,Earth,Electric, Greens,Greys,Hot,Jet,Picnic,Portland,Rainbow,Rd Bu,Reds,Viridis,YlGnBu,YlOrRd.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    :class:`plotly.graph_objects.funnel.marker.Line ` instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the opacity of the bars.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for opacity.


    Reverses the color mapping if true. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. If true, marker.cmin will correspond to the last color in the array and marker.cmax will correspond to the first color.


    Determines whether or not a colorbar is displayed for this trace. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array.


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property offset

Shifts the position where the bar is drawn (in position axis units). In “group” barmode, traces that set “offset” will be excluded and drawn in “overlay” mode instead.

The ‘offset’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property offsetgroup

Set several traces linked to the same position axis or matching axes to the same offsetgroup where bars of the same position coordinate will line up.

The ‘offsetgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property opacity

Sets the opacity of the trace.

The ‘opacity’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]


Return type


property orientation

Sets the orientation of the funnels. With “v” (“h”), the value of the each bar spans along the vertical (horizontal). By default funnels are tend to be oriented horizontally; unless only “y” array is presented or orientation is set to “v”. Also regarding graphs including only ‘horizontal’ funnels, “autorange” on the “y-axis” are set to “reversed”.

The ‘orientation’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘v’, ‘h’]


Return type


property outsidetextfont

Sets the font used for text lying outside the bar.

The ‘outsidetextfont’ property is an instance of Outsidetextfont that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.funnel.Outsidetextfont

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Outsidetextfont constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for family.


    Sets the kind of decoration line(s) with text, such as an “under”, “over” or “through” as well as combinations e.g. “under+over”, etc.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for lineposition.


    Sets the shape and color of the shadow behind text. “auto” places minimal shadow and applies contrast text font color. See US/docs/Web/CSS/text-shadow for additional options.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for shadow.



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for size.


    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for style.


    Sets capitalization of text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all- lowercase, or with each word capitalized.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for textcase.


    Sets the variant of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for variant.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for weight.


Return type


property selectedpoints

Array containing integer indices of selected points. Has an effect only for traces that support selections. Note that an empty array means an empty selection where the unselected are turned on for all points, whereas, any other non-array values means no selection all where the selected and unselected styles have no effect.

The ‘selectedpoints’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property showlegend

Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.

The ‘showlegend’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.funnel.Stream

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type


property text

Sets text elements associated with each (x,y) pair. If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order to the this trace’s (x,y) coordinates. If trace hoverinfo contains a “text” flag and “hovertext” is not set, these elements will be seen in the hover labels.

The ‘text’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property textangle

Sets the angle of the tick labels with respect to the bar. For example, a tickangle of -90 draws the tick labels vertically. With “auto” the texts may automatically be rotated to fit with the maximum size in bars.

The ‘textangle’ property is a angle (in degrees) that may be specified as a number between -180 and 180. Numeric values outside this range are converted to the equivalent value (e.g. 270 is converted to -90).


Return type


property textfont

Sets the font used for text.

The ‘textfont’ property is an instance of Textfont that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.funnel.Textfont

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Textfont constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for family.


    Sets the kind of decoration line(s) with text, such as an “under”, “over” or “through” as well as combinations e.g. “under+over”, etc.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for lineposition.


    Sets the shape and color of the shadow behind text. “auto” places minimal shadow and applies contrast text font color. See US/docs/Web/CSS/text-shadow for additional options.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for shadow.



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for size.


    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for style.


    Sets capitalization of text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all- lowercase, or with each word capitalized.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for textcase.


    Sets the variant of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for variant.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for weight.


Return type


property textinfo

Determines which trace information appear on the graph. In the case of having multiple funnels, percentages & totals are computed separately (per trace).

The ‘textinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘label’, ‘text’, ‘percent initial’, ‘percent previous’, ‘percent total’, ‘value’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘label+text’) OR exactly one of [‘none’] (e.g. ‘none’)


Return type


property textposition

Specifies the location of the text. “inside” positions text inside, next to the bar end (rotated and scaled if needed). “outside” positions text outside, next to the bar end (scaled if needed), unless there is another bar stacked on this one, then the text gets pushed inside. “auto” tries to position text inside the bar, but if the bar is too small and no bar is stacked on this one the text is moved outside. If “none”, no text appears.

The ‘textposition’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘inside’, ‘outside’, ‘auto’, ‘none’]

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property textpositionsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for textposition.

The ‘textpositionsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property textsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for text.

The ‘textsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property texttemplate

Template string used for rendering the information text that appear on points. Note that this will override textinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}”. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. Every attributes that can be specified per- point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Finally, the template string has access to variables percentInitial, percentPrevious, percentTotal, label and value.

The ‘texttemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property texttemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for texttemplate.

The ‘texttemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property type
property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


property width

Sets the bar width (in position axis units).

The ‘width’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property x

Sets the x coordinates.

The ‘x’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property x0

Alternate to x. Builds a linear space of x coordinates. Use with dx where x0 is the starting coordinate and dx the step.

The ‘x0’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property xaxis

Sets a reference between this trace’s x coordinates and a 2D cartesian x axis. If “x” (the default value), the x coordinates refer to layout.xaxis. If “x2”, the x coordinates refer to layout.xaxis2, and so on.

The ‘xaxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘x’, that may be specified as the string ‘x’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘x’, ‘x1’, ‘x2’, ‘x3’, etc.)


Return type


property xhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor x using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using xaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘xhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property xperiod

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the period positioning in milliseconds or “M<n>” on the x axis. Special values in the form of “M<n>” could be used to declare the number of months. In this case n must be a positive integer.

The ‘xperiod’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property xperiod0

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the base for period positioning in milliseconds or date string on the x0 axis. When x0period is round number of weeks, the x0period0 by default would be on a Sunday i.e. 2000-01-02, otherwise it would be at 2000-01-01.

The ‘xperiod0’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property xperiodalignment

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the alignment of data points on the x axis.

The ‘xperiodalignment’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘start’, ‘middle’, ‘end’]


Return type


property xsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for x.

The ‘xsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property y

Sets the y coordinates.

The ‘y’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property y0

Alternate to y. Builds a linear space of y coordinates. Use with dy where y0 is the starting coordinate and dy the step.

The ‘y0’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property yaxis

Sets a reference between this trace’s y coordinates and a 2D cartesian y axis. If “y” (the default value), the y coordinates refer to layout.yaxis. If “y2”, the y coordinates refer to layout.yaxis2, and so on.

The ‘yaxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘y’, that may be specified as the string ‘y’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘y’, ‘y1’, ‘y2’, ‘y3’, etc.)


Return type


property yhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor y using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using yaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘yhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property yperiod

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the period positioning in milliseconds or “M<n>” on the y axis. Special values in the form of “M<n>” could be used to declare the number of months. In this case n must be a positive integer.

The ‘yperiod’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property yperiod0

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the base for period positioning in milliseconds or date string on the y0 axis. When y0period is round number of weeks, the y0period0 by default would be on a Sunday i.e. 2000-01-02, otherwise it would be at 2000-01-01.

The ‘yperiod0’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property yperiodalignment

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the alignment of data points on the y axis.

The ‘yperiodalignment’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘start’, ‘middle’, ‘end’]


Return type


property ysrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for y.

The ‘ysrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property zorder

Sets the layer on which this trace is displayed, relative to other SVG traces on the same subplot. SVG traces with higher zorder appear in front of those with lower zorder.

The ‘zorder’ property is a integer and may be specified as:
  • An int (or float that will be cast to an int)


Return type


class, aspectratio=None, baseratio=None, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, dlabel=None, domain=None, hoverinfo=None, hoverinfosrc=None, hoverlabel=None, hovertemplate=None, hovertemplatesrc=None, hovertext=None, hovertextsrc=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, insidetextfont=None, label0=None, labels=None, labelssrc=None, legend=None, legendgroup=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, marker=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, name=None, opacity=None, scalegroup=None, showlegend=None, stream=None, text=None, textfont=None, textinfo=None, textposition=None, textpositionsrc=None, textsrc=None, texttemplate=None, texttemplatesrc=None, title=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, values=None, valuessrc=None, visible=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property aspectratio

Sets the ratio between height and width

The ‘aspectratio’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property baseratio

Sets the ratio between bottom length and maximum top length.

The ‘baseratio’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]


Return type


property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property dlabel

Sets the label step. See label0 for more info.

The ‘dlabel’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property domain

The ‘domain’ property is an instance of Domain that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.funnelarea.Domain

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Domain constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    If there is a layout grid, use the domain for this column in the grid for this funnelarea trace .


    If there is a layout grid, use the domain for this row in the grid for this funnelarea trace .


    Sets the horizontal domain of this funnelarea trace (in plot fraction).


    Sets the vertical domain of this funnelarea trace (in plot fraction).


Return type


property hoverinfo

Determines which trace information appear on hover. If none or skip are set, no information is displayed upon hovering. But, if none is set, click and hover events are still fired.

The ‘hoverinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘label’, ‘text’, ‘value’, ‘percent’, ‘name’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘label+text’) OR exactly one of [‘all’, ‘none’, ‘skip’] (e.g. ‘skip’)

  • A list or array of the above


Return type


property hoverinfosrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hoverinfo.

The ‘hoverinfosrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverlabel

The ‘hoverlabel’ property is an instance of Hoverlabel that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.funnelarea.Hoverlabel

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Hoverlabel constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans more two or more lines


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for align.


    Sets the background color of the hover labels for this trace


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bgcolor.


    Sets the border color of the hover labels for this trace.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bordercolor.


    Sets the font used in hover labels.


    Sets the default length (in number of characters) of the trace name in the hover labels for all traces. -1 shows the whole name regardless of length. 0-3 shows the first 0-3 characters, and an integer >3 will show the whole name if it is less than that many characters, but if it is longer, will truncate to namelength - 3 characters and add an ellipsis.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for namelength.


Return type


property hovertemplate

Template string used for rendering the information that appear on hover box. Note that this will override hoverinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}” as well as %{xother}, {%_xother}, {%_xother_}, {%xother_}. When showing info for several points, “xother” will be added to those with different x positions from the first point. An underscore before or after “(x|y)other” will add a space on that side, only when this field is shown. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. The variables available in hovertemplate are the ones emitted as event data described at this link Additionally, every attributes that can be specified per-point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Finally, the template string has access to variables label, color, value, text and percent. Anything contained in tag <extra> is displayed in the secondary box, for example “<extra>{}</extra>”. To hide the secondary box completely, use an empty tag <extra></extra>.

The ‘hovertemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertemplate.

The ‘hovertemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hovertext

Sets hover text elements associated with each sector. If a single string, the same string appears for all data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order of this trace’s sectors. To be seen, trace hoverinfo must contain a “text” flag.

The ‘hovertext’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertextsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertext.

The ‘hovertextsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property insidetextfont

Sets the font used for textinfo lying inside the sector.

The ‘insidetextfont’ property is an instance of Insidetextfont that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.funnelarea.Insidetextfont

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Insidetextfont constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for family.


    Sets the kind of decoration line(s) with text, such as an “under”, “over” or “through” as well as combinations e.g. “under+over”, etc.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for lineposition.


    Sets the shape and color of the shadow behind text. “auto” places minimal shadow and applies contrast text font color. See US/docs/Web/CSS/text-shadow for additional options.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for shadow.



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for size.


    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for style.


    Sets capitalization of text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all- lowercase, or with each word capitalized.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for textcase.


    Sets the variant of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for variant.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for weight.


Return type


property label0

Alternate to labels. Builds a numeric set of labels. Use with dlabel where label0 is the starting label and dlabel the step.

The ‘label0’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property labels

Sets the sector labels. If labels entries are duplicated, we sum associated values or simply count occurrences if values is not provided. For other array attributes (including color) we use the first non-empty entry among all occurrences of the label.

The ‘labels’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property labelssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for labels.

The ‘labelssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgroup

Sets the legend group for this trace. Traces and shapes part of the same legend group hide/show at the same time when toggling legend items.

The ‘legendgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.funnelarea.Legendgrouptitle

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type


property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property marker

The ‘marker’ property is an instance of Marker that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.funnelarea.Marker

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Marker constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the color of each sector. If not specified, the default trace color set is used to pick the sector colors.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for colors.


    plotly.graph_objects.funnelarea.marker. Line instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the pattern within the marker.


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property opacity

Sets the opacity of the trace.

The ‘opacity’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]


Return type


property scalegroup

If there are multiple funnelareas that should be sized according to their totals, link them by providing a non-empty group id here shared by every trace in the same group.

The ‘scalegroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property showlegend

Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.

The ‘showlegend’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.funnelarea.Stream

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type


property text

Sets text elements associated with each sector. If trace textinfo contains a “text” flag, these elements will be seen on the chart. If trace hoverinfo contains a “text” flag and “hovertext” is not set, these elements will be seen in the hover labels.

The ‘text’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property textfont

Sets the font used for textinfo.

The ‘textfont’ property is an instance of Textfont that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.funnelarea.Textfont

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Textfont constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for family.


    Sets the kind of decoration line(s) with text, such as an “under”, “over” or “through” as well as combinations e.g. “under+over”, etc.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for lineposition.


    Sets the shape and color of the shadow behind text. “auto” places minimal shadow and applies contrast text font color. See US/docs/Web/CSS/text-shadow for additional options.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for shadow.



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for size.


    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for style.


    Sets capitalization of text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all- lowercase, or with each word capitalized.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for textcase.


    Sets the variant of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for variant.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for weight.


Return type


property textinfo

Determines which trace information appear on the graph.

The ‘textinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘label’, ‘text’, ‘value’, ‘percent’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘label+text’) OR exactly one of [‘none’] (e.g. ‘none’)


Return type


property textposition

Specifies the location of the textinfo.

The ‘textposition’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘inside’, ‘none’]

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property textpositionsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for textposition.

The ‘textpositionsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property textsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for text.

The ‘textsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property texttemplate

Template string used for rendering the information text that appear on points. Note that this will override textinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}”. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. Every attributes that can be specified per- point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Finally, the template string has access to variables label, color, value, text and percent.

The ‘texttemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property texttemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for texttemplate.

The ‘texttemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property title

The ‘title’ property is an instance of Title that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.funnelarea.Title

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Title constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the font used for title.


    Specifies the location of the title.


    Sets the title of the chart. If it is empty, no title is displayed.


Return type


property type
property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property values

Sets the values of the sectors. If omitted, we count occurrences of each label.

The ‘values’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property valuessrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for values.

The ‘valuessrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


class, autocolorscale=None, coloraxis=None, colorbar=None, colorscale=None, connectgaps=None, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, dx=None, dy=None, hoverinfo=None, hoverinfosrc=None, hoverlabel=None, hoverongaps=None, hovertemplate=None, hovertemplatesrc=None, hovertext=None, hovertextsrc=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, legend=None, legendgroup=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, name=None, opacity=None, reversescale=None, showlegend=None, showscale=None, stream=None, text=None, textfont=None, textsrc=None, texttemplate=None, transpose=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, visible=None, x=None, x0=None, xaxis=None, xcalendar=None, xgap=None, xhoverformat=None, xperiod=None, xperiod0=None, xperiodalignment=None, xsrc=None, xtype=None, y=None, y0=None, yaxis=None, ycalendar=None, ygap=None, yhoverformat=None, yperiod=None, yperiod0=None, yperiodalignment=None, ysrc=None, ytype=None, z=None, zauto=None, zhoverformat=None, zmax=None, zmid=None, zmin=None, zorder=None, zsmooth=None, zsrc=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property autocolorscale

Determines whether the colorscale is a default palette (autocolorscale: true) or the palette determined by colorscale. In case colorscale is unspecified or autocolorscale is true, the default palette will be chosen according to whether numbers in the color array are all positive, all negative or mixed.

The ‘autocolorscale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property coloraxis

Sets a reference to a shared color axis. References to these shared color axes are “coloraxis”, “coloraxis2”, “coloraxis3”, etc. Settings for these shared color axes are set in the layout, under layout.coloraxis, layout.coloraxis2, etc. Note that multiple color scales can be linked to the same color axis.

The ‘coloraxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘coloraxis’, that may be specified as the string ‘coloraxis’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘coloraxis’, ‘coloraxis1’, ‘coloraxis2’, ‘coloraxis3’, etc.)


Return type


property colorbar

The ‘colorbar’ property is an instance of ColorBar that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.heatmap.ColorBar

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the ColorBar constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the color of padded area.


    Sets the axis line color.


    Sets the width (in px) or the border enclosing this color bar.


    Sets the step in-between ticks on this axis. Use with tick0. Must be a positive number, or special strings available to “log” and “date” axes. If the axis type is “log”, then ticks are set every 10^(n*dtick) where n is the tick number. For example, to set a tick mark at 1, 10, 100, 1000, … set dtick to 1. To set tick marks at 1, 100, 10000, … set dtick to 2. To set tick marks at 1, 5, 25, 125, 625, 3125, … set dtick to log_10(5), or 0.69897000433. “log” has several special values; “L<f>”, where f is a positive number, gives ticks linearly spaced in value (but not position). For example tick0 = 0.1, dtick = “L0.5” will put ticks at 0.1, 0.6, 1.1, 1.6 etc. To show powers of 10 plus small digits between, use “D1” (all digits) or “D2” (only 2 and 5). tick0 is ignored for “D1” and “D2”. If the axis type is “date”, then you must convert the time to milliseconds. For example, to set the interval between ticks to one day, set dtick to 86400000.0. “date” also has special values “M<n>” gives ticks spaced by a number of months. n must be a positive integer. To set ticks on the 15th of every third month, set tick0 to “2000-01-15” and dtick to “M3”. To set ticks every 4 years, set dtick to “M48”


    Determines a formatting rule for the tick exponents. For example, consider the number 1,000,000,000. If “none”, it appears as 1,000,000,000. If “e”, 1e+9. If “E”, 1E+9. If “power”, 1x10^9 (with 9 in a super script). If “SI”, 1G. If “B”, 1B.


    Replacement text for specific tick or hover labels. For example using {US: ‘USA’, CA: ‘Canada’} changes US to USA and CA to Canada. The labels we would have shown must match the keys exactly, after adding any tickprefix or ticksuffix. For negative numbers the minus sign symbol used (U+2212) is wider than the regular ascii dash. That means you need to use −1 instead of -1. labelalias can be used with any axis type, and both keys (if needed) and values (if desired) can include html-like tags or MathJax.


    Sets the length of the color bar This measure excludes the padding of both ends. That is, the color bar length is this length minus the padding on both ends.


    Determines whether this color bar’s length (i.e. the measure in the color variation direction) is set in units of plot “fraction” or in *pixels. Use len to set the value.


    Hide SI prefix for 10^n if |n| is below this number. This only has an effect when tickformat is “SI” or “B”.


    Specifies the maximum number of ticks for the particular axis. The actual number of ticks will be chosen automatically to be less than or equal to nticks. Has an effect only if tickmode is set to “auto”.


    Sets the orientation of the colorbar.


    Sets the axis line color.


    Sets the width (in px) of the axis line.


    If “true”, even 4-digit integers are separated


    If “all”, all exponents are shown besides their significands. If “first”, only the exponent of the first tick is shown. If “last”, only the exponent of the last tick is shown. If “none”, no exponents appear.


    Determines whether or not the tick labels are drawn.


    If “all”, all tick labels are displayed with a prefix. If “first”, only the first tick is displayed with a prefix. If “last”, only the last tick is displayed with a suffix. If “none”, tick prefixes are hidden.


    Same as showtickprefix but for tick suffixes.


    Sets the thickness of the color bar This measure excludes the size of the padding, ticks and labels.


    Determines whether this color bar’s thickness (i.e. the measure in the constant color direction) is set in units of plot “fraction” or in “pixels”. Use thickness to set the value.


    Sets the placement of the first tick on this axis. Use with dtick. If the axis type is “log”, then you must take the log of your starting tick (e.g. to set the starting tick to 100, set the tick0 to 2) except when dtick`=*L<f>* (see `dtick for more info). If the axis type is “date”, it should be a date string, like date data. If the axis type is “category”, it should be a number, using the scale where each category is assigned a serial number from zero in the order it appears.


    Sets the angle of the tick labels with respect to the horizontal. For example, a tickangle of -90 draws the tick labels vertically.


    Sets the tick color.


    Sets the color bar’s tick label font


    Sets the tick label formatting rule using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: h ttps:// format. And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display “09~15~23.46”


    A tuple of plotly.graph_objects.heatmap .colorbar.Tickformatstop instances or dicts with compatible properties


    When used in a template (as layout.template.dat a.heatmap.colorbar.tickformatstopdefaults), sets the default property values to use for elements of heatmap.colorbar.tickformatstops


    Determines how we handle tick labels that would overflow either the graph div or the domain of the axis. The default value for inside tick labels is hide past domain. In other cases the default is hide past div.


    Determines where tick labels are drawn relative to the ticks. Left and right options are used when orientation is “h”, top and bottom when orientation is “v”.


    Sets the spacing between tick labels as compared to the spacing between ticks. A value of 1 (default) means each tick gets a label. A value of 2 means shows every 2nd label. A larger value n means only every nth tick is labeled. tick0 determines which labels are shown. Not implemented for axes with type “log” or “multicategory”, or when tickmode is “array”.


    Sets the tick length (in px).


    Sets the tick mode for this axis. If “auto”, the number of ticks is set via nticks. If “linear”, the placement of the ticks is determined by a starting position tick0 and a tick step dtick (“linear” is the default value if tick0 and dtick are provided). If “array”, the placement of the ticks is set via tickvals and the tick text is ticktext. (“array” is the default value if tickvals is provided).


    Sets a tick label prefix.


    Determines whether ticks are drawn or not. If “”, this axis’ ticks are not drawn. If “outside” (“inside”), this axis’ are drawn outside (inside) the axis lines.


    Sets a tick label suffix.


    Sets the text displayed at the ticks position via tickvals. Only has an effect if tickmode is set to “array”. Used with tickvals.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ticktext.


    Sets the values at which ticks on this axis appear. Only has an effect if tickmode is set to “array”. Used with ticktext.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for tickvals.


    Sets the tick width (in px).


    plotly.graph_objects.heatmap.colorbar.T itle instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the x position with respect to xref of the color bar (in plot fraction). When xref is “paper”, defaults to 1.02 when orientation is “v” and 0.5 when orientation is “h”. When xref is “container”, defaults to 1 when orientation is “v” and 0.5 when orientation is “h”. Must be between 0 and 1 if xref is “container” and between “-2” and 3 if xref is “paper”.


    Sets this color bar’s horizontal position anchor. This anchor binds the x position to the “left”, “center” or “right” of the color bar. Defaults to “left” when orientation is “v” and “center” when orientation is “h”.


    Sets the amount of padding (in px) along the x direction.


    Sets the container x refers to. “container” spans the entire width of the plot. “paper” refers to the width of the plotting area only.


    Sets the y position with respect to yref of the color bar (in plot fraction). When yref is “paper”, defaults to 0.5 when orientation is “v” and 1.02 when orientation is “h”. When yref is “container”, defaults to 0.5 when orientation is “v” and 1 when orientation is “h”. Must be between 0 and 1 if yref is “container” and between “-2” and 3 if yref is “paper”.


    Sets this color bar’s vertical position anchor This anchor binds the y position to the “top”, “middle” or “bottom” of the color bar. Defaults to “middle” when orientation is “v” and “bottom” when orientation is “h”.


    Sets the amount of padding (in px) along the y direction.


    Sets the container y refers to. “container” spans the entire height of the plot. “paper” refers to the height of the plotting area only.


Return type


property colorscale

Sets the colorscale. The colorscale must be an array containing arrays mapping a normalized value to an rgb, rgba, hex, hsl, hsv, or named color string. At minimum, a mapping for the lowest (0) and highest (1) values are required. For example, [[0, 'rgb(0,0,255)'], [1, 'rgb(255,0,0)']]. To control the bounds of the colorscale in color space, use zmin and zmax. Alternatively, colorscale may be a palette name string of the following list: Blackbody,Bluered,Blues,Cividis,Earth,Electric, Greens,Greys,Hot,Jet,Picnic,Portland,Rainbow,RdBu,Reds,Viridis, YlGnBu,YlOrRd.

The ‘colorscale’ property is a colorscale and may be specified as:

  • A list of colors that will be spaced evenly to create the colorscale. Many predefined colorscale lists are included in the sequential, diverging, and cyclical modules in the plotly.colors package.

  • A list of 2-element lists where the first element is the normalized color level value (starting at 0 and ending at 1), and the second item is a valid color string. (e.g. [[0, ‘green’], [0.5, ‘red’], [1.0, ‘rgb(0, 0, 255)’]])

  • One of the following named colorscales:
    [‘aggrnyl’, ‘agsunset’, ‘algae’, ‘amp’, ‘armyrose’, ‘balance’,

    ‘blackbody’, ‘bluered’, ‘blues’, ‘blugrn’, ‘bluyl’, ‘brbg’, ‘brwnyl’, ‘bugn’, ‘bupu’, ‘burg’, ‘burgyl’, ‘cividis’, ‘curl’, ‘darkmint’, ‘deep’, ‘delta’, ‘dense’, ‘earth’, ‘edge’, ‘electric’, ‘emrld’, ‘fall’, ‘geyser’, ‘gnbu’, ‘gray’, ‘greens’, ‘greys’, ‘haline’, ‘hot’, ‘hsv’, ‘ice’, ‘icefire’, ‘inferno’, ‘jet’, ‘magenta’, ‘magma’, ‘matter’, ‘mint’, ‘mrybm’, ‘mygbm’, ‘oranges’, ‘orrd’, ‘oryel’, ‘oxy’, ‘peach’, ‘phase’, ‘picnic’, ‘pinkyl’, ‘piyg’, ‘plasma’, ‘plotly3’, ‘portland’, ‘prgn’, ‘pubu’, ‘pubugn’, ‘puor’, ‘purd’, ‘purp’, ‘purples’, ‘purpor’, ‘rainbow’, ‘rdbu’, ‘rdgy’, ‘rdpu’, ‘rdylbu’, ‘rdylgn’, ‘redor’, ‘reds’, ‘solar’, ‘spectral’, ‘speed’, ‘sunset’, ‘sunsetdark’, ‘teal’, ‘tealgrn’, ‘tealrose’, ‘tempo’, ‘temps’, ‘thermal’, ‘tropic’, ‘turbid’, ‘turbo’, ‘twilight’, ‘viridis’, ‘ylgn’, ‘ylgnbu’, ‘ylorbr’, ‘ylorrd’].

    Appending ‘_r’ to a named colorscale reverses it.


Return type


property connectgaps

Determines whether or not gaps (i.e. {nan} or missing values) in the z data are filled in. It is defaulted to true if z is a one dimensional array and zsmooth is not false; otherwise it is defaulted to false.

The ‘connectgaps’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property dx

Sets the x coordinate step. See x0 for more info.

The ‘dx’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property dy

Sets the y coordinate step. See y0 for more info.

The ‘dy’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property hoverinfo

Determines which trace information appear on hover. If none or skip are set, no information is displayed upon hovering. But, if none is set, click and hover events are still fired.

The ‘hoverinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’, ‘text’, ‘name’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘x+y’) OR exactly one of [‘all’, ‘none’, ‘skip’] (e.g. ‘skip’)

  • A list or array of the above


Return type


property hoverinfosrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hoverinfo.

The ‘hoverinfosrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverlabel

The ‘hoverlabel’ property is an instance of Hoverlabel that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.heatmap.Hoverlabel

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Hoverlabel constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans more two or more lines


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for align.


    Sets the background color of the hover labels for this trace


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bgcolor.


    Sets the border color of the hover labels for this trace.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bordercolor.


    Sets the font used in hover labels.


    Sets the default length (in number of characters) of the trace name in the hover labels for all traces. -1 shows the whole name regardless of length. 0-3 shows the first 0-3 characters, and an integer >3 will show the whole name if it is less than that many characters, but if it is longer, will truncate to namelength - 3 characters and add an ellipsis.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for namelength.


Return type


property hoverongaps

Determines whether or not gaps (i.e. {nan} or missing values) in the z data have hover labels associated with them.

The ‘hoverongaps’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property hovertemplate

Template string used for rendering the information that appear on hover box. Note that this will override hoverinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}” as well as %{xother}, {%_xother}, {%_xother_}, {%xother_}. When showing info for several points, “xother” will be added to those with different x positions from the first point. An underscore before or after “(x|y)other” will add a space on that side, only when this field is shown. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. The variables available in hovertemplate are the ones emitted as event data described at this link Additionally, every attributes that can be specified per-point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Anything contained in tag <extra> is displayed in the secondary box, for example “<extra>{}</extra>”. To hide the secondary box completely, use an empty tag <extra></extra>.

The ‘hovertemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertemplate.

The ‘hovertemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hovertext

Same as text.

The ‘hovertext’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property hovertextsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertext.

The ‘hovertextsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgroup

Sets the legend group for this trace. Traces and shapes part of the same legend group hide/show at the same time when toggling legend items.

The ‘legendgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.heatmap.Legendgrouptitle

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type


property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property opacity

Sets the opacity of the trace.

The ‘opacity’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]


Return type


property reversescale

Reverses the color mapping if true. If true, zmin will correspond to the last color in the array and zmax will correspond to the first color.

The ‘reversescale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property showlegend

Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.

The ‘showlegend’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property showscale

Determines whether or not a colorbar is displayed for this trace.

The ‘showscale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.heatmap.Stream

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type


property text

Sets the text elements associated with each z value.

The ‘text’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property textfont

Sets the text font.

The ‘textfont’ property is an instance of Textfont that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.heatmap.Textfont

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Textfont constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.


    Sets the kind of decoration line(s) with text, such as an “under”, “over” or “through” as well as combinations e.g. “under+over”, etc.


    Sets the shape and color of the shadow behind text. “auto” places minimal shadow and applies contrast text font color. See US/docs/Web/CSS/text-shadow for additional options.



    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets capitalization of text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all- lowercase, or with each word capitalized.


    Sets the variant of the font.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


Return type


property textsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for text.

The ‘textsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property texttemplate

Template string used for rendering the information text that appear on points. Note that this will override textinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}”. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. Every attributes that can be specified per- point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Finally, the template string has access to variables x, y, z and text.

The ‘texttemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property transpose

Transposes the z data.

The ‘transpose’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property type
property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


property x

Sets the x coordinates.

The ‘x’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property x0

Alternate to x. Builds a linear space of x coordinates. Use with dx where x0 is the starting coordinate and dx the step.

The ‘x0’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property xaxis

Sets a reference between this trace’s x coordinates and a 2D cartesian x axis. If “x” (the default value), the x coordinates refer to layout.xaxis. If “x2”, the x coordinates refer to layout.xaxis2, and so on.

The ‘xaxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘x’, that may be specified as the string ‘x’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘x’, ‘x1’, ‘x2’, ‘x3’, etc.)


Return type


property xcalendar

Sets the calendar system to use with x date data.

The ‘xcalendar’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘chinese’, ‘coptic’, ‘discworld’, ‘ethiopian’, ‘gregorian’, ‘hebrew’, ‘islamic’, ‘jalali’, ‘julian’, ‘mayan’, ‘nanakshahi’, ‘nepali’, ‘persian’, ‘taiwan’, ‘thai’, ‘ummalqura’]


Return type


property xgap

Sets the horizontal gap (in pixels) between bricks.

The ‘xgap’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property xhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor x using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using xaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘xhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property xperiod

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the period positioning in milliseconds or “M<n>” on the x axis. Special values in the form of “M<n>” could be used to declare the number of months. In this case n must be a positive integer.

The ‘xperiod’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property xperiod0

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the base for period positioning in milliseconds or date string on the x0 axis. When x0period is round number of weeks, the x0period0 by default would be on a Sunday i.e. 2000-01-02, otherwise it would be at 2000-01-01.

The ‘xperiod0’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property xperiodalignment

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the alignment of data points on the x axis.

The ‘xperiodalignment’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘start’, ‘middle’, ‘end’]


Return type


property xsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for x.

The ‘xsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property xtype

If “array”, the heatmap’s x coordinates are given by “x” (the default behavior when x is provided). If “scaled”, the heatmap’s x coordinates are given by “x0” and “dx” (the default behavior when x is not provided).

The ‘xtype’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘array’, ‘scaled’]


Return type


property y

Sets the y coordinates.

The ‘y’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property y0

Alternate to y. Builds a linear space of y coordinates. Use with dy where y0 is the starting coordinate and dy the step.

The ‘y0’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property yaxis

Sets a reference between this trace’s y coordinates and a 2D cartesian y axis. If “y” (the default value), the y coordinates refer to layout.yaxis. If “y2”, the y coordinates refer to layout.yaxis2, and so on.

The ‘yaxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘y’, that may be specified as the string ‘y’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘y’, ‘y1’, ‘y2’, ‘y3’, etc.)


Return type


property ycalendar

Sets the calendar system to use with y date data.

The ‘ycalendar’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘chinese’, ‘coptic’, ‘discworld’, ‘ethiopian’, ‘gregorian’, ‘hebrew’, ‘islamic’, ‘jalali’, ‘julian’, ‘mayan’, ‘nanakshahi’, ‘nepali’, ‘persian’, ‘taiwan’, ‘thai’, ‘ummalqura’]


Return type


property ygap

Sets the vertical gap (in pixels) between bricks.

The ‘ygap’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property yhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor y using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using yaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘yhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property yperiod

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the period positioning in milliseconds or “M<n>” on the y axis. Special values in the form of “M<n>” could be used to declare the number of months. In this case n must be a positive integer.

The ‘yperiod’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property yperiod0

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the base for period positioning in milliseconds or date string on the y0 axis. When y0period is round number of weeks, the y0period0 by default would be on a Sunday i.e. 2000-01-02, otherwise it would be at 2000-01-01.

The ‘yperiod0’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property yperiodalignment

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the alignment of data points on the y axis.

The ‘yperiodalignment’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘start’, ‘middle’, ‘end’]


Return type


property ysrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for y.

The ‘ysrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property ytype

If “array”, the heatmap’s y coordinates are given by “y” (the default behavior when y is provided) If “scaled”, the heatmap’s y coordinates are given by “y0” and “dy” (the default behavior when y is not provided)

The ‘ytype’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘array’, ‘scaled’]


Return type


property z

Sets the z data.

The ‘z’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property zauto

Determines whether or not the color domain is computed with respect to the input data (here in z) or the bounds set in zmin and zmax Defaults to false when zmin and zmax are set by the user.

The ‘zauto’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property zhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor z using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: default the values are formatted using generic number format.

The ‘zhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property zmax

Sets the upper bound of the color domain. Value should have the same units as in z and if set, zmin must be set as well.

The ‘zmax’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property zmid

Sets the mid-point of the color domain by scaling zmin and/or zmax to be equidistant to this point. Value should have the same units as in z. Has no effect when zauto is false.

The ‘zmid’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property zmin

Sets the lower bound of the color domain. Value should have the same units as in z and if set, zmax must be set as well.

The ‘zmin’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property zorder

Sets the layer on which this trace is displayed, relative to other SVG traces on the same subplot. SVG traces with higher zorder appear in front of those with lower zorder.

The ‘zorder’ property is a integer and may be specified as:
  • An int (or float that will be cast to an int)


Return type


property zsmooth

Picks a smoothing algorithm use to smooth z data.

The ‘zsmooth’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘fast’, ‘best’, False]


Return type


property zsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for z.

The ‘zsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


class, alignmentgroup=None, autobinx=None, autobiny=None, bingroup=None, cliponaxis=None, constraintext=None, cumulative=None, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, error_x=None, error_y=None, histfunc=None, histnorm=None, hoverinfo=None, hoverinfosrc=None, hoverlabel=None, hovertemplate=None, hovertemplatesrc=None, hovertext=None, hovertextsrc=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, insidetextanchor=None, insidetextfont=None, legend=None, legendgroup=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, marker=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, name=None, nbinsx=None, nbinsy=None, offsetgroup=None, opacity=None, orientation=None, outsidetextfont=None, selected=None, selectedpoints=None, showlegend=None, stream=None, text=None, textangle=None, textfont=None, textposition=None, textsrc=None, texttemplate=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, unselected=None, visible=None, x=None, xaxis=None, xbins=None, xcalendar=None, xhoverformat=None, xsrc=None, y=None, yaxis=None, ybins=None, ycalendar=None, yhoverformat=None, ysrc=None, zorder=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property alignmentgroup

Set several traces linked to the same position axis or matching axes to the same alignmentgroup. This controls whether bars compute their positional range dependently or independently.

The ‘alignmentgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property autobinx

since v1.42 each bin attribute is auto-determined separately and autobinx is not needed. However, we accept autobinx: true or false and will update xbins accordingly before deleting autobinx from the trace.

The ‘autobinx’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type




property autobiny

since v1.42 each bin attribute is auto-determined separately and autobiny is not needed. However, we accept autobiny: true or false and will update ybins accordingly before deleting autobiny from the trace.

The ‘autobiny’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type




property bingroup

Set a group of histogram traces which will have compatible bin settings. Note that traces on the same subplot and with the same “orientation” under barmode “stack”, “relative” and “group” are forced into the same bingroup, Using bingroup, traces under barmode “overlay” and on different axes (of the same axis type) can have compatible bin settings. Note that histogram and histogram2d* trace can share the same bingroup

The ‘bingroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property cliponaxis

Determines whether the text nodes are clipped about the subplot axes. To show the text nodes above axis lines and tick labels, make sure to set xaxis.layer and yaxis.layer to below traces.

The ‘cliponaxis’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property constraintext

Constrain the size of text inside or outside a bar to be no larger than the bar itself.

The ‘constraintext’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘inside’, ‘outside’, ‘both’, ‘none’]


Return type


property cumulative

The ‘cumulative’ property is an instance of Cumulative that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.histogram.Cumulative

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Cumulative constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Only applies if cumulative is enabled. Sets whether the current bin is included, excluded, or has half of its value included in the current cumulative value. “include” is the default for compatibility with various other tools, however it introduces a half-bin bias to the results. “exclude” makes the opposite half- bin bias, and “half” removes it.


    Only applies if cumulative is enabled. If “increasing” (default) we sum all prior bins, so the result increases from left to right. If “decreasing” we sum later bins so the result decreases from left to right.


    If true, display the cumulative distribution by summing the binned values. Use the direction and centralbin attributes to tune the accumulation method. Note: in this mode, the “density” histnorm settings behave the same as their equivalents without “density”: “” and “density” both rise to the number of data points, and “probability” and probability density both rise to the number of sample points.


Return type


property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property error_x

The ‘error_x’ property is an instance of ErrorX that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.histogram.ErrorX

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the ErrorX constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the data corresponding the length of each error bar. Values are plotted relative to the underlying data.


    Sets the data corresponding the length of each error bar in the bottom (left) direction for vertical (horizontal) bars Values are plotted relative to the underlying data.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for arrayminus.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for array.


    Sets the stroke color of the error bars.



    Determines whether or not the error bars have the same length in both direction (top/bottom for vertical bars, left/right for horizontal bars.


    Sets the thickness (in px) of the error bars.




    Determines the rule used to generate the error bars. If *constant`, the bar lengths are of a constant value. Set this constant in value. If “percent”, the bar lengths correspond to a percentage of underlying data. Set this percentage in value. If “sqrt”, the bar lengths correspond to the square of the underlying data. If “data”, the bar lengths are set with data set array.


    Sets the value of either the percentage (if type is set to “percent”) or the constant (if type is set to “constant”) corresponding to the lengths of the error bars.


    Sets the value of either the percentage (if type is set to “percent”) or the constant (if type is set to “constant”) corresponding to the lengths of the error bars in the bottom (left) direction for vertical (horizontal) bars


    Determines whether or not this set of error bars is visible.


    Sets the width (in px) of the cross-bar at both ends of the error bars.


Return type


property error_y

The ‘error_y’ property is an instance of ErrorY that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.histogram.ErrorY

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the ErrorY constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the data corresponding the length of each error bar. Values are plotted relative to the underlying data.


    Sets the data corresponding the length of each error bar in the bottom (left) direction for vertical (horizontal) bars Values are plotted relative to the underlying data.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for arrayminus.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for array.


    Sets the stroke color of the error bars.


    Determines whether or not the error bars have the same length in both direction (top/bottom for vertical bars, left/right for horizontal bars.


    Sets the thickness (in px) of the error bars.




    Determines the rule used to generate the error bars. If *constant`, the bar lengths are of a constant value. Set this constant in value. If “percent”, the bar lengths correspond to a percentage of underlying data. Set this percentage in value. If “sqrt”, the bar lengths correspond to the square of the underlying data. If “data”, the bar lengths are set with data set array.


    Sets the value of either the percentage (if type is set to “percent”) or the constant (if type is set to “constant”) corresponding to the lengths of the error bars.


    Sets the value of either the percentage (if type is set to “percent”) or the constant (if type is set to “constant”) corresponding to the lengths of the error bars in the bottom (left) direction for vertical (horizontal) bars


    Determines whether or not this set of error bars is visible.


    Sets the width (in px) of the cross-bar at both ends of the error bars.


Return type


property histfunc

Specifies the binning function used for this histogram trace. If “count”, the histogram values are computed by counting the number of values lying inside each bin. If “sum”, “avg”, “min”, “max”, the histogram values are computed using the sum, the average, the minimum or the maximum of the values lying inside each bin respectively.

The ‘histfunc’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘count’, ‘sum’, ‘avg’, ‘min’, ‘max’]


Return type


property histnorm

Specifies the type of normalization used for this histogram trace. If “”, the span of each bar corresponds to the number of occurrences (i.e. the number of data points lying inside the bins). If “percent” / “probability”, the span of each bar corresponds to the percentage / fraction of occurrences with respect to the total number of sample points (here, the sum of all bin HEIGHTS equals 100% / 1). If “density”, the span of each bar corresponds to the number of occurrences in a bin divided by the size of the bin interval (here, the sum of all bin AREAS equals the total number of sample points). If probability density, the area of each bar corresponds to the probability that an event will fall into the corresponding bin (here, the sum of all bin AREAS equals 1).

The ‘histnorm’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘’, ‘percent’, ‘probability’, ‘density’, ‘probability density’]


Return type


property hoverinfo

Determines which trace information appear on hover. If none or skip are set, no information is displayed upon hovering. But, if none is set, click and hover events are still fired.

The ‘hoverinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’, ‘text’, ‘name’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘x+y’) OR exactly one of [‘all’, ‘none’, ‘skip’] (e.g. ‘skip’)

  • A list or array of the above


Return type


property hoverinfosrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hoverinfo.

The ‘hoverinfosrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverlabel

The ‘hoverlabel’ property is an instance of Hoverlabel that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.histogram.Hoverlabel

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Hoverlabel constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans more two or more lines


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for align.


    Sets the background color of the hover labels for this trace


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bgcolor.


    Sets the border color of the hover labels for this trace.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bordercolor.


    Sets the font used in hover labels.


    Sets the default length (in number of characters) of the trace name in the hover labels for all traces. -1 shows the whole name regardless of length. 0-3 shows the first 0-3 characters, and an integer >3 will show the whole name if it is less than that many characters, but if it is longer, will truncate to namelength - 3 characters and add an ellipsis.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for namelength.


Return type


property hovertemplate

Template string used for rendering the information that appear on hover box. Note that this will override hoverinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}” as well as %{xother}, {%_xother}, {%_xother_}, {%xother_}. When showing info for several points, “xother” will be added to those with different x positions from the first point. An underscore before or after “(x|y)other” will add a space on that side, only when this field is shown. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. The variables available in hovertemplate are the ones emitted as event data described at this link Additionally, every attributes that can be specified per-point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Finally, the template string has access to variable binNumber Anything contained in tag <extra> is displayed in the secondary box, for example “<extra>{}</extra>”. To hide the secondary box completely, use an empty tag <extra></extra>.

The ‘hovertemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertemplate.

The ‘hovertemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hovertext

Same as text.

The ‘hovertext’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertextsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertext.

The ‘hovertextsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property insidetextanchor

Determines if texts are kept at center or start/end points in textposition “inside” mode.

The ‘insidetextanchor’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘end’, ‘middle’, ‘start’]


Return type


property insidetextfont

Sets the font used for text lying inside the bar.

The ‘insidetextfont’ property is an instance of Insidetextfont that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.histogram.Insidetextfont

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Insidetextfont constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.


    Sets the kind of decoration line(s) with text, such as an “under”, “over” or “through” as well as combinations e.g. “under+over”, etc.


    Sets the shape and color of the shadow behind text. “auto” places minimal shadow and applies contrast text font color. See US/docs/Web/CSS/text-shadow for additional options.



    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets capitalization of text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all- lowercase, or with each word capitalized.


    Sets the variant of the font.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


Return type


property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgroup

Sets the legend group for this trace. Traces and shapes part of the same legend group hide/show at the same time when toggling legend items.

The ‘legendgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.histogram.Legendgrouptitle

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type


property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property marker

The ‘marker’ property is an instance of Marker that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.histogram.Marker

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Marker constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Determines whether the colorscale is a default palette (autocolorscale: true) or the palette determined by marker.colorscale. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. In case colorscale is unspecified or autocolorscale is true, the default palette will be chosen according to whether numbers in the color array are all positive, all negative or mixed.


    Determines whether or not the color domain is computed with respect to the input data (here in marker.color) or the bounds set in marker.cmin and marker.cmax Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Defaults to false when marker.cmin and marker.cmax are set by the user.


    Sets the upper bound of the color domain. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color and if set, marker.cmin must be set as well.


    Sets the mid-point of the color domain by scaling marker.cmin and/or marker.cmax to be equidistant to this point. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color. Has no effect when marker.cauto is false.


    Sets the lower bound of the color domain. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color and if set, marker.cmax must be set as well.


    Sets the marker color. It accepts either a specific color or an array of numbers that are mapped to the colorscale relative to the max and min values of the array or relative to marker.cmin and marker.cmax if set.


    Sets a reference to a shared color axis. References to these shared color axes are “coloraxis”, “coloraxis2”, “coloraxis3”, etc. Settings for these shared color axes are set in the layout, under layout.coloraxis, layout.coloraxis2, etc. Note that multiple color scales can be linked to the same color axis.


    plotly.graph_objects.histogram.marker.C olorBar instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the colorscale. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. The colorscale must be an array containing arrays mapping a normalized value to an rgb, rgba, hex, hsl, hsv, or named color string. At minimum, a mapping for the lowest (0) and highest (1) values are required. For example, [[0, 'rgb(0,0,255)'], [1, 'rgb(255,0,0)']]. To control the bounds of the colorscale in color space, use marker.cmin and marker.cmax. Alternatively, colorscale may be a palette name string of the following list: Blackbody,Bluered,Blues,Cividis,Earth,Electric, Greens,Greys,Hot,Jet,Picnic,Portland,Rainbow,Rd Bu,Reds,Viridis,YlGnBu,YlOrRd.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    Sets the rounding of corners. May be an integer number of pixels, or a percentage of bar width (as a string ending in %). Defaults to layout.barcornerradius. In stack or relative barmode, the first trace to set cornerradius is used for the whole stack.


    plotly.graph_objects.histogram.marker.L ine instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the opacity of the bars.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for opacity.


    Sets the pattern within the marker.


    Reverses the color mapping if true. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. If true, marker.cmin will correspond to the last color in the array and marker.cmax will correspond to the first color.


    Determines whether or not a colorbar is displayed for this trace. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array.


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property nbinsx

Specifies the maximum number of desired bins. This value will be used in an algorithm that will decide the optimal bin size such that the histogram best visualizes the distribution of the data. Ignored if xbins.size is provided.

The ‘nbinsx’ property is a integer and may be specified as:
  • An int (or float that will be cast to an int) in the interval [0, 9223372036854775807]


Return type


property nbinsy

Specifies the maximum number of desired bins. This value will be used in an algorithm that will decide the optimal bin size such that the histogram best visualizes the distribution of the data. Ignored if ybins.size is provided.

The ‘nbinsy’ property is a integer and may be specified as:
  • An int (or float that will be cast to an int) in the interval [0, 9223372036854775807]


Return type


property offsetgroup

Set several traces linked to the same position axis or matching axes to the same offsetgroup where bars of the same position coordinate will line up.

The ‘offsetgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property opacity

Sets the opacity of the trace.

The ‘opacity’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]


Return type


property orientation

Sets the orientation of the bars. With “v” (“h”), the value of the each bar spans along the vertical (horizontal).

The ‘orientation’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘v’, ‘h’]


Return type


property outsidetextfont

Sets the font used for text lying outside the bar.

The ‘outsidetextfont’ property is an instance of Outsidetextfont that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.histogram.Outsidetextfont

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Outsidetextfont constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.


    Sets the kind of decoration line(s) with text, such as an “under”, “over” or “through” as well as combinations e.g. “under+over”, etc.


    Sets the shape and color of the shadow behind text. “auto” places minimal shadow and applies contrast text font color. See US/docs/Web/CSS/text-shadow for additional options.



    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets capitalization of text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all- lowercase, or with each word capitalized.


    Sets the variant of the font.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


Return type


property selected

The ‘selected’ property is an instance of Selected that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.histogram.Selected

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Selected constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.histogram.selected .Marker instance or dict with compatible properties


    plotly.graph_objects.histogram.selected .Textfont instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type


property selectedpoints

Array containing integer indices of selected points. Has an effect only for traces that support selections. Note that an empty array means an empty selection where the unselected are turned on for all points, whereas, any other non-array values means no selection all where the selected and unselected styles have no effect.

The ‘selectedpoints’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property showlegend

Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.

The ‘showlegend’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.histogram.Stream

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type


property text

Sets hover text elements associated with each bar. If a single string, the same string appears over all bars. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order to the this trace’s coordinates.

The ‘text’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property textangle

Sets the angle of the tick labels with respect to the bar. For example, a tickangle of -90 draws the tick labels vertically. With “auto” the texts may automatically be rotated to fit with the maximum size in bars.

The ‘textangle’ property is a angle (in degrees) that may be specified as a number between -180 and 180. Numeric values outside this range are converted to the equivalent value (e.g. 270 is converted to -90).


Return type


property textfont

Sets the text font.

The ‘textfont’ property is an instance of Textfont that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.histogram.Textfont

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Textfont constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.


    Sets the kind of decoration line(s) with text, such as an “under”, “over” or “through” as well as combinations e.g. “under+over”, etc.


    Sets the shape and color of the shadow behind text. “auto” places minimal shadow and applies contrast text font color. See US/docs/Web/CSS/text-shadow for additional options.



    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets capitalization of text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all- lowercase, or with each word capitalized.


    Sets the variant of the font.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


Return type


property textposition

Specifies the location of the text. “inside” positions text inside, next to the bar end (rotated and scaled if needed). “outside” positions text outside, next to the bar end (scaled if needed), unless there is another bar stacked on this one, then the text gets pushed inside. “auto” tries to position text inside the bar, but if the bar is too small and no bar is stacked on this one the text is moved outside. If “none”, no text appears.

The ‘textposition’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘inside’, ‘outside’, ‘auto’, ‘none’]


Return type


property textsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for text.

The ‘textsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property texttemplate

Template string used for rendering the information text that appear on points. Note that this will override textinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}”. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. Every attributes that can be specified per- point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Finally, the template string has access to variables label and value.

The ‘texttemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property type
property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property unselected

The ‘unselected’ property is an instance of Unselected that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.histogram.Unselected

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Unselected constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.histogram.unselect ed.Marker instance or dict with compatible properties


    plotly.graph_objects.histogram.unselect ed.Textfont instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


property x

Sets the sample data to be binned on the x axis.

The ‘x’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property xaxis

Sets a reference between this trace’s x coordinates and a 2D cartesian x axis. If “x” (the default value), the x coordinates refer to layout.xaxis. If “x2”, the x coordinates refer to layout.xaxis2, and so on.

The ‘xaxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘x’, that may be specified as the string ‘x’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘x’, ‘x1’, ‘x2’, ‘x3’, etc.)


Return type


property xbins

The ‘xbins’ property is an instance of XBins that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.histogram.XBins

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the XBins constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the end value for the x axis bins. The last bin may not end exactly at this value, we increment the bin edge by size from start until we reach or exceed end. Defaults to the maximum data value. Like start, for dates use a date string, and for category data end is based on the category serial numbers.


    Sets the size of each x axis bin. Default behavior: If nbinsx is 0 or omitted, we choose a nice round bin size such that the number of bins is about the same as the typical number of samples in each bin. If nbinsx is provided, we choose a nice round bin size giving no more than that many bins. For date data, use milliseconds or “M<n>” for months, as in axis.dtick. For category data, the number of categories to bin together (always defaults to 1). If multiple non-overlaying histograms share a subplot, the first explicit size is used and all others discarded. If no size is provided,the sample data from all traces is combined to determine size as described above.


    Sets the starting value for the x axis bins. Defaults to the minimum data value, shifted down if necessary to make nice round values and to remove ambiguous bin edges. For example, if most of the data is integers we shift the bin edges 0.5 down, so a size of 5 would have a default start of -0.5, so it is clear that 0-4 are in the first bin, 5-9 in the second, but continuous data gets a start of 0 and bins [0,5), [5,10) etc. Dates behave similarly, and start should be a date string. For category data, start is based on the category serial numbers, and defaults to -0.5. If multiple non- overlaying histograms share a subplot, the first explicit start is used exactly and all others are shifted down (if necessary) to differ from that one by an integer number of bins.


Return type


property xcalendar

Sets the calendar system to use with x date data.

The ‘xcalendar’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘chinese’, ‘coptic’, ‘discworld’, ‘ethiopian’, ‘gregorian’, ‘hebrew’, ‘islamic’, ‘jalali’, ‘julian’, ‘mayan’, ‘nanakshahi’, ‘nepali’, ‘persian’, ‘taiwan’, ‘thai’, ‘ummalqura’]


Return type


property xhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor x using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using xaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘xhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property xsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for x.

The ‘xsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property y

Sets the sample data to be binned on the y axis.

The ‘y’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property yaxis

Sets a reference between this trace’s y coordinates and a 2D cartesian y axis. If “y” (the default value), the y coordinates refer to layout.yaxis. If “y2”, the y coordinates refer to layout.yaxis2, and so on.

The ‘yaxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘y’, that may be specified as the string ‘y’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘y’, ‘y1’, ‘y2’, ‘y3’, etc.)


Return type


property ybins

The ‘ybins’ property is an instance of YBins that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.histogram.YBins

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the YBins constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the end value for the y axis bins. The last bin may not end exactly at this value, we increment the bin edge by size from start until we reach or exceed end. Defaults to the maximum data value. Like start, for dates use a date string, and for category data end is based on the category serial numbers.


    Sets the size of each y axis bin. Default behavior: If nbinsy is 0 or omitted, we choose a nice round bin size such that the number of bins is about the same as the typical number of samples in each bin. If nbinsy is provided, we choose a nice round bin size giving no more than that many bins. For date data, use milliseconds or “M<n>” for months, as in axis.dtick. For category data, the number of categories to bin together (always defaults to 1). If multiple non-overlaying histograms share a subplot, the first explicit size is used and all others discarded. If no size is provided,the sample data from all traces is combined to determine size as described above.


    Sets the starting value for the y axis bins. Defaults to the minimum data value, shifted down if necessary to make nice round values and to remove ambiguous bin edges. For example, if most of the data is integers we shift the bin edges 0.5 down, so a size of 5 would have a default start of -0.5, so it is clear that 0-4 are in the first bin, 5-9 in the second, but continuous data gets a start of 0 and bins [0,5), [5,10) etc. Dates behave similarly, and start should be a date string. For category data, start is based on the category serial numbers, and defaults to -0.5. If multiple non- overlaying histograms share a subplot, the first explicit start is used exactly and all others are shifted down (if necessary) to differ from that one by an integer number of bins.


Return type


property ycalendar

Sets the calendar system to use with y date data.

The ‘ycalendar’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘chinese’, ‘coptic’, ‘discworld’, ‘ethiopian’, ‘gregorian’, ‘hebrew’, ‘islamic’, ‘jalali’, ‘julian’, ‘mayan’, ‘nanakshahi’, ‘nepali’, ‘persian’, ‘taiwan’, ‘thai’, ‘ummalqura’]


Return type


property yhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor y using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using yaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘yhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property ysrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for y.

The ‘ysrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property zorder

Sets the layer on which this trace is displayed, relative to other SVG traces on the same subplot. SVG traces with higher zorder appear in front of those with lower zorder.

The ‘zorder’ property is a integer and may be specified as:
  • An int (or float that will be cast to an int)


Return type


class, autobinx=None, autobiny=None, autocolorscale=None, bingroup=None, coloraxis=None, colorbar=None, colorscale=None, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, histfunc=None, histnorm=None, hoverinfo=None, hoverinfosrc=None, hoverlabel=None, hovertemplate=None, hovertemplatesrc=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, legend=None, legendgroup=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, marker=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, name=None, nbinsx=None, nbinsy=None, opacity=None, reversescale=None, showlegend=None, showscale=None, stream=None, textfont=None, texttemplate=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, visible=None, x=None, xaxis=None, xbingroup=None, xbins=None, xcalendar=None, xgap=None, xhoverformat=None, xsrc=None, y=None, yaxis=None, ybingroup=None, ybins=None, ycalendar=None, ygap=None, yhoverformat=None, ysrc=None, z=None, zauto=None, zhoverformat=None, zmax=None, zmid=None, zmin=None, zsmooth=None, zsrc=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property autobinx

since v1.42 each bin attribute is auto-determined separately and autobinx is not needed. However, we accept autobinx: true or false and will update xbins accordingly before deleting autobinx from the trace.

The ‘autobinx’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type




property autobiny

since v1.42 each bin attribute is auto-determined separately and autobiny is not needed. However, we accept autobiny: true or false and will update ybins accordingly before deleting autobiny from the trace.

The ‘autobiny’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type




property autocolorscale

Determines whether the colorscale is a default palette (autocolorscale: true) or the palette determined by colorscale. In case colorscale is unspecified or autocolorscale is true, the default palette will be chosen according to whether numbers in the color array are all positive, all negative or mixed.

The ‘autocolorscale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property bingroup

Set the xbingroup and ybingroup default prefix For example, setting a bingroup of 1 on two histogram2d traces will make them their x-bins and y-bins match separately.

The ‘bingroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property coloraxis

Sets a reference to a shared color axis. References to these shared color axes are “coloraxis”, “coloraxis2”, “coloraxis3”, etc. Settings for these shared color axes are set in the layout, under layout.coloraxis, layout.coloraxis2, etc. Note that multiple color scales can be linked to the same color axis.

The ‘coloraxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘coloraxis’, that may be specified as the string ‘coloraxis’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘coloraxis’, ‘coloraxis1’, ‘coloraxis2’, ‘coloraxis3’, etc.)


Return type


property colorbar

The ‘colorbar’ property is an instance of ColorBar that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.histogram2d.ColorBar

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the ColorBar constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the color of padded area.


    Sets the axis line color.


    Sets the width (in px) or the border enclosing this color bar.


    Sets the step in-between ticks on this axis. Use with tick0. Must be a positive number, or special strings available to “log” and “date” axes. If the axis type is “log”, then ticks are set every 10^(n*dtick) where n is the tick number. For example, to set a tick mark at 1, 10, 100, 1000, … set dtick to 1. To set tick marks at 1, 100, 10000, … set dtick to 2. To set tick marks at 1, 5, 25, 125, 625, 3125, … set dtick to log_10(5), or 0.69897000433. “log” has several special values; “L<f>”, where f is a positive number, gives ticks linearly spaced in value (but not position). For example tick0 = 0.1, dtick = “L0.5” will put ticks at 0.1, 0.6, 1.1, 1.6 etc. To show powers of 10 plus small digits between, use “D1” (all digits) or “D2” (only 2 and 5). tick0 is ignored for “D1” and “D2”. If the axis type is “date”, then you must convert the time to milliseconds. For example, to set the interval between ticks to one day, set dtick to 86400000.0. “date” also has special values “M<n>” gives ticks spaced by a number of months. n must be a positive integer. To set ticks on the 15th of every third month, set tick0 to “2000-01-15” and dtick to “M3”. To set ticks every 4 years, set dtick to “M48”


    Determines a formatting rule for the tick exponents. For example, consider the number 1,000,000,000. If “none”, it appears as 1,000,000,000. If “e”, 1e+9. If “E”, 1E+9. If “power”, 1x10^9 (with 9 in a super script). If “SI”, 1G. If “B”, 1B.


    Replacement text for specific tick or hover labels. For example using {US: ‘USA’, CA: ‘Canada’} changes US to USA and CA to Canada. The labels we would have shown must match the keys exactly, after adding any tickprefix or ticksuffix. For negative numbers the minus sign symbol used (U+2212) is wider than the regular ascii dash. That means you need to use −1 instead of -1. labelalias can be used with any axis type, and both keys (if needed) and values (if desired) can include html-like tags or MathJax.


    Sets the length of the color bar This measure excludes the padding of both ends. That is, the color bar length is this length minus the padding on both ends.


    Determines whether this color bar’s length (i.e. the measure in the color variation direction) is set in units of plot “fraction” or in *pixels. Use len to set the value.


    Hide SI prefix for 10^n if |n| is below this number. This only has an effect when tickformat is “SI” or “B”.


    Specifies the maximum number of ticks for the particular axis. The actual number of ticks will be chosen automatically to be less than or equal to nticks. Has an effect only if tickmode is set to “auto”.


    Sets the orientation of the colorbar.


    Sets the axis line color.


    Sets the width (in px) of the axis line.


    If “true”, even 4-digit integers are separated


    If “all”, all exponents are shown besides their significands. If “first”, only the exponent of the first tick is shown. If “last”, only the exponent of the last tick is shown. If “none”, no exponents appear.


    Determines whether or not the tick labels are drawn.


    If “all”, all tick labels are displayed with a prefix. If “first”, only the first tick is displayed with a prefix. If “last”, only the last tick is displayed with a suffix. If “none”, tick prefixes are hidden.


    Same as showtickprefix but for tick suffixes.


    Sets the thickness of the color bar This measure excludes the size of the padding, ticks and labels.


    Determines whether this color bar’s thickness (i.e. the measure in the constant color direction) is set in units of plot “fraction” or in “pixels”. Use thickness to set the value.


    Sets the placement of the first tick on this axis. Use with dtick. If the axis type is “log”, then you must take the log of your starting tick (e.g. to set the starting tick to 100, set the tick0 to 2) except when dtick`=*L<f>* (see `dtick for more info). If the axis type is “date”, it should be a date string, like date data. If the axis type is “category”, it should be a number, using the scale where each category is assigned a serial number from zero in the order it appears.


    Sets the angle of the tick labels with respect to the horizontal. For example, a tickangle of -90 draws the tick labels vertically.


    Sets the tick color.


    Sets the color bar’s tick label font


    Sets the tick label formatting rule using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: h ttps:// format. And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display “09~15~23.46”


    A tuple of plotly.graph_objects.histogr am2d.colorbar.Tickformatstop instances or dicts with compatible properties


    When used in a template (as layout.template.dat a.histogram2d.colorbar.tickformatstopdefaults), sets the default property values to use for elements of histogram2d.colorbar.tickformatstops


    Determines how we handle tick labels that would overflow either the graph div or the domain of the axis. The default value for inside tick labels is hide past domain. In other cases the default is hide past div.


