Plotly Professional Services
Dash Enterprise is the low-code platform for data apps. Plotly Professional Services are the data app experts.

Data App Development
Analytical Dash apps are the human interface layer for data, analytics, AI, and ML. Our clients choose Plotly for delivering data apps because we're unbeatable in 3 core areas.
- Speed and efficiency of delivery: Our customers are consistently blown away by our beautiful and responsive analytical apps delivered in days, not months.
- Expertise: We have worked on hundreds of projects in the finance, tech, oil & gas, manufacturing, and government sectors. Your project can’t be in better hands.
- Future Proof: We use open source technologies and utilize frameworks like Python and R that data scientists already use and understand.
Sponsored Features
Over the last 7 years, organizations have stepped up to sponsor mission-critical features in our open source and enterprise products. Here are some of our favorites.
Plotly.js OSS
A high-level, declarative charting library, Plotly.js ships with over 40 chart types, including 3D charts, statistical graphs, and SVG maps. It serves as the baseline for Dash. See what’s available for sponsorship!
Shape Drawing
Create, modify, and transform new shapes like rectangles, lines, and freehand paths directly in the Plotly.js modebar
Mapbox Integration
Easily plot Mapbox GL maps with Plotly.js, which supports image exports, streaming, hover text, default/custom mapbox styles and more.
Parallel coordinates (Parcoords) for multivariate data can be plotted with panel trellising and interactive slope diagrams.
Sankey Diagrams
With interactive node grouping, Plotly.js Sankey Diagrams adjust with the user’s mouse selection
Carpet Plots
Using 2D or 1D arrays, Carpet Plots are ideal for visualizing multiple independent variables and one or more dependent variable.
World Calendars
With support for Gregorian and non-Gregorian calendars, the Plotly.js world calendar component can be used globally without a hitch.
Dash OSS
Downloaded over 350,000 times per month, Dash is the most downloaded, trusted framework for building ML & data science web apps. Check out OSS features for sponsorship!
Pleasant & Productive Development Experience
Hot reloading, unminified component bundles support, and detailed front-end error messages are now available for a seamless dev experience.
This interactive table component supports strings, numbers, and dates as data types; hidden columns; and easy exporting into excel/csv.
A first class Tabs component built from the ground up. Supports custom styling and class names, server side updates, and clientside caching.
Confirmation Modal
Before a callback is fired, you can add an extra step in the UI containing text like “Are you sure?.
Loading States
Easily customize loading messages at the start of the callbacks to display a particular message or cite the component name or property.
Callback DAG in UI
Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) trees are available in dev tools to help visualize callback chains.
Dash Enterprise
A platform for rapid Dash app development. Operationalize data science, AI, and ML models and deliver at scale.
Embedded Middleware
Embed Dash in existing web apps or products like Salesforce reports. Dash app embedding is the fastest way to add AI to any product or platforms.
Ensure performance of Dash apps on Dash Enterprise’s architecture. No IT or Helm required.
Snapshot Engine
Save & share Dash app views as links or PDFs. Or, run a Python job through Dash and have Snapshot Engine email a report when the job is done.
Dashboard Engine
Recently sponsored this summer, the Dashboards Toolkit will bring drag and drop to Dash Enterprise to give end users ultimate flexibility.