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A.alexiou's interactive graph and data of "Net Spending per person (£) vs Financial year" is a filled line chart, showing Public Health, Housing, Cultural, Environment, Planning, Transport, Fire, Police, Children social care, Adult social care, Education, Other; with Financial year in the x-axis and Net Spending per person (£) in the y-axis.. The x-axis shows values from 2003.2 to 2020.8. The y-axis shows values from -124.45 to 2613.45. This visualization has the following annotations: Source: PLDR; Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government *Values adjusted for inflation to 2020 prices using the CPI. **Other services include Central, Court and Other services. †The split between adult and children social care between 2004-05 and 2010-11 is approximate.; Source: PLDR; Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government *Values adjusted for inflation to 2020 prices using the CPI. **Other services include Central, Court and Other services. †The split between adult and children social care between 2004-05 and 2010-11 is approximate.