    Determines where tick labels are drawn relative to the ticks. Left and right options are used when orientation is “h”, top and bottom when orientation is “v”.


    Sets the spacing between tick labels as compared to the spacing between ticks. A value of 1 (default) means each tick gets a label. A value of 2 means shows every 2nd label. A larger value n means only every nth tick is labeled. tick0 determines which labels are shown. Not implemented for axes with type “log” or “multicategory”, or when tickmode is “array”.


    Sets the tick length (in px).


    Sets the tick mode for this axis. If “auto”, the number of ticks is set via nticks. If “linear”, the placement of the ticks is determined by a starting position tick0 and a tick step dtick (“linear” is the default value if tick0 and dtick are provided). If “array”, the placement of the ticks is set via tickvals and the tick text is ticktext. (“array” is the default value if tickvals is provided).


    Sets a tick label prefix.


    Determines whether ticks are drawn or not. If “”, this axis’ ticks are not drawn. If “outside” (“inside”), this axis’ are drawn outside (inside) the axis lines.


    Sets a tick label suffix.


    Sets the text displayed at the ticks position via tickvals. Only has an effect if tickmode is set to “array”. Used with tickvals.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ticktext.


    Sets the values at which ticks on this axis appear. Only has an effect if tickmode is set to “array”. Used with ticktext.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for tickvals.


    Sets the tick width (in px).


    plotly.graph_objects.histogram2d.colorb ar.Title instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the x position with respect to xref of the color bar (in plot fraction). When xref is “paper”, defaults to 1.02 when orientation is “v” and 0.5 when orientation is “h”. When xref is “container”, defaults to 1 when orientation is “v” and 0.5 when orientation is “h”. Must be between 0 and 1 if xref is “container” and between “-2” and 3 if xref is “paper”.


    Sets this color bar’s horizontal position anchor. This anchor binds the x position to the “left”, “center” or “right” of the color bar. Defaults to “left” when orientation is “v” and “center” when orientation is “h”.


    Sets the amount of padding (in px) along the x direction.


    Sets the container x refers to. “container” spans the entire width of the plot. “paper” refers to the width of the plotting area only.


    Sets the y position with respect to yref of the color bar (in plot fraction). When yref is “paper”, defaults to 0.5 when orientation is “v” and 1.02 when orientation is “h”. When yref is “container”, defaults to 0.5 when orientation is “v” and 1 when orientation is “h”. Must be between 0 and 1 if yref is “container” and between “-2” and 3 if yref is “paper”.


    Sets this color bar’s vertical position anchor This anchor binds the y position to the “top”, “middle” or “bottom” of the color bar. Defaults to “middle” when orientation is “v” and “bottom” when orientation is “h”.


    Sets the amount of padding (in px) along the y direction.


    Sets the container y refers to. “container” spans the entire height of the plot. “paper” refers to the height of the plotting area only.


Return type


property colorscale

Sets the colorscale. The colorscale must be an array containing arrays mapping a normalized value to an rgb, rgba, hex, hsl, hsv, or named color string. At minimum, a mapping for the lowest (0) and highest (1) values are required. For example, [[0, 'rgb(0,0,255)'], [1, 'rgb(255,0,0)']]. To control the bounds of the colorscale in color space, use zmin and zmax. Alternatively, colorscale may be a palette name string of the following list: Blackbody,Bluered,Blues,Cividis,Earth,Electric, Greens,Greys,Hot,Jet,Picnic,Portland,Rainbow,RdBu,Reds,Viridis, YlGnBu,YlOrRd.

The ‘colorscale’ property is a colorscale and may be specified as:

  • A list of colors that will be spaced evenly to create the colorscale. Many predefined colorscale lists are included in the sequential, diverging, and cyclical modules in the plotly.colors package.

  • A list of 2-element lists where the first element is the normalized color level value (starting at 0 and ending at 1), and the second item is a valid color string. (e.g. [[0, ‘green’], [0.5, ‘red’], [1.0, ‘rgb(0, 0, 255)’]])

  • One of the following named colorscales:
    [‘aggrnyl’, ‘agsunset’, ‘algae’, ‘amp’, ‘armyrose’, ‘balance’,

    ‘blackbody’, ‘bluered’, ‘blues’, ‘blugrn’, ‘bluyl’, ‘brbg’, ‘brwnyl’, ‘bugn’, ‘bupu’, ‘burg’, ‘burgyl’, ‘cividis’, ‘curl’, ‘darkmint’, ‘deep’, ‘delta’, ‘dense’, ‘earth’, ‘edge’, ‘electric’, ‘emrld’, ‘fall’, ‘geyser’, ‘gnbu’, ‘gray’, ‘greens’, ‘greys’, ‘haline’, ‘hot’, ‘hsv’, ‘ice’, ‘icefire’, ‘inferno’, ‘jet’, ‘magenta’, ‘magma’, ‘matter’, ‘mint’, ‘mrybm’, ‘mygbm’, ‘oranges’, ‘orrd’, ‘oryel’, ‘oxy’, ‘peach’, ‘phase’, ‘picnic’, ‘pinkyl’, ‘piyg’, ‘plasma’, ‘plotly3’, ‘portland’, ‘prgn’, ‘pubu’, ‘pubugn’, ‘puor’, ‘purd’, ‘purp’, ‘purples’, ‘purpor’, ‘rainbow’, ‘rdbu’, ‘rdgy’, ‘rdpu’, ‘rdylbu’, ‘rdylgn’, ‘redor’, ‘reds’, ‘solar’, ‘spectral’, ‘speed’, ‘sunset’, ‘sunsetdark’, ‘teal’, ‘tealgrn’, ‘tealrose’, ‘tempo’, ‘temps’, ‘thermal’, ‘tropic’, ‘turbid’, ‘turbo’, ‘twilight’, ‘viridis’, ‘ylgn’, ‘ylgnbu’, ‘ylorbr’, ‘ylorrd’].

    Appending ‘_r’ to a named colorscale reverses it.


Return type


property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property histfunc

Specifies the binning function used for this histogram trace. If “count”, the histogram values are computed by counting the number of values lying inside each bin. If “sum”, “avg”, “min”, “max”, the histogram values are computed using the sum, the average, the minimum or the maximum of the values lying inside each bin respectively.

The ‘histfunc’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘count’, ‘sum’, ‘avg’, ‘min’, ‘max’]


Return type


property histnorm

Specifies the type of normalization used for this histogram trace. If “”, the span of each bar corresponds to the number of occurrences (i.e. the number of data points lying inside the bins). If “percent” / “probability”, the span of each bar corresponds to the percentage / fraction of occurrences with respect to the total number of sample points (here, the sum of all bin HEIGHTS equals 100% / 1). If “density”, the span of each bar corresponds to the number of occurrences in a bin divided by the size of the bin interval (here, the sum of all bin AREAS equals the total number of sample points). If probability density, the area of each bar corresponds to the probability that an event will fall into the corresponding bin (here, the sum of all bin AREAS equals 1).

The ‘histnorm’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘’, ‘percent’, ‘probability’, ‘density’, ‘probability density’]


Return type


property hoverinfo

Determines which trace information appear on hover. If none or skip are set, no information is displayed upon hovering. But, if none is set, click and hover events are still fired.

The ‘hoverinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’, ‘text’, ‘name’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘x+y’) OR exactly one of [‘all’, ‘none’, ‘skip’] (e.g. ‘skip’)

  • A list or array of the above


Return type


property hoverinfosrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hoverinfo.

The ‘hoverinfosrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverlabel

The ‘hoverlabel’ property is an instance of Hoverlabel that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.histogram2d.Hoverlabel

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Hoverlabel constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans more two or more lines


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for align.


    Sets the background color of the hover labels for this trace


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bgcolor.


    Sets the border color of the hover labels for this trace.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bordercolor.


    Sets the font used in hover labels.


    Sets the default length (in number of characters) of the trace name in the hover labels for all traces. -1 shows the whole name regardless of length. 0-3 shows the first 0-3 characters, and an integer >3 will show the whole name if it is less than that many characters, but if it is longer, will truncate to namelength - 3 characters and add an ellipsis.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for namelength.


Return type


property hovertemplate

Template string used for rendering the information that appear on hover box. Note that this will override hoverinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}” as well as %{xother}, {%_xother}, {%_xother_}, {%xother_}. When showing info for several points, “xother” will be added to those with different x positions from the first point. An underscore before or after “(x|y)other” will add a space on that side, only when this field is shown. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. The variables available in hovertemplate are the ones emitted as event data described at this link Additionally, every attributes that can be specified per-point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Finally, the template string has access to variable z Anything contained in tag <extra> is displayed in the secondary box, for example “<extra>{}</extra>”. To hide the secondary box completely, use an empty tag <extra></extra>.

The ‘hovertemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertemplate.

The ‘hovertemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgroup

Sets the legend group for this trace. Traces and shapes part of the same legend group hide/show at the same time when toggling legend items.

The ‘legendgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.histogram2d.Legendgrouptitle

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type


property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property marker

The ‘marker’ property is an instance of Marker that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.histogram2d.Marker

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Marker constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the aggregation data.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property nbinsx

Specifies the maximum number of desired bins. This value will be used in an algorithm that will decide the optimal bin size such that the histogram best visualizes the distribution of the data. Ignored if xbins.size is provided.

The ‘nbinsx’ property is a integer and may be specified as:
  • An int (or float that will be cast to an int) in the interval [0, 9223372036854775807]


Return type


property nbinsy

Specifies the maximum number of desired bins. This value will be used in an algorithm that will decide the optimal bin size such that the histogram best visualizes the distribution of the data. Ignored if ybins.size is provided.

The ‘nbinsy’ property is a integer and may be specified as:
  • An int (or float that will be cast to an int) in the interval [0, 9223372036854775807]


Return type


property opacity

Sets the opacity of the trace.

The ‘opacity’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]


Return type


property reversescale

Reverses the color mapping if true. If true, zmin will correspond to the last color in the array and zmax will correspond to the first color.

The ‘reversescale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property showlegend

Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.

The ‘showlegend’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property showscale

Determines whether or not a colorbar is displayed for this trace.

The ‘showscale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.histogram2d.Stream

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type


property textfont

Sets the text font.

The ‘textfont’ property is an instance of Textfont that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.histogram2d.Textfont

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Textfont constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.


    Sets the kind of decoration line(s) with text, such as an “under”, “over” or “through” as well as combinations e.g. “under+over”, etc.


    Sets the shape and color of the shadow behind text. “auto” places minimal shadow and applies contrast text font color. See US/docs/Web/CSS/text-shadow for additional options.



    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets capitalization of text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all- lowercase, or with each word capitalized.


    Sets the variant of the font.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


Return type


property texttemplate

Template string used for rendering the information text that appear on points. Note that this will override textinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}”. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. Every attributes that can be specified per- point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Finally, the template string has access to variable z

The ‘texttemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property type
property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


property x

Sets the sample data to be binned on the x axis.

The ‘x’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property xaxis

Sets a reference between this trace’s x coordinates and a 2D cartesian x axis. If “x” (the default value), the x coordinates refer to layout.xaxis. If “x2”, the x coordinates refer to layout.xaxis2, and so on.

The ‘xaxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘x’, that may be specified as the string ‘x’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘x’, ‘x1’, ‘x2’, ‘x3’, etc.)


Return type


property xbingroup

Set a group of histogram traces which will have compatible x-bin settings. Using xbingroup, histogram2d and histogram2dcontour traces (on axes of the same axis type) can have compatible x-bin settings. Note that the same xbingroup value can be used to set (1D) histogram bingroup

The ‘xbingroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property xbins

The ‘xbins’ property is an instance of XBins that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.histogram2d.XBins

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the XBins constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the end value for the x axis bins. The last bin may not end exactly at this value, we increment the bin edge by size from start until we reach or exceed end. Defaults to the maximum data value. Like start, for dates use a date string, and for category data end is based on the category serial numbers.


    Sets the size of each x axis bin. Default behavior: If nbinsx is 0 or omitted, we choose a nice round bin size such that the number of bins is about the same as the typical number of samples in each bin. If nbinsx is provided, we choose a nice round bin size giving no more than that many bins. For date data, use milliseconds or “M<n>” for months, as in axis.dtick. For category data, the number of categories to bin together (always defaults to 1).


    Sets the starting value for the x axis bins. Defaults to the minimum data value, shifted down if necessary to make nice round values and to remove ambiguous bin edges. For example, if most of the data is integers we shift the bin edges 0.5 down, so a size of 5 would have a default start of -0.5, so it is clear that 0-4 are in the first bin, 5-9 in the second, but continuous data gets a start of 0 and bins [0,5), [5,10) etc. Dates behave similarly, and start should be a date string. For category data, start is based on the category serial numbers, and defaults to -0.5.


Return type


property xcalendar

Sets the calendar system to use with x date data.

The ‘xcalendar’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘chinese’, ‘coptic’, ‘discworld’, ‘ethiopian’, ‘gregorian’, ‘hebrew’, ‘islamic’, ‘jalali’, ‘julian’, ‘mayan’, ‘nanakshahi’, ‘nepali’, ‘persian’, ‘taiwan’, ‘thai’, ‘ummalqura’]


Return type


property xgap

Sets the horizontal gap (in pixels) between bricks.

The ‘xgap’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property xhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor x using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using xaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘xhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property xsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for x.

The ‘xsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property y

Sets the sample data to be binned on the y axis.

The ‘y’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property yaxis

Sets a reference between this trace’s y coordinates and a 2D cartesian y axis. If “y” (the default value), the y coordinates refer to layout.yaxis. If “y2”, the y coordinates refer to layout.yaxis2, and so on.

The ‘yaxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘y’, that may be specified as the string ‘y’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘y’, ‘y1’, ‘y2’, ‘y3’, etc.)


Return type


property ybingroup

Set a group of histogram traces which will have compatible y-bin settings. Using ybingroup, histogram2d and histogram2dcontour traces (on axes of the same axis type) can have compatible y-bin settings. Note that the same ybingroup value can be used to set (1D) histogram bingroup

The ‘ybingroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property ybins

The ‘ybins’ property is an instance of YBins that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.histogram2d.YBins

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the YBins constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the end value for the y axis bins. The last bin may not end exactly at this value, we increment the bin edge by size from start until we reach or exceed end. Defaults to the maximum data value. Like start, for dates use a date string, and for category data end is based on the category serial numbers.


    Sets the size of each y axis bin. Default behavior: If nbinsy is 0 or omitted, we choose a nice round bin size such that the number of bins is about the same as the typical number of samples in each bin. If nbinsy is provided, we choose a nice round bin size giving no more than that many bins. For date data, use milliseconds or “M<n>” for months, as in axis.dtick. For category data, the number of categories to bin together (always defaults to 1).


    Sets the starting value for the y axis bins. Defaults to the minimum data value, shifted down if necessary to make nice round values and to remove ambiguous bin edges. For example, if most of the data is integers we shift the bin edges 0.5 down, so a size of 5 would have a default start of -0.5, so it is clear that 0-4 are in the first bin, 5-9 in the second, but continuous data gets a start of 0 and bins [0,5), [5,10) etc. Dates behave similarly, and start should be a date string. For category data, start is based on the category serial numbers, and defaults to -0.5.


Return type


property ycalendar

Sets the calendar system to use with y date data.

The ‘ycalendar’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘chinese’, ‘coptic’, ‘discworld’, ‘ethiopian’, ‘gregorian’, ‘hebrew’, ‘islamic’, ‘jalali’, ‘julian’, ‘mayan’, ‘nanakshahi’, ‘nepali’, ‘persian’, ‘taiwan’, ‘thai’, ‘ummalqura’]


Return type


property ygap

Sets the vertical gap (in pixels) between bricks.

The ‘ygap’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property yhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor y using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using yaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘yhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property ysrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for y.

The ‘ysrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property z

Sets the aggregation data.

The ‘z’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property zauto

Determines whether or not the color domain is computed with respect to the input data (here in z) or the bounds set in zmin and zmax Defaults to false when zmin and zmax are set by the user.

The ‘zauto’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property zhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor z using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: default the values are formatted using generic number format.

The ‘zhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property zmax

Sets the upper bound of the color domain. Value should have the same units as in z and if set, zmin must be set as well.

The ‘zmax’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property zmid

Sets the mid-point of the color domain by scaling zmin and/or zmax to be equidistant to this point. Value should have the same units as in z. Has no effect when zauto is false.

The ‘zmid’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property zmin

Sets the lower bound of the color domain. Value should have the same units as in z and if set, zmax must be set as well.

The ‘zmin’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property zsmooth

Picks a smoothing algorithm use to smooth z data.

The ‘zsmooth’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘fast’, ‘best’, False]


Return type


property zsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for z.

The ‘zsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


class, autobinx=None, autobiny=None, autocolorscale=None, autocontour=None, bingroup=None, coloraxis=None, colorbar=None, colorscale=None, contours=None, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, histfunc=None, histnorm=None, hoverinfo=None, hoverinfosrc=None, hoverlabel=None, hovertemplate=None, hovertemplatesrc=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, legend=None, legendgroup=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, line=None, marker=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, name=None, nbinsx=None, nbinsy=None, ncontours=None, opacity=None, reversescale=None, showlegend=None, showscale=None, stream=None, textfont=None, texttemplate=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, visible=None, x=None, xaxis=None, xbingroup=None, xbins=None, xcalendar=None, xhoverformat=None, xsrc=None, y=None, yaxis=None, ybingroup=None, ybins=None, ycalendar=None, yhoverformat=None, ysrc=None, z=None, zauto=None, zhoverformat=None, zmax=None, zmid=None, zmin=None, zsrc=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property autobinx

since v1.42 each bin attribute is auto-determined separately and autobinx is not needed. However, we accept autobinx: true or false and will update xbins accordingly before deleting autobinx from the trace.

The ‘autobinx’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type




property autobiny

since v1.42 each bin attribute is auto-determined separately and autobiny is not needed. However, we accept autobiny: true or false and will update ybins accordingly before deleting autobiny from the trace.

The ‘autobiny’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type




property autocolorscale

Determines whether the colorscale is a default palette (autocolorscale: true) or the palette determined by colorscale. In case colorscale is unspecified or autocolorscale is true, the default palette will be chosen according to whether numbers in the color array are all positive, all negative or mixed.

The ‘autocolorscale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property autocontour

Determines whether or not the contour level attributes are picked by an algorithm. If True, the number of contour levels can be set in ncontours. If False, set the contour level attributes in contours.

The ‘autocontour’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property bingroup

Set the xbingroup and ybingroup default prefix For example, setting a bingroup of 1 on two histogram2d traces will make them their x-bins and y-bins match separately.

The ‘bingroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property coloraxis

Sets a reference to a shared color axis. References to these shared color axes are “coloraxis”, “coloraxis2”, “coloraxis3”, etc. Settings for these shared color axes are set in the layout, under layout.coloraxis, layout.coloraxis2, etc. Note that multiple color scales can be linked to the same color axis.

The ‘coloraxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘coloraxis’, that may be specified as the string ‘coloraxis’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘coloraxis’, ‘coloraxis1’, ‘coloraxis2’, ‘coloraxis3’, etc.)


Return type


property colorbar

The ‘colorbar’ property is an instance of ColorBar that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.histogram2dcontour.ColorBar

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the ColorBar constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the color of padded area.


    Sets the axis line color.


    Sets the width (in px) or the border enclosing this color bar.


    Sets the step in-between ticks on this axis. Use with tick0. Must be a positive number, or special strings available to “log” and “date” axes. If the axis type is “log”, then ticks are set every 10^(n*dtick) where n is the tick number. For example, to set a tick mark at 1, 10, 100, 1000, … set dtick to 1. To set tick marks at 1, 100, 10000, … set dtick to 2. To set tick marks at 1, 5, 25, 125, 625, 3125, … set dtick to log_10(5), or 0.69897000433. “log” has several special values; “L<f>”, where f is a positive number, gives ticks linearly spaced in value (but not position). For example tick0 = 0.1, dtick = “L0.5” will put ticks at 0.1, 0.6, 1.1, 1.6 etc. To show powers of 10 plus small digits between, use “D1” (all digits) or “D2” (only 2 and 5). tick0 is ignored for “D1” and “D2”. If the axis type is “date”, then you must convert the time to milliseconds. For example, to set the interval between ticks to one day, set dtick to 86400000.0. “date” also has special values “M<n>” gives ticks spaced by a number of months. n must be a positive integer. To set ticks on the 15th of every third month, set tick0 to “2000-01-15” and dtick to “M3”. To set ticks every 4 years, set dtick to “M48”


    Determines a formatting rule for the tick exponents. For example, consider the number 1,000,000,000. If “none”, it appears as 1,000,000,000. If “e”, 1e+9. If “E”, 1E+9. If “power”, 1x10^9 (with 9 in a super script). If “SI”, 1G. If “B”, 1B.


    Replacement text for specific tick or hover labels. For example using {US: ‘USA’, CA: ‘Canada’} changes US to USA and CA to Canada. The labels we would have shown must match the keys exactly, after adding any tickprefix or ticksuffix. For negative numbers the minus sign symbol used (U+2212) is wider than the regular ascii dash. That means you need to use −1 instead of -1. labelalias can be used with any axis type, and both keys (if needed) and values (if desired) can include html-like tags or MathJax.


    Sets the length of the color bar This measure excludes the padding of both ends. That is, the color bar length is this length minus the padding on both ends.


    Determines whether this color bar’s length (i.e. the measure in the color variation direction) is set in units of plot “fraction” or in *pixels. Use len to set the value.


    Hide SI prefix for 10^n if |n| is below this number. This only has an effect when tickformat is “SI” or “B”.


    Specifies the maximum number of ticks for the particular axis. The actual number of ticks will be chosen automatically to be less than or equal to nticks. Has an effect only if tickmode is set to “auto”.


    Sets the orientation of the colorbar.


    Sets the axis line color.


    Sets the width (in px) of the axis line.


    If “true”, even 4-digit integers are separated


    If “all”, all exponents are shown besides their significands. If “first”, only the exponent of the first tick is shown. If “last”, only the exponent of the last tick is shown. If “none”, no exponents appear.


    Determines whether or not the tick labels are drawn.


    If “all”, all tick labels are displayed with a prefix. If “first”, only the first tick is displayed with a prefix. If “last”, only the last tick is displayed with a suffix. If “none”, tick prefixes are hidden.


    Same as showtickprefix but for tick suffixes.


    Sets the thickness of the color bar This measure excludes the size of the padding, ticks and labels.


    Determines whether this color bar’s thickness (i.e. the measure in the constant color direction) is set in units of plot “fraction” or in “pixels”. Use thickness to set the value.


    Sets the placement of the first tick on this axis. Use with dtick. If the axis type is “log”, then you must take the log of your starting tick (e.g. to set the starting tick to 100, set the tick0 to 2) except when dtick`=*L<f>* (see `dtick for more info). If the axis type is “date”, it should be a date string, like date data. If the axis type is “category”, it should be a number, using the scale where each category is assigned a serial number from zero in the order it appears.


    Sets the angle of the tick labels with respect to the horizontal. For example, a tickangle of -90 draws the tick labels vertically.


    Sets the tick color.


    Sets the color bar’s tick label font


    Sets the tick label formatting rule using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: h ttps:// format. And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display “09~15~23.46”


    A tuple of plotly.graph_objects.histogr am2dcontour.colorbar.Tickformatstop instances or dicts with compatible properties


    When used in a template (as layout.template.dat a.histogram2dcontour.colorbar.tickformatstopdef aults), sets the default property values to use for elements of histogram2dcontour.colorbar.tickformatstops


    Determines how we handle tick labels that would overflow either the graph div or the domain of the axis. The default value for inside tick labels is hide past domain. In other cases the default is hide past div.


    Determines where tick labels are drawn relative to the ticks. Left and right options are used when orientation is “h”, top and bottom when orientation is “v”.


    Sets the spacing between tick labels as compared to the spacing between ticks. A value of 1 (default) means each tick gets a label. A value of 2 means shows every 2nd label. A larger value n means only every nth tick is labeled. tick0 determines which labels are shown. Not implemented for axes with type “log” or “multicategory”, or when tickmode is “array”.


    Sets the tick length (in px).


    Sets the tick mode for this axis. If “auto”, the number of ticks is set via nticks. If “linear”, the placement of the ticks is determined by a starting position tick0 and a tick step dtick (“linear” is the default value if tick0 and dtick are provided). If “array”, the placement of the ticks is set via tickvals and the tick text is ticktext. (“array” is the default value if tickvals is provided).


    Sets a tick label prefix.


    Determines whether ticks are drawn or not. If “”, this axis’ ticks are not drawn. If “outside” (“inside”), this axis’ are drawn outside (inside) the axis lines.


    Sets a tick label suffix.


    Sets the text displayed at the ticks position via tickvals. Only has an effect if tickmode is set to “array”. Used with tickvals.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ticktext.


    Sets the values at which ticks on this axis appear. Only has an effect if tickmode is set to “array”. Used with ticktext.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for tickvals.


    Sets the tick width (in px).


    plotly.graph_objects.histogram2dcontour .colorbar.Title instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the x position with respect to xref of the color bar (in plot fraction). When xref is “paper”, defaults to 1.02 when orientation is “v” and 0.5 when orientation is “h”. When xref is “container”, defaults to 1 when orientation is “v” and 0.5 when orientation is “h”. Must be between 0 and 1 if xref is “container” and between “-2” and 3 if xref is “paper”.


    Sets this color bar’s horizontal position anchor. This anchor binds the x position to the “left”, “center” or “right” of the color bar. Defaults to “left” when orientation is “v” and “center” when orientation is “h”.


    Sets the amount of padding (in px) along the x direction.


    Sets the container x refers to. “container” spans the entire width of the plot. “paper” refers to the width of the plotting area only.


    Sets the y position with respect to yref of the color bar (in plot fraction). When yref is “paper”, defaults to 0.5 when orientation is “v” and 1.02 when orientation is “h”. When yref is “container”, defaults to 0.5 when orientation is “v” and 1 when orientation is “h”. Must be between 0 and 1 if yref is “container” and between “-2” and 3 if yref is “paper”.


    Sets this color bar’s vertical position anchor This anchor binds the y position to the “top”, “middle” or “bottom” of the color bar. Defaults to “middle” when orientation is “v” and “bottom” when orientation is “h”.


    Sets the amount of padding (in px) along the y direction.


    Sets the container y refers to. “container” spans the entire height of the plot. “paper” refers to the height of the plotting area only.


Return type


property colorscale

Sets the colorscale. The colorscale must be an array containing arrays mapping a normalized value to an rgb, rgba, hex, hsl, hsv, or named color string. At minimum, a mapping for the lowest (0) and highest (1) values are required. For example, [[0, 'rgb(0,0,255)'], [1, 'rgb(255,0,0)']]. To control the bounds of the colorscale in color space, use zmin and zmax. Alternatively, colorscale may be a palette name string of the following list: Blackbody,Bluered,Blues,Cividis,Earth,Electric, Greens,Greys,Hot,Jet,Picnic,Portland,Rainbow,RdBu,Reds,Viridis, YlGnBu,YlOrRd.

The ‘colorscale’ property is a colorscale and may be specified as:

  • A list of colors that will be spaced evenly to create the colorscale. Many predefined colorscale lists are included in the sequential, diverging, and cyclical modules in the plotly.colors package.

  • A list of 2-element lists where the first element is the normalized color level value (starting at 0 and ending at 1), and the second item is a valid color string. (e.g. [[0, ‘green’], [0.5, ‘red’], [1.0, ‘rgb(0, 0, 255)’]])

  • One of the following named colorscales:
    [‘aggrnyl’, ‘agsunset’, ‘algae’, ‘amp’, ‘armyrose’, ‘balance’,

    ‘blackbody’, ‘bluered’, ‘blues’, ‘blugrn’, ‘bluyl’, ‘brbg’, ‘brwnyl’, ‘bugn’, ‘bupu’, ‘burg’, ‘burgyl’, ‘cividis’, ‘curl’, ‘darkmint’, ‘deep’, ‘delta’, ‘dense’, ‘earth’, ‘edge’, ‘electric’, ‘emrld’, ‘fall’, ‘geyser’, ‘gnbu’, ‘gray’, ‘greens’, ‘greys’, ‘haline’, ‘hot’, ‘hsv’, ‘ice’, ‘icefire’, ‘inferno’, ‘jet’, ‘magenta’, ‘magma’, ‘matter’, ‘mint’, ‘mrybm’, ‘mygbm’, ‘oranges’, ‘orrd’, ‘oryel’, ‘oxy’, ‘peach’, ‘phase’, ‘picnic’, ‘pinkyl’, ‘piyg’, ‘plasma’, ‘plotly3’, ‘portland’, ‘prgn’, ‘pubu’, ‘pubugn’, ‘puor’, ‘purd’, ‘purp’, ‘purples’, ‘purpor’, ‘rainbow’, ‘rdbu’, ‘rdgy’, ‘rdpu’, ‘rdylbu’, ‘rdylgn’, ‘redor’, ‘reds’, ‘solar’, ‘spectral’, ‘speed’, ‘sunset’, ‘sunsetdark’, ‘teal’, ‘tealgrn’, ‘tealrose’, ‘tempo’, ‘temps’, ‘thermal’, ‘tropic’, ‘turbid’, ‘turbo’, ‘twilight’, ‘viridis’, ‘ylgn’, ‘ylgnbu’, ‘ylorbr’, ‘ylorrd’].

    Appending ‘_r’ to a named colorscale reverses it.


Return type


property contours

The ‘contours’ property is an instance of Contours that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.histogram2dcontour.Contours

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Contours constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Determines the coloring method showing the contour values. If “fill”, coloring is done evenly between each contour level If “heatmap”, a heatmap gradient coloring is applied between each contour level. If “lines”, coloring is done on the contour lines. If “none”, no coloring is applied on this trace.


    Sets the end contour level value. Must be more than contours.start


    Sets the font used for labeling the contour levels. The default color comes from the lines, if shown. The default family and size come from layout.font.


    Sets the contour label formatting rule using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: h ttps:// format.


    Sets the constraint operation. “=” keeps regions equal to value “<” and “<=” keep regions less than value “>” and “>=” keep regions greater than value “[]”, “()”, “[)”, and “(]” keep regions inside value[0] to value[1] “][“, “)(“, “](“, “)[” keep regions outside value[0] to value[1]` Open vs. closed intervals make no difference to constraint display, but all versions are allowed for consistency with filter transforms.


    Determines whether to label the contour lines with their values.


    Determines whether or not the contour lines are drawn. Has an effect only if contours.coloring is set to “fill”.


    Sets the step between each contour level. Must be positive.


    Sets the starting contour level value. Must be less than contours.end


    If levels, the data is represented as a contour plot with multiple levels displayed. If constraint, the data is represented as constraints with the invalid region shaded as specified by the operation and value parameters.


    Sets the value or values of the constraint boundary. When operation is set to one of the comparison values (=,<,>=,>,<=) “value” is expected to be a number. When operation is set to one of the interval values ([],(),[),(],][,)(,](,)[) “value” is expected to be an array of two numbers where the first is the lower bound and the second is the upper bound.


Return type


property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property histfunc

Specifies the binning function used for this histogram trace. If “count”, the histogram values are computed by counting the number of values lying inside each bin. If “sum”, “avg”, “min”, “max”, the histogram values are computed using the sum, the average, the minimum or the maximum of the values lying inside each bin respectively.

The ‘histfunc’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘count’, ‘sum’, ‘avg’, ‘min’, ‘max’]


Return type


property histnorm

Specifies the type of normalization used for this histogram trace. If “”, the span of each bar corresponds to the number of occurrences (i.e. the number of data points lying inside the bins). If “percent” / “probability”, the span of each bar corresponds to the percentage / fraction of occurrences with respect to the total number of sample points (here, the sum of all bin HEIGHTS equals 100% / 1). If “density”, the span of each bar corresponds to the number of occurrences in a bin divided by the size of the bin interval (here, the sum of all bin AREAS equals the total number of sample points). If probability density, the area of each bar corresponds to the probability that an event will fall into the corresponding bin (here, the sum of all bin AREAS equals 1).

The ‘histnorm’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘’, ‘percent’, ‘probability’, ‘density’, ‘probability density’]


Return type


property hoverinfo

Determines which trace information appear on hover. If none or skip are set, no information is displayed upon hovering. But, if none is set, click and hover events are still fired.

The ‘hoverinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’, ‘text’, ‘name’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘x+y’) OR exactly one of [‘all’, ‘none’, ‘skip’] (e.g. ‘skip’)

  • A list or array of the above


Return type


property hoverinfosrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hoverinfo.

The ‘hoverinfosrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverlabel

The ‘hoverlabel’ property is an instance of Hoverlabel that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.histogram2dcontour.Hoverlabel

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Hoverlabel constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans more two or more lines


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for align.


    Sets the background color of the hover labels for this trace


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bgcolor.


    Sets the border color of the hover labels for this trace.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bordercolor.


    Sets the font used in hover labels.


    Sets the default length (in number of characters) of the trace name in the hover labels for all traces. -1 shows the whole name regardless of length. 0-3 shows the first 0-3 characters, and an integer >3 will show the whole name if it is less than that many characters, but if it is longer, will truncate to namelength - 3 characters and add an ellipsis.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for namelength.


Return type


property hovertemplate

Template string used for rendering the information that appear on hover box. Note that this will override hoverinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}” as well as %{xother}, {%_xother}, {%_xother_}, {%xother_}. When showing info for several points, “xother” will be added to those with different x positions from the first point. An underscore before or after “(x|y)other” will add a space on that side, only when this field is shown. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. The variables available in hovertemplate are the ones emitted as event data described at this link Additionally, every attributes that can be specified per-point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Finally, the template string has access to variable z Anything contained in tag <extra> is displayed in the secondary box, for example “<extra>{}</extra>”. To hide the secondary box completely, use an empty tag <extra></extra>.

The ‘hovertemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertemplate.

The ‘hovertemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgroup

Sets the legend group for this trace. Traces and shapes part of the same legend group hide/show at the same time when toggling legend items.

The ‘legendgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:


Return type


property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property line

The ‘line’ property is an instance of Line that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.histogram2dcontour.Line

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Line constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the color of the contour level. Has no effect if contours.coloring is set to “lines”.


    Sets the dash style of lines. Set to a dash type string (“solid”, “dot”, “dash”, “longdash”, “dashdot”, or “longdashdot”) or a dash length list in px (eg “5px,10px,2px,2px”).


    Sets the amount of smoothing for the contour lines, where 0 corresponds to no smoothing.


    Sets the contour line width in (in px)


Return type


property marker

The ‘marker’ property is an instance of Marker that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.histogram2dcontour.Marker

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Marker constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the aggregation data.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property nbinsx

Specifies the maximum number of desired bins. This value will be used in an algorithm that will decide the optimal bin size such that the histogram best visualizes the distribution of the data. Ignored if xbins.size is provided.

The ‘nbinsx’ property is a integer and may be specified as:
  • An int (or float that will be cast to an int) in the interval [0, 9223372036854775807]


Return type


property nbinsy

Specifies the maximum number of desired bins. This value will be used in an algorithm that will decide the optimal bin size such that the histogram best visualizes the distribution of the data. Ignored if ybins.size is provided.

The ‘nbinsy’ property is a integer and may be specified as:
  • An int (or float that will be cast to an int) in the interval [0, 9223372036854775807]


Return type


property ncontours

Sets the maximum number of contour levels. The actual number of contours will be chosen automatically to be less than or equal to the value of ncontours. Has an effect only if autocontour is True or if contours.size is missing.

The ‘ncontours’ property is a integer and may be specified as:
  • An int (or float that will be cast to an int) in the interval [1, 9223372036854775807]


Return type


property opacity

Sets the opacity of the trace.

The ‘opacity’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]


Return type


property reversescale

Reverses the color mapping if true. If true, zmin will correspond to the last color in the array and zmax will correspond to the first color.

The ‘reversescale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property showlegend

Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.

The ‘showlegend’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property showscale

Determines whether or not a colorbar is displayed for this trace.

The ‘showscale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.histogram2dcontour.Stream

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type


property textfont

For this trace it only has an effect if coloring is set to “heatmap”. Sets the text font.

The ‘textfont’ property is an instance of Textfont that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.histogram2dcontour.Textfont

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Textfont constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.


    Sets the kind of decoration line(s) with text, such as an “under”, “over” or “through” as well as combinations e.g. “under+over”, etc.


    Sets the shape and color of the shadow behind text. “auto” places minimal shadow and applies contrast text font color. See US/docs/Web/CSS/text-shadow for additional options.



    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets capitalization of text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all- lowercase, or with each word capitalized.


    Sets the variant of the font.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


Return type


property texttemplate

For this trace it only has an effect if coloring is set to “heatmap”. Template string used for rendering the information text that appear on points. Note that this will override textinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}”. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. Every attributes that can be specified per- point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Finally, the template string has access to variables x, y, z and text.

The ‘texttemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property type
property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


property x

Sets the sample data to be binned on the x axis.

The ‘x’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property xaxis

Sets a reference between this trace’s x coordinates and a 2D cartesian x axis. If “x” (the default value), the x coordinates refer to layout.xaxis. If “x2”, the x coordinates refer to layout.xaxis2, and so on.

The ‘xaxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘x’, that may be specified as the string ‘x’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘x’, ‘x1’, ‘x2’, ‘x3’, etc.)


Return type


property xbingroup

Set a group of histogram traces which will have compatible x-bin settings. Using xbingroup, histogram2d and histogram2dcontour traces (on axes of the same axis type) can have compatible x-bin settings. Note that the same xbingroup value can be used to set (1D) histogram bingroup

The ‘xbingroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property xbins

The ‘xbins’ property is an instance of XBins that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.histogram2dcontour.XBins

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the XBins constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the end value for the x axis bins. The last bin may not end exactly at this value, we increment the bin edge by size from start until we reach or exceed end. Defaults to the maximum data value. Like start, for dates use a date string, and for category data end is based on the category serial numbers.


    Sets the size of each x axis bin. Default behavior: If nbinsx is 0 or omitted, we choose a nice round bin size such that the number of bins is about the same as the typical number of samples in each bin. If nbinsx is provided, we choose a nice round bin size giving no more than that many bins. For date data, use milliseconds or “M<n>” for months, as in axis.dtick. For category data, the number of categories to bin together (always defaults to 1).


    Sets the starting value for the x axis bins. Defaults to the minimum data value, shifted down if necessary to make nice round values and to remove ambiguous bin edges. For example, if most of the data is integers we shift the bin edges 0.5 down, so a size of 5 would have a default start of -0.5, so it is clear that 0-4 are in the first bin, 5-9 in the second, but continuous data gets a start of 0 and bins [0,5), [5,10) etc. Dates behave similarly, and start should be a date string. For category data, start is based on the category serial numbers, and defaults to -0.5.


Return type


property xcalendar

Sets the calendar system to use with x date data.

The ‘xcalendar’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘chinese’, ‘coptic’, ‘discworld’, ‘ethiopian’, ‘gregorian’, ‘hebrew’, ‘islamic’, ‘jalali’, ‘julian’, ‘mayan’, ‘nanakshahi’, ‘nepali’, ‘persian’, ‘taiwan’, ‘thai’, ‘ummalqura’]


Return type


property xhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor x using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using xaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘xhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property xsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for x.

The ‘xsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property y

Sets the sample data to be binned on the y axis.

The ‘y’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property yaxis

Sets a reference between this trace’s y coordinates and a 2D cartesian y axis. If “y” (the default value), the y coordinates refer to layout.yaxis. If “y2”, the y coordinates refer to layout.yaxis2, and so on.

The ‘yaxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘y’, that may be specified as the string ‘y’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘y’, ‘y1’, ‘y2’, ‘y3’, etc.)


Return type


property ybingroup

Set a group of histogram traces which will have compatible y-bin settings. Using ybingroup, histogram2d and histogram2dcontour traces (on axes of the same axis type) can have compatible y-bin settings. Note that the same ybingroup value can be used to set (1D) histogram bingroup

The ‘ybingroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property ybins

The ‘ybins’ property is an instance of YBins that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.histogram2dcontour.YBins

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the YBins constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the end value for the y axis bins. The last bin may not end exactly at this value, we increment the bin edge by size from start until we reach or exceed end. Defaults to the maximum data value. Like start, for dates use a date string, and for category data end is based on the category serial numbers.


    Sets the size of each y axis bin. Default behavior: If nbinsy is 0 or omitted, we choose a nice round bin size such that the number of bins is about the same as the typical number of samples in each bin. If nbinsy is provided, we choose a nice round bin size giving no more than that many bins. For date data, use milliseconds or “M<n>” for months, as in axis.dtick. For category data, the number of categories to bin together (always defaults to 1).


    Sets the starting value for the y axis bins. Defaults to the minimum data value, shifted down if necessary to make nice round values and to remove ambiguous bin edges. For example, if most of the data is integers we shift the bin edges 0.5 down, so a size of 5 would have a default start of -0.5, so it is clear that 0-4 are in the first bin, 5-9 in the second, but continuous data gets a start of 0 and bins [0,5), [5,10) etc. Dates behave similarly, and start should be a date string. For category data, start is based on the category serial numbers, and defaults to -0.5.


Return type


property ycalendar

Sets the calendar system to use with y date data.

The ‘ycalendar’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘chinese’, ‘coptic’, ‘discworld’, ‘ethiopian’, ‘gregorian’, ‘hebrew’, ‘islamic’, ‘jalali’, ‘julian’, ‘mayan’, ‘nanakshahi’, ‘nepali’, ‘persian’, ‘taiwan’, ‘thai’, ‘ummalqura’]


Return type


property yhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor y using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using yaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘yhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property ysrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for y.

The ‘ysrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property z

Sets the aggregation data.

The ‘z’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property zauto

Determines whether or not the color domain is computed with respect to the input data (here in z) or the bounds set in zmin and zmax Defaults to false when zmin and zmax are set by the user.

The ‘zauto’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property zhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor z using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: default the values are formatted using generic number format.

The ‘zhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property zmax

Sets the upper bound of the color domain. Value should have the same units as in z and if set, zmin must be set as well.

The ‘zmax’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property zmid

Sets the mid-point of the color domain by scaling zmin and/or zmax to be equidistant to this point. Value should have the same units as in z. Has no effect when zauto is false.

The ‘zmid’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property zmin

Sets the lower bound of the color domain. Value should have the same units as in z and if set, zmax must be set as well.

The ‘zmin’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property zsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for z.

The ‘zsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


class, branchvalues=None, count=None, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, domain=None, hoverinfo=None, hoverinfosrc=None, hoverlabel=None, hovertemplate=None, hovertemplatesrc=None, hovertext=None, hovertextsrc=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, insidetextfont=None, labels=None, labelssrc=None, leaf=None, legend=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, level=None, marker=None, maxdepth=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, name=None, opacity=None, outsidetextfont=None, parents=None, parentssrc=None, pathbar=None, root=None, sort=None, stream=None, text=None, textfont=None, textinfo=None, textposition=None, textsrc=None, texttemplate=None, texttemplatesrc=None, tiling=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, values=None, valuessrc=None, visible=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property branchvalues

Determines how the items in values are summed. When set to “total”, items in values are taken to be value of all its descendants. When set to “remainder”, items in values corresponding to the root and the branches sectors are taken to be the extra part not part of the sum of the values at their leaves.

The ‘branchvalues’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘remainder’, ‘total’]


Return type


property count

Determines default for values when it is not provided, by inferring a 1 for each of the “leaves” and/or “branches”, otherwise 0.

The ‘count’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘branches’, ‘leaves’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘branches+leaves’)


Return type


property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property domain

The ‘domain’ property is an instance of Domain that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.icicle.Domain

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Domain constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    If there is a layout grid, use the domain for this column in the grid for this icicle trace .


    If there is a layout grid, use the domain for this row in the grid for this icicle trace .


    Sets the horizontal domain of this icicle trace (in plot fraction).


    Sets the vertical domain of this icicle trace (in plot fraction).


Return type


property hoverinfo

Determines which trace information appear on hover. If none or skip are set, no information is displayed upon hovering. But, if none is set, click and hover events are still fired.

The ‘hoverinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘label’, ‘text’, ‘value’, ‘name’, ‘current path’, ‘percent root’, ‘percent entry’, ‘percent parent’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘label+text’) OR exactly one of [‘all’, ‘none’, ‘skip’] (e.g. ‘skip’)

  • A list or array of the above


Return type


property hoverinfosrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hoverinfo.

The ‘hoverinfosrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverlabel

The ‘hoverlabel’ property is an instance of Hoverlabel that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.icicle.Hoverlabel

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Hoverlabel constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans more two or more lines


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for align.


    Sets the background color of the hover labels for this trace


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bgcolor.


    Sets the border color of the hover labels for this trace.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bordercolor.


    Sets the font used in hover labels.


    Sets the default length (in number of characters) of the trace name in the hover labels for all traces. -1 shows the whole name regardless of length. 0-3 shows the first 0-3 characters, and an integer >3 will show the whole name if it is less than that many characters, but if it is longer, will truncate to namelength - 3 characters and add an ellipsis.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for namelength.


Return type


property hovertemplate

Template string used for rendering the information that appear on hover box. Note that this will override hoverinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}” as well as %{xother}, {%_xother}, {%_xother_}, {%xother_}. When showing info for several points, “xother” will be added to those with different x positions from the first point. An underscore before or after “(x|y)other” will add a space on that side, only when this field is shown. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. The variables available in hovertemplate are the ones emitted as event data described at this link Additionally, every attributes that can be specified per-point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Finally, the template string has access to variables currentPath, root, entry, percentRoot, percentEntry and percentParent. Anything contained in tag <extra> is displayed in the secondary box, for example “<extra>{}</extra>”. To hide the secondary box completely, use an empty tag <extra></extra>.

The ‘hovertemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertemplate.

The ‘hovertemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hovertext

Sets hover text elements associated with each sector. If a single string, the same string appears for all data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order of this trace’s sectors. To be seen, trace hoverinfo must contain a “text” flag.

The ‘hovertext’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertextsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertext.

The ‘hovertextsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property insidetextfont

Sets the font used for textinfo lying inside the sector.

The ‘insidetextfont’ property is an instance of Insidetextfont that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.icicle.Insidetextfont

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Insidetextfont constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for family.


    Sets the kind of decoration line(s) with text, such as an “under”, “over” or “through” as well as combinations e.g. “under+over”, etc.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for lineposition.


    Sets the shape and color of the shadow behind text. “auto” places minimal shadow and applies contrast text font color. See US/docs/Web/CSS/text-shadow for additional options.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for shadow.



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for size.


    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for style.


    Sets capitalization of text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all- lowercase, or with each word capitalized.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for textcase.


    Sets the variant of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for variant.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for weight.


Return type


property labels

Sets the labels of each of the sectors.

The ‘labels’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property labelssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for labels.

The ‘labelssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property leaf

The ‘leaf’ property is an instance of Leaf that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.icicle.Leaf

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Leaf constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the opacity of the leaves. With colorscale it is defaulted to 1; otherwise it is defaulted to 0.7


Return type


property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.icicle.Legendgrouptitle

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type


property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property level

Sets the level from which this trace hierarchy is rendered. Set level to '' to start from the root node in the hierarchy. Must be an “id” if ids is filled in, otherwise plotly attempts to find a matching item in labels.

The ‘level’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property marker

The ‘marker’ property is an instance of Marker that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.icicle.Marker

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Marker constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Determines whether the colorscale is a default palette (autocolorscale: true) or the palette determined by marker.colorscale. Has an effect only if colors is set to a numerical array. In case colorscale is unspecified or autocolorscale is true, the default palette will be chosen according to whether numbers in the color array are all positive, all negative or mixed.


    Determines whether or not the color domain is computed with respect to the input data (here colors) or the bounds set in marker.cmin and marker.cmax Has an effect only if colors is set to a numerical array. Defaults to false when marker.cmin and marker.cmax are set by the user.


    Sets the upper bound of the color domain. Has an effect only if colors is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as colors and if set, marker.cmin must be set as well.


    Sets the mid-point of the color domain by scaling marker.cmin and/or marker.cmax to be equidistant to this point. Has an effect only if colors is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as colors. Has no effect when marker.cauto is false.


    Sets the lower bound of the color domain. Has an effect only if colors is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as colors and if set, marker.cmax must be set as well.


    Sets a reference to a shared color axis. References to these shared color axes are “coloraxis”, “coloraxis2”, “coloraxis3”, etc. Settings for these shared color axes are set in the layout, under layout.coloraxis, layout.coloraxis2, etc. Note that multiple color scales can be linked to the same color axis.


    plotly.graph_objects.icicle.marker.Colo rBar instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the color of each sector of this trace. If not specified, the default trace color set is used to pick the sector colors.


    Sets the colorscale. Has an effect only if colors is set to a numerical array. The colorscale must be an array containing arrays mapping a normalized value to an rgb, rgba, hex, hsl, hsv, or named color string. At minimum, a mapping for the lowest (0) and highest (1) values are required. For example, [[0, 'rgb(0,0,255)'], [1, 'rgb(255,0,0)']]. To control the bounds of the colorscale in color space, use marker.cmin and marker.cmax. Alternatively, colorscale may be a palette name string of the following list: Blackbody,Bluered,Blues,Cividis,Earth,Electric, Greens,Greys,Hot,Jet,Picnic,Portland,Rainbow,Rd Bu,Reds,Viridis,YlGnBu,YlOrRd.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for colors.


    :class:`plotly.graph_objects.icicle.marker.Line ` instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the pattern within the marker.


    Reverses the color mapping if true. Has an effect only if colors is set to a numerical array. If true, marker.cmin will correspond to the last color in the array and marker.cmax will correspond to the first color.


    Determines whether or not a colorbar is displayed for this trace. Has an effect only if colors is set to a numerical array.


Return type


property maxdepth

Sets the number of rendered sectors from any given level. Set maxdepth to “-1” to render all the levels in the hierarchy.

The ‘maxdepth’ property is a integer and may be specified as:
  • An int (or float that will be cast to an int)


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property opacity

Sets the opacity of the trace.

The ‘opacity’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]


Return type


property outsidetextfont

Sets the font used for textinfo lying outside the sector. This option refers to the root of the hierarchy presented on top left corner of a treemap graph. Please note that if a hierarchy has multiple root nodes, this option won’t have any effect and insidetextfont would be used.

The ‘outsidetextfont’ property is an instance of Outsidetextfont that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.icicle.Outsidetextfont

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Outsidetextfont constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for family.


    Sets the kind of decoration line(s) with text, such as an “under”, “over” or “through” as well as combinations e.g. “under+over”, etc.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for lineposition.


    Sets the shape and color of the shadow behind text. “auto” places minimal shadow and applies contrast text font color. See US/docs/Web/CSS/text-shadow for additional options.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for shadow.



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for size.


    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for style.


    Sets capitalization of text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all- lowercase, or with each word capitalized.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for textcase.


    Sets the variant of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for variant.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for weight.


Return type


property parents

Sets the parent sectors for each of the sectors. Empty string items ‘’ are understood to reference the root node in the hierarchy. If ids is filled, parents items are understood to be “ids” themselves. When ids is not set, plotly attempts to find matching items in labels, but beware they must be unique.

The ‘parents’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property parentssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for parents.

The ‘parentssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property pathbar

The ‘pathbar’ property is an instance of Pathbar that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.icicle.Pathbar

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Pathbar constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Determines which shape is used for edges between barpath labels.


    Determines on which side of the the treemap the pathbar should be presented.


    Sets the font used inside pathbar.


    Sets the thickness of pathbar (in px). If not specified the pathbar.textfont.size is used with 3 pixles extra padding on each side.


    Determines if the path bar is drawn i.e. outside the trace domain and with one pixel gap.


Return type


property root

The ‘root’ property is an instance of Root that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.icicle.Root

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Root constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    sets the color of the root node for a sunburst/treemap/icicle trace. this has no effect when a colorscale is used to set the markers.


Return type


property sort

Determines whether or not the sectors are reordered from largest to smallest.

The ‘sort’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.icicle.Stream

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type


property text

Sets text elements associated with each sector. If trace textinfo contains a “text” flag, these elements will be seen on the chart. If trace hoverinfo contains a “text” flag and “hovertext” is not set, these elements will be seen in the hover labels.

The ‘text’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property textfont

Sets the font used for textinfo.

The ‘textfont’ property is an instance of Textfont that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.icicle.Textfont

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Textfont constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for family.


    Sets the kind of decoration line(s) with text, such as an “under”, “over” or “through” as well as combinations e.g. “under+over”, etc.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for lineposition.


    Sets the shape and color of the shadow behind text. “auto” places minimal shadow and applies contrast text font color. See US/docs/Web/CSS/text-shadow for additional options.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for shadow.



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for size.


    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for style.


    Sets capitalization of text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all- lowercase, or with each word capitalized.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for textcase.


    Sets the variant of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for variant.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for weight.


Return type


property textinfo

Determines which trace information appear on the graph.

The ‘textinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘label’, ‘text’, ‘value’, ‘current path’, ‘percent root’, ‘percent entry’, ‘percent parent’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘label+text’) OR exactly one of [‘none’] (e.g. ‘none’)


Return type


property textposition

Sets the positions of the text elements.

The ‘textposition’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘top left’, ‘top center’, ‘top right’, ‘middle left’, ‘middle center’, ‘middle right’, ‘bottom left’, ‘bottom center’, ‘bottom right’]


Return type


property textsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for text.

The ‘textsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property texttemplate

Template string used for rendering the information text that appear on points. Note that this will override textinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}”. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. Every attributes that can be specified per- point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Finally, the template string has access to variables currentPath, root, entry, percentRoot, percentEntry, percentParent, label and value.

The ‘texttemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property texttemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for texttemplate.

The ‘texttemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property tiling

The ‘tiling’ property is an instance of Tiling that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.icicle.Tiling

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Tiling constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Determines if the positions obtained from solver are flipped on each axis.


    When set in conjunction with tiling.flip, determines on which side the root nodes are drawn in the chart. If tiling.orientation is “v” and tiling.flip is “”, the root nodes appear at the top. If tiling.orientation is “v” and tiling.flip is “y”, the root nodes appear at the bottom. If tiling.orientation is “h” and tiling.flip is “”, the root nodes appear at the left. If tiling.orientation is “h” and tiling.flip is “x”, the root nodes appear at the right.


    Sets the inner padding (in px).


Return type


property type
property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property values

Sets the values associated with each of the sectors. Use with branchvalues to determine how the values are summed.

The ‘values’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property valuessrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for values.

The ‘valuessrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


class, colormodel=None, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, dx=None, dy=None, hoverinfo=None, hoverinfosrc=None, hoverlabel=None, hovertemplate=None, hovertemplatesrc=None, hovertext=None, hovertextsrc=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, legend=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, name=None, opacity=None, source=None, stream=None, text=None, textsrc=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, visible=None, x0=None, xaxis=None, y0=None, yaxis=None, z=None, zmax=None, zmin=None, zorder=None, zsmooth=None, zsrc=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property colormodel

Color model used to map the numerical color components described in z into colors. If source is specified, this attribute will be set to rgba256 otherwise it defaults to rgb.

The ‘colormodel’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘rgb’, ‘rgba’, ‘rgba256’, ‘hsl’, ‘hsla’]


Return type


property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property dx

Set the pixel’s horizontal size.

The ‘dx’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property dy

Set the pixel’s vertical size

The ‘dy’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property hoverinfo

Determines which trace information appear on hover. If none or skip are set, no information is displayed upon hovering. But, if none is set, click and hover events are still fired.

The ‘hoverinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’, ‘color’, ‘name’, ‘text’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘x+y’) OR exactly one of [‘all’, ‘none’, ‘skip’] (e.g. ‘skip’)

  • A list or array of the above


Return type


property hoverinfosrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hoverinfo.

The ‘hoverinfosrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverlabel

The ‘hoverlabel’ property is an instance of Hoverlabel that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.image.Hoverlabel

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Hoverlabel constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans more two or more lines


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for align.


    Sets the background color of the hover labels for this trace


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bgcolor.


    Sets the border color of the hover labels for this trace.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bordercolor.


    Sets the font used in hover labels.


    Sets the default length (in number of characters) of the trace name in the hover labels for all traces. -1 shows the whole name regardless of length. 0-3 shows the first 0-3 characters, and an integer >3 will show the whole name if it is less than that many characters, but if it is longer, will truncate to namelength - 3 characters and add an ellipsis.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for namelength.


Return type


property hovertemplate

Template string used for rendering the information that appear on hover box. Note that this will override hoverinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}” as well as %{xother}, {%_xother}, {%_xother_}, {%xother_}. When showing info for several points, “xother” will be added to those with different x positions from the first point. An underscore before or after “(x|y)other” will add a space on that side, only when this field is shown. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. The variables available in hovertemplate are the ones emitted as event data described at this link Additionally, every attributes that can be specified per-point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Finally, the template string has access to variables z, color and colormodel. Anything contained in tag <extra> is displayed in the secondary box, for example “<extra>{}</extra>”. To hide the secondary box completely, use an empty tag <extra></extra>.

The ‘hovertemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertemplate.

The ‘hovertemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hovertext

Same as text.

The ‘hovertext’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property hovertextsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertext.

The ‘hovertextsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.image.Legendgrouptitle

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type


property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property opacity

Sets the opacity of the trace.

The ‘opacity’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]


Return type


property source

Specifies the data URI of the image to be visualized. The URI consists of “data:image/[<media subtype>][;base64],<data>”

The ‘source’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.image.Stream

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type


property text

Sets the text elements associated with each z value.

The ‘text’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property textsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for text.

The ‘textsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property type
property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


property x0

Set the image’s x position. The left edge of the image (or the right edge if the x axis is reversed or dx is negative) will be found at xmin=x0-dx/2

The ‘x0’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property xaxis

Sets a reference between this trace’s x coordinates and a 2D cartesian x axis. If “x” (the default value), the x coordinates refer to layout.xaxis. If “x2”, the x coordinates refer to layout.xaxis2, and so on.

The ‘xaxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘x’, that may be specified as the string ‘x’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘x’, ‘x1’, ‘x2’, ‘x3’, etc.)


Return type


property y0

Set the image’s y position. The top edge of the image (or the bottom edge if the y axis is NOT reversed or if dy is negative) will be found at ymin=y0-dy/2. By default when an image trace is included, the y axis will be reversed so that the image is right-side-up, but you can disable this by setting yaxis.autorange=true or by providing an explicit y axis range.

The ‘y0’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property yaxis

Sets a reference between this trace’s y coordinates and a 2D cartesian y axis. If “y” (the default value), the y coordinates refer to layout.yaxis. If “y2”, the y coordinates refer to layout.yaxis2, and so on.

The ‘yaxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘y’, that may be specified as the string ‘y’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘y’, ‘y1’, ‘y2’, ‘y3’, etc.)


Return type


property z

A 2-dimensional array in which each element is an array of 3 or 4 numbers representing a color.

The ‘z’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property zmax
Array defining the higher bound for each color component. Note

that the default value will depend on the colormodel. For the rgb colormodel, it is [255, 255, 255]. For the rgba colormodel, it is [255, 255, 255, 1]. For the rgba256 colormodel, it is [255, 255, 255, 255]. For the hsl colormodel, it is [360, 100, 100]. For the hsla colormodel, it is [360, 100, 100, 1].

The ‘zmax’ property is an info array that may be specified as:

  • a list or tuple of 4 elements where:

  1. The ‘zmax[0]’ property is a number and may be specified as:
    • An int or float

  2. The ‘zmax[1]’ property is a number and may be specified as:
    • An int or float

  3. The ‘zmax[2]’ property is a number and may be specified as:
    • An int or float

  4. The ‘zmax[3]’ property is a number and may be specified as:
    • An int or float


property zmin
Array defining the lower bound for each color component. Note

that the default value will depend on the colormodel. For the rgb colormodel, it is [0, 0, 0]. For the rgba colormodel, it is [0, 0, 0, 0]. For the rgba256 colormodel, it is [0, 0, 0, 0]. For the hsl colormodel, it is [0, 0, 0]. For the hsla colormodel, it is [0, 0, 0, 0].

The ‘zmin’ property is an info array that may be specified as:

  • a list or tuple of 4 elements where:

  1. The ‘zmin[0]’ property is a number and may be specified as:
    • An int or float

  2. The ‘zmin[1]’ property is a number and may be specified as:
    • An int or float

  3. The ‘zmin[2]’ property is a number and may be specified as:
    • An int or float

  4. The ‘zmin[3]’ property is a number and may be specified as:
    • An int or float


property zorder

Sets the layer on which this trace is displayed, relative to other SVG traces on the same subplot. SVG traces with higher zorder appear in front of those with lower zorder.

The ‘zorder’ property is a integer and may be specified as:
  • An int (or float that will be cast to an int)


Return type


property zsmooth

Picks a smoothing algorithm used to smooth z data. This only applies for image traces that use the source attribute.

The ‘zsmooth’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘fast’, False]


Return type


property zsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for z.

The ‘zsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


class, align=None, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, delta=None, domain=None, gauge=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, legend=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, mode=None, name=None, number=None, stream=None, title=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, value=None, visible=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property align

Sets the horizontal alignment of the text within the box. Note that this attribute has no effect if an angular gauge is displayed: in this case, it is always centered

The ‘align’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘left’, ‘center’, ‘right’]


Return type


property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property delta

The ‘delta’ property is an instance of Delta that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.indicator.Delta

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Delta constructor

    Supported dict properties:

    decreasing creasing instance or dict with compatible properties


    Set the font used to display the delta

    increasing creasing instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the position of delta with respect to the number.


    Sets a prefix appearing before the delta.


    Sets the reference value to compute the delta. By default, it is set to the current value.


    Show relative change


    Sets a suffix appearing next to the delta.


    Sets the value formatting rule using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: h ttps:// format.


Return type


property domain

The ‘domain’ property is an instance of Domain that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.indicator.Domain

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Domain constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    If there is a layout grid, use the domain for this column in the grid for this indicator trace .


    If there is a layout grid, use the domain for this row in the grid for this indicator trace .


    Sets the horizontal domain of this indicator trace (in plot fraction).


    Sets the vertical domain of this indicator trace (in plot fraction).


Return type


property gauge

The gauge of the Indicator plot.

The ‘gauge’ property is an instance of Gauge that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.indicator.Gauge

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Gauge constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.indicator.gauge.Ax is instance or dict with compatible properties


    Set the appearance of the gauge’s value


    Sets the gauge background color.


    Sets the color of the border enclosing the gauge.


    Sets the width (in px) of the border enclosing the gauge.


    Set the shape of the gauge


    A tuple of plotly.graph_objects.indicat or.gauge.Step instances or dicts with compatible properties


    When used in a template (as layout.template.dat a.indicator.gauge.stepdefaults), sets the default property values to use for elements of indicator.gauge.steps


    plotly.graph_objects.indicator.gauge.Th reshold instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.indicator.Legendgrouptitle

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type


property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property mode

Determines how the value is displayed on the graph. number displays the value numerically in text. delta displays the difference to a reference value in text. Finally, gauge displays the value graphically on an axis.

The ‘mode’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘number’, ‘delta’, ‘gauge’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘number+delta’)


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property number

The ‘number’ property is an instance of Number that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.indicator.Number

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Number constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Set the font used to display main number


    Sets a prefix appearing before the number.


    Sets a suffix appearing next to the number.


    Sets the value formatting rule using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: h ttps:// format.


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.indicator.Stream

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type


property title

The ‘title’ property is an instance of Title that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.indicator.Title

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Title constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the horizontal alignment of the title. It defaults to center except for bullet charts for which it defaults to right.


    Set the font used to display the title


    Sets the title of this indicator.


Return type


property type
property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property value

Sets the number to be displayed.

The ‘value’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


class, autocolorscale=None, caps=None, cauto=None, cmax=None, cmid=None, cmin=None, coloraxis=None, colorbar=None, colorscale=None, contour=None, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, flatshading=None, hoverinfo=None, hoverinfosrc=None, hoverlabel=None, hovertemplate=None, hovertemplatesrc=None, hovertext=None, hovertextsrc=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, isomax=None, isomin=None, legend=None, legendgroup=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, lighting=None, lightposition=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, name=None, opacity=None, reversescale=None, scene=None, showlegend=None, showscale=None, slices=None, spaceframe=None, stream=None, surface=None, text=None, textsrc=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, value=None, valuehoverformat=None, valuesrc=None, visible=None, x=None, xhoverformat=None, xsrc=None, y=None, yhoverformat=None, ysrc=None, z=None, zhoverformat=None, zsrc=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property autocolorscale

Determines whether the colorscale is a default palette (autocolorscale: true) or the palette determined by colorscale. In case colorscale is unspecified or autocolorscale is true, the default palette will be chosen according to whether numbers in the color array are all positive, all negative or mixed.

The ‘autocolorscale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property caps

The ‘caps’ property is an instance of Caps that may be specified as:


Return type


property cauto

Determines whether or not the color domain is computed with respect to the input data (here value) or the bounds set in cmin and cmax Defaults to false when cmin and cmax are set by the user.

The ‘cauto’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property cmax

Sets the upper bound of the color domain. Value should have the same units as value and if set, cmin must be set as well.

The ‘cmax’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property cmid

Sets the mid-point of the color domain by scaling cmin and/or cmax to be equidistant to this point. Value should have the same units as value. Has no effect when cauto is false.

The ‘cmid’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property cmin

Sets the lower bound of the color domain. Value should have the same units as value and if set, cmax must be set as well.

The ‘cmin’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property coloraxis

Sets a reference to a shared color axis. References to these shared color axes are “coloraxis”, “coloraxis2”, “coloraxis3”, etc. Settings for these shared color axes are set in the layout, under layout.coloraxis, layout.coloraxis2, etc. Note that multiple color scales can be linked to the same color axis.

The ‘coloraxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘coloraxis’, that may be specified as the string ‘coloraxis’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘coloraxis’, ‘coloraxis1’, ‘coloraxis2’, ‘coloraxis3’, etc.)


Return type


property colorbar

The ‘colorbar’ property is an instance of ColorBar that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.isosurface.ColorBar

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the ColorBar constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the color of padded area.


    Sets the axis line color.


    Sets the width (in px) or the border enclosing this color bar.


    Sets the step in-between ticks on this axis. Use with tick0. Must be a positive number, or special strings available to “log” and “date” axes. If the axis type is “log”, then ticks are set every 10^(n*dtick) where n is the tick number. For example, to set a tick mark at 1, 10, 100, 1000, … set dtick to 1. To set tick marks at 1, 100, 10000, … set dtick to 2. To set tick marks at 1, 5, 25, 125, 625, 3125, … set dtick to log_10(5), or 0.69897000433. “log” has several special values; “L<f>”, where f is a positive number, gives ticks linearly spaced in value (but not position). For example tick0 = 0.1, dtick = “L0.5” will put ticks at 0.1, 0.6, 1.1, 1.6 etc. To show powers of 10 plus small digits between, use “D1” (all digits) or “D2” (only 2 and 5). tick0 is ignored for “D1” and “D2”. If the axis type is “date”, then you must convert the time to milliseconds. For example, to set the interval between ticks to one day, set dtick to 86400000.0. “date” also has special values “M<n>” gives ticks spaced by a number of months. n must be a positive integer. To set ticks on the 15th of every third month, set tick0 to “2000-01-15” and dtick to “M3”. To set ticks every 4 years, set dtick to “M48”


    Determines a formatting rule for the tick exponents. For example, consider the number 1,000,000,000. If “none”, it appears as 1,000,000,000. If “e”, 1e+9. If “E”, 1E+9. If “power”, 1x10^9 (with 9 in a super script). If “SI”, 1G. If “B”, 1B.


    Replacement text for specific tick or hover labels. For example using {US: ‘USA’, CA: ‘Canada’} changes US to USA and CA to Canada. The labels we would have shown must match the keys exactly, after adding any tickprefix or ticksuffix. For negative numbers the minus sign symbol used (U+2212) is wider than the regular ascii dash. That means you need to use −1 instead of -1. labelalias can be used with any axis type, and both keys (if needed) and values (if desired) can include html-like tags or MathJax.


    Sets the length of the color bar This measure excludes the padding of both ends. That is, the color bar length is this length minus the padding on both ends.


    Determines whether this color bar’s length (i.e. the measure in the color variation direction) is set in units of plot “fraction” or in *pixels. Use len to set the value.


    Hide SI prefix for 10^n if |n| is below this number. This only has an effect when tickformat is “SI” or “B”.


    Specifies the maximum number of ticks for the particular axis. The actual number of ticks will be chosen automatically to be less than or equal to nticks. Has an effect only if tickmode is set to “auto”.


    Sets the orientation of the colorbar.


    Sets the axis line color.


    Sets the width (in px) of the axis line.


    If “true”, even 4-digit integers are separated


    If “all”, all exponents are shown besides their significands. If “first”, only the exponent of the first tick is shown. If “last”, only the exponent of the last tick is shown. If “none”, no exponents appear.


    Determines whether or not the tick labels are drawn.


    If “all”, all tick labels are displayed with a prefix. If “first”, only the first tick is displayed with a prefix. If “last”, only the last tick is displayed with a suffix. If “none”, tick prefixes are hidden.


    Same as showtickprefix but for tick suffixes.


    Sets the thickness of the color bar This measure excludes the size of the padding, ticks and labels.


    Determines whether this color bar’s thickness (i.e. the measure in the constant color direction) is set in units of plot “fraction” or in “pixels”. Use thickness to set the value.


    Sets the placement of the first tick on this axis. Use with dtick. If the axis type is “log”, then you must take the log of your starting tick (e.g. to set the starting tick to 100, set the tick0 to 2) except when dtick`=*L<f>* (see `dtick for more info). If the axis type is “date”, it should be a date string, like date data. If the axis type is “category”, it should be a number, using the scale where each category is assigned a serial number from zero in the order it appears.


    Sets the angle of the tick labels with respect to the horizontal. For example, a tickangle of -90 draws the tick labels vertically.


    Sets the tick color.


    Sets the color bar’s tick label font


    Sets the tick label formatting rule using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: h ttps:// format. And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display “09~15~23.46”


    A tuple of plotly.graph_objects.isosurf ace.colorbar.Tickformatstop instances or dicts with compatible properties


    When used in a template (as layout.template.dat a.isosurface.colorbar.tickformatstopdefaults), sets the default property values to use for elements of isosurface.colorbar.tickformatstops


    Determines how we handle tick labels that would overflow either the graph div or the domain of the axis. The default value for inside tick labels is hide past domain. In other cases the default is hide past div.


    Determines where tick labels are drawn relative to the ticks. Left and right options are used when orientation is “h”, top and bottom when orientation is “v”.


    Sets the spacing between tick labels as compared to the spacing between ticks. A value of 1 (default) means each tick gets a label. A value of 2 means shows every 2nd label. A larger value n means only every nth tick is labeled. tick0 determines which labels are shown. Not implemented for axes with type “log” or “multicategory”, or when tickmode is “array”.


    Sets the tick length (in px).


    Sets the tick mode for this axis. If “auto”, the number of ticks is set via nticks. If “linear”, the placement of the ticks is determined by a starting position tick0 and a tick step dtick (“linear” is the default value if tick0 and dtick are provided). If “array”, the placement of the ticks is set via tickvals and the tick text is ticktext. (“array” is the default value if tickvals is provided).


    Sets a tick label prefix.


    Determines whether ticks are drawn or not. If “”, this axis’ ticks are not drawn. If “outside” (“inside”), this axis’ are drawn outside (inside) the axis lines.


    Sets a tick label suffix.


    Sets the text displayed at the ticks position via tickvals. Only has an effect if tickmode is set to “array”. Used with tickvals.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ticktext.


    Sets the values at which ticks on this axis appear. Only has an effect if tickmode is set to “array”. Used with ticktext.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for tickvals.


    Sets the tick width (in px).


    plotly.graph_objects.isosurface.colorba r.Title instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the x position with respect to xref of the color bar (in plot fraction). When xref is “paper”, defaults to 1.02 when orientation is “v” and 0.5 when orientation is “h”. When xref is “container”, defaults to 1 when orientation is “v” and 0.5 when orientation is “h”. Must be between 0 and 1 if xref is “container” and between “-2” and 3 if xref is “paper”.


    Sets this color bar’s horizontal position anchor. This anchor binds the x position to the “left”, “center” or “right” of the color bar. Defaults to “left” when orientation is “v” and “center” when orientation is “h”.


    Sets the amount of padding (in px) along the x direction.


    Sets the container x refers to. “container” spans the entire width of the plot. “paper” refers to the width of the plotting area only.


    Sets the y position with respect to yref of the color bar (in plot fraction). When yref is “paper”, defaults to 0.5 when orientation is “v” and 1.02 when orientation is “h”. When yref is “container”, defaults to 0.5 when orientation is “v” and 1 when orientation is “h”. Must be between 0 and 1 if yref is “container” and between “-2” and 3 if yref is “paper”.


    Sets this color bar’s vertical position anchor This anchor binds the y position to the “top”, “middle” or “bottom” of the color bar. Defaults to “middle” when orientation is “v” and “bottom” when orientation is “h”.


    Sets the amount of padding (in px) along the y direction.


    Sets the container y refers to. “container” spans the entire height of the plot. “paper” refers to the height of the plotting area only.


Return type


property colorscale

Sets the colorscale. The colorscale must be an array containing arrays mapping a normalized value to an rgb, rgba, hex, hsl, hsv, or named color string. At minimum, a mapping for the lowest (0) and highest (1) values are required. For example, [[0, 'rgb(0,0,255)'], [1, 'rgb(255,0,0)']]. To control the bounds of the colorscale in color space, use cmin and cmax. Alternatively, colorscale may be a palette name string of the following list: Blackbody,Bluered,Blues,Cividis,Earth,Electric, Greens,Greys,Hot,Jet,Picnic,Portland,Rainbow,RdBu,Reds,Viridis, YlGnBu,YlOrRd.

The ‘colorscale’ property is a colorscale and may be specified as:

  • A list of colors that will be spaced evenly to create the colorscale. Many predefined colorscale lists are included in the sequential, diverging, and cyclical modules in the plotly.colors package.

  • A list of 2-element lists where the first element is the normalized color level value (starting at 0 and ending at 1), and the second item is a valid color string. (e.g. [[0, ‘green’], [0.5, ‘red’], [1.0, ‘rgb(0, 0, 255)’]])

  • One of the following named colorscales:
    [‘aggrnyl’, ‘agsunset’, ‘algae’, ‘amp’, ‘armyrose’, ‘balance’,

    ‘blackbody’, ‘bluered’, ‘blues’, ‘blugrn’, ‘bluyl’, ‘brbg’, ‘brwnyl’, ‘bugn’, ‘bupu’, ‘burg’, ‘burgyl’, ‘cividis’, ‘curl’, ‘darkmint’, ‘deep’, ‘delta’, ‘dense’, ‘earth’, ‘edge’, ‘electric’, ‘emrld’, ‘fall’, ‘geyser’, ‘gnbu’, ‘gray’, ‘greens’, ‘greys’, ‘haline’, ‘hot’, ‘hsv’, ‘ice’, ‘icefire’, ‘inferno’, ‘jet’, ‘magenta’, ‘magma’, ‘matter’, ‘mint’, ‘mrybm’, ‘mygbm’, ‘oranges’, ‘orrd’, ‘oryel’, ‘oxy’, ‘peach’, ‘phase’, ‘picnic’, ‘pinkyl’, ‘piyg’, ‘plasma’, ‘plotly3’, ‘portland’, ‘prgn’, ‘pubu’, ‘pubugn’, ‘puor’, ‘purd’, ‘purp’, ‘purples’, ‘purpor’, ‘rainbow’, ‘rdbu’, ‘rdgy’, ‘rdpu’, ‘rdylbu’, ‘rdylgn’, ‘redor’, ‘reds’, ‘solar’, ‘spectral’, ‘speed’, ‘sunset’, ‘sunsetdark’, ‘teal’, ‘tealgrn’, ‘tealrose’, ‘tempo’, ‘temps’, ‘thermal’, ‘tropic’, ‘turbid’, ‘turbo’, ‘twilight’, ‘viridis’, ‘ylgn’, ‘ylgnbu’, ‘ylorbr’, ‘ylorrd’].

    Appending ‘_r’ to a named colorscale reverses it.


Return type


property contour

The ‘contour’ property is an instance of Contour that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.isosurface.Contour

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Contour constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the color of the contour lines.


    Sets whether or not dynamic contours are shown on hover


    Sets the width of the contour lines.


Return type


property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property flatshading

Determines whether or not normal smoothing is applied to the meshes, creating meshes with an angular, low-poly look via flat reflections.

The ‘flatshading’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property hoverinfo

Determines which trace information appear on hover. If none or skip are set, no information is displayed upon hovering. But, if none is set, click and hover events are still fired.

The ‘hoverinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’, ‘text’, ‘name’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘x+y’) OR exactly one of [‘all’, ‘none’, ‘skip’] (e.g. ‘skip’)

  • A list or array of the above


Return type


property hoverinfosrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hoverinfo.

The ‘hoverinfosrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverlabel

The ‘hoverlabel’ property is an instance of Hoverlabel that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.isosurface.Hoverlabel

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Hoverlabel constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans more two or more lines


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for align.


    Sets the background color of the hover labels for this trace


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bgcolor.


    Sets the border color of the hover labels for this trace.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bordercolor.


    Sets the font used in hover labels.


    Sets the default length (in number of characters) of the trace name in the hover labels for all traces. -1 shows the whole name regardless of length. 0-3 shows the first 0-3 characters, and an integer >3 will show the whole name if it is less than that many characters, but if it is longer, will truncate to namelength - 3 characters and add an ellipsis.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for namelength.


Return type


property hovertemplate

Template string used for rendering the information that appear on hover box. Note that this will override hoverinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}” as well as %{xother}, {%_xother}, {%_xother_}, {%xother_}. When showing info for several points, “xother” will be added to those with different x positions from the first point. An underscore before or after “(x|y)other” will add a space on that side, only when this field is shown. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. The variables available in hovertemplate are the ones emitted as event data described at this link Additionally, every attributes that can be specified per-point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Anything contained in tag <extra> is displayed in the secondary box, for example “<extra>{}</extra>”. To hide the secondary box completely, use an empty tag <extra></extra>.

The ‘hovertemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertemplate.

The ‘hovertemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hovertext

Same as text.

The ‘hovertext’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertextsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertext.

The ‘hovertextsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property isomax

Sets the maximum boundary for iso-surface plot.

The ‘isomax’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property isomin

Sets the minimum boundary for iso-surface plot.

The ‘isomin’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgroup

Sets the legend group for this trace. Traces and shapes part of the same legend group hide/show at the same time when toggling legend items.

The ‘legendgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.isosurface.Legendgrouptitle

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type


property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property lighting

The ‘lighting’ property is an instance of Lighting that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.isosurface.Lighting

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Lighting constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Ambient light increases overall color visibility but can wash out the image.


    Represents the extent that incident rays are reflected in a range of angles.


    Epsilon for face normals calculation avoids math issues arising from degenerate geometry.


    Represents the reflectance as a dependency of the viewing angle; e.g. paper is reflective when viewing it from the edge of the paper (almost 90 degrees), causing shine.


    Alters specular reflection; the rougher the surface, the wider and less contrasty the shine.


    Represents the level that incident rays are reflected in a single direction, causing shine.


    Epsilon for vertex normals calculation avoids math issues arising from degenerate geometry.


Return type


property lightposition

The ‘lightposition’ property is an instance of Lightposition that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.isosurface.Lightposition

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Lightposition constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Numeric vector, representing the X coordinate for each vertex.


    Numeric vector, representing the Y coordinate for each vertex.


    Numeric vector, representing the Z coordinate for each vertex.


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property opacity

Sets the opacity of the surface. Please note that in the case of using high opacity values for example a value greater than or equal to 0.5 on two surfaces (and 0.25 with four surfaces), an overlay of multiple transparent surfaces may not perfectly be sorted in depth by the webgl API. This behavior may be improved in the near future and is subject to change.

The ‘opacity’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]


Return type


property reversescale

Reverses the color mapping if true. If true, cmin will correspond to the last color in the array and cmax will correspond to the first color.

The ‘reversescale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property scene

Sets a reference between this trace’s 3D coordinate system and a 3D scene. If “scene” (the default value), the (x,y,z) coordinates refer to layout.scene. If “scene2”, the (x,y,z) coordinates refer to layout.scene2, and so on.

The ‘scene’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘scene’, that may be specified as the string ‘scene’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘scene’, ‘scene1’, ‘scene2’, ‘scene3’, etc.)


Return type


property showlegend

Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.

The ‘showlegend’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property showscale

Determines whether or not a colorbar is displayed for this trace.

The ‘showscale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property slices

The ‘slices’ property is an instance of Slices that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.isosurface.Slices

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Slices constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.isosurface.slices. X instance or dict with compatible properties


    plotly.graph_objects.isosurface.slices. Y instance or dict with compatible properties


    plotly.graph_objects.isosurface.slices. Z instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type


property spaceframe

The ‘spaceframe’ property is an instance of Spaceframe that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.isosurface.Spaceframe

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Spaceframe constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the fill ratio of the spaceframe elements. The default fill value is 0.15 meaning that only 15% of the area of every faces of tetras would be shaded. Applying a greater fill ratio would allow the creation of stronger elements or could be sued to have entirely closed areas (in case of using 1).


    Displays/hides tetrahedron shapes between minimum and maximum iso-values. Often useful when either caps or surfaces are disabled or filled with values less than 1.


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.isosurface.Stream

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type


property surface

The ‘surface’ property is an instance of Surface that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.isosurface.Surface

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Surface constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the number of iso-surfaces between minimum and maximum iso-values. By default this value is 2 meaning that only minimum and maximum surfaces would be drawn.


    Sets the fill ratio of the iso-surface. The default fill value of the surface is 1 meaning that they are entirely shaded. On the other hand Applying a fill ratio less than one would allow the creation of openings parallel to the edges.


    Sets the surface pattern of the iso-surface 3-D sections. The default pattern of the surface is all meaning that the rest of surface elements would be shaded. The check options (either 1 or 2) could be used to draw half of the squares on the surface. Using various combinations of capital A, B, C, D and E may also be used to reduce the number of triangles on the iso-surfaces and creating other patterns of interest.


    Hides/displays surfaces between minimum and maximum iso-values.


Return type


property text

Sets the text elements associated with the vertices. If trace hoverinfo contains a “text” flag and “hovertext” is not set, these elements will be seen in the hover labels.

The ‘text’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property textsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for text.

The ‘textsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property type
property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property value

Sets the 4th dimension (value) of the vertices.

The ‘value’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property valuehoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor value using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: default the values are formatted using generic number format.

The ‘valuehoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property valuesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for value.

The ‘valuesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


property x

Sets the X coordinates of the vertices on X axis.

The ‘x’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property xhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor x using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using xaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘xhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property xsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for x.

The ‘xsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property y

Sets the Y coordinates of the vertices on Y axis.

The ‘y’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property yhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor y using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using yaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘yhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property ysrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for y.

The ‘ysrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property z

Sets the Z coordinates of the vertices on Z axis.

The ‘z’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property zhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor z using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using zaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘zhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property zsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for z.

The ‘zsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


class, alphahull=None, autocolorscale=None, cauto=None, cmax=None, cmid=None, cmin=None, color=None, coloraxis=None, colorbar=None, colorscale=None, contour=None, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, delaunayaxis=None, facecolor=None, facecolorsrc=None, flatshading=None, hoverinfo=None, hoverinfosrc=None, hoverlabel=None, hovertemplate=None, hovertemplatesrc=None, hovertext=None, hovertextsrc=None, i=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, intensity=None, intensitymode=None, intensitysrc=None, isrc=None, j=None, jsrc=None, k=None, ksrc=None, legend=None, legendgroup=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, lighting=None, lightposition=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, name=None, opacity=None, reversescale=None, scene=None, showlegend=None, showscale=None, stream=None, text=None, textsrc=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, vertexcolor=None, vertexcolorsrc=None, visible=None, x=None, xcalendar=None, xhoverformat=None, xsrc=None, y=None, ycalendar=None, yhoverformat=None, ysrc=None, z=None, zcalendar=None, zhoverformat=None, zsrc=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property alphahull

Determines how the mesh surface triangles are derived from the set of vertices (points) represented by the x, y and z arrays, if the i, j, k arrays are not supplied. For general use of mesh3d it is preferred that i, j, k are supplied. If “-1”, Delaunay triangulation is used, which is mainly suitable if the mesh is a single, more or less layer surface that is perpendicular to delaunayaxis. In case the delaunayaxis intersects the mesh surface at more than one point it will result triangles that are very long in the dimension of delaunayaxis. If “>0”, the alpha-shape algorithm is used. In this case, the positive alphahull value signals the use of the alpha-shape algorithm, _and_ its value acts as the parameter for the mesh fitting. If 0, the convex-hull algorithm is used. It is suitable for convex bodies or if the intention is to enclose the x, y and z point set into a convex hull.

The ‘alphahull’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property autocolorscale

Determines whether the colorscale is a default palette (autocolorscale: true) or the palette determined by colorscale. In case colorscale is unspecified or autocolorscale is true, the default palette will be chosen according to whether numbers in the color array are all positive, all negative or mixed.

The ‘autocolorscale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property cauto

Determines whether or not the color domain is computed with respect to the input data (here intensity) or the bounds set in cmin and cmax Defaults to false when cmin and cmax are set by the user.

The ‘cauto’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property cmax

Sets the upper bound of the color domain. Value should have the same units as intensity and if set, cmin must be set as well.

The ‘cmax’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property cmid

Sets the mid-point of the color domain by scaling cmin and/or cmax to be equidistant to this point. Value should have the same units as intensity. Has no effect when cauto is false.

The ‘cmid’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property cmin

Sets the lower bound of the color domain. Value should have the same units as intensity and if set, cmax must be set as well.

The ‘cmin’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property color

Sets the color of the whole mesh

The ‘color’ property is a color and may be specified as:
  • A hex string (e.g. ‘#ff0000’)

  • An rgb/rgba string (e.g. ‘rgb(255,0,0)’)

  • An hsl/hsla string (e.g. ‘hsl(0,100%,50%)’)

  • An hsv/hsva string (e.g. ‘hsv(0,100%,100%)’)

  • A named CSS color:

    aliceblue, antiquewhite, aqua, aquamarine, azure, beige, bisque, black, blanchedalmond, blue, blueviolet, brown, burlywood, cadetblue, chartreuse, chocolate, coral, cornflowerblue, cornsilk, crimson, cyan, darkblue, darkcyan, darkgoldenrod, darkgray, darkgrey, darkgreen, darkkhaki, darkmagenta, darkolivegreen, darkorange, darkorchid, darkred, darksalmon, darkseagreen, darkslateblue, darkslategray, darkslategrey, darkturquoise, darkviolet, deeppink, deepskyblue, dimgray, dimgrey, dodgerblue, firebrick, floralwhite, forestgreen, fuchsia, gainsboro, ghostwhite, gold, goldenrod, gray, grey, green, greenyellow, honeydew, hotpink, indianred, indigo, ivory, khaki, lavender, lavenderblush, lawngreen, lemonchiffon, lightblue, lightcoral, lightcyan, lightgoldenrodyellow, lightgray, lightgrey, lightgreen, lightpink, lightsalmon, lightseagreen, lightskyblue, lightslategray, lightslategrey, lightsteelblue, lightyellow, lime, limegreen, linen, magenta, maroon, mediumaquamarine, mediumblue, mediumorchid, mediumpurple, mediumseagreen, mediumslateblue, mediumspringgreen, mediumturquoise, mediumvioletred, midnightblue, mintcream, mistyrose, moccasin, navajowhite, navy, oldlace, olive, olivedrab, orange, orangered, orchid, palegoldenrod, palegreen, paleturquoise, palevioletred, papayawhip, peachpuff, peru, pink, plum, powderblue, purple, red, rosybrown, royalblue, rebeccapurple, saddlebrown, salmon, sandybrown, seagreen, seashell, sienna, silver, skyblue, slateblue, slategray, slategrey, snow, springgreen, steelblue, tan, teal, thistle, tomato, turquoise, violet, wheat, white, whitesmoke, yellow, yellowgreen

  • A number that will be interpreted as a color according to mesh3d.colorscale


Return type


property coloraxis

Sets a reference to a shared color axis. References to these shared color axes are “coloraxis”, “coloraxis2”, “coloraxis3”, etc. Settings for these shared color axes are set in the layout, under layout.coloraxis, layout.coloraxis2, etc. Note that multiple color scales can be linked to the same color axis.

The ‘coloraxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘coloraxis’, that may be specified as the string ‘coloraxis’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘coloraxis’, ‘coloraxis1’, ‘coloraxis2’, ‘coloraxis3’, etc.)


Return type


property colorbar

The ‘colorbar’ property is an instance of ColorBar that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.mesh3d.ColorBar

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the ColorBar constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the color of padded area.


    Sets the axis line color.


    Sets the width (in px) or the border enclosing this color bar.


    Sets the step in-between ticks on this axis. Use with tick0. Must be a positive number, or special strings available to “log” and “date” axes. If the axis type is “log”, then ticks are set every 10^(n*dtick) where n is the tick number. For example, to set a tick mark at 1, 10, 100, 1000, … set dtick to 1. To set tick marks at 1, 100, 10000, … set dtick to 2. To set tick marks at 1, 5, 25, 125, 625, 3125, … set dtick to log_10(5), or 0.69897000433. “log” has several special values; “L<f>”, where f is a positive number, gives ticks linearly spaced in value (but not position). For example tick0 = 0.1, dtick = “L0.5” will put ticks at 0.1, 0.6, 1.1, 1.6 etc. To show powers of 10 plus small digits between, use “D1” (all digits) or “D2” (only 2 and 5). tick0 is ignored for “D1” and “D2”. If the axis type is “date”, then you must convert the time to milliseconds. For example, to set the interval between ticks to one day, set dtick to 86400000.0. “date” also has special values “M<n>” gives ticks spaced by a number of months. n must be a positive integer. To set ticks on the 15th of every third month, set tick0 to “2000-01-15” and dtick to “M3”. To set ticks every 4 years, set dtick to “M48”


    Determines a formatting rule for the tick exponents. For example, consider the number 1,000,000,000. If “none”, it appears as 1,000,000,000. If “e”, 1e+9. If “E”, 1E+9. If “power”, 1x10^9 (with 9 in a super script). If “SI”, 1G. If “B”, 1B.


    Replacement text for specific tick or hover labels. For example using {US: ‘USA’, CA: ‘Canada’} changes US to USA and CA to Canada. The labels we would have shown must match the keys exactly, after adding any tickprefix or ticksuffix. For negative numbers the minus sign symbol used (U+2212) is wider than the regular ascii dash. That means you need to use −1 instead of -1. labelalias can be used with any axis type, and both keys (if needed) and values (if desired) can include html-like tags or MathJax.


    Sets the length of the color bar This measure excludes the padding of both ends. That is, the color bar length is this length minus the padding on both ends.


    Determines whether this color bar’s length (i.e. the measure in the color variation direction) is set in units of plot “fraction” or in *pixels. Use len to set the value.


    Hide SI prefix for 10^n if |n| is below this number. This only has an effect when tickformat is “SI” or “B”.


    Specifies the maximum number of ticks for the particular axis. The actual number of ticks will be chosen automatically to be less than or equal to nticks. Has an effect only if tickmode is set to “auto”.


    Sets the orientation of the colorbar.


    Sets the axis line color.


    Sets the width (in px) of the axis line.


    If “true”, even 4-digit integers are separated


    If “all”, all exponents are shown besides their significands. If “first”, only the exponent of the first tick is shown. If “last”, only the exponent of the last tick is shown. If “none”, no exponents appear.


    Determines whether or not the tick labels are drawn.


    If “all”, all tick labels are displayed with a prefix. If “first”, only the first tick is displayed with a prefix. If “last”, only the last tick is displayed with a suffix. If “none”, tick prefixes are hidden.


    Same as showtickprefix but for tick suffixes.


    Sets the thickness of the color bar This measure excludes the size of the padding, ticks and labels.


    Determines whether this color bar’s thickness (i.e. the measure in the constant color direction) is set in units of plot “fraction” or in “pixels”. Use thickness to set the value.


    Sets the placement of the first tick on this axis. Use with dtick. If the axis type is “log”, then you must take the log of your starting tick (e.g. to set the starting tick to 100, set the tick0 to 2) except when dtick`=*L<f>* (see `dtick for more info). If the axis type is “date”, it should be a date string, like date data. If the axis type is “category”, it should be a number, using the scale where each category is assigned a serial number from zero in the order it appears.


    Sets the angle of the tick labels with respect to the horizontal. For example, a tickangle of -90 draws the tick labels vertically.


    Sets the tick color.


    Sets the color bar’s tick label font


    Sets the tick label formatting rule using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: h ttps:// format. And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display “09~15~23.46”


    A tuple of plotly.graph_objects.mesh3d. colorbar.Tickformatstop instances or dicts with compatible properties


    When used in a template (as layout.template.dat a.mesh3d.colorbar.tickformatstopdefaults), sets the default property values to use for elements of mesh3d.colorbar.tickformatstops


    Determines how we handle tick labels that would overflow either the graph div or the domain of the axis. The default value for inside tick labels is hide past domain. In other cases the default is hide past div.


    Determines where tick labels are drawn relative to the ticks. Left and right options are used when orientation is “h”, top and bottom when orientation is “v”.


    Sets the spacing between tick labels as compared to the spacing between ticks. A value of 1 (default) means each tick gets a label. A value of 2 means shows every 2nd label. A larger value n means only every nth tick is labeled. tick0 determines which labels are shown. Not implemented for axes with type “log” or “multicategory”, or when tickmode is “array”.


    Sets the tick length (in px).


    Sets the tick mode for this axis. If “auto”, the number of ticks is set via nticks. If “linear”, the placement of the ticks is determined by a starting position tick0 and a tick step dtick (“linear” is the default value if tick0 and dtick are provided). If “array”, the placement of the ticks is set via tickvals and the tick text is ticktext. (“array” is the default value if tickvals is provided).


    Sets a tick label prefix.


    Determines whether ticks are drawn or not. If “”, this axis’ ticks are not drawn. If “outside” (“inside”), this axis’ are drawn outside (inside) the axis lines.


    Sets a tick label suffix.


    Sets the text displayed at the ticks position via tickvals. Only has an effect if tickmode is set to “array”. Used with tickvals.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ticktext.


    Sets the values at which ticks on this axis appear. Only has an effect if tickmode is set to “array”. Used with ticktext.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for tickvals.


    Sets the tick width (in px).


    plotly.graph_objects.mesh3d.colorbar.Ti tle instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the x position with respect to xref of the color bar (in plot fraction). When xref is “paper”, defaults to 1.02 when orientation is “v” and 0.5 when orientation is “h”. When xref is “container”, defaults to 1 when orientation is “v” and 0.5 when orientation is “h”. Must be between 0 and 1 if xref is “container” and between “-2” and 3 if xref is “paper”.


    Sets this color bar’s horizontal position anchor. This anchor binds the x position to the “left”, “center” or “right” of the color bar. Defaults to “left” when orientation is “v” and “center” when orientation is “h”.


    Sets the amount of padding (in px) along the x direction.


    Sets the container x refers to. “container” spans the entire width of the plot. “paper” refers to the width of the plotting area only.


    Sets the y position with respect to yref of the color bar (in plot fraction). When yref is “paper”, defaults to 0.5 when orientation is “v” and 1.02 when orientation is “h”. When yref is “container”, defaults to 0.5 when orientation is “v” and 1 when orientation is “h”. Must be between 0 and 1 if yref is “container” and between “-2” and 3 if yref is “paper”.


    Sets this color bar’s vertical position anchor This anchor binds the y position to the “top”, “middle” or “bottom” of the color bar. Defaults to “middle” when orientation is “v” and “bottom” when orientation is “h”.


    Sets the amount of padding (in px) along the y direction.


    Sets the container y refers to. “container” spans the entire height of the plot. “paper” refers to the height of the plotting area only.


Return type


property colorscale

Sets the colorscale. The colorscale must be an array containing arrays mapping a normalized value to an rgb, rgba, hex, hsl, hsv, or named color string. At minimum, a mapping for the lowest (0) and highest (1) values are required. For example, [[0, 'rgb(0,0,255)'], [1, 'rgb(255,0,0)']]. To control the bounds of the colorscale in color space, use cmin and cmax. Alternatively, colorscale may be a palette name string of the following list: Blackbody,Bluered,Blues,Cividis,Earth,Electric, Greens,Greys,Hot,Jet,Picnic,Portland,Rainbow,RdBu,Reds,Viridis, YlGnBu,YlOrRd.

The ‘colorscale’ property is a colorscale and may be specified as:

  • A list of colors that will be spaced evenly to create the colorscale. Many predefined colorscale lists are included in the sequential, diverging, and cyclical modules in the plotly.colors package.

  • A list of 2-element lists where the first element is the normalized color level value (starting at 0 and ending at 1), and the second item is a valid color string. (e.g. [[0, ‘green’], [0.5, ‘red’], [1.0, ‘rgb(0, 0, 255)’]])

  • One of the following named colorscales:
    [‘aggrnyl’, ‘agsunset’, ‘algae’, ‘amp’, ‘armyrose’, ‘balance’,

    ‘blackbody’, ‘bluered’, ‘blues’, ‘blugrn’, ‘bluyl’, ‘brbg’, ‘brwnyl’, ‘bugn’, ‘bupu’, ‘burg’, ‘burgyl’, ‘cividis’, ‘curl’, ‘darkmint’, ‘deep’, ‘delta’, ‘dense’, ‘earth’, ‘edge’, ‘electric’, ‘emrld’, ‘fall’, ‘geyser’, ‘gnbu’, ‘gray’, ‘greens’, ‘greys’, ‘haline’, ‘hot’, ‘hsv’, ‘ice’, ‘icefire’, ‘inferno’, ‘jet’, ‘magenta’, ‘magma’, ‘matter’, ‘mint’, ‘mrybm’, ‘mygbm’, ‘oranges’, ‘orrd’, ‘oryel’, ‘oxy’, ‘peach’, ‘phase’, ‘picnic’, ‘pinkyl’, ‘piyg’, ‘plasma’, ‘plotly3’, ‘portland’, ‘prgn’, ‘pubu’, ‘pubugn’, ‘puor’, ‘purd’, ‘purp’, ‘purples’, ‘purpor’, ‘rainbow’, ‘rdbu’, ‘rdgy’, ‘rdpu’, ‘rdylbu’, ‘rdylgn’, ‘redor’, ‘reds’, ‘solar’, ‘spectral’, ‘speed’, ‘sunset’, ‘sunsetdark’, ‘teal’, ‘tealgrn’, ‘tealrose’, ‘tempo’, ‘temps’, ‘thermal’, ‘tropic’, ‘turbid’, ‘turbo’, ‘twilight’, ‘viridis’, ‘ylgn’, ‘ylgnbu’, ‘ylorbr’, ‘ylorrd’].

    Appending ‘_r’ to a named colorscale reverses it.


Return type


property contour

The ‘contour’ property is an instance of Contour that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.mesh3d.Contour

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Contour constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the color of the contour lines.


    Sets whether or not dynamic contours are shown on hover


    Sets the width of the contour lines.


Return type


property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property delaunayaxis

Sets the Delaunay axis, which is the axis that is perpendicular to the surface of the Delaunay triangulation. It has an effect if i, j, k are not provided and alphahull is set to indicate Delaunay triangulation.

The ‘delaunayaxis’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’]


Return type


property facecolor

Sets the color of each face Overrides “color” and “vertexcolor”.

The ‘facecolor’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property facecolorsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for facecolor.

The ‘facecolorsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property flatshading

Determines whether or not normal smoothing is applied to the meshes, creating meshes with an angular, low-poly look via flat reflections.

The ‘flatshading’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property hoverinfo

Determines which trace information appear on hover. If none or skip are set, no information is displayed upon hovering. But, if none is set, click and hover events are still fired.

The ‘hoverinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’, ‘text’, ‘name’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘x+y’) OR exactly one of [‘all’, ‘none’, ‘skip’] (e.g. ‘skip’)

  • A list or array of the above


Return type


property hoverinfosrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hoverinfo.

The ‘hoverinfosrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverlabel

The ‘hoverlabel’ property is an instance of Hoverlabel that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.mesh3d.Hoverlabel

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Hoverlabel constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans more two or more lines


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for align.


    Sets the background color of the hover labels for this trace


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bgcolor.


    Sets the border color of the hover labels for this trace.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bordercolor.


    Sets the font used in hover labels.


    Sets the default length (in number of characters) of the trace name in the hover labels for all traces. -1 shows the whole name regardless of length. 0-3 shows the first 0-3 characters, and an integer >3 will show the whole name if it is less than that many characters, but if it is longer, will truncate to namelength - 3 characters and add an ellipsis.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for namelength.


Return type


property hovertemplate

Template string used for rendering the information that appear on hover box. Note that this will override hoverinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}” as well as %{xother}, {%_xother}, {%_xother_}, {%xother_}. When showing info for several points, “xother” will be added to those with different x positions from the first point. An underscore before or after “(x|y)other” will add a space on that side, only when this field is shown. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. The variables available in hovertemplate are the ones emitted as event data described at this link Additionally, every attributes that can be specified per-point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Anything contained in tag <extra> is displayed in the secondary box, for example “<extra>{}</extra>”. To hide the secondary box completely, use an empty tag <extra></extra>.

The ‘hovertemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertemplate.

The ‘hovertemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hovertext

Same as text.

The ‘hovertext’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertextsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertext.

The ‘hovertextsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property i

A vector of vertex indices, i.e. integer values between 0 and the length of the vertex vectors, representing the “first” vertex of a triangle. For example, {i[m], j[m], k[m]} together represent face m (triangle m) in the mesh, where i[m] = n points to the triplet {x[n], y[n], z[n]} in the vertex arrays. Therefore, each element in i represents a point in space, which is the first vertex of a triangle.

The ‘i’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property intensity

Sets the intensity values for vertices or cells as defined by intensitymode. It can be used for plotting fields on meshes.

The ‘intensity’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property intensitymode

Determines the source of intensity values.

The ‘intensitymode’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘vertex’, ‘cell’]


Return type


property intensitysrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for intensity.

The ‘intensitysrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property isrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for i.

The ‘isrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property j

A vector of vertex indices, i.e. integer values between 0 and the length of the vertex vectors, representing the “second” vertex of a triangle. For example, {i[m], j[m], k[m]} together represent face m (triangle m) in the mesh, where j[m] = n points to the triplet {x[n], y[n], z[n]} in the vertex arrays. Therefore, each element in j represents a point in space, which is the second vertex of a triangle.

The ‘j’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property jsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for j.

The ‘jsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property k

A vector of vertex indices, i.e. integer values between 0 and the length of the vertex vectors, representing the “third” vertex of a triangle. For example, {i[m], j[m], k[m]} together represent face m (triangle m) in the mesh, where k[m] = n points to the triplet {x[n], y[n], z[n]} in the vertex arrays. Therefore, each element in k represents a point in space, which is the third vertex of a triangle.

The ‘k’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property ksrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for k.

The ‘ksrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgroup

Sets the legend group for this trace. Traces and shapes part of the same legend group hide/show at the same time when toggling legend items.

The ‘legendgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.mesh3d.Legendgrouptitle

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type


property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property lighting

The ‘lighting’ property is an instance of Lighting that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.mesh3d.Lighting

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Lighting constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Ambient light increases overall color visibility but can wash out the image.


    Represents the extent that incident rays are reflected in a range of angles.


    Epsilon for face normals calculation avoids math issues arising from degenerate geometry.


    Represents the reflectance as a dependency of the viewing angle; e.g. paper is reflective when viewing it from the edge of the paper (almost 90 degrees), causing shine.


    Alters specular reflection; the rougher the surface, the wider and less contrasty the shine.


    Represents the level that incident rays are reflected in a single direction, causing shine.


    Epsilon for vertex normals calculation avoids math issues arising from degenerate geometry.


Return type


property lightposition

The ‘lightposition’ property is an instance of Lightposition that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.mesh3d.Lightposition

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Lightposition constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Numeric vector, representing the X coordinate for each vertex.


    Numeric vector, representing the Y coordinate for each vertex.


    Numeric vector, representing the Z coordinate for each vertex.


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property opacity

Sets the opacity of the surface. Please note that in the case of using high opacity values for example a value greater than or equal to 0.5 on two surfaces (and 0.25 with four surfaces), an overlay of multiple transparent surfaces may not perfectly be sorted in depth by the webgl API. This behavior may be improved in the near future and is subject to change.

The ‘opacity’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]


Return type


property reversescale

Reverses the color mapping if true. If true, cmin will correspond to the last color in the array and cmax will correspond to the first color.

The ‘reversescale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property scene

Sets a reference between this trace’s 3D coordinate system and a 3D scene. If “scene” (the default value), the (x,y,z) coordinates refer to layout.scene. If “scene2”, the (x,y,z) coordinates refer to layout.scene2, and so on.

The ‘scene’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘scene’, that may be specified as the string ‘scene’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘scene’, ‘scene1’, ‘scene2’, ‘scene3’, etc.)


Return type


property showlegend

Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.

The ‘showlegend’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property showscale

Determines whether or not a colorbar is displayed for this trace.

The ‘showscale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.mesh3d.Stream

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type


property text

Sets the text elements associated with the vertices. If trace hoverinfo contains a “text” flag and “hovertext” is not set, these elements will be seen in the hover labels.

The ‘text’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property textsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for text.

The ‘textsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property type
property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property vertexcolor

Sets the color of each vertex Overrides “color”. While Red, green and blue colors are in the range of 0 and 255; in the case of having vertex color data in RGBA format, the alpha color should be normalized to be between 0 and 1.

The ‘vertexcolor’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property vertexcolorsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for vertexcolor.

The ‘vertexcolorsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


property x

Sets the X coordinates of the vertices. The nth element of vectors x, y and z jointly represent the X, Y and Z coordinates of the nth vertex.

The ‘x’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property xcalendar

Sets the calendar system to use with x date data.

The ‘xcalendar’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘chinese’, ‘coptic’, ‘discworld’, ‘ethiopian’, ‘gregorian’, ‘hebrew’, ‘islamic’, ‘jalali’, ‘julian’, ‘mayan’, ‘nanakshahi’, ‘nepali’, ‘persian’, ‘taiwan’, ‘thai’, ‘ummalqura’]


Return type


property xhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor x using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using xaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘xhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property xsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for x.

The ‘xsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property y

Sets the Y coordinates of the vertices. The nth element of vectors x, y and z jointly represent the X, Y and Z coordinates of the nth vertex.

The ‘y’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property ycalendar

Sets the calendar system to use with y date data.

The ‘ycalendar’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘chinese’, ‘coptic’, ‘discworld’, ‘ethiopian’, ‘gregorian’, ‘hebrew’, ‘islamic’, ‘jalali’, ‘julian’, ‘mayan’, ‘nanakshahi’, ‘nepali’, ‘persian’, ‘taiwan’, ‘thai’, ‘ummalqura’]


Return type


property yhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor y using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using yaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘yhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property ysrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for y.

The ‘ysrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property z

Sets the Z coordinates of the vertices. The nth element of vectors x, y and z jointly represent the X, Y and Z coordinates of the nth vertex.

The ‘z’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property zcalendar

Sets the calendar system to use with z date data.

The ‘zcalendar’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘chinese’, ‘coptic’, ‘discworld’, ‘ethiopian’, ‘gregorian’, ‘hebrew’, ‘islamic’, ‘jalali’, ‘julian’, ‘mayan’, ‘nanakshahi’, ‘nepali’, ‘persian’, ‘taiwan’, ‘thai’, ‘ummalqura’]


Return type


property zhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor z using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using zaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘zhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property zsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for z.

The ‘zsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


class, close=None, closesrc=None, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, decreasing=None, high=None, highsrc=None, hoverinfo=None, hoverinfosrc=None, hoverlabel=None, hovertext=None, hovertextsrc=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, increasing=None, legend=None, legendgroup=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, line=None, low=None, lowsrc=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, name=None, opacity=None, open=None, opensrc=None, selectedpoints=None, showlegend=None, stream=None, text=None, textsrc=None, tickwidth=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, visible=None, x=None, xaxis=None, xcalendar=None, xhoverformat=None, xperiod=None, xperiod0=None, xperiodalignment=None, xsrc=None, yaxis=None, yhoverformat=None, zorder=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property close

Sets the close values.

The ‘close’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property closesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for close.

The ‘closesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property decreasing

The ‘decreasing’ property is an instance of Decreasing that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.ohlc.Decreasing

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Decreasing constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.ohlc.decreasing.Li ne instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type


property high

Sets the high values.

The ‘high’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property highsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for high.

The ‘highsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverinfo

Determines which trace information appear on hover. If none or skip are set, no information is displayed upon hovering. But, if none is set, click and hover events are still fired.

The ‘hoverinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’, ‘text’, ‘name’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘x+y’) OR exactly one of [‘all’, ‘none’, ‘skip’] (e.g. ‘skip’)

  • A list or array of the above


Return type


property hoverinfosrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hoverinfo.

The ‘hoverinfosrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverlabel

The ‘hoverlabel’ property is an instance of Hoverlabel that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.ohlc.Hoverlabel

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Hoverlabel constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans more two or more lines


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for align.


    Sets the background color of the hover labels for this trace


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bgcolor.


    Sets the border color of the hover labels for this trace.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bordercolor.


    Sets the font used in hover labels.


    Sets the default length (in number of characters) of the trace name in the hover labels for all traces. -1 shows the whole name regardless of length. 0-3 shows the first 0-3 characters, and an integer >3 will show the whole name if it is less than that many characters, but if it is longer, will truncate to namelength - 3 characters and add an ellipsis.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for namelength.


    Show hover information (open, close, high, low) in separate labels.


Return type


property hovertext

Same as text.

The ‘hovertext’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertextsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertext.

The ‘hovertextsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property increasing

The ‘increasing’ property is an instance of Increasing that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.ohlc.Increasing

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Increasing constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.ohlc.increasing.Li ne instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type


property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgroup

Sets the legend group for this trace. Traces and shapes part of the same legend group hide/show at the same time when toggling legend items.

The ‘legendgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.ohlc.Legendgrouptitle

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type


property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property line

The ‘line’ property is an instance of Line that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.ohlc.Line

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Line constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the dash style of lines. Set to a dash type string (“solid”, “dot”, “dash”, “longdash”, “dashdot”, or “longdashdot”) or a dash length list in px (eg “5px,10px,2px,2px”). Note that this style setting can also be set per direction via increasing.line.dash and decreasing.line.dash.


    [object Object] Note that this style setting can also be set per direction via increasing.line.width and decreasing.line.width.


Return type


property low

Sets the low values.

The ‘low’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property lowsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for low.

The ‘lowsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property opacity

Sets the opacity of the trace.

The ‘opacity’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]


Return type


property open

Sets the open values.

The ‘open’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property opensrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for open.

The ‘opensrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property selectedpoints

Array containing integer indices of selected points. Has an effect only for traces that support selections. Note that an empty array means an empty selection where the unselected are turned on for all points, whereas, any other non-array values means no selection all where the selected and unselected styles have no effect.

The ‘selectedpoints’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property showlegend

Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.

The ‘showlegend’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.ohlc.Stream

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type


property text

Sets hover text elements associated with each sample point. If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order to this trace’s sample points.

The ‘text’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property textsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for text.

The ‘textsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property tickwidth

Sets the width of the open/close tick marks relative to the “x” minimal interval.

The ‘tickwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 0.5]


Return type


property type
property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


property x

Sets the x coordinates. If absent, linear coordinate will be generated.

The ‘x’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property xaxis

Sets a reference between this trace’s x coordinates and a 2D cartesian x axis. If “x” (the default value), the x coordinates refer to layout.xaxis. If “x2”, the x coordinates refer to layout.xaxis2, and so on.

The ‘xaxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘x’, that may be specified as the string ‘x’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘x’, ‘x1’, ‘x2’, ‘x3’, etc.)


Return type


property xcalendar

Sets the calendar system to use with x date data.

The ‘xcalendar’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘chinese’, ‘coptic’, ‘discworld’, ‘ethiopian’, ‘gregorian’, ‘hebrew’, ‘islamic’, ‘jalali’, ‘julian’, ‘mayan’, ‘nanakshahi’, ‘nepali’, ‘persian’, ‘taiwan’, ‘thai’, ‘ummalqura’]


Return type


property xhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor x using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using xaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘xhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property xperiod

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the period positioning in milliseconds or “M<n>” on the x axis. Special values in the form of “M<n>” could be used to declare the number of months. In this case n must be a positive integer.

The ‘xperiod’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property xperiod0

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the base for period positioning in milliseconds or date string on the x0 axis. When x0period is round number of weeks, the x0period0 by default would be on a Sunday i.e. 2000-01-02, otherwise it would be at 2000-01-01.

The ‘xperiod0’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property xperiodalignment

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the alignment of data points on the x axis.

The ‘xperiodalignment’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘start’, ‘middle’, ‘end’]


Return type


property xsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for x.

The ‘xsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property yaxis

Sets a reference between this trace’s y coordinates and a 2D cartesian y axis. If “y” (the default value), the y coordinates refer to layout.yaxis. If “y2”, the y coordinates refer to layout.yaxis2, and so on.

The ‘yaxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘y’, that may be specified as the string ‘y’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘y’, ‘y1’, ‘y2’, ‘y3’, etc.)


Return type


property yhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor y using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using yaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘yhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property zorder

Sets the layer on which this trace is displayed, relative to other SVG traces on the same subplot. SVG traces with higher zorder appear in front of those with lower zorder.

The ‘zorder’ property is a integer and may be specified as:
  • An int (or float that will be cast to an int)


Return type


class, arrangement=None, bundlecolors=None, counts=None, countssrc=None, dimensions=None, dimensiondefaults=None, domain=None, hoverinfo=None, hoveron=None, hovertemplate=None, labelfont=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendwidth=None, line=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, name=None, sortpaths=None, stream=None, tickfont=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, visible=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property arrangement

Sets the drag interaction mode for categories and dimensions. If perpendicular, the categories can only move along a line perpendicular to the paths. If freeform, the categories can freely move on the plane. If fixed, the categories and dimensions are stationary.

The ‘arrangement’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘perpendicular’, ‘freeform’, ‘fixed’]


Return type


property bundlecolors

Sort paths so that like colors are bundled together within each category.

The ‘bundlecolors’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property counts

The number of observations represented by each state. Defaults to 1 so that each state represents one observation

The ‘counts’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property countssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for counts.

The ‘countssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property dimensiondefaults

When used in a template (as, sets the default property values to use for elements of parcats.dimensions

The ‘dimensiondefaults’ property is an instance of Dimension that may be specified as:


Return type


property dimensions

The dimensions (variables) of the parallel categories diagram.

The ‘dimensions’ property is a tuple of instances of Dimension that may be specified as:

  • A list or tuple of instances of plotly.graph_objects.parcats.Dimension

  • A list or tuple of dicts of string/value properties that will be passed to the Dimension constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the order in which categories in this dimension appear. Only has an effect if categoryorder is set to “array”. Used with categoryorder.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for categoryarray.


    Specifies the ordering logic for the categories in the dimension. By default, plotly uses “trace”, which specifies the order that is present in the data supplied. Set categoryorder to category ascending or category descending if order should be determined by the alphanumerical order of the category names. Set categoryorder to “array” to derive the ordering from the attribute categoryarray. If a category is not found in the categoryarray array, the sorting behavior for that attribute will be identical to the “trace” mode. The unspecified categories will follow the categories in categoryarray.


    The display index of dimension, from left to right, zero indexed, defaults to dimension index.


    The shown name of the dimension.


    Sets alternative tick labels for the categories in this dimension. Only has an effect if categoryorder is set to “array”. Should be an array the same length as categoryarray Used with categoryorder.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ticktext.


    Dimension values. values[n] represents the category value of the n`th point in the dataset, therefore the `values vector for all dimensions must be the same (longer vectors will be truncated).


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for values.


    Shows the dimension when set to true (the default). Hides the dimension for false.


Return type


property domain

The ‘domain’ property is an instance of Domain that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.parcats.Domain

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Domain constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    If there is a layout grid, use the domain for this column in the grid for this parcats trace .


    If there is a layout grid, use the domain for this row in the grid for this parcats trace .


    Sets the horizontal domain of this parcats trace (in plot fraction).


    Sets the vertical domain of this parcats trace (in plot fraction).


Return type


property hoverinfo

Determines which trace information appear on hover. If none or skip are set, no information is displayed upon hovering. But, if none is set, click and hover events are still fired.

The ‘hoverinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘count’, ‘probability’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘count+probability’) OR exactly one of [‘all’, ‘none’, ‘skip’] (e.g. ‘skip’)


Return type


property hoveron

Sets the hover interaction mode for the parcats diagram. If category, hover interaction take place per category. If color, hover interactions take place per color per category. If dimension, hover interactions take place across all categories per dimension.

The ‘hoveron’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘category’, ‘color’, ‘dimension’]


Return type


property hovertemplate

Template string used for rendering the information that appear on hover box. Note that this will override hoverinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}” as well as %{xother}, {%_xother}, {%_xother_}, {%xother_}. When showing info for several points, “xother” will be added to those with different x positions from the first point. An underscore before or after “(x|y)other” will add a space on that side, only when this field is shown. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. The variables available in hovertemplate are the ones emitted as event data described at this link Additionally, every attributes that can be specified per-point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. This value here applies when hovering over dimensions. Note that *categorycount, “colorcount” and “bandcolorcount” are only available when hoveron contains the “color” flagFinally, the template string has access to variables count, probability, category, categorycount, colorcount and bandcolorcount. Anything contained in tag <extra> is displayed in the secondary box, for example “<extra>{}</extra>”. To hide the secondary box completely, use an empty tag <extra></extra>.

The ‘hovertemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property labelfont

Sets the font for the dimension labels.

The ‘labelfont’ property is an instance of Labelfont that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.parcats.Labelfont

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Labelfont constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.


    Sets the kind of decoration line(s) with text, such as an “under”, “over” or “through” as well as combinations e.g. “under+over”, etc.


    Sets the shape and color of the shadow behind text. “auto” places minimal shadow and applies contrast text font color. See US/docs/Web/CSS/text-shadow for additional options.



    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets capitalization of text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all- lowercase, or with each word capitalized.


    Sets the variant of the font.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.parcats.Legendgrouptitle

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property line

The ‘line’ property is an instance of Line that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.parcats.Line

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Line constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Determines whether the colorscale is a default palette (autocolorscale: true) or the palette determined by line.colorscale. Has an effect only if in line.color is set to a numerical array. In case colorscale is unspecified or autocolorscale is true, the default palette will be chosen according to whether numbers in the color array are all positive, all negative or mixed.


    Determines whether or not the color domain is computed with respect to the input data (here in line.color) or the bounds set in line.cmin and line.cmax Has an effect only if in line.color is set to a numerical array. Defaults to false when line.cmin and line.cmax are set by the user.


    Sets the upper bound of the color domain. Has an effect only if in line.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in line.color and if set, line.cmin must be set as well.


    Sets the mid-point of the color domain by scaling line.cmin and/or line.cmax to be equidistant to this point. Has an effect only if in line.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in line.color. Has no effect when line.cauto is false.


    Sets the lower bound of the color domain. Has an effect only if in line.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in line.color and if set, line.cmax must be set as well.


    Sets the line color. It accepts either a specific color or an array of numbers that are mapped to the colorscale relative to the max and min values of the array or relative to line.cmin and line.cmax if set.


    Sets a reference to a shared color axis. References to these shared color axes are “coloraxis”, “coloraxis2”, “coloraxis3”, etc. Settings for these shared color axes are set in the layout, under layout.coloraxis, layout.coloraxis2, etc. Note that multiple color scales can be linked to the same color axis.


    plotly.graph_objects.parcats.line.Color Bar instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the colorscale. Has an effect only if in line.color is set to a numerical array. The colorscale must be an array containing arrays mapping a normalized value to an rgb, rgba, hex, hsl, hsv, or named color string. At minimum, a mapping for the lowest (0) and highest (1) values are required. For example, [[0, 'rgb(0,0,255)'], [1, 'rgb(255,0,0)']]. To control the bounds of the colorscale in color space, use line.cmin and line.cmax. Alternatively, colorscale may be a palette name string of the following list: Blackbody,Bl uered,Blues,Cividis,Earth,Electric,Greens,Greys ,Hot,Jet,Picnic,Portland,Rainbow,RdBu,Reds,Viri dis,YlGnBu,YlOrRd.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    Template string used for rendering the information that appear on hover box. Note that this will override hoverinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}” as well as %{xother}, {%_xother}, {%_xother_}, {%xother_}. When showing info for several points, “xother” will be added to those with different x positions from the first point. An underscore before or after “(x|y)other” will add a space on that side, only when this field is shown. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. format/tree/v1.4.5#d3-format for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time- format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. The variables available in hovertemplate are the ones emitted as event data described at this link events/#event-data. Additionally, every attributes that can be specified per-point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. This value here applies when hovering over lines.Finally, the template string has access to variables count and probability. Anything contained in tag <extra> is displayed in the secondary box, for example “<extra>{}</extra>”. To hide the secondary box completely, use an empty tag <extra></extra>.


    Reverses the color mapping if true. Has an effect only if in line.color is set to a numerical array. If true, line.cmin will correspond to the last color in the array and line.cmax will correspond to the first color.


    Sets the shape of the paths. If linear, paths are composed of straight lines. If hspline, paths are composed of horizontal curved splines


    Determines whether or not a colorbar is displayed for this trace. Has an effect only if in line.color is set to a numerical array.


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property sortpaths

Sets the path sorting algorithm. If forward, sort paths based on dimension categories from left to right. If backward, sort paths based on dimensions categories from right to left.

The ‘sortpaths’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘forward’, ‘backward’]


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.parcats.Stream

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type


property tickfont

Sets the font for the category labels.

The ‘tickfont’ property is an instance of Tickfont that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.parcats.Tickfont

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Tickfont constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.


    Sets the kind of decoration line(s) with text, such as an “under”, “over” or “through” as well as combinations e.g. “under+over”, etc.


    Sets the shape and color of the shadow behind text. “auto” places minimal shadow and applies contrast text font color. See US/docs/Web/CSS/text-shadow for additional options.



    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets capitalization of text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all- lowercase, or with each word capitalized.


    Sets the variant of the font.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


Return type


property type
property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


class, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, dimensions=None, dimensiondefaults=None, domain=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, labelangle=None, labelfont=None, labelside=None, legend=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, line=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, name=None, rangefont=None, stream=None, tickfont=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, unselected=None, visible=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property dimensiondefaults

When used in a template (as, sets the default property values to use for elements of parcoords.dimensions

The ‘dimensiondefaults’ property is an instance of Dimension that may be specified as:


Return type


property dimensions

The dimensions (variables) of the parallel coordinates chart. 2..60 dimensions are supported.

The ‘dimensions’ property is a tuple of instances of Dimension that may be specified as:

  • A list or tuple of instances of plotly.graph_objects.parcoords.Dimension

  • A list or tuple of dicts of string/value properties that will be passed to the Dimension constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    The domain range to which the filter on the dimension is constrained. Must be an array of [fromValue, toValue] with fromValue <= toValue, or if multiselect is not disabled, you may give an array of arrays, where each inner array is [fromValue, toValue].


    The shown name of the dimension.


    Do we allow multiple selection ranges or just a single range?


    When used in a template, named items are created in the output figure in addition to any items the figure already has in this array. You can modify these items in the output figure by making your own item with templateitemname matching this name alongside your modifications (including visible: false or enabled: false to hide it). Has no effect outside of a template.


    The domain range that represents the full, shown axis extent. Defaults to the values extent. Must be an array of [fromValue, toValue] with finite numbers as elements.


    Used to refer to a named item in this array in the template. Named items from the template will be created even without a matching item in the input figure, but you can modify one by making an item with templateitemname matching its name, alongside your modifications (including visible: false or enabled: false to hide it). If there is no template or no matching item, this item will be hidden unless you explicitly show it with visible: true.


    Sets the tick label formatting rule using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: h ttps:// format. And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display “09~15~23.46”


    Sets the text displayed at the ticks position via tickvals.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ticktext.


    Sets the values at which ticks on this axis appear.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for tickvals.


    Dimension values. values[n] represents the value of the n`th point in the dataset, therefore the `values vector for all dimensions must be the same (longer vectors will be truncated). Each value must be a finite number.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for values.


    Shows the dimension when set to true (the default). Hides the dimension for false.


Return type


property domain

The ‘domain’ property is an instance of Domain that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.parcoords.Domain

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Domain constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    If there is a layout grid, use the domain for this column in the grid for this parcoords trace .


    If there is a layout grid, use the domain for this row in the grid for this parcoords trace .


    Sets the horizontal domain of this parcoords trace (in plot fraction).


    Sets the vertical domain of this parcoords trace (in plot fraction).


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property labelangle

Sets the angle of the labels with respect to the horizontal. For example, a tickangle of -90 draws the labels vertically. Tilted labels with “labelangle” may be positioned better inside margins when labelposition is set to “bottom”.

The ‘labelangle’ property is a angle (in degrees) that may be specified as a number between -180 and 180. Numeric values outside this range are converted to the equivalent value (e.g. 270 is converted to -90).


Return type


property labelfont

Sets the font for the dimension labels.

The ‘labelfont’ property is an instance of Labelfont that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.parcoords.Labelfont

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Labelfont constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.


    Sets the kind of decoration line(s) with text, such as an “under”, “over” or “through” as well as combinations e.g. “under+over”, etc.


    Sets the shape and color of the shadow behind text. “auto” places minimal shadow and applies contrast text font color. See US/docs/Web/CSS/text-shadow for additional options.



    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets capitalization of text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all- lowercase, or with each word capitalized.


    Sets the variant of the font.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


Return type


property labelside

Specifies the location of the label. “top” positions labels above, next to the title “bottom” positions labels below the graph Tilted labels with “labelangle” may be positioned better inside margins when labelposition is set to “bottom”.

The ‘labelside’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘top’, ‘bottom’]


Return type


property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.parcoords.Legendgrouptitle

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type


property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property line

The ‘line’ property is an instance of Line that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.parcoords.Line

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Line constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Determines whether the colorscale is a default palette (autocolorscale: true) or the palette determined by line.colorscale. Has an effect only if in line.color is set to a numerical array. In case colorscale is unspecified or autocolorscale is true, the default palette will be chosen according to whether numbers in the color array are all positive, all negative or mixed.


    Determines whether or not the color domain is computed with respect to the input data (here in line.color) or the bounds set in line.cmin and line.cmax Has an effect only if in line.color is set to a numerical array. Defaults to false when line.cmin and line.cmax are set by the user.


    Sets the upper bound of the color domain. Has an effect only if in line.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in line.color and if set, line.cmin must be set as well.


    Sets the mid-point of the color domain by scaling line.cmin and/or line.cmax to be equidistant to this point. Has an effect only if in line.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in line.color. Has no effect when line.cauto is false.


    Sets the lower bound of the color domain. Has an effect only if in line.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in line.color and if set, line.cmax must be set as well.


    Sets the line color. It accepts either a specific color or an array of numbers that are mapped to the colorscale relative to the max and min values of the array or relative to line.cmin and line.cmax if set.


    Sets a reference to a shared color axis. References to these shared color axes are “coloraxis”, “coloraxis2”, “coloraxis3”, etc. Settings for these shared color axes are set in the layout, under layout.coloraxis, layout.coloraxis2, etc. Note that multiple color scales can be linked to the same color axis.


    plotly.graph_objects.parcoords.line.Col orBar instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the colorscale. Has an effect only if in line.color is set to a numerical array. The colorscale must be an array containing arrays mapping a normalized value to an rgb, rgba, hex, hsl, hsv, or named color string. At minimum, a mapping for the lowest (0) and highest (1) values are required. For example, [[0, 'rgb(0,0,255)'], [1, 'rgb(255,0,0)']]. To control the bounds of the colorscale in color space, use line.cmin and line.cmax. Alternatively, colorscale may be a palette name string of the following list: Blackbody,Bl uered,Blues,Cividis,Earth,Electric,Greens,Greys ,Hot,Jet,Picnic,Portland,Rainbow,RdBu,Reds,Viri dis,YlGnBu,YlOrRd.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    Reverses the color mapping if true. Has an effect only if in line.color is set to a numerical array. If true, line.cmin will correspond to the last color in the array and line.cmax will correspond to the first color.


    Determines whether or not a colorbar is displayed for this trace. Has an effect only if in line.color is set to a numerical array.


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property rangefont

Sets the font for the dimension range values.

The ‘rangefont’ property is an instance of Rangefont that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.parcoords.Rangefont

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Rangefont constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.


    Sets the kind of decoration line(s) with text, such as an “under”, “over” or “through” as well as combinations e.g. “under+over”, etc.


    Sets the shape and color of the shadow behind text. “auto” places minimal shadow and applies contrast text font color. See US/docs/Web/CSS/text-shadow for additional options.



    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets capitalization of text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all- lowercase, or with each word capitalized.


    Sets the variant of the font.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.parcoords.Stream

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type


property tickfont

Sets the font for the dimension tick values.

The ‘tickfont’ property is an instance of Tickfont that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.parcoords.Tickfont

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Tickfont constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.


    Sets the kind of decoration line(s) with text, such as an “under”, “over” or “through” as well as combinations e.g. “under+over”, etc.


    Sets the shape and color of the shadow behind text. “auto” places minimal shadow and applies contrast text font color. See US/docs/Web/CSS/text-shadow for additional options.



    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets capitalization of text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all- lowercase, or with each word capitalized.


    Sets the variant of the font.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


Return type


property type
property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property unselected

The ‘unselected’ property is an instance of Unselected that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.parcoords.Unselected

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Unselected constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.parcoords.unselect ed.Line instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


class, automargin=None, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, direction=None, dlabel=None, domain=None, hole=None, hoverinfo=None, hoverinfosrc=None, hoverlabel=None, hovertemplate=None, hovertemplatesrc=None, hovertext=None, hovertextsrc=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, insidetextfont=None, insidetextorientation=None, label0=None, labels=None, labelssrc=None, legend=None, legendgroup=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, marker=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, name=None, opacity=None, outsidetextfont=None, pull=None, pullsrc=None, rotation=None, scalegroup=None, showlegend=None, sort=None, stream=None, text=None, textfont=None, textinfo=None, textposition=None, textpositionsrc=None, textsrc=None, texttemplate=None, texttemplatesrc=None, title=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, values=None, valuessrc=None, visible=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property automargin

Determines whether outside text labels can push the margins.

The ‘automargin’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property direction

Specifies the direction at which succeeding sectors follow one another.

The ‘direction’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘clockwise’, ‘counterclockwise’]


Return type


property dlabel

Sets the label step. See label0 for more info.

The ‘dlabel’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property domain

The ‘domain’ property is an instance of Domain that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.pie.Domain

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Domain constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    If there is a layout grid, use the domain for this column in the grid for this pie trace .


    If there is a layout grid, use the domain for this row in the grid for this pie trace .


    Sets the horizontal domain of this pie trace (in plot fraction).


    Sets the vertical domain of this pie trace (in plot fraction).


Return type


property hole

Sets the fraction of the radius to cut out of the pie. Use this to make a donut chart.

The ‘hole’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]


Return type


property hoverinfo

Determines which trace information appear on hover. If none or skip are set, no information is displayed upon hovering. But, if none is set, click and hover events are still fired.

The ‘hoverinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘label’, ‘text’, ‘value’, ‘percent’, ‘name’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘label+text’) OR exactly one of [‘all’, ‘none’, ‘skip’] (e.g. ‘skip’)

  • A list or array of the above


Return type


property hoverinfosrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hoverinfo.

The ‘hoverinfosrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverlabel

The ‘hoverlabel’ property is an instance of Hoverlabel that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.pie.Hoverlabel

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Hoverlabel constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans more two or more lines


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for align.


    Sets the background color of the hover labels for this trace


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bgcolor.


    Sets the border color of the hover labels for this trace.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bordercolor.


    Sets the font used in hover labels.


    Sets the default length (in number of characters) of the trace name in the hover labels for all traces. -1 shows the whole name regardless of length. 0-3 shows the first 0-3 characters, and an integer >3 will show the whole name if it is less than that many characters, but if it is longer, will truncate to namelength - 3 characters and add an ellipsis.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for namelength.


Return type


property hovertemplate

Template string used for rendering the information that appear on hover box. Note that this will override hoverinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}” as well as %{xother}, {%_xother}, {%_xother_}, {%xother_}. When showing info for several points, “xother” will be added to those with different x positions from the first point. An underscore before or after “(x|y)other” will add a space on that side, only when this field is shown. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. The variables available in hovertemplate are the ones emitted as event data described at this link Additionally, every attributes that can be specified per-point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Finally, the template string has access to variables label, color, value, percent and text. Anything contained in tag <extra> is displayed in the secondary box, for example “<extra>{}</extra>”. To hide the secondary box completely, use an empty tag <extra></extra>.

The ‘hovertemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertemplate.

The ‘hovertemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hovertext

Sets hover text elements associated with each sector. If a single string, the same string appears for all data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order of this trace’s sectors. To be seen, trace hoverinfo must contain a “text” flag.

The ‘hovertext’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertextsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertext.

The ‘hovertextsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property insidetextfont

Sets the font used for textinfo lying inside the sector.

The ‘insidetextfont’ property is an instance of Insidetextfont that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.pie.Insidetextfont

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Insidetextfont constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for family.


    Sets the kind of decoration line(s) with text, such as an “under”, “over” or “through” as well as combinations e.g. “under+over”, etc.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for lineposition.


    Sets the shape and color of the shadow behind text. “auto” places minimal shadow and applies contrast text font color. See US/docs/Web/CSS/text-shadow for additional options.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for shadow.



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for size.


    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for style.


    Sets capitalization of text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all- lowercase, or with each word capitalized.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for textcase.


    Sets the variant of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for variant.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for weight.


Return type


property insidetextorientation

Controls the orientation of the text inside chart sectors. When set to “auto”, text may be oriented in any direction in order to be as big as possible in the middle of a sector. The “horizontal” option orients text to be parallel with the bottom of the chart, and may make text smaller in order to achieve that goal. The “radial” option orients text along the radius of the sector. The “tangential” option orients text perpendicular to the radius of the sector.

The ‘insidetextorientation’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘horizontal’, ‘radial’, ‘tangential’, ‘auto’]


Return type


property label0

Alternate to labels. Builds a numeric set of labels. Use with dlabel where label0 is the starting label and dlabel the step.

The ‘label0’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property labels

Sets the sector labels. If labels entries are duplicated, we sum associated values or simply count occurrences if values is not provided. For other array attributes (including color) we use the first non-empty entry among all occurrences of the label.

The ‘labels’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property labelssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for labels.

The ‘labelssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgroup

Sets the legend group for this trace. Traces and shapes part of the same legend group hide/show at the same time when toggling legend items.

The ‘legendgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.pie.Legendgrouptitle

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type


property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property marker

The ‘marker’ property is an instance of Marker that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.pie.Marker

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Marker constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the color of each sector. If not specified, the default trace color set is used to pick the sector colors.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for colors.


    plotly.graph_objects.pie.marker.Line instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the pattern within the marker.


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property opacity

Sets the opacity of the trace.

The ‘opacity’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]


Return type


property outsidetextfont

Sets the font used for textinfo lying outside the sector.

The ‘outsidetextfont’ property is an instance of Outsidetextfont that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.pie.Outsidetextfont

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Outsidetextfont constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for family.


    Sets the kind of decoration line(s) with text, such as an “under”, “over” or “through” as well as combinations e.g. “under+over”, etc.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for lineposition.


    Sets the shape and color of the shadow behind text. “auto” places minimal shadow and applies contrast text font color. See US/docs/Web/CSS/text-shadow for additional options.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for shadow.



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for size.


    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for style.


    Sets capitalization of text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all- lowercase, or with each word capitalized.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for textcase.


    Sets the variant of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for variant.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for weight.


Return type


property pull

Sets the fraction of larger radius to pull the sectors out from the center. This can be a constant to pull all slices apart from each other equally or an array to highlight one or more slices.

The ‘pull’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property pullsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for pull.

The ‘pullsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property rotation

Instead of the first slice starting at 12 o’clock, rotate to some other angle.

The ‘rotation’ property is a angle (in degrees) that may be specified as a number between -180 and 180. Numeric values outside this range are converted to the equivalent value (e.g. 270 is converted to -90).


Return type


property scalegroup

If there are multiple pie charts that should be sized according to their totals, link them by providing a non-empty group id here shared by every trace in the same group.

The ‘scalegroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property showlegend

Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.

The ‘showlegend’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property sort

Determines whether or not the sectors are reordered from largest to smallest.

The ‘sort’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.pie.Stream

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type


property text

Sets text elements associated with each sector. If trace textinfo contains a “text” flag, these elements will be seen on the chart. If trace hoverinfo contains a “text” flag and “hovertext” is not set, these elements will be seen in the hover labels.

The ‘text’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property textfont

Sets the font used for textinfo.

The ‘textfont’ property is an instance of Textfont that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.pie.Textfont

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Textfont constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for family.


    Sets the kind of decoration line(s) with text, such as an “under”, “over” or “through” as well as combinations e.g. “under+over”, etc.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for lineposition.


    Sets the shape and color of the shadow behind text. “auto” places minimal shadow and applies contrast text font color. See US/docs/Web/CSS/text-shadow for additional options.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for shadow.



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for size.


    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for style.


    Sets capitalization of text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all- lowercase, or with each word capitalized.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for textcase.


    Sets the variant of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for variant.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for weight.


Return type


property textinfo

Determines which trace information appear on the graph.

The ‘textinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘label’, ‘text’, ‘value’, ‘percent’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘label+text’) OR exactly one of [‘none’] (e.g. ‘none’)


Return type


property textposition

Specifies the location of the textinfo.

The ‘textposition’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘inside’, ‘outside’, ‘auto’, ‘none’]

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property textpositionsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for textposition.

The ‘textpositionsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property textsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for text.

The ‘textsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property texttemplate

Template string used for rendering the information text that appear on points. Note that this will override textinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}”. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. Every attributes that can be specified per- point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Finally, the template string has access to variables label, color, value, percent and text.

The ‘texttemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property texttemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for texttemplate.

The ‘texttemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property title

The ‘title’ property is an instance of Title that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.pie.Title

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Title constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the font used for title.


    Specifies the location of the title.


    Sets the title of the chart. If it is empty, no title is displayed.


Return type


property type
property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property values

Sets the values of the sectors. If omitted, we count occurrences of each label.

The ‘values’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property valuessrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for values.

The ‘valuessrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


class, arrangement=None, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, domain=None, hoverinfo=None, hoverlabel=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, legend=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, link=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, name=None, node=None, orientation=None, selectedpoints=None, stream=None, textfont=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, valueformat=None, valuesuffix=None, visible=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property arrangement

If value is snap (the default), the node arrangement is assisted by automatic snapping of elements to preserve space between nodes specified via nodepad. If value is perpendicular, the nodes can only move along a line perpendicular to the flow. If value is freeform, the nodes can freely move on the plane. If value is fixed, the nodes are stationary.

The ‘arrangement’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘snap’, ‘perpendicular’, ‘freeform’, ‘fixed’]


Return type


property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property domain

The ‘domain’ property is an instance of Domain that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.sankey.Domain

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Domain constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    If there is a layout grid, use the domain for this column in the grid for this sankey trace .


    If there is a layout grid, use the domain for this row in the grid for this sankey trace .


    Sets the horizontal domain of this sankey trace (in plot fraction).


    Sets the vertical domain of this sankey trace (in plot fraction).


Return type


property hoverinfo

Determines which trace information appear on hover. If none or skip are set, no information is displayed upon hovering. But, if none is set, click and hover events are still fired. Note that this attribute is superseded by node.hoverinfo and node.hoverinfo for nodes and links respectively.

The ‘hoverinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘’) OR exactly one of [‘all’, ‘none’, ‘skip’] (e.g. ‘skip’)


Return type


property hoverlabel

The ‘hoverlabel’ property is an instance of Hoverlabel that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.sankey.Hoverlabel

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Hoverlabel constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans more two or more lines


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for align.


    Sets the background color of the hover labels for this trace


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bgcolor.


    Sets the border color of the hover labels for this trace.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bordercolor.


    Sets the font used in hover labels.


    Sets the default length (in number of characters) of the trace name in the hover labels for all traces. -1 shows the whole name regardless of length. 0-3 shows the first 0-3 characters, and an integer >3 will show the whole name if it is less than that many characters, but if it is longer, will truncate to namelength - 3 characters and add an ellipsis.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for namelength.


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.sankey.Legendgrouptitle

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type


property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


The links of the Sankey plot.

The ‘link’ property is an instance of Link that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.sankey.Link

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Link constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the length (in px) of the links arrow, if 0 no arrow will be drawn.


    Sets the link color. It can be a single value, or an array for specifying color for each link. If link.color is omitted, then by default, a translucent grey link will be used.


    A tuple of plotly.graph_objects.sankey. link.Colorscale instances or dicts with compatible properties


    When used in a template (as layout.template.dat, sets the default property values to use for elements of


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    Assigns extra data to each link.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.


    Sets the link hover color. It can be a single value, or an array for specifying hover colors for each link. If link.hovercolor is omitted, then by default, links will become slightly more opaque when hovered over.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovercolor.


    Determines which trace information appear when hovering links. If none or skip are set, no information is displayed upon hovering. But, if none is set, click and hover events are still fired.

    hoverlabel abel instance or dict with compatible properties


    Template string used for rendering the information that appear on hover box. Note that this will override hoverinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}” as well as %{xother}, {%_xother}, {%_xother_}, {%xother_}. When showing info for several points, “xother” will be added to those with different x positions from the first point. An underscore before or after “(x|y)other” will add a space on that side, only when this field is shown. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. format/tree/v1.4.5#d3-format for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time- format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. The variables available in hovertemplate are the ones emitted as event data described at this link events/#event-data. Additionally, every attributes that can be specified per-point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Variables source and target are node objects.Finally, the template string has access to variables value and label. Anything contained in tag <extra> is displayed in the secondary box, for example “<extra>{}</extra>”. To hide the secondary box completely, use an empty tag <extra></extra>.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertemplate.


    The shown name of the link.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for label.

    line instance or dict with compatible properties


    An integer number [0..nodes.length - 1] that represents the source node.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for source.


    An integer number [0..nodes.length - 1] that represents the target node.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for target.


    A numeric value representing the flow volume value.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for value.


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property node

The nodes of the Sankey plot.

The ‘node’ property is an instance of Node that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.sankey.Node

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Node constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the alignment method used to position the nodes along the horizontal axis.


    Sets the node color. It can be a single value, or an array for specifying color for each node. If node.color is omitted, then the default Plotly color palette will be cycled through to have a variety of colors. These defaults are not fully opaque, to allow some visibility of what is beneath the node.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    Assigns extra data to each node.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.


    Groups of nodes. Each group is defined by an array with the indices of the nodes it contains. Multiple groups can be specified.


    Determines which trace information appear when hovering nodes. If none or skip are set, no information is displayed upon hovering. But, if none is set, click and hover events are still fired.


    plotly.graph_objects.sankey.node.Hoverl abel instance or dict with compatible properties


    Template string used for rendering the information that appear on hover box. Note that this will override hoverinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}” as well as %{xother}, {%_xother}, {%_xother_}, {%xother_}. When showing info for several points, “xother” will be added to those with different x positions from the first point. An underscore before or after “(x|y)other” will add a space on that side, only when this field is shown. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. format/tree/v1.4.5#d3-format for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time- format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. The variables available in hovertemplate are the ones emitted as event data described at this link events/#event-data. Additionally, every attributes that can be specified per-point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Variables sourceLinks and targetLinks are arrays of link objects.Finally, the template string has access to variables value and label. Anything contained in tag <extra> is displayed in the secondary box, for example “<extra>{}</extra>”. To hide the secondary box completely, use an empty tag <extra></extra>.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertemplate.


    The shown name of the node.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for label.


    plotly.graph_objects.sankey.node.Line instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the padding (in px) between the nodes.


    Sets the thickness (in px) of the nodes.


    The normalized horizontal position of the node.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for x.


    The normalized vertical position of the node.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for y.


Return type


property orientation

Sets the orientation of the Sankey diagram.

The ‘orientation’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘v’, ‘h’]


Return type


property selectedpoints

Array containing integer indices of selected points. Has an effect only for traces that support selections. Note that an empty array means an empty selection where the unselected are turned on for all points, whereas, any other non-array values means no selection all where the selected and unselected styles have no effect.

The ‘selectedpoints’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.sankey.Stream

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type


property textfont

Sets the font for node labels

The ‘textfont’ property is an instance of Textfont that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.sankey.Textfont

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Textfont constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.


    Sets the kind of decoration line(s) with text, such as an “under”, “over” or “through” as well as combinations e.g. “under+over”, etc.


    Sets the shape and color of the shadow behind text. “auto” places minimal shadow and applies contrast text font color. See US/docs/Web/CSS/text-shadow for additional options.



    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets capitalization of text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all- lowercase, or with each word capitalized.


    Sets the variant of the font.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


Return type


property type
property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property valueformat

Sets the value formatting rule using d3 formatting mini- languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see:

The ‘valueformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property valuesuffix

Adds a unit to follow the value in the hover tooltip. Add a space if a separation is necessary from the value.

The ‘valuesuffix’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


class, alignmentgroup=None, cliponaxis=None, connectgaps=None, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, dx=None, dy=None, error_x=None, error_y=None, fill=None, fillcolor=None, fillgradient=None, fillpattern=None, groupnorm=None, hoverinfo=None, hoverinfosrc=None, hoverlabel=None, hoveron=None, hovertemplate=None, hovertemplatesrc=None, hovertext=None, hovertextsrc=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, legend=None, legendgroup=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, line=None, marker=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, mode=None, name=None, offsetgroup=None, opacity=None, orientation=None, selected=None, selectedpoints=None, showlegend=None, stackgaps=None, stackgroup=None, stream=None, text=None, textfont=None, textposition=None, textpositionsrc=None, textsrc=None, texttemplate=None, texttemplatesrc=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, unselected=None, visible=None, x=None, x0=None, xaxis=None, xcalendar=None, xhoverformat=None, xperiod=None, xperiod0=None, xperiodalignment=None, xsrc=None, y=None, y0=None, yaxis=None, ycalendar=None, yhoverformat=None, yperiod=None, yperiod0=None, yperiodalignment=None, ysrc=None, zorder=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property alignmentgroup

Set several traces linked to the same position axis or matching axes to the same alignmentgroup. This controls whether bars compute their positional range dependently or independently.

The ‘alignmentgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property cliponaxis

Determines whether or not markers and text nodes are clipped about the subplot axes. To show markers and text nodes above axis lines and tick labels, make sure to set xaxis.layer and yaxis.layer to below traces.

The ‘cliponaxis’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property connectgaps

Determines whether or not gaps (i.e. {nan} or missing values) in the provided data arrays are connected.

The ‘connectgaps’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property dx

Sets the x coordinate step. See x0 for more info.

The ‘dx’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property dy

Sets the y coordinate step. See y0 for more info.

The ‘dy’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property error_x

The ‘error_x’ property is an instance of ErrorX that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scatter.ErrorX

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the ErrorX constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the data corresponding the length of each error bar. Values are plotted relative to the underlying data.


    Sets the data corresponding the length of each error bar in the bottom (left) direction for vertical (horizontal) bars Values are plotted relative to the underlying data.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for arrayminus.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for array.


    Sets the stroke color of the error bars.



    Determines whether or not the error bars have the same length in both direction (top/bottom for vertical bars, left/right for horizontal bars.


    Sets the thickness (in px) of the error bars.




    Determines the rule used to generate the error bars. If *constant`, the bar lengths are of a constant value. Set this constant in value. If “percent”, the bar lengths correspond to a percentage of underlying data. Set this percentage in value. If “sqrt”, the bar lengths correspond to the square of the underlying data. If “data”, the bar lengths are set with data set array.


    Sets the value of either the percentage (if type is set to “percent”) or the constant (if type is set to “constant”) corresponding to the lengths of the error bars.


    Sets the value of either the percentage (if type is set to “percent”) or the constant (if type is set to “constant”) corresponding to the lengths of the error bars in the bottom (left) direction for vertical (horizontal) bars


    Determines whether or not this set of error bars is visible.


    Sets the width (in px) of the cross-bar at both ends of the error bars.


Return type


property error_y

The ‘error_y’ property is an instance of ErrorY that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scatter.ErrorY

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the ErrorY constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the data corresponding the length of each error bar. Values are plotted relative to the underlying data.


    Sets the data corresponding the length of each error bar in the bottom (left) direction for vertical (horizontal) bars Values are plotted relative to the underlying data.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for arrayminus.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for array.


    Sets the stroke color of the error bars.


    Determines whether or not the error bars have the same length in both direction (top/bottom for vertical bars, left/right for horizontal bars.


    Sets the thickness (in px) of the error bars.




    Determines the rule used to generate the error bars. If *constant`, the bar lengths are of a constant value. Set this constant in value. If “percent”, the bar lengths correspond to a percentage of underlying data. Set this percentage in value. If “sqrt”, the bar lengths correspond to the square of the underlying data. If “data”, the bar lengths are set with data set array.


    Sets the value of either the percentage (if type is set to “percent”) or the constant (if type is set to “constant”) corresponding to the lengths of the error bars.


    Sets the value of either the percentage (if type is set to “percent”) or the constant (if type is set to “constant”) corresponding to the lengths of the error bars in the bottom (left) direction for vertical (horizontal) bars


    Determines whether or not this set of error bars is visible.


    Sets the width (in px) of the cross-bar at both ends of the error bars.


Return type


property fill

Sets the area to fill with a solid color. Defaults to “none” unless this trace is stacked, then it gets “tonexty” (“tonextx”) if orientation is “v” (“h”) Use with fillcolor if not “none”. “tozerox” and “tozeroy” fill to x=0 and y=0 respectively. “tonextx” and “tonexty” fill between the endpoints of this trace and the endpoints of the trace before it, connecting those endpoints with straight lines (to make a stacked area graph); if there is no trace before it, they behave like “tozerox” and “tozeroy”. “toself” connects the endpoints of the trace (or each segment of the trace if it has gaps) into a closed shape. “tonext” fills the space between two traces if one completely encloses the other (eg consecutive contour lines), and behaves like “toself” if there is no trace before it. “tonext” should not be used if one trace does not enclose the other. Traces in a stackgroup will only fill to (or be filled to) other traces in the same group. With multiple `stackgroup`s or some traces stacked and some not, if fill- linked traces are not already consecutive, the later ones will be pushed down in the drawing order.

The ‘fill’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘none’, ‘tozeroy’, ‘tozerox’, ‘tonexty’, ‘tonextx’, ‘toself’, ‘tonext’]


Return type


property fillcolor

Sets the fill color. Defaults to a half-transparent variant of the line color, marker color, or marker line color, whichever is available. If fillgradient is specified, fillcolor is ignored except for setting the background color of the hover label, if any.

The ‘fillcolor’ property is a color and may be specified as:
  • A hex string (e.g. ‘#ff0000’)

  • An rgb/rgba string (e.g. ‘rgb(255,0,0)’)

  • An hsl/hsla string (e.g. ‘hsl(0,100%,50%)’)

  • An hsv/hsva string (e.g. ‘hsv(0,100%,100%)’)

  • A named CSS color:

    aliceblue, antiquewhite, aqua, aquamarine, azure, beige, bisque, black, blanchedalmond, blue, blueviolet, brown, burlywood, cadetblue, chartreuse, chocolate, coral, cornflowerblue, cornsilk, crimson, cyan, darkblue, darkcyan, darkgoldenrod, darkgray, darkgrey, darkgreen, darkkhaki, darkmagenta, darkolivegreen, darkorange, darkorchid, darkred, darksalmon, darkseagreen, darkslateblue, darkslategray, darkslategrey, darkturquoise, darkviolet, deeppink, deepskyblue, dimgray, dimgrey, dodgerblue, firebrick, floralwhite, forestgreen, fuchsia, gainsboro, ghostwhite, gold, goldenrod, gray, grey, green, greenyellow, honeydew, hotpink, indianred, indigo, ivory, khaki, lavender, lavenderblush, lawngreen, lemonchiffon, lightblue, lightcoral, lightcyan, lightgoldenrodyellow, lightgray, lightgrey, lightgreen, lightpink, lightsalmon, lightseagreen, lightskyblue, lightslategray, lightslategrey, lightsteelblue, lightyellow, lime, limegreen, linen, magenta, maroon, mediumaquamarine, mediumblue, mediumorchid, mediumpurple, mediumseagreen, mediumslateblue, mediumspringgreen, mediumturquoise, mediumvioletred, midnightblue, mintcream, mistyrose, moccasin, navajowhite, navy, oldlace, olive, olivedrab, orange, orangered, orchid, palegoldenrod, palegreen, paleturquoise, palevioletred, papayawhip, peachpuff, peru, pink, plum, powderblue, purple, red, rosybrown, royalblue, rebeccapurple, saddlebrown, salmon, sandybrown, seagreen, seashell, sienna, silver, skyblue, slateblue, slategray, slategrey, snow, springgreen, steelblue, tan, teal, thistle, tomato, turquoise, violet, wheat, white, whitesmoke, yellow, yellowgreen


Return type


property fillgradient

Sets a fill gradient. If not specified, the fillcolor is used instead.

The ‘fillgradient’ property is an instance of Fillgradient that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scatter.Fillgradient

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Fillgradient constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the fill gradient colors as a color scale. The color scale is interpreted as a gradient applied in the direction specified by “orientation”, from the lowest to the highest value of the scatter plot along that axis, or from the center to the most distant point from it, if orientation is “radial”.


    Sets the gradient start value. It is given as the absolute position on the axis determined by the orientiation. E.g., if orientation is “horizontal”, the gradient will be horizontal and start from the x-position given by start. If omitted, the gradient starts at the lowest value of the trace along the respective axis. Ignored if orientation is “radial”.


    Sets the gradient end value. It is given as the absolute position on the axis determined by the orientiation. E.g., if orientation is “horizontal”, the gradient will be horizontal and end at the x-position given by end. If omitted, the gradient ends at the highest value of the trace along the respective axis. Ignored if orientation is “radial”.


    Sets the type/orientation of the color gradient for the fill. Defaults to “none”.


Return type


property fillpattern

Sets the pattern within the marker.

The ‘fillpattern’ property is an instance of Fillpattern that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scatter.Fillpattern

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Fillpattern constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    When there is no colorscale sets the color of background pattern fill. Defaults to a marker.color background when fillmode is “overlay”. Otherwise, defaults to a transparent background.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bgcolor.


    When there is no colorscale sets the color of foreground pattern fill. Defaults to a marker.color background when fillmode is “replace”. Otherwise, defaults to dark grey or white to increase contrast with the bgcolor.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for fgcolor.


    Sets the opacity of the foreground pattern fill. Defaults to a 0.5 when fillmode is “overlay”. Otherwise, defaults to 1.


    Determines whether marker.color should be used as a default to bgcolor or a fgcolor.


    Sets the shape of the pattern fill. By default, no pattern is used for filling the area.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for shape.


    Sets the size of unit squares of the pattern fill in pixels, which corresponds to the interval of repetition of the pattern.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for size.


    Sets the solidity of the pattern fill. Solidity is roughly the fraction of the area filled by the pattern. Solidity of 0 shows only the background color without pattern and solidty of 1 shows only the foreground color without pattern.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for solidity.


Return type


property groupnorm

Only relevant when stackgroup is used, and only the first groupnorm found in the stackgroup will be used - including if visible is “legendonly” but not if it is false. Sets the normalization for the sum of this stackgroup. With “fraction”, the value of each trace at each location is divided by the sum of all trace values at that location. “percent” is the same but multiplied by 100 to show percentages. If there are multiple subplots, or multiple `stackgroup`s on one subplot, each will be normalized within its own set.

The ‘groupnorm’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘’, ‘fraction’, ‘percent’]


Return type


property hoverinfo

Determines which trace information appear on hover. If none or skip are set, no information is displayed upon hovering. But, if none is set, click and hover events are still fired.

The ‘hoverinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’, ‘text’, ‘name’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘x+y’) OR exactly one of [‘all’, ‘none’, ‘skip’] (e.g. ‘skip’)

  • A list or array of the above


Return type


property hoverinfosrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hoverinfo.

The ‘hoverinfosrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverlabel

The ‘hoverlabel’ property is an instance of Hoverlabel that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scatter.Hoverlabel

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Hoverlabel constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans more two or more lines


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for align.


    Sets the background color of the hover labels for this trace


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bgcolor.


    Sets the border color of the hover labels for this trace.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bordercolor.


    Sets the font used in hover labels.


    Sets the default length (in number of characters) of the trace name in the hover labels for all traces. -1 shows the whole name regardless of length. 0-3 shows the first 0-3 characters, and an integer >3 will show the whole name if it is less than that many characters, but if it is longer, will truncate to namelength - 3 characters and add an ellipsis.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for namelength.


Return type


property hoveron

Do the hover effects highlight individual points (markers or line points) or do they highlight filled regions? If the fill is “toself” or “tonext” and there are no markers or text, then the default is “fills”, otherwise it is “points”.

The ‘hoveron’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘points’, ‘fills’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘points+fills’)


Return type


property hovertemplate

Template string used for rendering the information that appear on hover box. Note that this will override hoverinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}” as well as %{xother}, {%_xother}, {%_xother_}, {%xother_}. When showing info for several points, “xother” will be added to those with different x positions from the first point. An underscore before or after “(x|y)other” will add a space on that side, only when this field is shown. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. The variables available in hovertemplate are the ones emitted as event data described at this link Additionally, every attributes that can be specified per-point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Anything contained in tag <extra> is displayed in the secondary box, for example “<extra>{}</extra>”. To hide the secondary box completely, use an empty tag <extra></extra>.

The ‘hovertemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertemplate.

The ‘hovertemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hovertext

Sets hover text elements associated with each (x,y) pair. If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order to the this trace’s (x,y) coordinates. To be seen, trace hoverinfo must contain a “text” flag.

The ‘hovertext’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertextsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertext.

The ‘hovertextsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgroup

Sets the legend group for this trace. Traces and shapes part of the same legend group hide/show at the same time when toggling legend items.

The ‘legendgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scatter.Legendgrouptitle

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type


property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property line

The ‘line’ property is an instance of Line that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scatter.Line

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Line constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the line back off from the end point of the nth line segment (in px). This option is useful e.g. to avoid overlap with arrowhead markers. With “auto” the lines would trim before markers if marker.angleref is set to “previous”.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for backoff.


    Sets the line color.


    Sets the dash style of lines. Set to a dash type string (“solid”, “dot”, “dash”, “longdash”, “dashdot”, or “longdashdot”) or a dash length list in px (eg “5px,10px,2px,2px”).


    Determines the line shape. With “spline” the lines are drawn using spline interpolation. The other available values correspond to step-wise line shapes.


    Simplifies lines by removing nearly-collinear points. When transitioning lines, it may be desirable to disable this so that the number of points along the resulting SVG path is unaffected.


    Has an effect only if shape is set to “spline” Sets the amount of smoothing. 0 corresponds to no smoothing (equivalent to a “linear” shape).


    Sets the line width (in px).


Return type


property marker

The ‘marker’ property is an instance of Marker that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scatter.Marker

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Marker constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the marker angle in respect to angleref.


    Sets the reference for marker angle. With “previous”, angle 0 points along the line from the previous point to this one. With “up”, angle 0 points toward the top of the screen.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for angle.


    Determines whether the colorscale is a default palette (autocolorscale: true) or the palette determined by marker.colorscale. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. In case colorscale is unspecified or autocolorscale is true, the default palette will be chosen according to whether numbers in the color array are all positive, all negative or mixed.


    Determines whether or not the color domain is computed with respect to the input data (here in marker.color) or the bounds set in marker.cmin and marker.cmax Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Defaults to false when marker.cmin and marker.cmax are set by the user.


    Sets the upper bound of the color domain. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color and if set, marker.cmin must be set as well.


    Sets the mid-point of the color domain by scaling marker.cmin and/or marker.cmax to be equidistant to this point. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color. Has no effect when marker.cauto is false.


    Sets the lower bound of the color domain. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color and if set, marker.cmax must be set as well.


    Sets the marker color. It accepts either a specific color or an array of numbers that are mapped to the colorscale relative to the max and min values of the array or relative to marker.cmin and marker.cmax if set.


    Sets a reference to a shared color axis. References to these shared color axes are “coloraxis”, “coloraxis2”, “coloraxis3”, etc. Settings for these shared color axes are set in the layout, under layout.coloraxis, layout.coloraxis2, etc. Note that multiple color scales can be linked to the same color axis.


    plotly.graph_objects.scatter.marker.Col orBar instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the colorscale. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. The colorscale must be an array containing arrays mapping a normalized value to an rgb, rgba, hex, hsl, hsv, or named color string. At minimum, a mapping for the lowest (0) and highest (1) values are required. For example, [[0, 'rgb(0,0,255)'], [1, 'rgb(255,0,0)']]. To control the bounds of the colorscale in color space, use marker.cmin and marker.cmax. Alternatively, colorscale may be a palette name string of the following list: Blackbody,Bluered,Blues,Cividis,Earth,Electric, Greens,Greys,Hot,Jet,Picnic,Portland,Rainbow,Rd Bu,Reds,Viridis,YlGnBu,YlOrRd.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    plotly.graph_objects.scatter.marker.Gra dient instance or dict with compatible properties


    plotly.graph_objects.scatter.marker.Lin e instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets a maximum number of points to be drawn on the graph. 0 corresponds to no limit.


    Sets the marker opacity.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for opacity.


    Reverses the color mapping if true. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. If true, marker.cmin will correspond to the last color in the array and marker.cmax will correspond to the first color.


    Determines whether or not a colorbar is displayed for this trace. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array.


    Sets the marker size (in px).


    Has an effect only if marker.size is set to a numerical array. Sets the minimum size (in px) of the rendered marker points.


    Has an effect only if marker.size is set to a numerical array. Sets the rule for which the data in size is converted to pixels.


    Has an effect only if marker.size is set to a numerical array. Sets the scale factor used to determine the rendered size of marker points. Use with sizemin and sizemode.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for size.


    Moves the marker away from the data point in the direction of angle (in px). This can be useful for example if you have another marker at this location and you want to point an arrowhead marker at it.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for standoff.


    Sets the marker symbol type. Adding 100 is equivalent to appending “-open” to a symbol name. Adding 200 is equivalent to appending “-dot” to a symbol name. Adding 300 is equivalent to appending “-open-dot” or “dot- open” to a symbol name.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for symbol.


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property mode

Determines the drawing mode for this scatter trace. If the provided mode includes “text” then the text elements appear at the coordinates. Otherwise, the text elements appear on hover. If there are less than 20 points and the trace is not stacked then the default is “lines+markers”. Otherwise, “lines”.

The ‘mode’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘lines’, ‘markers’, ‘text’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘lines+markers’) OR exactly one of [‘none’] (e.g. ‘none’)


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property offsetgroup

Set several traces linked to the same position axis or matching axes to the same offsetgroup where bars of the same position coordinate will line up.

The ‘offsetgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property opacity

Sets the opacity of the trace.

The ‘opacity’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]


Return type


property orientation

1. when scattermode is set to “group”. 2. when stackgroup is used, and only the first orientation found in the stackgroup will be used - including if visible is “legendonly” but not if it is false. Sets the stacking direction. With “v” (“h”), the y (x) values of subsequent traces are added. Also affects the default value of fill.

The ‘orientation’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘v’, ‘h’]


Return type



Only relevant in the following cases

property selected

The ‘selected’ property is an instance of Selected that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scatter.Selected

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Selected constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.scatter.selected.M arker instance or dict with compatible properties


    plotly.graph_objects.scatter.selected.T extfont instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type


property selectedpoints

Array containing integer indices of selected points. Has an effect only for traces that support selections. Note that an empty array means an empty selection where the unselected are turned on for all points, whereas, any other non-array values means no selection all where the selected and unselected styles have no effect.

The ‘selectedpoints’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property showlegend

Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.

The ‘showlegend’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property stackgaps

Only relevant when stackgroup is used, and only the first stackgaps found in the stackgroup will be used - including if visible is “legendonly” but not if it is false. Determines how we handle locations at which other traces in this group have data but this one does not. With infer zero we insert a zero at these locations. With “interpolate” we linearly interpolate between existing values, and extrapolate a constant beyond the existing values.

The ‘stackgaps’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘infer zero’, ‘interpolate’]


Return type


property stackgroup

Set several scatter traces (on the same subplot) to the same stackgroup in order to add their y values (or their x values if orientation is “h”). If blank or omitted this trace will not be stacked. Stacking also turns fill on by default, using “tonexty” (“tonextx”) if orientation is “h” (“v”) and sets the default mode to “lines” irrespective of point count. You can only stack on a numeric (linear or log) axis. Traces in a stackgroup will only fill to (or be filled to) other traces in the same group. With multiple `stackgroup`s or some traces stacked and some not, if fill-linked traces are not already consecutive, the later ones will be pushed down in the drawing order.

The ‘stackgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scatter.Stream

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type


property text

Sets text elements associated with each (x,y) pair. If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order to the this trace’s (x,y) coordinates. If trace hoverinfo contains a “text” flag and “hovertext” is not set, these elements will be seen in the hover labels.

The ‘text’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property textfont

Sets the text font.

The ‘textfont’ property is an instance of Textfont that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scatter.Textfont

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Textfont constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for family.


    Sets the kind of decoration line(s) with text, such as an “under”, “over” or “through” as well as combinations e.g. “under+over”, etc.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for lineposition.


    Sets the shape and color of the shadow behind text. “auto” places minimal shadow and applies contrast text font color. See US/docs/Web/CSS/text-shadow for additional options.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for shadow.



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for size.


    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for style.


    Sets capitalization of text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all- lowercase, or with each word capitalized.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for textcase.


    Sets the variant of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for variant.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for weight.


Return type


property textposition

Sets the positions of the text elements with respects to the (x,y) coordinates.

The ‘textposition’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘top left’, ‘top center’, ‘top right’, ‘middle left’, ‘middle center’, ‘middle right’, ‘bottom left’, ‘bottom center’, ‘bottom right’]

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property textpositionsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for textposition.

The ‘textpositionsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property textsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for text.

The ‘textsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property texttemplate

Template string used for rendering the information text that appear on points. Note that this will override textinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}”. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. Every attributes that can be specified per- point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available.

The ‘texttemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property texttemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for texttemplate.

The ‘texttemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property type
property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property unselected

The ‘unselected’ property is an instance of Unselected that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scatter.Unselected

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Unselected constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.scatter.unselected .Marker instance or dict with compatible properties


    plotly.graph_objects.scatter.unselected .Textfont instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


property x

Sets the x coordinates.

The ‘x’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property x0

Alternate to x. Builds a linear space of x coordinates. Use with dx where x0 is the starting coordinate and dx the step.

The ‘x0’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property xaxis

Sets a reference between this trace’s x coordinates and a 2D cartesian x axis. If “x” (the default value), the x coordinates refer to layout.xaxis. If “x2”, the x coordinates refer to layout.xaxis2, and so on.

The ‘xaxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘x’, that may be specified as the string ‘x’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘x’, ‘x1’, ‘x2’, ‘x3’, etc.)


Return type


property xcalendar

Sets the calendar system to use with x date data.

The ‘xcalendar’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘chinese’, ‘coptic’, ‘discworld’, ‘ethiopian’, ‘gregorian’, ‘hebrew’, ‘islamic’, ‘jalali’, ‘julian’, ‘mayan’, ‘nanakshahi’, ‘nepali’, ‘persian’, ‘taiwan’, ‘thai’, ‘ummalqura’]


Return type


property xhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor x using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using xaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘xhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property xperiod

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the period positioning in milliseconds or “M<n>” on the x axis. Special values in the form of “M<n>” could be used to declare the number of months. In this case n must be a positive integer.

The ‘xperiod’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property xperiod0

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the base for period positioning in milliseconds or date string on the x0 axis. When x0period is round number of weeks, the x0period0 by default would be on a Sunday i.e. 2000-01-02, otherwise it would be at 2000-01-01.

The ‘xperiod0’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property xperiodalignment

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the alignment of data points on the x axis.

The ‘xperiodalignment’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘start’, ‘middle’, ‘end’]


Return type


property xsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for x.

The ‘xsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property y

Sets the y coordinates.

The ‘y’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property y0

Alternate to y. Builds a linear space of y coordinates. Use with dy where y0 is the starting coordinate and dy the step.

The ‘y0’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property yaxis

Sets a reference between this trace’s y coordinates and a 2D cartesian y axis. If “y” (the default value), the y coordinates refer to layout.yaxis. If “y2”, the y coordinates refer to layout.yaxis2, and so on.

The ‘yaxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘y’, that may be specified as the string ‘y’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘y’, ‘y1’, ‘y2’, ‘y3’, etc.)


Return type


property ycalendar

Sets the calendar system to use with y date data.

The ‘ycalendar’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘chinese’, ‘coptic’, ‘discworld’, ‘ethiopian’, ‘gregorian’, ‘hebrew’, ‘islamic’, ‘jalali’, ‘julian’, ‘mayan’, ‘nanakshahi’, ‘nepali’, ‘persian’, ‘taiwan’, ‘thai’, ‘ummalqura’]


Return type


property yhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor y using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using yaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘yhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property yperiod

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the period positioning in milliseconds or “M<n>” on the y axis. Special values in the form of “M<n>” could be used to declare the number of months. In this case n must be a positive integer.

The ‘yperiod’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property yperiod0

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the base for period positioning in milliseconds or date string on the y0 axis. When y0period is round number of weeks, the y0period0 by default would be on a Sunday i.e. 2000-01-02, otherwise it would be at 2000-01-01.

The ‘yperiod0’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property yperiodalignment

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the alignment of data points on the y axis.

The ‘yperiodalignment’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘start’, ‘middle’, ‘end’]


Return type


property ysrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for y.

The ‘ysrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property zorder

Sets the layer on which this trace is displayed, relative to other SVG traces on the same subplot. SVG traces with higher zorder appear in front of those with lower zorder.

The ‘zorder’ property is a integer and may be specified as:
  • An int (or float that will be cast to an int)


Return type


class, connectgaps=None, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, error_x=None, error_y=None, error_z=None, hoverinfo=None, hoverinfosrc=None, hoverlabel=None, hovertemplate=None, hovertemplatesrc=None, hovertext=None, hovertextsrc=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, legend=None, legendgroup=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, line=None, marker=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, mode=None, name=None, opacity=None, projection=None, scene=None, showlegend=None, stream=None, surfaceaxis=None, surfacecolor=None, text=None, textfont=None, textposition=None, textpositionsrc=None, textsrc=None, texttemplate=None, texttemplatesrc=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, visible=None, x=None, xcalendar=None, xhoverformat=None, xsrc=None, y=None, ycalendar=None, yhoverformat=None, ysrc=None, z=None, zcalendar=None, zhoverformat=None, zsrc=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property connectgaps

Determines whether or not gaps (i.e. {nan} or missing values) in the provided data arrays are connected.

The ‘connectgaps’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property error_x

The ‘error_x’ property is an instance of ErrorX that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scatter3d.ErrorX

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the ErrorX constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the data corresponding the length of each error bar. Values are plotted relative to the underlying data.


    Sets the data corresponding the length of each error bar in the bottom (left) direction for vertical (horizontal) bars Values are plotted relative to the underlying data.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for arrayminus.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for array.


    Sets the stroke color of the error bars.



    Determines whether or not the error bars have the same length in both direction (top/bottom for vertical bars, left/right for horizontal bars.


    Sets the thickness (in px) of the error bars.




    Determines the rule used to generate the error bars. If *constant`, the bar lengths are of a constant value. Set this constant in value. If “percent”, the bar lengths correspond to a percentage of underlying data. Set this percentage in value. If “sqrt”, the bar lengths correspond to the square of the underlying data. If “data”, the bar lengths are set with data set array.


    Sets the value of either the percentage (if type is set to “percent”) or the constant (if type is set to “constant”) corresponding to the lengths of the error bars.


    Sets the value of either the percentage (if type is set to “percent”) or the constant (if type is set to “constant”) corresponding to the lengths of the error bars in the bottom (left) direction for vertical (horizontal) bars


    Determines whether or not this set of error bars is visible.


    Sets the width (in px) of the cross-bar at both ends of the error bars.


Return type


property error_y

The ‘error_y’ property is an instance of ErrorY that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scatter3d.ErrorY

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the ErrorY constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the data corresponding the length of each error bar. Values are plotted relative to the underlying data.


    Sets the data corresponding the length of each error bar in the bottom (left) direction for vertical (horizontal) bars Values are plotted relative to the underlying data.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for arrayminus.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for array.


    Sets the stroke color of the error bars.



    Determines whether or not the error bars have the same length in both direction (top/bottom for vertical bars, left/right for horizontal bars.


    Sets the thickness (in px) of the error bars.




    Determines the rule used to generate the error bars. If *constant`, the bar lengths are of a constant value. Set this constant in value. If “percent”, the bar lengths correspond to a percentage of underlying data. Set this percentage in value. If “sqrt”, the bar lengths correspond to the square of the underlying data. If “data”, the bar lengths are set with data set array.


    Sets the value of either the percentage (if type is set to “percent”) or the constant (if type is set to “constant”) corresponding to the lengths of the error bars.


    Sets the value of either the percentage (if type is set to “percent”) or the constant (if type is set to “constant”) corresponding to the lengths of the error bars in the bottom (left) direction for vertical (horizontal) bars


    Determines whether or not this set of error bars is visible.


    Sets the width (in px) of the cross-bar at both ends of the error bars.


Return type


property error_z

The ‘error_z’ property is an instance of ErrorZ that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scatter3d.ErrorZ

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the ErrorZ constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the data corresponding the length of each error bar. Values are plotted relative to the underlying data.


    Sets the data corresponding the length of each error bar in the bottom (left) direction for vertical (horizontal) bars Values are plotted relative to the underlying data.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for arrayminus.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for array.


    Sets the stroke color of the error bars.


    Determines whether or not the error bars have the same length in both direction (top/bottom for vertical bars, left/right for horizontal bars.


    Sets the thickness (in px) of the error bars.




    Determines the rule used to generate the error bars. If *constant`, the bar lengths are of a constant value. Set this constant in value. If “percent”, the bar lengths correspond to a percentage of underlying data. Set this percentage in value. If “sqrt”, the bar lengths correspond to the square of the underlying data. If “data”, the bar lengths are set with data set array.


    Sets the value of either the percentage (if type is set to “percent”) or the constant (if type is set to “constant”) corresponding to the lengths of the error bars.


    Sets the value of either the percentage (if type is set to “percent”) or the constant (if type is set to “constant”) corresponding to the lengths of the error bars in the bottom (left) direction for vertical (horizontal) bars


    Determines whether or not this set of error bars is visible.


    Sets the width (in px) of the cross-bar at both ends of the error bars.


Return type


property hoverinfo

Determines which trace information appear on hover. If none or skip are set, no information is displayed upon hovering. But, if none is set, click and hover events are still fired.

The ‘hoverinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’, ‘text’, ‘name’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘x+y’) OR exactly one of [‘all’, ‘none’, ‘skip’] (e.g. ‘skip’)

  • A list or array of the above


Return type


property hoverinfosrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hoverinfo.

The ‘hoverinfosrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverlabel

The ‘hoverlabel’ property is an instance of Hoverlabel that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scatter3d.Hoverlabel

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Hoverlabel constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans more two or more lines


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for align.


    Sets the background color of the hover labels for this trace


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bgcolor.


    Sets the border color of the hover labels for this trace.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bordercolor.


    Sets the font used in hover labels.


    Sets the default length (in number of characters) of the trace name in the hover labels for all traces. -1 shows the whole name regardless of length. 0-3 shows the first 0-3 characters, and an integer >3 will show the whole name if it is less than that many characters, but if it is longer, will truncate to namelength - 3 characters and add an ellipsis.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for namelength.


Return type


property hovertemplate

Template string used for rendering the information that appear on hover box. Note that this will override hoverinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}” as well as %{xother}, {%_xother}, {%_xother_}, {%xother_}. When showing info for several points, “xother” will be added to those with different x positions from the first point. An underscore before or after “(x|y)other” will add a space on that side, only when this field is shown. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. The variables available in hovertemplate are the ones emitted as event data described at this link Additionally, every attributes that can be specified per-point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Anything contained in tag <extra> is displayed in the secondary box, for example “<extra>{}</extra>”. To hide the secondary box completely, use an empty tag <extra></extra>.

The ‘hovertemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertemplate.

The ‘hovertemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hovertext

Sets text elements associated with each (x,y,z) triplet. If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order to the this trace’s (x,y,z) coordinates. To be seen, trace hoverinfo must contain a “text” flag.

The ‘hovertext’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertextsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertext.

The ‘hovertextsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgroup

Sets the legend group for this trace. Traces and shapes part of the same legend group hide/show at the same time when toggling legend items.

The ‘legendgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scatter3d.Legendgrouptitle

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type


property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property line

The ‘line’ property is an instance of Line that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scatter3d.Line

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Line constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Determines whether the colorscale is a default palette (autocolorscale: true) or the palette determined by line.colorscale. Has an effect only if in line.color is set to a numerical array. In case colorscale is unspecified or autocolorscale is true, the default palette will be chosen according to whether numbers in the color array are all positive, all negative or mixed.


    Determines whether or not the color domain is computed with respect to the input data (here in line.color) or the bounds set in line.cmin and line.cmax Has an effect only if in line.color is set to a numerical array. Defaults to false when line.cmin and line.cmax are set by the user.


    Sets the upper bound of the color domain. Has an effect only if in line.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in line.color and if set, line.cmin must be set as well.


    Sets the mid-point of the color domain by scaling line.cmin and/or line.cmax to be equidistant to this point. Has an effect only if in line.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in line.color. Has no effect when line.cauto is false.


    Sets the lower bound of the color domain. Has an effect only if in line.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in line.color and if set, line.cmax must be set as well.


    Sets the line color. It accepts either a specific color or an array of numbers that are mapped to the colorscale relative to the max and min values of the array or relative to line.cmin and line.cmax if set.


    Sets a reference to a shared color axis. References to these shared color axes are “coloraxis”, “coloraxis2”, “coloraxis3”, etc. Settings for these shared color axes are set in the layout, under layout.coloraxis, layout.coloraxis2, etc. Note that multiple color scales can be linked to the same color axis.


    plotly.graph_objects.scatter3d.line.Col orBar instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the colorscale. Has an effect only if in line.color is set to a numerical array. The colorscale must be an array containing arrays mapping a normalized value to an rgb, rgba, hex, hsl, hsv, or named color string. At minimum, a mapping for the lowest (0) and highest (1) values are required. For example, [[0, 'rgb(0,0,255)'], [1, 'rgb(255,0,0)']]. To control the bounds of the colorscale in color space, use line.cmin and line.cmax. Alternatively, colorscale may be a palette name string of the following list: Blackbody,Bl uered,Blues,Cividis,Earth,Electric,Greens,Greys ,Hot,Jet,Picnic,Portland,Rainbow,RdBu,Reds,Viri dis,YlGnBu,YlOrRd.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    Sets the dash style of the lines.


    Reverses the color mapping if true. Has an effect only if in line.color is set to a numerical array. If true, line.cmin will correspond to the last color in the array and line.cmax will correspond to the first color.


    Determines whether or not a colorbar is displayed for this trace. Has an effect only if in line.color is set to a numerical array.


    Sets the line width (in px).


Return type


property marker

The ‘marker’ property is an instance of Marker that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scatter3d.Marker

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Marker constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Determines whether the colorscale is a default palette (autocolorscale: true) or the palette determined by marker.colorscale. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. In case colorscale is unspecified or autocolorscale is true, the default palette will be chosen according to whether numbers in the color array are all positive, all negative or mixed.


    Determines whether or not the color domain is computed with respect to the input data (here in marker.color) or the bounds set in marker.cmin and marker.cmax Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Defaults to false when marker.cmin and marker.cmax are set by the user.


    Sets the upper bound of the color domain. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color and if set, marker.cmin must be set as well.


    Sets the mid-point of the color domain by scaling marker.cmin and/or marker.cmax to be equidistant to this point. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color. Has no effect when marker.cauto is false.


    Sets the lower bound of the color domain. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color and if set, marker.cmax must be set as well.


    Sets the marker color. It accepts either a specific color or an array of numbers that are mapped to the colorscale relative to the max and min values of the array or relative to marker.cmin and marker.cmax if set.


    Sets a reference to a shared color axis. References to these shared color axes are “coloraxis”, “coloraxis2”, “coloraxis3”, etc. Settings for these shared color axes are set in the layout, under layout.coloraxis, layout.coloraxis2, etc. Note that multiple color scales can be linked to the same color axis.


    plotly.graph_objects.scatter3d.marker.C olorBar instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the colorscale. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. The colorscale must be an array containing arrays mapping a normalized value to an rgb, rgba, hex, hsl, hsv, or named color string. At minimum, a mapping for the lowest (0) and highest (1) values are required. For example, [[0, 'rgb(0,0,255)'], [1, 'rgb(255,0,0)']]. To control the bounds of the colorscale in color space, use marker.cmin and marker.cmax. Alternatively, colorscale may be a palette name string of the following list: Blackbody,Bluered,Blues,Cividis,Earth,Electric, Greens,Greys,Hot,Jet,Picnic,Portland,Rainbow,Rd Bu,Reds,Viridis,YlGnBu,YlOrRd.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    plotly.graph_objects.scatter3d.marker.L ine instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the marker opacity. Note that the marker opacity for scatter3d traces must be a scalar value for performance reasons. To set a blending opacity value (i.e. which is not transparent), set “marker.color” to an rgba color and use its alpha channel.


    Reverses the color mapping if true. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. If true, marker.cmin will correspond to the last color in the array and marker.cmax will correspond to the first color.


    Determines whether or not a colorbar is displayed for this trace. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array.


    Sets the marker size (in px).


    Has an effect only if marker.size is set to a numerical array. Sets the minimum size (in px) of the rendered marker points.


    Has an effect only if marker.size is set to a numerical array. Sets the rule for which the data in size is converted to pixels.


    Has an effect only if marker.size is set to a numerical array. Sets the scale factor used to determine the rendered size of marker points. Use with sizemin and sizemode.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for size.


    Sets the marker symbol type.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for symbol.


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property mode

Determines the drawing mode for this scatter trace. If the provided mode includes “text” then the text elements appear at the coordinates. Otherwise, the text elements appear on hover. If there are less than 20 points and the trace is not stacked then the default is “lines+markers”. Otherwise, “lines”.

The ‘mode’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘lines’, ‘markers’, ‘text’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘lines+markers’) OR exactly one of [‘none’] (e.g. ‘none’)


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property opacity

Sets the opacity of the trace.

The ‘opacity’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]


Return type


property projection

The ‘projection’ property is an instance of Projection that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scatter3d.Projection

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Projection constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.scatter3d.projecti on.X instance or dict with compatible properties


    plotly.graph_objects.scatter3d.projecti on.Y instance or dict with compatible properties


    plotly.graph_objects.scatter3d.projecti on.Z instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type


property scene

Sets a reference between this trace’s 3D coordinate system and a 3D scene. If “scene” (the default value), the (x,y,z) coordinates refer to layout.scene. If “scene2”, the (x,y,z) coordinates refer to layout.scene2, and so on.

The ‘scene’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘scene’, that may be specified as the string ‘scene’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘scene’, ‘scene1’, ‘scene2’, ‘scene3’, etc.)


Return type


property showlegend

Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.

The ‘showlegend’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scatter3d.Stream

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type


property surfaceaxis

If “-1”, the scatter points are not fill with a surface If 0, 1, 2, the scatter points are filled with a Delaunay surface about the x, y, z respectively.

The ‘surfaceaxis’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [-1, 0, 1, 2]


Return type


property surfacecolor

Sets the surface fill color.

The ‘surfacecolor’ property is a color and may be specified as:
  • A hex string (e.g. ‘#ff0000’)

  • An rgb/rgba string (e.g. ‘rgb(255,0,0)’)

  • An hsl/hsla string (e.g. ‘hsl(0,100%,50%)’)

  • An hsv/hsva string (e.g. ‘hsv(0,100%,100%)’)

  • A named CSS color:

    aliceblue, antiquewhite, aqua, aquamarine, azure, beige, bisque, black, blanchedalmond, blue, blueviolet, brown, burlywood, cadetblue, chartreuse, chocolate, coral, cornflowerblue, cornsilk, crimson, cyan, darkblue, darkcyan, darkgoldenrod, darkgray, darkgrey, darkgreen, darkkhaki, darkmagenta, darkolivegreen, darkorange, darkorchid, darkred, darksalmon, darkseagreen, darkslateblue, darkslategray, darkslategrey, darkturquoise, darkviolet, deeppink, deepskyblue, dimgray, dimgrey, dodgerblue, firebrick, floralwhite, forestgreen, fuchsia, gainsboro, ghostwhite, gold, goldenrod, gray, grey, green, greenyellow, honeydew, hotpink, indianred, indigo, ivory, khaki, lavender, lavenderblush, lawngreen, lemonchiffon, lightblue, lightcoral, lightcyan, lightgoldenrodyellow, lightgray, lightgrey, lightgreen, lightpink, lightsalmon, lightseagreen, lightskyblue, lightslategray, lightslategrey, lightsteelblue, lightyellow, lime, limegreen, linen, magenta, maroon, mediumaquamarine, mediumblue, mediumorchid, mediumpurple, mediumseagreen, mediumslateblue, mediumspringgreen, mediumturquoise, mediumvioletred, midnightblue, mintcream, mistyrose, moccasin, navajowhite, navy, oldlace, olive, olivedrab, orange, orangered, orchid, palegoldenrod, palegreen, paleturquoise, palevioletred, papayawhip, peachpuff, peru, pink, plum, powderblue, purple, red, rosybrown, royalblue, rebeccapurple, saddlebrown, salmon, sandybrown, seagreen, seashell, sienna, silver, skyblue, slateblue, slategray, slategrey, snow, springgreen, steelblue, tan, teal, thistle, tomato, turquoise, violet, wheat, white, whitesmoke, yellow, yellowgreen


Return type


property text

Sets text elements associated with each (x,y,z) triplet. If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order to the this trace’s (x,y,z) coordinates. If trace hoverinfo contains a “text” flag and “hovertext” is not set, these elements will be seen in the hover labels.

The ‘text’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property textfont

Sets the text font.

The ‘textfont’ property is an instance of Textfont that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scatter3d.Textfont

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Textfont constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for family.



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for size.


    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for style.


    Sets the variant of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for variant.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for weight.


Return type


property textposition

Sets the positions of the text elements with respects to the (x,y) coordinates.

The ‘textposition’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘top left’, ‘top center’, ‘top right’, ‘middle left’, ‘middle center’, ‘middle right’, ‘bottom left’, ‘bottom center’, ‘bottom right’]

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property textpositionsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for textposition.

The ‘textpositionsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property textsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for text.

The ‘textsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property texttemplate

Template string used for rendering the information text that appear on points. Note that this will override textinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}”. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. Every attributes that can be specified per- point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available.

The ‘texttemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property texttemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for texttemplate.

The ‘texttemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property type
property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


property x

Sets the x coordinates.

The ‘x’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property xcalendar

Sets the calendar system to use with x date data.

The ‘xcalendar’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘chinese’, ‘coptic’, ‘discworld’, ‘ethiopian’, ‘gregorian’, ‘hebrew’, ‘islamic’, ‘jalali’, ‘julian’, ‘mayan’, ‘nanakshahi’, ‘nepali’, ‘persian’, ‘taiwan’, ‘thai’, ‘ummalqura’]


Return type


property xhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor x using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using xaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘xhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property xsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for x.

The ‘xsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property y

Sets the y coordinates.

The ‘y’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property ycalendar

Sets the calendar system to use with y date data.

The ‘ycalendar’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘chinese’, ‘coptic’, ‘discworld’, ‘ethiopian’, ‘gregorian’, ‘hebrew’, ‘islamic’, ‘jalali’, ‘julian’, ‘mayan’, ‘nanakshahi’, ‘nepali’, ‘persian’, ‘taiwan’, ‘thai’, ‘ummalqura’]


Return type


property yhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor y using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using yaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘yhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property ysrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for y.

The ‘ysrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property z

Sets the z coordinates.

The ‘z’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property zcalendar

Sets the calendar system to use with z date data.

The ‘zcalendar’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘chinese’, ‘coptic’, ‘discworld’, ‘ethiopian’, ‘gregorian’, ‘hebrew’, ‘islamic’, ‘jalali’, ‘julian’, ‘mayan’, ‘nanakshahi’, ‘nepali’, ‘persian’, ‘taiwan’, ‘thai’, ‘ummalqura’]


Return type


property zhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor z using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using zaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘zhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property zsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for z.

The ‘zsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


class, a=None, asrc=None, b=None, bsrc=None, carpet=None, connectgaps=None, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, fill=None, fillcolor=None, hoverinfo=None, hoverinfosrc=None, hoverlabel=None, hoveron=None, hovertemplate=None, hovertemplatesrc=None, hovertext=None, hovertextsrc=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, legend=None, legendgroup=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, line=None, marker=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, mode=None, name=None, opacity=None, selected=None, selectedpoints=None, showlegend=None, stream=None, text=None, textfont=None, textposition=None, textpositionsrc=None, textsrc=None, texttemplate=None, texttemplatesrc=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, unselected=None, visible=None, xaxis=None, yaxis=None, zorder=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property a

Sets the a-axis coordinates.

The ‘a’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property asrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for a.

The ‘asrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property b

Sets the b-axis coordinates.

The ‘b’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property bsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for b.

The ‘bsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property carpet

An identifier for this carpet, so that scattercarpet and contourcarpet traces can specify a carpet plot on which they lie

The ‘carpet’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property connectgaps

Determines whether or not gaps (i.e. {nan} or missing values) in the provided data arrays are connected.

The ‘connectgaps’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property fill

Sets the area to fill with a solid color. Use with fillcolor if not “none”. scatterternary has a subset of the options available to scatter. “toself” connects the endpoints of the trace (or each segment of the trace if it has gaps) into a closed shape. “tonext” fills the space between two traces if one completely encloses the other (eg consecutive contour lines), and behaves like “toself” if there is no trace before it. “tonext” should not be used if one trace does not enclose the other.

The ‘fill’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘none’, ‘toself’, ‘tonext’]


Return type


property fillcolor

Sets the fill color. Defaults to a half-transparent variant of the line color, marker color, or marker line color, whichever is available.

The ‘fillcolor’ property is a color and may be specified as:
  • A hex string (e.g. ‘#ff0000’)

  • An rgb/rgba string (e.g. ‘rgb(255,0,0)’)

  • An hsl/hsla string (e.g. ‘hsl(0,100%,50%)’)

  • An hsv/hsva string (e.g. ‘hsv(0,100%,100%)’)

  • A named CSS color:

    aliceblue, antiquewhite, aqua, aquamarine, azure, beige, bisque, black, blanchedalmond, blue, blueviolet, brown, burlywood, cadetblue, chartreuse, chocolate, coral, cornflowerblue, cornsilk, crimson, cyan, darkblue, darkcyan, darkgoldenrod, darkgray, darkgrey, darkgreen, darkkhaki, darkmagenta, darkolivegreen, darkorange, darkorchid, darkred, darksalmon, darkseagreen, darkslateblue, darkslategray, darkslategrey, darkturquoise, darkviolet, deeppink, deepskyblue, dimgray, dimgrey, dodgerblue, firebrick, floralwhite, forestgreen, fuchsia, gainsboro, ghostwhite, gold, goldenrod, gray, grey, green, greenyellow, honeydew, hotpink, indianred, indigo, ivory, khaki, lavender, lavenderblush, lawngreen, lemonchiffon, lightblue, lightcoral, lightcyan, lightgoldenrodyellow, lightgray, lightgrey, lightgreen, lightpink, lightsalmon, lightseagreen, lightskyblue, lightslategray, lightslategrey, lightsteelblue, lightyellow, lime, limegreen, linen, magenta, maroon, mediumaquamarine, mediumblue, mediumorchid, mediumpurple, mediumseagreen, mediumslateblue, mediumspringgreen, mediumturquoise, mediumvioletred, midnightblue, mintcream, mistyrose, moccasin, navajowhite, navy, oldlace, olive, olivedrab, orange, orangered, orchid, palegoldenrod, palegreen, paleturquoise, palevioletred, papayawhip, peachpuff, peru, pink, plum, powderblue, purple, red, rosybrown, royalblue, rebeccapurple, saddlebrown, salmon, sandybrown, seagreen, seashell, sienna, silver, skyblue, slateblue, slategray, slategrey, snow, springgreen, steelblue, tan, teal, thistle, tomato, turquoise, violet, wheat, white, whitesmoke, yellow, yellowgreen


Return type


property hoverinfo

Determines which trace information appear on hover. If none or skip are set, no information is displayed upon hovering. But, if none is set, click and hover events are still fired.

The ‘hoverinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘text’, ‘name’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘a+b’) OR exactly one of [‘all’, ‘none’, ‘skip’] (e.g. ‘skip’)

  • A list or array of the above


Return type


property hoverinfosrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hoverinfo.

The ‘hoverinfosrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverlabel

The ‘hoverlabel’ property is an instance of Hoverlabel that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattercarpet.Hoverlabel

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Hoverlabel constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans more two or more lines


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for align.


    Sets the background color of the hover labels for this trace


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bgcolor.


    Sets the border color of the hover labels for this trace.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bordercolor.


    Sets the font used in hover labels.


    Sets the default length (in number of characters) of the trace name in the hover labels for all traces. -1 shows the whole name regardless of length. 0-3 shows the first 0-3 characters, and an integer >3 will show the whole name if it is less than that many characters, but if it is longer, will truncate to namelength - 3 characters and add an ellipsis.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for namelength.


Return type


property hoveron

Do the hover effects highlight individual points (markers or line points) or do they highlight filled regions? If the fill is “toself” or “tonext” and there are no markers or text, then the default is “fills”, otherwise it is “points”.

The ‘hoveron’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘points’, ‘fills’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘points+fills’)


Return type


property hovertemplate

Template string used for rendering the information that appear on hover box. Note that this will override hoverinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}” as well as %{xother}, {%_xother}, {%_xother_}, {%xother_}. When showing info for several points, “xother” will be added to those with different x positions from the first point. An underscore before or after “(x|y)other” will add a space on that side, only when this field is shown. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. The variables available in hovertemplate are the ones emitted as event data described at this link Additionally, every attributes that can be specified per-point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Anything contained in tag <extra> is displayed in the secondary box, for example “<extra>{}</extra>”. To hide the secondary box completely, use an empty tag <extra></extra>.

The ‘hovertemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertemplate.

The ‘hovertemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hovertext

Sets hover text elements associated with each (a,b) point. If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of strings, the items are mapped in order to the the data points in (a,b). To be seen, trace hoverinfo must contain a “text” flag.

The ‘hovertext’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertextsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertext.

The ‘hovertextsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgroup

Sets the legend group for this trace. Traces and shapes part of the same legend group hide/show at the same time when toggling legend items.

The ‘legendgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattercarpet.Legendgrouptitle

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type


property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property line

The ‘line’ property is an instance of Line that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattercarpet.Line

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Line constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the line back off from the end point of the nth line segment (in px). This option is useful e.g. to avoid overlap with arrowhead markers. With “auto” the lines would trim before markers if marker.angleref is set to “previous”.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for backoff.


    Sets the line color.


    Sets the dash style of lines. Set to a dash type string (“solid”, “dot”, “dash”, “longdash”, “dashdot”, or “longdashdot”) or a dash length list in px (eg “5px,10px,2px,2px”).


    Determines the line shape. With “spline” the lines are drawn using spline interpolation. The other available values correspond to step-wise line shapes.


    Has an effect only if shape is set to “spline” Sets the amount of smoothing. 0 corresponds to no smoothing (equivalent to a “linear” shape).


    Sets the line width (in px).


Return type


property marker

The ‘marker’ property is an instance of Marker that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattercarpet.Marker

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Marker constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the marker angle in respect to angleref.


    Sets the reference for marker angle. With “previous”, angle 0 points along the line from the previous point to this one. With “up”, angle 0 points toward the top of the screen.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for angle.


    Determines whether the colorscale is a default palette (autocolorscale: true) or the palette determined by marker.colorscale. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. In case colorscale is unspecified or autocolorscale is true, the default palette will be chosen according to whether numbers in the color array are all positive, all negative or mixed.


    Determines whether or not the color domain is computed with respect to the input data (here in marker.color) or the bounds set in marker.cmin and marker.cmax Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Defaults to false when marker.cmin and marker.cmax are set by the user.


    Sets the upper bound of the color domain. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color and if set, marker.cmin must be set as well.


    Sets the mid-point of the color domain by scaling marker.cmin and/or marker.cmax to be equidistant to this point. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color. Has no effect when marker.cauto is false.


    Sets the lower bound of the color domain. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color and if set, marker.cmax must be set as well.


    Sets the marker color. It accepts either a specific color or an array of numbers that are mapped to the colorscale relative to the max and min values of the array or relative to marker.cmin and marker.cmax if set.


    Sets a reference to a shared color axis. References to these shared color axes are “coloraxis”, “coloraxis2”, “coloraxis3”, etc. Settings for these shared color axes are set in the layout, under layout.coloraxis, layout.coloraxis2, etc. Note that multiple color scales can be linked to the same color axis.


    plotly.graph_objects.scattercarpet.mark er.ColorBar instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the colorscale. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. The colorscale must be an array containing arrays mapping a normalized value to an rgb, rgba, hex, hsl, hsv, or named color string. At minimum, a mapping for the lowest (0) and highest (1) values are required. For example, [[0, 'rgb(0,0,255)'], [1, 'rgb(255,0,0)']]. To control the bounds of the colorscale in color space, use marker.cmin and marker.cmax. Alternatively, colorscale may be a palette name string of the following list: Blackbody,Bluered,Blues,Cividis,Earth,Electric, Greens,Greys,Hot,Jet,Picnic,Portland,Rainbow,Rd Bu,Reds,Viridis,YlGnBu,YlOrRd.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    plotly.graph_objects.scattercarpet.mark er.Gradient instance or dict with compatible properties


    plotly.graph_objects.scattercarpet.mark er.Line instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets a maximum number of points to be drawn on the graph. 0 corresponds to no limit.


    Sets the marker opacity.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for opacity.


    Reverses the color mapping if true. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. If true, marker.cmin will correspond to the last color in the array and marker.cmax will correspond to the first color.


    Determines whether or not a colorbar is displayed for this trace. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array.


    Sets the marker size (in px).


    Has an effect only if marker.size is set to a numerical array. Sets the minimum size (in px) of the rendered marker points.


    Has an effect only if marker.size is set to a numerical array. Sets the rule for which the data in size is converted to pixels.


    Has an effect only if marker.size is set to a numerical array. Sets the scale factor used to determine the rendered size of marker points. Use with sizemin and sizemode.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for size.


    Moves the marker away from the data point in the direction of angle (in px). This can be useful for example if you have another marker at this location and you want to point an arrowhead marker at it.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for standoff.


    Sets the marker symbol type. Adding 100 is equivalent to appending “-open” to a symbol name. Adding 200 is equivalent to appending “-dot” to a symbol name. Adding 300 is equivalent to appending “-open-dot” or “dot- open” to a symbol name.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for symbol.


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property mode

Determines the drawing mode for this scatter trace. If the provided mode includes “text” then the text elements appear at the coordinates. Otherwise, the text elements appear on hover. If there are less than 20 points and the trace is not stacked then the default is “lines+markers”. Otherwise, “lines”.

The ‘mode’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘lines’, ‘markers’, ‘text’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘lines+markers’) OR exactly one of [‘none’] (e.g. ‘none’)


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property opacity

Sets the opacity of the trace.

The ‘opacity’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]


Return type


property selected

The ‘selected’ property is an instance of Selected that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattercarpet.Selected

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Selected constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.scattercarpet.sele cted.Marker instance or dict with compatible properties


    plotly.graph_objects.scattercarpet.sele cted.Textfont instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type


property selectedpoints

Array containing integer indices of selected points. Has an effect only for traces that support selections. Note that an empty array means an empty selection where the unselected are turned on for all points, whereas, any other non-array values means no selection all where the selected and unselected styles have no effect.

The ‘selectedpoints’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property showlegend

Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.

The ‘showlegend’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattercarpet.Stream

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type


property text

Sets text elements associated with each (a,b) point. If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of strings, the items are mapped in order to the the data points in (a,b). If trace hoverinfo contains a “text” flag and “hovertext” is not set, these elements will be seen in the hover labels.

The ‘text’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property textfont

Sets the text font.

The ‘textfont’ property is an instance of Textfont that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattercarpet.Textfont

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Textfont constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for family.


    Sets the kind of decoration line(s) with text, such as an “under”, “over” or “through” as well as combinations e.g. “under+over”, etc.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for lineposition.


    Sets the shape and color of the shadow behind text. “auto” places minimal shadow and applies contrast text font color. See US/docs/Web/CSS/text-shadow for additional options.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for shadow.



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for size.


    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for style.


    Sets capitalization of text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all- lowercase, or with each word capitalized.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for textcase.


    Sets the variant of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for variant.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for weight.


Return type


property textposition

Sets the positions of the text elements with respects to the (x,y) coordinates.

The ‘textposition’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘top left’, ‘top center’, ‘top right’, ‘middle left’, ‘middle center’, ‘middle right’, ‘bottom left’, ‘bottom center’, ‘bottom right’]

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property textpositionsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for textposition.

The ‘textpositionsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property textsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for text.

The ‘textsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property texttemplate

Template string used for rendering the information text that appear on points. Note that this will override textinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}”. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. Every attributes that can be specified per- point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Finally, the template string has access to variables a, b and text.

The ‘texttemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property texttemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for texttemplate.

The ‘texttemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property type
property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property unselected

The ‘unselected’ property is an instance of Unselected that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattercarpet.Unselected

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Unselected constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.scattercarpet.unse lected.Marker instance or dict with compatible properties


    plotly.graph_objects.scattercarpet.unse lected.Textfont instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


property xaxis

Sets a reference between this trace’s x coordinates and a 2D cartesian x axis. If “x” (the default value), the x coordinates refer to layout.xaxis. If “x2”, the x coordinates refer to layout.xaxis2, and so on.

The ‘xaxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘x’, that may be specified as the string ‘x’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘x’, ‘x1’, ‘x2’, ‘x3’, etc.)


Return type


property yaxis

Sets a reference between this trace’s y coordinates and a 2D cartesian y axis. If “y” (the default value), the y coordinates refer to layout.yaxis. If “y2”, the y coordinates refer to layout.yaxis2, and so on.

The ‘yaxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘y’, that may be specified as the string ‘y’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘y’, ‘y1’, ‘y2’, ‘y3’, etc.)


Return type


property zorder

Sets the layer on which this trace is displayed, relative to other SVG traces on the same subplot. SVG traces with higher zorder appear in front of those with lower zorder.

The ‘zorder’ property is a integer and may be specified as:
  • An int (or float that will be cast to an int)


Return type


class, connectgaps=None, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, featureidkey=None, fill=None, fillcolor=None, geo=None, geojson=None, hoverinfo=None, hoverinfosrc=None, hoverlabel=None, hovertemplate=None, hovertemplatesrc=None, hovertext=None, hovertextsrc=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, lat=None, latsrc=None, legend=None, legendgroup=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, line=None, locationmode=None, locations=None, locationssrc=None, lon=None, lonsrc=None, marker=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, mode=None, name=None, opacity=None, selected=None, selectedpoints=None, showlegend=None, stream=None, text=None, textfont=None, textposition=None, textpositionsrc=None, textsrc=None, texttemplate=None, texttemplatesrc=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, unselected=None, visible=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property connectgaps

Determines whether or not gaps (i.e. {nan} or missing values) in the provided data arrays are connected.

The ‘connectgaps’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property featureidkey

Sets the key in GeoJSON features which is used as id to match the items included in the locations array. Only has an effect when geojson is set. Support nested property, for example “”.

The ‘featureidkey’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property fill

Sets the area to fill with a solid color. Use with fillcolor if not “none”. “toself” connects the endpoints of the trace (or each segment of the trace if it has gaps) into a closed shape.

The ‘fill’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘none’, ‘toself’]


Return type


property fillcolor

Sets the fill color. Defaults to a half-transparent variant of the line color, marker color, or marker line color, whichever is available.

The ‘fillcolor’ property is a color and may be specified as:
  • A hex string (e.g. ‘#ff0000’)

  • An rgb/rgba string (e.g. ‘rgb(255,0,0)’)

  • An hsl/hsla string (e.g. ‘hsl(0,100%,50%)’)

  • An hsv/hsva string (e.g. ‘hsv(0,100%,100%)’)

  • A named CSS color:

    aliceblue, antiquewhite, aqua, aquamarine, azure, beige, bisque, black, blanchedalmond, blue, blueviolet, brown, burlywood, cadetblue, chartreuse, chocolate, coral, cornflowerblue, cornsilk, crimson, cyan, darkblue, darkcyan, darkgoldenrod, darkgray, darkgrey, darkgreen, darkkhaki, darkmagenta, darkolivegreen, darkorange, darkorchid, darkred, darksalmon, darkseagreen, darkslateblue, darkslategray, darkslategrey, darkturquoise, darkviolet, deeppink, deepskyblue, dimgray, dimgrey, dodgerblue, firebrick, floralwhite, forestgreen, fuchsia, gainsboro, ghostwhite, gold, goldenrod, gray, grey, green, greenyellow, honeydew, hotpink, indianred, indigo, ivory, khaki, lavender, lavenderblush, lawngreen, lemonchiffon, lightblue, lightcoral, lightcyan, lightgoldenrodyellow, lightgray, lightgrey, lightgreen, lightpink, lightsalmon, lightseagreen, lightskyblue, lightslategray, lightslategrey, lightsteelblue, lightyellow, lime, limegreen, linen, magenta, maroon, mediumaquamarine, mediumblue, mediumorchid, mediumpurple, mediumseagreen, mediumslateblue, mediumspringgreen, mediumturquoise, mediumvioletred, midnightblue, mintcream, mistyrose, moccasin, navajowhite, navy, oldlace, olive, olivedrab, orange, orangered, orchid, palegoldenrod, palegreen, paleturquoise, palevioletred, papayawhip, peachpuff, peru, pink, plum, powderblue, purple, red, rosybrown, royalblue, rebeccapurple, saddlebrown, salmon, sandybrown, seagreen, seashell, sienna, silver, skyblue, slateblue, slategray, slategrey, snow, springgreen, steelblue, tan, teal, thistle, tomato, turquoise, violet, wheat, white, whitesmoke, yellow, yellowgreen


Return type


property geo

Sets a reference between this trace’s geospatial coordinates and a geographic map. If “geo” (the default value), the geospatial coordinates refer to layout.geo. If “geo2”, the geospatial coordinates refer to layout.geo2, and so on.

The ‘geo’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘geo’, that may be specified as the string ‘geo’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘geo’, ‘geo1’, ‘geo2’, ‘geo3’, etc.)


Return type


property geojson

Sets optional GeoJSON data associated with this trace. If not given, the features on the base map are used when locations is set. It can be set as a valid GeoJSON object or as a URL string. Note that we only accept GeoJSONs of type “FeatureCollection” or “Feature” with geometries of type “Polygon” or “MultiPolygon”.

The ‘geojson’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property hoverinfo

Determines which trace information appear on hover. If none or skip are set, no information is displayed upon hovering. But, if none is set, click and hover events are still fired.

The ‘hoverinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘lon’, ‘lat’, ‘location’, ‘text’, ‘name’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘lon+lat’) OR exactly one of [‘all’, ‘none’, ‘skip’] (e.g. ‘skip’)

  • A list or array of the above


Return type


property hoverinfosrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hoverinfo.

The ‘hoverinfosrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverlabel

The ‘hoverlabel’ property is an instance of Hoverlabel that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattergeo.Hoverlabel

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Hoverlabel constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans more two or more lines


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for align.


    Sets the background color of the hover labels for this trace


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bgcolor.


    Sets the border color of the hover labels for this trace.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bordercolor.


    Sets the font used in hover labels.


    Sets the default length (in number of characters) of the trace name in the hover labels for all traces. -1 shows the whole name regardless of length. 0-3 shows the first 0-3 characters, and an integer >3 will show the whole name if it is less than that many characters, but if it is longer, will truncate to namelength - 3 characters and add an ellipsis.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for namelength.


Return type


property hovertemplate

Template string used for rendering the information that appear on hover box. Note that this will override hoverinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}” as well as %{xother}, {%_xother}, {%_xother_}, {%xother_}. When showing info for several points, “xother” will be added to those with different x positions from the first point. An underscore before or after “(x|y)other” will add a space on that side, only when this field is shown. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. The variables available in hovertemplate are the ones emitted as event data described at this link Additionally, every attributes that can be specified per-point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Anything contained in tag <extra> is displayed in the secondary box, for example “<extra>{}</extra>”. To hide the secondary box completely, use an empty tag <extra></extra>.

The ‘hovertemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertemplate.

The ‘hovertemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hovertext

Sets hover text elements associated with each (lon,lat) pair or item in locations. If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order to the this trace’s (lon,lat) or locations coordinates. To be seen, trace hoverinfo must contain a “text” flag.

The ‘hovertext’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertextsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertext.

The ‘hovertextsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property lat

Sets the latitude coordinates (in degrees North).

The ‘lat’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property latsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for lat.

The ‘latsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgroup

Sets the legend group for this trace. Traces and shapes part of the same legend group hide/show at the same time when toggling legend items.

The ‘legendgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattergeo.Legendgrouptitle

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type


property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property line

The ‘line’ property is an instance of Line that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattergeo.Line

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Line constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the line color.


    Sets the dash style of lines. Set to a dash type string (“solid”, “dot”, “dash”, “longdash”, “dashdot”, or “longdashdot”) or a dash length list in px (eg “5px,10px,2px,2px”).


    Sets the line width (in px).


Return type


property locationmode

Determines the set of locations used to match entries in locations to regions on the map. Values “ISO-3”, “USA- states”, country names correspond to features on the base map and value “geojson-id” corresponds to features from a custom GeoJSON linked to the geojson attribute.

The ‘locationmode’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘ISO-3’, ‘USA-states’, ‘country names’, ‘geojson-id’]


Return type


property locations

Sets the coordinates via location IDs or names. Coordinates correspond to the centroid of each location given. See locationmode for more info.

The ‘locations’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property locationssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for locations.

The ‘locationssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property lon

Sets the longitude coordinates (in degrees East).

The ‘lon’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property lonsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for lon.

The ‘lonsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property marker

The ‘marker’ property is an instance of Marker that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattergeo.Marker

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Marker constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the marker angle in respect to angleref.


    Sets the reference for marker angle. With “previous”, angle 0 points along the line from the previous point to this one. With “up”, angle 0 points toward the top of the screen. With “north”, angle 0 points north based on the current map projection.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for angle.


    Determines whether the colorscale is a default palette (autocolorscale: true) or the palette determined by marker.colorscale. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. In case colorscale is unspecified or autocolorscale is true, the default palette will be chosen according to whether numbers in the color array are all positive, all negative or mixed.


    Determines whether or not the color domain is computed with respect to the input data (here in marker.color) or the bounds set in marker.cmin and marker.cmax Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Defaults to false when marker.cmin and marker.cmax are set by the user.


    Sets the upper bound of the color domain. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color and if set, marker.cmin must be set as well.


    Sets the mid-point of the color domain by scaling marker.cmin and/or marker.cmax to be equidistant to this point. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color. Has no effect when marker.cauto is false.


    Sets the lower bound of the color domain. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color and if set, marker.cmax must be set as well.


    Sets the marker color. It accepts either a specific color or an array of numbers that are mapped to the colorscale relative to the max and min values of the array or relative to marker.cmin and marker.cmax if set.


    Sets a reference to a shared color axis. References to these shared color axes are “coloraxis”, “coloraxis2”, “coloraxis3”, etc. Settings for these shared color axes are set in the layout, under layout.coloraxis, layout.coloraxis2, etc. Note that multiple color scales can be linked to the same color axis.


    plotly.graph_objects.scattergeo.marker. ColorBar instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the colorscale. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. The colorscale must be an array containing arrays mapping a normalized value to an rgb, rgba, hex, hsl, hsv, or named color string. At minimum, a mapping for the lowest (0) and highest (1) values are required. For example, [[0, 'rgb(0,0,255)'], [1, 'rgb(255,0,0)']]. To control the bounds of the colorscale in color space, use marker.cmin and marker.cmax. Alternatively, colorscale may be a palette name string of the following list: Blackbody,Bluered,Blues,Cividis,Earth,Electric, Greens,Greys,Hot,Jet,Picnic,Portland,Rainbow,Rd Bu,Reds,Viridis,YlGnBu,YlOrRd.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    plotly.graph_objects.scattergeo.marker. Gradient instance or dict with compatible properties


    plotly.graph_objects.scattergeo.marker. Line instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the marker opacity.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for opacity.


    Reverses the color mapping if true. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. If true, marker.cmin will correspond to the last color in the array and marker.cmax will correspond to the first color.


    Determines whether or not a colorbar is displayed for this trace. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array.


    Sets the marker size (in px).


    Has an effect only if marker.size is set to a numerical array. Sets the minimum size (in px) of the rendered marker points.


    Has an effect only if marker.size is set to a numerical array. Sets the rule for which the data in size is converted to pixels.


    Has an effect only if marker.size is set to a numerical array. Sets the scale factor used to determine the rendered size of marker points. Use with sizemin and sizemode.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for size.


    Moves the marker away from the data point in the direction of angle (in px). This can be useful for example if you have another marker at this location and you want to point an arrowhead marker at it.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for standoff.


    Sets the marker symbol type. Adding 100 is equivalent to appending “-open” to a symbol name. Adding 200 is equivalent to appending “-dot” to a symbol name. Adding 300 is equivalent to appending “-open-dot” or “dot- open” to a symbol name.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for symbol.


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property mode

Determines the drawing mode for this scatter trace. If the provided mode includes “text” then the text elements appear at the coordinates. Otherwise, the text elements appear on hover. If there are less than 20 points and the trace is not stacked then the default is “lines+markers”. Otherwise, “lines”.

The ‘mode’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘lines’, ‘markers’, ‘text’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘lines+markers’) OR exactly one of [‘none’] (e.g. ‘none’)


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property opacity

Sets the opacity of the trace.

The ‘opacity’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]


Return type


property selected

The ‘selected’ property is an instance of Selected that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattergeo.Selected

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Selected constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.scattergeo.selecte d.Marker instance or dict with compatible properties


    plotly.graph_objects.scattergeo.selecte d.Textfont instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type


property selectedpoints

Array containing integer indices of selected points. Has an effect only for traces that support selections. Note that an empty array means an empty selection where the unselected are turned on for all points, whereas, any other non-array values means no selection all where the selected and unselected styles have no effect.

The ‘selectedpoints’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property showlegend

Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.

The ‘showlegend’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattergeo.Stream

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type


property text

Sets text elements associated with each (lon,lat) pair or item in locations. If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order to the this trace’s (lon,lat) or locations coordinates. If trace hoverinfo contains a “text” flag and “hovertext” is not set, these elements will be seen in the hover labels.

The ‘text’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property textfont

Sets the text font.

The ‘textfont’ property is an instance of Textfont that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattergeo.Textfont

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Textfont constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for family.


    Sets the kind of decoration line(s) with text, such as an “under”, “over” or “through” as well as combinations e.g. “under+over”, etc.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for lineposition.


    Sets the shape and color of the shadow behind text. “auto” places minimal shadow and applies contrast text font color. See US/docs/Web/CSS/text-shadow for additional options.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for shadow.



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for size.


    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for style.


    Sets capitalization of text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all- lowercase, or with each word capitalized.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for textcase.


    Sets the variant of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for variant.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for weight.


Return type


property textposition

Sets the positions of the text elements with respects to the (x,y) coordinates.

The ‘textposition’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘top left’, ‘top center’, ‘top right’, ‘middle left’, ‘middle center’, ‘middle right’, ‘bottom left’, ‘bottom center’, ‘bottom right’]

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property textpositionsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for textposition.

The ‘textpositionsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property textsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for text.

The ‘textsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property texttemplate

Template string used for rendering the information text that appear on points. Note that this will override textinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}”. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. Every attributes that can be specified per- point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Finally, the template string has access to variables lat, lon, location and text.

The ‘texttemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property texttemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for texttemplate.

The ‘texttemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property type
property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property unselected

The ‘unselected’ property is an instance of Unselected that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattergeo.Unselected

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Unselected constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.scattergeo.unselec ted.Marker instance or dict with compatible properties


    plotly.graph_objects.scattergeo.unselec ted.Textfont instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


class, connectgaps=None, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, dx=None, dy=None, error_x=None, error_y=None, fill=None, fillcolor=None, hoverinfo=None, hoverinfosrc=None, hoverlabel=None, hovertemplate=None, hovertemplatesrc=None, hovertext=None, hovertextsrc=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, legend=None, legendgroup=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, line=None, marker=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, mode=None, name=None, opacity=None, selected=None, selectedpoints=None, showlegend=None, stream=None, text=None, textfont=None, textposition=None, textpositionsrc=None, textsrc=None, texttemplate=None, texttemplatesrc=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, unselected=None, visible=None, x=None, x0=None, xaxis=None, xcalendar=None, xhoverformat=None, xperiod=None, xperiod0=None, xperiodalignment=None, xsrc=None, y=None, y0=None, yaxis=None, ycalendar=None, yhoverformat=None, yperiod=None, yperiod0=None, yperiodalignment=None, ysrc=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property connectgaps

Determines whether or not gaps (i.e. {nan} or missing values) in the provided data arrays are connected.

The ‘connectgaps’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property dx

Sets the x coordinate step. See x0 for more info.

The ‘dx’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property dy

Sets the y coordinate step. See y0 for more info.

The ‘dy’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property error_x

The ‘error_x’ property is an instance of ErrorX that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattergl.ErrorX

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the ErrorX constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the data corresponding the length of each error bar. Values are plotted relative to the underlying data.


    Sets the data corresponding the length of each error bar in the bottom (left) direction for vertical (horizontal) bars Values are plotted relative to the underlying data.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for arrayminus.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for array.


    Sets the stroke color of the error bars.



    Determines whether or not the error bars have the same length in both direction (top/bottom for vertical bars, left/right for horizontal bars.


    Sets the thickness (in px) of the error bars.




    Determines the rule used to generate the error bars. If *constant`, the bar lengths are of a constant value. Set this constant in value. If “percent”, the bar lengths correspond to a percentage of underlying data. Set this percentage in value. If “sqrt”, the bar lengths correspond to the square of the underlying data. If “data”, the bar lengths are set with data set array.


    Sets the value of either the percentage (if type is set to “percent”) or the constant (if type is set to “constant”) corresponding to the lengths of the error bars.


    Sets the value of either the percentage (if type is set to “percent”) or the constant (if type is set to “constant”) corresponding to the lengths of the error bars in the bottom (left) direction for vertical (horizontal) bars


    Determines whether or not this set of error bars is visible.


    Sets the width (in px) of the cross-bar at both ends of the error bars.


Return type


property error_y

The ‘error_y’ property is an instance of ErrorY that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattergl.ErrorY

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the ErrorY constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the data corresponding the length of each error bar. Values are plotted relative to the underlying data.


    Sets the data corresponding the length of each error bar in the bottom (left) direction for vertical (horizontal) bars Values are plotted relative to the underlying data.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for arrayminus.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for array.


    Sets the stroke color of the error bars.


    Determines whether or not the error bars have the same length in both direction (top/bottom for vertical bars, left/right for horizontal bars.


    Sets the thickness (in px) of the error bars.




    Determines the rule used to generate the error bars. If *constant`, the bar lengths are of a constant value. Set this constant in value. If “percent”, the bar lengths correspond to a percentage of underlying data. Set this percentage in value. If “sqrt”, the bar lengths correspond to the square of the underlying data. If “data”, the bar lengths are set with data set array.


    Sets the value of either the percentage (if type is set to “percent”) or the constant (if type is set to “constant”) corresponding to the lengths of the error bars.


    Sets the value of either the percentage (if type is set to “percent”) or the constant (if type is set to “constant”) corresponding to the lengths of the error bars in the bottom (left) direction for vertical (horizontal) bars


    Determines whether or not this set of error bars is visible.


    Sets the width (in px) of the cross-bar at both ends of the error bars.


Return type


property fill

Sets the area to fill with a solid color. Defaults to “none” unless this trace is stacked, then it gets “tonexty” (“tonextx”) if orientation is “v” (“h”) Use with fillcolor if not “none”. “tozerox” and “tozeroy” fill to x=0 and y=0 respectively. “tonextx” and “tonexty” fill between the endpoints of this trace and the endpoints of the trace before it, connecting those endpoints with straight lines (to make a stacked area graph); if there is no trace before it, they behave like “tozerox” and “tozeroy”. “toself” connects the endpoints of the trace (or each segment of the trace if it has gaps) into a closed shape. “tonext” fills the space between two traces if one completely encloses the other (eg consecutive contour lines), and behaves like “toself” if there is no trace before it. “tonext” should not be used if one trace does not enclose the other. Traces in a stackgroup will only fill to (or be filled to) other traces in the same group. With multiple `stackgroup`s or some traces stacked and some not, if fill- linked traces are not already consecutive, the later ones will be pushed down in the drawing order.

The ‘fill’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘none’, ‘tozeroy’, ‘tozerox’, ‘tonexty’, ‘tonextx’, ‘toself’, ‘tonext’]


Return type


property fillcolor

Sets the fill color. Defaults to a half-transparent variant of the line color, marker color, or marker line color, whichever is available.

The ‘fillcolor’ property is a color and may be specified as:
  • A hex string (e.g. ‘#ff0000’)

  • An rgb/rgba string (e.g. ‘rgb(255,0,0)’)

  • An hsl/hsla string (e.g. ‘hsl(0,100%,50%)’)

  • An hsv/hsva string (e.g. ‘hsv(0,100%,100%)’)

  • A named CSS color:

    aliceblue, antiquewhite, aqua, aquamarine, azure, beige, bisque, black, blanchedalmond, blue, blueviolet, brown, burlywood, cadetblue, chartreuse, chocolate, coral, cornflowerblue, cornsilk, crimson, cyan, darkblue, darkcyan, darkgoldenrod, darkgray, darkgrey, darkgreen, darkkhaki, darkmagenta, darkolivegreen, darkorange, darkorchid, darkred, darksalmon, darkseagreen, darkslateblue, darkslategray, darkslategrey, darkturquoise, darkviolet, deeppink, deepskyblue, dimgray, dimgrey, dodgerblue, firebrick, floralwhite, forestgreen, fuchsia, gainsboro, ghostwhite, gold, goldenrod, gray, grey, green, greenyellow, honeydew, hotpink, indianred, indigo, ivory, khaki, lavender, lavenderblush, lawngreen, lemonchiffon, lightblue, lightcoral, lightcyan, lightgoldenrodyellow, lightgray, lightgrey, lightgreen, lightpink, lightsalmon, lightseagreen, lightskyblue, lightslategray, lightslategrey, lightsteelblue, lightyellow, lime, limegreen, linen, magenta, maroon, mediumaquamarine, mediumblue, mediumorchid, mediumpurple, mediumseagreen, mediumslateblue, mediumspringgreen, mediumturquoise, mediumvioletred, midnightblue, mintcream, mistyrose, moccasin, navajowhite, navy, oldlace, olive, olivedrab, orange, orangered, orchid, palegoldenrod, palegreen, paleturquoise, palevioletred, papayawhip, peachpuff, peru, pink, plum, powderblue, purple, red, rosybrown, royalblue, rebeccapurple, saddlebrown, salmon, sandybrown, seagreen, seashell, sienna, silver, skyblue, slateblue, slategray, slategrey, snow, springgreen, steelblue, tan, teal, thistle, tomato, turquoise, violet, wheat, white, whitesmoke, yellow, yellowgreen


Return type


property hoverinfo

Determines which trace information appear on hover. If none or skip are set, no information is displayed upon hovering. But, if none is set, click and hover events are still fired.

The ‘hoverinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’, ‘text’, ‘name’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘x+y’) OR exactly one of [‘all’, ‘none’, ‘skip’] (e.g. ‘skip’)

  • A list or array of the above


Return type


property hoverinfosrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hoverinfo.

The ‘hoverinfosrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverlabel

The ‘hoverlabel’ property is an instance of Hoverlabel that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattergl.Hoverlabel

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Hoverlabel constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans more two or more lines


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for align.


    Sets the background color of the hover labels for this trace


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bgcolor.


    Sets the border color of the hover labels for this trace.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bordercolor.


    Sets the font used in hover labels.


    Sets the default length (in number of characters) of the trace name in the hover labels for all traces. -1 shows the whole name regardless of length. 0-3 shows the first 0-3 characters, and an integer >3 will show the whole name if it is less than that many characters, but if it is longer, will truncate to namelength - 3 characters and add an ellipsis.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for namelength.


Return type


property hovertemplate

Template string used for rendering the information that appear on hover box. Note that this will override hoverinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}” as well as %{xother}, {%_xother}, {%_xother_}, {%xother_}. When showing info for several points, “xother” will be added to those with different x positions from the first point. An underscore before or after “(x|y)other” will add a space on that side, only when this field is shown. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. The variables available in hovertemplate are the ones emitted as event data described at this link Additionally, every attributes that can be specified per-point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Anything contained in tag <extra> is displayed in the secondary box, for example “<extra>{}</extra>”. To hide the secondary box completely, use an empty tag <extra></extra>.

The ‘hovertemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertemplate.

The ‘hovertemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hovertext

Sets hover text elements associated with each (x,y) pair. If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order to the this trace’s (x,y) coordinates. To be seen, trace hoverinfo must contain a “text” flag.

The ‘hovertext’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertextsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertext.

The ‘hovertextsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgroup

Sets the legend group for this trace. Traces and shapes part of the same legend group hide/show at the same time when toggling legend items.

The ‘legendgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattergl.Legendgrouptitle

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type


property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property line

The ‘line’ property is an instance of Line that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattergl.Line

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Line constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the line color.


    Sets the style of the lines.


    Determines the line shape. The values correspond to step-wise line shapes.


    Sets the line width (in px).


Return type


property marker

The ‘marker’ property is an instance of Marker that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattergl.Marker

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Marker constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the marker angle in respect to angleref.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for angle.


    Determines whether the colorscale is a default palette (autocolorscale: true) or the palette determined by marker.colorscale. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. In case colorscale is unspecified or autocolorscale is true, the default palette will be chosen according to whether numbers in the color array are all positive, all negative or mixed.


    Determines whether or not the color domain is computed with respect to the input data (here in marker.color) or the bounds set in marker.cmin and marker.cmax Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Defaults to false when marker.cmin and marker.cmax are set by the user.


    Sets the upper bound of the color domain. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color and if set, marker.cmin must be set as well.


    Sets the mid-point of the color domain by scaling marker.cmin and/or marker.cmax to be equidistant to this point. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color. Has no effect when marker.cauto is false.


    Sets the lower bound of the color domain. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color and if set, marker.cmax must be set as well.


    Sets the marker color. It accepts either a specific color or an array of numbers that are mapped to the colorscale relative to the max and min values of the array or relative to marker.cmin and marker.cmax if set.


    Sets a reference to a shared color axis. References to these shared color axes are “coloraxis”, “coloraxis2”, “coloraxis3”, etc. Settings for these shared color axes are set in the layout, under layout.coloraxis, layout.coloraxis2, etc. Note that multiple color scales can be linked to the same color axis.


    plotly.graph_objects.scattergl.marker.C olorBar instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the colorscale. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. The colorscale must be an array containing arrays mapping a normalized value to an rgb, rgba, hex, hsl, hsv, or named color string. At minimum, a mapping for the lowest (0) and highest (1) values are required. For example, [[0, 'rgb(0,0,255)'], [1, 'rgb(255,0,0)']]. To control the bounds of the colorscale in color space, use marker.cmin and marker.cmax. Alternatively, colorscale may be a palette name string of the following list: Blackbody,Bluered,Blues,Cividis,Earth,Electric, Greens,Greys,Hot,Jet,Picnic,Portland,Rainbow,Rd Bu,Reds,Viridis,YlGnBu,YlOrRd.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    plotly.graph_objects.scattergl.marker.L ine instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the marker opacity.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for opacity.


    Reverses the color mapping if true. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. If true, marker.cmin will correspond to the last color in the array and marker.cmax will correspond to the first color.


    Determines whether or not a colorbar is displayed for this trace. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array.


    Sets the marker size (in px).


    Has an effect only if marker.size is set to a numerical array. Sets the minimum size (in px) of the rendered marker points.


    Has an effect only if marker.size is set to a numerical array. Sets the rule for which the data in size is converted to pixels.


    Has an effect only if marker.size is set to a numerical array. Sets the scale factor used to determine the rendered size of marker points. Use with sizemin and sizemode.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for size.


    Sets the marker symbol type. Adding 100 is equivalent to appending “-open” to a symbol name. Adding 200 is equivalent to appending “-dot” to a symbol name. Adding 300 is equivalent to appending “-open-dot” or “dot- open” to a symbol name.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for symbol.


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property mode

Determines the drawing mode for this scatter trace.

The ‘mode’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘lines’, ‘markers’, ‘text’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘lines+markers’) OR exactly one of [‘none’] (e.g. ‘none’)


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property opacity

Sets the opacity of the trace.

The ‘opacity’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]


Return type


property selected

The ‘selected’ property is an instance of Selected that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattergl.Selected

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Selected constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.scattergl.selected .Marker instance or dict with compatible properties


    plotly.graph_objects.scattergl.selected .Textfont instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type


property selectedpoints

Array containing integer indices of selected points. Has an effect only for traces that support selections. Note that an empty array means an empty selection where the unselected are turned on for all points, whereas, any other non-array values means no selection all where the selected and unselected styles have no effect.

The ‘selectedpoints’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property showlegend

Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.

The ‘showlegend’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattergl.Stream

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type


property text

Sets text elements associated with each (x,y) pair. If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order to the this trace’s (x,y) coordinates. If trace hoverinfo contains a “text” flag and “hovertext” is not set, these elements will be seen in the hover labels.

The ‘text’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property textfont

Sets the text font.

The ‘textfont’ property is an instance of Textfont that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattergl.Textfont

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Textfont constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for family.



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for size.


    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for style.


    Sets the variant of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for variant.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for weight.


Return type


property textposition

Sets the positions of the text elements with respects to the (x,y) coordinates.

The ‘textposition’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘top left’, ‘top center’, ‘top right’, ‘middle left’, ‘middle center’, ‘middle right’, ‘bottom left’, ‘bottom center’, ‘bottom right’]

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property textpositionsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for textposition.

The ‘textpositionsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property textsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for text.

The ‘textsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property texttemplate

Template string used for rendering the information text that appear on points. Note that this will override textinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}”. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. Every attributes that can be specified per- point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available.

The ‘texttemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property texttemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for texttemplate.

The ‘texttemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property type
property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property unselected

The ‘unselected’ property is an instance of Unselected that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattergl.Unselected

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Unselected constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.scattergl.unselect ed.Marker instance or dict with compatible properties


    plotly.graph_objects.scattergl.unselect ed.Textfont instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


property x

Sets the x coordinates.

The ‘x’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property x0

Alternate to x. Builds a linear space of x coordinates. Use with dx where x0 is the starting coordinate and dx the step.

The ‘x0’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property xaxis

Sets a reference between this trace’s x coordinates and a 2D cartesian x axis. If “x” (the default value), the x coordinates refer to layout.xaxis. If “x2”, the x coordinates refer to layout.xaxis2, and so on.

The ‘xaxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘x’, that may be specified as the string ‘x’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘x’, ‘x1’, ‘x2’, ‘x3’, etc.)


Return type


property xcalendar

Sets the calendar system to use with x date data.

The ‘xcalendar’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘chinese’, ‘coptic’, ‘discworld’, ‘ethiopian’, ‘gregorian’, ‘hebrew’, ‘islamic’, ‘jalali’, ‘julian’, ‘mayan’, ‘nanakshahi’, ‘nepali’, ‘persian’, ‘taiwan’, ‘thai’, ‘ummalqura’]


Return type


property xhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor x using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using xaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘xhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property xperiod

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the period positioning in milliseconds or “M<n>” on the x axis. Special values in the form of “M<n>” could be used to declare the number of months. In this case n must be a positive integer.

The ‘xperiod’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property xperiod0

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the base for period positioning in milliseconds or date string on the x0 axis. When x0period is round number of weeks, the x0period0 by default would be on a Sunday i.e. 2000-01-02, otherwise it would be at 2000-01-01.

The ‘xperiod0’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property xperiodalignment

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the alignment of data points on the x axis.

The ‘xperiodalignment’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘start’, ‘middle’, ‘end’]


Return type


property xsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for x.

The ‘xsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property y

Sets the y coordinates.

The ‘y’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property y0

Alternate to y. Builds a linear space of y coordinates. Use with dy where y0 is the starting coordinate and dy the step.

The ‘y0’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property yaxis

Sets a reference between this trace’s y coordinates and a 2D cartesian y axis. If “y” (the default value), the y coordinates refer to layout.yaxis. If “y2”, the y coordinates refer to layout.yaxis2, and so on.

The ‘yaxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘y’, that may be specified as the string ‘y’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘y’, ‘y1’, ‘y2’, ‘y3’, etc.)


Return type


property ycalendar

Sets the calendar system to use with y date data.

The ‘ycalendar’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘chinese’, ‘coptic’, ‘discworld’, ‘ethiopian’, ‘gregorian’, ‘hebrew’, ‘islamic’, ‘jalali’, ‘julian’, ‘mayan’, ‘nanakshahi’, ‘nepali’, ‘persian’, ‘taiwan’, ‘thai’, ‘ummalqura’]


Return type


property yhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor y using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using yaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘yhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property yperiod

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the period positioning in milliseconds or “M<n>” on the y axis. Special values in the form of “M<n>” could be used to declare the number of months. In this case n must be a positive integer.

The ‘yperiod’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property yperiod0

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the base for period positioning in milliseconds or date string on the y0 axis. When y0period is round number of weeks, the y0period0 by default would be on a Sunday i.e. 2000-01-02, otherwise it would be at 2000-01-01.

The ‘yperiod0’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property yperiodalignment

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the alignment of data points on the y axis.

The ‘yperiodalignment’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘start’, ‘middle’, ‘end’]


Return type


property ysrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for y.

The ‘ysrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


class, below=None, cluster=None, connectgaps=None, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, fill=None, fillcolor=None, hoverinfo=None, hoverinfosrc=None, hoverlabel=None, hovertemplate=None, hovertemplatesrc=None, hovertext=None, hovertextsrc=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, lat=None, latsrc=None, legend=None, legendgroup=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, line=None, lon=None, lonsrc=None, marker=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, mode=None, name=None, opacity=None, selected=None, selectedpoints=None, showlegend=None, stream=None, subplot=None, text=None, textfont=None, textposition=None, textsrc=None, texttemplate=None, texttemplatesrc=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, unselected=None, visible=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property below

Determines if this scattermap trace’s layers are to be inserted before the layer with the specified ID. By default, scattermap layers are inserted above all the base layers. To place the scattermap layers above every other layer, set below to “’’”.

The ‘below’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property cluster

The ‘cluster’ property is an instance of Cluster that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattermap.Cluster

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Cluster constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the color for each cluster step.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    Determines whether clustering is enabled or disabled.


    Sets the maximum zoom level. At zoom levels equal to or greater than this, points will never be clustered.


    Sets the marker opacity.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for opacity.


    Sets the size for each cluster step.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for size.


    Sets how many points it takes to create a cluster or advance to the next cluster step. Use this in conjunction with arrays for size and / or color. If an integer, steps start at multiples of this number. If an array, each step extends from the given value until one less than the next value.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for step.


Return type


property connectgaps

Determines whether or not gaps (i.e. {nan} or missing values) in the provided data arrays are connected.

The ‘connectgaps’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property fill

Sets the area to fill with a solid color. Use with fillcolor if not “none”. “toself” connects the endpoints of the trace (or each segment of the trace if it has gaps) into a closed shape.

The ‘fill’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘none’, ‘toself’]


Return type


property fillcolor

Sets the fill color. Defaults to a half-transparent variant of the line color, marker color, or marker line color, whichever is available.

The ‘fillcolor’ property is a color and may be specified as:
  • A hex string (e.g. ‘#ff0000’)

  • An rgb/rgba string (e.g. ‘rgb(255,0,0)’)

  • An hsl/hsla string (e.g. ‘hsl(0,100%,50%)’)

  • An hsv/hsva string (e.g. ‘hsv(0,100%,100%)’)

  • A named CSS color:

    aliceblue, antiquewhite, aqua, aquamarine, azure, beige, bisque, black, blanchedalmond, blue, blueviolet, brown, burlywood, cadetblue, chartreuse, chocolate, coral, cornflowerblue, cornsilk, crimson, cyan, darkblue, darkcyan, darkgoldenrod, darkgray, darkgrey, darkgreen, darkkhaki, darkmagenta, darkolivegreen, darkorange, darkorchid, darkred, darksalmon, darkseagreen, darkslateblue, darkslategray, darkslategrey, darkturquoise, darkviolet, deeppink, deepskyblue, dimgray, dimgrey, dodgerblue, firebrick, floralwhite, forestgreen, fuchsia, gainsboro, ghostwhite, gold, goldenrod, gray, grey, green, greenyellow, honeydew, hotpink, indianred, indigo, ivory, khaki, lavender, lavenderblush, lawngreen, lemonchiffon, lightblue, lightcoral, lightcyan, lightgoldenrodyellow, lightgray, lightgrey, lightgreen, lightpink, lightsalmon, lightseagreen, lightskyblue, lightslategray, lightslategrey, lightsteelblue, lightyellow, lime, limegreen, linen, magenta, maroon, mediumaquamarine, mediumblue, mediumorchid, mediumpurple, mediumseagreen, mediumslateblue, mediumspringgreen, mediumturquoise, mediumvioletred, midnightblue, mintcream, mistyrose, moccasin, navajowhite, navy, oldlace, olive, olivedrab, orange, orangered, orchid, palegoldenrod, palegreen, paleturquoise, palevioletred, papayawhip, peachpuff, peru, pink, plum, powderblue, purple, red, rosybrown, royalblue, rebeccapurple, saddlebrown, salmon, sandybrown, seagreen, seashell, sienna, silver, skyblue, slateblue, slategray, slategrey, snow, springgreen, steelblue, tan, teal, thistle, tomato, turquoise, violet, wheat, white, whitesmoke, yellow, yellowgreen


Return type


property hoverinfo

Determines which trace information appear on hover. If none or skip are set, no information is displayed upon hovering. But, if none is set, click and hover events are still fired.

The ‘hoverinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘lon’, ‘lat’, ‘text’, ‘name’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘lon+lat’) OR exactly one of [‘all’, ‘none’, ‘skip’] (e.g. ‘skip’)

  • A list or array of the above


Return type


property hoverinfosrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hoverinfo.

The ‘hoverinfosrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverlabel

The ‘hoverlabel’ property is an instance of Hoverlabel that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattermap.Hoverlabel

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Hoverlabel constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans more two or more lines


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for align.


    Sets the background color of the hover labels for this trace


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bgcolor.


    Sets the border color of the hover labels for this trace.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bordercolor.


    Sets the font used in hover labels.


    Sets the default length (in number of characters) of the trace name in the hover labels for all traces. -1 shows the whole name regardless of length. 0-3 shows the first 0-3 characters, and an integer >3 will show the whole name if it is less than that many characters, but if it is longer, will truncate to namelength - 3 characters and add an ellipsis.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for namelength.


Return type


property hovertemplate

Template string used for rendering the information that appear on hover box. Note that this will override hoverinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}” as well as %{xother}, {%_xother}, {%_xother_}, {%xother_}. When showing info for several points, “xother” will be added to those with different x positions from the first point. An underscore before or after “(x|y)other” will add a space on that side, only when this field is shown. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. The variables available in hovertemplate are the ones emitted as event data described at this link Additionally, every attributes that can be specified per-point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Anything contained in tag <extra> is displayed in the secondary box, for example “<extra>{}</extra>”. To hide the secondary box completely, use an empty tag <extra></extra>.

The ‘hovertemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertemplate.

The ‘hovertemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hovertext

Sets hover text elements associated with each (lon,lat) pair If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order to the this trace’s (lon,lat) coordinates. To be seen, trace hoverinfo must contain a “text” flag.

The ‘hovertext’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertextsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertext.

The ‘hovertextsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property lat

Sets the latitude coordinates (in degrees North).

The ‘lat’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property latsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for lat.

The ‘latsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgroup

Sets the legend group for this trace. Traces and shapes part of the same legend group hide/show at the same time when toggling legend items.

The ‘legendgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattermap.Legendgrouptitle

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type


property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property line

The ‘line’ property is an instance of Line that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattermap.Line

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Line constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the line color.


    Sets the line width (in px).


Return type


property lon

Sets the longitude coordinates (in degrees East).

The ‘lon’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property lonsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for lon.

The ‘lonsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property marker

The ‘marker’ property is an instance of Marker that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattermap.Marker

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Marker constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Flag to draw all symbols, even if they overlap.


    Sets the marker orientation from true North, in degrees clockwise. When using the “auto” default, no rotation would be applied in perspective views which is different from using a zero angle.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for angle.


    Determines whether the colorscale is a default palette (autocolorscale: true) or the palette determined by marker.colorscale. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. In case colorscale is unspecified or autocolorscale is true, the default palette will be chosen according to whether numbers in the color array are all positive, all negative or mixed.


    Determines whether or not the color domain is computed with respect to the input data (here in marker.color) or the bounds set in marker.cmin and marker.cmax Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Defaults to false when marker.cmin and marker.cmax are set by the user.


    Sets the upper bound of the color domain. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color and if set, marker.cmin must be set as well.


    Sets the mid-point of the color domain by scaling marker.cmin and/or marker.cmax to be equidistant to this point. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color. Has no effect when marker.cauto is false.


    Sets the lower bound of the color domain. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color and if set, marker.cmax must be set as well.


    Sets the marker color. It accepts either a specific color or an array of numbers that are mapped to the colorscale relative to the max and min values of the array or relative to marker.cmin and marker.cmax if set.


    Sets a reference to a shared color axis. References to these shared color axes are “coloraxis”, “coloraxis2”, “coloraxis3”, etc. Settings for these shared color axes are set in the layout, under layout.coloraxis, layout.coloraxis2, etc. Note that multiple color scales can be linked to the same color axis.


    plotly.graph_objects.scattermap.marker. ColorBar instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the colorscale. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. The colorscale must be an array containing arrays mapping a normalized value to an rgb, rgba, hex, hsl, hsv, or named color string. At minimum, a mapping for the lowest (0) and highest (1) values are required. For example, [[0, 'rgb(0,0,255)'], [1, 'rgb(255,0,0)']]. To control the bounds of the colorscale in color space, use marker.cmin and marker.cmax. Alternatively, colorscale may be a palette name string of the following list: Blackbody,Bluered,Blues,Cividis,Earth,Electric, Greens,Greys,Hot,Jet,Picnic,Portland,Rainbow,Rd Bu,Reds,Viridis,YlGnBu,YlOrRd.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    Sets the marker opacity.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for opacity.


    Reverses the color mapping if true. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. If true, marker.cmin will correspond to the last color in the array and marker.cmax will correspond to the first color.


    Determines whether or not a colorbar is displayed for this trace. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array.


    Sets the marker size (in px).


    Has an effect only if marker.size is set to a numerical array. Sets the minimum size (in px) of the rendered marker points.


    Has an effect only if marker.size is set to a numerical array. Sets the rule for which the data in size is converted to pixels.


    Has an effect only if marker.size is set to a numerical array. Sets the scale factor used to determine the rendered size of marker points. Use with sizemin and sizemode.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for size.


    Sets the marker symbol. Full list: Note that the array marker.color and marker.size are only available for “circle” symbols.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for symbol.


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property mode

Determines the drawing mode for this scatter trace. If the provided mode includes “text” then the text elements appear at the coordinates. Otherwise, the text elements appear on hover.

The ‘mode’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘lines’, ‘markers’, ‘text’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘lines+markers’) OR exactly one of [‘none’] (e.g. ‘none’)


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property opacity

Sets the opacity of the trace.

The ‘opacity’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]


Return type


property selected

The ‘selected’ property is an instance of Selected that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattermap.Selected

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Selected constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.scattermap.selecte d.Marker instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type


property selectedpoints

Array containing integer indices of selected points. Has an effect only for traces that support selections. Note that an empty array means an empty selection where the unselected are turned on for all points, whereas, any other non-array values means no selection all where the selected and unselected styles have no effect.

The ‘selectedpoints’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property showlegend

Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.

The ‘showlegend’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattermap.Stream

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type


property subplot

Sets a reference between this trace’s data coordinates and a map subplot. If “map” (the default value), the data refer to If “map2”, the data refer to layout.map2, and so on.

The ‘subplot’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘map’, that may be specified as the string ‘map’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘map’, ‘map1’, ‘map2’, ‘map3’, etc.)


Return type


property text

Sets text elements associated with each (lon,lat) pair If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order to the this trace’s (lon,lat) coordinates. If trace hoverinfo contains a “text” flag and “hovertext” is not set, these elements will be seen in the hover labels.

The ‘text’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property textfont

Sets the icon text font (color=map.layer.paint.text-color, size=map.layer.layout.text-size). Has an effect only when type is set to “symbol”.

The ‘textfont’ property is an instance of Textfont that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattermap.Textfont

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Textfont constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.



    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


Return type


property textposition

Sets the positions of the text elements with respects to the (x,y) coordinates.

The ‘textposition’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘top left’, ‘top center’, ‘top right’, ‘middle left’, ‘middle center’, ‘middle right’, ‘bottom left’, ‘bottom center’, ‘bottom right’]


Return type


property textsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for text.

The ‘textsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property texttemplate

Template string used for rendering the information text that appear on points. Note that this will override textinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}”. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. Every attributes that can be specified per- point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Finally, the template string has access to variables lat, lon and text.

The ‘texttemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property texttemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for texttemplate.

The ‘texttemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property type
property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property unselected

The ‘unselected’ property is an instance of Unselected that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattermap.Unselected

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Unselected constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.scattermap.unselec ted.Marker instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


class, below=None, cluster=None, connectgaps=None, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, fill=None, fillcolor=None, hoverinfo=None, hoverinfosrc=None, hoverlabel=None, hovertemplate=None, hovertemplatesrc=None, hovertext=None, hovertextsrc=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, lat=None, latsrc=None, legend=None, legendgroup=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, line=None, lon=None, lonsrc=None, marker=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, mode=None, name=None, opacity=None, selected=None, selectedpoints=None, showlegend=None, stream=None, subplot=None, text=None, textfont=None, textposition=None, textsrc=None, texttemplate=None, texttemplatesrc=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, unselected=None, visible=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property below

Determines if this scattermapbox trace’s layers are to be inserted before the layer with the specified ID. By default, scattermapbox layers are inserted above all the base layers. To place the scattermapbox layers above every other layer, set below to “’’”.

The ‘below’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property cluster

The ‘cluster’ property is an instance of Cluster that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattermapbox.Cluster

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Cluster constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the color for each cluster step.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    Determines whether clustering is enabled or disabled.


    Sets the maximum zoom level. At zoom levels equal to or greater than this, points will never be clustered.


    Sets the marker opacity.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for opacity.


    Sets the size for each cluster step.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for size.


    Sets how many points it takes to create a cluster or advance to the next cluster step. Use this in conjunction with arrays for size and / or color. If an integer, steps start at multiples of this number. If an array, each step extends from the given value until one less than the next value.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for step.


Return type


property connectgaps

Determines whether or not gaps (i.e. {nan} or missing values) in the provided data arrays are connected.

The ‘connectgaps’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property fill

Sets the area to fill with a solid color. Use with fillcolor if not “none”. “toself” connects the endpoints of the trace (or each segment of the trace if it has gaps) into a closed shape.

The ‘fill’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘none’, ‘toself’]


Return type


property fillcolor

Sets the fill color. Defaults to a half-transparent variant of the line color, marker color, or marker line color, whichever is available.

The ‘fillcolor’ property is a color and may be specified as:
  • A hex string (e.g. ‘#ff0000’)

  • An rgb/rgba string (e.g. ‘rgb(255,0,0)’)

  • An hsl/hsla string (e.g. ‘hsl(0,100%,50%)’)

  • An hsv/hsva string (e.g. ‘hsv(0,100%,100%)’)

  • A named CSS color:

    aliceblue, antiquewhite, aqua, aquamarine, azure, beige, bisque, black, blanchedalmond, blue, blueviolet, brown, burlywood, cadetblue, chartreuse, chocolate, coral, cornflowerblue, cornsilk, crimson, cyan, darkblue, darkcyan, darkgoldenrod, darkgray, darkgrey, darkgreen, darkkhaki, darkmagenta, darkolivegreen, darkorange, darkorchid, darkred, darksalmon, darkseagreen, darkslateblue, darkslategray, darkslategrey, darkturquoise, darkviolet, deeppink, deepskyblue, dimgray, dimgrey, dodgerblue, firebrick, floralwhite, forestgreen, fuchsia, gainsboro, ghostwhite, gold, goldenrod, gray, grey, green, greenyellow, honeydew, hotpink, indianred, indigo, ivory, khaki, lavender, lavenderblush, lawngreen, lemonchiffon, lightblue, lightcoral, lightcyan, lightgoldenrodyellow, lightgray, lightgrey, lightgreen, lightpink, lightsalmon, lightseagreen, lightskyblue, lightslategray, lightslategrey, lightsteelblue, lightyellow, lime, limegreen, linen, magenta, maroon, mediumaquamarine, mediumblue, mediumorchid, mediumpurple, mediumseagreen, mediumslateblue, mediumspringgreen, mediumturquoise, mediumvioletred, midnightblue, mintcream, mistyrose, moccasin, navajowhite, navy, oldlace, olive, olivedrab, orange, orangered, orchid, palegoldenrod, palegreen, paleturquoise, palevioletred, papayawhip, peachpuff, peru, pink, plum, powderblue, purple, red, rosybrown, royalblue, rebeccapurple, saddlebrown, salmon, sandybrown, seagreen, seashell, sienna, silver, skyblue, slateblue, slategray, slategrey, snow, springgreen, steelblue, tan, teal, thistle, tomato, turquoise, violet, wheat, white, whitesmoke, yellow, yellowgreen


Return type


property hoverinfo

Determines which trace information appear on hover. If none or skip are set, no information is displayed upon hovering. But, if none is set, click and hover events are still fired.

The ‘hoverinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘lon’, ‘lat’, ‘text’, ‘name’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘lon+lat’) OR exactly one of [‘all’, ‘none’, ‘skip’] (e.g. ‘skip’)

  • A list or array of the above


Return type


property hoverinfosrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hoverinfo.

The ‘hoverinfosrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverlabel

The ‘hoverlabel’ property is an instance of Hoverlabel that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattermapbox.Hoverlabel

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Hoverlabel constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans more two or more lines


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for align.


    Sets the background color of the hover labels for this trace


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bgcolor.


    Sets the border color of the hover labels for this trace.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bordercolor.


    Sets the font used in hover labels.


    Sets the default length (in number of characters) of the trace name in the hover labels for all traces. -1 shows the whole name regardless of length. 0-3 shows the first 0-3 characters, and an integer >3 will show the whole name if it is less than that many characters, but if it is longer, will truncate to namelength - 3 characters and add an ellipsis.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for namelength.


Return type


property hovertemplate

Template string used for rendering the information that appear on hover box. Note that this will override hoverinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}” as well as %{xother}, {%_xother}, {%_xother_}, {%xother_}. When showing info for several points, “xother” will be added to those with different x positions from the first point. An underscore before or after “(x|y)other” will add a space on that side, only when this field is shown. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. The variables available in hovertemplate are the ones emitted as event data described at this link Additionally, every attributes that can be specified per-point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Anything contained in tag <extra> is displayed in the secondary box, for example “<extra>{}</extra>”. To hide the secondary box completely, use an empty tag <extra></extra>.

The ‘hovertemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertemplate.

The ‘hovertemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hovertext

Sets hover text elements associated with each (lon,lat) pair If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order to the this trace’s (lon,lat) coordinates. To be seen, trace hoverinfo must contain a “text” flag.

The ‘hovertext’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertextsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertext.

The ‘hovertextsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property lat

Sets the latitude coordinates (in degrees North).

The ‘lat’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property latsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for lat.

The ‘latsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgroup

Sets the legend group for this trace. Traces and shapes part of the same legend group hide/show at the same time when toggling legend items.

The ‘legendgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattermapbox.Legendgrouptitle

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type


property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property line

The ‘line’ property is an instance of Line that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattermapbox.Line

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Line constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the line color.


    Sets the line width (in px).


Return type


property lon

Sets the longitude coordinates (in degrees East).

The ‘lon’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property lonsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for lon.

The ‘lonsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property marker

The ‘marker’ property is an instance of Marker that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattermapbox.Marker

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Marker constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Flag to draw all symbols, even if they overlap.


    Sets the marker orientation from true North, in degrees clockwise. When using the “auto” default, no rotation would be applied in perspective views which is different from using a zero angle.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for angle.


    Determines whether the colorscale is a default palette (autocolorscale: true) or the palette determined by marker.colorscale. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. In case colorscale is unspecified or autocolorscale is true, the default palette will be chosen according to whether numbers in the color array are all positive, all negative or mixed.


    Determines whether or not the color domain is computed with respect to the input data (here in marker.color) or the bounds set in marker.cmin and marker.cmax Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Defaults to false when marker.cmin and marker.cmax are set by the user.


    Sets the upper bound of the color domain. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color and if set, marker.cmin must be set as well.


    Sets the mid-point of the color domain by scaling marker.cmin and/or marker.cmax to be equidistant to this point. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color. Has no effect when marker.cauto is false.


    Sets the lower bound of the color domain. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color and if set, marker.cmax must be set as well.


    Sets the marker color. It accepts either a specific color or an array of numbers that are mapped to the colorscale relative to the max and min values of the array or relative to marker.cmin and marker.cmax if set.


    Sets a reference to a shared color axis. References to these shared color axes are “coloraxis”, “coloraxis2”, “coloraxis3”, etc. Settings for these shared color axes are set in the layout, under layout.coloraxis, layout.coloraxis2, etc. Note that multiple color scales can be linked to the same color axis.


    plotly.graph_objects.scattermapbox.mark er.ColorBar instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the colorscale. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. The colorscale must be an array containing arrays mapping a normalized value to an rgb, rgba, hex, hsl, hsv, or named color string. At minimum, a mapping for the lowest (0) and highest (1) values are required. For example, [[0, 'rgb(0,0,255)'], [1, 'rgb(255,0,0)']]. To control the bounds of the colorscale in color space, use marker.cmin and marker.cmax. Alternatively, colorscale may be a palette name string of the following list: Blackbody,Bluered,Blues,Cividis,Earth,Electric, Greens,Greys,Hot,Jet,Picnic,Portland,Rainbow,Rd Bu,Reds,Viridis,YlGnBu,YlOrRd.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    Sets the marker opacity.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for opacity.


    Reverses the color mapping if true. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. If true, marker.cmin will correspond to the last color in the array and marker.cmax will correspond to the first color.


    Determines whether or not a colorbar is displayed for this trace. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array.


    Sets the marker size (in px).


    Has an effect only if marker.size is set to a numerical array. Sets the minimum size (in px) of the rendered marker points.


    Has an effect only if marker.size is set to a numerical array. Sets the rule for which the data in size is converted to pixels.


    Has an effect only if marker.size is set to a numerical array. Sets the scale factor used to determine the rendered size of marker points. Use with sizemin and sizemode.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for size.


    Sets the marker symbol. Full list: Note that the array marker.color and marker.size are only available for “circle” symbols.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for symbol.


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property mode

Determines the drawing mode for this scatter trace. If the provided mode includes “text” then the text elements appear at the coordinates. Otherwise, the text elements appear on hover.

The ‘mode’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘lines’, ‘markers’, ‘text’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘lines+markers’) OR exactly one of [‘none’] (e.g. ‘none’)


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property opacity

Sets the opacity of the trace.

The ‘opacity’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]


Return type


property selected

The ‘selected’ property is an instance of Selected that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattermapbox.Selected

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Selected constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.scattermapbox.sele cted.Marker instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type


property selectedpoints

Array containing integer indices of selected points. Has an effect only for traces that support selections. Note that an empty array means an empty selection where the unselected are turned on for all points, whereas, any other non-array values means no selection all where the selected and unselected styles have no effect.

The ‘selectedpoints’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property showlegend

Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.

The ‘showlegend’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattermapbox.Stream

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type


property subplot

mapbox subplots and traces are deprecated! Please consider switching to map subplots and traces. Learn more at: as well as Sets a reference between this trace’s data coordinates and a mapbox subplot. If “mapbox” (the default value), the data refer to layout.mapbox. If “mapbox2”, the data refer to layout.mapbox2, and so on.

The ‘subplot’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘mapbox’, that may be specified as the string ‘mapbox’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘mapbox’, ‘mapbox1’, ‘mapbox2’, ‘mapbox3’, etc.)


Return type


property text

Sets text elements associated with each (lon,lat) pair If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order to the this trace’s (lon,lat) coordinates. If trace hoverinfo contains a “text” flag and “hovertext” is not set, these elements will be seen in the hover labels.

The ‘text’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property textfont

Sets the icon text font (color=mapbox.layer.paint.text-color, size=mapbox.layer.layout.text-size). Has an effect only when type is set to “symbol”.

The ‘textfont’ property is an instance of Textfont that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattermapbox.Textfont

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Textfont constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.



    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


Return type


property textposition

Sets the positions of the text elements with respects to the (x,y) coordinates.

The ‘textposition’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘top left’, ‘top center’, ‘top right’, ‘middle left’, ‘middle center’, ‘middle right’, ‘bottom left’, ‘bottom center’, ‘bottom right’]


Return type


property textsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for text.

The ‘textsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property texttemplate

Template string used for rendering the information text that appear on points. Note that this will override textinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}”. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. Every attributes that can be specified per- point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Finally, the template string has access to variables lat, lon and text.

The ‘texttemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property texttemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for texttemplate.

The ‘texttemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property type
property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property unselected

The ‘unselected’ property is an instance of Unselected that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattermapbox.Unselected

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Unselected constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.scattermapbox.unse lected.Marker instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


class, cliponaxis=None, connectgaps=None, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, dr=None, dtheta=None, fill=None, fillcolor=None, hoverinfo=None, hoverinfosrc=None, hoverlabel=None, hoveron=None, hovertemplate=None, hovertemplatesrc=None, hovertext=None, hovertextsrc=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, legend=None, legendgroup=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, line=None, marker=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, mode=None, name=None, opacity=None, r=None, r0=None, rsrc=None, selected=None, selectedpoints=None, showlegend=None, stream=None, subplot=None, text=None, textfont=None, textposition=None, textpositionsrc=None, textsrc=None, texttemplate=None, texttemplatesrc=None, theta=None, theta0=None, thetasrc=None, thetaunit=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, unselected=None, visible=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property cliponaxis

Determines whether or not markers and text nodes are clipped about the subplot axes. To show markers and text nodes above axis lines and tick labels, make sure to set xaxis.layer and yaxis.layer to below traces.

The ‘cliponaxis’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property connectgaps

Determines whether or not gaps (i.e. {nan} or missing values) in the provided data arrays are connected.

The ‘connectgaps’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property dr

Sets the r coordinate step.

The ‘dr’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property dtheta

Sets the theta coordinate step. By default, the dtheta step equals the subplot’s period divided by the length of the r coordinates.

The ‘dtheta’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property fill

Sets the area to fill with a solid color. Use with fillcolor if not “none”. scatterpolar has a subset of the options available to scatter. “toself” connects the endpoints of the trace (or each segment of the trace if it has gaps) into a closed shape. “tonext” fills the space between two traces if one completely encloses the other (eg consecutive contour lines), and behaves like “toself” if there is no trace before it. “tonext” should not be used if one trace does not enclose the other.

The ‘fill’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘none’, ‘toself’, ‘tonext’]


Return type


property fillcolor

Sets the fill color. Defaults to a half-transparent variant of the line color, marker color, or marker line color, whichever is available.

The ‘fillcolor’ property is a color and may be specified as:
  • A hex string (e.g. ‘#ff0000’)

  • An rgb/rgba string (e.g. ‘rgb(255,0,0)’)

  • An hsl/hsla string (e.g. ‘hsl(0,100%,50%)’)

  • An hsv/hsva string (e.g. ‘hsv(0,100%,100%)’)

  • A named CSS color:

    aliceblue, antiquewhite, aqua, aquamarine, azure, beige, bisque, black, blanchedalmond, blue, blueviolet, brown, burlywood, cadetblue, chartreuse, chocolate, coral, cornflowerblue, cornsilk, crimson, cyan, darkblue, darkcyan, darkgoldenrod, darkgray, darkgrey, darkgreen, darkkhaki, darkmagenta, darkolivegreen, darkorange, darkorchid, darkred, darksalmon, darkseagreen, darkslateblue, darkslategray, darkslategrey, darkturquoise, darkviolet, deeppink, deepskyblue, dimgray, dimgrey, dodgerblue, firebrick, floralwhite, forestgreen, fuchsia, gainsboro, ghostwhite, gold, goldenrod, gray, grey, green, greenyellow, honeydew, hotpink, indianred, indigo, ivory, khaki, lavender, lavenderblush, lawngreen, lemonchiffon, lightblue, lightcoral, lightcyan, lightgoldenrodyellow, lightgray, lightgrey, lightgreen, lightpink, lightsalmon, lightseagreen, lightskyblue, lightslategray, lightslategrey, lightsteelblue, lightyellow, lime, limegreen, linen, magenta, maroon, mediumaquamarine, mediumblue, mediumorchid, mediumpurple, mediumseagreen, mediumslateblue, mediumspringgreen, mediumturquoise, mediumvioletred, midnightblue, mintcream, mistyrose, moccasin, navajowhite, navy, oldlace, olive, olivedrab, orange, orangered, orchid, palegoldenrod, palegreen, paleturquoise, palevioletred, papayawhip, peachpuff, peru, pink, plum, powderblue, purple, red, rosybrown, royalblue, rebeccapurple, saddlebrown, salmon, sandybrown, seagreen, seashell, sienna, silver, skyblue, slateblue, slategray, slategrey, snow, springgreen, steelblue, tan, teal, thistle, tomato, turquoise, violet, wheat, white, whitesmoke, yellow, yellowgreen


Return type


property hoverinfo

Determines which trace information appear on hover. If none or skip are set, no information is displayed upon hovering. But, if none is set, click and hover events are still fired.

The ‘hoverinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘r’, ‘theta’, ‘text’, ‘name’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘r+theta’) OR exactly one of [‘all’, ‘none’, ‘skip’] (e.g. ‘skip’)

  • A list or array of the above


Return type


property hoverinfosrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hoverinfo.

The ‘hoverinfosrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverlabel

The ‘hoverlabel’ property is an instance of Hoverlabel that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scatterpolar.Hoverlabel

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Hoverlabel constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans more two or more lines


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for align.


    Sets the background color of the hover labels for this trace


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bgcolor.


    Sets the border color of the hover labels for this trace.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bordercolor.


    Sets the font used in hover labels.


    Sets the default length (in number of characters) of the trace name in the hover labels for all traces. -1 shows the whole name regardless of length. 0-3 shows the first 0-3 characters, and an integer >3 will show the whole name if it is less than that many characters, but if it is longer, will truncate to namelength - 3 characters and add an ellipsis.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for namelength.


Return type


property hoveron

Do the hover effects highlight individual points (markers or line points) or do they highlight filled regions? If the fill is “toself” or “tonext” and there are no markers or text, then the default is “fills”, otherwise it is “points”.

The ‘hoveron’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘points’, ‘fills’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘points+fills’)


Return type


property hovertemplate

Template string used for rendering the information that appear on hover box. Note that this will override hoverinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}” as well as %{xother}, {%_xother}, {%_xother_}, {%xother_}. When showing info for several points, “xother” will be added to those with different x positions from the first point. An underscore before or after “(x|y)other” will add a space on that side, only when this field is shown. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. The variables available in hovertemplate are the ones emitted as event data described at this link Additionally, every attributes that can be specified per-point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Anything contained in tag <extra> is displayed in the secondary box, for example “<extra>{}</extra>”. To hide the secondary box completely, use an empty tag <extra></extra>.

The ‘hovertemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertemplate.

The ‘hovertemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hovertext

Sets hover text elements associated with each (x,y) pair. If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order to the this trace’s (x,y) coordinates. To be seen, trace hoverinfo must contain a “text” flag.

The ‘hovertext’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertextsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertext.

The ‘hovertextsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgroup

Sets the legend group for this trace. Traces and shapes part of the same legend group hide/show at the same time when toggling legend items.

The ‘legendgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scatterpolar.Legendgrouptitle

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type


property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property line

The ‘line’ property is an instance of Line that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scatterpolar.Line

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Line constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the line back off from the end point of the nth line segment (in px). This option is useful e.g. to avoid overlap with arrowhead markers. With “auto” the lines would trim before markers if marker.angleref is set to “previous”.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for backoff.


    Sets the line color.


    Sets the dash style of lines. Set to a dash type string (“solid”, “dot”, “dash”, “longdash”, “dashdot”, or “longdashdot”) or a dash length list in px (eg “5px,10px,2px,2px”).


    Determines the line shape. With “spline” the lines are drawn using spline interpolation. The other available values correspond to step-wise line shapes.


    Has an effect only if shape is set to “spline” Sets the amount of smoothing. 0 corresponds to no smoothing (equivalent to a “linear” shape).


    Sets the line width (in px).


Return type


property marker

The ‘marker’ property is an instance of Marker that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scatterpolar.Marker

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Marker constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the marker angle in respect to angleref.


    Sets the reference for marker angle. With “previous”, angle 0 points along the line from the previous point to this one. With “up”, angle 0 points toward the top of the screen.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for angle.


    Determines whether the colorscale is a default palette (autocolorscale: true) or the palette determined by marker.colorscale. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. In case colorscale is unspecified or autocolorscale is true, the default palette will be chosen according to whether numbers in the color array are all positive, all negative or mixed.


    Determines whether or not the color domain is computed with respect to the input data (here in marker.color) or the bounds set in marker.cmin and marker.cmax Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Defaults to false when marker.cmin and marker.cmax are set by the user.


    Sets the upper bound of the color domain. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color and if set, marker.cmin must be set as well.


    Sets the mid-point of the color domain by scaling marker.cmin and/or marker.cmax to be equidistant to this point. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color. Has no effect when marker.cauto is false.


    Sets the lower bound of the color domain. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color and if set, marker.cmax must be set as well.


    Sets the marker color. It accepts either a specific color or an array of numbers that are mapped to the colorscale relative to the max and min values of the array or relative to marker.cmin and marker.cmax if set.


    Sets a reference to a shared color axis. References to these shared color axes are “coloraxis”, “coloraxis2”, “coloraxis3”, etc. Settings for these shared color axes are set in the layout, under layout.coloraxis, layout.coloraxis2, etc. Note that multiple color scales can be linked to the same color axis.


    plotly.graph_objects.scatterpolar.marke r.ColorBar instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the colorscale. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. The colorscale must be an array containing arrays mapping a normalized value to an rgb, rgba, hex, hsl, hsv, or named color string. At minimum, a mapping for the lowest (0) and highest (1) values are required. For example, [[0, 'rgb(0,0,255)'], [1, 'rgb(255,0,0)']]. To control the bounds of the colorscale in color space, use marker.cmin and marker.cmax. Alternatively, colorscale may be a palette name string of the following list: Blackbody,Bluered,Blues,Cividis,Earth,Electric, Greens,Greys,Hot,Jet,Picnic,Portland,Rainbow,Rd Bu,Reds,Viridis,YlGnBu,YlOrRd.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    plotly.graph_objects.scatterpolar.marke r.Gradient instance or dict with compatible properties


    plotly.graph_objects.scatterpolar.marke r.Line instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets a maximum number of points to be drawn on the graph. 0 corresponds to no limit.


    Sets the marker opacity.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for opacity.


    Reverses the color mapping if true. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. If true, marker.cmin will correspond to the last color in the array and marker.cmax will correspond to the first color.


    Determines whether or not a colorbar is displayed for this trace. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array.


    Sets the marker size (in px).


    Has an effect only if marker.size is set to a numerical array. Sets the minimum size (in px) of the rendered marker points.


    Has an effect only if marker.size is set to a numerical array. Sets the rule for which the data in size is converted to pixels.


    Has an effect only if marker.size is set to a numerical array. Sets the scale factor used to determine the rendered size of marker points. Use with sizemin and sizemode.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for size.


    Moves the marker away from the data point in the direction of angle (in px). This can be useful for example if you have another marker at this location and you want to point an arrowhead marker at it.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for standoff.


    Sets the marker symbol type. Adding 100 is equivalent to appending “-open” to a symbol name. Adding 200 is equivalent to appending “-dot” to a symbol name. Adding 300 is equivalent to appending “-open-dot” or “dot- open” to a symbol name.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for symbol.


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property mode

Determines the drawing mode for this scatter trace. If the provided mode includes “text” then the text elements appear at the coordinates. Otherwise, the text elements appear on hover. If there are less than 20 points and the trace is not stacked then the default is “lines+markers”. Otherwise, “lines”.

The ‘mode’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘lines’, ‘markers’, ‘text’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘lines+markers’) OR exactly one of [‘none’] (e.g. ‘none’)


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property opacity

Sets the opacity of the trace.

The ‘opacity’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]


Return type


property r

Sets the radial coordinates

The ‘r’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property r0

Alternate to r. Builds a linear space of r coordinates. Use with dr where r0 is the starting coordinate and dr the step.

The ‘r0’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property rsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for r.

The ‘rsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property selected

The ‘selected’ property is an instance of Selected that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scatterpolar.Selected

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Selected constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.scatterpolar.selec ted.Marker instance or dict with compatible properties


    plotly.graph_objects.scatterpolar.selec ted.Textfont instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type


property selectedpoints

Array containing integer indices of selected points. Has an effect only for traces that support selections. Note that an empty array means an empty selection where the unselected are turned on for all points, whereas, any other non-array values means no selection all where the selected and unselected styles have no effect.

The ‘selectedpoints’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property showlegend

Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.

The ‘showlegend’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scatterpolar.Stream

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type


property subplot

Sets a reference between this trace’s data coordinates and a polar subplot. If “polar” (the default value), the data refer to layout.polar. If “polar2”, the data refer to layout.polar2, and so on.

The ‘subplot’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘polar’, that may be specified as the string ‘polar’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘polar’, ‘polar1’, ‘polar2’, ‘polar3’, etc.)


Return type


property text

Sets text elements associated with each (x,y) pair. If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order to the this trace’s (x,y) coordinates. If trace hoverinfo contains a “text” flag and “hovertext” is not set, these elements will be seen in the hover labels.

The ‘text’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property textfont

Sets the text font.

The ‘textfont’ property is an instance of Textfont that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scatterpolar.Textfont

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Textfont constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for family.


    Sets the kind of decoration line(s) with text, such as an “under”, “over” or “through” as well as combinations e.g. “under+over”, etc.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for lineposition.


    Sets the shape and color of the shadow behind text. “auto” places minimal shadow and applies contrast text font color. See US/docs/Web/CSS/text-shadow for additional options.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for shadow.



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for size.


    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for style.


    Sets capitalization of text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all- lowercase, or with each word capitalized.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for textcase.


    Sets the variant of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for variant.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for weight.


Return type


property textposition

Sets the positions of the text elements with respects to the (x,y) coordinates.

The ‘textposition’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘top left’, ‘top center’, ‘top right’, ‘middle left’, ‘middle center’, ‘middle right’, ‘bottom left’, ‘bottom center’, ‘bottom right’]

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property textpositionsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for textposition.

The ‘textpositionsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property textsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for text.

The ‘textsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property texttemplate

Template string used for rendering the information text that appear on points. Note that this will override textinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}”. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. Every attributes that can be specified per- point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Finally, the template string has access to variables r, theta and text.

The ‘texttemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property texttemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for texttemplate.

The ‘texttemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property theta

Sets the angular coordinates

The ‘theta’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property theta0

Alternate to theta. Builds a linear space of theta coordinates. Use with dtheta where theta0 is the starting coordinate and dtheta the step.

The ‘theta0’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property thetasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for theta.

The ‘thetasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property thetaunit

Sets the unit of input “theta” values. Has an effect only when on “linear” angular axes.

The ‘thetaunit’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘radians’, ‘degrees’, ‘gradians’]


Return type


property type
property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property unselected

The ‘unselected’ property is an instance of Unselected that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scatterpolar.Unselected

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Unselected constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.scatterpolar.unsel ected.Marker instance or dict with compatible properties


    plotly.graph_objects.scatterpolar.unsel ected.Textfont instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


class, connectgaps=None, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, dr=None, dtheta=None, fill=None, fillcolor=None, hoverinfo=None, hoverinfosrc=None, hoverlabel=None, hovertemplate=None, hovertemplatesrc=None, hovertext=None, hovertextsrc=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, legend=None, legendgroup=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, line=None, marker=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, mode=None, name=None, opacity=None, r=None, r0=None, rsrc=None, selected=None, selectedpoints=None, showlegend=None, stream=None, subplot=None, text=None, textfont=None, textposition=None, textpositionsrc=None, textsrc=None, texttemplate=None, texttemplatesrc=None, theta=None, theta0=None, thetasrc=None, thetaunit=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, unselected=None, visible=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property connectgaps

Determines whether or not gaps (i.e. {nan} or missing values) in the provided data arrays are connected.

The ‘connectgaps’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property dr

Sets the r coordinate step.

The ‘dr’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property dtheta

Sets the theta coordinate step. By default, the dtheta step equals the subplot’s period divided by the length of the r coordinates.

The ‘dtheta’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property fill

Sets the area to fill with a solid color. Defaults to “none” unless this trace is stacked, then it gets “tonexty” (“tonextx”) if orientation is “v” (“h”) Use with fillcolor if not “none”. “tozerox” and “tozeroy” fill to x=0 and y=0 respectively. “tonextx” and “tonexty” fill between the endpoints of this trace and the endpoints of the trace before it, connecting those endpoints with straight lines (to make a stacked area graph); if there is no trace before it, they behave like “tozerox” and “tozeroy”. “toself” connects the endpoints of the trace (or each segment of the trace if it has gaps) into a closed shape. “tonext” fills the space between two traces if one completely encloses the other (eg consecutive contour lines), and behaves like “toself” if there is no trace before it. “tonext” should not be used if one trace does not enclose the other. Traces in a stackgroup will only fill to (or be filled to) other traces in the same group. With multiple `stackgroup`s or some traces stacked and some not, if fill- linked traces are not already consecutive, the later ones will be pushed down in the drawing order.

The ‘fill’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘none’, ‘tozeroy’, ‘tozerox’, ‘tonexty’, ‘tonextx’, ‘toself’, ‘tonext’]


Return type


property fillcolor

Sets the fill color. Defaults to a half-transparent variant of the line color, marker color, or marker line color, whichever is available.

The ‘fillcolor’ property is a color and may be specified as:
  • A hex string (e.g. ‘#ff0000’)

  • An rgb/rgba string (e.g. ‘rgb(255,0,0)’)

  • An hsl/hsla string (e.g. ‘hsl(0,100%,50%)’)

  • An hsv/hsva string (e.g. ‘hsv(0,100%,100%)’)

  • A named CSS color:

    aliceblue, antiquewhite, aqua, aquamarine, azure, beige, bisque, black, blanchedalmond, blue, blueviolet, brown, burlywood, cadetblue, chartreuse, chocolate, coral, cornflowerblue, cornsilk, crimson, cyan, darkblue, darkcyan, darkgoldenrod, darkgray, darkgrey, darkgreen, darkkhaki, darkmagenta, darkolivegreen, darkorange, darkorchid, darkred, darksalmon, darkseagreen, darkslateblue, darkslategray, darkslategrey, darkturquoise, darkviolet, deeppink, deepskyblue, dimgray, dimgrey, dodgerblue, firebrick, floralwhite, forestgreen, fuchsia, gainsboro, ghostwhite, gold, goldenrod, gray, grey, green, greenyellow, honeydew, hotpink, indianred, indigo, ivory, khaki, lavender, lavenderblush, lawngreen, lemonchiffon, lightblue, lightcoral, lightcyan, lightgoldenrodyellow, lightgray, lightgrey, lightgreen, lightpink, lightsalmon, lightseagreen, lightskyblue, lightslategray, lightslategrey, lightsteelblue, lightyellow, lime, limegreen, linen, magenta, maroon, mediumaquamarine, mediumblue, mediumorchid, mediumpurple, mediumseagreen, mediumslateblue, mediumspringgreen, mediumturquoise, mediumvioletred, midnightblue, mintcream, mistyrose, moccasin, navajowhite, navy, oldlace, olive, olivedrab, orange, orangered, orchid, palegoldenrod, palegreen, paleturquoise, palevioletred, papayawhip, peachpuff, peru, pink, plum, powderblue, purple, red, rosybrown, royalblue, rebeccapurple, saddlebrown, salmon, sandybrown, seagreen, seashell, sienna, silver, skyblue, slateblue, slategray, slategrey, snow, springgreen, steelblue, tan, teal, thistle, tomato, turquoise, violet, wheat, white, whitesmoke, yellow, yellowgreen


Return type


property hoverinfo

Determines which trace information appear on hover. If none or skip are set, no information is displayed upon hovering. But, if none is set, click and hover events are still fired.

The ‘hoverinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘r’, ‘theta’, ‘text’, ‘name’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘r+theta’) OR exactly one of [‘all’, ‘none’, ‘skip’] (e.g. ‘skip’)

  • A list or array of the above


Return type


property hoverinfosrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hoverinfo.

The ‘hoverinfosrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverlabel

The ‘hoverlabel’ property is an instance of Hoverlabel that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scatterpolargl.Hoverlabel

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Hoverlabel constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans more two or more lines


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for align.


    Sets the background color of the hover labels for this trace


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bgcolor.


    Sets the border color of the hover labels for this trace.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bordercolor.


    Sets the font used in hover labels.


    Sets the default length (in number of characters) of the trace name in the hover labels for all traces. -1 shows the whole name regardless of length. 0-3 shows the first 0-3 characters, and an integer >3 will show the whole name if it is less than that many characters, but if it is longer, will truncate to namelength - 3 characters and add an ellipsis.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for namelength.


Return type


property hovertemplate

Template string used for rendering the information that appear on hover box. Note that this will override hoverinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}” as well as %{xother}, {%_xother}, {%_xother_}, {%xother_}. When showing info for several points, “xother” will be added to those with different x positions from the first point. An underscore before or after “(x|y)other” will add a space on that side, only when this field is shown. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. The variables available in hovertemplate are the ones emitted as event data described at this link Additionally, every attributes that can be specified per-point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Anything contained in tag <extra> is displayed in the secondary box, for example “<extra>{}</extra>”. To hide the secondary box completely, use an empty tag <extra></extra>.

The ‘hovertemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertemplate.

The ‘hovertemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hovertext

Sets hover text elements associated with each (x,y) pair. If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order to the this trace’s (x,y) coordinates. To be seen, trace hoverinfo must contain a “text” flag.

The ‘hovertext’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertextsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertext.

The ‘hovertextsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgroup

Sets the legend group for this trace. Traces and shapes part of the same legend group hide/show at the same time when toggling legend items.

The ‘legendgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scatterpolargl.Legendgrouptitle

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type


property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property line

The ‘line’ property is an instance of Line that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scatterpolargl.Line

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Line constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the line color.


    Sets the style of the lines.


    Sets the line width (in px).


Return type


property marker

The ‘marker’ property is an instance of Marker that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scatterpolargl.Marker

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Marker constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the marker angle in respect to angleref.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for angle.


    Determines whether the colorscale is a default palette (autocolorscale: true) or the palette determined by marker.colorscale. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. In case colorscale is unspecified or autocolorscale is true, the default palette will be chosen according to whether numbers in the color array are all positive, all negative or mixed.


    Determines whether or not the color domain is computed with respect to the input data (here in marker.color) or the bounds set in marker.cmin and marker.cmax Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Defaults to false when marker.cmin and marker.cmax are set by the user.


    Sets the upper bound of the color domain. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color and if set, marker.cmin must be set as well.


    Sets the mid-point of the color domain by scaling marker.cmin and/or marker.cmax to be equidistant to this point. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color. Has no effect when marker.cauto is false.


    Sets the lower bound of the color domain. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color and if set, marker.cmax must be set as well.


    Sets the marker color. It accepts either a specific color or an array of numbers that are mapped to the colorscale relative to the max and min values of the array or relative to marker.cmin and marker.cmax if set.


    Sets a reference to a shared color axis. References to these shared color axes are “coloraxis”, “coloraxis2”, “coloraxis3”, etc. Settings for these shared color axes are set in the layout, under layout.coloraxis, layout.coloraxis2, etc. Note that multiple color scales can be linked to the same color axis.


    plotly.graph_objects.scatterpolargl.mar ker.ColorBar instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the colorscale. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. The colorscale must be an array containing arrays mapping a normalized value to an rgb, rgba, hex, hsl, hsv, or named color string. At minimum, a mapping for the lowest (0) and highest (1) values are required. For example, [[0, 'rgb(0,0,255)'], [1, 'rgb(255,0,0)']]. To control the bounds of the colorscale in color space, use marker.cmin and marker.cmax. Alternatively, colorscale may be a palette name string of the following list: Blackbody,Bluered,Blues,Cividis,Earth,Electric, Greens,Greys,Hot,Jet,Picnic,Portland,Rainbow,Rd Bu,Reds,Viridis,YlGnBu,YlOrRd.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    plotly.graph_objects.scatterpolargl.mar ker.Line instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the marker opacity.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for opacity.


    Reverses the color mapping if true. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. If true, marker.cmin will correspond to the last color in the array and marker.cmax will correspond to the first color.


    Determines whether or not a colorbar is displayed for this trace. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array.


    Sets the marker size (in px).


    Has an effect only if marker.size is set to a numerical array. Sets the minimum size (in px) of the rendered marker points.


    Has an effect only if marker.size is set to a numerical array. Sets the rule for which the data in size is converted to pixels.


    Has an effect only if marker.size is set to a numerical array. Sets the scale factor used to determine the rendered size of marker points. Use with sizemin and sizemode.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for size.


    Sets the marker symbol type. Adding 100 is equivalent to appending “-open” to a symbol name. Adding 200 is equivalent to appending “-dot” to a symbol name. Adding 300 is equivalent to appending “-open-dot” or “dot- open” to a symbol name.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for symbol.


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property mode

Determines the drawing mode for this scatter trace. If the provided mode includes “text” then the text elements appear at the coordinates. Otherwise, the text elements appear on hover. If there are less than 20 points and the trace is not stacked then the default is “lines+markers”. Otherwise, “lines”.

The ‘mode’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘lines’, ‘markers’, ‘text’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘lines+markers’) OR exactly one of [‘none’] (e.g. ‘none’)


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property opacity

Sets the opacity of the trace.

The ‘opacity’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]


Return type


property r

Sets the radial coordinates

The ‘r’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property r0

Alternate to r. Builds a linear space of r coordinates. Use with dr where r0 is the starting coordinate and dr the step.

The ‘r0’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property rsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for r.

The ‘rsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property selected

The ‘selected’ property is an instance of Selected that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scatterpolargl.Selected

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Selected constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.scatterpolargl.sel ected.Marker instance or dict with compatible properties


    plotly.graph_objects.scatterpolargl.sel ected.Textfont instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type


property selectedpoints

Array containing integer indices of selected points. Has an effect only for traces that support selections. Note that an empty array means an empty selection where the unselected are turned on for all points, whereas, any other non-array values means no selection all where the selected and unselected styles have no effect.

The ‘selectedpoints’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property showlegend

Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.

The ‘showlegend’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scatterpolargl.Stream

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type


property subplot

Sets a reference between this trace’s data coordinates and a polar subplot. If “polar” (the default value), the data refer to layout.polar. If “polar2”, the data refer to layout.polar2, and so on.

The ‘subplot’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘polar’, that may be specified as the string ‘polar’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘polar’, ‘polar1’, ‘polar2’, ‘polar3’, etc.)


Return type


property text

Sets text elements associated with each (x,y) pair. If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order to the this trace’s (x,y) coordinates. If trace hoverinfo contains a “text” flag and “hovertext” is not set, these elements will be seen in the hover labels.

The ‘text’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property textfont

Sets the text font.

The ‘textfont’ property is an instance of Textfont that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scatterpolargl.Textfont

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Textfont constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for family.



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for size.


    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for style.


    Sets the variant of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for variant.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for weight.


Return type


property textposition

Sets the positions of the text elements with respects to the (x,y) coordinates.

The ‘textposition’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘top left’, ‘top center’, ‘top right’, ‘middle left’, ‘middle center’, ‘middle right’, ‘bottom left’, ‘bottom center’, ‘bottom right’]

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property textpositionsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for textposition.

The ‘textpositionsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property textsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for text.

The ‘textsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property texttemplate

Template string used for rendering the information text that appear on points. Note that this will override textinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}”. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. Every attributes that can be specified per- point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Finally, the template string has access to variables r, theta and text.

The ‘texttemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property texttemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for texttemplate.

The ‘texttemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property theta

Sets the angular coordinates

The ‘theta’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property theta0

Alternate to theta. Builds a linear space of theta coordinates. Use with dtheta where theta0 is the starting coordinate and dtheta the step.

The ‘theta0’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property thetasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for theta.

The ‘thetasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property thetaunit

Sets the unit of input “theta” values. Has an effect only when on “linear” angular axes.

The ‘thetaunit’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘radians’, ‘degrees’, ‘gradians’]


Return type


property type
property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property unselected

The ‘unselected’ property is an instance of Unselected that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scatterpolargl.Unselected

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Unselected constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.scatterpolargl.uns elected.Marker instance or dict with compatible properties


    plotly.graph_objects.scatterpolargl.uns elected.Textfont instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


class, cliponaxis=None, connectgaps=None, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, fill=None, fillcolor=None, hoverinfo=None, hoverinfosrc=None, hoverlabel=None, hoveron=None, hovertemplate=None, hovertemplatesrc=None, hovertext=None, hovertextsrc=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, imag=None, imagsrc=None, legend=None, legendgroup=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, line=None, marker=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, mode=None, name=None, opacity=None, real=None, realsrc=None, selected=None, selectedpoints=None, showlegend=None, stream=None, subplot=None, text=None, textfont=None, textposition=None, textpositionsrc=None, textsrc=None, texttemplate=None, texttemplatesrc=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, unselected=None, visible=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property cliponaxis

Determines whether or not markers and text nodes are clipped about the subplot axes. To show markers and text nodes above axis lines and tick labels, make sure to set xaxis.layer and yaxis.layer to below traces.

The ‘cliponaxis’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property connectgaps

Determines whether or not gaps (i.e. {nan} or missing values) in the provided data arrays are connected.

The ‘connectgaps’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property fill

Sets the area to fill with a solid color. Use with fillcolor if not “none”. scattersmith has a subset of the options available to scatter. “toself” connects the endpoints of the trace (or each segment of the trace if it has gaps) into a closed shape. “tonext” fills the space between two traces if one completely encloses the other (eg consecutive contour lines), and behaves like “toself” if there is no trace before it. “tonext” should not be used if one trace does not enclose the other.

The ‘fill’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘none’, ‘toself’, ‘tonext’]


Return type


property fillcolor

Sets the fill color. Defaults to a half-transparent variant of the line color, marker color, or marker line color, whichever is available.

The ‘fillcolor’ property is a color and may be specified as:
  • A hex string (e.g. ‘#ff0000’)

  • An rgb/rgba string (e.g. ‘rgb(255,0,0)’)

  • An hsl/hsla string (e.g. ‘hsl(0,100%,50%)’)

  • An hsv/hsva string (e.g. ‘hsv(0,100%,100%)’)

  • A named CSS color:

    aliceblue, antiquewhite, aqua, aquamarine, azure, beige, bisque, black, blanchedalmond, blue, blueviolet, brown, burlywood, cadetblue, chartreuse, chocolate, coral, cornflowerblue, cornsilk, crimson, cyan, darkblue, darkcyan, darkgoldenrod, darkgray, darkgrey, darkgreen, darkkhaki, darkmagenta, darkolivegreen, darkorange, darkorchid, darkred, darksalmon, darkseagreen, darkslateblue, darkslategray, darkslategrey, darkturquoise, darkviolet, deeppink, deepskyblue, dimgray, dimgrey, dodgerblue, firebrick, floralwhite, forestgreen, fuchsia, gainsboro, ghostwhite, gold, goldenrod, gray, grey, green, greenyellow, honeydew, hotpink, indianred, indigo, ivory, khaki, lavender, lavenderblush, lawngreen, lemonchiffon, lightblue, lightcoral, lightcyan, lightgoldenrodyellow, lightgray, lightgrey, lightgreen, lightpink, lightsalmon, lightseagreen, lightskyblue, lightslategray, lightslategrey, lightsteelblue, lightyellow, lime, limegreen, linen, magenta, maroon, mediumaquamarine, mediumblue, mediumorchid, mediumpurple, mediumseagreen, mediumslateblue, mediumspringgreen, mediumturquoise, mediumvioletred, midnightblue, mintcream, mistyrose, moccasin, navajowhite, navy, oldlace, olive, olivedrab, orange, orangered, orchid, palegoldenrod, palegreen, paleturquoise, palevioletred, papayawhip, peachpuff, peru, pink, plum, powderblue, purple, red, rosybrown, royalblue, rebeccapurple, saddlebrown, salmon, sandybrown, seagreen, seashell, sienna, silver, skyblue, slateblue, slategray, slategrey, snow, springgreen, steelblue, tan, teal, thistle, tomato, turquoise, violet, wheat, white, whitesmoke, yellow, yellowgreen


Return type


property hoverinfo

Determines which trace information appear on hover. If none or skip are set, no information is displayed upon hovering. But, if none is set, click and hover events are still fired.

The ‘hoverinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘real’, ‘imag’, ‘text’, ‘name’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘real+imag’) OR exactly one of [‘all’, ‘none’, ‘skip’] (e.g. ‘skip’)

  • A list or array of the above


Return type


property hoverinfosrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hoverinfo.

The ‘hoverinfosrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverlabel

The ‘hoverlabel’ property is an instance of Hoverlabel that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattersmith.Hoverlabel

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Hoverlabel constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans more two or more lines


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for align.


    Sets the background color of the hover labels for this trace


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bgcolor.


    Sets the border color of the hover labels for this trace.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bordercolor.


    Sets the font used in hover labels.


    Sets the default length (in number of characters) of the trace name in the hover labels for all traces. -1 shows the whole name regardless of length. 0-3 shows the first 0-3 characters, and an integer >3 will show the whole name if it is less than that many characters, but if it is longer, will truncate to namelength - 3 characters and add an ellipsis.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for namelength.


Return type


property hoveron

Do the hover effects highlight individual points (markers or line points) or do they highlight filled regions? If the fill is “toself” or “tonext” and there are no markers or text, then the default is “fills”, otherwise it is “points”.

The ‘hoveron’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘points’, ‘fills’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘points+fills’)


Return type


property hovertemplate

Template string used for rendering the information that appear on hover box. Note that this will override hoverinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}” as well as %{xother}, {%_xother}, {%_xother_}, {%xother_}. When showing info for several points, “xother” will be added to those with different x positions from the first point. An underscore before or after “(x|y)other” will add a space on that side, only when this field is shown. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. The variables available in hovertemplate are the ones emitted as event data described at this link Additionally, every attributes that can be specified per-point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Anything contained in tag <extra> is displayed in the secondary box, for example “<extra>{}</extra>”. To hide the secondary box completely, use an empty tag <extra></extra>.

The ‘hovertemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertemplate.

The ‘hovertemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hovertext

Sets hover text elements associated with each (x,y) pair. If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order to the this trace’s (x,y) coordinates. To be seen, trace hoverinfo must contain a “text” flag.

The ‘hovertext’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertextsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertext.

The ‘hovertextsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property imag

Sets the imaginary component of the data, in units of normalized impedance such that real=1, imag=0 is the center of the chart.

The ‘imag’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property imagsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for imag.

The ‘imagsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgroup

Sets the legend group for this trace. Traces and shapes part of the same legend group hide/show at the same time when toggling legend items.

The ‘legendgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattersmith.Legendgrouptitle

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type


property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property line

The ‘line’ property is an instance of Line that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattersmith.Line

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Line constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the line back off from the end point of the nth line segment (in px). This option is useful e.g. to avoid overlap with arrowhead markers. With “auto” the lines would trim before markers if marker.angleref is set to “previous”.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for backoff.


    Sets the line color.


    Sets the dash style of lines. Set to a dash type string (“solid”, “dot”, “dash”, “longdash”, “dashdot”, or “longdashdot”) or a dash length list in px (eg “5px,10px,2px,2px”).


    Determines the line shape. With “spline” the lines are drawn using spline interpolation. The other available values correspond to step-wise line shapes.


    Has an effect only if shape is set to “spline” Sets the amount of smoothing. 0 corresponds to no smoothing (equivalent to a “linear” shape).


    Sets the line width (in px).


Return type


property marker

The ‘marker’ property is an instance of Marker that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattersmith.Marker

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Marker constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the marker angle in respect to angleref.


    Sets the reference for marker angle. With “previous”, angle 0 points along the line from the previous point to this one. With “up”, angle 0 points toward the top of the screen.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for angle.


    Determines whether the colorscale is a default palette (autocolorscale: true) or the palette determined by marker.colorscale. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. In case colorscale is unspecified or autocolorscale is true, the default palette will be chosen according to whether numbers in the color array are all positive, all negative or mixed.


    Determines whether or not the color domain is computed with respect to the input data (here in marker.color) or the bounds set in marker.cmin and marker.cmax Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Defaults to false when marker.cmin and marker.cmax are set by the user.


    Sets the upper bound of the color domain. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color and if set, marker.cmin must be set as well.


    Sets the mid-point of the color domain by scaling marker.cmin and/or marker.cmax to be equidistant to this point. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color. Has no effect when marker.cauto is false.


    Sets the lower bound of the color domain. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color and if set, marker.cmax must be set as well.


    Sets the marker color. It accepts either a specific color or an array of numbers that are mapped to the colorscale relative to the max and min values of the array or relative to marker.cmin and marker.cmax if set.


    Sets a reference to a shared color axis. References to these shared color axes are “coloraxis”, “coloraxis2”, “coloraxis3”, etc. Settings for these shared color axes are set in the layout, under layout.coloraxis, layout.coloraxis2, etc. Note that multiple color scales can be linked to the same color axis.


    plotly.graph_objects.scattersmith.marke r.ColorBar instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the colorscale. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. The colorscale must be an array containing arrays mapping a normalized value to an rgb, rgba, hex, hsl, hsv, or named color string. At minimum, a mapping for the lowest (0) and highest (1) values are required. For example, [[0, 'rgb(0,0,255)'], [1, 'rgb(255,0,0)']]. To control the bounds of the colorscale in color space, use marker.cmin and marker.cmax. Alternatively, colorscale may be a palette name string of the following list: Blackbody,Bluered,Blues,Cividis,Earth,Electric, Greens,Greys,Hot,Jet,Picnic,Portland,Rainbow,Rd Bu,Reds,Viridis,YlGnBu,YlOrRd.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    plotly.graph_objects.scattersmith.marke r.Gradient instance or dict with compatible properties


    plotly.graph_objects.scattersmith.marke r.Line instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets a maximum number of points to be drawn on the graph. 0 corresponds to no limit.


    Sets the marker opacity.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for opacity.


    Reverses the color mapping if true. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. If true, marker.cmin will correspond to the last color in the array and marker.cmax will correspond to the first color.


    Determines whether or not a colorbar is displayed for this trace. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array.


    Sets the marker size (in px).


    Has an effect only if marker.size is set to a numerical array. Sets the minimum size (in px) of the rendered marker points.


    Has an effect only if marker.size is set to a numerical array. Sets the rule for which the data in size is converted to pixels.


    Has an effect only if marker.size is set to a numerical array. Sets the scale factor used to determine the rendered size of marker points. Use with sizemin and sizemode.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for size.


    Moves the marker away from the data point in the direction of angle (in px). This can be useful for example if you have another marker at this location and you want to point an arrowhead marker at it.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for standoff.


    Sets the marker symbol type. Adding 100 is equivalent to appending “-open” to a symbol name. Adding 200 is equivalent to appending “-dot” to a symbol name. Adding 300 is equivalent to appending “-open-dot” or “dot- open” to a symbol name.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for symbol.


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property mode

Determines the drawing mode for this scatter trace. If the provided mode includes “text” then the text elements appear at the coordinates. Otherwise, the text elements appear on hover. If there are less than 20 points and the trace is not stacked then the default is “lines+markers”. Otherwise, “lines”.

The ‘mode’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘lines’, ‘markers’, ‘text’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘lines+markers’) OR exactly one of [‘none’] (e.g. ‘none’)


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property opacity

Sets the opacity of the trace.

The ‘opacity’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]


Return type


property real

Sets the real component of the data, in units of normalized impedance such that real=1, imag=0 is the center of the chart.

The ‘real’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property realsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for real.

The ‘realsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property selected

The ‘selected’ property is an instance of Selected that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattersmith.Selected

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Selected constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.scattersmith.selec ted.Marker instance or dict with compatible properties


    plotly.graph_objects.scattersmith.selec ted.Textfont instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type


property selectedpoints

Array containing integer indices of selected points. Has an effect only for traces that support selections. Note that an empty array means an empty selection where the unselected are turned on for all points, whereas, any other non-array values means no selection all where the selected and unselected styles have no effect.

The ‘selectedpoints’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property showlegend

Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.

The ‘showlegend’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattersmith.Stream

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type


property subplot

Sets a reference between this trace’s data coordinates and a smith subplot. If “smith” (the default value), the data refer to layout.smith. If “smith2”, the data refer to layout.smith2, and so on.

The ‘subplot’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘smith’, that may be specified as the string ‘smith’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘smith’, ‘smith1’, ‘smith2’, ‘smith3’, etc.)


Return type


property text

Sets text elements associated with each (x,y) pair. If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order to the this trace’s (x,y) coordinates. If trace hoverinfo contains a “text” flag and “hovertext” is not set, these elements will be seen in the hover labels.

The ‘text’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property textfont

Sets the text font.

The ‘textfont’ property is an instance of Textfont that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattersmith.Textfont

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Textfont constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for family.


    Sets the kind of decoration line(s) with text, such as an “under”, “over” or “through” as well as combinations e.g. “under+over”, etc.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for lineposition.


    Sets the shape and color of the shadow behind text. “auto” places minimal shadow and applies contrast text font color. See US/docs/Web/CSS/text-shadow for additional options.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for shadow.



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for size.


    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for style.


    Sets capitalization of text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all- lowercase, or with each word capitalized.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for textcase.


    Sets the variant of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for variant.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for weight.


Return type


property textposition

Sets the positions of the text elements with respects to the (x,y) coordinates.

The ‘textposition’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘top left’, ‘top center’, ‘top right’, ‘middle left’, ‘middle center’, ‘middle right’, ‘bottom left’, ‘bottom center’, ‘bottom right’]

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property textpositionsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for textposition.

The ‘textpositionsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property textsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for text.

The ‘textsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property texttemplate

Template string used for rendering the information text that appear on points. Note that this will override textinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}”. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. Every attributes that can be specified per- point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Finally, the template string has access to variables real, imag and text.

The ‘texttemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property texttemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for texttemplate.

The ‘texttemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property type
property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property unselected

The ‘unselected’ property is an instance of Unselected that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scattersmith.Unselected

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Unselected constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.scattersmith.unsel ected.Marker instance or dict with compatible properties


    plotly.graph_objects.scattersmith.unsel ected.Textfont instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


class, a=None, asrc=None, b=None, bsrc=None, c=None, cliponaxis=None, connectgaps=None, csrc=None, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, fill=None, fillcolor=None, hoverinfo=None, hoverinfosrc=None, hoverlabel=None, hoveron=None, hovertemplate=None, hovertemplatesrc=None, hovertext=None, hovertextsrc=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, legend=None, legendgroup=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, line=None, marker=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, mode=None, name=None, opacity=None, selected=None, selectedpoints=None, showlegend=None, stream=None, subplot=None, sum=None, text=None, textfont=None, textposition=None, textpositionsrc=None, textsrc=None, texttemplate=None, texttemplatesrc=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, unselected=None, visible=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property a

Sets the quantity of component a in each data point. If a, b, and c are all provided, they need not be normalized, only the relative values matter. If only two arrays are provided they must be normalized to match ternary<i>.sum.

The ‘a’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property asrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for a.

The ‘asrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property b

Sets the quantity of component a in each data point. If a, b, and c are all provided, they need not be normalized, only the relative values matter. If only two arrays are provided they must be normalized to match ternary<i>.sum.

The ‘b’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property bsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for b.

The ‘bsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property c

Sets the quantity of component a in each data point. If a, b, and c are all provided, they need not be normalized, only the relative values matter. If only two arrays are provided they must be normalized to match ternary<i>.sum.

The ‘c’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property cliponaxis

Determines whether or not markers and text nodes are clipped about the subplot axes. To show markers and text nodes above axis lines and tick labels, make sure to set xaxis.layer and yaxis.layer to below traces.

The ‘cliponaxis’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property connectgaps

Determines whether or not gaps (i.e. {nan} or missing values) in the provided data arrays are connected.

The ‘connectgaps’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property csrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for c.

The ‘csrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property fill

Sets the area to fill with a solid color. Use with fillcolor if not “none”. scatterternary has a subset of the options available to scatter. “toself” connects the endpoints of the trace (or each segment of the trace if it has gaps) into a closed shape. “tonext” fills the space between two traces if one completely encloses the other (eg consecutive contour lines), and behaves like “toself” if there is no trace before it. “tonext” should not be used if one trace does not enclose the other.

The ‘fill’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘none’, ‘toself’, ‘tonext’]


Return type


property fillcolor

Sets the fill color. Defaults to a half-transparent variant of the line color, marker color, or marker line color, whichever is available.

The ‘fillcolor’ property is a color and may be specified as:
  • A hex string (e.g. ‘#ff0000’)

  • An rgb/rgba string (e.g. ‘rgb(255,0,0)’)

  • An hsl/hsla string (e.g. ‘hsl(0,100%,50%)’)

  • An hsv/hsva string (e.g. ‘hsv(0,100%,100%)’)

  • A named CSS color:

    aliceblue, antiquewhite, aqua, aquamarine, azure, beige, bisque, black, blanchedalmond, blue, blueviolet, brown, burlywood, cadetblue, chartreuse, chocolate, coral, cornflowerblue, cornsilk, crimson, cyan, darkblue, darkcyan, darkgoldenrod, darkgray, darkgrey, darkgreen, darkkhaki, darkmagenta, darkolivegreen, darkorange, darkorchid, darkred, darksalmon, darkseagreen, darkslateblue, darkslategray, darkslategrey, darkturquoise, darkviolet, deeppink, deepskyblue, dimgray, dimgrey, dodgerblue, firebrick, floralwhite, forestgreen, fuchsia, gainsboro, ghostwhite, gold, goldenrod, gray, grey, green, greenyellow, honeydew, hotpink, indianred, indigo, ivory, khaki, lavender, lavenderblush, lawngreen, lemonchiffon, lightblue, lightcoral, lightcyan, lightgoldenrodyellow, lightgray, lightgrey, lightgreen, lightpink, lightsalmon, lightseagreen, lightskyblue, lightslategray, lightslategrey, lightsteelblue, lightyellow, lime, limegreen, linen, magenta, maroon, mediumaquamarine, mediumblue, mediumorchid, mediumpurple, mediumseagreen, mediumslateblue, mediumspringgreen, mediumturquoise, mediumvioletred, midnightblue, mintcream, mistyrose, moccasin, navajowhite, navy, oldlace, olive, olivedrab, orange, orangered, orchid, palegoldenrod, palegreen, paleturquoise, palevioletred, papayawhip, peachpuff, peru, pink, plum, powderblue, purple, red, rosybrown, royalblue, rebeccapurple, saddlebrown, salmon, sandybrown, seagreen, seashell, sienna, silver, skyblue, slateblue, slategray, slategrey, snow, springgreen, steelblue, tan, teal, thistle, tomato, turquoise, violet, wheat, white, whitesmoke, yellow, yellowgreen


Return type


property hoverinfo

Determines which trace information appear on hover. If none or skip are set, no information is displayed upon hovering. But, if none is set, click and hover events are still fired.

The ‘hoverinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘text’, ‘name’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘a+b’) OR exactly one of [‘all’, ‘none’, ‘skip’] (e.g. ‘skip’)

  • A list or array of the above


Return type


property hoverinfosrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hoverinfo.

The ‘hoverinfosrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverlabel

The ‘hoverlabel’ property is an instance of Hoverlabel that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scatterternary.Hoverlabel

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Hoverlabel constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans more two or more lines


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for align.


    Sets the background color of the hover labels for this trace


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bgcolor.


    Sets the border color of the hover labels for this trace.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bordercolor.


    Sets the font used in hover labels.


    Sets the default length (in number of characters) of the trace name in the hover labels for all traces. -1 shows the whole name regardless of length. 0-3 shows the first 0-3 characters, and an integer >3 will show the whole name if it is less than that many characters, but if it is longer, will truncate to namelength - 3 characters and add an ellipsis.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for namelength.


Return type


property hoveron

Do the hover effects highlight individual points (markers or line points) or do they highlight filled regions? If the fill is “toself” or “tonext” and there are no markers or text, then the default is “fills”, otherwise it is “points”.

The ‘hoveron’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘points’, ‘fills’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘points+fills’)


Return type


property hovertemplate

Template string used for rendering the information that appear on hover box. Note that this will override hoverinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}” as well as %{xother}, {%_xother}, {%_xother_}, {%xother_}. When showing info for several points, “xother” will be added to those with different x positions from the first point. An underscore before or after “(x|y)other” will add a space on that side, only when this field is shown. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. The variables available in hovertemplate are the ones emitted as event data described at this link Additionally, every attributes that can be specified per-point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Anything contained in tag <extra> is displayed in the secondary box, for example “<extra>{}</extra>”. To hide the secondary box completely, use an empty tag <extra></extra>.

The ‘hovertemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertemplate.

The ‘hovertemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hovertext

Sets hover text elements associated with each (a,b,c) point. If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of strings, the items are mapped in order to the the data points in (a,b,c). To be seen, trace hoverinfo must contain a “text” flag.

The ‘hovertext’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertextsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertext.

The ‘hovertextsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgroup

Sets the legend group for this trace. Traces and shapes part of the same legend group hide/show at the same time when toggling legend items.

The ‘legendgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scatterternary.Legendgrouptitle

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type


property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property line

The ‘line’ property is an instance of Line that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scatterternary.Line

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Line constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the line back off from the end point of the nth line segment (in px). This option is useful e.g. to avoid overlap with arrowhead markers. With “auto” the lines would trim before markers if marker.angleref is set to “previous”.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for backoff.


    Sets the line color.


    Sets the dash style of lines. Set to a dash type string (“solid”, “dot”, “dash”, “longdash”, “dashdot”, or “longdashdot”) or a dash length list in px (eg “5px,10px,2px,2px”).


    Determines the line shape. With “spline” the lines are drawn using spline interpolation. The other available values correspond to step-wise line shapes.


    Has an effect only if shape is set to “spline” Sets the amount of smoothing. 0 corresponds to no smoothing (equivalent to a “linear” shape).


    Sets the line width (in px).


Return type


property marker

The ‘marker’ property is an instance of Marker that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scatterternary.Marker

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Marker constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the marker angle in respect to angleref.


    Sets the reference for marker angle. With “previous”, angle 0 points along the line from the previous point to this one. With “up”, angle 0 points toward the top of the screen.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for angle.


    Determines whether the colorscale is a default palette (autocolorscale: true) or the palette determined by marker.colorscale. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. In case colorscale is unspecified or autocolorscale is true, the default palette will be chosen according to whether numbers in the color array are all positive, all negative or mixed.


    Determines whether or not the color domain is computed with respect to the input data (here in marker.color) or the bounds set in marker.cmin and marker.cmax Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Defaults to false when marker.cmin and marker.cmax are set by the user.


    Sets the upper bound of the color domain. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color and if set, marker.cmin must be set as well.


    Sets the mid-point of the color domain by scaling marker.cmin and/or marker.cmax to be equidistant to this point. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color. Has no effect when marker.cauto is false.


    Sets the lower bound of the color domain. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color and if set, marker.cmax must be set as well.


    Sets the marker color. It accepts either a specific color or an array of numbers that are mapped to the colorscale relative to the max and min values of the array or relative to marker.cmin and marker.cmax if set.


    Sets a reference to a shared color axis. References to these shared color axes are “coloraxis”, “coloraxis2”, “coloraxis3”, etc. Settings for these shared color axes are set in the layout, under layout.coloraxis, layout.coloraxis2, etc. Note that multiple color scales can be linked to the same color axis.


    plotly.graph_objects.scatterternary.mar ker.ColorBar instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the colorscale. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. The colorscale must be an array containing arrays mapping a normalized value to an rgb, rgba, hex, hsl, hsv, or named color string. At minimum, a mapping for the lowest (0) and highest (1) values are required. For example, [[0, 'rgb(0,0,255)'], [1, 'rgb(255,0,0)']]. To control the bounds of the colorscale in color space, use marker.cmin and marker.cmax. Alternatively, colorscale may be a palette name string of the following list: Blackbody,Bluered,Blues,Cividis,Earth,Electric, Greens,Greys,Hot,Jet,Picnic,Portland,Rainbow,Rd Bu,Reds,Viridis,YlGnBu,YlOrRd.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    plotly.graph_objects.scatterternary.mar ker.Gradient instance or dict with compatible properties


    plotly.graph_objects.scatterternary.mar ker.Line instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets a maximum number of points to be drawn on the graph. 0 corresponds to no limit.


    Sets the marker opacity.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for opacity.


    Reverses the color mapping if true. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. If true, marker.cmin will correspond to the last color in the array and marker.cmax will correspond to the first color.


    Determines whether or not a colorbar is displayed for this trace. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array.


    Sets the marker size (in px).


    Has an effect only if marker.size is set to a numerical array. Sets the minimum size (in px) of the rendered marker points.


    Has an effect only if marker.size is set to a numerical array. Sets the rule for which the data in size is converted to pixels.


    Has an effect only if marker.size is set to a numerical array. Sets the scale factor used to determine the rendered size of marker points. Use with sizemin and sizemode.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for size.


    Moves the marker away from the data point in the direction of angle (in px). This can be useful for example if you have another marker at this location and you want to point an arrowhead marker at it.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for standoff.


    Sets the marker symbol type. Adding 100 is equivalent to appending “-open” to a symbol name. Adding 200 is equivalent to appending “-dot” to a symbol name. Adding 300 is equivalent to appending “-open-dot” or “dot- open” to a symbol name.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for symbol.


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property mode

Determines the drawing mode for this scatter trace. If the provided mode includes “text” then the text elements appear at the coordinates. Otherwise, the text elements appear on hover. If there are less than 20 points and the trace is not stacked then the default is “lines+markers”. Otherwise, “lines”.

The ‘mode’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘lines’, ‘markers’, ‘text’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘lines+markers’) OR exactly one of [‘none’] (e.g. ‘none’)


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property opacity

Sets the opacity of the trace.

The ‘opacity’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]


Return type


property selected

The ‘selected’ property is an instance of Selected that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scatterternary.Selected

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Selected constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.scatterternary.sel ected.Marker instance or dict with compatible properties


    plotly.graph_objects.scatterternary.sel ected.Textfont instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type


property selectedpoints

Array containing integer indices of selected points. Has an effect only for traces that support selections. Note that an empty array means an empty selection where the unselected are turned on for all points, whereas, any other non-array values means no selection all where the selected and unselected styles have no effect.

The ‘selectedpoints’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property showlegend

Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.

The ‘showlegend’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scatterternary.Stream

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type


property subplot

Sets a reference between this trace’s data coordinates and a ternary subplot. If “ternary” (the default value), the data refer to layout.ternary. If “ternary2”, the data refer to layout.ternary2, and so on.

The ‘subplot’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘ternary’, that may be specified as the string ‘ternary’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘ternary’, ‘ternary1’, ‘ternary2’, ‘ternary3’, etc.)


Return type


property sum

The number each triplet should sum to, if only two of a, b, and c are provided. This overrides ternary<i>.sum to normalize this specific trace, but does not affect the values displayed on the axes. 0 (or missing) means to use ternary<i>.sum

The ‘sum’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property text

Sets text elements associated with each (a,b,c) point. If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of strings, the items are mapped in order to the the data points in (a,b,c). If trace hoverinfo contains a “text” flag and “hovertext” is not set, these elements will be seen in the hover labels.

The ‘text’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property textfont

Sets the text font.

The ‘textfont’ property is an instance of Textfont that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scatterternary.Textfont

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Textfont constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for family.


    Sets the kind of decoration line(s) with text, such as an “under”, “over” or “through” as well as combinations e.g. “under+over”, etc.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for lineposition.


    Sets the shape and color of the shadow behind text. “auto” places minimal shadow and applies contrast text font color. See US/docs/Web/CSS/text-shadow for additional options.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for shadow.



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for size.


    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for style.


    Sets capitalization of text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all- lowercase, or with each word capitalized.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for textcase.


    Sets the variant of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for variant.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for weight.


Return type


property textposition

Sets the positions of the text elements with respects to the (x,y) coordinates.

The ‘textposition’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘top left’, ‘top center’, ‘top right’, ‘middle left’, ‘middle center’, ‘middle right’, ‘bottom left’, ‘bottom center’, ‘bottom right’]

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property textpositionsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for textposition.

The ‘textpositionsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property textsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for text.

The ‘textsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property texttemplate

Template string used for rendering the information text that appear on points. Note that this will override textinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}”. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. Every attributes that can be specified per- point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Finally, the template string has access to variables a, b, c and text.

The ‘texttemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property texttemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for texttemplate.

The ‘texttemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property type
property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property unselected

The ‘unselected’ property is an instance of Unselected that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.scatterternary.Unselected

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Unselected constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.scatterternary.uns elected.Marker instance or dict with compatible properties


    plotly.graph_objects.scatterternary.uns elected.Textfont instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


class, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, diagonal=None, dimensions=None, dimensiondefaults=None, hoverinfo=None, hoverinfosrc=None, hoverlabel=None, hovertemplate=None, hovertemplatesrc=None, hovertext=None, hovertextsrc=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, legend=None, legendgroup=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, marker=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, name=None, opacity=None, selected=None, selectedpoints=None, showlegend=None, showlowerhalf=None, showupperhalf=None, stream=None, text=None, textsrc=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, unselected=None, visible=None, xaxes=None, xhoverformat=None, yaxes=None, yhoverformat=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property diagonal

The ‘diagonal’ property is an instance of Diagonal that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.splom.Diagonal

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Diagonal constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Determines whether or not subplots on the diagonal are displayed.


Return type


property dimensiondefaults

When used in a template (as, sets the default property values to use for elements of splom.dimensions

The ‘dimensiondefaults’ property is an instance of Dimension that may be specified as:


Return type


property dimensions

The ‘dimensions’ property is a tuple of instances of Dimension that may be specified as:

  • A list or tuple of instances of plotly.graph_objects.splom.Dimension

  • A list or tuple of dicts of string/value properties that will be passed to the Dimension constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.splom.dimension.Ax is instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the label corresponding to this splom dimension.


    When used in a template, named items are created in the output figure in addition to any items the figure already has in this array. You can modify these items in the output figure by making your own item with templateitemname matching this name alongside your modifications (including visible: false or enabled: false to hide it). Has no effect outside of a template.


    Used to refer to a named item in this array in the template. Named items from the template will be created even without a matching item in the input figure, but you can modify one by making an item with templateitemname matching its name, alongside your modifications (including visible: false or enabled: false to hide it). If there is no template or no matching item, this item will be hidden unless you explicitly show it with visible: true.


    Sets the dimension values to be plotted.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for values.


    Determines whether or not this dimension is shown on the graph. Note that even visible false dimension contribute to the default grid generate by this splom trace.


Return type


property hoverinfo

Determines which trace information appear on hover. If none or skip are set, no information is displayed upon hovering. But, if none is set, click and hover events are still fired.

The ‘hoverinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’, ‘text’, ‘name’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘x+y’) OR exactly one of [‘all’, ‘none’, ‘skip’] (e.g. ‘skip’)

  • A list or array of the above


Return type


property hoverinfosrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hoverinfo.

The ‘hoverinfosrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverlabel

The ‘hoverlabel’ property is an instance of Hoverlabel that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.splom.Hoverlabel

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Hoverlabel constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans more two or more lines


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for align.


    Sets the background color of the hover labels for this trace


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bgcolor.


    Sets the border color of the hover labels for this trace.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bordercolor.


    Sets the font used in hover labels.


    Sets the default length (in number of characters) of the trace name in the hover labels for all traces. -1 shows the whole name regardless of length. 0-3 shows the first 0-3 characters, and an integer >3 will show the whole name if it is less than that many characters, but if it is longer, will truncate to namelength - 3 characters and add an ellipsis.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for namelength.


Return type


property hovertemplate

Template string used for rendering the information that appear on hover box. Note that this will override hoverinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}” as well as %{xother}, {%_xother}, {%_xother_}, {%xother_}. When showing info for several points, “xother” will be added to those with different x positions from the first point. An underscore before or after “(x|y)other” will add a space on that side, only when this field is shown. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. The variables available in hovertemplate are the ones emitted as event data described at this link Additionally, every attributes that can be specified per-point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Anything contained in tag <extra> is displayed in the secondary box, for example “<extra>{}</extra>”. To hide the secondary box completely, use an empty tag <extra></extra>.

The ‘hovertemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertemplate.

The ‘hovertemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hovertext

Same as text.

The ‘hovertext’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertextsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertext.

The ‘hovertextsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgroup

Sets the legend group for this trace. Traces and shapes part of the same legend group hide/show at the same time when toggling legend items.

The ‘legendgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.splom.Legendgrouptitle

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type


property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property marker

The ‘marker’ property is an instance of Marker that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.splom.Marker

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Marker constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the marker angle in respect to angleref.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for angle.


    Determines whether the colorscale is a default palette (autocolorscale: true) or the palette determined by marker.colorscale. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. In case colorscale is unspecified or autocolorscale is true, the default palette will be chosen according to whether numbers in the color array are all positive, all negative or mixed.


    Determines whether or not the color domain is computed with respect to the input data (here in marker.color) or the bounds set in marker.cmin and marker.cmax Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Defaults to false when marker.cmin and marker.cmax are set by the user.


    Sets the upper bound of the color domain. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color and if set, marker.cmin must be set as well.


    Sets the mid-point of the color domain by scaling marker.cmin and/or marker.cmax to be equidistant to this point. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color. Has no effect when marker.cauto is false.


    Sets the lower bound of the color domain. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as in marker.color and if set, marker.cmax must be set as well.


    Sets the marker color. It accepts either a specific color or an array of numbers that are mapped to the colorscale relative to the max and min values of the array or relative to marker.cmin and marker.cmax if set.


    Sets a reference to a shared color axis. References to these shared color axes are “coloraxis”, “coloraxis2”, “coloraxis3”, etc. Settings for these shared color axes are set in the layout, under layout.coloraxis, layout.coloraxis2, etc. Note that multiple color scales can be linked to the same color axis.


    plotly.graph_objects.splom.marker.Color Bar instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the colorscale. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. The colorscale must be an array containing arrays mapping a normalized value to an rgb, rgba, hex, hsl, hsv, or named color string. At minimum, a mapping for the lowest (0) and highest (1) values are required. For example, [[0, 'rgb(0,0,255)'], [1, 'rgb(255,0,0)']]. To control the bounds of the colorscale in color space, use marker.cmin and marker.cmax. Alternatively, colorscale may be a palette name string of the following list: Blackbody,Bluered,Blues,Cividis,Earth,Electric, Greens,Greys,Hot,Jet,Picnic,Portland,Rainbow,Rd Bu,Reds,Viridis,YlGnBu,YlOrRd.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    plotly.graph_objects.splom.marker.Line instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the marker opacity.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for opacity.


    Reverses the color mapping if true. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array. If true, marker.cmin will correspond to the last color in the array and marker.cmax will correspond to the first color.


    Determines whether or not a colorbar is displayed for this trace. Has an effect only if in marker.color is set to a numerical array.


    Sets the marker size (in px).


    Has an effect only if marker.size is set to a numerical array. Sets the minimum size (in px) of the rendered marker points.


    Has an effect only if marker.size is set to a numerical array. Sets the rule for which the data in size is converted to pixels.


    Has an effect only if marker.size is set to a numerical array. Sets the scale factor used to determine the rendered size of marker points. Use with sizemin and sizemode.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for size.


    Sets the marker symbol type. Adding 100 is equivalent to appending “-open” to a symbol name. Adding 200 is equivalent to appending “-dot” to a symbol name. Adding 300 is equivalent to appending “-open-dot” or “dot- open” to a symbol name.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for symbol.


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property opacity

Sets the opacity of the trace.

The ‘opacity’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]


Return type


property selected

The ‘selected’ property is an instance of Selected that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.splom.Selected

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Selected constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.splom.selected.Mar ker instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type


property selectedpoints

Array containing integer indices of selected points. Has an effect only for traces that support selections. Note that an empty array means an empty selection where the unselected are turned on for all points, whereas, any other non-array values means no selection all where the selected and unselected styles have no effect.

The ‘selectedpoints’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property showlegend

Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.

The ‘showlegend’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property showlowerhalf

Determines whether or not subplots on the lower half from the diagonal are displayed.

The ‘showlowerhalf’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property showupperhalf

Determines whether or not subplots on the upper half from the diagonal are displayed.

The ‘showupperhalf’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.splom.Stream

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type


property text

Sets text elements associated with each (x,y) pair to appear on hover. If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order to the this trace’s (x,y) coordinates.

The ‘text’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property textsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for text.

The ‘textsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property type
property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property unselected

The ‘unselected’ property is an instance of Unselected that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.splom.Unselected

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Unselected constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.splom.unselected.M arker instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


property xaxes

Sets the list of x axes corresponding to dimensions of this splom trace. By default, a splom will match the first N xaxes where N is the number of input dimensions. Note that, in case where diagonal.visible is false and showupperhalf or showlowerhalf is false, this splom trace will generate one less x-axis and one less y-axis.

The ‘xaxes’ property is an info array that may be specified as: * a list of elements where:

The ‘xaxes[i]’ property is an identifier of a particular

subplot, of type ‘x’, that may be specified as the string ‘x’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘x’, ‘x1’, ‘x2’, ‘x3’, etc.)


Return type


property xhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor x using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using xaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘xhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property yaxes

Sets the list of y axes corresponding to dimensions of this splom trace. By default, a splom will match the first N yaxes where N is the number of input dimensions. Note that, in case where diagonal.visible is false and showupperhalf or showlowerhalf is false, this splom trace will generate one less x-axis and one less y-axis.

The ‘yaxes’ property is an info array that may be specified as: * a list of elements where:

The ‘yaxes[i]’ property is an identifier of a particular

subplot, of type ‘y’, that may be specified as the string ‘y’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘y’, ‘y1’, ‘y2’, ‘y3’, etc.)


Return type


property yhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor y using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using yaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘yhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


class, autocolorscale=None, cauto=None, cmax=None, cmid=None, cmin=None, coloraxis=None, colorbar=None, colorscale=None, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, hoverinfo=None, hoverinfosrc=None, hoverlabel=None, hovertemplate=None, hovertemplatesrc=None, hovertext=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, legend=None, legendgroup=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, lighting=None, lightposition=None, maxdisplayed=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, name=None, opacity=None, reversescale=None, scene=None, showlegend=None, showscale=None, sizeref=None, starts=None, stream=None, text=None, u=None, uhoverformat=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, usrc=None, v=None, vhoverformat=None, visible=None, vsrc=None, w=None, whoverformat=None, wsrc=None, x=None, xhoverformat=None, xsrc=None, y=None, yhoverformat=None, ysrc=None, z=None, zhoverformat=None, zsrc=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property autocolorscale

Determines whether the colorscale is a default palette (autocolorscale: true) or the palette determined by colorscale. In case colorscale is unspecified or autocolorscale is true, the default palette will be chosen according to whether numbers in the color array are all positive, all negative or mixed.

The ‘autocolorscale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property cauto

Determines whether or not the color domain is computed with respect to the input data (here u/v/w norm) or the bounds set in cmin and cmax Defaults to false when cmin and cmax are set by the user.

The ‘cauto’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property cmax

Sets the upper bound of the color domain. Value should have the same units as u/v/w norm and if set, cmin must be set as well.

The ‘cmax’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property cmid

Sets the mid-point of the color domain by scaling cmin and/or cmax to be equidistant to this point. Value should have the same units as u/v/w norm. Has no effect when cauto is false.

The ‘cmid’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property cmin

Sets the lower bound of the color domain. Value should have the same units as u/v/w norm and if set, cmax must be set as well.

The ‘cmin’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property coloraxis

Sets a reference to a shared color axis. References to these shared color axes are “coloraxis”, “coloraxis2”, “coloraxis3”, etc. Settings for these shared color axes are set in the layout, under layout.coloraxis, layout.coloraxis2, etc. Note that multiple color scales can be linked to the same color axis.

The ‘coloraxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘coloraxis’, that may be specified as the string ‘coloraxis’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘coloraxis’, ‘coloraxis1’, ‘coloraxis2’, ‘coloraxis3’, etc.)


Return type


property colorbar

The ‘colorbar’ property is an instance of ColorBar that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.streamtube.ColorBar

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the ColorBar constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the color of padded area.


    Sets the axis line color.


    Sets the width (in px) or the border enclosing this color bar.


    Sets the step in-between ticks on this axis. Use with tick0. Must be a positive number, or special strings available to “log” and “date” axes. If the axis type is “log”, then ticks are set every 10^(n*dtick) where n is the tick number. For example, to set a tick mark at 1, 10, 100, 1000, … set dtick to 1. To set tick marks at 1, 100, 10000, … set dtick to 2. To set tick marks at 1, 5, 25, 125, 625, 3125, … set dtick to log_10(5), or 0.69897000433. “log” has several special values; “L<f>”, where f is a positive number, gives ticks linearly spaced in value (but not position). For example tick0 = 0.1, dtick = “L0.5” will put ticks at 0.1, 0.6, 1.1, 1.6 etc. To show powers of 10 plus small digits between, use “D1” (all digits) or “D2” (only 2 and 5). tick0 is ignored for “D1” and “D2”. If the axis type is “date”, then you must convert the time to milliseconds. For example, to set the interval between ticks to one day, set dtick to 86400000.0. “date” also has special values “M<n>” gives ticks spaced by a number of months. n must be a positive integer. To set ticks on the 15th of every third month, set tick0 to “2000-01-15” and dtick to “M3”. To set ticks every 4 years, set dtick to “M48”


    Determines a formatting rule for the tick exponents. For example, consider the number 1,000,000,000. If “none”, it appears as 1,000,000,000. If “e”, 1e+9. If “E”, 1E+9. If “power”, 1x10^9 (with 9 in a super script). If “SI”, 1G. If “B”, 1B.


    Replacement text for specific tick or hover labels. For example using {US: ‘USA’, CA: ‘Canada’} changes US to USA and CA to Canada. The labels we would have shown must match the keys exactly, after adding any tickprefix or ticksuffix. For negative numbers the minus sign symbol used (U+2212) is wider than the regular ascii dash. That means you need to use −1 instead of -1. labelalias can be used with any axis type, and both keys (if needed) and values (if desired) can include html-like tags or MathJax.


    Sets the length of the color bar This measure excludes the padding of both ends. That is, the color bar length is this length minus the padding on both ends.


    Determines whether this color bar’s length (i.e. the measure in the color variation direction) is set in units of plot “fraction” or in *pixels. Use len to set the value.


    Hide SI prefix for 10^n if |n| is below this number. This only has an effect when tickformat is “SI” or “B”.


    Specifies the maximum number of ticks for the particular axis. The actual number of ticks will be chosen automatically to be less than or equal to nticks. Has an effect only if tickmode is set to “auto”.


    Sets the orientation of the colorbar.


    Sets the axis line color.


    Sets the width (in px) of the axis line.


    If “true”, even 4-digit integers are separated


    If “all”, all exponents are shown besides their significands. If “first”, only the exponent of the first tick is shown. If “last”, only the exponent of the last tick is shown. If “none”, no exponents appear.


    Determines whether or not the tick labels are drawn.


    If “all”, all tick labels are displayed with a prefix. If “first”, only the first tick is displayed with a prefix. If “last”, only the last tick is displayed with a suffix. If “none”, tick prefixes are hidden.


    Same as showtickprefix but for tick suffixes.


    Sets the thickness of the color bar This measure excludes the size of the padding, ticks and labels.


    Determines whether this color bar’s thickness (i.e. the measure in the constant color direction) is set in units of plot “fraction” or in “pixels”. Use thickness to set the value.


    Sets the placement of the first tick on this axis. Use with dtick. If the axis type is “log”, then you must take the log of your starting tick (e.g. to set the starting tick to 100, set the tick0 to 2) except when dtick`=*L<f>* (see `dtick for more info). If the axis type is “date”, it should be a date string, like date data. If the axis type is “category”, it should be a number, using the scale where each category is assigned a serial number from zero in the order it appears.


    Sets the angle of the tick labels with respect to the horizontal. For example, a tickangle of -90 draws the tick labels vertically.


    Sets the tick color.


    Sets the color bar’s tick label font


    Sets the tick label formatting rule using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: h ttps:// format. And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display “09~15~23.46”


    A tuple of plotly.graph_objects.streamt ube.colorbar.Tickformatstop instances or dicts with compatible properties


    When used in a template (as layout.template.dat a.streamtube.colorbar.tickformatstopdefaults), sets the default property values to use for elements of streamtube.colorbar.tickformatstops


    Determines how we handle tick labels that would overflow either the graph div or the domain of the axis. The default value for inside tick labels is hide past domain. In other cases the default is hide past div.


    Determines where tick labels are drawn relative to the ticks. Left and right options are used when orientation is “h”, top and bottom when orientation is “v”.


    Sets the spacing between tick labels as compared to the spacing between ticks. A value of 1 (default) means each tick gets a label. A value of 2 means shows every 2nd label. A larger value n means only every nth tick is labeled. tick0 determines which labels are shown. Not implemented for axes with type “log” or “multicategory”, or when tickmode is “array”.


    Sets the tick length (in px).


    Sets the tick mode for this axis. If “auto”, the number of ticks is set via nticks. If “linear”, the placement of the ticks is determined by a starting position tick0 and a tick step dtick (“linear” is the default value if tick0 and dtick are provided). If “array”, the placement of the ticks is set via tickvals and the tick text is ticktext. (“array” is the default value if tickvals is provided).


    Sets a tick label prefix.


    Determines whether ticks are drawn or not. If “”, this axis’ ticks are not drawn. If “outside” (“inside”), this axis’ are drawn outside (inside) the axis lines.


    Sets a tick label suffix.


    Sets the text displayed at the ticks position via tickvals. Only has an effect if tickmode is set to “array”. Used with tickvals.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ticktext.


    Sets the values at which ticks on this axis appear. Only has an effect if tickmode is set to “array”. Used with ticktext.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for tickvals.


    Sets the tick width (in px).


    plotly.graph_objects.streamtube.colorba r.Title instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the x position with respect to xref of the color bar (in plot fraction). When xref is “paper”, defaults to 1.02 when orientation is “v” and 0.5 when orientation is “h”. When xref is “container”, defaults to 1 when orientation is “v” and 0.5 when orientation is “h”. Must be between 0 and 1 if xref is “container” and between “-2” and 3 if xref is “paper”.


    Sets this color bar’s horizontal position anchor. This anchor binds the x position to the “left”, “center” or “right” of the color bar. Defaults to “left” when orientation is “v” and “center” when orientation is “h”.


    Sets the amount of padding (in px) along the x direction.


    Sets the container x refers to. “container” spans the entire width of the plot. “paper” refers to the width of the plotting area only.


    Sets the y position with respect to yref of the color bar (in plot fraction). When yref is “paper”, defaults to 0.5 when orientation is “v” and 1.02 when orientation is “h”. When yref is “container”, defaults to 0.5 when orientation is “v” and 1 when orientation is “h”. Must be between 0 and 1 if yref is “container” and between “-2” and 3 if yref is “paper”.


    Sets this color bar’s vertical position anchor This anchor binds the y position to the “top”, “middle” or “bottom” of the color bar. Defaults to “middle” when orientation is “v” and “bottom” when orientation is “h”.


    Sets the amount of padding (in px) along the y direction.


    Sets the container y refers to. “container” spans the entire height of the plot. “paper” refers to the height of the plotting area only.


Return type


property colorscale

Sets the colorscale. The colorscale must be an array containing arrays mapping a normalized value to an rgb, rgba, hex, hsl, hsv, or named color string. At minimum, a mapping for the lowest (0) and highest (1) values are required. For example, [[0, 'rgb(0,0,255)'], [1, 'rgb(255,0,0)']]. To control the bounds of the colorscale in color space, use cmin and cmax. Alternatively, colorscale may be a palette name string of the following list: Blackbody,Bluered,Blues,Cividis,Earth,Electric, Greens,Greys,Hot,Jet,Picnic,Portland,Rainbow,RdBu,Reds,Viridis, YlGnBu,YlOrRd.

The ‘colorscale’ property is a colorscale and may be specified as:

  • A list of colors that will be spaced evenly to create the colorscale. Many predefined colorscale lists are included in the sequential, diverging, and cyclical modules in the plotly.colors package.

  • A list of 2-element lists where the first element is the normalized color level value (starting at 0 and ending at 1), and the second item is a valid color string. (e.g. [[0, ‘green’], [0.5, ‘red’], [1.0, ‘rgb(0, 0, 255)’]])

  • One of the following named colorscales:
    [‘aggrnyl’, ‘agsunset’, ‘algae’, ‘amp’, ‘armyrose’, ‘balance’,

    ‘blackbody’, ‘bluered’, ‘blues’, ‘blugrn’, ‘bluyl’, ‘brbg’, ‘brwnyl’, ‘bugn’, ‘bupu’, ‘burg’, ‘burgyl’, ‘cividis’, ‘curl’, ‘darkmint’, ‘deep’, ‘delta’, ‘dense’, ‘earth’, ‘edge’, ‘electric’, ‘emrld’, ‘fall’, ‘geyser’, ‘gnbu’, ‘gray’, ‘greens’, ‘greys’, ‘haline’, ‘hot’, ‘hsv’, ‘ice’, ‘icefire’, ‘inferno’, ‘jet’, ‘magenta’, ‘magma’, ‘matter’, ‘mint’, ‘mrybm’, ‘mygbm’, ‘oranges’, ‘orrd’, ‘oryel’, ‘oxy’, ‘peach’, ‘phase’, ‘picnic’, ‘pinkyl’, ‘piyg’, ‘plasma’, ‘plotly3’, ‘portland’, ‘prgn’, ‘pubu’, ‘pubugn’, ‘puor’, ‘purd’, ‘purp’, ‘purples’, ‘purpor’, ‘rainbow’, ‘rdbu’, ‘rdgy’, ‘rdpu’, ‘rdylbu’, ‘rdylgn’, ‘redor’, ‘reds’, ‘solar’, ‘spectral’, ‘speed’, ‘sunset’, ‘sunsetdark’, ‘teal’, ‘tealgrn’, ‘tealrose’, ‘tempo’, ‘temps’, ‘thermal’, ‘tropic’, ‘turbid’, ‘turbo’, ‘twilight’, ‘viridis’, ‘ylgn’, ‘ylgnbu’, ‘ylorbr’, ‘ylorrd’].

    Appending ‘_r’ to a named colorscale reverses it.


Return type


property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverinfo

Determines which trace information appear on hover. If none or skip are set, no information is displayed upon hovering. But, if none is set, click and hover events are still fired.

The ‘hoverinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’, ‘u’, ‘v’, ‘w’, ‘norm’, ‘divergence’, ‘text’, ‘name’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘x+y’) OR exactly one of [‘all’, ‘none’, ‘skip’] (e.g. ‘skip’)

  • A list or array of the above


Return type


property hoverinfosrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hoverinfo.

The ‘hoverinfosrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverlabel

The ‘hoverlabel’ property is an instance of Hoverlabel that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.streamtube.Hoverlabel

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Hoverlabel constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans more two or more lines


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for align.


    Sets the background color of the hover labels for this trace


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bgcolor.


    Sets the border color of the hover labels for this trace.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bordercolor.


    Sets the font used in hover labels.


    Sets the default length (in number of characters) of the trace name in the hover labels for all traces. -1 shows the whole name regardless of length. 0-3 shows the first 0-3 characters, and an integer >3 will show the whole name if it is less than that many characters, but if it is longer, will truncate to namelength - 3 characters and add an ellipsis.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for namelength.


Return type


property hovertemplate

Template string used for rendering the information that appear on hover box. Note that this will override hoverinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}” as well as %{xother}, {%_xother}, {%_xother_}, {%xother_}. When showing info for several points, “xother” will be added to those with different x positions from the first point. An underscore before or after “(x|y)other” will add a space on that side, only when this field is shown. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. The variables available in hovertemplate are the ones emitted as event data described at this link Additionally, every attributes that can be specified per-point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Finally, the template string has access to variables tubex, tubey, tubez, tubeu, tubev, tubew, norm and divergence. Anything contained in tag <extra> is displayed in the secondary box, for example “<extra>{}</extra>”. To hide the secondary box completely, use an empty tag <extra></extra>.

The ‘hovertemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertemplate.

The ‘hovertemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hovertext

Same as text.

The ‘hovertext’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgroup

Sets the legend group for this trace. Traces and shapes part of the same legend group hide/show at the same time when toggling legend items.

The ‘legendgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.streamtube.Legendgrouptitle

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type


property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property lighting

The ‘lighting’ property is an instance of Lighting that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.streamtube.Lighting

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Lighting constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Ambient light increases overall color visibility but can wash out the image.


    Represents the extent that incident rays are reflected in a range of angles.


    Epsilon for face normals calculation avoids math issues arising from degenerate geometry.


    Represents the reflectance as a dependency of the viewing angle; e.g. paper is reflective when viewing it from the edge of the paper (almost 90 degrees), causing shine.


    Alters specular reflection; the rougher the surface, the wider and less contrasty the shine.


    Represents the level that incident rays are reflected in a single direction, causing shine.


    Epsilon for vertex normals calculation avoids math issues arising from degenerate geometry.


Return type


property lightposition

The ‘lightposition’ property is an instance of Lightposition that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.streamtube.Lightposition

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Lightposition constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Numeric vector, representing the X coordinate for each vertex.


    Numeric vector, representing the Y coordinate for each vertex.


    Numeric vector, representing the Z coordinate for each vertex.


Return type


property maxdisplayed

The maximum number of displayed segments in a streamtube.

The ‘maxdisplayed’ property is a integer and may be specified as:
  • An int (or float that will be cast to an int) in the interval [0, 9223372036854775807]


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property opacity

Sets the opacity of the surface. Please note that in the case of using high opacity values for example a value greater than or equal to 0.5 on two surfaces (and 0.25 with four surfaces), an overlay of multiple transparent surfaces may not perfectly be sorted in depth by the webgl API. This behavior may be improved in the near future and is subject to change.

The ‘opacity’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]


Return type


property reversescale

Reverses the color mapping if true. If true, cmin will correspond to the last color in the array and cmax will correspond to the first color.

The ‘reversescale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property scene

Sets a reference between this trace’s 3D coordinate system and a 3D scene. If “scene” (the default value), the (x,y,z) coordinates refer to layout.scene. If “scene2”, the (x,y,z) coordinates refer to layout.scene2, and so on.

The ‘scene’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘scene’, that may be specified as the string ‘scene’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘scene’, ‘scene1’, ‘scene2’, ‘scene3’, etc.)


Return type


property showlegend

Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.

The ‘showlegend’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property showscale

Determines whether or not a colorbar is displayed for this trace.

The ‘showscale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property sizeref

The scaling factor for the streamtubes. The default is 1, which avoids two max divergence tubes from touching at adjacent starting positions.

The ‘sizeref’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property starts

The ‘starts’ property is an instance of Starts that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.streamtube.Starts

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Starts constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the x components of the starting position of the streamtubes


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for x.


    Sets the y components of the starting position of the streamtubes


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for y.


    Sets the z components of the starting position of the streamtubes


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for z.


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.streamtube.Stream

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type


property text

Sets a text element associated with this trace. If trace hoverinfo contains a “text” flag, this text element will be seen in all hover labels. Note that streamtube traces do not support array text values.

The ‘text’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property type
property u

Sets the x components of the vector field.

The ‘u’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property uhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor u using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: default the values are formatted using generic number format.

The ‘uhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property usrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for u.

The ‘usrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property v

Sets the y components of the vector field.

The ‘v’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property vhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor v using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: default the values are formatted using generic number format.

The ‘vhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


property vsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for v.

The ‘vsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property w

Sets the z components of the vector field.

The ‘w’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property whoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor w using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: default the values are formatted using generic number format.

The ‘whoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property wsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for w.

The ‘wsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property x

Sets the x coordinates of the vector field.

The ‘x’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property xhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor x using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using xaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘xhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property xsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for x.

The ‘xsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property y

Sets the y coordinates of the vector field.

The ‘y’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property yhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor y using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using yaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘yhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property ysrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for y.

The ‘ysrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property z

Sets the z coordinates of the vector field.

The ‘z’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property zhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor z using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using zaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘zhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property zsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for z.

The ‘zsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


class, branchvalues=None, count=None, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, domain=None, hoverinfo=None, hoverinfosrc=None, hoverlabel=None, hovertemplate=None, hovertemplatesrc=None, hovertext=None, hovertextsrc=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, insidetextfont=None, insidetextorientation=None, labels=None, labelssrc=None, leaf=None, legend=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, level=None, marker=None, maxdepth=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, name=None, opacity=None, outsidetextfont=None, parents=None, parentssrc=None, root=None, rotation=None, sort=None, stream=None, text=None, textfont=None, textinfo=None, textsrc=None, texttemplate=None, texttemplatesrc=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, values=None, valuessrc=None, visible=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property branchvalues

Determines how the items in values are summed. When set to “total”, items in values are taken to be value of all its descendants. When set to “remainder”, items in values corresponding to the root and the branches sectors are taken to be the extra part not part of the sum of the values at their leaves.

The ‘branchvalues’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘remainder’, ‘total’]


Return type


property count

Determines default for values when it is not provided, by inferring a 1 for each of the “leaves” and/or “branches”, otherwise 0.

The ‘count’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘branches’, ‘leaves’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘branches+leaves’)


Return type


property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property domain

The ‘domain’ property is an instance of Domain that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.sunburst.Domain

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Domain constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    If there is a layout grid, use the domain for this column in the grid for this sunburst trace .


    If there is a layout grid, use the domain for this row in the grid for this sunburst trace .


    Sets the horizontal domain of this sunburst trace (in plot fraction).


    Sets the vertical domain of this sunburst trace (in plot fraction).


Return type


property hoverinfo

Determines which trace information appear on hover. If none or skip are set, no information is displayed upon hovering. But, if none is set, click and hover events are still fired.

The ‘hoverinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘label’, ‘text’, ‘value’, ‘name’, ‘current path’, ‘percent root’, ‘percent entry’, ‘percent parent’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘label+text’) OR exactly one of [‘all’, ‘none’, ‘skip’] (e.g. ‘skip’)

  • A list or array of the above


Return type


property hoverinfosrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hoverinfo.

The ‘hoverinfosrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverlabel

The ‘hoverlabel’ property is an instance of Hoverlabel that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.sunburst.Hoverlabel

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Hoverlabel constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans more two or more lines


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for align.


    Sets the background color of the hover labels for this trace


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bgcolor.


    Sets the border color of the hover labels for this trace.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bordercolor.


    Sets the font used in hover labels.


    Sets the default length (in number of characters) of the trace name in the hover labels for all traces. -1 shows the whole name regardless of length. 0-3 shows the first 0-3 characters, and an integer >3 will show the whole name if it is less than that many characters, but if it is longer, will truncate to namelength - 3 characters and add an ellipsis.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for namelength.


Return type


property hovertemplate

Template string used for rendering the information that appear on hover box. Note that this will override hoverinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}” as well as %{xother}, {%_xother}, {%_xother_}, {%xother_}. When showing info for several points, “xother” will be added to those with different x positions from the first point. An underscore before or after “(x|y)other” will add a space on that side, only when this field is shown. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. The variables available in hovertemplate are the ones emitted as event data described at this link Additionally, every attributes that can be specified per-point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Finally, the template string has access to variables currentPath, root, entry, percentRoot, percentEntry and percentParent. Anything contained in tag <extra> is displayed in the secondary box, for example “<extra>{}</extra>”. To hide the secondary box completely, use an empty tag <extra></extra>.

The ‘hovertemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertemplate.

The ‘hovertemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hovertext

Sets hover text elements associated with each sector. If a single string, the same string appears for all data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order of this trace’s sectors. To be seen, trace hoverinfo must contain a “text” flag.

The ‘hovertext’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertextsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertext.

The ‘hovertextsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property insidetextfont

Sets the font used for textinfo lying inside the sector.

The ‘insidetextfont’ property is an instance of Insidetextfont that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.sunburst.Insidetextfont

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Insidetextfont constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for family.


    Sets the kind of decoration line(s) with text, such as an “under”, “over” or “through” as well as combinations e.g. “under+over”, etc.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for lineposition.


    Sets the shape and color of the shadow behind text. “auto” places minimal shadow and applies contrast text font color. See US/docs/Web/CSS/text-shadow for additional options.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for shadow.



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for size.


    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for style.


    Sets capitalization of text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all- lowercase, or with each word capitalized.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for textcase.


    Sets the variant of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for variant.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for weight.


Return type


property insidetextorientation

Controls the orientation of the text inside chart sectors. When set to “auto”, text may be oriented in any direction in order to be as big as possible in the middle of a sector. The “horizontal” option orients text to be parallel with the bottom of the chart, and may make text smaller in order to achieve that goal. The “radial” option orients text along the radius of the sector. The “tangential” option orients text perpendicular to the radius of the sector.

The ‘insidetextorientation’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘horizontal’, ‘radial’, ‘tangential’, ‘auto’]


Return type


property labels

Sets the labels of each of the sectors.

The ‘labels’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property labelssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for labels.

The ‘labelssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property leaf

The ‘leaf’ property is an instance of Leaf that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.sunburst.Leaf

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Leaf constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the opacity of the leaves. With colorscale it is defaulted to 1; otherwise it is defaulted to 0.7


Return type


property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.sunburst.Legendgrouptitle

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type


property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property level

Sets the level from which this trace hierarchy is rendered. Set level to '' to start from the root node in the hierarchy. Must be an “id” if ids is filled in, otherwise plotly attempts to find a matching item in labels.

The ‘level’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property marker

The ‘marker’ property is an instance of Marker that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.sunburst.Marker

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Marker constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Determines whether the colorscale is a default palette (autocolorscale: true) or the palette determined by marker.colorscale. Has an effect only if colors is set to a numerical array. In case colorscale is unspecified or autocolorscale is true, the default palette will be chosen according to whether numbers in the color array are all positive, all negative or mixed.


    Determines whether or not the color domain is computed with respect to the input data (here colors) or the bounds set in marker.cmin and marker.cmax Has an effect only if colors is set to a numerical array. Defaults to false when marker.cmin and marker.cmax are set by the user.


    Sets the upper bound of the color domain. Has an effect only if colors is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as colors and if set, marker.cmin must be set as well.


    Sets the mid-point of the color domain by scaling marker.cmin and/or marker.cmax to be equidistant to this point. Has an effect only if colors is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as colors. Has no effect when marker.cauto is false.


    Sets the lower bound of the color domain. Has an effect only if colors is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as colors and if set, marker.cmax must be set as well.


    Sets a reference to a shared color axis. References to these shared color axes are “coloraxis”, “coloraxis2”, “coloraxis3”, etc. Settings for these shared color axes are set in the layout, under layout.coloraxis, layout.coloraxis2, etc. Note that multiple color scales can be linked to the same color axis.


    plotly.graph_objects.sunburst.marker.Co lorBar instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the color of each sector of this trace. If not specified, the default trace color set is used to pick the sector colors.


    Sets the colorscale. Has an effect only if colors is set to a numerical array. The colorscale must be an array containing arrays mapping a normalized value to an rgb, rgba, hex, hsl, hsv, or named color string. At minimum, a mapping for the lowest (0) and highest (1) values are required. For example, [[0, 'rgb(0,0,255)'], [1, 'rgb(255,0,0)']]. To control the bounds of the colorscale in color space, use marker.cmin and marker.cmax. Alternatively, colorscale may be a palette name string of the following list: Blackbody,Bluered,Blues,Cividis,Earth,Electric, Greens,Greys,Hot,Jet,Picnic,Portland,Rainbow,Rd Bu,Reds,Viridis,YlGnBu,YlOrRd.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for colors.


    plotly.graph_objects.sunburst.marker.Li ne instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the pattern within the marker.


    Reverses the color mapping if true. Has an effect only if colors is set to a numerical array. If true, marker.cmin will correspond to the last color in the array and marker.cmax will correspond to the first color.


    Determines whether or not a colorbar is displayed for this trace. Has an effect only if colors is set to a numerical array.


Return type


property maxdepth

Sets the number of rendered sectors from any given level. Set maxdepth to “-1” to render all the levels in the hierarchy.

The ‘maxdepth’ property is a integer and may be specified as:
  • An int (or float that will be cast to an int)


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property opacity

Sets the opacity of the trace.

The ‘opacity’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]


Return type


property outsidetextfont

Sets the font used for textinfo lying outside the sector. This option refers to the root of the hierarchy presented at the center of a sunburst graph. Please note that if a hierarchy has multiple root nodes, this option won’t have any effect and insidetextfont would be used.

The ‘outsidetextfont’ property is an instance of Outsidetextfont that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.sunburst.Outsidetextfont

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Outsidetextfont constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for family.


    Sets the kind of decoration line(s) with text, such as an “under”, “over” or “through” as well as combinations e.g. “under+over”, etc.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for lineposition.


    Sets the shape and color of the shadow behind text. “auto” places minimal shadow and applies contrast text font color. See US/docs/Web/CSS/text-shadow for additional options.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for shadow.



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for size.


    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for style.


    Sets capitalization of text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all- lowercase, or with each word capitalized.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for textcase.


    Sets the variant of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for variant.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for weight.


Return type


property parents

Sets the parent sectors for each of the sectors. Empty string items ‘’ are understood to reference the root node in the hierarchy. If ids is filled, parents items are understood to be “ids” themselves. When ids is not set, plotly attempts to find matching items in labels, but beware they must be unique.

The ‘parents’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property parentssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for parents.

The ‘parentssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property root

The ‘root’ property is an instance of Root that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.sunburst.Root

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Root constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    sets the color of the root node for a sunburst/treemap/icicle trace. this has no effect when a colorscale is used to set the markers.


Return type


property rotation

Rotates the whole diagram counterclockwise by some angle. By default the first slice starts at 3 o’clock.

The ‘rotation’ property is a angle (in degrees) that may be specified as a number between -180 and 180. Numeric values outside this range are converted to the equivalent value (e.g. 270 is converted to -90).


Return type


property sort

Determines whether or not the sectors are reordered from largest to smallest.

The ‘sort’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.sunburst.Stream

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type


property text

Sets text elements associated with each sector. If trace textinfo contains a “text” flag, these elements will be seen on the chart. If trace hoverinfo contains a “text” flag and “hovertext” is not set, these elements will be seen in the hover labels.

The ‘text’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property textfont

Sets the font used for textinfo.

The ‘textfont’ property is an instance of Textfont that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.sunburst.Textfont

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Textfont constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for family.


    Sets the kind of decoration line(s) with text, such as an “under”, “over” or “through” as well as combinations e.g. “under+over”, etc.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for lineposition.


    Sets the shape and color of the shadow behind text. “auto” places minimal shadow and applies contrast text font color. See US/docs/Web/CSS/text-shadow for additional options.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for shadow.



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for size.


    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for style.


    Sets capitalization of text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all- lowercase, or with each word capitalized.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for textcase.


    Sets the variant of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for variant.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for weight.


Return type


property textinfo

Determines which trace information appear on the graph.

The ‘textinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘label’, ‘text’, ‘value’, ‘current path’, ‘percent root’, ‘percent entry’, ‘percent parent’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘label+text’) OR exactly one of [‘none’] (e.g. ‘none’)


Return type


property textsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for text.

The ‘textsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property texttemplate

Template string used for rendering the information text that appear on points. Note that this will override textinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}”. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. Every attributes that can be specified per- point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Finally, the template string has access to variables currentPath, root, entry, percentRoot, percentEntry, percentParent, label and value.

The ‘texttemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property texttemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for texttemplate.

The ‘texttemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property type
property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property values

Sets the values associated with each of the sectors. Use with branchvalues to determine how the values are summed.

The ‘values’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property valuessrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for values.

The ‘valuessrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


class, autocolorscale=None, cauto=None, cmax=None, cmid=None, cmin=None, coloraxis=None, colorbar=None, colorscale=None, connectgaps=None, contours=None, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, hidesurface=None, hoverinfo=None, hoverinfosrc=None, hoverlabel=None, hovertemplate=None, hovertemplatesrc=None, hovertext=None, hovertextsrc=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, legend=None, legendgroup=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, lighting=None, lightposition=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, name=None, opacity=None, opacityscale=None, reversescale=None, scene=None, showlegend=None, showscale=None, stream=None, surfacecolor=None, surfacecolorsrc=None, text=None, textsrc=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, visible=None, x=None, xcalendar=None, xhoverformat=None, xsrc=None, y=None, ycalendar=None, yhoverformat=None, ysrc=None, z=None, zcalendar=None, zhoverformat=None, zsrc=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property autocolorscale

Determines whether the colorscale is a default palette (autocolorscale: true) or the palette determined by colorscale. In case colorscale is unspecified or autocolorscale is true, the default palette will be chosen according to whether numbers in the color array are all positive, all negative or mixed.

The ‘autocolorscale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property cauto

Determines whether or not the color domain is computed with respect to the input data (here z or surfacecolor) or the bounds set in cmin and cmax Defaults to false when cmin and cmax are set by the user.

The ‘cauto’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property cmax

Sets the upper bound of the color domain. Value should have the same units as z or surfacecolor and if set, cmin must be set as well.

The ‘cmax’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property cmid

Sets the mid-point of the color domain by scaling cmin and/or cmax to be equidistant to this point. Value should have the same units as z or surfacecolor. Has no effect when cauto is false.

The ‘cmid’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property cmin

Sets the lower bound of the color domain. Value should have the same units as z or surfacecolor and if set, cmax must be set as well.

The ‘cmin’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property coloraxis

Sets a reference to a shared color axis. References to these shared color axes are “coloraxis”, “coloraxis2”, “coloraxis3”, etc. Settings for these shared color axes are set in the layout, under layout.coloraxis, layout.coloraxis2, etc. Note that multiple color scales can be linked to the same color axis.

The ‘coloraxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘coloraxis’, that may be specified as the string ‘coloraxis’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘coloraxis’, ‘coloraxis1’, ‘coloraxis2’, ‘coloraxis3’, etc.)


Return type


property colorbar

The ‘colorbar’ property is an instance of ColorBar that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.surface.ColorBar

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the ColorBar constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the color of padded area.


    Sets the axis line color.


    Sets the width (in px) or the border enclosing this color bar.


    Sets the step in-between ticks on this axis. Use with tick0. Must be a positive number, or special strings available to “log” and “date” axes. If the axis type is “log”, then ticks are set every 10^(n*dtick) where n is the tick number. For example, to set a tick mark at 1, 10, 100, 1000, … set dtick to 1. To set tick marks at 1, 100, 10000, … set dtick to 2. To set tick marks at 1, 5, 25, 125, 625, 3125, … set dtick to log_10(5), or 0.69897000433. “log” has several special values; “L<f>”, where f is a positive number, gives ticks linearly spaced in value (but not position). For example tick0 = 0.1, dtick = “L0.5” will put ticks at 0.1, 0.6, 1.1, 1.6 etc. To show powers of 10 plus small digits between, use “D1” (all digits) or “D2” (only 2 and 5). tick0 is ignored for “D1” and “D2”. If the axis type is “date”, then you must convert the time to milliseconds. For example, to set the interval between ticks to one day, set dtick to 86400000.0. “date” also has special values “M<n>” gives ticks spaced by a number of months. n must be a positive integer. To set ticks on the 15th of every third month, set tick0 to “2000-01-15” and dtick to “M3”. To set ticks every 4 years, set dtick to “M48”


    Determines a formatting rule for the tick exponents. For example, consider the number 1,000,000,000. If “none”, it appears as 1,000,000,000. If “e”, 1e+9. If “E”, 1E+9. If “power”, 1x10^9 (with 9 in a super script). If “SI”, 1G. If “B”, 1B.


    Replacement text for specific tick or hover labels. For example using {US: ‘USA’, CA: ‘Canada’} changes US to USA and CA to Canada. The labels we would have shown must match the keys exactly, after adding any tickprefix or ticksuffix. For negative numbers the minus sign symbol used (U+2212) is wider than the regular ascii dash. That means you need to use −1 instead of -1. labelalias can be used with any axis type, and both keys (if needed) and values (if desired) can include html-like tags or MathJax.


    Sets the length of the color bar This measure excludes the padding of both ends. That is, the color bar length is this length minus the padding on both ends.


    Determines whether this color bar’s length (i.e. the measure in the color variation direction) is set in units of plot “fraction” or in *pixels. Use len to set the value.


    Hide SI prefix for 10^n if |n| is below this number. This only has an effect when tickformat is “SI” or “B”.


    Specifies the maximum number of ticks for the particular axis. The actual number of ticks will be chosen automatically to be less than or equal to nticks. Has an effect only if tickmode is set to “auto”.


    Sets the orientation of the colorbar.


    Sets the axis line color.


    Sets the width (in px) of the axis line.


    If “true”, even 4-digit integers are separated


    If “all”, all exponents are shown besides their significands. If “first”, only the exponent of the first tick is shown. If “last”, only the exponent of the last tick is shown. If “none”, no exponents appear.


    Determines whether or not the tick labels are drawn.


    If “all”, all tick labels are displayed with a prefix. If “first”, only the first tick is displayed with a prefix. If “last”, only the last tick is displayed with a suffix. If “none”, tick prefixes are hidden.


    Same as showtickprefix but for tick suffixes.


    Sets the thickness of the color bar This measure excludes the size of the padding, ticks and labels.


    Determines whether this color bar’s thickness (i.e. the measure in the constant color direction) is set in units of plot “fraction” or in “pixels”. Use thickness to set the value.


    Sets the placement of the first tick on this axis. Use with dtick. If the axis type is “log”, then you must take the log of your starting tick (e.g. to set the starting tick to 100, set the tick0 to 2) except when dtick`=*L<f>* (see `dtick for more info). If the axis type is “date”, it should be a date string, like date data. If the axis type is “category”, it should be a number, using the scale where each category is assigned a serial number from zero in the order it appears.


    Sets the angle of the tick labels with respect to the horizontal. For example, a tickangle of -90 draws the tick labels vertically.


    Sets the tick color.


    Sets the color bar’s tick label font


    Sets the tick label formatting rule using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: h ttps:// format. And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display “09~15~23.46”


    A tuple of plotly.graph_objects.surface .colorbar.Tickformatstop instances or dicts with compatible properties


    When used in a template (as layout.template.dat a.surface.colorbar.tickformatstopdefaults), sets the default property values to use for elements of surface.colorbar.tickformatstops


    Determines how we handle tick labels that would overflow either the graph div or the domain of the axis. The default value for inside tick labels is hide past domain. In other cases the default is hide past div.


    Determines where tick labels are drawn relative to the ticks. Left and right options are used when orientation is “h”, top and bottom when orientation is “v”.


    Sets the spacing between tick labels as compared to the spacing between ticks. A value of 1 (default) means each tick gets a label. A value of 2 means shows every 2nd label. A larger value n means only every nth tick is labeled. tick0 determines which labels are shown. Not implemented for axes with type “log” or “multicategory”, or when tickmode is “array”.


    Sets the tick length (in px).


    Sets the tick mode for this axis. If “auto”, the number of ticks is set via nticks. If “linear”, the placement of the ticks is determined by a starting position tick0 and a tick step dtick (“linear” is the default value if tick0 and dtick are provided). If “array”, the placement of the ticks is set via tickvals and the tick text is ticktext. (“array” is the default value if tickvals is provided).


    Sets a tick label prefix.


    Determines whether ticks are drawn or not. If “”, this axis’ ticks are not drawn. If “outside” (“inside”), this axis’ are drawn outside (inside) the axis lines.


    Sets a tick label suffix.


    Sets the text displayed at the ticks position via tickvals. Only has an effect if tickmode is set to “array”. Used with tickvals.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ticktext.


    Sets the values at which ticks on this axis appear. Only has an effect if tickmode is set to “array”. Used with ticktext.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for tickvals.


    Sets the tick width (in px).


    plotly.graph_objects.surface.colorbar.T itle instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the x position with respect to xref of the color bar (in plot fraction). When xref is “paper”, defaults to 1.02 when orientation is “v” and 0.5 when orientation is “h”. When xref is “container”, defaults to 1 when orientation is “v” and 0.5 when orientation is “h”. Must be between 0 and 1 if xref is “container” and between “-2” and 3 if xref is “paper”.


    Sets this color bar’s horizontal position anchor. This anchor binds the x position to the “left”, “center” or “right” of the color bar. Defaults to “left” when orientation is “v” and “center” when orientation is “h”.


    Sets the amount of padding (in px) along the x direction.


    Sets the container x refers to. “container” spans the entire width of the plot. “paper” refers to the width of the plotting area only.


    Sets the y position with respect to yref of the color bar (in plot fraction). When yref is “paper”, defaults to 0.5 when orientation is “v” and 1.02 when orientation is “h”. When yref is “container”, defaults to 0.5 when orientation is “v” and 1 when orientation is “h”. Must be between 0 and 1 if yref is “container” and between “-2” and 3 if yref is “paper”.


    Sets this color bar’s vertical position anchor This anchor binds the y position to the “top”, “middle” or “bottom” of the color bar. Defaults to “middle” when orientation is “v” and “bottom” when orientation is “h”.


    Sets the amount of padding (in px) along the y direction.


    Sets the container y refers to. “container” spans the entire height of the plot. “paper” refers to the height of the plotting area only.


Return type


property colorscale

Sets the colorscale. The colorscale must be an array containing arrays mapping a normalized value to an rgb, rgba, hex, hsl, hsv, or named color string. At minimum, a mapping for the lowest (0) and highest (1) values are required. For example, [[0, 'rgb(0,0,255)'], [1, 'rgb(255,0,0)']]. To control the bounds of the colorscale in color space, use cmin and cmax. Alternatively, colorscale may be a palette name string of the following list: Blackbody,Bluered,Blues,Cividis,Earth,Electric, Greens,Greys,Hot,Jet,Picnic,Portland,Rainbow,RdBu,Reds,Viridis, YlGnBu,YlOrRd.

The ‘colorscale’ property is a colorscale and may be specified as:

  • A list of colors that will be spaced evenly to create the colorscale. Many predefined colorscale lists are included in the sequential, diverging, and cyclical modules in the plotly.colors package.

  • A list of 2-element lists where the first element is the normalized color level value (starting at 0 and ending at 1), and the second item is a valid color string. (e.g. [[0, ‘green’], [0.5, ‘red’], [1.0, ‘rgb(0, 0, 255)’]])

  • One of the following named colorscales:
    [‘aggrnyl’, ‘agsunset’, ‘algae’, ‘amp’, ‘armyrose’, ‘balance’,

    ‘blackbody’, ‘bluered’, ‘blues’, ‘blugrn’, ‘bluyl’, ‘brbg’, ‘brwnyl’, ‘bugn’, ‘bupu’, ‘burg’, ‘burgyl’, ‘cividis’, ‘curl’, ‘darkmint’, ‘deep’, ‘delta’, ‘dense’, ‘earth’, ‘edge’, ‘electric’, ‘emrld’, ‘fall’, ‘geyser’, ‘gnbu’, ‘gray’, ‘greens’, ‘greys’, ‘haline’, ‘hot’, ‘hsv’, ‘ice’, ‘icefire’, ‘inferno’, ‘jet’, ‘magenta’, ‘magma’, ‘matter’, ‘mint’, ‘mrybm’, ‘mygbm’, ‘oranges’, ‘orrd’, ‘oryel’, ‘oxy’, ‘peach’, ‘phase’, ‘picnic’, ‘pinkyl’, ‘piyg’, ‘plasma’, ‘plotly3’, ‘portland’, ‘prgn’, ‘pubu’, ‘pubugn’, ‘puor’, ‘purd’, ‘purp’, ‘purples’, ‘purpor’, ‘rainbow’, ‘rdbu’, ‘rdgy’, ‘rdpu’, ‘rdylbu’, ‘rdylgn’, ‘redor’, ‘reds’, ‘solar’, ‘spectral’, ‘speed’, ‘sunset’, ‘sunsetdark’, ‘teal’, ‘tealgrn’, ‘tealrose’, ‘tempo’, ‘temps’, ‘thermal’, ‘tropic’, ‘turbid’, ‘turbo’, ‘twilight’, ‘viridis’, ‘ylgn’, ‘ylgnbu’, ‘ylorbr’, ‘ylorrd’].

    Appending ‘_r’ to a named colorscale reverses it.


Return type


property connectgaps

Determines whether or not gaps (i.e. {nan} or missing values) in the z data are filled in.

The ‘connectgaps’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property contours

The ‘contours’ property is an instance of Contours that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.surface.Contours

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Contours constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    :class:`plotly.graph_objects.surface.contours.X ` instance or dict with compatible properties


    :class:`plotly.graph_objects.surface.contours.Y ` instance or dict with compatible properties


    :class:`plotly.graph_objects.surface.contours.Z ` instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type


property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hidesurface

Determines whether or not a surface is drawn. For example, set hidesurface to False to True and to True to draw a wire frame plot.

The ‘hidesurface’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property hoverinfo

Determines which trace information appear on hover. If none or skip are set, no information is displayed upon hovering. But, if none is set, click and hover events are still fired.

The ‘hoverinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’, ‘text’, ‘name’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘x+y’) OR exactly one of [‘all’, ‘none’, ‘skip’] (e.g. ‘skip’)

  • A list or array of the above


Return type


property hoverinfosrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hoverinfo.

The ‘hoverinfosrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverlabel

The ‘hoverlabel’ property is an instance of Hoverlabel that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.surface.Hoverlabel

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Hoverlabel constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans more two or more lines


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for align.


    Sets the background color of the hover labels for this trace


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bgcolor.


    Sets the border color of the hover labels for this trace.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bordercolor.


    Sets the font used in hover labels.


    Sets the default length (in number of characters) of the trace name in the hover labels for all traces. -1 shows the whole name regardless of length. 0-3 shows the first 0-3 characters, and an integer >3 will show the whole name if it is less than that many characters, but if it is longer, will truncate to namelength - 3 characters and add an ellipsis.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for namelength.


Return type


property hovertemplate

Template string used for rendering the information that appear on hover box. Note that this will override hoverinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}” as well as %{xother}, {%_xother}, {%_xother_}, {%xother_}. When showing info for several points, “xother” will be added to those with different x positions from the first point. An underscore before or after “(x|y)other” will add a space on that side, only when this field is shown. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. The variables available in hovertemplate are the ones emitted as event data described at this link Additionally, every attributes that can be specified per-point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Anything contained in tag <extra> is displayed in the secondary box, for example “<extra>{}</extra>”. To hide the secondary box completely, use an empty tag <extra></extra>.

The ‘hovertemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertemplate.

The ‘hovertemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hovertext

Same as text.

The ‘hovertext’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertextsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertext.

The ‘hovertextsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgroup

Sets the legend group for this trace. Traces and shapes part of the same legend group hide/show at the same time when toggling legend items.

The ‘legendgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.surface.Legendgrouptitle

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type


property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property lighting

The ‘lighting’ property is an instance of Lighting that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.surface.Lighting

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Lighting constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Ambient light increases overall color visibility but can wash out the image.


    Represents the extent that incident rays are reflected in a range of angles.


    Represents the reflectance as a dependency of the viewing angle; e.g. paper is reflective when viewing it from the edge of the paper (almost 90 degrees), causing shine.


    Alters specular reflection; the rougher the surface, the wider and less contrasty the shine.


    Represents the level that incident rays are reflected in a single direction, causing shine.


Return type


property lightposition

The ‘lightposition’ property is an instance of Lightposition that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.surface.Lightposition

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Lightposition constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Numeric vector, representing the X coordinate for each vertex.


    Numeric vector, representing the Y coordinate for each vertex.


    Numeric vector, representing the Z coordinate for each vertex.


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property opacity

Sets the opacity of the surface. Please note that in the case of using high opacity values for example a value greater than or equal to 0.5 on two surfaces (and 0.25 with four surfaces), an overlay of multiple transparent surfaces may not perfectly be sorted in depth by the webgl API. This behavior may be improved in the near future and is subject to change.

The ‘opacity’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]


Return type


property opacityscale

Sets the opacityscale. The opacityscale must be an array containing arrays mapping a normalized value to an opacity value. At minimum, a mapping for the lowest (0) and highest (1) values are required. For example, [[0, 1], [0.5, 0.2], [1, 1]] means that higher/lower values would have higher opacity values and those in the middle would be more transparent Alternatively, opacityscale may be a palette name string of the following list: ‘min’, ‘max’, ‘extremes’ and ‘uniform’. The default is ‘uniform’.

The ‘opacityscale’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property reversescale

Reverses the color mapping if true. If true, cmin will correspond to the last color in the array and cmax will correspond to the first color.

The ‘reversescale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property scene

Sets a reference between this trace’s 3D coordinate system and a 3D scene. If “scene” (the default value), the (x,y,z) coordinates refer to layout.scene. If “scene2”, the (x,y,z) coordinates refer to layout.scene2, and so on.

The ‘scene’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘scene’, that may be specified as the string ‘scene’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘scene’, ‘scene1’, ‘scene2’, ‘scene3’, etc.)


Return type


property showlegend

Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.

The ‘showlegend’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property showscale

Determines whether or not a colorbar is displayed for this trace.

The ‘showscale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.surface.Stream

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type


property surfacecolor

Sets the surface color values, used for setting a color scale independent of z.

The ‘surfacecolor’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property surfacecolorsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for surfacecolor.

The ‘surfacecolorsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property text

Sets the text elements associated with each z value. If trace hoverinfo contains a “text” flag and “hovertext” is not set, these elements will be seen in the hover labels.

The ‘text’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property textsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for text.

The ‘textsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property type
property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


property x

Sets the x coordinates.

The ‘x’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property xcalendar

Sets the calendar system to use with x date data.

The ‘xcalendar’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘chinese’, ‘coptic’, ‘discworld’, ‘ethiopian’, ‘gregorian’, ‘hebrew’, ‘islamic’, ‘jalali’, ‘julian’, ‘mayan’, ‘nanakshahi’, ‘nepali’, ‘persian’, ‘taiwan’, ‘thai’, ‘ummalqura’]


Return type


property xhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor x using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using xaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘xhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property xsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for x.

The ‘xsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property y

Sets the y coordinates.

The ‘y’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property ycalendar

Sets the calendar system to use with y date data.

The ‘ycalendar’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘chinese’, ‘coptic’, ‘discworld’, ‘ethiopian’, ‘gregorian’, ‘hebrew’, ‘islamic’, ‘jalali’, ‘julian’, ‘mayan’, ‘nanakshahi’, ‘nepali’, ‘persian’, ‘taiwan’, ‘thai’, ‘ummalqura’]


Return type


property yhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor y using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using yaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘yhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property ysrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for y.

The ‘ysrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property z

Sets the z coordinates.

The ‘z’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property zcalendar

Sets the calendar system to use with z date data.

The ‘zcalendar’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘chinese’, ‘coptic’, ‘discworld’, ‘ethiopian’, ‘gregorian’, ‘hebrew’, ‘islamic’, ‘jalali’, ‘julian’, ‘mayan’, ‘nanakshahi’, ‘nepali’, ‘persian’, ‘taiwan’, ‘thai’, ‘ummalqura’]


Return type


property zhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor z using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using zaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘zhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property zsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for z.

The ‘zsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


class, cells=None, columnorder=None, columnordersrc=None, columnwidth=None, columnwidthsrc=None, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, domain=None, header=None, hoverinfo=None, hoverinfosrc=None, hoverlabel=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, legend=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, name=None, stream=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, visible=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property cells

The ‘cells’ property is an instance of Cells that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.table.Cells

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Cells constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the horizontal alignment of the text within the box. Has an effect only if text spans two or more lines (i.e. text contains one or more <br> HTML tags) or if an explicit width is set to override the text width.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for align.


    plotly.graph_objects.table.cells.Fill instance or dict with compatible properties


    plotly.graph_objects.table.cells.Font instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the cell value formatting rule using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: h ttps:// format.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for format.


    The height of cells.


    plotly.graph_objects.table.cells.Line instance or dict with compatible properties


    Prefix for cell values.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for prefix.


    Suffix for cell values.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for suffix.


    Cell values. values[m][n] represents the value of the n`th point in column `m, therefore the values[m] vector length for all columns must be the same (longer vectors will be truncated). Each value must be a finite number or a string.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for values.


Return type


property columnorder

Specifies the rendered order of the data columns; for example, a value 2 at position 0 means that column index 0 in the data will be rendered as the third column, as columns have an index base of zero.

The ‘columnorder’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property columnordersrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for columnorder.

The ‘columnordersrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property columnwidth

The width of columns expressed as a ratio. Columns fill the available width in proportion of their specified column widths.

The ‘columnwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property columnwidthsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for columnwidth.

The ‘columnwidthsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property domain

The ‘domain’ property is an instance of Domain that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.table.Domain

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Domain constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    If there is a layout grid, use the domain for this column in the grid for this table trace .


    If there is a layout grid, use the domain for this row in the grid for this table trace .


    Sets the horizontal domain of this table trace (in plot fraction).


    Sets the vertical domain of this table trace (in plot fraction).


Return type


property header

The ‘header’ property is an instance of Header that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.table.Header

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Header constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the horizontal alignment of the text within the box. Has an effect only if text spans two or more lines (i.e. text contains one or more <br> HTML tags) or if an explicit width is set to override the text width.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for align.


    plotly.graph_objects.table.header.Fill instance or dict with compatible properties


    plotly.graph_objects.table.header.Font instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the cell value formatting rule using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: h ttps:// format.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for format.


    The height of cells.


    plotly.graph_objects.table.header.Line instance or dict with compatible properties


    Prefix for cell values.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for prefix.


    Suffix for cell values.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for suffix.


    Header cell values. values[m][n] represents the value of the n`th point in column `m, therefore the values[m] vector length for all columns must be the same (longer vectors will be truncated). Each value must be a finite number or a string.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for values.


Return type


property hoverinfo

Determines which trace information appear on hover. If none or skip are set, no information is displayed upon hovering. But, if none is set, click and hover events are still fired.

The ‘hoverinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’, ‘text’, ‘name’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘x+y’) OR exactly one of [‘all’, ‘none’, ‘skip’] (e.g. ‘skip’)

  • A list or array of the above


Return type


property hoverinfosrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hoverinfo.

The ‘hoverinfosrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverlabel

The ‘hoverlabel’ property is an instance of Hoverlabel that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.table.Hoverlabel

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Hoverlabel constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans more two or more lines


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for align.


    Sets the background color of the hover labels for this trace


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bgcolor.


    Sets the border color of the hover labels for this trace.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bordercolor.


    Sets the font used in hover labels.


    Sets the default length (in number of characters) of the trace name in the hover labels for all traces. -1 shows the whole name regardless of length. 0-3 shows the first 0-3 characters, and an integer >3 will show the whole name if it is less than that many characters, but if it is longer, will truncate to namelength - 3 characters and add an ellipsis.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for namelength.


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.table.Legendgrouptitle

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type


property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.table.Stream

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type


property type
property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


class, branchvalues=None, count=None, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, domain=None, hoverinfo=None, hoverinfosrc=None, hoverlabel=None, hovertemplate=None, hovertemplatesrc=None, hovertext=None, hovertextsrc=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, insidetextfont=None, labels=None, labelssrc=None, legend=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, level=None, marker=None, maxdepth=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, name=None, opacity=None, outsidetextfont=None, parents=None, parentssrc=None, pathbar=None, root=None, sort=None, stream=None, text=None, textfont=None, textinfo=None, textposition=None, textsrc=None, texttemplate=None, texttemplatesrc=None, tiling=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, values=None, valuessrc=None, visible=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property branchvalues

Determines how the items in values are summed. When set to “total”, items in values are taken to be value of all its descendants. When set to “remainder”, items in values corresponding to the root and the branches sectors are taken to be the extra part not part of the sum of the values at their leaves.

The ‘branchvalues’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘remainder’, ‘total’]


Return type


property count

Determines default for values when it is not provided, by inferring a 1 for each of the “leaves” and/or “branches”, otherwise 0.

The ‘count’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘branches’, ‘leaves’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘branches+leaves’)


Return type


property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property domain

The ‘domain’ property is an instance of Domain that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.treemap.Domain

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Domain constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    If there is a layout grid, use the domain for this column in the grid for this treemap trace .


    If there is a layout grid, use the domain for this row in the grid for this treemap trace .


    Sets the horizontal domain of this treemap trace (in plot fraction).


    Sets the vertical domain of this treemap trace (in plot fraction).


Return type


property hoverinfo

Determines which trace information appear on hover. If none or skip are set, no information is displayed upon hovering. But, if none is set, click and hover events are still fired.

The ‘hoverinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘label’, ‘text’, ‘value’, ‘name’, ‘current path’, ‘percent root’, ‘percent entry’, ‘percent parent’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘label+text’) OR exactly one of [‘all’, ‘none’, ‘skip’] (e.g. ‘skip’)

  • A list or array of the above


Return type


property hoverinfosrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hoverinfo.

The ‘hoverinfosrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverlabel

The ‘hoverlabel’ property is an instance of Hoverlabel that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.treemap.Hoverlabel

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Hoverlabel constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans more two or more lines


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for align.


    Sets the background color of the hover labels for this trace


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bgcolor.


    Sets the border color of the hover labels for this trace.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bordercolor.


    Sets the font used in hover labels.


    Sets the default length (in number of characters) of the trace name in the hover labels for all traces. -1 shows the whole name regardless of length. 0-3 shows the first 0-3 characters, and an integer >3 will show the whole name if it is less than that many characters, but if it is longer, will truncate to namelength - 3 characters and add an ellipsis.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for namelength.


Return type


property hovertemplate

Template string used for rendering the information that appear on hover box. Note that this will override hoverinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}” as well as %{xother}, {%_xother}, {%_xother_}, {%xother_}. When showing info for several points, “xother” will be added to those with different x positions from the first point. An underscore before or after “(x|y)other” will add a space on that side, only when this field is shown. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. The variables available in hovertemplate are the ones emitted as event data described at this link Additionally, every attributes that can be specified per-point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Finally, the template string has access to variables currentPath, root, entry, percentRoot, percentEntry and percentParent. Anything contained in tag <extra> is displayed in the secondary box, for example “<extra>{}</extra>”. To hide the secondary box completely, use an empty tag <extra></extra>.

The ‘hovertemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertemplate.

The ‘hovertemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hovertext

Sets hover text elements associated with each sector. If a single string, the same string appears for all data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order of this trace’s sectors. To be seen, trace hoverinfo must contain a “text” flag.

The ‘hovertext’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertextsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertext.

The ‘hovertextsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property insidetextfont

Sets the font used for textinfo lying inside the sector.

The ‘insidetextfont’ property is an instance of Insidetextfont that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.treemap.Insidetextfont

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Insidetextfont constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for family.


    Sets the kind of decoration line(s) with text, such as an “under”, “over” or “through” as well as combinations e.g. “under+over”, etc.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for lineposition.


    Sets the shape and color of the shadow behind text. “auto” places minimal shadow and applies contrast text font color. See US/docs/Web/CSS/text-shadow for additional options.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for shadow.



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for size.


    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for style.


    Sets capitalization of text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all- lowercase, or with each word capitalized.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for textcase.


    Sets the variant of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for variant.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for weight.


Return type


property labels

Sets the labels of each of the sectors.

The ‘labels’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property labelssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for labels.

The ‘labelssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.treemap.Legendgrouptitle

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type


property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property level

Sets the level from which this trace hierarchy is rendered. Set level to '' to start from the root node in the hierarchy. Must be an “id” if ids is filled in, otherwise plotly attempts to find a matching item in labels.

The ‘level’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property marker

The ‘marker’ property is an instance of Marker that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.treemap.Marker

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Marker constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Determines whether the colorscale is a default palette (autocolorscale: true) or the palette determined by marker.colorscale. Has an effect only if colors is set to a numerical array. In case colorscale is unspecified or autocolorscale is true, the default palette will be chosen according to whether numbers in the color array are all positive, all negative or mixed.


    Determines whether or not the color domain is computed with respect to the input data (here colors) or the bounds set in marker.cmin and marker.cmax Has an effect only if colors is set to a numerical array. Defaults to false when marker.cmin and marker.cmax are set by the user.


    Sets the upper bound of the color domain. Has an effect only if colors is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as colors and if set, marker.cmin must be set as well.


    Sets the mid-point of the color domain by scaling marker.cmin and/or marker.cmax to be equidistant to this point. Has an effect only if colors is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as colors. Has no effect when marker.cauto is false.


    Sets the lower bound of the color domain. Has an effect only if colors is set to a numerical array. Value should have the same units as colors and if set, marker.cmax must be set as well.


    Sets a reference to a shared color axis. References to these shared color axes are “coloraxis”, “coloraxis2”, “coloraxis3”, etc. Settings for these shared color axes are set in the layout, under layout.coloraxis, layout.coloraxis2, etc. Note that multiple color scales can be linked to the same color axis.


    plotly.graph_objects.treemap.marker.Col orBar instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the color of each sector of this trace. If not specified, the default trace color set is used to pick the sector colors.


    Sets the colorscale. Has an effect only if colors is set to a numerical array. The colorscale must be an array containing arrays mapping a normalized value to an rgb, rgba, hex, hsl, hsv, or named color string. At minimum, a mapping for the lowest (0) and highest (1) values are required. For example, [[0, 'rgb(0,0,255)'], [1, 'rgb(255,0,0)']]. To control the bounds of the colorscale in color space, use marker.cmin and marker.cmax. Alternatively, colorscale may be a palette name string of the following list: Blackbody,Bluered,Blues,Cividis,Earth,Electric, Greens,Greys,Hot,Jet,Picnic,Portland,Rainbow,Rd Bu,Reds,Viridis,YlGnBu,YlOrRd.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for colors.


    Sets the maximum rounding of corners (in px).


    Determines if the sector colors are faded towards the background from the leaves up to the headers. This option is unavailable when a colorscale is present, defaults to false when marker.colors is set, but otherwise defaults to true. When set to “reversed”, the fading direction is inverted, that is the top elements within hierarchy are drawn with fully saturated colors while the leaves are faded towards the background color.


    plotly.graph_objects.treemap.marker.Lin e instance or dict with compatible properties


    :class:`plotly.graph_objects.treemap.marker.Pad ` instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the pattern within the marker.


    Reverses the color mapping if true. Has an effect only if colors is set to a numerical array. If true, marker.cmin will correspond to the last color in the array and marker.cmax will correspond to the first color.


    Determines whether or not a colorbar is displayed for this trace. Has an effect only if colors is set to a numerical array.


Return type


property maxdepth

Sets the number of rendered sectors from any given level. Set maxdepth to “-1” to render all the levels in the hierarchy.

The ‘maxdepth’ property is a integer and may be specified as:
  • An int (or float that will be cast to an int)


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property opacity

Sets the opacity of the trace.

The ‘opacity’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]


Return type


property outsidetextfont

Sets the font used for textinfo lying outside the sector. This option refers to the root of the hierarchy presented on top left corner of a treemap graph. Please note that if a hierarchy has multiple root nodes, this option won’t have any effect and insidetextfont would be used.

The ‘outsidetextfont’ property is an instance of Outsidetextfont that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.treemap.Outsidetextfont

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Outsidetextfont constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for family.


    Sets the kind of decoration line(s) with text, such as an “under”, “over” or “through” as well as combinations e.g. “under+over”, etc.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for lineposition.


    Sets the shape and color of the shadow behind text. “auto” places minimal shadow and applies contrast text font color. See US/docs/Web/CSS/text-shadow for additional options.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for shadow.



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for size.


    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for style.


    Sets capitalization of text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all- lowercase, or with each word capitalized.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for textcase.


    Sets the variant of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for variant.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for weight.


Return type


property parents

Sets the parent sectors for each of the sectors. Empty string items ‘’ are understood to reference the root node in the hierarchy. If ids is filled, parents items are understood to be “ids” themselves. When ids is not set, plotly attempts to find matching items in labels, but beware they must be unique.

The ‘parents’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property parentssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for parents.

The ‘parentssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property pathbar

The ‘pathbar’ property is an instance of Pathbar that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.treemap.Pathbar

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Pathbar constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Determines which shape is used for edges between barpath labels.


    Determines on which side of the the treemap the pathbar should be presented.


    Sets the font used inside pathbar.


    Sets the thickness of pathbar (in px). If not specified the pathbar.textfont.size is used with 3 pixles extra padding on each side.


    Determines if the path bar is drawn i.e. outside the trace domain and with one pixel gap.


Return type


property root

The ‘root’ property is an instance of Root that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.treemap.Root

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Root constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    sets the color of the root node for a sunburst/treemap/icicle trace. this has no effect when a colorscale is used to set the markers.


Return type


property sort

Determines whether or not the sectors are reordered from largest to smallest.

The ‘sort’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.treemap.Stream

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type


property text

Sets text elements associated with each sector. If trace textinfo contains a “text” flag, these elements will be seen on the chart. If trace hoverinfo contains a “text” flag and “hovertext” is not set, these elements will be seen in the hover labels.

The ‘text’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property textfont

Sets the font used for textinfo.

The ‘textfont’ property is an instance of Textfont that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.treemap.Textfont

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Textfont constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for family.


    Sets the kind of decoration line(s) with text, such as an “under”, “over” or “through” as well as combinations e.g. “under+over”, etc.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for lineposition.


    Sets the shape and color of the shadow behind text. “auto” places minimal shadow and applies contrast text font color. See US/docs/Web/CSS/text-shadow for additional options.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for shadow.



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for size.


    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for style.


    Sets capitalization of text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all- lowercase, or with each word capitalized.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for textcase.


    Sets the variant of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for variant.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for weight.


Return type


property textinfo

Determines which trace information appear on the graph.

The ‘textinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘label’, ‘text’, ‘value’, ‘current path’, ‘percent root’, ‘percent entry’, ‘percent parent’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘label+text’) OR exactly one of [‘none’] (e.g. ‘none’)


Return type


property textposition

Sets the positions of the text elements.

The ‘textposition’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘top left’, ‘top center’, ‘top right’, ‘middle left’, ‘middle center’, ‘middle right’, ‘bottom left’, ‘bottom center’, ‘bottom right’]


Return type


property textsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for text.

The ‘textsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property texttemplate

Template string used for rendering the information text that appear on points. Note that this will override textinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}”. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. Every attributes that can be specified per- point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Finally, the template string has access to variables currentPath, root, entry, percentRoot, percentEntry, percentParent, label and value.

The ‘texttemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property texttemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for texttemplate.

The ‘texttemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property tiling

The ‘tiling’ property is an instance of Tiling that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.treemap.Tiling

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Tiling constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Determines if the positions obtained from solver are flipped on each axis.


    Determines d3 treemap solver. For more info please refer to tiling


    Sets the inner padding (in px).


    When using “squarify” packing algorithm, according to hierarchy/blob/v3.1.1/ this option specifies the desired aspect ratio of the generated rectangles. The ratio must be specified as a number greater than or equal to one. Note that the orientation of the generated rectangles (tall or wide) is not implied by the ratio; for example, a ratio of two will attempt to produce a mixture of rectangles whose width:height ratio is either 2:1 or 1:2. When using “squarify”, unlike d3 which uses the Golden Ratio i.e. 1.618034, Plotly applies 1 to increase squares in treemap layouts.


Return type


property type
property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property values

Sets the values associated with each of the sectors. Use with branchvalues to determine how the values are summed.

The ‘values’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property valuessrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for values.

The ‘valuessrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


class, alignmentgroup=None, bandwidth=None, box=None, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, fillcolor=None, hoverinfo=None, hoverinfosrc=None, hoverlabel=None, hoveron=None, hovertemplate=None, hovertemplatesrc=None, hovertext=None, hovertextsrc=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, jitter=None, legend=None, legendgroup=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, line=None, marker=None, meanline=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, name=None, offsetgroup=None, opacity=None, orientation=None, pointpos=None, points=None, quartilemethod=None, scalegroup=None, scalemode=None, selected=None, selectedpoints=None, showlegend=None, side=None, span=None, spanmode=None, stream=None, text=None, textsrc=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, unselected=None, visible=None, width=None, x=None, x0=None, xaxis=None, xhoverformat=None, xsrc=None, y=None, y0=None, yaxis=None, yhoverformat=None, ysrc=None, zorder=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property alignmentgroup

Set several traces linked to the same position axis or matching axes to the same alignmentgroup. This controls whether bars compute their positional range dependently or independently.

The ‘alignmentgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property bandwidth

Sets the bandwidth used to compute the kernel density estimate. By default, the bandwidth is determined by Silverman’s rule of thumb.

The ‘bandwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property box

The ‘box’ property is an instance of Box that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.violin.Box

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Box constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the inner box plot fill color.

    line instance or dict with compatible properties


    Determines if an miniature box plot is drawn inside the violins.


    Sets the width of the inner box plots relative to the violins’ width. For example, with 1, the inner box plots are as wide as the violins.


Return type


property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property fillcolor

Sets the fill color. Defaults to a half-transparent variant of the line color, marker color, or marker line color, whichever is available.

The ‘fillcolor’ property is a color and may be specified as:
  • A hex string (e.g. ‘#ff0000’)

  • An rgb/rgba string (e.g. ‘rgb(255,0,0)’)

  • An hsl/hsla string (e.g. ‘hsl(0,100%,50%)’)

  • An hsv/hsva string (e.g. ‘hsv(0,100%,100%)’)

  • A named CSS color:

    aliceblue, antiquewhite, aqua, aquamarine, azure, beige, bisque, black, blanchedalmond, blue, blueviolet, brown, burlywood, cadetblue, chartreuse, chocolate, coral, cornflowerblue, cornsilk, crimson, cyan, darkblue, darkcyan, darkgoldenrod, darkgray, darkgrey, darkgreen, darkkhaki, darkmagenta, darkolivegreen, darkorange, darkorchid, darkred, darksalmon, darkseagreen, darkslateblue, darkslategray, darkslategrey, darkturquoise, darkviolet, deeppink, deepskyblue, dimgray, dimgrey, dodgerblue, firebrick, floralwhite, forestgreen, fuchsia, gainsboro, ghostwhite, gold, goldenrod, gray, grey, green, greenyellow, honeydew, hotpink, indianred, indigo, ivory, khaki, lavender, lavenderblush, lawngreen, lemonchiffon, lightblue, lightcoral, lightcyan, lightgoldenrodyellow, lightgray, lightgrey, lightgreen, lightpink, lightsalmon, lightseagreen, lightskyblue, lightslategray, lightslategrey, lightsteelblue, lightyellow, lime, limegreen, linen, magenta, maroon, mediumaquamarine, mediumblue, mediumorchid, mediumpurple, mediumseagreen, mediumslateblue, mediumspringgreen, mediumturquoise, mediumvioletred, midnightblue, mintcream, mistyrose, moccasin, navajowhite, navy, oldlace, olive, olivedrab, orange, orangered, orchid, palegoldenrod, palegreen, paleturquoise, palevioletred, papayawhip, peachpuff, peru, pink, plum, powderblue, purple, red, rosybrown, royalblue, rebeccapurple, saddlebrown, salmon, sandybrown, seagreen, seashell, sienna, silver, skyblue, slateblue, slategray, slategrey, snow, springgreen, steelblue, tan, teal, thistle, tomato, turquoise, violet, wheat, white, whitesmoke, yellow, yellowgreen


Return type


property hoverinfo

Determines which trace information appear on hover. If none or skip are set, no information is displayed upon hovering. But, if none is set, click and hover events are still fired.

The ‘hoverinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’, ‘text’, ‘name’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘x+y’) OR exactly one of [‘all’, ‘none’, ‘skip’] (e.g. ‘skip’)

  • A list or array of the above


Return type


property hoverinfosrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hoverinfo.

The ‘hoverinfosrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverlabel

The ‘hoverlabel’ property is an instance of Hoverlabel that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.violin.Hoverlabel

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Hoverlabel constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans more two or more lines


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for align.


    Sets the background color of the hover labels for this trace


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bgcolor.


    Sets the border color of the hover labels for this trace.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bordercolor.


    Sets the font used in hover labels.


    Sets the default length (in number of characters) of the trace name in the hover labels for all traces. -1 shows the whole name regardless of length. 0-3 shows the first 0-3 characters, and an integer >3 will show the whole name if it is less than that many characters, but if it is longer, will truncate to namelength - 3 characters and add an ellipsis.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for namelength.


Return type


property hoveron

Do the hover effects highlight individual violins or sample points or the kernel density estimate or any combination of them?

The ‘hoveron’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘violins’, ‘points’, ‘kde’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘violins+points’) OR exactly one of [‘all’] (e.g. ‘all’)


Return type


property hovertemplate

Template string used for rendering the information that appear on hover box. Note that this will override hoverinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}” as well as %{xother}, {%_xother}, {%_xother_}, {%xother_}. When showing info for several points, “xother” will be added to those with different x positions from the first point. An underscore before or after “(x|y)other” will add a space on that side, only when this field is shown. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. The variables available in hovertemplate are the ones emitted as event data described at this link Additionally, every attributes that can be specified per-point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Anything contained in tag <extra> is displayed in the secondary box, for example “<extra>{}</extra>”. To hide the secondary box completely, use an empty tag <extra></extra>.

The ‘hovertemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertemplate.

The ‘hovertemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hovertext

Same as text.

The ‘hovertext’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertextsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertext.

The ‘hovertextsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property jitter

Sets the amount of jitter in the sample points drawn. If 0, the sample points align along the distribution axis. If 1, the sample points are drawn in a random jitter of width equal to the width of the violins.

The ‘jitter’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]


Return type


property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgroup

Sets the legend group for this trace. Traces and shapes part of the same legend group hide/show at the same time when toggling legend items.

The ‘legendgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.violin.Legendgrouptitle

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type


property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property line

The ‘line’ property is an instance of Line that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.violin.Line

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Line constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the color of line bounding the violin(s).


    Sets the width (in px) of line bounding the violin(s).


Return type


property marker

The ‘marker’ property is an instance of Marker that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.violin.Marker

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Marker constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the marker angle in respect to angleref.


    Sets the marker color. It accepts either a specific color or an array of numbers that are mapped to the colorscale relative to the max and min values of the array or relative to marker.cmin and marker.cmax if set.


    :class:`plotly.graph_objects.violin.marker.Line ` instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the marker opacity.


    Sets the color of the outlier sample points.


    Sets the marker size (in px).


    Sets the marker symbol type. Adding 100 is equivalent to appending “-open” to a symbol name. Adding 200 is equivalent to appending “-dot” to a symbol name. Adding 300 is equivalent to appending “-open-dot” or “dot- open” to a symbol name.


Return type


property meanline

The ‘meanline’ property is an instance of Meanline that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.violin.Meanline

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Meanline constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the mean line color.


    Determines if a line corresponding to the sample’s mean is shown inside the violins. If box.visible is turned on, the mean line is drawn inside the inner box. Otherwise, the mean line is drawn from one side of the violin to other.


    Sets the mean line width.


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover. For violin traces, the name will also be used for the position coordinate, if x and x0 (y and y0 if horizontal) are missing and the position axis is categorical. Note that the trace name is also used as a default value for attribute scalegroup (please see its description for details).

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property offsetgroup

Set several traces linked to the same position axis or matching axes to the same offsetgroup where bars of the same position coordinate will line up.

The ‘offsetgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property opacity

Sets the opacity of the trace.

The ‘opacity’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]


Return type


property orientation

Sets the orientation of the violin(s). If “v” (“h”), the distribution is visualized along the vertical (horizontal).

The ‘orientation’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘v’, ‘h’]


Return type


property pointpos

Sets the position of the sample points in relation to the violins. If 0, the sample points are places over the center of the violins. Positive (negative) values correspond to positions to the right (left) for vertical violins and above (below) for horizontal violins.

The ‘pointpos’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [-2, 2]


Return type


property points

If “outliers”, only the sample points lying outside the whiskers are shown If “suspectedoutliers”, the outlier points are shown and points either less than 4*Q1-3*Q3 or greater than 4*Q3-3*Q1 are highlighted (see outliercolor) If “all”, all sample points are shown If False, only the violins are shown with no sample points. Defaults to “suspectedoutliers” when marker.outliercolor or marker.line.outliercolor is set, otherwise defaults to “outliers”.

The ‘points’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘all’, ‘outliers’, ‘suspectedoutliers’, False]


Return type


property quartilemethod

Sets the method used to compute the sample’s Q1 and Q3 quartiles. The “linear” method uses the 25th percentile for Q1 and 75th percentile for Q3 as computed using method #10 (listed on The “exclusive” method uses the median to divide the ordered dataset into two halves if the sample is odd, it does not include the median in either half - Q1 is then the median of the lower half and Q3 the median of the upper half. The “inclusive” method also uses the median to divide the ordered dataset into two halves but if the sample is odd, it includes the median in both halves - Q1 is then the median of the lower half and Q3 the median of the upper half.

The ‘quartilemethod’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘linear’, ‘exclusive’, ‘inclusive’]


Return type


property scalegroup

If there are multiple violins that should be sized according to to some metric (see scalemode), link them by providing a non- empty group id here shared by every trace in the same group. If a violin’s width is undefined, scalegroup will default to the trace’s name. In this case, violins with the same names will be linked together

The ‘scalegroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property scalemode

Sets the metric by which the width of each violin is determined. “width” means each violin has the same (max) width “count” means the violins are scaled by the number of sample points making up each violin.

The ‘scalemode’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘width’, ‘count’]


Return type


property selected

The ‘selected’ property is an instance of Selected that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.violin.Selected

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Selected constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.violin.selected.Ma rker instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type


property selectedpoints

Array containing integer indices of selected points. Has an effect only for traces that support selections. Note that an empty array means an empty selection where the unselected are turned on for all points, whereas, any other non-array values means no selection all where the selected and unselected styles have no effect.

The ‘selectedpoints’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property showlegend

Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.

The ‘showlegend’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property side

Determines on which side of the position value the density function making up one half of a violin is plotted. Useful when comparing two violin traces under “overlay” mode, where one trace has side set to “positive” and the other to “negative”.

The ‘side’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘both’, ‘positive’, ‘negative’]


Return type


property span
Sets the span in data space for which the density function will

be computed. Has an effect only when spanmode is set to “manual”.

The ‘span’ property is an info array that may be specified as:

  • a list or tuple of 2 elements where:

  1. The ‘span[0]’ property accepts values of any type

  2. The ‘span[1]’ property accepts values of any type


property spanmode

Sets the method by which the span in data space where the density function will be computed. “soft” means the span goes from the sample’s minimum value minus two bandwidths to the sample’s maximum value plus two bandwidths. “hard” means the span goes from the sample’s minimum to its maximum value. For custom span settings, use mode “manual” and fill in the span attribute.

The ‘spanmode’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘soft’, ‘hard’, ‘manual’]


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.violin.Stream

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type


property text

Sets the text elements associated with each sample value. If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order to the this trace’s (x,y) coordinates. To be seen, trace hoverinfo must contain a “text” flag.

The ‘text’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property textsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for text.

The ‘textsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property type
property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property unselected

The ‘unselected’ property is an instance of Unselected that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.violin.Unselected

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Unselected constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.violin.unselected. Marker instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


property width

Sets the width of the violin in data coordinates. If 0 (default value) the width is automatically selected based on the positions of other violin traces in the same subplot.

The ‘width’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property x

Sets the x sample data or coordinates. See overview for more info.

The ‘x’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property x0

Sets the x coordinate for single-box traces or the starting coordinate for multi-box traces set using q1/median/q3. See overview for more info.

The ‘x0’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property xaxis

Sets a reference between this trace’s x coordinates and a 2D cartesian x axis. If “x” (the default value), the x coordinates refer to layout.xaxis. If “x2”, the x coordinates refer to layout.xaxis2, and so on.

The ‘xaxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘x’, that may be specified as the string ‘x’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘x’, ‘x1’, ‘x2’, ‘x3’, etc.)


Return type


property xhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor x using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using xaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘xhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property xsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for x.

The ‘xsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property y

Sets the y sample data or coordinates. See overview for more info.

The ‘y’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property y0

Sets the y coordinate for single-box traces or the starting coordinate for multi-box traces set using q1/median/q3. See overview for more info.

The ‘y0’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property yaxis

Sets a reference between this trace’s y coordinates and a 2D cartesian y axis. If “y” (the default value), the y coordinates refer to layout.yaxis. If “y2”, the y coordinates refer to layout.yaxis2, and so on.

The ‘yaxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘y’, that may be specified as the string ‘y’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘y’, ‘y1’, ‘y2’, ‘y3’, etc.)


Return type


property yhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor y using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using yaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘yhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property ysrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for y.

The ‘ysrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property zorder

Sets the layer on which this trace is displayed, relative to other SVG traces on the same subplot. SVG traces with higher zorder appear in front of those with lower zorder.

The ‘zorder’ property is a integer and may be specified as:
  • An int (or float that will be cast to an int)


Return type


class, autocolorscale=None, caps=None, cauto=None, cmax=None, cmid=None, cmin=None, coloraxis=None, colorbar=None, colorscale=None, contour=None, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, flatshading=None, hoverinfo=None, hoverinfosrc=None, hoverlabel=None, hovertemplate=None, hovertemplatesrc=None, hovertext=None, hovertextsrc=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, isomax=None, isomin=None, legend=None, legendgroup=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, lighting=None, lightposition=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, name=None, opacity=None, opacityscale=None, reversescale=None, scene=None, showlegend=None, showscale=None, slices=None, spaceframe=None, stream=None, surface=None, text=None, textsrc=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, value=None, valuehoverformat=None, valuesrc=None, visible=None, x=None, xhoverformat=None, xsrc=None, y=None, yhoverformat=None, ysrc=None, z=None, zhoverformat=None, zsrc=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property autocolorscale

Determines whether the colorscale is a default palette (autocolorscale: true) or the palette determined by colorscale. In case colorscale is unspecified or autocolorscale is true, the default palette will be chosen according to whether numbers in the color array are all positive, all negative or mixed.

The ‘autocolorscale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property caps

The ‘caps’ property is an instance of Caps that may be specified as:


Return type


property cauto

Determines whether or not the color domain is computed with respect to the input data (here value) or the bounds set in cmin and cmax Defaults to false when cmin and cmax are set by the user.

The ‘cauto’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property cmax

Sets the upper bound of the color domain. Value should have the same units as value and if set, cmin must be set as well.

The ‘cmax’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property cmid

Sets the mid-point of the color domain by scaling cmin and/or cmax to be equidistant to this point. Value should have the same units as value. Has no effect when cauto is false.

The ‘cmid’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property cmin

Sets the lower bound of the color domain. Value should have the same units as value and if set, cmax must be set as well.

The ‘cmin’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property coloraxis

Sets a reference to a shared color axis. References to these shared color axes are “coloraxis”, “coloraxis2”, “coloraxis3”, etc. Settings for these shared color axes are set in the layout, under layout.coloraxis, layout.coloraxis2, etc. Note that multiple color scales can be linked to the same color axis.

The ‘coloraxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘coloraxis’, that may be specified as the string ‘coloraxis’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘coloraxis’, ‘coloraxis1’, ‘coloraxis2’, ‘coloraxis3’, etc.)


Return type


property colorbar

The ‘colorbar’ property is an instance of ColorBar that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.volume.ColorBar

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the ColorBar constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the color of padded area.


    Sets the axis line color.


    Sets the width (in px) or the border enclosing this color bar.


    Sets the step in-between ticks on this axis. Use with tick0. Must be a positive number, or special strings available to “log” and “date” axes. If the axis type is “log”, then ticks are set every 10^(n*dtick) where n is the tick number. For example, to set a tick mark at 1, 10, 100, 1000, … set dtick to 1. To set tick marks at 1, 100, 10000, … set dtick to 2. To set tick marks at 1, 5, 25, 125, 625, 3125, … set dtick to log_10(5), or 0.69897000433. “log” has several special values; “L<f>”, where f is a positive number, gives ticks linearly spaced in value (but not position). For example tick0 = 0.1, dtick = “L0.5” will put ticks at 0.1, 0.6, 1.1, 1.6 etc. To show powers of 10 plus small digits between, use “D1” (all digits) or “D2” (only 2 and 5). tick0 is ignored for “D1” and “D2”. If the axis type is “date”, then you must convert the time to milliseconds. For example, to set the interval between ticks to one day, set dtick to 86400000.0. “date” also has special values “M<n>” gives ticks spaced by a number of months. n must be a positive integer. To set ticks on the 15th of every third month, set tick0 to “2000-01-15” and dtick to “M3”. To set ticks every 4 years, set dtick to “M48”


    Determines a formatting rule for the tick exponents. For example, consider the number 1,000,000,000. If “none”, it appears as 1,000,000,000. If “e”, 1e+9. If “E”, 1E+9. If “power”, 1x10^9 (with 9 in a super script). If “SI”, 1G. If “B”, 1B.


    Replacement text for specific tick or hover labels. For example using {US: ‘USA’, CA: ‘Canada’} changes US to USA and CA to Canada. The labels we would have shown must match the keys exactly, after adding any tickprefix or ticksuffix. For negative numbers the minus sign symbol used (U+2212) is wider than the regular ascii dash. That means you need to use −1 instead of -1. labelalias can be used with any axis type, and both keys (if needed) and values (if desired) can include html-like tags or MathJax.


    Sets the length of the color bar This measure excludes the padding of both ends. That is, the color bar length is this length minus the padding on both ends.


    Determines whether this color bar’s length (i.e. the measure in the color variation direction) is set in units of plot “fraction” or in *pixels. Use len to set the value.


    Hide SI prefix for 10^n if |n| is below this number. This only has an effect when tickformat is “SI” or “B”.


    Specifies the maximum number of ticks for the particular axis. The actual number of ticks will be chosen automatically to be less than or equal to nticks. Has an effect only if tickmode is set to “auto”.


    Sets the orientation of the colorbar.


    Sets the axis line color.


    Sets the width (in px) of the axis line.


    If “true”, even 4-digit integers are separated


    If “all”, all exponents are shown besides their significands. If “first”, only the exponent of the first tick is shown. If “last”, only the exponent of the last tick is shown. If “none”, no exponents appear.


    Determines whether or not the tick labels are drawn.


    If “all”, all tick labels are displayed with a prefix. If “first”, only the first tick is displayed with a prefix. If “last”, only the last tick is displayed with a suffix. If “none”, tick prefixes are hidden.


    Same as showtickprefix but for tick suffixes.


    Sets the thickness of the color bar This measure excludes the size of the padding, ticks and labels.


    Determines whether this color bar’s thickness (i.e. the measure in the constant color direction) is set in units of plot “fraction” or in “pixels”. Use thickness to set the value.


    Sets the placement of the first tick on this axis. Use with dtick. If the axis type is “log”, then you must take the log of your starting tick (e.g. to set the starting tick to 100, set the tick0 to 2) except when dtick`=*L<f>* (see `dtick for more info). If the axis type is “date”, it should be a date string, like date data. If the axis type is “category”, it should be a number, using the scale where each category is assigned a serial number from zero in the order it appears.


    Sets the angle of the tick labels with respect to the horizontal. For example, a tickangle of -90 draws the tick labels vertically.


    Sets the tick color.


    Sets the color bar’s tick label font


    Sets the tick label formatting rule using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: h ttps:// format. And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display “09~15~23.46”


    A tuple of plotly.graph_objects.volume. colorbar.Tickformatstop instances or dicts with compatible properties


    When used in a template (as layout.template.dat a.volume.colorbar.tickformatstopdefaults), sets the default property values to use for elements of volume.colorbar.tickformatstops


    Determines how we handle tick labels that would overflow either the graph div or the domain of the axis. The default value for inside tick labels is hide past domain. In other cases the default is hide past div.


    Determines where tick labels are drawn relative to the ticks. Left and right options are used when orientation is “h”, top and bottom when orientation is “v”.


    Sets the spacing between tick labels as compared to the spacing between ticks. A value of 1 (default) means each tick gets a label. A value of 2 means shows every 2nd label. A larger value n means only every nth tick is labeled. tick0 determines which labels are shown. Not implemented for axes with type “log” or “multicategory”, or when tickmode is “array”.


    Sets the tick length (in px).


    Sets the tick mode for this axis. If “auto”, the number of ticks is set via nticks. If “linear”, the placement of the ticks is determined by a starting position tick0 and a tick step dtick (“linear” is the default value if tick0 and dtick are provided). If “array”, the placement of the ticks is set via tickvals and the tick text is ticktext. (“array” is the default value if tickvals is provided).


    Sets a tick label prefix.


    Determines whether ticks are drawn or not. If “”, this axis’ ticks are not drawn. If “outside” (“inside”), this axis’ are drawn outside (inside) the axis lines.


    Sets a tick label suffix.


    Sets the text displayed at the ticks position via tickvals. Only has an effect if tickmode is set to “array”. Used with tickvals.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ticktext.


    Sets the values at which ticks on this axis appear. Only has an effect if tickmode is set to “array”. Used with ticktext.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for tickvals.


    Sets the tick width (in px).


    plotly.graph_objects.volume.colorbar.Ti tle instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the x position with respect to xref of the color bar (in plot fraction). When xref is “paper”, defaults to 1.02 when orientation is “v” and 0.5 when orientation is “h”. When xref is “container”, defaults to 1 when orientation is “v” and 0.5 when orientation is “h”. Must be between 0 and 1 if xref is “container” and between “-2” and 3 if xref is “paper”.


    Sets this color bar’s horizontal position anchor. This anchor binds the x position to the “left”, “center” or “right” of the color bar. Defaults to “left” when orientation is “v” and “center” when orientation is “h”.


    Sets the amount of padding (in px) along the x direction.


    Sets the container x refers to. “container” spans the entire width of the plot. “paper” refers to the width of the plotting area only.


    Sets the y position with respect to yref of the color bar (in plot fraction). When yref is “paper”, defaults to 0.5 when orientation is “v” and 1.02 when orientation is “h”. When yref is “container”, defaults to 0.5 when orientation is “v” and 1 when orientation is “h”. Must be between 0 and 1 if yref is “container” and between “-2” and 3 if yref is “paper”.


    Sets this color bar’s vertical position anchor This anchor binds the y position to the “top”, “middle” or “bottom” of the color bar. Defaults to “middle” when orientation is “v” and “bottom” when orientation is “h”.


    Sets the amount of padding (in px) along the y direction.


    Sets the container y refers to. “container” spans the entire height of the plot. “paper” refers to the height of the plotting area only.


Return type


property colorscale

Sets the colorscale. The colorscale must be an array containing arrays mapping a normalized value to an rgb, rgba, hex, hsl, hsv, or named color string. At minimum, a mapping for the lowest (0) and highest (1) values are required. For example, [[0, 'rgb(0,0,255)'], [1, 'rgb(255,0,0)']]. To control the bounds of the colorscale in color space, use cmin and cmax. Alternatively, colorscale may be a palette name string of the following list: Blackbody,Bluered,Blues,Cividis,Earth,Electric, Greens,Greys,Hot,Jet,Picnic,Portland,Rainbow,RdBu,Reds,Viridis, YlGnBu,YlOrRd.

The ‘colorscale’ property is a colorscale and may be specified as:

  • A list of colors that will be spaced evenly to create the colorscale. Many predefined colorscale lists are included in the sequential, diverging, and cyclical modules in the plotly.colors package.

  • A list of 2-element lists where the first element is the normalized color level value (starting at 0 and ending at 1), and the second item is a valid color string. (e.g. [[0, ‘green’], [0.5, ‘red’], [1.0, ‘rgb(0, 0, 255)’]])

  • One of the following named colorscales:
    [‘aggrnyl’, ‘agsunset’, ‘algae’, ‘amp’, ‘armyrose’, ‘balance’,

    ‘blackbody’, ‘bluered’, ‘blues’, ‘blugrn’, ‘bluyl’, ‘brbg’, ‘brwnyl’, ‘bugn’, ‘bupu’, ‘burg’, ‘burgyl’, ‘cividis’, ‘curl’, ‘darkmint’, ‘deep’, ‘delta’, ‘dense’, ‘earth’, ‘edge’, ‘electric’, ‘emrld’, ‘fall’, ‘geyser’, ‘gnbu’, ‘gray’, ‘greens’, ‘greys’, ‘haline’, ‘hot’, ‘hsv’, ‘ice’, ‘icefire’, ‘inferno’, ‘jet’, ‘magenta’, ‘magma’, ‘matter’, ‘mint’, ‘mrybm’, ‘mygbm’, ‘oranges’, ‘orrd’, ‘oryel’, ‘oxy’, ‘peach’, ‘phase’, ‘picnic’, ‘pinkyl’, ‘piyg’, ‘plasma’, ‘plotly3’, ‘portland’, ‘prgn’, ‘pubu’, ‘pubugn’, ‘puor’, ‘purd’, ‘purp’, ‘purples’, ‘purpor’, ‘rainbow’, ‘rdbu’, ‘rdgy’, ‘rdpu’, ‘rdylbu’, ‘rdylgn’, ‘redor’, ‘reds’, ‘solar’, ‘spectral’, ‘speed’, ‘sunset’, ‘sunsetdark’, ‘teal’, ‘tealgrn’, ‘tealrose’, ‘tempo’, ‘temps’, ‘thermal’, ‘tropic’, ‘turbid’, ‘turbo’, ‘twilight’, ‘viridis’, ‘ylgn’, ‘ylgnbu’, ‘ylorbr’, ‘ylorrd’].

    Appending ‘_r’ to a named colorscale reverses it.


Return type


property contour

The ‘contour’ property is an instance of Contour that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.volume.Contour

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Contour constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the color of the contour lines.


    Sets whether or not dynamic contours are shown on hover


    Sets the width of the contour lines.


Return type


property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property flatshading

Determines whether or not normal smoothing is applied to the meshes, creating meshes with an angular, low-poly look via flat reflections.

The ‘flatshading’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property hoverinfo

Determines which trace information appear on hover. If none or skip are set, no information is displayed upon hovering. But, if none is set, click and hover events are still fired.

The ‘hoverinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’, ‘text’, ‘name’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘x+y’) OR exactly one of [‘all’, ‘none’, ‘skip’] (e.g. ‘skip’)

  • A list or array of the above


Return type


property hoverinfosrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hoverinfo.

The ‘hoverinfosrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverlabel

The ‘hoverlabel’ property is an instance of Hoverlabel that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.volume.Hoverlabel

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Hoverlabel constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans more two or more lines


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for align.


    Sets the background color of the hover labels for this trace


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bgcolor.


    Sets the border color of the hover labels for this trace.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bordercolor.


    Sets the font used in hover labels.


    Sets the default length (in number of characters) of the trace name in the hover labels for all traces. -1 shows the whole name regardless of length. 0-3 shows the first 0-3 characters, and an integer >3 will show the whole name if it is less than that many characters, but if it is longer, will truncate to namelength - 3 characters and add an ellipsis.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for namelength.


Return type


property hovertemplate

Template string used for rendering the information that appear on hover box. Note that this will override hoverinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}” as well as %{xother}, {%_xother}, {%_xother_}, {%xother_}. When showing info for several points, “xother” will be added to those with different x positions from the first point. An underscore before or after “(x|y)other” will add a space on that side, only when this field is shown. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. The variables available in hovertemplate are the ones emitted as event data described at this link Additionally, every attributes that can be specified per-point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Anything contained in tag <extra> is displayed in the secondary box, for example “<extra>{}</extra>”. To hide the secondary box completely, use an empty tag <extra></extra>.

The ‘hovertemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertemplate.

The ‘hovertemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hovertext

Same as text.

The ‘hovertext’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertextsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertext.

The ‘hovertextsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property isomax

Sets the maximum boundary for iso-surface plot.

The ‘isomax’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property isomin

Sets the minimum boundary for iso-surface plot.

The ‘isomin’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgroup

Sets the legend group for this trace. Traces and shapes part of the same legend group hide/show at the same time when toggling legend items.

The ‘legendgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.volume.Legendgrouptitle

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type


property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property lighting

The ‘lighting’ property is an instance of Lighting that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.volume.Lighting

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Lighting constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Ambient light increases overall color visibility but can wash out the image.


    Represents the extent that incident rays are reflected in a range of angles.


    Epsilon for face normals calculation avoids math issues arising from degenerate geometry.


    Represents the reflectance as a dependency of the viewing angle; e.g. paper is reflective when viewing it from the edge of the paper (almost 90 degrees), causing shine.


    Alters specular reflection; the rougher the surface, the wider and less contrasty the shine.


    Represents the level that incident rays are reflected in a single direction, causing shine.


    Epsilon for vertex normals calculation avoids math issues arising from degenerate geometry.


Return type


property lightposition

The ‘lightposition’ property is an instance of Lightposition that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.volume.Lightposition

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Lightposition constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Numeric vector, representing the X coordinate for each vertex.


    Numeric vector, representing the Y coordinate for each vertex.


    Numeric vector, representing the Z coordinate for each vertex.


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property opacity

Sets the opacity of the surface. Please note that in the case of using high opacity values for example a value greater than or equal to 0.5 on two surfaces (and 0.25 with four surfaces), an overlay of multiple transparent surfaces may not perfectly be sorted in depth by the webgl API. This behavior may be improved in the near future and is subject to change.

The ‘opacity’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]


Return type


property opacityscale

Sets the opacityscale. The opacityscale must be an array containing arrays mapping a normalized value to an opacity value. At minimum, a mapping for the lowest (0) and highest (1) values are required. For example, [[0, 1], [0.5, 0.2], [1, 1]] means that higher/lower values would have higher opacity values and those in the middle would be more transparent Alternatively, opacityscale may be a palette name string of the following list: ‘min’, ‘max’, ‘extremes’ and ‘uniform’. The default is ‘uniform’.

The ‘opacityscale’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property reversescale

Reverses the color mapping if true. If true, cmin will correspond to the last color in the array and cmax will correspond to the first color.

The ‘reversescale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property scene

Sets a reference between this trace’s 3D coordinate system and a 3D scene. If “scene” (the default value), the (x,y,z) coordinates refer to layout.scene. If “scene2”, the (x,y,z) coordinates refer to layout.scene2, and so on.

The ‘scene’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘scene’, that may be specified as the string ‘scene’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘scene’, ‘scene1’, ‘scene2’, ‘scene3’, etc.)


Return type


property showlegend

Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.

The ‘showlegend’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property showscale

Determines whether or not a colorbar is displayed for this trace.

The ‘showscale’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property slices

The ‘slices’ property is an instance of Slices that may be specified as:


Return type


property spaceframe

The ‘spaceframe’ property is an instance of Spaceframe that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.volume.Spaceframe

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Spaceframe constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the fill ratio of the spaceframe elements. The default fill value is 1 meaning that they are entirely shaded. Applying a fill ratio less than one would allow the creation of openings parallel to the edges.


    Displays/hides tetrahedron shapes between minimum and maximum iso-values. Often useful when either caps or surfaces are disabled or filled with values less than 1.


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.volume.Stream

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type


property surface

The ‘surface’ property is an instance of Surface that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.volume.Surface

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Surface constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the number of iso-surfaces between minimum and maximum iso-values. By default this value is 2 meaning that only minimum and maximum surfaces would be drawn.


    Sets the fill ratio of the iso-surface. The default fill value of the surface is 1 meaning that they are entirely shaded. On the other hand Applying a fill ratio less than one would allow the creation of openings parallel to the edges.


    Sets the surface pattern of the iso-surface 3-D sections. The default pattern of the surface is all meaning that the rest of surface elements would be shaded. The check options (either 1 or 2) could be used to draw half of the squares on the surface. Using various combinations of capital A, B, C, D and E may also be used to reduce the number of triangles on the iso-surfaces and creating other patterns of interest.


    Hides/displays surfaces between minimum and maximum iso-values.


Return type


property text

Sets the text elements associated with the vertices. If trace hoverinfo contains a “text” flag and “hovertext” is not set, these elements will be seen in the hover labels.

The ‘text’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property textsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for text.

The ‘textsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property type
property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property value

Sets the 4th dimension (value) of the vertices.

The ‘value’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property valuehoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor value using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: default the values are formatted using generic number format.

The ‘valuehoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property valuesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for value.

The ‘valuesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


property x

Sets the X coordinates of the vertices on X axis.

The ‘x’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property xhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor x using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using xaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘xhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property xsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for x.

The ‘xsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property y

Sets the Y coordinates of the vertices on Y axis.

The ‘y’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property yhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor y using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using yaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘yhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property ysrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for y.

The ‘ysrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property z

Sets the Z coordinates of the vertices on Z axis.

The ‘z’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property zhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor z using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using zaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘zhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property zsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for z.

The ‘zsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


class, alignmentgroup=None, base=None, cliponaxis=None, connector=None, constraintext=None, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, decreasing=None, dx=None, dy=None, hoverinfo=None, hoverinfosrc=None, hoverlabel=None, hovertemplate=None, hovertemplatesrc=None, hovertext=None, hovertextsrc=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, increasing=None, insidetextanchor=None, insidetextfont=None, legend=None, legendgroup=None, legendgrouptitle=None, legendrank=None, legendwidth=None, measure=None, measuresrc=None, meta=None, metasrc=None, name=None, offset=None, offsetgroup=None, offsetsrc=None, opacity=None, orientation=None, outsidetextfont=None, selectedpoints=None, showlegend=None, stream=None, text=None, textangle=None, textfont=None, textinfo=None, textposition=None, textpositionsrc=None, textsrc=None, texttemplate=None, texttemplatesrc=None, totals=None, uid=None, uirevision=None, visible=None, width=None, widthsrc=None, x=None, x0=None, xaxis=None, xhoverformat=None, xperiod=None, xperiod0=None, xperiodalignment=None, xsrc=None, y=None, y0=None, yaxis=None, yhoverformat=None, yperiod=None, yperiod0=None, yperiodalignment=None, ysrc=None, zorder=None, **kwargs)

Bases: plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType

property alignmentgroup

Set several traces linked to the same position axis or matching axes to the same alignmentgroup. This controls whether bars compute their positional range dependently or independently.

The ‘alignmentgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property base

Sets where the bar base is drawn (in position axis units).

The ‘base’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property cliponaxis

Determines whether the text nodes are clipped about the subplot axes. To show the text nodes above axis lines and tick labels, make sure to set xaxis.layer and yaxis.layer to below traces.

The ‘cliponaxis’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property connector

The ‘connector’ property is an instance of Connector that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.waterfall.Connector

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Connector constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.waterfall.connecto r.Line instance or dict with compatible properties


    Sets the shape of connector lines.


    Determines if connector lines are drawn.


Return type


property constraintext

Constrain the size of text inside or outside a bar to be no larger than the bar itself.

The ‘constraintext’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘inside’, ‘outside’, ‘both’, ‘none’]


Return type


property customdata

Assigns extra data each datum. This may be useful when listening to hover, click and selection events. Note that, “scatter” traces also appends customdata items in the markers DOM elements

The ‘customdata’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property customdatasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for customdata.

The ‘customdatasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property decreasing

The ‘decreasing’ property is an instance of Decreasing that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.waterfall.Decreasing

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Decreasing constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.waterfall.decreasi ng.Marker instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type


property dx

Sets the x coordinate step. See x0 for more info.

The ‘dx’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property dy

Sets the y coordinate step. See y0 for more info.

The ‘dy’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property hoverinfo

Determines which trace information appear on hover. If none or skip are set, no information is displayed upon hovering. But, if none is set, click and hover events are still fired.

The ‘hoverinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘name’, ‘x’, ‘y’, ‘text’, ‘initial’, ‘delta’, ‘final’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘name+x’) OR exactly one of [‘all’, ‘none’, ‘skip’] (e.g. ‘skip’)

  • A list or array of the above


Return type


property hoverinfosrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hoverinfo.

The ‘hoverinfosrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hoverlabel

The ‘hoverlabel’ property is an instance of Hoverlabel that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.waterfall.Hoverlabel

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Hoverlabel constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans more two or more lines


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for align.


    Sets the background color of the hover labels for this trace


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bgcolor.


    Sets the border color of the hover labels for this trace.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for bordercolor.


    Sets the font used in hover labels.


    Sets the default length (in number of characters) of the trace name in the hover labels for all traces. -1 shows the whole name regardless of length. 0-3 shows the first 0-3 characters, and an integer >3 will show the whole name if it is less than that many characters, but if it is longer, will truncate to namelength - 3 characters and add an ellipsis.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for namelength.


Return type


property hovertemplate

Template string used for rendering the information that appear on hover box. Note that this will override hoverinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}” as well as %{xother}, {%_xother}, {%_xother_}, {%xother_}. When showing info for several points, “xother” will be added to those with different x positions from the first point. An underscore before or after “(x|y)other” will add a space on that side, only when this field is shown. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. The variables available in hovertemplate are the ones emitted as event data described at this link Additionally, every attributes that can be specified per-point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Finally, the template string has access to variables initial, delta and final. Anything contained in tag <extra> is displayed in the secondary box, for example “<extra>{}</extra>”. To hide the secondary box completely, use an empty tag <extra></extra>.

The ‘hovertemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertemplate.

The ‘hovertemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property hovertext

Sets hover text elements associated with each (x,y) pair. If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order to the this trace’s (x,y) coordinates. To be seen, trace hoverinfo must contain a “text” flag.

The ‘hovertext’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property hovertextsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hovertext.

The ‘hovertextsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property ids

Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.

The ‘ids’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property idssrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for ids.

The ‘idssrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property increasing

The ‘increasing’ property is an instance of Increasing that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.waterfall.Increasing

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Increasing constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.waterfall.increasi ng.Marker instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type


property insidetextanchor

Determines if texts are kept at center or start/end points in textposition “inside” mode.

The ‘insidetextanchor’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘end’, ‘middle’, ‘start’]


Return type


property insidetextfont

Sets the font used for text lying inside the bar.

The ‘insidetextfont’ property is an instance of Insidetextfont that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.waterfall.Insidetextfont

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Insidetextfont constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for family.


    Sets the kind of decoration line(s) with text, such as an “under”, “over” or “through” as well as combinations e.g. “under+over”, etc.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for lineposition.


    Sets the shape and color of the shadow behind text. “auto” places minimal shadow and applies contrast text font color. See US/docs/Web/CSS/text-shadow for additional options.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for shadow.



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for size.


    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for style.


    Sets capitalization of text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all- lowercase, or with each word capitalized.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for textcase.


    Sets the variant of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for variant.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for weight.


Return type


property legend

Sets the reference to a legend to show this trace in. References to these legends are “legend”, “legend2”, “legend3”, etc. Settings for these legends are set in the layout, under layout.legend, layout.legend2, etc.

The ‘legend’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘legend’, that may be specified as the string ‘legend’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘legend’, ‘legend1’, ‘legend2’, ‘legend3’, etc.)


Return type


property legendgroup

Sets the legend group for this trace. Traces and shapes part of the same legend group hide/show at the same time when toggling legend items.

The ‘legendgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property legendgrouptitle

The ‘legendgrouptitle’ property is an instance of Legendgrouptitle that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.waterfall.Legendgrouptitle

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Legendgrouptitle constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets this legend group’s title font.


    Sets the title of the legend group.


Return type


property legendrank

Sets the legend rank for this trace. Items and groups with smaller ranks are presented on top/left side while with “reversed” legend.traceorder they are on bottom/right side. The default legendrank is 1000, so that you can use ranks less than 1000 to place certain items before all unranked items, and ranks greater than 1000 to go after all unranked items. When having unranked or equal rank items shapes would be displayed after traces i.e. according to their order in data and layout.

The ‘legendrank’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float


Return type


property legendwidth

Sets the width (in px or fraction) of the legend for this trace.

The ‘legendwidth’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]


Return type


property measure

An array containing types of values. By default the values are considered as ‘relative’. However; it is possible to use ‘total’ to compute the sums. Also ‘absolute’ could be applied to reset the computed total or to declare an initial value where needed.

The ‘measure’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property measuresrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for measure.

The ‘measuresrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property meta

Assigns extra meta information associated with this trace that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as trace name, graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text rangeselector, updatemenues and sliders label text all support meta. To access the trace meta values in an attribute in the same trace, simply use %{meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta item in question. To access trace meta in layout attributes, use %{data[n[.meta[i]} where i is the index or key of the meta and n is the trace index.

The ‘meta’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property metasrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.

The ‘metasrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property name

Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

The ‘name’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property offset

Shifts the position where the bar is drawn (in position axis units). In “group” barmode, traces that set “offset” will be excluded and drawn in “overlay” mode instead.

The ‘offset’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property offsetgroup

Set several traces linked to the same position axis or matching axes to the same offsetgroup where bars of the same position coordinate will line up.

The ‘offsetgroup’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property offsetsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for offset.

The ‘offsetsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property opacity

Sets the opacity of the trace.

The ‘opacity’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, 1]


Return type


property orientation

Sets the orientation of the bars. With “v” (“h”), the value of the each bar spans along the vertical (horizontal).

The ‘orientation’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘v’, ‘h’]


Return type


property outsidetextfont

Sets the font used for text lying outside the bar.

The ‘outsidetextfont’ property is an instance of Outsidetextfont that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.waterfall.Outsidetextfont

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Outsidetextfont constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for family.


    Sets the kind of decoration line(s) with text, such as an “under”, “over” or “through” as well as combinations e.g. “under+over”, etc.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for lineposition.


    Sets the shape and color of the shadow behind text. “auto” places minimal shadow and applies contrast text font color. See US/docs/Web/CSS/text-shadow for additional options.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for shadow.



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for size.


    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for style.


    Sets capitalization of text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all- lowercase, or with each word capitalized.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for textcase.


    Sets the variant of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for variant.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for weight.


Return type


property selectedpoints

Array containing integer indices of selected points. Has an effect only for traces that support selections. Note that an empty array means an empty selection where the unselected are turned on for all points, whereas, any other non-array values means no selection all where the selected and unselected styles have no effect.

The ‘selectedpoints’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property showlegend

Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.

The ‘showlegend’ property must be specified as a bool (either True, or False)


Return type


property stream

The ‘stream’ property is an instance of Stream that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.waterfall.Stream

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Stream constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    Sets the maximum number of points to keep on the plots from an incoming stream. If maxpoints is set to 50, only the newest 50 points will be displayed on the plot.


    The stream id number links a data trace on a plot with a stream. See https://chart- for more details.


Return type


property text

Sets text elements associated with each (x,y) pair. If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order to the this trace’s (x,y) coordinates. If trace hoverinfo contains a “text” flag and “hovertext” is not set, these elements will be seen in the hover labels.

The ‘text’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property textangle

Sets the angle of the tick labels with respect to the bar. For example, a tickangle of -90 draws the tick labels vertically. With “auto” the texts may automatically be rotated to fit with the maximum size in bars.

The ‘textangle’ property is a angle (in degrees) that may be specified as a number between -180 and 180. Numeric values outside this range are converted to the equivalent value (e.g. 270 is converted to -90).


Return type


property textfont

Sets the font used for text.

The ‘textfont’ property is an instance of Textfont that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.waterfall.Textfont

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Textfont constructor

    Supported dict properties:



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for color.


    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren’t available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include “Arial”, “Balto”, “Courier New”, “Droid Sans”, “Droid Serif”, “Droid Sans Mono”, “Gravitas One”, “Old Standard TT”, “Open Sans”, “Overpass”, “PT Sans Narrow”, “Raleway”, “Times New Roman”.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for family.


    Sets the kind of decoration line(s) with text, such as an “under”, “over” or “through” as well as combinations e.g. “under+over”, etc.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for lineposition.


    Sets the shape and color of the shadow behind text. “auto” places minimal shadow and applies contrast text font color. See US/docs/Web/CSS/text-shadow for additional options.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for shadow.



    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for size.


    Sets whether a font should be styled with a normal or italic face from its family.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for style.


    Sets capitalization of text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all- lowercase, or with each word capitalized.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for textcase.


    Sets the variant of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for variant.


    Sets the weight (or boldness) of the font.


    Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for weight.


Return type


property textinfo

Determines which trace information appear on the graph. In the case of having multiple waterfalls, totals are computed separately (per trace).

The ‘textinfo’ property is a flaglist and may be specified as a string containing:

  • Any combination of [‘label’, ‘text’, ‘initial’, ‘delta’, ‘final’] joined with ‘+’ characters (e.g. ‘label+text’) OR exactly one of [‘none’] (e.g. ‘none’)


Return type


property textposition

Specifies the location of the text. “inside” positions text inside, next to the bar end (rotated and scaled if needed). “outside” positions text outside, next to the bar end (scaled if needed), unless there is another bar stacked on this one, then the text gets pushed inside. “auto” tries to position text inside the bar, but if the bar is too small and no bar is stacked on this one the text is moved outside. If “none”, no text appears.

The ‘textposition’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘inside’, ‘outside’, ‘auto’, ‘none’]

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property textpositionsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for textposition.

The ‘textpositionsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property textsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for text.

The ‘textsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property texttemplate

Template string used for rendering the information text that appear on points. Note that this will override textinfo. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example “y: %{y}”. Numbers are formatted using d3-format’s syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example “Price: %{y:$.2f}”. for details on the formatting syntax. Dates are formatted using d3-time-format’s syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example “Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}”. format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format for details on the date formatting syntax. Every attributes that can be specified per- point (the ones that are arrayOk: true) are available. Finally, the template string has access to variables initial, delta, final and label.

The ‘texttemplate’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property texttemplatesrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for texttemplate.

The ‘texttemplatesrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property totals

The ‘totals’ property is an instance of Totals that may be specified as:

  • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.waterfall.Totals

  • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Totals constructor

    Supported dict properties:


    plotly.graph_objects.waterfall.totals.M arker instance or dict with compatible properties


Return type


property type
property uid

Assign an id to this trace, Use this to provide object constancy between traces during animations and transitions.

The ‘uid’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property uirevision

Controls persistence of some user-driven changes to the trace: constraintrange in parcoords traces, as well as some editable: true modifications such as name and colorbar.title. Defaults to layout.uirevision. Note that other user-driven trace attribute changes are controlled by layout attributes: trace.visible is controlled by layout.legend.uirevision, selectedpoints is controlled by layout.selectionrevision, and colorbar.(x|y) (accessible with config: {editable: true}) is controlled by layout.editrevision. Trace changes are tracked by uid, which only falls back on trace index if no uid is provided. So if your app can add/remove traces before the end of the data array, such that the same trace has a different index, you can still preserve user-driven changes if you give each trace a uid that stays with it as it moves.

The ‘uirevision’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property visible

Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If “legendonly”, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).

The ‘visible’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [True, False, ‘legendonly’]


Return type


property width

Sets the bar width (in position axis units).

The ‘width’ property is a number and may be specified as:
  • An int or float in the interval [0, inf]

  • A tuple, list, or one-dimensional numpy array of the above


Return type


property widthsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for width.

The ‘widthsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property x

Sets the x coordinates.

The ‘x’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property x0

Alternate to x. Builds a linear space of x coordinates. Use with dx where x0 is the starting coordinate and dx the step.

The ‘x0’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property xaxis

Sets a reference between this trace’s x coordinates and a 2D cartesian x axis. If “x” (the default value), the x coordinates refer to layout.xaxis. If “x2”, the x coordinates refer to layout.xaxis2, and so on.

The ‘xaxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘x’, that may be specified as the string ‘x’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘x’, ‘x1’, ‘x2’, ‘x3’, etc.)


Return type


property xhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor x using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using xaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘xhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property xperiod

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the period positioning in milliseconds or “M<n>” on the x axis. Special values in the form of “M<n>” could be used to declare the number of months. In this case n must be a positive integer.

The ‘xperiod’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property xperiod0

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the base for period positioning in milliseconds or date string on the x0 axis. When x0period is round number of weeks, the x0period0 by default would be on a Sunday i.e. 2000-01-02, otherwise it would be at 2000-01-01.

The ‘xperiod0’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property xperiodalignment

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the alignment of data points on the x axis.

The ‘xperiodalignment’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘start’, ‘middle’, ‘end’]


Return type


property xsrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for x.

The ‘xsrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property y

Sets the y coordinates.

The ‘y’ property is an array that may be specified as a tuple, list, numpy array, or pandas Series


Return type


property y0

Alternate to y. Builds a linear space of y coordinates. Use with dy where y0 is the starting coordinate and dy the step.

The ‘y0’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property yaxis

Sets a reference between this trace’s y coordinates and a 2D cartesian y axis. If “y” (the default value), the y coordinates refer to layout.yaxis. If “y2”, the y coordinates refer to layout.yaxis2, and so on.

The ‘yaxis’ property is an identifier of a particular subplot, of type ‘y’, that may be specified as the string ‘y’ optionally followed by an integer >= 1 (e.g. ‘y’, ‘y1’, ‘y2’, ‘y3’, etc.)


Return type


property yhoverformat

Sets the hover text formatting rulefor y using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see: And for dates see: format/tree/v2.2.3#locale_format. We add two items to d3’s date formatter: “%h” for half of the year as a decimal number as well as “%{n}f” for fractional seconds with n digits. For example, 2016-10-13 09:15:23.456 with tickformat “%H~%M~%S.%2f” would display *09~15~23.46*By default the values are formatted using yaxis.hoverformat.

The ‘yhoverformat’ property is a string and must be specified as:
  • A string

  • A number that will be converted to a string


Return type


property yperiod

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the period positioning in milliseconds or “M<n>” on the y axis. Special values in the form of “M<n>” could be used to declare the number of months. In this case n must be a positive integer.

The ‘yperiod’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property yperiod0

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the base for period positioning in milliseconds or date string on the y0 axis. When y0period is round number of weeks, the y0period0 by default would be on a Sunday i.e. 2000-01-02, otherwise it would be at 2000-01-01.

The ‘yperiod0’ property accepts values of any type


Return type


property yperiodalignment

Only relevant when the axis type is “date”. Sets the alignment of data points on the y axis.

The ‘yperiodalignment’ property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
  • One of the following enumeration values:

    [‘start’, ‘middle’, ‘end’]


Return type


property ysrc

Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for y.

The ‘ysrc’ property must be specified as a string or as a plotly.grid_objs.Column object


Return type


property zorder

Sets the layer on which this trace is displayed, relative to other SVG traces on the same subplot. SVG traces with higher zorder appear in front of those with lower zorder.

The ‘zorder’ property is a integer and may be specified as:
  • An int (or float that will be cast to an int)


Return type
